a I 1 r vt ki f 4 j ft . . . . f H fu -l i -t I t '' ' (.',1 H tt.tuiri trnti. !l !' fWt I 'Ml a. a . a 1 "' 4ft, H H I -I 1 1 I 'm I.ATi'. ) M F " " " " M !.. at ' f"" It, lkat r ft . ' . . . . Mmi.iM ft tMieie ea.... ...ft.tl.l uhMI Swift It IM. F'V1 . ..a . juu If iia H kW Wit a. " . ' . i i 'L a U V Www l fu-.. ! itMt e WlM kl B .a ill., tat Utu!.4 I .,! rr k4 eia'se4 e.eeer,Wt kkk P 4f f &.tr ikrwafk f ..j ... .r We ihere m f list uiwut. i'H . a - .i - ersM4.!iia-i4 t.J',,M r.tws. iw iMfti He, dartag IM pe.U4 W M fVr n 4 in Mft iMkittf UeeUWwit M, t - I 11 ! i, . 4 ru, - e m I mm v m - . t .1 ' . I i J a ... - .. .. . .1:1 ...... i.t.. .i.. b ii Im) i 44 ftt 6f IM lffM: c-tT. Mf !' aU (uT ui4i l ''? Jik, M kr m f4 HfM lartOMI, VMI IM flfc IM 1 llll LOrf WW I'lH Hn ti" II. i.i kM'i. tf I (irttlif law II , - - . - ' V ta W kieJ f ! JrtMb crvttt. , C, ti la tM httMrUflit. MtUrt.i lot RtUb4 iau W foJ fUbt.lc IMftlfbl tim, tit!, HtM. hi ipctk (. elid, la ikU pn of ft. fti.. l..!.. il. 3r, D. C. Mlrcktfl fit Uirlf mtrrU I Lohtri N. T. lo MU RoMf 1 fufVtul ftl fduet4 9e, It Mrt 6li im ) IM M(om1 df r c ko m4W hifxitUi bii, auk Q 1W1 1 T. TM Mrb rtpMUikM of Dr. WUnitf, rfWd, o dot J irtlmi it IM 4rtUg up . . 1 . ,1 . . ... . - trtlU.lM A.ST) MMT CQLLLCL A . t Irani irfn rrttr"iftoi w WilluoivUf r , tk KfR( DKI. VU mtr f AUnndfU. tihM MamUf !, IsifMiMi U(trit(4liltrMrU ibiU. I M( IMX on!i VlrcH4 Uit IM U. SiMtot Mk Mr, Vtm, s t a a foosr V4rt vm rvivmco mm iim iWcicd i IM cbilr ( Pc41iklu M4pV ft a MWMtttv". I TU tr Grttki Mtn t nctl with m . .1. ... .1 counirf PPr to un amonx VNr Tark H. B. M( kk, Em. h aI4 wt iMi im urtck ui im Unr prt lltlt acal M Kent 10 c-YoU IM tcUal M our Aim Mtirri mt t r an! ktn tat Inio M writ. i1 ba rctWcd. Of Mr. Pt t ko kt wttcMl to tvt4 vkra it dlt 4 kjLlaft a kttl AltKi fciJ kl a I lak kaal a. M ak. 1 aaJ. U..r IM UD brftf ttrl, tl "JJ ""-I Ml I r. cf k, of UUp. j ' . - .ft... " ft. . . .1. I aaiaii w ii i.r i u m.lln- J IirlUr Mr mBl mll a BOttll Ml MM M ItOH IN Vf H W UU . . I .i "I .,7 7 mil iiuriwm fun wiki ikr rfr an J Soilk Jmrritt TU N I wI-ked abdal Iva ouocri. Lau llmk Tor DUy Adrfnlr)'iba SIiiUm! Ktlcb4 iWboorftdir-tf m rha rentf?' Bit U dow tdmlticd Into im pont ofju tk tarkciaad ld oat 0 ikt biivd Fnnc$. Aliboucb tkU ncv it ixh oTj lit kUU ad 4aaun all atbar lb whkb for cornpn or ikota ofh imaa- to procort tra Wraltv ' Tklt .r.ol ,be ftftpptr iei 1 aa art put iaia Ua tpriof afrJtUbLaRe-.B.riftl.ndCa.aoa Jract Ib.l It ba rrljcd an. Tkt bed. ot tpariac crra ik C.O.ao4 8.HUo4iOMMllaWrwti e(SJ,e' tiooi, ilwt ll b.t bet au.pcc uiat fcmil,. built t after iber vera Uoacmj, but ba for a lk 0 rak aftat could r pom ition cf thm miiuiMkrataodlrtn aroaa ba lrtt biai and laa nartbtata. kkk wfta wbmkttd to ikraa irU(rtori of wkom Jodea PUU-M-aM Tba la -' frlfittl vert boilt bvi omoF ibrm b tact) oM w W tlPtOMl i.ao Wil li tbaogb tba Orttka bd moMr tuougb lo boiid urra lrt(ua yet self aw Ma Man . aenl lo Qrttitt tad lha, baUeca ttmt to 7ta Afcn loio the handtxrf tfat rWrfr in , Ji'nr.MU ' Tm fonoin art aona of ib rctt whlck bira enma oot is tba coona of ' ihf esiraortlhun; butkvaaa. Tba ttt J!roJrwlMi eauippnl ton 27iJUOOi -aitd tba Grrtk (rijutt ct IM wmr lir, real BJaOtOOO aacb. -That E 2 J, 000 t ' .brrtd tir ib utaof aaek ird aherc ' " each ftltita koui 1 Iba marbaiHi . ckarcad aa raoch conmfttlonai jheir conicienca acmlJ alio Ibem, but lk arOiiritora alio BiOXX) mora thaa wii charred 1 a Cape V. Cbauncav receired more ikao UflOQ for atandha; by to M fAt pUj whila tbc iriratca vera buildlnR t aad 10 cap tba wboW, Joc'fe Ptttand ibe other arbitrator, for tilting fec'dayi to n bircaiVchrKrdreacb of ibtm, RI,5(X) ted for aoma lima bv ihoaa mh kt vatcbad tba motion of tkt mlaittrri thai the r vara preparlax to uka mriturei of Lropomaca witb rrrardlolkaM Amer kaoi'aieaj andtkattbUtirdf admivk of Ika jUff of Me'lleo, mhkh lrtdIIf im plici a moicnlJon ef 3er indepandeDCti UI ba tpaadilff fulloved bf a airoiUr airp tlitr regard to tba 5tkera repuiHc or, if the adlior cipreiHi t rcroluikn la tba Datura of iba leuiiona. Tbr Kentacky paper contlnua to quota 44 commoavcaltk paper." it 71 ctott 00 10a oouar, w ouitait. Uika 334, J1 i.f il.tll. r tl.a a..f liic i, I fa tl t"ep im f :i Taera art ikrf I f itwUicvMa kf 1M1 aJf U atiftb fu1 aiWiMo r Mi'ti Tkt rrrtife lvaMM $4 nJi la im b'liUi) BBiaataftMk'g 4atklll Tkl eedj 4mad,r.ikradfad prUei, U ar auoia inkkr-Koiteti I a4 im mm fra (Wteta, kich li tatcb Mra fjtaraUa ikta c!4 lia Uea upetiad, Ma a takt kwa iMiMmiiae tM aiMa a4 (OaxHik al Ikal aafo1aKi taoatry. , rtHUmfg faMaa. Tkt CrrnrTtf cflka tftn a JU puaaijar. Mil, tba nry litxae rejoruM arairl4 14 ao4 aitctwlUg Ika araptoyaMai faf Ika Mt4aMMy vatia graat abaa4ma IMI' mv tra appeari to km coot-nraeed. Trada kt ayWerUy rtle4 al OUv a a ad U atker loa. A cot to. ae b Rafretklre.kirb talued bf eompatriH paraooa la Jaly Ual it I ifiOOl vt rfftrtd al pabUc lata Im 8eptatUr, al falOci, al ika opel pka"af 1 1.100, ad after keta coaaalhkai. vn aold al II.J0OC . Sir Walter .vott bei aold bU bo. In tuilnrborti lha gteiicr pn of kl fanJ- tare, and aver iking lbt c old b lara ad la'amnnry. A LorvdoA aper Myii ba n llraa ka lod(U)giRd trarkl bard. He la firing Ibe Ufa a NfPoUoa Boca pane i ar4 ba alo f iiei for aay peri odical ptjbrWatlon of kkb tba prlMipIeal aarra Tali IT virr rrvara Bin) 4 'N La. a,! 'f tMui 1 '11 c irmi Hm I II It 1 l Ui, Cirf40. ft.n. I - - . Uf liaaa IM laaa.lkal k-f-y'1 f r4 tM ma fa'a, at Ua Q S ea leerkr U . bf wwrti ara av! ta ik a j iUaaetriua. rftta'aan klstMlf a tklt afti Iff Iy3r lift f rOtff a I pfnl ljtK akaJ aorraadei tA at at Oft fiaroolff MKktlMla 1, TaiVa. (Itaaral PaitM. ak. a 1 , . 11 , ;. T' r r . r aapear al tba cat) to? eatf Mi y J aemely fe Jl H tba CcyptUeti r3 tilt. Tbaralalaf a,Matl..J Uct.rraf4.na Cpiual,iJ tba rooUotaloi al Upper pMrift, 71 caoUied fca Redackld PatbjM faajF pataad Ikroafb ftaVma, b! aftiatkaitaAdardaf lacWp-aA, ; vllUgart of Atiki, vbo M alia Li HMni4j ofr o ba tfM u , ibelr barreai, bad rataaudtkak ftd fallen aa) iba MratkWi rear, a I bey badMaerVwify anyi4,atbi alarmed bin for ika nfriy tf bi, and Indoced blra la retir le Z, er be could im la cat el, fc abaerted Ub Mftfattoo that V ), urlrt of Negropool kad c4 ca, bb Radacbid la bie trpedltiw Aibare, aa4 ifcat ibe fatba of lVax log yealoai of bb pfogrei. b4m m nti..i Vm Impi fcti trou.ft. Mtaral prttticta, mkhh kit at, J tandrta al il Il la ald Iba Pack a of Crrpt U fertd a regard of SOAtt cUlara, n paraort bo 017 captart lord Catkaf A letter from Tillahiitce. (EaU ifjori da) under data of 20th Sept. latt, ttn M A duel ffioght bat Wedneadar la Georgia, bHwf ra my friend and neigh. hoir, Col. MuraU ao of iba late king of rtanlea, and tol. Macomb,, hephev of Gcaeral Macomb.- N aariotn Injur? trai auttained by ' either party.. Col. Mural hat about half of Ika little fcnger of kia right nand and hi ball rod IwQdJsttnct hole a through Col. Macomb a abirt, but did not break the kia Tbey only ei changed one ahot." Tba Central Conrentlon af the aavera ; 3IautnlUon Sotletiea jot '.ka United Statrai will meet in Baltimora an the ll'h of October. Inttant, and the following Detr galea bate been appoluted from the Society - lo thlt city tx t William ' Stonet Theodora Dwight, )mtt Palmer, Josboa Uoderbilli and Aaron Legreit- ' , ' . ' - : . V. f. Coai Adv ' With great reipect for the abstract nn tione of theao gentlemen. e can auure jhem that they are doing irremediable miachlef by their thougbtleai interference in a matter which they ire hot qualified 'TT't: t-.n-1 k r..- .... . . 1 . IkeifbCinf" ignoranr oi tao-iaore ami . .bearing of the relitiona which tbey teek to dtattirb.- Hare tbey " not ' warning enotrh already of ibe bonible eiU wbicb . w . . ..."' .ft-!- L. tne complete eucceaa pi weir acncine - would -aotail on tbemaclTeif la it nol : ftotorkrtia, alreadyHkat free white chf ana - Af the United Statea cannot walk the atreetao) New-York without the hazard of ""uljrar intuit from tbeaeomaacipaterf ;Wroaf'wlTawaJ ba '(.'aii'atreeti f robiect of ihU'Aiaodaittm f ucxeedt when 1 kalf I av million'.-bf that daacrlptbn- of 'pbpuTatioa khall push them front their rwaoIifr;;W liy to our frienda -Ear -ward Dowy karo - often aaidr -in different tarni Beware lit . time V-r W anall kee in attentive eye upon ty Cosiii f .YWoJarfet.: . ; ' .. " . vh'.; .-i.vw.vyift fnittt. ' ' Xattvtk TrerrdyVft tome time tinea annoonrrd, that, e Mr.-Hotton of Newbern. N- C. waa preparing a iragedr. toundaa oav tbanardar thCpl Sharp b Beaucharnp. . The author bat requeated the editor of the Newborn Sentinel to etate, that in cootcqueoce of a powerful appeal which ha bat received from the brother of Col. Sharp, the ektim of the Bcauchap mutder, the appetraoco of hik Tragedy, Tha Power of Paitnon,' will be aatpended. until promited documents are placed in hit jxmctkion. --, , Fnm tht Miuturi htKjtntr, Sept. 14. I he United in ate a' iead Minee are now becoming a ioarce of conaiderable revenue. The number of digger and tmelter at the upper mine, have greatly increased and are eilll increasing, and the quamlyorjeadjnadftlhia.,year,wiU-cjft: cMd1nTToulfo1dltto"lharofw yeart. " '" " The British 'Agrkultoral Report for tba month tit August, connnna tba pinion of thoae wbq are calculating on a dencjener ol tba .cropa in XoaUnd. t ntzcBAiKar vo 