tfi,4t iM intirt 7 t.wVMif'-t f tt't- V it ? , n f i-ft v iUtr fitri.dh ikkf fir lLMi A ft 4 f IW (riaJag te kLuu lit tf t tnk aa ta IM tos4 w toe e TfMif ene M M Ml tff M irdMiM geeiWaMawhe m We. e4 i : Y.Mt fafc tph el pUWr, wdw4.e Muto UnmtMM wr kftiitiU it Mf who fcd Mvtr beta iks .CUtid. Tiiiwf , prY.Ug th. U tU shon period WiftmUkWlUw hf th m pr iy mw lM of wMsetfs itHf Unlf Mm tp4 ike tjet we IWterdey eee gf to ike walks ef ki Ulttoet. r. .. w-. ti-,. r .t... it tm l-! t " ' " -. . . te ni e t etwee twerretve. &vrff ietrrl tkh4 Tor IM Ut BMaih e iwe e specuUitoe bit b c srrtod m to tkie tUUkf end -; el I evert frt ik ' f by prVAI pfiUe Mcrtl ol cviiif Mtfcbr of tf fof Mr. Ulfk Mj Dr. Tiri Imm bMktiM fof IM Unby retkf Ima i im Wlc. far IM prpH f trf u m pi f tMUjt HMrrtt 10 cur ike !( Aft4 t ftlf IBJf M fbIMi la otMivUig tM fol- 4. Cwiaac (xtby wbJ!st rrtfJr- ir, 6f to oMr f. kw im bria U jroiog out. and ipetk liowlf. I'm Uramrrtr ttcmptt to ipak wkilil dnwlof la Ibf. brt ik, tat ulioea orrtdi la oticiinf rd or anneocc, until M ail tikra full rtipirnlon, and fn!2. U, Urn. CU ' m. txii.tkinU4 f ft'ed Lull kit fift J'j Ut i't 1 M f H ( U i'M . '4 iUf ii;m Tm f U ti It, fijnU V DwJtrtf t.v4fl" fll,UlWf M(M II IM ftlM rf M MmH M M Cfi CfMfal II I U H,lf4 M f f ?4U Wf,U k fna tir (tM m 14 w in, to IM Mf, to Tk4fclir trtHitlM ia4cU4 Uf it im m m IM t,rva. i M stir cowrmrrtaY f rotrtxuL Ta imm m WlUtt ImI im tiad pU t4 UfiiJ im? ar cIM, art caWaUtH la wM la lk mkJm aaaaa hla4, IM cortttoa a 1 pJa a4 PoaariJ a . .r ffat a MkM af IM n mwncuff Miart. Tm? ait ikaw Mf, aJf la im pfatIt a imm jKWIplm ia al 111 im (fflUt raur tnfi m i-arM if fof 4 eaealilt'4 1 iMalt to itt4 at apMpta Mk to l(nofacta- MrttitlaH pan rtf a4 aim rj , Iff ttntUr M ? fortfK la tttrv tir Mrif iHm ikUki iMat aonk tofJar. ttf Mraalag ika kluorr a jkeM cata- rrift, im? mir Um that, abttci M ara, ikf t aart eact aaMef tM nv4 Ctr?l aaitMl af CrM, an4 (kit IM7 a M faUaa from tktlf Mt k c rU," mx bf t iKraU toUaa af bf tounui caoi aaatio ktri at Im aloa, btkartk, tad la f totoot tolatata f a Mitraal aM U riUmaia" rttrramaat- Yet tbara vert tkoae, art la tkW f on'ry, vko. la iwir kocrof of all iDOOiatloo, lnouek( tki $nj ckanirt In Iklf alaia af Ibinf a moil m fof ika vom, aka jnrd to rilifhf Ux bnvr men ko ticmptcd la rKua Ike Ir coumrf from it radailoa anil Utrf, and Mrrtoiccd aben in dp.taol iha con linanl bad aiKtctdcd hilioruIhin(r. i atot r m4 im algkikUa im (I 4l fJUal pirUfftt t tM Prrt k Mttoa la Niplra vka ka ipaaki flami If , ka bcto agaia la draw to kit! kcaia (ortt turj apark effrefdom in ih treat b 1 1 Pcrlntola. To tkoa men rc tf appear 3. Plata ika loecve lal on tka bottom , antt of freedom matt ba amtrcr 4f n of Ika moutfc, bafora atttmpiing to ipek. crtt, ind evtrf attempt 10 riiaUitb it n rTke rtmmerer't ton rue alrt clcavea ' object of cori'la renal ton. They will there- la the roof, and it tkere kepi by writing fie be ir t aorroar and lodignilion that ta apeak abiltl iatpiring.j ( Doa Prdro, Emperor af D'til, to lUlica S. Rerin b tMkto abort aentenea line tba I krone al Ponartl. hat rrfKH and aat? ordi . Tba Lotd'a prafer Ii ted rba tnkaljrantt al ikai country Uk a a fqnd asercitc, at it commencti with a ' ronttiation. It appcara from ika de'ttiu word IkaLAUcet-tlui Im v - people, and