t 'r A HAMsiiuity;;,-. (;.'i-uj:Jj)y,ij'ioi!i;n id, mic. VOL VI!M.No.n.ii. i i . J fjl(l aif.il ail rr 'ra ar r-a-i. ' ; TuMc YtuAut. a f J JL !. ' l ( ',-f f hrai, ( tf i In X '.!'-, ! f S.f t f;t t ' Ifcira. tftsCL a M4 Oa'a. AB U ' Uii.1t 4I ( IV'f K M Tata-lav, Kt irik if U1. I f al (, , f Trmf ; 31,1 ra. v o I -y aXoUetv-- j ; .?: ' M B'COf.'DtD e'uhoat mj mj ap j hf tM CflUT tou't " flaaaa, Kab Car. fft id awl 1f NM4 (,'&& wail 3.M I- r 'i. 1 - " i a 1 J4 t lf.Uk fcf iff lnwrt In claim IT I.- J. I ' Vi-T'Su Uni t I IM t4 hUfirm.- On h I m :.'tk Orlftnt, khrr I itrit& tM tic I iff 1 ; nl Jut, -I ft raI J it (MeiMt!:! 1,( cfnl MOlmt til t( ook k ."I m " MofcT. M.mpu, formftlf c 4'- , rf'tHilrtI iWA.f. . !( en iock Jn lrJ. , I !! fgrnithH it..u. 1 . r. i" lJi , 8 If 1 Mrwk. 1 IM l0 cSifi 0 il iWo, inf 0fJtrJ I4 6rtc he aoflfM ef ihf jria for fu Ft Ja NiwMfikof Arordlntff , on ik 20h dft of iljr, ?J, fifteen fnk ft, ni fi mrnof ti,Mlut from Nw Or lai nor jtack ) trl coatltfhc &f flvbr proBfJ a few Uofc 19 Ikle btc, JO mile 1 ef. Iff rn funurv ror wv irnmeot deirtr li me ttua lift now, lM f pinlik JiUrir H iki brt tod ivpoUilo upon hi fcftf f-tfr atk(f i kif ioU, fprf pMr i'k tie, If e be b uti rm f rnif f i III vcti ealfriiif iJh h k'i'e 1 0rt cf tJ&, hrt mh k fori; U;f LI thUAt ki f!kA IVir '' f ike tU refcmJ 10. i-Mi If at nf i,v;cj U M rliA (MUM (0 Ike4 Tf RuPftmlbcft WfetJnt. At Le ptmmi tt likjmcJmM,hfi irKf f ti ki h Ike a a ..." tMrxr font I tm I IW. rrw; t m , ky ti tmm U U-rm At A U ilm ttrt Li M r, iIm NU(ft r,v AW AAi k m4 m W kUHM hb'Mf M ike v petU luck iiitli me fl nomine t id." rcUrl tckeit to koowinr Uof'tfilfj tm4 ! hocat kn beta inom. vktle Ik xdmery tfport irWe bi ee4to em- Wkc Hike 1K4 kole lk( (ihm from lie loom -vkaf en eoonoi nro- 1 . porik m me I ruin cr UrirtJ IMattry i bet UitilcJ by thli gM; Kiwo! 1 ikem. SufCrt, U li tty. ikt en ixir if. jeb, it well krr rtrefiBwiieTw' fttWw rll ll Sh' Tt, c'i lh 3chS Aofit.lS' fretfully hhla tk UmII enomke. ;-wMeuMtitoikw 1 u, , 30,5,,. Ja J-M.-.i,, ALtXnOTD.; 1 ht Afi'Jwrr or turn 5- Iflupme of h!f euf merhm)ii kcre, wf,mogrcur m fortifn'counrfci'i btt tt wi Ihi'Ut cf SeMembtf, Mt out La ilM her ilrtidy euted mod then once, IS. W, rtrarta towwle Old Mctico. indl Ifowinr end powerful riklry of oor lomha3ih f Nofcrtibr,klnr tIitxHellkill n eiport of our etrlelt iivd n of tl our mercbendiu, we rttolred foUmfrrBtloaofovrworkmfn-hooc word, lii4ri tka coprtnenhJp,iod(liW.le I wer price ibroedt wlik hler wijfti LOTTr.BT f rutftjf iif pulaaJtm tK lofti of ouritock n irvlei my ehirt. en4moreiKouri((emeAllkillJuitl(od. UISTtmr ort'OBtll CARouxA. wetrtewd 0 pfft5e onied to TbM art. aoc frwekot w itidcAt7jlr " , r' Thre t otSen, U Wilier Krwla irtnei .tky. csUfut ,ae.popU - 1 JillVi."