il'i iJ I" Ntt JkortAhita Tn ntiWVf. r fcf a. ral rtl ftf - -a a I ! f --m a 4 t w '.. ) 4 .. M ia ,. llnl r.v. f U , -. U l J irate af iM iKtu,ip, . aaaS1 M.,J.'n,t.ii--rf-l ttrt trm UaaA ... it . mm', f uJ Jttjj lS eM f - T' I ' - toJatd, M taaf rsavdy f & eWW. - tire aa to fi'K kt srtMf la tM aaiatak We veall iussase af (U ee e Ui . a,, af iCtttiifyiit ""l1' at, Saaetl l lU Wla Ufa, tM MperW twt U Urry 7. af loa Us 1Mb, JU4 . pavaate e l tre, uf u a-. We pkUtiU) iM evlpea Sato W ta walk t a tHlle UrM I U atafale4 IM e'aaaal Um at tU Srfaah af eVathi Us Mf eaaVfttty taUtog Mm m im ftU4 mf U) eW aaas.U repaaudJy ty to tv fc iM wtwWMd UraaUaitoe a IM mr Ul tiMi4 af 4rrt4 atf wicked yawf Mli-M fM 9Vg I IM btMM And tGtaatvte, te ttrfWtv Mw kM af tiekaatUry J vWhsdaw ere lUy era 14 Uu lU nmi ' aH Weave ke 4 ff m, U rt ft forlM nilt WnVpc, Uw mJ it Mf M, k W Wu1 IM ticum to IM pttovt. entrant rf fcjywt t- Krrrtt aWtM Ul M iM 11 torn iM tupnor Court WU k tltW lava, Ur cafv eUnf ct fra to tk varaa a Mnam GrtMn aJ CaM, aakk at aUi4 U ur ppr et vrk bcfor lu. la tin kra ImK a tM ?a k. Iia trkl Ul artr tifl Mil I'm, aa laotie of Cnal fcc IM aUta, la cvoaequeaca af a W6 cl in iM bid af iadict. BaL 11m caar aiTofd aa adoMiiitofy Itnu la aP wntrt of Ur, ie raforc rfid died pCaa in IM atanaKiMat of ixm. Davoid, at awwt U lUl cla 4 our pcpvlalioa ( vrrj k in f1 iM Arfy ( RUflrr la oprl po lhir Vra, la ardrr la eoafaa iMaj la rtpt IM H.ti of pfoprrl and IM tmwt af (M Wad. 7aUl etpcnrac baa provta. tbtt k hi tkH baiMnkj kkh pMBpti RMatrfi to rtku IMtr JuciplM over (Mir aUn. A mlifukied l- dulyuaar 1 fchiatl, aa knKtiva t Ua comfort ( IM alavt. u H ' la tU Snlimf of tM M4(t,. WjlHjhttU a vita tM arnitea, m grmt'JcaiiMi aerm but to abatpea tM ap petite for another. Tlad IM rW Mea uwd wore, and arymT le, ia the mnavraient of po Cupid, M wild doubtleai aow kava teen a peaceable, vahuble tWrt, comfortable qqarterej oahif najter't plaataiion, inatcaj of eulprit in with IM filWaa oonatiatl Lantainf 'tt imifi nation. 0 'Uf a H.lf ffipeU4 VmUr IM Vle'f I Umh f (;iiJ tet4 fro M IM l radii alMj 4tM'k4CiaaiiiMMi 9i elf, Maf aWiU f'MI lk otktf ! fii4 la S Itvift. TM aafM Sot lei f tlmUaf 1aMilo U 104 a b M41 aiMJ.. ... fcUrrUlla liia UL m tM ea bat Vt WeT. Alur, f Ae4 tMrva, aeW aii ajftirfiiip af MX M kW tWl f-U' 4 n ia UMmWI I U U M Mi4l MtotMt la t Mi UsM kstaf I.m IM I'-Jkta. t k m-4 it U ao a3 M) lUw e WeU tM imu. lie M m f-l H a kW, WMiHl ( U-i4 eJ.f ti WaoMit, II aOaU n. iN0ks rp. AWm IM f4. aK ( a Met frarsaf, ka t er fMM La Lrr 14 la IM t(k aJL Mm ittm rml mm, rM ota al VaJMattZUd M eaf U ,U a. IVf l VM4) a.M4 f i r'4 k-i MTtmniMf.rt Mattt4 tj'b tM.a futtJ wu, W . la IM m (M lev, eei mhI Miktft.lMiMf7 tt)AkU l "Ml,,, rv 4, i i. i H TM aaUrMd. WW MJ kvf aMf a riUtJL (T Jm4 aMe C V" tVarek U atif aw M lie arpnt af fMtf m M IMfW aiwMtim Iraaa af aa tW4 adl Bui Mul T Mru TM MM awetf IM Mm .