12. Letter from onatantkropla mjotince that the Entlih Amtuad, iIr:Sirt. lfd'-CnMj(r baa a'ddreatad t note-io tkw iman marlifimivtatw-tliM:''I Cochrane has . fled from England, . and has ventured as an adventurer into the kervice,of thef Crfeksr' Tbe Arobas aador also atatett that if Coni -Cochrane were to fall inlo the handa of the Turks, his Government could not demand bis liberation, as' he 1 no longer considered subject of Wj Britannic Majestf. '- Two yoong, blades ol New York want lo attdMMf ar tbat ft, aw WedM. day, to 6K'bt a duel 1 hot their father got iwctllgence of it. went there before ibam, and nvejbtmeeowskioolng. Coodr fn S. !Und, John Robinton, 1 mulatto. njt oeen aentcocca 10 do eietuteo 00 IM 74th of Nov. fwr burgUrjr. T At Cincinnati lately, a man by lha name of Jonathan Sievart, Marly murdered a ilr Woodruff aadbla wife, and a boarder. bv chopping them with a butcher' cleaver fur allowing hie ife to come into their bouae after he bad beaten her. It n auppoaed k-kniended to- murder tbeni and bi wife. - - Mt:iutiJi,9 learn from the N. York Cbriatlan Advocate,' that the Metb"J odiat Epiacopal Church in Amerka eon tiitt of J 60,800 member including 5 1,084 colored parsons and 350 Indian. The number of travelling praacherai 1404 The number of member lo New Eng and 11 84,131... The Era! premiam for superfine black broadcloth, awarded, by the t.ranklin In. stitute, Philadelphia, at the lata exhibi tion, was given (ore loth from the Factory of Mr, R obi os, in Watertown, bear .Bos ton, and that 5 niece were ourthaird br ' ..... - different individuals at 81 10 per yard. MarHartt e4 Birthi -The Rev Abraham Van ilarne, of Caughnawaga, Montgomery county, (Maw-York) aged 63, married bis (AautandtA coufile on the 20th ok. One of the physicians of bi county, now in tbe prime of life, had been present at the birth of thrtt thoutani childreh, two o? three year ago, and the number is now increased to nearly four tAoiuaad 5 &iM..I....TL..auWi.tft W klft tnlft. ' ' ' , efoment f.kU- ... -aj.iti n.,.. ' Torksat Wiiolorignl,wera toMat a -t t 1.1. l:. j !' "' n liar Bt tba aala of hit kouaa and other 'meanmtl tba peraoot lo whom ba ttood indebted for a let sum iKa OV. bare Uen paid and Ibla difttingolib ad author rspecta. era long, ! pay it) lboa io whom ba I Indebted la a larger turn, it it to m wttMO that sun? oil ivmm we bare reeeircd rW thotr-wkmra rtJd boneat trv!im8,Jbf munklptrity and people of CJ woal. imitate hi aiampla. I quit, tt lha snbj-c af Iba eitfWJ Tha Corooatlon of lha Emnerar Kkk- traatad la VcMsoela bf Part 7 olit took place on ike U of Septamker. " eppro'e f Im aVeibe U Tka sceM. as otQil 00 toch ccaaioot, I w aiupprwvc,ia tM moat y as OMof macb anow, and la Iba eve.!" . w r aa aooptHi nlng a general illu-nloitloo look place. Call on Douver to exert bis power fc A ktier from Kokow of Ibe 4th. Mid "oate reviuon 01 tae coAiututm l aaa.a.f lo.bafroraa Mrwn k kMaceeaa to enwipeuoo ci tne ume oogmaflf ir tbe bast mlonnation cootaiai lha follow-1 upon ing paragraph! Tke . new, Emperor I "This document reminds niaf a d shows a diepositloa to deviate very mock I renajion we