- ,,f N C.roJinJobfi MtCeiy of " . lt oor Rtwrtl con,JikTo. In ihe . , k 0CQ ' ' iHireh, Vlrjlnli- nd lute K. Klckoleofl ttipt enkle of col lor, the rde of Enr- , Mmtf li Antr mtsf. , . . srarar. of Urirtne Dinrkf, Sowh Cero'lni, and UDdeiMUua meUacboly fIiig elT. '.Oaj mreeir, rvxrd to 170 id the city of I compwiKiO 01 lie two qurure ending Mfxlco then 100 leiruet toath of .! April II3J, tod ADril. I lift, a decline vi rwi I moon'fd Spiaith mule , end tct wt 2 1 Pce la bli r puln cottont ' jQLWJi tMWiR fcu: fintr frt, ami but ittt l&C froro 39,000,000 lo 39Xjo0 imrf ri riH9 rtne. 0 TMK J.IM3ttMrtS. , Tke evUVfiUjitvenl of lU Jaajturtet wklcb ktt been recreily tarpreiicd b tbi Trki'h cjpliii, bit lyed(' it owr rttdcrt trc ere, moet Importtat rert, bk-rftffJng tbf glory, tm wtkpni" f ib TorkUh pwer, in tiendlnj Jtt rTTtntioriCceUnVui(t He Icaji'-Jx tnt thi rHe Tarklib bordet bad left tbelr .Ue wildt io ten'orUt befor in rretiioAt end h4 ceuaded ibeir tiy from the betrt of Ait to ibe etiiern ptrt of Europe. Like Ihe other btrbirttnt wk'ttbUkdihtiau!rtoa the ruini of Orteb iRd-Roman tltlllution, war wti thIr iradtt plunder tbelr tupport end maittcre or cwqtirtt their prffe nnd Ktorf . pv like .Jhem tooj ihelr empire might Ke Mien 10 pieect, "tod ihelr mltitiry force mlckt bite been ditMed mofijj to mtny t hie It tt In ceti4 to be dtftfrroutt bid the ioniluitun of the Ptm4 l IlM WmI iMkWMfWMi fW wrWW fkmj, rk f g ru(OTvi'Mi t ftXAi! lokHlioc" . . ttr rf ta krk i.nWi o U tftj TUt Umlury aW4mt U rrr cwy 1 me le be rnd I U 'rw. ! u, L Tke r k Aftwrb awiirfy.tjrilH Kwin ""V tttr j ftnj fa pvi rH mm ni -rtir Ariw, Ar H mbrjUwUti MM 1. - t-- ' - v . e-7W M 4 fi&rK tUt! IJL tevMrt.. U 171. Afcr ra f. It X. nuLSeJ at Mfrl kUturr f Carae, iWJU, aad k AiUM hkmJt, ft fMrts'iM tCMftl oWrilM tM, aiMl vtlUeJmrtJ lfca pf lh HJk, . 'Mks Aerpvwt. liwrcU, i4 PUfiU at. lural lo Ihk tmrj, H it work af em " - .j . flow brpy wiH r b, if wt rontd i? Tm fuiwUiTf mJ tiiiii , 1 rat friih! i' , , .'jo.ooo TlWi fert. tnd.wl.. littfe Crrwo J9r000W yirdt, h.nlario, or ,h, .uUi.hmei of per- ,i' W3 , W wpt'win M.or JrfB , wmptnrt n w wnii n in tiou qgiDiiii. , , orf0ed to 00a of 1., iw - jawu imcimp ooiinacreti wen routn kxxi tt m pnoien cotiont, a aimutr entorw mi ,u, ,,i,r.i. p.!nr. vkn . bd made ucceful Irrup- ptrfincct'on ibe Danubr, be M? U 1 xhnce ,hr 1,1 otwej eery night, and occurred, iboor.b in lea nwrtifybf pro- Amontb Itt.bi i5 '.-l :-,2 ' ' " nlmi!., compelled to wtichtf portion i the decline herb been only tiS io .na pti C.";-JJ5lV-V.r!ifg5 turpi, wbiltt Ihe Otberi doted iwty a few r.011. wuUO t .rX, - w 1 5S23JfET Ifca irxowMt uma it act cpUe of f.ind A pmad "vl rioni n pti lU bappi ac m Ue paver ry il be aedt. H'ktf ikw m no r,nfi rf aral pruw nreioil for If ft ife if li lue. If lKre b an Crt principle of Worn, ll h eertinl) lbiaiKe4i4 ( iSt' rt nw ibV, e fwlrttnir rtmorr. -a a Mi b i mot K rr. - i3:l:tr JW - a oooh,ry bw,rt,n rt,,,eM IumSf- Thrice U m incotnpleta flew of ibe tendtnej to t0" hful ceptWet lni7Hi1iiVieJdft7- - sa u-t J0 . t :.TiV r.; '200 by ftlj;hl,wa wera etuiled'bf detano a diminitbed commerce for. Kk etrd oflookint M new refmltt 10 the original fHjivdUrmoB,i4iW,,. 