cnnteftaently that h will add arSpaak ieotencM wlih etty wordi af t tbelr hipplneM. It It id ikat the r nujrt)ra try indrtxed in a graal orgree lo t!ie Cngtith Minittert. particularly to Mr. Canntot, for ibit innluabla gh tbit I IM cae it it kiicbly bonorabta lo them. The Ixnrfita which Portuga derive from 1M1 comtltuioo, matt be quit too betlnntor and terminating with kerd word. In ika recipe before at, direc tion it given that tka patient, wblltl rr klng. ahould M place hit hand on tha pit of bit ttomack, and prett It hard. ThU oar Informant tart it eaelata.1 ' : ' B atrlctlf obtentng the bot a geMr-' inettiflabl. Uider tba protection of ! af relcVjwo ;ene""Thir tnanjr ttim- wd wiaa Uwa agricultuteand cotnmercf tnrrtrt nttf eotlrtiy - irea taemaaiwa wmntitai me great capaoiuuea 01 tne from any impediment in tjriklng Wa know af torn who have baea rared by thlt procets and hope -others will give it a fair trM. We are not able lo ey whether this it Mr. Leigh't tytttm. It It probably a part of it ; and wa know it la tha whoiefetrtt of ihota who have pro fctaed tha art, tod effected tome caret in thl ricinitjr. MKMBBBS Of COWRESS. A Hat of the mmei of menbei of the preaent country will be called into eiercia t pro perty will attain tha hecetury tccority j jurice will ba promptly adminittercd ; the tpirit of fiTouritjm and partiality will ceaM or becoma inooiiout and the national character will naa from iia de gradation. Nor will tba e fleet 1 ba con fined to Portoftl alona. No tan 1 lory cordon will ba tuflkleot to protect Spain from tba moral toe ta ff ioo Portu eu will arva at a eonttant memento :o remind tha Spaniard! of their own degradation, at Coagma kaa bee publUhed ammig tba doc constant stimulus to route them from it. oment (hawing aUo the place of their aalivity 1 ba ttruggla between freedom and tiara .the following auramaryiUtement may not be 1 T hn olti 44 G defend ihe riuhl. devoid of intcrttt 1 ' The Portuguese Charter hat been pub - jm.m-7 reoreMoutircf . 4 htir ,k. "'d at length in the Pnt papers. It 11 State, J. Metar. IJneoln and itpngue, of Maa. divided Into 8 tide, and consist of 145 aachawtta, and I, Mr. Burleigh, of New Hamp.' articles -that io Brazil had 180. The ahir. firtr treats of Portotcal, its territorr, gov AV. HampMn-6 s native, I, Mr. Whip. ernm-nt,dvna.trr.snd relieion 1 he R. V Mamkun-3t all native, except Web-' ".Ciholie is the only religion permit ater. of New Hapbire. . j ted in public, but all others will be toler kkk Wand-li Mr. Prarce. native. Mr. Burgram bora hi NaMachufctta. . CtnnetHcut 1 all aative. rnnil-rWear. Bradley md n ttiri) llntn. MilUnr. Mattock, ftrul Urrrh Connecticut. , FoMtick, Mirvin, Porter, 8torra, Strong, eOon. Itectiait 1 Meatr. Aihlv and Whittemore, of New Hmphire 1 Mr. Cambreleng, nf North Carolina t Meiw. Radger, Harden, Kellogg and ..juartimiaicof Maaaachuaettsi Mr, Koae, otyir. ginia W. Angel,- of Rhode laland. i f JtneyG t all native.' and Sill, of Connecticut 1 Mr. Wurtx, of New zJWHJtT''- rirgtmaffi 1 rr native j Mr. Floydi of Ken- tncnv t r. Arnwrrong, or Ireland Mr.' John, son, of New York. . Strth Carlina-15 1 11 native, t Menra. Con .nershdXongi. YLrxinia.: . South CanUna9 1 T native 1 Mr. Tucker, of North Carolina j Mr. M'Duffie. of Georgia. Qttrgi7i 3 native 1 Menra. Forrth, Ifavnca nd ThomDson. of