lte--el lM;itk;ir W , It A j im a J -.. " Vrt W t !- IU4 f J rw'AnwV, H M fk MM aa IW M,r (W- t-f - a.,., t kt a w-tket tUl f M - -ti to U itWke' fw-i lM ,Vija?f. e J fna tkaa ia 4W - TW- fjrf CfiOfM. . , . ky ptw-w rMi.uo- ew-'.! - There wre . will (.!!, fr,n lit flMvli if til H.iy c.ftUU. M MtM llrf, cfir.irMit: ur t,ni iwcoaii Iha 114 tf Uc m MWt IU. taMUud, tn To a gratifying ? imU t i'r ite fuad fcf t itm lift tt tlft4 tllft tf ptUfl lit rt tr in a; cum i fHx Mndt of (mioh etd TW Good, of eic llent Lfk and flrJh, and it. Wool, lad pock);! of Shoea, tod aaaay UauU.l ankle u U-jMi l un ver joco MtUrfi aJ-,l-dk tU tottl f ff. mil! 4 Viu eaUWted, end u-u a iWt at fW t---v f tonl Itkoihcfc the Marten Uro-r bout Ike Unl ejl-Ue Waft H lour ew- teJ &ratet art tueeiligty b4, and irtfl Vet Wilt U0m4. If km trtJ IWtf taatvihey ae ever We known 'jr-V-J 'iU wiparB-l UeTifr iqM -n H wtf rtmrta fflifioj; a, k C-UTw a- MrtkkWf, tUy .- Ibi country , every pti VU, mJ BmU. (W. - Utu, Miklptirf n o Ur f t ul. m4 I cooiiMtlf Mtllftg ! r auction, In til Il Im cr, frtttlf l U fcirtd. iiub ki bn ik lacrttM of U FkIoHm td Unilntrj in rR!ifJ, within ft for. m4 o lifft ponloa of htt poUikxj U tlcctlM, "MJ MJ, lW tU MM fMS4NJ lukiaii Bt aMjafitf ! lU m of IIUmh 4 (of Itin-CN, VMarit t4 n m4 acl mr. V iTJt W U4 cKwity of ttM CiLton f Um BrgUtcr, pray Uxj n; Dtrrt turua It tovanlt u. Vt MmUriuiti tUt Um Horn. Wi I a eoitic of oaUAixd and ob(iiut Ut. mtm, kn mifa4 La arat M mm ti Ika Vait4 lutrV taaLor frw tha data of AWUma. S dtcia lu ta tb aUU of bit krahh, tltat WW tWtJ KUlu EJaank -lVa faW bcinc df pttdM (Xt lb opcrttba of thlt WMhlrxrr for t mJKrhi and Kiatt MbaJattncttthal Drtiiib UWlcni win tor aaaof jctri to com, find tMr vay Into MUt market ahoula lhf cootinuo to U aotu area, at t prtaeot low ptlcaa. Oaa principal cauva of tho grttl Incrtau of iitchUttTj in rojUniJ wit oin( to thakoua4 fa Cooda for ifto-Sovtli Amancan MaUa. loo kmn aa4 to tbM 3:atea, bj Fngland. wcrt pJ, to a great cittott in nrttith Manoiacluti. South America bat not now tk meant of paying foftlmltir good7ahJlb'"dc'maol batlnf Ucn dimlnitbadi by other natioot, forncrlr aupplicd by LngUnd, rnanutac turtna; for tnanaelretv tbert bat boct a Rrett aurplut of good produced, to be ditpoacd of whererer tKe moat oan bo ob- uddmlj the pro- ore. J be etablihmcnti of GoJt aod of Hint are tbo two linrtit In Copland, nroducinr weekly aboit 7000 vardt of Broadcloth. About the uroe jun".iiy It now weekly manufactured by only eight, Out of tbo mtny Tactoriet that hart been put in operation in New-Eocland, and three other ctiabiunrnenit are in a tute 01 tor wardnett, tho buitdinga having been arte tad, and torn of tho Machinery put ir) operation, that will manufacture about 9000 yardt of Droadcloth per week. I becomea qucttion then of tcriout con tlderation, whether, In tbit atage of our Cloth Minufaciurei, any ttep iball U taken to aecuro to Manuucturert the ruarketaof thit country. 