4W , , ..20 9A loolinn- fiende In Lumio. thipa,: armed vf.otio aold dorinc the former period Ml. ci kt- ..n,- u xk adtka wti fbl- A br- ltrmf. t5; v; .W;;rVV,-TSS I'irka arHl batandMbrk,. wt. woftk nearly double hi preeWr,Uet Cibbonib.dki w.t 1nS.Pra -V.,;.i ptHed tbem-.t lenetb, hirfnr by. acci- tk.t tha reduction of ou.nUif MKM 10 pu y ,hotnd. of tb. Eu- v-pwrr: rCffTKleit'IiiTO dent bet wir powder In iwimrnioj a creak, b wuhiplitd ty tbtt of nhir lo get ropeta cipUm wera cducitcd b religion if ercr diid'fra nofcle 1 Mmii. , , 14,000 EUnkt, J t 3 Ik)IWt, W r' , " 119,430 a were 0crp(Jwcred by a ping otlll tba re, bit wbicb e hara incrrid. : ll tn4j Irm. ind ,he new miiHia wae'eaW cAboa r-"Tht Brn tnd brfkprwb! rr y t MmH in rri. u 1 icccia 10 dv urawa in a tar to pe "cotnpMctl la IS datt drawinf. 4 AH the -aoaw -. bet to be placed in one ahccl, and the Prixet -Jiaaeo&er.. ,....'4: - . Stnt'arj 7Hxft at f-Utwt r - :? ' THE t AST iir? a wrr tick kt o?r th b ' Fan day. wSl be cotitkd 10 a r'naa tf fyM . -t Second datf sVvi. .'.... .-- .00 TbW day - ,-t.r: ' t Fifth daf, ;-.v, t " Kb day, , f ; ' :";!' -;Y ' - Eirbth day, qttiaite ef kanpiaew, ia a clear eonacinxia.1 Irrrplar deairca ait) prokie TicenljouipnK tkeai What mea allow Inemafbre to wnh4 tber vID eona beurre, tnd Will be at la lwcill la csretiie wlmt Ibey pteaae fhti&atlwi witb .1 ruffitot, within 10 letrttei of ihe citr of h iba tune, but not to tentlblei with re-1 tri,C(j ,nj Binje4j by celebrited Denhh Mexico, Vd tinpped of. etery tbinz welftird to tba woollen trade tnd the linen, UB(i:n- f iha front of their rtnkt. be btd, except a thirt and trovtert tplect. whkh bat eoffertd b duplicate rilio I tretchti loe ,jteTB cfi gCwD 0nr the Tbut lefl, bruited and betien tlnvmin a of pfba and magnitude. ,, , .1' : Ibeid of the fofwnott toldkr, and bit llata M rillilit. amnntr rhrlttlin luiovi. I I. ..n !. It ! . fu .1- ..! I1.1 U iku mahI. 1 fmiitnvinr. ; s r. Jmbuitn. our dittreit It mora ettilr ImtgbH thin ibit the aiporttiloo bti Jncreated one Let tbern be calkd Jtniittrkt ( Xtniat- m7 o ""'r.J B tvtT ".,f--,b,i h thV w ored or new-toldieitf -miy lAdr w. -?'S(nr; ZZZ VtU wunia.lhe tuborot ol the cJiy,eImott and arcomjnhed minurtctunnrnttron. tenant boater-biithtilbtit hind Tlcto ikLfi.it. UmiiBauf mtfti torumnHiiiiiethna twordt keen. , inif their jwiih ihkh aeaw lalruaicdiaaJvayttrrtclteryt. over the hetdt of Ibeir I aad trtacber lot the jaott pact comblm a (tty wberetoever Ihey ko, may T --' JV .B ; - LCtwI ,Ararr r Hucb L"?. 