Viririnii 1 Mr. r'rv. Jt . : " ; OI iarj lanu. XentucLylQ ; 4 natives, vis t Meam. Henrv. tecompte, fVickliffc and Young j all the rert Virginia. ated, and all fimecutton Inter dieted. The second title establishes tha rights of citi I tens, who are all considered equal in the eye 01 the law and they must all, with t esc eptiottr eotMribtti the-expene and defence of he stat. They are at liberty lo publish their opinions, subject to the penul lw. The third mentions the four powers of the national represen tation the executive, legislative, judicial, rod jmoderative.- Tha executive Is con fided by the King loa responsible minis ter. The legislative remains with the two Chambers, one of which is elective and the other hereditary, its members unlimited. Citizens, name elector and titese Deputies to the Chamber of DepuP ties. 1 nose: person who be long to any religious orders shall hive ho vote. The moderative power is inherent in the King. The fourth title relates to Ihe at tributes and model of iroeeedin2 In both iiainucis. a no npcnwg m tne ocssion is fixed for the 2nd January. The privi-leefMeeisomawbtJesemble It UssU Ikat Ota. Ilwaata atvd Cesv Wkh 4 TaM, have gnatKa- tacky b Igkl a dael- TN Clinvtt U iwtca tsea aelgUatiai to Ika Wfowtog m a fe f a f f A tratUlt Uf. WM!4 atcoanptniea Col. Rcalikwkaa M bora ihe ik.IUnrt froat Vr.Hrwto.lka P4mii of Nk vlOfttaGfa. IImko. t'pow Can. Il't lakUia ike Ictttr la lit kd. Oris. W. averred ta Ci4 fiwl'k, I rtckoa he win aoteVay kevtog ret alt t d M. utfl. If. ikaa faced Cm. W. and rp4-. - Vtl sir, I de dear kiting rtcf ld It." ca. W. sid. II Is to your kand, M ika raaiWiMa caa see It. Can- H " W m jolaed, l ke a4 rvcfltid H I M4 kanw Its con'tntl 1 I will tvx npew It. batrtfrf htetay Mend C4. Mtl.fgof Nat I wUlitCfUt one fmm tn. urn Wkitf , with r4itara 0n. W. uA, -I eiartctite om from ouJl Cto.JI; aetwe rrd fke mddlt Uoatk caber mm. General, and that I CMgk e b yWrMomd bwe ' ge ailaMw Gen. Yf aWved, m Yw mm trird la draw tne halhtoUislufSt Crn II rtpllrd. M Tm katw forced yworaeif into it." Get. Y. fortker rtWMtUd. -B.'lM tlw yw gft Ikroegk lk lb oihc rt, tou U1 betiird tnoegk of Cfn II. iwtir ed, Yaa Ctn, or SkaJ be arrnmTio dated M Geo, W. then wH. u If I call on jno, there will be no hi'lTl';, I up pHf." .To whiVh Oen II replied, kkirf kls finger at him, w Try me. ir." Tke !arties Iken tepried. ( I Kffrtwcky paer tap Ike duel look ptace Httt ike iUg ( W ants, m ibal atatr 1 d thi While aabfy wwmdel. II -wteJoe not Itx'iti. Oa, vrkitt. we brBrrr. ka very rid nuvv rOer 80 yevrf fi Cca. Ilsua toa U in lb prime af k'e.J The Knoivllle Register, in tpeaking of Ibe doel between Gen. Wkiee anrt Gen. IfovstonVaats If It ttareti ifin K'tm 1 . it 11 tA mm mm hvi;ic. but for the interposition of the ciril authority'', 7." 'T ' TIl"r:;z Nf w Tork poli'ica prtenl a 'ijngli"dj I.V.T'.VV.V r.T lUffiiMika t.tmtl Jfr If.' .. M MiU'fk.tkllf fMMl,eMl'f If aiK ill, gitg fi!t wiil ' l.,-.g M a 4't Tm p.atiiy ta Uit ta tiii dUi. IM ll'tans ya wkkk 14 la tka H' Ikisl TM ftMf k.lrg ,J rlnrrerr4f4MiU,lkUUirir Wtt M ef r awards ifrn4 I b rtit, tM la a IV rk ke k4 beta arifd front Mf affp4g. froas SMtivtt af Uiaaliv ake was ptf switt4 agala U mil wlik im otMra, wmw oikr aVaifer of abaal Ike aaraa age r M.ti.rrn U. I Mtr.rutc. (0 ri'rsU'i aUty U tr,4, ft II 1 