4 f I I I LI II I U.Aih.I! ilU ;. !: 'i:,- ill - i ; i VOL vjiNo.au. rmi 4 . x-tWfM4 f oJiUt (rti4, to l ief int tt etery ct?(Kt ff vkkb Ike anl . kl UuiiriM lk.1 1 muxt tv Atrrtymrtrr rt ttti -BUU t.r VuTlb CmruWntt. lorrttr a. - -'-4i k tuiitiir or h on to tAk'-txiA. at. .an f4 tri - . . .4 4f 1 1 1.1, if A mJ a4. o ike tipif U f f y . I. .J...!., .a Pr T7V" V X f. " at i ... 1 1U K KUvl Difltfuftt t tUcty,h1 null l tmtfU, ltk tsn e4tf omi rete r from t tekey ny , UU toeiBiio, tJ ill Ike pI!oe tlxroof, iWI klwtkf Ctm o4 detersitoo. ' : . t r--) a-4 .B mVfrt a - - - ml , . I U tnw, 1 lut ibt eJiaiiwrej.kji k?t foa toto ovr cootnf u lh wkf of Ik) oiikM, m4 sr fto tipoAikf.ly - i 1. - 4. " af a-jweMU I m . . i Li tka a M ftOOOJ J50LLATJ. inkUl w tar tkr fcrtljfl eocoirf. 4 art taouiiofiby je (wioi Wt .r w 4, x A. v4- AlTiClt I'. Ill I I (v A.Wy mit f m.e mi. " " , .. .. , .1 - u r4g V v ii - v tMk, mt lk H" ktC it L'-I(l Xui. M iM iomifiloo Hi. M.lf t Xlc cr IT.Ctt J. Killer it mhU ol lU Ulud I utti tor tUr c W p tk But4 tr Ik lUlt.Mf k'Kk ficlt Tk pre m C'oflmloa vi!l X p jr to IM K-nMn pJu of H M,Wf lt Kmj cjf UlBWrk, lkt ll to Ike Cpf 0nu4 UM lo rcRtUio tU direct Uurorw with kUb D.nL ff.pcciiftlj. A4lt U ffikr Srted tbot IbU CwtuwU li not lo tt tM to Iko dirttl irtdi beitc Un mirk i Wra UJU Colei of Ha ll.l.k. LI .1.. I i IMJllUftWIfM with thwM ColonUt. it It fftea Jk iCcfc tir rfr Wtio. tMl of one frir from of to It poru r4''o,h''n4toC,U,"?''" fcl ih Uoltod Sunt, or fronor to lb cktril oh,t!M m.'foWeki:.a . r BB. tolbP iMt9iEii cooolr;. MIL CJIH10LL. -Th Amrkn Tinner TKer re tnoro tb bumlfed deer on tb' lUrtoood euie, fiom HUk tho btt k.tV U ! klrrlr1 at tn .'iliUtl f ferinj to the tnc nAt Cahoil, of Cr ' rl 1M unr.i .-'uiee "n in. roJhoB, on bit lanb rofurrcd on dutict. chairet. or met of any IZ C& ih4 Pw ie crjo. be .inwrii4 Into of epofteI freni rfjLlueoiW fuU M.nf:r 4M W Colvnie U ! of lU oiber CU, ir Mcrr parlj. The Aticti r- L'nltf.f Sutet nA M D.nl.h .f th. urn. from their terrno- UccUr.o of Iodependco pmi t"" . . .vU -.11 0 Not .:1a rlrrfvll. either I, in ..kimi. "". v"wi - . ... i tmmU.l ,W w ww. H Str rnon filler e-LsA rf!e fwn fret ion.ind wo rochet dee l rt.nyof "'V...,,., i-.-iJ-.. .,- from ciltHt to Kent, br rroeiocnec..-V7 1 w,.. - - ---- r. heir vreitVir fruiu, lhe meiunuoio iw twelve inenci uiit, of tenipertncTl'li',JuUrU',10 be' too much,-for the potttoee. diet, a bodily nd rtlijjioui tiercUe, mike lheir w,y through. lhi Uc nd a wiie froernment of ell rour . ouod cool sod ro0-,f preveo leooipeBMitob, if Ae cooce-wa oere ec -IIWll tkeo h Ik4 I tkA eai Jifct r4 vkoni ike je;te 1W4H MWw trr4rktfl rvftmrMatirk iej tkh K4ett tlioe, m to mm wiwieo Mlf, fa vbUo M ditpUcee Ue ee Oet f tiln; Lbcn U1 U