7 l 7" " j 7 to curtail, to a fery great eitent, kfcr.aMbdik. ductfon Of lri,Uh M,nuf.c.or in Cabanva coua!, U pUca of tut nativity. BimmdtrkX tho aVO term of tba aoprW court for Ikirk eounty, bald at Morgaatoai Uat week, a aaaa of Uaaft foe titUrr, (Piker m. Wlhon,) wa tried. Wibon bad charged r aimer with hariag atoir J00 worth el hoct froca lum. After Ingrwoc and ektrueut tr gwaacwta froea couaaeV ad a lumiaou charga rroea kit Hon. JaJre SuBiaj thai jury retired. aad la a aWt I'm rciunted with a verdict of IW LmJrtJ tL&art damaju agioa the dVfcA. daat. T. I tmn !, U JV t k a. 4 m I m ia m f, fm a ! wm4 r. f-H' a t it ('' V J Wi f..',f( s t .as f I ItUt f Membra af Iht 5h rHie t hit l fr i iktn f-'j in tre of tit wtt'irn Jateo. I U a, TMh, tl. l.likfkii Wn tff4 f'ffl Hi .in IiM;Vtf a mi -isy of it r Hut.fia, tM p'nt intum'M. tn )wph DontM hti Wan iltd, U i.a j-l of taW I. Cook, IM prvat member and ikU 14 wird f'TrtmstttUi'ti. . - llr. Teat oai fox Ui tktU for Io4 tfta. IU tral fUn4 t9CJ.ioektotj rtin0y bwt Utfflf - Mf 'n8nal wrt Mnta wart) oUrfctad iwwWt Mr A4arn Ti P" MatOtttr It. Bntitlt to eoogttta U kia rwona 11 - "" I Vermont, the fin. Fin Dotltr, ini the frv. Aarui telaodhate been akcted, the former Oerernof , and tS tttur I4ut tiorentof of ike State rMh Uncotn hit been eimvtt vtt moMiJy elected Gear of Maine. The Keening Pott contalna the Nptet mi the occowJHief lie new York Motnt Hope Lot CorBpoaf. A more llcm'ah e count cannot well be Inugked. Tiit Coofpany, u;i the Poat, hat been in ex Ittence but a ihort Une, aod haa managed, or rather niimanagod, U tuch a way,a to have Mink the whole, tkxk and fluke, at the tailor tett. It rtroiiW ut of the atory of the Kilkenny cat, who foot ht uotU they eat each axfeer on, taikaM ail. JkU. fatH--l i It it going tSe round of the rvepa- per, at e rooit rravr'ij. fact ard ecx Iby of all note, that the ear rode tr gtttril I'atlrnham, at the tattle of Ne OrUantvW now owned by tn inbatiiant of Hebron, (.'onrtcctkut. k the cetgb bovhoodof thivplacrt N rttr?llt J we hive not only the horte roie by the nnaurror of rckenharo, Ut we bate the coneuefvr hjrnaclt f 1Ph:r tnd Mtnnrr. The U. S. ilxn of wr Lcilngton, CapL Sbubrick, juxired at-S'aw York oo Monday week, from cruiKoo (he coatt of Labrador. She left -Je Strait of ucuie on the ioid uit. it comptny rrr J kht rrrt!rr4 jfii fH.fMM Le lltlt, l4tir;v to IM lUh Ait. I he Plt !W f tVa Tih Ai'' t'a'M, t , at teaii a httUin foje 4 to IM tJ,lf of Ike C oftij ia or at .Si rterVrnh 1 klny til hit Un tan leoradiedaalh. I ite ooly hate Cf-l an lgfof.j deah" (key lata Uao h tf td. . . -.. ... . A"t, t.The rrmnterto of tM eowaify (uatilnoe a 14 (iMe there t(ipeir e rrKiiuo alto in ike loclpt poni of i,rej. Cot too, the demand !t( week vat tf ry at m d"Mf.oJ WtfVf--, CimhI Uf 14. II aeentt the falun It peweaodiwe: wttadily and f arte tfy In till fcnUirtaiiag tnd w far at lerm can trprite trpoo the rotodi of tut mlom U mif-hl aauae to frtfrkf Irlikttf-tw-o trtTj-ttntelt retnovad. TtA that he imw it ihii afooa, fwr the nwife foetatidaU of hit