C W hmm t nwi.i to tM fM ei Twk.a-MAiM f M CM tl ah. fi W tta 4 Wy Itwp m. toaeav swwiairdaWCj.a4tJ A a. 0U1 art a 4-Wga? wt rt ft'V, M ft 31 to. a4 aaMi4 vTs. B, tmktmrf (kc. ravsatod Ike dlKaMff. It la praaf4 iUmmHktZ4t4C'rmt4rmm)mt k4 tke latUMM bad lUatf d jf masy f,t,iHf M r., a4 U4H rW, Ijnoatkt. j w4.wrM Hm, a ty wai.; gW. - e -4tiMaMiitiawa4riitrfiva, AUiui joa Crvt mi - the? Nt- m wm W w f mhhIm4 u u 4 lto iotrfMl. dated A agvat 1 f , btjtflikftj Wif Tl ; ) Hf M liraf, fw. to mtfit'mm sa ktn. tliMa HMlUfea. TM fiirada 4 &'Lm mmm. (mws e4e to tWfpaet Mr. AdV adaU trstiMi 4 fbarga Cee. CSaAea and kit U, kwara t-Wk (f tM'aWvdiM af tkr JwtaMletM rnVWfy. Itev ws leaf aas. red Ikai Ctar 3I W felrclrdf d ski ka tee ekftke Im apptii w iifadW ae Ika rnwk, to ewk raw, (art4g la Itolf ava tiewUf ) waald to4Va,rM mtrtjtf IM twimadlklneaUaatatafatM)KU J fiWada a iatkaaw. toike t'aUfdfl'atesG.Miiaaf 5e4. Jftk, caatilas Ike Mawlaf parsgrsph. 1 aneu tofofas fta) Ikat Ike U. . Ckarre "Af,in al Bogota hat beta at . - mm I A satsto.ted. 'I WW Kqaiett wua CfiWtot.fl f Urt Ike bfitl k iksl be was toirlgae with a lady pf tktl place, for wkkh kt r brother it aatnded atltfatloa, ton was re fend he eeeordiaglf lok the epponaaltf reve day, (after Mf. Wall had Ufa la dliiM', sod laid daw a la rttt o Mt sofa.) atf pped to, sad accoropdskad kit tad." A4mn Ctfi It tald to kite endovtd tn Academy al Haatacktl for Ike edwra- iloa of daarandan's of I oiuaa. Its pre- rrpfor and five Tratue t sre to be of Ike name of Co0 A Knrackla named CW bat fmr amr ta Okto. to pwrault of. frmi fn swy slave vetifytog tM 4d pfontb, that "sltf r atom Ibert cwmes a fa." It It stated a a fact. Ibtl from the es ublMimrntefihe Wltkm Factory down t II3S. h a tne lety of four bundrtd girl, bat s stogie cae nf grM raise ondiKi ever rem 10 lb knowledge nf tb mign af that rtt ,blithmeni. Tkit It rreditaMe Hi the fmlf characJernd shoes that oar manufactories are not rrcepcls. nor tbeir managers ike abaction, of rice. A number nf yneng mm who went from Ne w Yoik, engaged for ihe CoJomhi N...bive returned with ditutt. and Mibllshed an arrouni of the treatment they received. Eight others died The AMrn Rrpojterv for September state, that the late Miss Paney Norri, of 5he nandoeh count, V. has, by her win, liberated all her EUvet (aboot 18 a nam- her) with direrl'ons ibal tbey he sent to d aM.lft.Ja bundrrdj'I to provide them with proper equipments jonx njAriowi. Cpt. MMkay, nf the Packet, St Boa ton, Inform that Mr. Randolph In ikcln, which no one at a ds'ncr, can' ut the IJtb of July, and ctned unnvel. The IlerMmer convention, ih Mr. King the American. Charge d e omooeed of tke tufte toe-ReeuUr n.m-4 AH-.ii. v laationt cna$ Ihe nepubltcan pjrtv eAa the Bwrktaila rfiat Ibe Anil Clin tooun ala"the ptrtr wh to 1824.; of Dec. made so protracted and.despe rate a Strug gle for Crawford has met. anJ nomina tid for Governor, Wot. B. Rochester, Secretary to the Syn Syne Panamt Mil Un a political friend of Mr. Clav.'and decided aupportrrof the pretent Arlmin istratioo. Yet at fir at wa cn judge from tie tone of the newtpapen, Clinton He wat tojirt nut thrly for France i and wis lo return lo ihe V S. by the Itt W0RESCEXFJ5 IN KENTUCKT.