MkUg b IU 0' iefp) to per4e c1qM Im tre th o4 dsrtUUi; of U goftro- IMftt Tl 1 U.U ctodU ttwetiJoa of f to tit tbJ mbject, I H r ff totl ootblag iiKooUiteftt hb Ike cUlmf kkb ; frieode W Keoiocby. keic Ivpoo bm. Wer I ewcooooetod kb Jt M0t coie, on mef ret tM)td iki okertTtr my Pterte or nr .boor vovU be oefuJ U errtubg Ike fwrl of lt'lr roeoeff Mt I hLu oot MeiUto 10 rpelr lo lb poet vklib wy ffiewJe wlgb MUie e tke mi 1 f m9t ... I..kaaU.i wour (bee. cod Mhtreioor wmliwl fnettd In hctKocky. kqf tkinie ere( tiei wi. f 7 k " -- - - OpcubectB, Hbl SW iroti ike d.ie of ibo Igonart Mrtof, r U f.ik Wer. w 1 r rT'Ti" tt4MBj M.Hr. b r4 eWiey4;rl.6rf M U lU UUtx W W ike CM4 r. rtotnioj. - k. tt kAa. Ckal L lut Q rtacy AUv rrd( tke tH4 Otoue, kr cauted be rni-i O"- k aMde . a. r - ik.f Ik him. mA fhffrfT tVlJ4 erktk f4 Mb kjr la-d toU aJ the c4uee tbtrtoT b kte WfC I bate kf-4e H w kW. 4 eaowd Ike Kl lk Uiwtad IUUIN P "'. I "! DoMaiUo (U(.WJ4 t )lK)tU 'rter H Mtery, I kUk - i.ih at (lrWrr. ta f TTr at r-t ...Tt !. .ItV tn.lhtt k .llUtA IfD' rt Ittd ea Ibwwol t.X' WikdrM al ltatyli.a4tf ike lwWf"JT tke Uaited tin Ike Iftj S'C Br ike fmiittali yOlll Ql'IXCT ADAll. . CLAT, 8ercUi7 of Su?e. Iivw tvwwvv r ' ..JU. Blik me. lb. I k .hit la If 0 lucky oooW be impioper el tkU pfflad. I lb 1J be bpP7 ,rwo' J receipt of ihU- IUulr, your tfieoo. . ANWIEW JACKSON. tee of ey 30th jnfcUft,( when. gft healibj .kJ be rw,t ti rih tlenlioo, I gv rilorieeoe ,Mriu;v, recelred ibt beirt fell irre'o- you the practice of Mr. llcflchnwcr, w Utioniof Mi f.mily end W.ndi.o bii pcir me, which I hire .dgpud ' manor on Elkrtdgi. It vii kih tr w'ub complete iucccii thii tetioo. 1 M.Ut tha mac. i"ii. r fi... PaJrfM. kW rw Cwarllof LerVie, kwt Mi-r We M rar Ike aaid fUW 7. .. 1 . 1 1 J 7 "ft'' " - llietl tu,Cf.;r4 or tu ei 0 30,h lfcun,, J kuw Mi ,,,u1 ln Wfn,on" or , Jri wc r-u- domlnloni of either Darly upn . .. . .. .JaAn-Jttronerir.'moner.or eifecii, of their . riwi4a. Ii kirhlr rili is- krinr ef poI7 m 1 remoTn m ma wuj. ,he U rr..? n' !.k.n aMttaftr. Mot talrUa nr dntniniani riilnrocilif eiiner ' i iiKAfi r . nr fT.f ii. ar olhcrvt'Ci t''r m rriy.-rtK. W ..m,. -.hen romored by cilizrt. or m,:lfzLn .m coJ ...k;, nf .uch Sute rciDCCtlf cly j AitlCLK 8. .. itTKw J To ouVe more effectailthe prweciian "" 1 VaviMlina woivH inn " ,Hof?Uc5ftb. CcmeTtewJ M.icity ih.ll ilTord h future, to the Da- 2tKS2 1U dtlxeniand .abject, of each .wj ,i.e citUem end lubjecu thee i,;ree mu Seot kit the eo1l ind of the .u,,f (J reccUe aJMj ,dmit Con?uli and Z. (Uh the PCWflJJer.S Vico onu tnr.ll the jyoWiopeiUo to for lo ik M krjcIO eln commerce, bo ib.II enioyjftlbem TSlaeTW" k iaft!iCoitiH .ndVKoCon.leof;the K!biebkUeeli;ai.Jf fored" n.iion, oh . cooti acting er rimll