t. t u f art. j" i.r.- I .-I ! I Jt!f;i ..- i. ! . 7 it ? , ti t if I.. . g t ',. t . t ' ' I . t i v. ;:( t .. lit 5'" . rSM ,' tin js c f if (-v4ii'' . fir rVt4r iiit a tar kit i It ': i ? f ! j' t.i t 'I l 111 ll !') m.2l!, i!...i,u t, e f i Mm f. '. .1 U.hUl im f.r,.', M t'jM ;' U i'ttr rif M tt tU f ! aia. l:t tn-f U I' ' ! Ulf( tf ik eu t4 Lt H ' l tUm ikiM iUif t f 1 1 at'-. M ftM I. M Parioj I ",v I! i ' r J .IK. A .M o..Vrl.rrf,Miai, r-uu- ..a t4a, yrfr"vUtj t-fctMLifyi., m Urn Jnt4.f" 'V"1 iUM fUl' mpU n aTJiUla f k pVU eM'f vrV Ml-W- It lt -! wank Utkaraciariial lit AJwUHrrfU, etlte Mf tmilUt tlUto U rVl. pa"? UUf li Pf UMMi,iU wkkblk l'tlfle M Ileal bf f j4( t virt UmI till, a rrp'tt w It ItUaJ .f-.-pUm"it IW . .. ryfeuttftlf:. . " U 1 HH til wmd Iblt iMi U U mi tMtt, MixHeji iftf m cinl punlm tf iMlr tf- Mlt U fffoU f!'Ji- Tfci trlff ftfll K p'fM A4MS"to - li t If ! wri( I U 4uth u tmptl4 IM k fit MrrMit M fMtr vp(M fidUi f U( a4 moein f Mi Ur. Ill Brt I I kQ I WfcM Dutiin f im imii A4Ul' tk pllcf lf ff4 intlWtl ppnUvm ! Ifrf bf rri4 if iVt pftMM CltUfff. ! KkH Ikit pW ( fKvpfif it MlJ f Mrotdt4lnt of A4lflVriii ! tmbrf kit A4uUJiliit Wat di IW lick vittctiUt ( Vlr ftc.tt ita cilfiu of ilmf hx pittii? C4 iM libinJ 4 WH yi n t'.t ('' lik o4 bf iWU Stl. foi mwft rr hu, lMf li w 4 iMn ln from CMlim of ku hfc rtkt lk( Im Ccavhu M(t.kWk,M prop tf Vi'firt liMof IM CtMtrt VbltnmtM ft.nf.r la. cobwmmM tkiripffMM of miaaikorTif ilripoMbiraik m lltrfif atlctftc I T l okklkt If in ir t4 khtUwr, ooot M a tuf wif ofJiki il u iju( rtmf dr, ll bii iMtf m r jrtpctfalt rtfhed, t4 qU8ff Tk rtm'f oitkin Ifci icopo of k8iii do utirM A4iUfik ectirt (Hilt u r. Sppo ikcotjctto tMM iiimli'i m t4 bf til w(m M Ulitt fr t9mfftikc6,Ji Im Utvt M4Uif tk firkittf ktniiter-" t4 th m wttm k4 - h -k MOtioMM Vittkful !gUc o Im prt f Im iki ikt pvlitf of lM 0otnmnl io a!! pyk. Umi to tomt iHould m rtgtiUttd oo ikt Walk rttp-l io tkPnmi mUtioa. Umi of Im fact of itjttrf, wj14 It U trut l It o4 rtromovtiMkd unJoa do lh ooi ilia k4 soiuo oo tf Mf prtccijini Adminiwfilon, t- im Other f rv4 ooeldnot MKk a fatal tun tkf clwtimmiKrt of lk vorW dUiakm of Iht Ptopla anf Statu of iblt vara irai k atk at to ptta it a a cooMcrKf prviiKa ixrpaiBai muiuai awbWcl (or diVstaivn. But. during Ikal irritation aad ciiprailoOi and gliinuia- tt f. Monroe.it tiaibera ares tkat It y dilunion itacllf 6lt HoWin 5ut aa o ma'tcr of cooudrraiao. a4 :mn caoooi forf et ikal Ikcf art eu in a mi ll tvtrf fo) aliattlf M ra notify, wttkk it i a rwiaunt rtMtra ifi bo at tta head ff ffr, bit itltrmJ uiinu'knl and kould not tertirtl) t the DatkM o-ooW f ofrpo4 itk CbK of kit rti io out fonS a priuciplr ol jmt4ic ar atKrrtaor. Lei ma luppoat ikal il vii lion bf oblch Ibcf would be the review Iba rraolutioo of tMt country, andcr fto btrrt. circomaianrea, Io rootracl mhh fortiti km but loo teniiUa