' IjJ fell -- 1 ) h ii t fi r .it i r it Kii I'n HAL1SUUUY. N. C-TUKaJJAV, OCTOUUIl H 1830. VOL. VI!NO. 831 WH wv wT7 1 fjrirWt'f) a ; 1 1 r H aru wra f af kJ, M tfc I M stf-taw) a3 U rr JUr ftu 2 h h4t MyM LTiHf ff "1 " i arttWf f44a Mil Aa aft4 IH TM hMfrl tkir ttif 44 UUt I hka iWy ii4 iWiv IM LctUiu ,4 f. J.fmMA, I, lU . M . TlJf Nfw4 Utfftkr 4 i4 iim M a W'4' . r ai kw iiin. .1 ir h ....... 4 IW rM it Aimiowrt or M)TTZtT rW H1' - - nuroatf or moat caaolwa Am4 ik lrK mJ ; , cull tf lr mt-wwi t Urrf tMi ntfin rtni AOjOOO POT.T.IBI jjfl xl . LW( M tUM, fck Km Urnrt rPff 4 t 1 1 f I 29 30 43 V 10 JO 1 rU f fXfiM k 003 xn X0OQ 3.000 A . -A 1 - . t t . ft A IM f 7 M Utr MUf Ml. 14 v I fryft)l 4 b CWMfy M M Mfttef td Mf Imp m Wtt Muk tW fc)f M try ia ? fa04 wr. mJ rt mm U tWa MM tod w Mfind ma, mht, m dty. (M MP wrt 4 H mlit U&. Mr. AdarM iWm. 9J0OO lOOTJO f,OJ0 frii lnrlcr, y1 WOovtd (. ymliinj V wr Th4 oar. ftmath .' Kiath dif Ttt'b UV, tktf nib cUjr, Tr Iflh dj, Thinrmth dy, Fourtrm'h (Uf( FiftrcntK tUjr, SiTUf ntS Uj, Eirbtn(b dir. Arl llW. Who Dft4 U U 'tW I h Kotr M Virf Wu. tlx rfWft. Wfti fod tinp of fTtil )f U H I iWorWl ttx riilowWft MtfvM ruj. ! viclef tMrlrfo lcr tW tr, vbil rtr.i.. Mr. M.m m KvrmUr w im lut Lrrtivrv, Md m Gvror Uto uran. aainiwy Uto torl, eoMkrvMug b viTrmf, ana cmciiuunf n ajTtrto, M tb OfHi'utxm m out of ih cha mkieh icMoac4 IM KlnnWfM of wit iiKrpYitlrac, thty rrr to mv kbon ill tl,ffrtrt rikffft Mr. AdjfBV at K ftrti KW W, J A liaJO l,Hktt mK,, , 500 TVir to m nn tn a Ur M ravm. IM tlKWrtvot oaJ i m Uua to r. CaittJ to II , driag AH IM varid IM food ami tM CmiLJi caa alj ar I W p4acJ to at, awl IM f ri praia bem. m aaotAcr. Tm ptt&e arrrWca of tM Vcw4 patriot r.,w.iimr) rti JiJitwt 4, r 1 iiriri a IM rlmx xto tW mrj TMR LAIT DIUWM TlCltr O.X THE I ibf Ubon rr UoUai, d.plowaue, i r, . iQ U ntitW to a fni of UluO f tornal. TVj aoorM af &XI Mira, M IM laiircj Cfowa. I Mir UluHrv irrtcmfTftytt fmtUaWaUflUiktltj!i!;'-l. 04 til ftf Ii4 0fti Vkkk BMtfiC4l 1 Nf OfltM lb VtkftfBt )ttMt it- Mf M tWW UKtaiff 4fMXI fttf tttf Uf Iks Wtor of tb i f Jataarf, farkif wit Ktrttlf lMbft4 tittlfM lnt4"Mi'(Jl ! Ciotuif, rrMf uotlai4 JtCTfKlf f hk baf (oft tl H Mfill lV HDr 0ra Eriala UtvaikVf ubluTIel iiil'o kw4 jmw rf ri4 jt M AUoufit M ' 1 1 j'Ji kf , pcllcr in4 M I ! a4 land ttK44 whl lit AtaaUlf CUiy ol ImM rM4f. Ilk crj of Jmm ( Arc. lAUM lf U4 Mfl 0 tkU wr, M tUtcMd m) OrUaM frwai IM 9.! vdw I covlUiyt fell MdpM Inti rtMf Auto .k U.n tiM44 .A .a. fjitovt lUaatM aKCt iVUd M ffHf rf i htrt Jtg,f, j( Mirterp-'rto'r,L lrfaaart4 1ilaaiiMr-forml- lk .rm a r-rliiiS satal inttotlUUtf rftU, j,, . ,,rtfkf4 Unant VMbroata by M faJUoJ Moll W AturvnlMt aa riiika IJk ar.J r. kiory turtd from Ur ckoat eW. UMWJ,- fc4, mM hunf Ck furtr i! I firitiik loamaat, hi Cb ttk of J ... ik. if JnL kul ,,..1 Tr, n4 fcAitvl Mr K1t'hkwi ilovar of bkd' irvl tike a iKIa plKt moo i lb atari of ou paiU4 U.r i, w1M?tm4-iM Umf fcatxttrt mutt ib tirt of ttn rtcu4 from 1K4 itwIUrl MnI m .l,W Adam M't iIUd vlli iraoa f,f daufklari ado T ki ponf Wko t tU plio4i kkk covt,,, trf ,BeU4 ff plvii Hif ef 0" acOom WWvt4 m avtriMi, orpkaned M I CkiU. drajotalwl m barratt Man. la iMt toarkiof IM Metful cWaeUf U tMi food aca, IMt M e la riwm to diKtmatfi im rtktt of Wrote drnta. CirUen urntTy Aftrd f r bniriant action aaj mg cmmtC viik IM qatt. lin of tM innj ankner and pnWl ata't. man, if rare m J mminri On prr auiv emly inuWrtou ciaMtoto of tto (ual utuom Yx frrihL errwtnl A. r.i L L .