'Ilv - .aa 1 trtupn in ijMmii m rwifa tn him. IftlAmiiii. I.M. L... J . . a ikab. J i .l. u 1 J 11 iL. aHriii r.f Ik... K.nhtw I. ' .... : ..w " Min.j (U mi ucic, i tuivitit irum ine 1 nc anas, waa ivv va,,a v 'ua-'V I bare niT It, inrrt li a aaianoe in na larorirom iJ,000jbjnaof.our,aituitiont, ti citizen s of the raw miierltl.' We ceae to tell thai which J troop the terror of the nationa, tod the aumbrt ofrrttt men who be ba eon. 1.000 United State, which he tery renerouslr Icharacteriiet an advtnced ttafe of mmu-l tomctimei of the Sulttni tbemMlvet." rinoed of iU trutN after a aeriwi enaidertuon '.WWIand uromntle relieved be bia nrnr lri.,r.. ,nA r.'l K.rk tn ih r,K,..: rlr. ,A knlrrl vcara namelr. from of the flnraUwi. CrotJu waa aa acuta maa, a V a.i Vfc- ia,v ik.i J nJ, IA.k Uwyer.ainantwirtmnedtoeMmiiieetalenerB, the end of the I4tb to that of (be I6tn I V. ..w iMhje waa imta w. .Uminca wan ounger, where. wa .were are diminithmic in the tale of thota tni-lrioun -ibtlr - pprhended ind aeiiod at apiet. lra-!eet wbichbeaneik the poMeiwaQofkichliDear tlwari hanr -sr """led hat Mr. PoiDietl(U..S. Minlt- akillind Incenuiif; wblla we"KtIn'araandIeemiet, tod ' cnnM0 retiJcd in the cltyi I Iherefore con- h the exportation of thota which are In a thee return w lb a 1 . " , fVVl f . - - - t . I . . .VtM VI ifa. J. v '-i--. ' - v I 000 1 TOwii ivniiin.cuuiui iHwiimna niainiiiwii amn u wovia Dt Nl- daf:rVl'r.IiOo f'.wer.BO!.an'f American bat that two ter that wa thould import logctbcr with t. . Ijoolof ut were Carolinian.,' Hit Influence I tha raw oroduca itaelf.- Cotton iwkt !. Ninth dar,-" .vi g. Trnthday, : : Eienmflnj, Tweltlh nay, Tbirtetnfh j' Pmirteenth Fifteenth di f ixtrenthilay, ' . T 3,ooo ind fiiendibb procured for at lituatbnt perhaps, double the. vajue of raw cotton. K riTj' i iio'X m vo""nc outea, ny wmcn mctm we crotn, wnen manuiactured, may ba ten from the commenM-mMt. .mm.lntrt - , Pf w Wm hit reneroui idancet lo u. value of Ihe twiat. 7350 DOLLARS. c Trifet payable at tbe Airency cane rear, in inuooruKii, century, tha force thui ootaintd hy locof- cluW but a mm of !) world r be MrUMy bad poriibjf -b theMuaiulroen array beU0hiat t tWuUorrenf' . . fif'.h of Cbriitian captire you I hi, and the J air Imac Newton, aat out an mndel, and tama - We, therefore, gain ' Unable to find profitable employment, in by our bduttry a profit of two upon the sncy of the Bank or M'co for anfj length of time, I tet but wool, ind leero to thoaa who "are taming ,-Nv C. thirty daye for the Republic of Colombia, leaving my Ut out of tba market a profit of 2f or, in- '-H.Tha-attentlon of the North Carolina public, "h respectfully Intitedto.tLe forrjroing acheme. lajtudab)ej)urpoaa contemplated .will. It ii v- boned, acct'.re to it "Uie aid or6ewhdTf irtenoiy to im iwnwi iui ! icicncc. ; turf the me alone of tha gentleman who bat BogoUlbe teat of the Colombian govern . I . . -I! - . tenth of the jouthi of the conquered n wncTcr. tillage!,' with ibe tlttet or the