of the unre- pooara lnlimt ptibtk npKewft, oob4a trtipati on tour time ahkh 1 a kfifii r i- ta atut-i. Cu.lL UJL . to 19 a d atMaM of &Jln. It a ava- UlUtrJ ikt taamtfactoff, , fallliaJi, t-lh toiottot ISO nit. tioi l Jfi'i "V J UJi of Ikfc trr tpcmo,l a4 ikt ft it to. t.ncd la. I ha loyatrjr. T)t loltnal mJ,.iL ir&itf tftrt touetrv Si nriluM taote fraaffit a4 nwMf WaaaIaUf .k4. ara, "h Ut. Ihm lH frlpV It it MX a f t I .. H ta 1 .w. a. ...... J.. ..f ,K. WJr M aaytaUa, a- a rka ala 1II ii SHk aa w v ' J , , m , f i i a ta itMUMil, fi awM Mt Wa a M)i it HM taail. M tun ftwi af fM li Ml ttamatk k af ! ai4 IUia t4fl a k t cwatry-U atry fir kaaWf af Ox IUtak laAfMff, a aa IVal lWaMltt a 14 drai iaf la iWa UaJa ami af kt U t. Paf aikl fM&aa ara waa. aa4y aaiaW m ikit aUjt. If awfaaaaj M tea4kf MIMdttt '. jCl'tliftt, U lh inrrtlLl, loi bofTtr,cf taicy lUtStlipi.. 1 r,'IM fwr Kf mi Uri iaio ftr f tub jHfB4tiiCa hat t b cooa-Jini th'iavi thai oar I duitff prvtiitcd atlhair. IV faiia l.lch a hut aald, iioM nvdicair nub ijfbfcaaioo. SnowJm' AJf. ilts30.! , AMifAriat aa aa aaaaaiaaa aarianaaa, Ca'a4' I k tai,ttl .l.rt of the Uurrur wPtbi 5ct tf 'ftWt Tilanl U ar AaMVfo oYlL'a. Tbfl iwUtf of ttK (Jotrrnor of Iog lUtna, H afpra riMtaao A kuArt4 doiUra. f Tka Sapirma Jjrt of 'Ma Stati iJJi, rMkt ky ika uatUr. AeaJf rrrtlf an pnniial a4ary ot Mt lMom UaUf kkHircaU rtd M a8 a a Ta Ikt VIM a,. i aWf . aa tWW ia, aaU la aack aaaa ka titmA (J aaa. But tka kUa aW a4 rral aUtty m &m. Tka in aaf tawrf a4 a!! afW Wif tkry oa4 IM tpkyaatH af tl-ilda Mty. At) yi af atilM lW ikCwjU W an.araaildUfml.rya. Aaawa a arfcIa rairvy, 0L 9, laJl f caaata .ikaaoilUi art jka WaJT iUfrwizm. PillLLNUKlL rda, k koa tHrt IW IUM 4 ar tk1iC. AS tkial rry fooJj W ! drtaia aacr aa tia!i aUaJa', ad po rfJoyaja fc a Ia4 aka ka rrr 'rd tka .!. af a.a.pW M oo:uri a twac. kl INt 9mcim Jix'itf i of ftikod Mod rt bat si kumil'td i aitcmpt wai made in the LrciUjiura tf ikal bHc at ill Ui hi akin to adraiica tb( uUry of tkf Judge fklj dollari per annuio, but il faikd. I R0.W MIMQJ (Xpm.) Capau lira it, ol Ch bt Gilaxf, ni irricd at inioQ. on Siturdav. ftry tMiffott, Wti pttxtVutU traufal. Id kara, itut tbn aolijfft hat, l l,ut beta ciciiiflf it enuioal di grtt of b. ti real atooag tit ottrgtr part tyf tf ChrUtua coaawuolt. cih of t)omtk MliikMi la iotiouul coeoecUd villi th bJjKit tlfart of our bctovtd couatrv. f , nnhy of tht cordlaJ lupport ami liberal pjtooije of every p4tnot, 0f rj pliiUatbrtpiait tad of erery ckrlatlao, io the Uok, Miy tba prpoa(l nretlar reiutt io ht forma- of b Siriy, that ihall Im ik booourrd toitrunrai d inpartirg the iociiiatabU bieitinga of our Holy KrligKia to muUttudii tur fxrithng aBdtortn4 ahoftther unbound by aoy hat commuted, and ol the tgithm cfl',om abe aailedoo ihe tea v.rrta caiauauv. ro ruimciL sruvumMt Ma. Couoat Tba protrUl rapidny of human n'ei uliom reuWa a rtpa litioo of" Curt rie ua'br ar of ad tnorJilon or 6ttttc'ka' Wrra a a . m a fe . ..... ."il. -r .111.