-. . . .. 1 . . . . r . ".- Z orkl wwtta coowirr j it aouM M rata lo I Ufa? thai oiftrr ciaaipWt rM ia it, and I mi coniUWnthr tni (Rat ibry a itl M alvtrt I fnvni bra IMir eoantrr drmaad tbrir aid. 10 Q(J0 1 ""J' appnwchiMr Ibe hmc and forltiM jrbiniB HIT. nun i v """ 1 j a . .1 . . I ll. ta from liv conmrarrtMiit. amounonr to I BJl",ir7 Mm nmi,U at tka Ajjiu oT Im IUi-k afl " l""" I ,rrn fwnrnpMM imiaui aaa Of rraiKC, er tba eofWtUof Ua drtlc. aubk rllowy 111 UWIUill W Ml tCKJi irf llka AU Uflaai 900 500 1 500 500 1.000 I.WJ0 1.0001 1W0 1.000 1300 4.oa diji-hr to U "enatc of tie Cniied ftatni tha roott atirnt body ia tt art 14. if v eoadtr taa nxxle cf Ma rrvatio, thr povrr vatd ia it. a im MirpMra for vbiek iVy ara Mtotd Mr. Jrflrrann, a tM Sarrrtirr of SUft. ua- r toe duration of On. WtaSmcloo. to b aWrto) j lo rjuJ Ibcra all a4 b jw. romfKadiK- and official rrorta. eontiaocd While not toble to the ebarrm of la dirplir ti trHUant rr!xim ar vhka So bad 117 renown, cU honor drrTea lo be brtm alvar 3iaiiotiUd. In IM ouajMroui a " 7 .VT m kkqlntheiiTrmhrof 1 ereit Mmm,li eotnpVtion of the drawinr, win be centred l, i v.. j .TVi." u forfeited to tbeuaat'of tbo Lottery J. WEBU, Co nnrr. ECt&tratt'k, April 1S24. . . Tti attention of the North Carolina public, V) rtapectfutly Invited to lie forrfroinr acheme. The UMtlable purpoae ewtrmpUtnl villa h 1 hoped, aecre to rt tbe aid of thoae who are friemHy to the intrreat of KteratHre and tcienee, beat calculated to quiches and invirorate the under aixi mf, under the toadiAf colonial ror. enuaenta of Maaaacbuaettt aod Virf uia, iheir lanruine rnendt anticipated for them wealth and honor and power, from the faror of the reral government. IWphr read ia tbe Science of Government, fifted with powerful and tar cioae minda, toveea bMrtr and batera of op. preaaion, they aaw and felt the wronp inflicted upon the coraniev by the Mther country, and aV - ' J ' mT . , i - n ui'Doifpv I fM-oraetjr vwea or im own conscience!, and to ItBPIiEi. ihelavorof afcebKefeiicelfi,acattertdad (O 7crr in thla Lottery for tale it the office rcareetv bolted people. 'She teductiona of of tbe Weeiem Carolinian, and b; Mr. Cliarlei wealth 1 the blandiahmenU of power 1 the ter. n.ner, and otbera, ran.wiry. 2 1 1 ron pf punithmenta, were alike incapable of 1 ' tlhkin tlVlp rMnhifiofit.wan.ina tk'ir ln.l mrt w trqinnn a .tcj . " . . rv " A J LtU A llfjU.1110. 1 mnra or weateflinr tneir caorts. iiiey per. and municipal law 1 hi principle were draw from the pvreat anuicrt 1 hi arviixnta were hirid and eonvincinr 1 h JlujIratKwa ainr.l)y "ml t'i I UHi pcnpicu Suhaeojttent to the ralilWation of the trea'y of pcaca, 1 wo paniee rnauuir aeon in thw cvun. pry. Frior to tbe adoption of tbe Federal Coa- Piiuuoniney erc airiuea aa to tbe poarn ... . wnicn iftouhj oe fiven 10 a new lyatem of foe. errtment, hich all admitted oorht to be trtab. bahed for the Union. After the Constitution wu adopted, the quertioM between them were ivT the name atone of the emlemn ho hu "r.hWlZ: Zl-ZZT" JLTVT- .Ta ,ne'. ?at!r. t?m mtoieeM-MmHW, AT th4 laat areaion of the