op porvontt are daily and hou'ly coriigned to the hind of the eacutfoner. Ift4oodbe a good cement t the Mi edtfite he it (oottrwcilng. he hat enough of il to rn- Hire lit dure4u(y A letter from Leghorn alLrrnt, on the Ivib.lhel ld Cochrtbe'a uadruo wat In tight of thtl port. The Loodo Courier of Aug uti 9, eon taint a private letter dated Li , July 14, which ttatct thai the l.ouM of Torio hanto had fn in hia realrnaifon ihe grouitd of ihe ihftuenre which the I'ritub had over '.be affair of the nation. utust t hikU rr.iLt ctwz. The Khr I'.lucUr. (-apt Fate h, II day! from Veracree, art le d here laat eveoiof. U'e learn by the f lot her. that the de (tuition from the four Uepubtict, Colom bia, Peru, Gjemfa and Meilco, hve tfimliMi'd the min butinc f the Ctu'.J Ct,rrr$t J I'unama, oilhout wil- ir.g lr ike mural influr we of the Mini- text from the: Uoiiad but aiwi tho -u roue an iorr. One member of earh lation hid returned to their rctpcclivc rotcrftmmit the remainder had em fiaiktd for Arapulco to reiume their tea. Uon at rarfcAawi, naar'lhe city of Meai- co. The Meitcan Kuon and part (A that fnjm (iuitamila had arrived at Aca pvjlco, where the other were dlly eijvec-ted- Nmbit.g i nil in the (iovernmrnt hitrairuinary tuxctte (which wai Iran T Vtif It (lit, o ao 4 a tj M , r-pm4 Kt !- Ul I .( tijMptt.M,,, -m N M U)Wj arl la I ,t N .1 ! atf IM HI.", ,ly M tVa I l.,nr MT. Htout Mt fur nar. 1 - mm a ff 1 i of t"t J a.T ' t ') WI kkK aij -. kt L4 at t- oal aftf hi U a. iajai I tM aVoMciU ai I f.a. .mVlkUCta rnilf. rraWw jaaa k tie In a of JM. X 'B Uil a tkU .W4 rW CMt ! Ill'ilff fV. on IU rVrd Mua-l k tatimtj . Th irw m he wk ' ... htujjjtri. aiiuiinr. AlltAliJll at. alWiXTn.Y, Joiw il. fcnjtt t.iiijx. 141 it U)vur, Cwdt 4W f Tt HaliUT3 VttUUucru, liriM. MNrriH, rWl.r. (K 7 tit, II ! U tVU Mit. kiwi tUnu itta data. ri-w 4r, the im ky C.W. rw. of RMi too aaik Urn amraare U) awWnWr J?j, la mam-m$'riiir iO. .tJ 4 A rre of aatla krt. frr IW at ) ut It omatiof Ihjt W Arluir uU rMraaro to uW.'ili g J, lo ftoawUrriU-r ?L W . TU frj-'-to.', f-itf-, iU rMrM itmmv lS llttva ds axle hra'a, hrt thrvt k are i ! fur any tWg rrj aod oaard in Mootn c)4f , CT7" llwwi labO aovred far the lt a air. dif't - kfwr aitrl lH atr( 'itu;v. r- T..njttnt't.n, rrpmw. with the Briiith iloop of WJT Orcttca, ! .-in.,1 n V'rrirriif 'i rinrrti cf I ha bound 10 St. Johnt, N. F. f.t,tB..il0ii from t!ia Uuited State Commodore I'urttr had itkrn com- P. CraWa, C. Fottmaetef at Kaah- tiOe, Teen, baa challenged Ge. Samuel Uoua ton, repreaentativo u Coogvea frwn that dis trict, to a duel, for statement which the Gen eral acknowledged be made in Washington ci- f taat;wutteiv ponding the appoihlmenf of rootwtavtef at Nahill, "impoaching the lo tegriry oT Mr. Enrin'i conduct. The General - anaue no wnwen reply .to in cbaJienge. . . .,. Tbe Saratoga Sentinel mention a ral uable improvement tn tbe cootructioo o a thrcthinir machine. It it aaid to be timple and economical, the whole ei pente - not exceeding . S30- - Water