- Our yctterday'a letters from the West bring u painful new. Dr. prcton Brown, brother nf the Minister of the United Slates al Pari, wa shot at a pure a fewPt.iilet belo Louisville. Kentucky, by a man engnged raew i tw-ri( ta trtett. ,Vr la Naeh Carcdiaa, Jd;s Pafea, hat sentfaced la death a yg brm nmrd iY4,fuf ike ruordtraf hi awn ancle " (r bale the rK he the nwder at k tMcW.wa Irt twtked ksai ffwe whewre the tirruewfwt kwkeea ra. UeiatwatM Ik paper UVongkojst tke au. try and HJ, ffeak, fWHT. f.oinr. aaay hat gwii') N arewMd, klfd,of (omr ka. dedV-wkkk would ri'wt 1V tm eke r grvgU if7tTrwcJ error W ike Jw'rVl eognwea, wtuck tmr readfM wil rvwiUI) detect to ike bote ankle. Tere li a J'ff Mf la tta rr, who ferdd at Ike tat trr of ibe l. prrtCmrt to f wrry emtafy.aad (aa bgvaer aflv W5 vd) verv rljteewal pawrd acwfa of daik )f by the mi of PkI PmA hwt aeqweiwled wiik ka IUmt will aav tht M U a nfjm,m-bt MTe, or by rs'nrei ahhmrk h may wiik a retmth be aaM, that, by bit rigid rnftwreiater.! of lie U, be dra'e nmgitf w'fk rorw kt.j. grk U krw lo b aa'Smetrra' a pwnrtrr, iW b ran not. complain if w m-pirt the above rrme ia the oeT.pnng of hi, owe krin. ItlaMiioukt anmcibing akin ! the aflicto to a Pen) lrni paper, whirls killed Mr. Clay et lb Le wntwg dlooer, ky Miittiftg tb la 4 a lu4ri naiatake, omb milled for the ctpresa prnt of eiy fWy ttHSmm. a Kegro woman, died Li AtexaiMlna, (Datrirt of .Columbia) m the lib nb. at the advanced age of awe hmtdrtd eW ah kad beea throngh Lfr, bfw and imWrtati tnd waa, at her death, a prof. or of Religtew. ' " - ... - m . . j ..fuuia , viuMV-i.i j w m ...... , seem to be generally supported bt the u . Hi.n... .i.k,, iw.rutn. Th j , .' . . . .. ... i --'- . . , - . aomioutration men wnne xxon snn tne ; n,w,, ... ,A m.k. j between them. He died nf the wound on Albany Argus,'are yielding their aupport lo Rochester. While wa are perplrxed at these contradictory and irreconcilable facts, one thing sppesrs tufficiemly clear, namely, that Van Buren it hard run for his next Senatorial election, snd that . his intrigues have thkkened the plot, in or der thai his re election mat be secured amidst the confuaion of parties and poli tics. What the game i, time nnlv will show. , " Richmond IPfi'g. VtwTork Racet. The Races over the Union Coarse commenced on the 3d inst. when the purse of 500 wa won by Jean- nette, beating mark-time with ease. Second dav, the purse was taken by LaMCi-bgltingJoor others. those of our (English) House of Lords, particularly in their powers of being jud ges of impeachments. The Deputies are Third snd last day, two mile heat, the purse was won by the southern II orie Trumpeter, beatine Lallah Rookh and Mark-time. DELAWARE. In the state of Dela ware, Cbst,. Polk has been elected Governor by a majority of 105 votes, and Louis Al Lane the repre sentative in Congress by -a majority of 680.Tbe Lecislature is composed of 17 Feera1atiMvtljDemii71; State the Democrats are the friends of the administration and the Federalist! are op posed to It. v Both tbe Governor snd the member of Congress . are Federalists. The Federalist! have e-mejority-of four in the Legislature, and as in the nett session of that body, two Senators of the IMtedJSMeAlMdO-be- chosen, we may Fiiday night, the 22J ultimo. A most horking occurrence look on the Ifth ult. below Iouisville , on the Ohio nver. Two 'citizen o( Dour- bon roumt , by the names of Stone, and