Tenneree Luther. ",T Kh thw rbb dmjt in the peripee. an Hynod. the Rev. Ad.m Miller, Daniel f onward march, with a conrtancy Mnaer.aiiamtielL wereaoDoi-ited tonrciaim worthy of their catito, Thu choice waa neither and hold a meetinr at or near Orjfan Church, h f youthful enthuiiarm nor ofacci- Rowaa oounty, X. C. 1hi mettir.t; ahaU (if awoaaiwn. incynwau ac penia Dy Cod Hermit) commence on th 4th dav of next whicn 17 were orrounded, and uacd more k .November, ami continue at icaat three 4m. We are alto anthoriced 10 tnvita the Kev. Charle - A. Stoeke, IHniel Hherer, and aa many of tbe other Minjaten who are in connexion with them, for whom it may be convenient (or ai many u may receive the notice) to attend laid meeting. Wk.tl,.. If.!. m..t;n n',!! K. h.U In Omn ifMR Pt Church, or at a place in ite vicinity, ihall be duly l"r,d Ptrio b d.rfod., P.ub,lc ?ecution, " . o w - w a . a. than a form of worda, when they " plec'fed their lives their fortune, and their aacred honor, 1 Hey knew that unrucceanful reautance to tyranny, even the moat atrocious wu rebellion that it led to forfeiture of life, of fortune and of fame. That while Revolution flamei on the breatt plate of the victorioui.wamor, the eon publjthed. All Lutherans, and all other who may be htereited, are hereby invited to attend laid meeting, DAVID. HEAR EL, Stmtwtf f Ttnneitft Synnl. Srptfmbtr lS(h, 126. 2t31 : NOTICE; - - with treaann branded on hu forehead. They "were aware how much toil and blood and treasure it would cort to lupport and defend theae Stites 1 but they aaw thro' all the srtoom, the ray of light and glory." They anticipated triumph for posterity: they, were recklem of their own fate. Shall I trace them through the rloom, to the hour when they enjoyed the triumph they anticipated for posterity, 'twould j... .v . -i.ui. -r m-.k . 1 I win ancr uie . rexoranon 01 1 01 id lUlf tvi 11 vi ivwvviiiin a 1 ai ac anrment of hotHK-hokl and Kitchen farniture, I .restoration peace through the varioin office in which they remn-in of Store gul, fkrming utenaila, horaea, Z 'Z 'l L " .T.. 3TSX S cattle and hog, iUo, bttweeS 2J and 30 Na! ZV? i h flhe .rwe ICroe. ofeve di.cripUon. a Urge number of t which are voung and likely boy and girlea, from ,TI " , . rrZ --; '-"6 n L .t '-J -r .vt the political world. Thil occasion forbid the . .Fiber tern.iUb. mad. known on tolffiK?". Sale, due attenURnce by " t!n ' t , 7 ir MAKY WORK, ieet,mx. th. .. ZZuL r-Tr; i?!!' i"w.vww 1 auauuwncu 11 a me same titnevand for the same uuse. They vera tnenv I nera ar ;toe. eypUMoory Congress, exercised " - ".-JOHM MUSIIAT. &nv tyktlth, 18-1 4iaio5i303 aad humh(ed4 Jerea nortion of the nubile debt TftVn tit tVtuY r.rmTitoA wfcwf r wiui equal rest and flrteUtyiU JeebleJdiitthj the burtbeniot ttiation, diminish Ww wimu wu.i,vu i executive and leruiativ twi. fP J$ Rowan. countyN- Con the J ccwncihjy which bad greater force tbafeJawV they were obeyed with anontaneoua - alaeritv. They were united to prtpare the Declaration of Independenee. Mr. Jefferaon'a fortunate hand wrought the immortal work. Mr. Adamscon. tending with the great farmer of Pennsylvania previously and nibsequently pressed with truth and cloquenect the necessity of that decisive itep. They were reformen in their respective States, Introducing Utoie change in the Uk X 16th of August,. 