ox borte power can be applied ; and a mm and a horte mav threoh from SO In 100 'Aaaamarwe a a a I. ' a wr. it. neiroe, oi jonnaton coitnty, propoaeil buthclt per dky. The patentoe ia Col lo pu'jlian a weekly paper in the city of Kaleigh, I Jarnet Uy de. to be entitled the " II ALTER." He propoae to tupport the preaent adm.nwtrat.on of the It U ltiled in the Khode ltland Journal, general government, but wU not Am itaop- that tho romufactoriea in that Suto alone rNinentitUiepaTtKwlarviciifnaof huMHaher,'' consume thirty thoutand balet cotton will be pktutU BiaJcfactura AU tboae who J annually patronlie the paper, win have it in their power to rAA their enemiea whenever they pleaie, by juat placing their name in the 11 Halter." Tbe paper will be a Urge aa any in the Utend tbe price the earn. A late Liverpool paper rives the fol lowing directions for obtaining flower of different colora, on the tame atem. "Split a email twig of the Elder bush i -www i i.iiiii.ik, miu iiain iiwjirg uui me rnu.p r. uarootir, taie speaaeroi ine iiouae pub, till each of the compartment w th of Reprewentallvet, hat been nominated by the aeeda of flower of different ort, hut people of Lout county, a candidate for tbe which blossom about the tame time, ur- eat in tbe U, State senate, now occupied by I round tbem wi:h mould, and then tyine John Randolph, Mr. Randolph's term of tervke together the two bita of wood, plant the -eiprring-oit the 4th cf March next We hope Judge Barbour may beat the Roanoke orator. rhoie in pot filled with earth properly prepareo. ihe stem of the diflercnt flowers will thus be so incorporated as to exhibit to the eye only one stem, 'throw ing out branches covered with flowers analogous to the seed which produce them. .... Commercial.- A. Liverpool circular of Monday evening, the 3lst of July, after noticing a general improvement in the transaction of the nrevious week, savs VBOM TB AXaaiCA VABMia. FEEDING HOGS WtTIf COTTON SEED. Sbnth Canh'na, Oct. 2V S3S. H7-EiT0nIrrTnet6uTTite Humbert, a writer from this state, wishes some information relative to tbe destruc tion of hoes from eatintr cotton aeed. He must pardon my great aurpriae that so valuable a manure should ever be thus auffered to produce auch injury, Instead the demand during the last two days of being preserved for the increase of the has been lei animated i tbere has bow ,,,iiJijttwC our.4UUSom.twwrt Yince- erti -bm a 1.1rext.nt busiwss done, 1 aa made acquainted with the following and the araall advance above noticed has .,J,OTt:nocmitTxo;.prefcn.waca.j)aa t--4 oeen armireunrjorr.