enjoy, bittinjr tleml to tha bower, nmtan It liberty to Utr.. decree and urek. there JJ c'. thote post, .nd place, in which SvcJy.accu their .n fPMtt h Cfniulf Bnd Vce ' . mtki.3 Con.ul. or th. contractinji partiei may likTwUe aeree that whatcrer kind of enjoy the rijrhW, 1 '"""J" They. rw.. aee . . ,1,. which beJonir to them by their pub- fZZ7'tote ch.ncier, they ih.U. beroro c.rlnK rr.V--MrtU into the tVned Statee, la I ... Gf their functiom.eshtb- miwiui i - - . . in,.nr 1 : : . . j rnc cvLtVHt or roT.nots. Ma. Snwaia: .Much ha. been I I I- nauMI iyI of tt Pmre taaiipf i ike akl rtJW DOLULHa. fL .1. iHirt a ika H.kk of hi. CA.otL,ofC.r. .r.tlo .0 y,r r. u.u.e paper c ikif.,-,. ibdif. Thf UU of the cultural! of h I"W pou,- ,7 ke cW-tW-i ika dr.-. WedneKJ.y Uit, tHt Ai ettry thiig reeling to th.i f alua. to , a y rr cm. A3 pnar. t ... k1.w .k-l u ...k .i.,m,no. I rive ant .Wawadfd Iehe lr lk irrtaoef rjaMk Aatafart. .. WO M 11 I ntAd rktM. in. a A fliliri.t. Uy.lU B? A f a. a . KO Tkbne to bo ke kt day-to U . at. eV.1 kJ li.ii t( a a kre l we riaca m wm - - : r 0) a rriaa rvaa- ;um IjCMJ lAOi 3.MXJ 19JDUI 14.CW UkaAk. JS.M.M AAWf ..r iiintM ticker n rl8ber!k, fiiaeef -y. rktrd Ur. raaMik dal. fcrk da. BTMIttk dtT. rifkui tUy, Tk 4.y, Trlfik Ibirtreaih diy, ru-rtcrifk day, t.kUnU day. Idta'rvMk day, tfhierwik dy. on nic A VX oe 00 1A" IAf I IjCMJ hit ovem pot ill keep! ,ernmentof all tbo grower . a cooj sod ro0tf prevcoti . . . t... kla IIM..IMU I" D . I .. a : 11. niitntr.i inicj 11 IB iiinMvii 1 . r ... kna. aavca p.i.i"' f'""b-- . , trie crowin 01 KT, r.i- k.ik morninc beforo tun- ine R r.ow , i....k:...i .Mdio- rJ"1.T :, aua on bbKk. witb mauoouro 1-6----.- a,e.tber. A Urgo por- 5" tionof the day 11 ieeo.r? V -k!t. r.erv other Prr.oO rra.tnr-rcetTtdrat'birkitwrBrtBje oc aioi er'j 1 T S&hljta(.W i0 ,M. .cighlxH,.. Wcd Ta hi. p.l.11,f.rt.,1.F... Bur u, .k-r" ''tX J lure. ipnog ir r. . .round. Youn.occ. . - GENERAL" JACKSON. -tv -1. r.;.. .riA lrnfutlrr UhTM. I nnvr.aPSS OF P.iX.tM.i. Gixtlimi. Th. following itcr ThU much i.lkedof " Aminbly ofN- , wriuen in reply to .oother from l lion." w.i held M Panama, and the J"1'' . ik i. Niii. rraueiiuii w-ch . . 1 11 mfeiinr im ,l Jickkon to Tit Kenmcky, for the ? ( p b.e K.ea-Oener. proteciioo ine me mingwinu ,., 0r .1- button, ino im( (UaJxUi artkin lehe -mhI Iroai IImj eamnWiK of tke Jr.-inf. wn U cock-Jtrfi ... . . r .k rwiii Caroline DuMir. H rtapil-nr k'Hd TrI ,,r,,.",' wd7.vT.w a of .u a en-! o Unery, w Hfw J ike fairwww witb wbicb it w LQ be eoaxWuW. r ' A. p. UfHtr. 1 .!. 