18!$, a negra man, who laay his name is JACK, 22 year old, 5 feet 1 inch high i say he left hit master about 6 weeks since, in the state of Georgia j was bought by one Johnson, last spring, of Matthew William, on, at Charlotte Court-I louse, Virginia. The cr. i required lo come Turn wt. nmva property, pay charges and tale him away. SAM'L. JONES, Jailor. VirViry, X C. Jug. 17, ig26V 24 " General Government, and s to the manner in thkVjhoeex power shouLt be &ted to on. moto . the rmblie wtbare. Th unbounded popularity, tbe pure and imposing character of ucnerai n aabington, enabled bin to mora ia region bore tbeir control berond their in. fluence. Hi retirement from pub Be life im. poaed upon the people the painful Deeeesity of viiuimug m nmA.xwr. irt nuu naa ajTIVCd when the government was to be arhnlniiarred by party men and on party principles The parties embittered by frequent oolbsWn, ranged themselves under the name of Adam and Jef ferson. On tbie contett for power, ia which the chief office wu given to Mr. A dune, and the second to Mr. Jefferson, or of th eucreedinr contest, ia which tbe friends of Mr. Jefferson were victorious it is unnecessary to da-ell. Those most deeply interesteit, examined and decided between them. History mar ait in judgment upon those decisions but the day hu ... I t 4.tJH - not yei arnvca, wnen sne can laitutully perform her office. We are too near tbe time when the question were agitated to apeak of them without prejudice and with perfect imnartiamv. It 't more grateful to speak. of tbeir universtlly acknowledged -rood actional pasinr without no tice those of disputed excellence. Presidirf? in LI - - ' . an awniuiy, a miinnty oi wnom sen nn political opponents Mr. Jefferson hsxt Ihe aingular ood, fortune to-acquir Iheir tanc1 nu auiiiirmiun. ne manual na comuiru lor aeemiinkavi presided over th dirtily Ivor this 4a4k m i. tii. ..r.-.ii -i . . . . . . in vncupeaavi ims hi bw!""' If lf Ihlnr chjI4 m4 to 1st m fluent! r Ik lif aod lb foriun wl . , , ,M rirTtmstaMtl f lb t k- LrKi,bo!y4plore4hkfi jrtotji event wr cakotaitd to hrrtt h kli nk such biner anguish fh dr u ( grt th ikioty Im'wt rr of hi stotii usie, he LegUJ- btorici, Vturtn aoldUr wir beatrn iuf hid jutt. hlmoit In tight of f'tuiJ ni troop. Hired, irsloed Uadi br Hall, refused to tt'ytUt l a t!tDIl4 tie- ctalien loldkr volunsim from th lory of ike fallen Hero. Boston, Ik plough, ih bar, ih cwinting botiK, m l exAdUt-f Jitxny.jnih. 4tjt ofii puib tu uaikshop. .LHr.MalMpis4 In hi advanced sg ws gvm4 by i Mfllt ,k purchescd son of frrewi. creaoi t th cJt iA Mi CMRlry. tW!Ud JnCdiHiy hd Tiloiir tbe M!drei Matochueiu, tb first and the dring 0f Ubcrty. the hrdy orTipiln of Teon stentrofrh frtedvm of Ihes States, ace ibd Kentucky, a lf grd io th secood tools U with - . fo,i-wi . th u,.ut ,,f h. formwabl enem,. But tbe MK J JeferV)f,, ,n4 ,bt ef A.m ftegoci. Quincf iiw ind enroyed Ih triumph of . , 1rttlBtr From this period" Mr. JerTervmdrvoieil himself to the interests of f'Jucition. if crested ky his if flencr, 0e L'r.iver ity of Virginia tSe iplrortld tertple' resrtd tn Orient and th Arts, at wot thy of his genius, and would pre serve hi mrrnory if no other monuinctjf. had been ertc'f d to his fame. Ncr wis his Ubor devoted only i tLe ert-Uivh-ment of the t'rif t rsliy j he look: active pert in Ih mnsgcant of the Institution Itself irrineed Ih order of ttule, and Ms country In despite of a wretched fsc lion which ruled bis beloved Lpg land, md io defiance of Ibe criminal lo ciiyity produced iy meir roiacniesou courxit. 