-Myaj feewea, M fV a kitmijwi af ttaawwK AniiW HawaiMai MaaalMrtaeaa, ac aW m adte Ud M Mk pUM m CM y 4 2Tik Um. k af IM Baeaa aaaaf IM4 vaek. Ul CM .vaal MWkf-d J poaiiiva; bit pWa, la tM af tJ.Awy, mi rVwWey, aW U mUU aVe Xinil.e. mwim. M M bjmI Mr afl tM ajeaUWa, ad al IMm mw aeaWaM af ito( M tM aream aeee4, a kH4 atieaL i01U ItAHJ.Jf JUVy. 0. u im H UflHfttl.Mr. ll Tb4 Mf rrf CatH (Waiea, attad Me jwtttf U laXne-aJ det (aw Ki da .MiraL 'A h port m4 mm Id Rm fro IM) Rjvar U fUia, I Ml at Ik aetumd Utee tW five Atraa mm) BmiliM ge, k kka tu U)of taf U IM UlUf en fxl dtimaaiaJ. Tm Pmum At re hi cteded U rttortOaf k k roadi vita M Irtflifif dimi(a. Ia IM Kr (im prmntir, ttpa fl.fdMf of iM aefcoofver CamlU, of KI poet, aoid i Moatttlde. Cepitlif ti (( iKat tigktf J'rerU-ea re v tera l;u in IM ri?tf L4 Plait. Jut" aMurvt'j'i'liolUTy. IJIkuMitf fVi I, Ul trm) pre. mm la at. UaJ r.k.U Ul Med pUfad far aUe. a nil ttinrm m tM Ci a mil awn af TM-TWkMr lMe iMf M4 aaa. tM dtaf af IM) L4irj ,14 m iaeM al IM loa epftMaudi lMn jl afMreI aeaSa. kla, f' IM evrMj aU, iMI a a4M4 ankll V4 W toU tmimdJf a 11 M nb la ik, IMere, f vmiJ m iM m U iMa aaU iM IKk U K eeeaMe , iMa rept l tM tmm I nri rea,a aai, ami aMei im du J1 tummf m iM 4 k Ma ait UKaeaJUr MM, a4 M U Mfd IMI ae&rieee MaaMe af Tttkrt aJIMa M IMI M) )wa,fe IM C a i ..,. y U eiw af IM d'if faaaji d la daf, MJ il raa TU Kev.Teet Aateekaa af Ter aatLirea lU aaM af iM tlmh l"fu, a lU fotUaaaf Mraaaai TU lek fVirtie flepe. -lJ 0m Jr. Zlt JttirtfU. jr.trr.TTzrtLLu rtcr. o n. CataM,,! I9at J0 loajr, late, lad, ater ll.l.M l.l K..kUiM I mtf i w aVP " " ' - LM - - - - . . a- aa JO a XI, a. kfaaJr. (JrOi at4a aUI TV . " . nr ,B,Jr)r Mkad,r0a 7J per bWui aoUws 42 J , euf ay. nili 10 cwt. pnaMj fieaa, 17 i UiaJU Qualtf, 17 a I r tee. Mao gl I i laxatad. Mi Uflo, II a II. Meevki, 30 a Kj rice ))0 ul per I 'JO Iba. i a m a. i a. raa, ji a a, or, iim . wmrct aVI a af i jtaaafartitred, J a 30 pr. cat. Mar IM 0J f MUtVe 'ekr eoj pMei tneiirt kt (M Mart af fre aad CWwIa atra to J cwnr aal to a a nn a IM eaaaaopaMt aa Cnece lrai TarlU annum. XOTtCH 1 -U aaMreiMf aaead V e-wiraeate U Tbe Kaee ten! by Atpafia," thai 6od a place la our poetS comer Mil acek. mom the tuxrtrojis. We have juit received inrormatlon hich mif be relied on, that the sectional aurvejrori have barn (topped bf the de lachtsent of Indiana ent out for that pur poM by the Council, and that tereral of them hiva returned. The others are oo their . . . The Governor will now have buslnew for hit Hancock Troop. It it uid be htt Already limed order, to icveral