4 Ml.ni Civ Mia at tka ofl)C1 of tke Wttn Canlia)iam end by Mr. Ckaikl . .1 f . I' Vl ruber, .an owi 'mw. .YeobVto.rfw their commii.ioo or patent, in aue m.ybe aii.T.portea rki etUkt r form, to the Go.ernment to vucd iney inrto Hie wbjl of Denmark ami v uai no kini?obta ned lheir verni 01 ner "nr . . , t .'kn k- kM and considered .1 iucb trlieiTif ( lie- impwr"""" - - . . ... luCT aii" , , L one cHmn- or 0r .6 other. And, m bke ' u ha. .tt.horitle-- tnagistratei, and can be from time to time. Uwhiiiy imponco wmcu iu7 J.n TIuw... f tt.. ICinr of Denmark, m - aitIC LE 1 0. theteiektW (with thee-eeption J" jnilielie VgVccd, that the Consul. ...-.;hhell.the.wxth article.) may be ajea UU "wo ak , .Pt!M,r. t I7 . Uof the United SUtev ana m person! .liacneu iu ' Imported In eaei. 01 ,u. . " , k ,. naiiM of the coun that no hffheror otneruuuc ..,.- service, mcy uvi. , . , ... h. n of tlw rew or ber caahall be Jeried y , whlch the Cotnul MiWett thaU be !i r.U oftheone cntry. or-orrfiS l"... mDost., .nd com Coneun Jft be obliged lo.p.f,. on tccoun of com-j oSrxporTedinthe Vekjrf ii.n. n.Ure and foreign, of the country in which iuch Conulireid.vre iub- ia ebK bede! .ubject :ro..S --irik-rMWta khrtid'inolablri-nflrunder--n0 " .r r : ( n-vab o n tne ,vT' . : " . ;. pneriiniii. ar, r " r.:. ." i nretext iieerf vaumaf.nHmrr.. Iw. !.. av uaatria. - -1 f - . . . . . - A lal. ikam . "ww-trr I - :i . Z 'j Im kA w - WirVfTTffnCTV WHO lUwiU Eenileman of thi Sute, requeitlng Gen b . . . . 1.:. If murks, tor the nurnoke of counteracting the wtrigfle man. tiduals ininii m 1 "'b"" " i. cooieocraf h -- .... Youn.kC Uorld. So that, noon. 01 ine n.u- .. be enemed controversy wi Ht.HtTAOE, jolt 31, 36. ; ,e re,t, . How tery comfor 1 r. n Ymir fa.or of the - IM . . r "", j w kn. if our mhuMer " i . r ,k liable i wouiu "---- , :. ..;.t-.,i r-a.kiirlnir me of -lhe I1""' . ....k;..ncuiiksembly ! IDkl.-ll isv" "'" . '. r ' . I Karl oeen prcciii " wi.h of many of my friend. Ken t-ek,, W J m,de ih.t I ibould vi.it the tiarrockourg - - . a ! I karl Mnkn el rfSSIr .kt. rhVc.u.e tbow wtteri been -" . 7 j - fa k. ltn recommended w Meeisary to fm . , p.ntra emanclfiatton t ,he reitoratlon of Mrt.-; J'l hetlih, nd JJ . of lhe Wter of Peril, there ww edditionil gratmcii on 7 . of the uongren, we ...uu- . mlnlateri lent to t leemi.totne rery " JonvtM .ft.r U the im8tknce r, without tbiinecet- JJ.'.g "J or their ippointroent by the Uotheothef coo..d- Jgjji, i H.re Mr. Serge.nt.and Kturerl know-thai M. Rocbeiter, received 1 nil iiiv''i k. .eanie portkbynativo veescb. a.Ticti the imponkiion id ine vniiw. 