- On Saturda i h teets to the hogt, bat to them r ind,' by f sir-iirmcjunred fron.'l. Kb 1.300 hairs. .i'VJi'K .impm aw .taca oeiorw incy ana to-cay aootlt 1,500 bags have been ere killed, with corn, good bacon was purchased, nearly the whole by the trade, obtained at cheap re.t. I have never The result of the! operatioha in the'Man- le-ted the plan by a periment. The Chester" market" Id-morrow ia anxiously cotton seed is to be thrown into water, in looked for, whichrill in a great meafure a canal or poAd, and the hogs are only reeuiate the nroceedintr here dnrim th allowed to eat the aeed in the water. I remainder of the week." 1 he seed, from, undergoing fermentation . ; . ., I m.nd of the Meiicin Navy, which i in a dirnanlled and inefficient state, -ithmit officer and men aufTicicnt to man one mgaio yvyti ' Iituu'B. DflM. TLU" unfortuaate imTttiJu al, on tbe 31 Ang. waa hoarding in a turrn m Ctnthiaaa, and aa arnarrntly in l-tlrralilr hrahb. Ilia wic.Ji bich . aatrred bv tin attempt to Cut bi throat, at ill remainrd aatin- der, ami thrie w no connect inn brtaem it and the mW.h. llr brrathn tbrwifti a litter tube inarrtrd in liii throat 1 rat and dnnk iih JifTifultv, but can only art C(ilt (to ahi- 'per,) a few aortl at time. Hi trife hat agiui joined him, and remain. ith him. The ceremony of Uying t)- roraer-atOM of a new and tolendtd Freetruuon'i Mall k Waahrrv; too City, waa aokmaiaod on tl lUt nh. enr jklanttti. FATETTETItLE PM1CE3, Stft, SO. . Cotton, 8 la 8 lour. Bne, 56, auncr. tne acarce, R-4 7i 1 Uj ahuiey. 4i to 35 j peach brandy, 60 a 70 1 apple U. 55i corn. 7J Wi baron, 1 Ut tait, Turk ltaiid,75a 85 perbuah.. moUaaea,49 45 j augar, mtiaanrailo, 10 a U (off, pekte ajraen, 15 30 1 .J arnt 3d quaLtv, 15 a 18 , taa, bylon, 1 Rl 20 a I 20; Aaltccd. 75 1 tallow, II a 12 1 beeavaa. 30 a 3.; rioe .i V) to 4 per 100 Iht. . i lron,5 a 6. pr, IW fb. ; ti.'.acco, kif, glj a 4 J , manufactured, 5 a pr cat. Otamrr. - ZcJUJUESTOy J'XICES, &fi. 18. Cotton, S. hUnd, 23 a i atained do. 8 a 10 Maine tnd Sanlre, 17 a 2U ctvi- abort aUolr. 8 a 10 cents i Whukxr.34 a 35 cea'ai IkcoavH 9i Ham, I U 13 1 Ur.1, 9 a lOf, , R-ning. Im dee and Invernesa, (42 inch.) 21 a 23 Coflrc, Prime Green. 17 a 19 Inf. to rood. 13 to 16. Georgia Uank Bill. 1 to lprrcet. diicount. in the political world, i scarcely known North-Carolina Do. j to J per cent, diacount. Ctlictu New Upland are berjnninr to ar rive in tmall lot, and the ataplc of aome which haa been recently received, prove to be very good. Old Uplanda, of fair quality, are aelllnp at about 9 cent i the brat new crap -ill rrx'i- ly command lOcenta and in aome few irananre i hid they been permitted to take up a it ha gone a h'ttc hier. Nothing dur in'man rf their n choosing and but one. sca tic. Kaur. There ht been tome improvement in the demand for thia article, aince our laat and talci of fn-ah Richmond Flour, have been made at R5j. Cam. One cargo aale only haa been made lurine the week, at 65 cent. The atork i band in very lanre, and the demand quite Unit ed. at a, Pea and Hay, continue about .he lame a quoted in our last. CJMDEX PRICES, Sept. 19. Cotton, I. m 8i corn, 87 to gl 03; bacon, ii; to whiskey, 45 to 50; brandy, peach 65 a 75 ; bratidy, apple iO 65 ; tallow 1 1 a 13 ; flour, 7 50 to 8 50 ; tobacco, (manufactured) 12 to 15. (ioU .Mnf, for ftat. iw, hr m itw Cwwoty of Uvmfvmrj, S. V,. -.11 U ofl rrad f t -air. tx, lb oral ti NmrrnWr, If.fL to lb hiabm lAllrr. fu'tLrf n.rtM-uUra -ill b rttade aa-n oa the da! of i.I-, ati'Ii a'dl latrplacc af tl.t mine. t.KOMOr. IIOIM.