com- ?ioiei of horte, to march forthwith ! hut commence! the firtt Act. Georgia Patriot, id Oct. The last Milledgeville Recorder aayt, lhat the President of the United States, expressing a disposition to promote the whhes of every member of the Confede racy) to the utmost of his power, has di rected the Creek Agent to use his best Sorts to reconcile the Indiana to the sur vey of the land. If the former reports be true, the Indians are satisfied with the uwys. and therefore need no effort at rcconcihtuont but It ought to be mention j . " J;- ' ; T ' : : ceJMUTQX r iters, on 9. Ceils, . ttkal, 71 a 30 1 UtitW do. a 10 kfto aad Unfre, 17 a 30 tt-t aMel aUple, J 101 ce i Ukey, 36 a 37 ee ate t Bee, 9 lOi Mama, 1 1 124 1 Urd, a 1 1 1 Kurt, - dee aad tatef, (42 tockt.) SI a Ui i OaTte. prime Creea, 17 a II Inf. la pal 13 to Id, Ceoryla Rfk Bilt. 1 to 3 per cevt. diooat Korttt-CaroltM Do 4J to J per ceat. ctiaoomrf. Cmmmm Ke w Uplaad Ctoa M(pn la came in nore fraely, aad avrel a pretty ready ailc. one or te hncy brand UWrtf foita a bi-S m I0 and II ceat. TU oil Ortum aUo lad parcbaatrt al from I to 0 cent. "M.-TM principal taleadunnf tM veel Mve bee a at aKMtri tU Met brand, aewly rraortd, by tM few Urreb, brine gif Can TU aalea are quite baiited, tad ao m prove went mt an paled. (Mir quoUlune are U ksrM U last Wt brt tWr Uvf canra aalea, and k la ttotbtnil if tber arould be antieed, MkJ aay mm, - . .. TTTirTt !a tM We irry ire ( atte si fi Nil. TU -lmm (U-ll oJJ U fwuad a ia t.rm 1 aft u ovr pipcfj a t very ftl mv, ad K-'U ou! a -Ttt a KaMn) lj Ur. lanilWeViaf frwr fl ! of r le'rfr a totVwe iM patlVe. 1U prwpe( c Avr l f. 'M Krt aU eealM tfw if. al at'k all U prcMMj UUry li Ut tkete are otUn, aad ttattky Um peful sU eeMa, f it ctijeaa f N(KlkX rvW la fwircMte tKkri ia tk,e Ulcer i eaerr ceat IMI i tpeaJul to lU) ay. ieaUtctly Maeli all M peapto to tM , U coatnWimf tU IM VltJa of corfeft lllf7 of N.lh-CroIin and eitl akw rhiaktrr la tU rrtirf U aae U tU kawa (teRed tad Ue ful rtra iM ale. SJt.Lmrp, &rp. 30, 11.6. 77 1 aaaa i baMn.k M ikifi. lore UkeeUiaawiUdcif Ik, tUr aU mrm iaUUl la kM Iki J iL... at L-aal mmM M Mm4 a. aM Ti 1 . ''' AVti '.Vaa, Tir, if ant. M . ,M ML te , . . ' . n U rf l n t aA U.! Jereuh Cbena drUovcati. Aad rUrber. M .U a to 1 1 . .B'.M.,7 """I W lU aaowai Rioo avl ap.,. k, are ao )a. , ; aeree a. farmed, d IMv f.l to .rtea! !l,i aotke b . ' " Pl"' ' ' iM let day f Jary aest, i.ui by not pt Itn Ihe aaiV'i" a part, or faiW la tthxe rt -m to anMajat to Und, l)i auit viQ t broarttl, aad iU raaile re1raHU le the hJ court. (oitboai revpeer to pertueta.) t.rrri ee drv llxlee aa1 be rten fiood or rath paid aiy Store ia CooooeiL Ctbtmn ririntr. l 'M aaual price. PAt I. B t MKI.NCf.kt. 0,011,10(1. JmtU