2 1 1 4 i . - - t f SI tAt-r forc for ten year, frortjhod.te hereof. r in. luifiitv inn ikuikT ui - . i . i r.. until tne sno oi dud vr iuvi IOIUIH - aa--j-- J ' a ... v . I. nil 111 11111 WMV " , -WtETS e given notice to the other oi it. mtenuon v KiS State termimte the ..t echj,f the con- : !f. . -.i 1...4. m.niifacl : . n maarvtag to Itltll tnB Cure of any other foreign country. Nor aU , Ucl, ttfttce to the Olhor kt Whirher br other duuei orcbwgd bc .m-1 ngw i b" b . - hirl -uW Tny SHlkWw,; xompany-at all umei u v rttt ti :...aann a 111 n. ar ii " . . a.; r r lv 'maO. 1)111 lllBBIIlUtaM 1 I M..f Jk . VOUisT fftwl lk liiv " . a a ' Uaaiafc P'A' w . ita.iwi a f:k imnroved ! ww--IOTOTtri nt our mir IBlfvlff- w a f . f . .a,.a WWkak aP th i trip necewiryi u i question. Die wneuicr liyt- "-6- HB,h.t am""W"u" ' n"....".araived ruttoni. At IMI lUBWiu.- kl. .rretarv. Mr. ftuwiwi ,o far it Kentucky iiconcmeatine- uB iuit avoid that EPIOBAM. . ... . akiHr iM faWwa jr..Iitt. im -f raw .-I-' -7 " "7. tt k. N4 ... ykt.rV..r'Ttr',llwt, j. milE Ckttk Show, Pli6r HaUn. r. 1 wm be kekl at Iia.a, the ar"". Tuwohr va Nprrmber eM i-mhwi '"-"' r - ' tn i ... 4w...4Iji1 fur. mf prtiwunj Fi" 'J.'""""!" I lit rioirhi-fbr the bent two borte - 5d the beatiinrk horn -.Uiph, . ? 3d Coh j- tke Le't eoh of tin horae or mute kind im le lhn 6 nor more man i tnontluoldtachapirmiumof J Atb Ck!e-l'or.the bett buM a . . at K el.aknk IM Calf, not rrw maa o 3ik lala ckiih Ite be piece of pUu - . I . t ..'...J n .fllln. .All (1 imrtliC. cioia, - . i ... I ftk.m k ,-wtta 6ch Mitt-Tbe beat piece of Iwilkd, and , .k. him ntiantitv Tib Coertei-The beat eoerkt of cntton .nd wool, iml lortneoewor-ww, ft. a r men 8lh FknoeV-Tne beet piece tf domeetic flannel, not kwj then 5 y.rJ. 9th BUnkct-11e beat pkee of hUnket- ine, not lee. uian a jan, -10th Carpetini-Thebett p.cce of c.rptt- r . .i c.l. nr I amir. inir, not ICta man -: 1 1th (;ottofr-The gTealMt on.niity of cot- . I 1 aaM-at. alTiinlAlML XOR riUCtt uii a evi( v -i . ' f 12th Corn-Tie grcteat quaiittty ofcom . l:.I ( l.rvjl . I3lh Wheat-Tbe greate quwitity of wheat, tame una nu, - -litLHye-The rre.lert quanuty of rje. kame kind oflnd, :..,! 15th PfVv Therreatewnuanwyw -ft. J naf la aki-1 "' ley, wne ....... tfith M'.fwMr I lie new tara-j.-vvnwi, . .. i r,Mrf,aiikiLi .vcu. ucu...iw i . tne oojeci, o. .rB . . , r, - office Beet upon tne :nm)ij7- ; .hmad. thrrmieni- wbicn .re operamiB " . 7' . -M4. of lh. Pclple " . "I . M . .L..i,Miaiaof the totem- meat, 1 feel it ii not leii 4ue to royie f Q4 to princip!eith tome i Iytk lUrrow-The best constructed cot. ton-oarrow, , ' . " Li 18th Ploogh-I he bert plough for Open. Inr -w.icf imh"i ." - . 4 4 manure, ,,i . i9th nv-n gtMt n"Ul, ht ... 4 : . . .1 mi rr. .if quality w iiy '" " .... .Pi n.. tu.t aarc anil ram lunb. , whet Engrwker Qcrm MJ., 22d;The beet atmiO fo wtiM carpenter!! - - , '3T4:'1tAltIHlT,: 5 5 ttt hni: 1 amt, lor emtx. rllB aubrlber Trv'mf i- "f.y . . l l'.i.. f itnn. Time, ot k ill- atbia limekiln on e.w w r w , jAMb - i . J - ".'JSiiK

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