&. Irry,. JtJlr S' ,Uff la lU -iri. Stlibk'f lUl i 'I'CU f lK rtvMwIwr ml the HT,tiinry Aot.l- tarr IliM VKt), a aro m arrtarir fr anMiaJ ivftf'iit-lMMM, of tut book wU, ara -M'rd !! on ttie. 1 rra-wrrr. ami par tbo auic, at m-itir aanlinr; " makr a mn'itxe to the AiiwiM.n It.blc aocir ), lur bok ob tairtrd V . lH?f.. rt.V) . mki)icai7T;oi.i.k(iI-: ok . ot ru t jv.uus.i. Mt 1.111' Ml. .ill he rraumrtl ia ih.a InititutHMi on the trnd .tfraday A itmhrr nril. a, Minn i J . U Juho Kdaard llolbrwol. twjrry . Jime P.amaay, M. D. " tuiulutri uui PtiUtic -UrJirtMe. Samuel II Hi. -Vaoii, II. I). .lf..rr,,, .tf...Sr -llrnry It. Frot, VI. Ti. (U.ttflt xri and iftf waraara 11 tmen mud I f uht 1 bnm ti I'rmleaa, M. I). ' I'Kr-uttrj okJ Phqtuuu) Ldmund IlarencI, .-. ' - ffaivtal i-rj -. Rteplita El tior, L. I I. P.. tieddiiiga, M. I) 'rwawwrofar ,fnt rawy. J. P.. IIOI.DK0UK, Jhim rr Farnllf. &,f,trmT I, G(J4 EUXTIOX IS Jl.Ll.V0IS Ettract of a letter from rthawncctown, Mi noli, ilatrd the i.Vth of Auguat. ' Without ajiolojjy, permit me to slate that Mr. Cook it beaten, by a man who not ctcn in llhoon; and who re ccirJ considerable majority, although he run wi n ruiofrr Jackson candidate in oppotition to Mr. Cook. The Jack aonians- would have done much better, M F.rUard ia rlctted Governor, and that only by hi forbearance in relation to the Presidential election, and hit repented exprenion, of friendship for (in. Jack- 1 MM). m part, or rotting, may then produce no V. S. Avt. The ahip of the fine no wao cnea r.o tne nogs ; arw it the dele- building at rorttmouth will be called tbe tenons effects are preaented, we know 1 Alabama, and the frigate the Santee. catuwsirTaa2- Corn, and Corn MeaL command Rl by die Load, and gl,25 by the Duahel Flour ell at RIO per barrel, the lupply in Market of each i limited. Bacon 12 eta at a-holetale, IScentt re tail i Dcef 6 a 7 at retail. We wish our reader would look at the word BACdN in the above, and notice that it retail at mehleen rente, and that there k hardly any in B),4gtr,. fttfar. ' ;: Near FayettertHeen-w-i4tlW MrVMal: colmr MLean, aged 21 W Mia Ann Snow, aged'll.!!' " - -' DIED. On the 9th instant, in Mecklenburg connty, JJ5 SatnrWs Waf!. LJITKS&WIAVLAML ; Be the ship Francea Henrietta, Capt WbttCt arrived at T'ew York from Liv erpool, the editors of the New Yorlc Com- FubVic YenAuca r.00D plantation linj on Tlrird Creek in Roaan county, N. t;. between Nrely'a and Turner' Mill, eQiitaining about 146 acrea 50 or 60 id' hich i under cultivation, 4 or 5 in MraJott', with a" good dwelling and out trou-rav Also. Iiouaehold and kitchen furniture i Cattle, linn. Slicen. Corn. Wheat and Oata. All of -hfch will be aoM at Public Sale, on Tuesday, the 17th of Oct. inst. if not told before at private ale. Teron wishing to purchaae will apply to the itubicriber on the prenii'ea. Term iorproprrty unsold will ue maue Known on the (Uy of aale. S,pt. Nth, 