K'-tt'l, on- II pK-nne f il.e ttt. tMl frmltntt, it no! in inhabitaat ' nl ll.i. lr r . :iK rrdr o'tled, I tut pubb 'c4Kwbe m)eat rrk ia tlte V extern Cro 1 Iruan. fxi'iMir aa. 1 IW1y to rper t the ived la p,,i of deoa.'i ipk-M "J q-arirv for thee, to, at . h',d ' tow"' ,h, 7"" ber aett, ad ptail, or repWvv tM properly, other ie drcree of atte viQ br tnWd tbe piainlilT. ' TtM i M. It MOOItf, m. Price flv. R2 i 6tUI I ;r dy f iav mii, e Ui.. 4 V M-f-'f a ,. f. I t u. . fi S i r e ih..4,'.-. M t it k 41 !- m1 k-W ' a tmn tU-a a rM M4 eWaa, op. fmrveae SaeA.U U , ?M W U Utd i t t?' M4 l aa i -v tWj,'.t a A tU tWI a 4 le U a im drv .We M M m4 .f 4 W t-r et, - M llfltf. iit. fiiikt. MM.trH Kv Uf4B. Jail. MAITttlf, JVk, Hat A, 51J I Ha iia trU-A-V r. irt. 1. Itjs ITutin "Loir, Kt zv.t r 04 1aa4f, vm d fia, wt vU v f MTtlMif mmih-( AaU itaW ertder, Wea d. v Jl i U HV day la) day tratd laMd4 VU pTeVy att af a tokf f Virata, vtea, traa, tVi ad Ufk ay Uat aaa-r raad tVia M wMajt, a tea. A Utf ealt toV byee.aad f lal Madai Iva etaik. , llarara. Make, It-fa. U. Aa Art-ay itol a aaaaa4uet,t taaa (, a )aiaf1i;' af a, X, aae iVkkte V key i A njaati af Me aad laltetl Irwa, elif ag vWa e tai tatioa a re, tmu A U'fe aev rth kVtrv Mifltfaae, ax a aa'ky, aal t nae aara, a fas rtmaaf VK al a. '7 atMe r W twa trdaai la taar-ae Alan, um U.Ul, IM llik) af l at ika loaa uf liaeiJattfa. aacf U il.Ar k tlKa4 1 a-aae topfwatd, aaal aMre aat iaJ IMat, I 4 ha. I, HlU K W fJ , toraalealiltry IM BH tluakU ia IM lavai arvenil are aa rU vaaia frtel i kd aae 8 aa. pratt-l. f)k finOiaaaKtajt U.ll-t rHeeaa( at H 4tled It f Say pajblre Uaa,a. A fe t rarrKad'. tfl aavetrdi araae Iraa ra r Ui trfUr auk a latfo aaaalrty af atiUH'e a a ae wnuaart Irvat iki ta 'Ur a'"i' c plit4. Tr'tM af ak a. II t tertlrt t4 aae tea ft-e 0 utl f ia ibaUt a upe !. ifrpl tlat Us wj.k altl U tal trvd't rd aa M ln yera. Itnad ad ppfved nf;, rtaleal ia UUa tvAia. aiS U tetared. . . hoar, II. utm on', j , . ntur n i r.vMiP.R.J rr re-iaiv. 'ft T. Ilrfi. A'lJ tU KlWaa re lU rm.b Ttkrarape, IUleil Hitr, Varanlle fvnaevr. ad CaUahe Joaraal aiU pUte laMrt Ike lne a!vrrW neat lajr liaft recti, ad ferard tUrr r. coual. tuna a mJ b coerrrairal, la lU tMitar f tbe Weetera CcruuaAn, ad tUy aij be pd. CU.MDK.Y rUCZX 6Vf. 6. Cotton, III 50; corn, 10 to 17 bacon, 13 lo 13 ( whiskey, 41 to 30; brandy, peach 63 a 75 ; brardy, apple 60 65 tallow II a 13 j flour, 1 50 lo I 50 I tobacco, (manufactured) 12 lo 15. Ckrrgw Nvra, Oct. J. Cotton I a 91 cent, Cora and Meal 63 a 75 1 1 Baron 15, and retail at II and 30 1 flour 7 a I Dollarti Beef 4a 6t Urd 12a 15 aone in market. l?BOM k wbarribee, oe (tie 6th, !nt. mt of 1 rbe Of Hmev Miln, ta tU apoer end of Mecklenburg couttt, a likely aorrel IFJUSF. about e'trtt reart rU, a poe rrfWJ made hone, &ften head bigb, rod all round., Froa aoraa recent pcotrrcncej,tti kit Ukea place, i oav reaen, te petmc Nta noree t ia the of a au Stair f 'rfA.' 