Mr. David Cobb, nf Lexington, Ky. were descending the river, with about eighty negroes. A few of ihem rose and killed their mas'ert, and a Mr. Dvis, a hired hand, and also a Mr. Gray, a passenger, returning home to the Stale of Mississippi. In alls five persons were murdered Fiftv ix of the negme remained with the boat on the Indiana shore, and those concerned in the murder, to the number of I8 or-20r fled into the -country A partheni-hacLbeeo-tike: Aat. Int. fairly presume, that the Senators So cho sen will be anti-administration men. A C Journal. forts." Too true.! It is even worae with those who are :oncernel 4B a Mbtal party. Thev mike aubitanti&I enemiea who never forget thern, and acquire friends, who will always forget-- to renumber them. K.f. Journal. Why is the steeple of a church lite a minis- terf Because it pointt ta nearer). One rf the moat rcmendotr awful and de rrortive Hnmcim-. of which w have any re cord, psaiedibroiithe enrrkbrattSJirttlr above here, to nearly an aet direction, aa Fri day evening, the 20th lwf. Th eorrenl of wind vu only aSoiit 100 yird, in width. In it rotine it iwept evri lhte fronih gmnnd; anrh wisiu rrsinlea fo, that the Hardiest oki, and the heaviest rock a, were tome from the eaHh, and blown off like feather before an ordinary wind.- Hiie ia eitrvp'nt ngoage. " we know , bat k is no more o than tbe reafity will bear uamt In using. Tke forest wkeret the hnrrfrne paed, waa lertUfdwitk tArfTnn?.' presenting th appearance of a rneljnw nf luxuriant gram, with" a ainjle iwath gnawed through the centre of it. Wherever it pMeed a plantation, It totally annCiilated every thing la it eourae. The greatest rurTcrer wehav heard of, is Samuet Jtne$, Esq. (late aheriff of thia county.) ike harrictne ntdtirtunaVe'r paaaed directly over the moat valuable improve. ment on hi plantation near the Yadkin river, about 24 miles above this i and it left dewlation and death in it wake. I fii large dwelling, tlie kitchens, smok houses, negro houses, andagrea number of other ont.housea, with aH tbeir c4 tent, were entirely awept front thgrouiMl thry stood, and bWntjff imo thousnt.i of atema, , andatteredOTer thfjeountry fur mile around, t Two negroes were kiilrd, ami another not expected to Jive. , rortunatefr number of negroes, on hearing the coming of the wlndifin Into a Urge barn, which wu bti? tittle injured, the etirrent of wind paasing east of It. On ihe' north-eaat aide of tb river, the hurricane In Us course passed directly over the farm of Mr. Jacob Hoover 't awept sway all h IwMiiajjind eyerjr thing in them V-nd IiHd.. PARTIES. The following ia in th Life and Timea of Frederick Reynolds:. ' "(Thi7gh lift" nv (observed there is tw superfluous civility that brings more dissatisfaction to its donor than a party : those that are not invi ted, become his enemies while those that are rccei ve-tbe intended eomnlU wiTejiilfi-t diculirg the inadequacy of bis t( not learned tbe To give tome idea of the tremendout fw" of the wind, we can state, on authority, that large timbers, 12 inches' aqua'ap, and 30nr SO feet long, wereTcarried two and three mirr1 some of tha wearing apparel blown front Mf Joner house, wai found lodired 6 or 7 mile iruiu iiicigi aaiJivc miv iui and three mi!-, and some of them atuck f ,n tree at that tlirtanc, 6iC. Ua. We could aatt