-2. .h.. .k...U k... Ll,. ::v:L;.. " , U.h of Aum.i, .Lira thai aim CUW P P-f aoaynaae. UIH w I I vphr fill BIliH umm lmi i ft c il . . i o - , . .1 i.w .k. I . ' . . . r i ft ...w a .......... ratnr rrr cruiiing between Corunna apd beta tka cooraa taken oMb Ika ary rca I muai depend lor toy apology upon ika CfciTal Imitation oakii an xivao io t jckaracter or the tUDti. on hc troom httcd Rlea K bo rtprtaeMed at PM-1 6f tkoaliafkl ohkk hva bean made MO nat JlauthUff aUinf T0ranni ?uMor4..(nf chjiracttr and eonduct.and vpwo'SpatiUh ttimmertc to ihe, Py ol Bii- jrotl hit Klnn h a cold and abrupt re'o ,1 generva nmkathy ol the ceMle- C7T. A. brig from Engird. rSMniilil an yr ww. TWW , ;v "X" "re mi"c- uunnjinia eery propeny -c uppocl ith - carfo of I . Maleailaarl avi in iriAffWJIa aaVaJI I . ... -.a. E.--... II a ' w aUi .aww-f - - - ...... j . ywiir w paipvi wv v m jhii iu v uij mUaa (SuwVAotrritan) peiraieer. ?thJ' tb" "f" TTy iTL rrr cri,ing between cXn. ,pd;-T -,r r h. H t m i. iiiu. ithu nrlusllv rm uranril r ' a ' rcipet.tful manner endeavor to, aaiiifr I hand, in which a member of the Huaac Ibo1 who aro rookinic to ua lor touniei 0r RprtanuHe it repreienied u ant eiample.and imitaiing our free In ua .bat the dinineuiihrd inditld -aiinniooatthii ihere Uao otceiiiir furu.i ,t the head of the GoternineM. and auchan alltalKe; Jh lhednicera whlcbmttCir, .e beC indicted by the Pro aiotie rouia, in m vp.mn wi any unc.iplc, f thai iainecaac.l prctume aorne bare jttlp II, naae a anwifn, and mat defence h laoful. By the btc, if the it a net tfiod for Ihemorfor uif Whal bonoraoie member ia- to haaa the tole inf be" the nitore of ihr inttwttoni conJuct of Ihe proiecu.ion, without the JtlUe" 0r minwera mtj oa .ioar- ,H of other coonael, I think thai it it not ftJ. ,H J Mf; ptoptrniisr I ahwuM difficult to predkl Ilut hia cticbtf will be tatet butalleandid and reflactiojr men noo iuhed, and that they will be driten IBUitaamiMnaienaet;rcMii,ereiin out 0f court, with Ihe Uiual judgmenl cor.nretirtn with the Southera Repubrir a, pro0ounced in aurh cuei. independent of aay compact of aitinea n Cooeluiom I beg leie to offer a Thoie uepuwtci, now con'tmint a pop- TuaM, whkh, if you are aa dry aa I am ula!ion of upward! .l twenty mininnaviu nope acceptable for lh. sake du.illrari.g their Humbert, probably, in of ie winei f ,ne ,entmenll pedod ttill ihorter than we do, compri j , ika cotuUuaUon a ik Jummke Hnad whkh a'wf wlUtw tbcu Umtia Ihe moat aUy Jpaaaea thrwifb Lcark&urrand auoccas to tba dtt aourcei of the prerioua melala,u, Internal Improvement, under .erery ffcr to oor commerce, lo our roanu- WfP?. ... . . . " fwrurei, to our naigUon, to many ad- en toc thu 'm,d lh re Tintiget, that none can doubt the cxpe P4,ed chem ofihchole "mpany. Amirw rf rlllllvHllnj' ika mnal Irlcnill r Ui5nna .ith them. If treatlaa tf rom I '''' a?CaWrf.Oo Mondar. 