Sultin, - - iv- n compoKd the flower of'lht Turkitb Shtmrfut CVrcamaWnc f. Tha ptticii armiei ; and to long tt tba finl Sultan tart of a tumult bkb etorred amonp ruled their nation! from Ibe beirt of their tba blick populiibn of New-York en tha camps, and declared their decreet from 19thbit. arer given In the paper of tint the ."impcriil tiirrup,", their obedience city. It tetroi that a family of colored wu tecured, and there never was a fitter people Wat claimed by tfteir owneri In inttrumeot of war and conrruett. When Virginia, and the Minflmianon NKfaty the lovereigntof Europe bad at yet no tjepped forwird to preveftt their heme .i.ninrr armiia. inured in dhciolina and ) tent home; but tbe Magistrate, on having .. 7 yrwm. wmwj I a a- - -apNau.t'i . Bfel v p vi B W W r vtt -ta I r aa - . arrival, i engaged to teach the children pf the wont t while our export of cotton bat potseited of experience when thera wit fulT teitimony before toem, aeciioea -Ki- three EnglHb merchanti for three monthi, declined, that of tba raw materialof cot- no concert among ihe power ind when ting them free. wneninanegwwiin- at 8 100 per monthi after which time I ton two haa grown from bair. a million consequently, tney couia carry on no out were rarrFiiay ,u.Y..uv. was bblicetf to abandon it, for want ol a to lix million! of Iba. or twelve timet the" great' combined bperatlonei-ihe force of they became putrageout, and threatenecj knowIedef-tbapaaUtiDguage.limount whichjad becnprevloutly txtfif a body of troopt like the 4niaauei, Who to take ihelivei onnow wncerneo. - o- .mm iiTL .1 j ili. - m 1. t 1 it 1 aai 1 1 a 11 a a 1 1 1 rnaw Mnra 1 aw-araa.aaat'aai-, wm wrir aviia.ia r 1 va 1 . u aaai a a aw veterana to the obedience , pf favored affny a gentleman from Virginia . after the completion of tha drawinr, aubject J companion! almoit idle 7b" Mexico." I deed, a profit, bounded only by tha fine-1 to a diacount of fifteen per cent. A!I prireal travelled from Mexico to Vert Crut on I nest of the article tbut chaneine pLcei not demanded wiihin twelve tnonlha from the Mu)e bw.k from tbence I tailed lb an with thota halion. who can hardlv be . tiSTrl African bottom, to tbecity of Cracca. died manufacturera, but ...nd nearly in From Cancels I went to Santa Fe del ted 1 What doet tbla prove Hi it const tent with tbe favorite excaae that foreign conaented Commiwoner- In tha man- men. whi!ra I Mmmcnrcd Editor of the f market ara laboring under a iemnorar i .. V r . :"7. . : . . z I . ". r :.' a a r a . 'at '- a a - k . a a .a.t. .'..a a a 1 r oTtbe falraeat with which it wiU be ewWted. ,5LePB"meD 01 wf"IT, 'urn" wn OT idbi ey wi. - r-. . . ' , a. b. MURPHEY. siea tut vmmotan rairtor ine pro- tpeeaur renew meir ceminai opon nti tCTTlcken In tbit tottery for ale at the office F'r pi : wmcn ,oon oieu worn too nai meana, ineo, inf,r purcnavo oi mc v -T ... 