'uraaaa, i-re revay : SP.Prr.MBfM aretaoa, Mt lUaeeee Ptrra t. Onrfe W. kolrrti or(Utl uacltweai, levied on 231 aeret of und, on the Mad water of IV Ira' Creek, aljoinin; th- lmU of Rerd Surbork, Tboraa Vo A. Cmrln, d o'b. era, at the rronertr of trrr W. Pol.'er. It by tbe Mi of mail Ml. ;,pperi..p lo tl.e Miiaftc tioa of 1'ie cotn. tint VM Ua vnce dameprrrd. Trm Pfln revard vtfl U rive a for aad bona aad Miller, and an reaaonable eipciHcipaHl, by hWrt potti Mtunt Mmrm, Ort. 11A, ltjt. - jijj lUarritU, At the aeat of Jamea Smith, Em. In thit coun ty, on the 5th but. by John March, F-q. Mr. ficldinr SUter, of tbtt tovn, to Mia Alice Smith, daufhter of James Smith, Em. In Rotbertonl county, on the 14th September by Joan kumil, Eq. Mr. Martin Elliott, aged n yean, to Mia eiuumui MccoroDi, sftd IB In tnu coumy, on Taeadiy last, the 17tn mat Mr. CathariM 8 wink, relict of the late Mj P. li. Sa'tak. DX2ID, In the town of Payette ville, on the 9th inet. in the U7th year of hi tgt, Mr. Clement Tracy, keeper of the Lafayette Hotel. Tbb eatibliah- ment i to be kept up by Mr. Tracy brother. Adrcrtisemcnt t Creditors. Wtrmmim t ft i ' f a ... 'Bine Moainocni navin aiaiiaeo: at ftnmimv X trators to,tU eeute o Col Weat Harris drreaard, eive notice to ill )eronf havinf de mamla arainat tU eUte of the said Col H'eat llarrls, deed, to proent thra for pafmeat viiiV in rhe tieaa required by an A of aaaembtv. en. rttiea- "an act ooncernine; protuiy; villi am rrantinf letter ot artmionviuon, to prevent iraud in tU maiugeiDcnt iniettate eatattt," otberwlee they UI be Urrelof recovery, by the operation of the laid act. HARDY MORGAN. n.Rm?..fjair. Mtntpmtry ttnntf. (kt. 11,1816. it 36 Xotlce. f IHIE auUcriberi havint; qiiarified, and taken t.eorjfe vr. rotrer, Trre Of rrrKint rma mn in- . ntDtiant a inai aisie, ll inrnrrt nrurr u. that publication be made ai ark in the IVrv tern Ctlipin, notify in; ad Poller tn pper al tM aett term of Ite court of plcu m l 'Hur ler Kalion to be held for ldcrunry, tt the court houe in (aermantrm, on the tocood MonJav in December neat, and plead, or replevy the pmt erty, otherwi e a decree of a ill be sarUn3 theptairrtttT. irets M. H. 