10h rnrrce and friendihip, and liberal atip- ln,t- Mr D"ld. et ""d Co1- benjamin xilationa in reaped to neutral and belliR- A'S,0I' h or S. C. between whom a ereot righli, could be negotiated with Ju,rrel both be'K "ed w each of them at Itt aeparate aeat of naiurnco, acciaci n.iiy mei in me r.mm.nt. there ia no doubt i hat muck 'ree! of Coonwhatcbie, when the former creater facilittea for the conclusion of drw putol and called to the latter td . . I Am rarrl kaawaea!! aaa K a lnalala ilaa . I auch treatiea preient tnemaeives at a """"? ..""""""r point where, all being repreiented, the 0,Mr .f Pu,1d neorlf at tbt mo- vay may be amootnea. ana an o&atociea I v " " " remoed by a diicloaure of the tiewa reeei?ed three buck ahot in the head uA w;.h. rf all. and he mutual and bch cauied hh d ath after Hnpenn in fitefidlt-ef BtanaTionK There-wansne I v Pm "oura-oirDr-wat mnkitr.tion hick had murh welahi ' 22 ytara old, of considerable pro with the Eaecuure in the deciaion to ac- m,85' d bad chosen practice of law for a cept the misiion and that wai, Ihe in Poreailon. He haa left a mother, three tereat which thiacountrf hat, and espe- W'ra, and two brothera to lament hia dally Ihe Southern Stalea, in the fate and ttdden decease. lonunea 61 the Island of Cuba. , L : c. o "rTu , No tuhtect of our foreign relations , The Right Key. Dt. Cheferui, former bis created with the Executive Goeern- . Roman Catholic bishop of Dostoa,io ment more inxioos conrerni than that Uutted Statei, and lately of the see of of the condition of that Island and the Montauban, in France, 4s been ap .BossibilUt of. prejudice totha Southern WPA'-r1- .Staica from the convuWooato which 01 -,n" .ft,Knesl Mieaiaaiicai aignK4es in rnight be exposed., Il as Mtiredi tbat "Rm0 . - . . , tht 4nKera wbichj in certain contingeh- des, might threaten our quiet and safety, . Mr. Haile bas been elected a Represen- jmay be more auccessfully averted at a tative to the 20th Congress from the place at which all the American- Powers State of Mississippi should be represented than any where ' else. And I have no hesitation in ex It is computed that Long Island sends a" a M 1 il- t ... a.. . - pressing me nrm conviction, mat, ui7u,uou worm of ell and clams eyery there be one eeciion of this Union morel year to the New York market. ' a, . . dy grvKl, valued i BIW,UUOf was taken S the bar of Bilboa, the day be ild, b a schoooer privateer of two gun r-nlv, manned and sent to South ly, ike H'VVi ka, aaalta a itphtr aa Lb ala'r. k kaa tkca riltra iomm lk M alia f afl kia (Uu liaf aJ ac kavi I aay lhu aaork. Mr. TAiUx, aitkout fear of aairaa!laa it iaakaiaua ! aacy iaJiialiua ..ratiua, aJkaMUtn,,,.!l..a.l,w,ff'8t'fr"lk'''' mr ..plnlan. the MaaiUMiMluuiHlaofawKkofike,14 otto tinlverially applkaUe to all igiNajKekkhaivelop4oircwnirv. What i;e. nations and f.Qternmrnit j and, ear caanot do attl, tkey are Mk lo do it alii ) nerbpa. by omitting the natoM aJugr,Al of incorrigible eocbi, ia equally ao to io dividual. Dui luiw alreououalr anl cioyiy toevcr tome means be employed, they may (.11 ie prodoeetke iee dcaired. fortunt cooimoniy iTiapenMi bar lott, keace ery tinedteiH j trird, and ra .