4T. J I . al. tNl f I nainlltai tnalaa!U aaaiaa, ' ea.at ava MlaaBB ' ahwt I aw aaa Ba aa t al I Tin tkjtt Ketaa' tkaa vakaaw axf. , Cf thC VVCMCrTI UarOHnlilTli atfla PT VvllarCav I aaetaiinj aaiaatvl Aalla -. WCIw ,1'UtV UMUwl BUUIW Ur.wlll a" 'V iuh ian vvt "rfliherrana btnerSaMu -U ... -. J? --v-aBrV(1 f -a.- Wat - " . - a. I . .a .t. J I JL.IJ.,.! I ihrei, end tha burning enthutl8ira.pl wounded, ana anoiner inuivmuai owrwwiy new convert wa irrejittible.. In : thi etcaped death from a poniard. h period, accordingly, all t. great tuccet VT "'itrr:rl7",i tea of the TurkUh army were gained. 'ciitRJCTEti bF'TSVFRHJifCA' But when the Sultan began to preler the . ' - oni -r ne ffre,teit fjt'yGVSYmmkml 826" tiprlginal attadimnifl:f Muroaucuoo.4a tue.Ui)erator,P- Honeracii.muiacw urn. levied, ?ic Chriatophcr irwin, U3'r.oil Tt nwapcaaa:: ongnsn BuenTif,' wna town consuinptKiu, -n'tu ueonre irwin, uec u. r. AKiinucr. uwih;c. i uucanuucu iu parucuianr aooui j our laa in lormer iuiou5i m, wcuaauu uriuti.aJuia-,.A.0iiiv(. 'mv". c.r . I V " - l V ' t .w. i.. kls.... . . . ' " . : . I - . r .. .. . v-; .l - .? . . ,r ' ,s ...L: .v. ...mu.nf oiSvm-1 nn ojhii'Vi TYiur alwara oecou titled: iior can mo aotenca Ol I minitiera iniiui. iw """ -.-"ftw-.Tr--"-'' . -. 3)t appearing to the rtiifiictlon of tbe court, that State ovefnment, and Statute Lawa-be of Great Britain. ntewmw imi proreiied aome-fr endih p-for roe,-a it it therefore ordered, that pubUcaUon be made v . h . . n , tfLr..:rtMKn v fbrtix weekatneceM w,'5ed:.,,? J ,"cceP ' FnAtaorabip .j:.a e.i:.K.i..h. k. f.nAm', an Enelish Collece that waa kbouf to i appear at ournext cburt'of tewmid quarter bio operatloa undet Iliit patronage, orjo Mbf. tbe foreign merchant, could be pay Vizier, ind:inferior MmWari ftafateeit ? 5 aewiona, to , be hekl for Rowtn county, tt the furnith material! for :UMhtr public Jour for twiat or for ibe Triw material; any bel- deposed or mawacrediha Tuj)ipero,i eourtboure in Sal.tbury , on the third Monday of Bt( aahicb he appeared anxioua to . have ter than for the web or print l But, again published in the English languages but tha u poverty" or the loreign merchant : November, next' then and there to replevy and e" id, or judgment will ba taken aocordiag to plaintiff demand. , .j JN0, GULES, Cr, . ' v , - (jn3S 't tad experience had given me ' tuclt an aversion to the Spanith character, . that I How, then, beside piying for tuat raw cotton which it appears tba capital of Eng Vizier, and inferior Minister! bare bee n f. - embroidering ailki and weiv- di?noiedor-inaacredAne.lJUJ)rrni ' .. , a- hrnv nnka 55. Janimrk. w calculjed, in the year "8 " l?Kngr traoat about 113,000..; They composed t0 o pw f ? "j'LVX:. j . Th b the wckinSs, orm mu.5 u.r,r vwata. empire ... ...... r I 1 I 1 ; r-.- f .V",'i: ' I 4" j. . A ) u -- i ry-gSv L

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