'iivnr, nr. Price adv. g; 6Ud VtVf irutbvr .fv nr Tr.s f it vr. 1 1 HIP. aqlatriUr Mga lre la I hi '41 cti4 awre ial rVteaila, aad tU pudCc iflnerl, that M U rt-red in aatrl aral of ll.t rrt b of ( a. .Va Sitae. m bid) be it pn rd to auVe up mte Wool A !Vlt V5Dtn, after the nwal pprrrrd ftiruon, ind l priret that it it hottrd ao one aifl beiUlt to py Ike caab doaa ae. r aa ra'atf It mS rarrr eae aiVJUy til " trmm l-aafTa,w )WJ ') rVy.M I anean, ia future, to deal on plain temti I Sow aho a ill py me rtth hr vmk.oa drliv. ry, atnUeNiUediod. dirtt af 12 tneaik Ireal lotenai fmm nrlir it rVfrv t and IUa ahoiia aot ptv ! ii fn. , n, he tf.rir r-. bAU f . ten td totliein utrj three ewiht. The "TTvr ih.i rwff, fTj'Hral tf toJ- trr.sU Bill be UttU LtCH. 'Jl V UOffl I V U- '. ited, a. of cour. hi- . fi p'r J fmra thi rule. M12EK UH'lt.t. Au'liAwrv. ff .It . ,. . .Iltf Sltllf f .WrtA.rtraAaa, raa OEPTFMBER tei-iiKi, 1S?6: Paul Forer ee. O Crorre W. Foleeri oririnl ittwhiiient. levied oa 531 acre of land, on ihr h-d waierv of Behnr creek, ailjiMiiing Ua land uf Uccd Surbtirlt, I'homa tat, -A. Campbell, and other, Ibe properly of Gcorre V. Fuller. It pperit to the vaUcftelion of the court, that Georjre W . Folrer, the defendant, i not aa In habitant of this state, ia therefore ordered, that pubtirition be made i week in lU TTeetera nrinian, notifun; said Folyer to spprar at the nejrt term of the court af pleas nd quarter &8 Saturtan's iTan. ed is evidencing a wish on tbe part of Mr. Adami, to preserve the hsrmony uf tbe Union. Xalcigh Remitter. Major John A. CameroD,of Fayette ' -ville is a Candidate to represent the Con gressional District, contiting of the coun ties of Anson,-Montgomery, Richmond, Robeson, Cumberland and Moore, in Ibe Congress of tlie,U. States. Hu..iH . we nave not nearq me result. It it itateff Ul . Natbematicar InstniinerrtinakrrjtrfwBm Georgian, that the friendi of Gov. 'tre'-,va 'a'l'ttUik.lHaV.I., iafjfc :.A. .,,a lfl D I tar I X . . . . Ciryvljss nermiiiy offered to Mr. Rey nolds a valuable acquisition of Nautical InsrVumentvfor. the use of the contem plated Expedition. This be doe, as a friend to science and to discovery io AVrsatal . kMVISlIl Mr. Reynolds continues Jus lectures The elections in Philadelphia took place on the 10th int. For a Repretentative in the pre sent Congreta, in the room of Mr. Hemphill, who baa returned, Mr. Horn, the Jackon candidate, received 196! votes, and Thus. Kit- tera 3399 vote. Mr. Kitten ia therefore elect ed. For a Representative tn the 20th Con- great, there- were three candidates. ' Mr. Horn reoeiveu 1 597 votwf Mm-aerfreant received 1597. and Mr. Kitten 1'96 votes. Mr. 3cr-l reant and Mr. Horn havintr received an eoual number of vote, another election mutt be held. VVilliam Adams JVa. Jeur. I Jame Atkinron. In the first congressional dirtrict of Pbilsdek Burget L. BtaH Dm. Joel H. Suther and. tbe Jackson candi- 'oon uiacnouni date, a elected by a large majority over Mr. Brack.. L out letter of adrninUtiation. at the last I wai'ton to be hekl for aid county, at the court court of plea and quarter uttiona held fir the