-ouraa f paMitf aaay line. I kaa eauhire k kkowr, fir awl vTrrtmr, of Artthnetic, or vy other branch 4M&aolr UajfU la our at&oola-tbey an all W W4rt "IwW CfVrvvlaVajgy ftJlajtar 044" e.akc a ay tar dtenn aLaH c dnvt reading kite ciila. I as certsln amitrurt deal Jhtlr packs i ihe valve of tke fiend tiveaHf depends wr the turning up of the trump card. When nollilcal irtnihlrri hr ulTr(ni I..n.. . TCe ohjctof every one ba.ng (he care of ... youth. .houUheiamakauKmwaieandtim.. T'"' u" '' 5 ' " ou,. flu'. .h'arTlhe'a cwiJoe the motion, of ,U 0rn 0, CwBllngeM event, WhUll Am-rica i the offictra and crew wert lH. -.(i,fu to'one cLaaneL tier art ai. muit occur, whether auapkbnilr or in- - put no board brig U balLtty li'r'V ttoi to tbclr on ktereat Notfuar aoipicroudy lo iba parties concerned t captured by the pmateer, i.nd ent,te,(jtoa.ch lofacdiiate aucetaaful invetka. flka a ctrlaiu game at carde, in wfekhr -into Bi!ba. with the admonition that , .:. .. rnUrtd and Lbnl urulcmtantlinin l.i j .i l. . . . , - - , , . , - -lunnn am. - ucaitwyt tarcicaancil ana they had f I" T j ' M "fcalculaUon. coo.eod for the dubious i,ue taught out igatn, every. man would tfJiiai iraEMnf . alone.be may pevceive, be a too late, that be V. " a""" b Uch tniataken. " ' '. - - In what can all the boaated knowledge of M There II OOthbjr certain in' this U0- arithmetkal adtpta, deaiitute of good reading, j certain world, savi an old adage which, compare with the perw nal enjoyment, cwaiaiil 1 i;e milnr 0,h,P received matimt. ia nnt her during the whole winter, through profit, and the rtllned improvement and pleaaure ni,rMjjy trge. Some of your readers any ice that makes in our rners-aod! of others derived from the aoeietyof a correct . . . . . ... ' i - - - -i I t.i. nr.. i... . !.. i wkho.,1" r.UM, -kMMf.. Sa ik1,;,,u"",tm whBiaunaai mKbchj iu .wit foodi" but noilior can mpply the place of ,h Wowing enigmatical question, by a reading. It ia one of Mr. klaaon'i univeittJly pminR ioipcction. The propounded eictllcot lindaof knoaledfc. In all atationa. j however, CODCrivtl it so difficult as to ages and ctrcumitaiicei, h U worthy the cultiva. require a clear bead, Indtfatigible fctudf, But," aay you,- there are few rood readert, " I -n ", - ir.