1 1 ut too, some of her gil- sni sons, is if rctoUed to redeem lb honor of tbeir naliv land, lore mo t in Ih fields of fstne. And if the prkli of party could hiv plsvc In bis an J sous boeom. h fell it full graiifictioc when lb glorious pextcle of Lak trie w presented to bis view. Th important cwjaequencn of thi ,K. .. rfl.. f . - ' m . MUVIIHVV IMf ' var4 w V j a w W W W ' v trucgic, th daring W of the eombi- l7. i.;- t... .... I i I nipniaivi rmw wmT wr'r,' Uftti, th obatinal iod Mnguki'nr e.t. ,. uu. i. .-s4 rrM. ... . , i .!.. I V""IVH IV t(UIUI in IVIUIU1H lull- actor ftM contest, th!orkoi liXldem I . .t ii,,iiu.r.lui nir.. bf rbkb tnitkiery was lmrirC6r1nncMrrllaimi kcietl aicnn hav filled hu aol with emotion. Uutl . ,. rit... f.k,kxL- rf . a I ui I a w s'hv iw vve k w ivi v iwv ' hat lingnsce can peini ki riptur at i...:.,.!),, .u- " , I ( rCIIUwMlf sSAAAJ IHIIIQU II ltW It'll th lucrtiding ceD f ,h. rmthritL! ef Blaauchuaett. Behold, fellowVuiieni, wounded wir- i.tj., r. ,k. , , , r lP la 1 4kiwil ssWVllWk; IVI uuniil auiivun rlor in the prrne c! life, pale, from loI , . '.. r.-,i,u. u ,k. . t aT 1 WU V t ilfll llMCIVtlMiK llliisj iu inn of blood, rnutiUled and luffenng from 1 of t whef th formeJ recently io9kUd wounds, lupporte . Id I ,etite ,be een!ret ,DJ ,be thkf ornament, fought for by th turned of very find, corrcinpncling with eich otTier and with the viae ind good of their couo fry, tbff pitied their Href tranquilly, en joying the bleningi of continued health, marking with trioiport the advincei of their country lo wealth ind power, and e presiding omcer ol all deliberative ai- semblies As rreudent Mr. Adams riprcssed the overgrown insolence of France, piosecuted hostilities against her with vigor and effect i re established the relations of honorsbk peace af ter having, made popular tbe invsisable senti ment of " millions for defeacej not a cent for tribute." As our Chief Magistrate, Mr.Jeffer. ton continued in office, with increasiug ponu larity, until imitating the controlling example of Washington, be voluntarily retired. While the destiny of the nation wu committed to his care the pirate of the Barbery eooet were chastised ed end the boundaries of oar empire extended by the pesoeful-srpiiition -of - Loaiaiana-an erent deeply important tome future repose and union, of this people an existing contro versy wu termmsted by it the source of future dispute removed the Esstcrn and Western States bound together, oy ties oi common in. tercst, in indissoluble union. In performing the arduous duties of the first station in our Govern. ment, although their routes were different they had in view the wme end. Each sought to perpetuate the Union, fo promote the boner of i ha arms of military comrade on the beich of F.rie I It ii the gallant B relay, ho denrviog by hu valor ticlory, ioi- tiin nf iufferlii.1 ind defeat with heroic foriilode. fie move ind looki n if he were in the miJt of compsiomte friends j he u urrrunded by hi conquering enemies, beholdine: with