bone in Germanton, on the aecond Monday in county of Montgomery, and State of N. C. on perctt.her neit, anil plead or replevy the prop tbe eeute of Col. eit Harris deed, and vill i cv, otherie a decree of tale wiP be swarded offer for tale all the peri luSle proxn , ntt j ll plaintiff. Teat : M. R. MQOKZ. CTk otherwite provided for, on tlte 26th of Cctr. I Price adv. 2 : 6t38 st the late dwellinr-houe of laid Col. He J " 11 ' Harria. deed, to wit: A par. of hi ock rf . A.rtA-Ciir.Arw,, ceanvr negroea, all the present crop of com and cottoi, ' C F.PTEMBKK seeaion, 1826 , neuben Folger all hit hou-hold andkitcl.en furniture, all li ! Folger j orij.nahatUcn- mrni, in irii on ji irrr u, vn m. ... water of Uelew' creek, adjoining the lands itock of hoi-set and cattle, together with a quan tity of virgin gold. Twelve month credit will be tfiven to iur chaven, by entering into bond, with undoubted ' . U ft tmlf ft. ..I, . a ccuniT. nnui mmbAA, Iw ROWLAND HARRI9, In Gftrfia, Mewrt. Forsyth and Tatnall have been elected to Conrrest' without opposition i InVTtvFoH Us btei Mra Cutibert 430 sotes.., C E. llaynea la ra-electad-b the 3h district. ever A..B. Longotreet. In the other districts, j we have not heard tne result: If it' stafw 'Hi Trp.Uve,,gioevhm o.Muv, ... ,ue iwonr, , more tnaa tney naa John Hedrick an Tear. ucn. iuiin yiara was a caiKUOate for the aenate i but has been beaten. The New York Statesrosn, of the 11th inst. tsyvJOaiheejilLmeperso fraud, ue Uutnct Attorney got through with - LIST: OF LETTERS TJ EMAIffCTC Irrthe Potrftfflce arLevngrom 11 Davidson ccunty, IS. C. Oct 1, 182. Henry- Miller Richard Miller Peter Myers. Jame Owen, laaao .Payne ChrHian peck Iteiijtmin Sanders Dsnd ttone' Jacob gink; 3 Philip Sink Daniel 8ecbrit or . Ceorgt Grimei, Xtwii Soidcr Michael SwaiM. Joseph Terry Samuel Walk John Watford je tse Whitlow : Isaac Wilson." Henry Borgtr Richard Brigg or George Northan. Clem. Carrol.1 " Michael Craver, sen. Jonathan Davis. ry ElKa- i John Edinger, W:llram Pi William Gallimore Andrew Gilleiie. . . . ... . . . . L II of Kcert StarDuca, I noma v oas, a. vsmpncii, and other, a the property of George W. Fol ger. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that George W. Folger, the defendant, ia not an inhabitant of thi state, it i therefore ordered, that publication be made sis week in ithelJI'rttrnjCjare in g id . FvlgiT to appear at the next term ol 'lie court or pica snd quarter set-ion to Je held for staid county, at the court-houM) in Germanton, on the second Monday Irt December next, and plead, or re- Dlevv the property, or otherwi'e s decree ot. ale wil be swarded the plaint iff. Test : M. U. MOORE, ttk. Price dv. 2- Henry Hoge Jacob Hoge John F. C. Heltman, 3. Hannah Lacey. Itativ McGlumrv 3t3 j B. D. BOUKSAMLLE, P. Mt Strr.l. Yarbrougla Trir. in lHiCUlUskaa - r. V f-hoa, i'lmjgbi Wsteh. Itr. iff hr Sekl at ljutctm: the srrond 1'ncata- - .rmler arrti Lea the fotlaw mg pr-n ;u.f.a will he awarded, or competed for, vie l -- ...... -. 