- how .hall wecet out of our difflmltier II en ,M,W u, oisimeresuo prina- aiawer, let parenUand guardUna bid bighett plei, to qualify any one to give it a for the man, who, in connexion with othrr factory tolution, in a shorter period than hanged at the yard-arma. A person adveniset in New-York a machine, which, beiog attached to a ateamboat. will onto a paasaee for nermit the boat to move at the fate of! amf aenaiblr reader ? " 1 bat tbe awt! ahoald be in mi In an hour, and much .aster if the passage be frequently used it ia calculated that the machinery to one boat, wbich however may be detac hed at pleasure and will last many ycirs, will cost about E600. The Mexican govenunent has offer ed Si 00,000 for a i peri fie for the yel- ow fever and Dr. Giraud, ol Dam specific. The Guatemala Canal, to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceana, ia tion tor 20 ytara. Ihe distance across is stated to be about 17 miles. w)ich will require a lockage of 200 eet. The work will be commenced with 6000 workmen from this country. more, i, said to have discovered auch wiB ,cfctch CT rtMngi.nf Tiro in ""ic h b" ta -r ' I Ikaaa a nAi ataah tiAa t haM aWWMt tBV III fM tin la m mm m im advancing to " Arma nnmque Lano abundant Kipply of able and faithful teacher, ... from the young men of our own eountm r 00t IWi opinion deter those who These remarka, Mr. Editor, are the reanh of may itel menned to exercise theif inge- nainful obaerVation of the imperfect acholanhin, I nuitV. Assurcdlv. an one who can read required to be completed in 18 montha, j ,nj corrupt taste, solamentably prevalent in ,nd understand Murrav'a Reader, or any whrrtheTrnvilcgrtfTttto cidewithme. 0.0. I, ... , .. n r.. JR$mt ctunty, K C. 9th Oct. 1826. eapvami uic enigma, aa ine a rcw -toa- I tmeritut. ol any University. Let the dit- MISSIWART NOTICE. fident ttmetnb.r. that Alexander undid The Young Men of the neighbour- lhe ROrdii(n khotbv , mode whlc, ei,Cr ing congregations, are respectfully in. 0 one More had thought or, or had the vited to meet at Vtird-Creek Church, courage to attempt. An equally ag on Saturday, the 28th of this month., jcious head and determined hand, might $o form !j&9Ciety;.o denominated decipher this problem ;wiA more eae t- TbeYounjrMen'a Missionary So- b Aicbimnlea -deutted the alio;. in ofm-Il ' - - . " , - ffieroV crownV". Tbi only diflicoltf i,: . There will be nrenrKW m ln J be the a E. D. or demonstradon. The Church on Friday , on Saturday an S,bil muit now be mSf,. , nnmnvtat A A lviaviBiRis.j iif-.: Near 11, 000 votea for Member of L v . ,T. . . e.uL..u .u. . . -.ViomerMmroa, 18-1 t 'I " M aeat M. ad. at turn? f Personal property, to the amount of 0,000 dollars, belonelDe to the eatate ol be late President John Adams, was sold at Auction on Mondav aen'nleht. bv. ort dee of the tiecutora of the Willr It j consisted principalrylofJtocks, much of which sold at an advance. Ihe amount has been erroneously stated in aorne pa pers at 2 $0,000. Aat. Jour. e " ctety i Congress have been taken in one tricrjtff thk wwlfict ana ' (ministered. S$t. S3, 18. 0