wonder ind delight th And who it ihe young wirrior, who with wjje iprearing influence of the Doclan- tbe modest and unaisuming pon 01 a ,u mt ivr What the? on that dar non combatant, the wwichful tenderness ,Carcely hoped to lee realited in iheir of a brother' los guWea ike (oeoatcpa of own e0untry, i Iru of th larger portion th enfreblrd sufftier it it the victor 0f thii Hemisphere. Mexico Hid Cuate- erry. Ihe br ol Oattie u quencnea m,.t t'olornbii, Chili, Buenot Ayrei in hit eye, it beam with lenderbeti lor Inj perU ni,t ,hikcn off tbe chain of Us tufTering f. Uid victory ever look European detpotltm and promise to be more lovely, did defeat ever thine to cornt the jbode of civilization md r gloriously ! tionsl liberty. Driall is independent of How enviable were the feeling! of the Europe. In ill America, the colonial ruin, once the head of that party whkh policy of former dsvs it gradually per- laid ihe foundation! of the naval power j inhing under the tinned influence! oi rei f r.nr roimir : and if the venerable I son and Revolution. Eren France bis Adamt had exuhingly exclaimed, this is nol uffered in rain from her attempt lo the effect of our policy ! even the bitter- establish there free (ioverntrent. In ett of hit poliiical opponcnti would ha' political consequence the Kingdom is forgiven the boast, ind rejoiced it the more importint thin m tne bttt diy of occasion which called it forth. that ifnuble and unfortunate OTomrch The 'unexpected termination. -of th Lotiii ibe 1 6th, while th condition: of the wir in Europe, pliced at th dispotil of people 1 infinitely improved. The Gov our enemy r her- w hoi naval and miliury ennnetiLJu itw ftdjnbjtth Kfet force, ind the determiniHon wu imme- representative principle aunougn mo diately made to use it for our chastise- representation is Imperfect, it tniy bi- ment ind her iggnnditemint. A form- come an important instrument for the idable force wai directed to conquer and exeillon of the power aod tbe preserti- to hold Louian.ni. The din of prepin- lion oi me peopi. lion sounded scrots the ocean, and a Great were the labori, great Ibe ervi- hasiilv collected and undisciplined force ces, our departed iages great the scenes under a. gallant but inexperienced leader, j in which tiiey icted, grcit their rewards, were dnwn together lor tbe defence oijand greit tneir enjoyment, lining to New Orlearn, the weakest and most , ex-1 ihe highest offices tbe people could be rwsed DorUon of ou of our enemy blied witn armeo icgiouii surpriMng oeveiopememor tno rerawirww cime sweeping 40 oorboresrrf.llaIJW aoldier. exnerienced in all the jt.itjgeii I uhdiminuKect IrloTWeraiing wot of wir, burning lo eclipse his Europein The other indeed lost the popular fayor, rivals, like them laconquer wealth and yet he lived long enough to iee bis son fime ind rink, animated th veteran loiU elevated bv the votes of the Stale to Hardened bv ibe toili of many campaigns, that imDosine station from which he had flushed bv ihe remembnnce of numerous been removed by the voice of the people, w6ecenrictorieir wking-wivh-the I To us a moVnwekoneseni4Uru criminal excesses, crowned with the Iterfered with our dearest wishes, no wis bloody hureis f St. Scbastmni, they I not io our judgments best calculitei to i i I 'A: i t t ft! 1 . -4s,. H '