1U I liH.flk .for the Mat to. horse lluujrh, ... 9J5 3d the heat inr;lc Imrae pUieh, 3 3d Oilts llir lt colt of the hintf or mule kind not Icm thsn 6 nor niore thtn 18 montUi old each a Premium of 5. 4th Cle F'r ihe best boll rr heifer calf, not (cat thsn 6 nor itHira than 18 . month old, each ... 5th I'lain cloth The beat piece of plain , domcstuk cloth, raised of cotton and wool net lets than 5 yard " "" . 2 6th Mixed Hie best piece of twilled, snd mixed ss above, ume quantity 2 7th Coverlets The beat coverlet of cotton and wool, and for the bett of cotton, each 2 8lh Fltnnel The best piece of domestic flannel, not let than 5 ym 2 9th Ulankct The bet piece of blanket- ion, not lea than 5 yard, 2 10th Carpeting The beat piece of ctrpet- inc. not les than 5 yard), nor I wulr, z 11th Cotton The greatmt quantity of cot ton rawd on I acre of unianrt, -9 12th Com The greatest quantity f com on mime km l ot land, 3 13th Wheat Ihe (trrttest qux-ility of wlir t. s.uie kin1 of land, 5 14th ! I iie gretet quantity of rye, am" kind of land. ... 5 15th U;ir The n ate?t nuantitr of Bar- Slntr f nkJCHna, Rowan county ; AUGUST teuton, 1828 : original attachment, levied, fcc. Christopher Irwin, uHm'r. of Ucprge Irwin, dee'd. . Alexander Low ranee. I It appeiririK ' to the i satlfactio1 of the court, tlisA V rr.":: .- ...i;. ft e ,I,U -I the det.endsnt u not an nwaiii 7. hrfnie intertA. thtf)ttlKcitioJtDe n1a6,e, for sis weeks utecettively, in the Wettern Caro annearat our next court of pWf sndqustter . . K. hkl for Rowan county, at tbe crmrt-hotise in alibur on tbe third Monday f November next, then and there to replevy and i.ld.or iiiilirment will be taken according to ihephftintill 's eewisn.. JNO. CILW, Cf. Idtb Straw-cutler The hrrt Stnw-cutter I 17th llarrow-TIir b.-at constructed cot. ton-hfirruw. .... j' 18th Plough .be best plough for oprn ing ter nirrow, or rurrows for manure, . 19th Hay Ihe greatest quantity ami bet quality of by raised on One acre of upland .- - 20th Sheep 1 he bett ewe ami rim lnib, j 21st Whet -stone The bett whet-stone to whet Fnghth or German scythe", 7. d;h;'MsWte wUtearp';;, :;i;rwrner tooUy - . St? Test i VARDftr EF, Wr,,: .VX UaSfc? 'B.t"s M,' -O'MEta: Plant a. ms.-.V"' FItHE extensive and valuable 7Vrwm A. in the town of Stateiville, owned and i cupied by the late Capt.-Rohert Worke, prrv nus to hi death, with two Lois iritaid ion For partieirlans apply to the Uacuton.

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