1826. RICIIAKD SWAN. 2(31 TN conarqnence of tbe.failure of Msveral per aina in whoae haiidi Ticket had been Dfaced for tale, rrtake'WuW r. . . - I t. .1 ...M ainner, m tn ncaei wmcn uiey nu drawing of this Lottery did not commence at Die- time appointed j though it -eppeawd I.W.. fmm.the return made, that a anmcient numbered been fold;; tojurtify wf""?0! ment of the drawing. All persona i-v.nK eta for le in tliia Lottery, are raqucsted to continue the sale of them until n ' -tow r1IIP..&,-riiffc VfmlnftVf) heretofore ei J. fctritjf in VVUke.lM.Po,' N. C, imder th ami ol .V. f. '-or 14 ( a. thi day ditaoirrd h imitual ton- ut. All prrtuni indebted to tho aid conrern, are rticulrly rrfueted to telrb, their arxoont with f. F. Plleron, a peedily a poaiihle, aa it ia nt-ee-avary the boainea of I lie firm thnoltl br rlnar-d. Ami all prrton hotding claim again tlie concern, will plraae prcacnt tliera lo him fbr payment. 6t.l . r. PAT i r.Ksu, Wt4. P. WAIJOU .hft. Wh. iKr,. JOHN F1M.ET. ' "no litAUTft tifttt V- ".tOKN-. negro fellow about rd 1 twenty five yeara old, about wl,y 4 fcrt 9 inchet high, alendrr mile, a little yellow and very aenaible i letl my premise ma 6th of July kit ; has with him a -WJ- , clothe, aJao new auit of broad cloth, colour not known. Supposed to havo bren,ta1(en;olT bye white man, and if ao, or proecution to conviction, fifty dollars reward will -be Kives -rventy dollara reward for. Sam, if lodged in any jail in thi State so that I Canirethim. CMHISTOPlER HltAJtDON. Umtimlie, V. Arj'i. I, lo.o. jij. rctktit t-nA CoiktkUts X!UeJaujOlontgnrnery county, on the 18tb day of September, 1826, a Negro mn. w a, a - tj T cr yera ot age, f-fk I nd aays.hia name ia JOHN, ami jdn ' belongs to a"Mr. Farrier, IMn I ' 1 1" I-vncaater District, S, C. The llisiaiii, i, ".--K.nuurK uni nj, - v - , .,. ,l,.- nmn. lira, Warrant IVech, wife of Johu.Week ner neat, ami men rrn. -. " hnnt it vMntnt aire ler, ur. Jamei nrou, v m --- v aoout 4- year ot age. . , . , . . urobl(.. , j ig The drawing will commence on the 41ft lion- day in November next ; ana u w nop J K . i f t':-..... u'.ll I. mi.A hlf a aurticant numnrr oi 7 that time, to jiMity the Coninii-Aionef meontifi. uii.g the drawing fjom dv tu day, until il can be compictea. . Septtnber'2itli,Wk -w-".,s flwuer ia r(tietid to come Crvard, provo property, pisv charge, and take Srpi. im, 1826. 3tJ2 SttrjXAXthnfUiwJtKmotitfuti: iLkvicd kc. rChti George' lrin, dee'd. t ; AI. xaiMcf lowrance. It appearing to the ratisfa' tion of the court, that the defendant U not an inhabitant of this Ktate. is therelore ordmih that piibiication ketnafle . for six week, anccrrivcly, in the Wcalern Caro- . linian, printed in Mlisburv, tlut the di ft mlinit appear at bur next court of pica and quarter ar-anona. lo be held lor Rowan county, at the eourt-houe in Salisbury, on tlx: third Monday of November m-t, then ami there to replevy nnn plead, or fmlgment will be .taken accortlnifr tu the phiintirf-a dcKTind. JNO. OlLfcS, (Tk. ... tL'5