bad tome time iiK tf. from th Europcin polkjr pf.kis defunct Igenileman ftom Colombia. Ha kW brother, wishing thereby to become pop Ian Irlerview wiik Paa,ro wkkbtkr ular, and to naiionallaa blmaetf aa mock ( torrent Intimated, in terms white, tv. aa - possible. The storm that menaced I not be ralsonderstood.ibaf BoCrird 00 tbe aide of Turkey, is not y el cLs!pa-atprlaedbcforab8nd,ofanblamwvfnrj fedVand ana bar- iV rltmg-ow tboaWw of j tow 1 bar 1 bey did rot- Itcc! vv 'bit f J Persia. If Ihe first II to take eneet, elprobatioo. -- : - J7'At fed great eiploMon will lonowt as In that . -4.-P . !-..- ft. -J .ft-. and push Quicklr Ibe contest to it. and.' '"A?l-k',e'c. ttI e. ji. ...71j t notice, oy a cammiuee appoiatM IH uug II nimi u I icutr I iilhlik, mimwu. thai a fraa fc. ...,.. iM Sfiain-A-tioleful picture ofjhoita lion orStaln i ..given in a foreign paper, and said lo rest on the statements of Spanish Minister aad Councillors. The Treasury issvuhouf- snooey--he Nation without credit the army officered by IjhIs, and not full nor disciplined ihe kuilding or iba.swe on the stocks stop ped, "and. tbereTt to rot the peasants IneiTiatil nf batine lha late and hiva omiuad pUntioasni tbe country threat. adtart.wgii The trial of the erwcwro-fwa who voted thelinabihtf of the iOnsri fn 1833. has at lit terminated ; and thev re Condemned to be strangled and their property It toafiscated. Their names rt-fisei; :r yK"1' ' v '' A Greek Ciptiir. is said to have be trayed the cauttf or mdependence at Isgltktmrt 0 Trarrrafr. The ' villa Whig, of the 20th ultrsatti J kgislstura has rommetKedbusincit' that it la reported in the political circlet La ..11 ka urRafc.- ft. 01 tne rrencn capital, taanne emperor Udirt -nd r,ieB,ert are invited at of Husti h addremd a crcularto thefi-.aiWaeibaa-ifmi.lil...".;f. ftt . r ...i 1... ""v"' V.wT:B -inP pn"einK atjainn hg feUa, eIeciloft.r It Maml thel Ui iba prpoei f, of 300 WO men by.the hbeladla la Kentucky are partly art-, TurkUh Sultan. Tba report stales that .Ma vrlimania .1 .iWkii . I W a. wvsw aan aa V 'VIVW, me tmperor oeciares ma essence 01 ,,f f ,M- ,ra probably Introdcttf such a Turkish force, trained In ImecUators. curopeao tactics, 10 oe inconsistent witn the rules laid down at the conclusion of tha r,br tbaAUiad Power, and inconv patible with tha safety of countries litoa ted neirett to Russla , The number of Russian troops collected joctUitj? and spirit, and from the wimM around Moscow amounts to 100,000. " oiraaoy prcaenica sua ia Accoiding to accounts rrpm that capital, vaneij 01 mteresuog unjecr auf proviiion, are plentiful, and the price I r Educed to anticipate a Iotj k nas not risen, noiwunaianaing toe crowns 1 or strangers who coma to witness the Coronation. A fetter from Constantinople of Aug. 31st states, that . hostilities bad com menced between Russia and - Persia, in tbe direction of Tiffes, and it is added that the Prince Abbas Mkza has a secret treatf with Russia against his father. Official accounts have been received at St. Petersburg, that the Persians have made irruptions into several parte of Tt !- nuiua. 1 . ., n Vijaalati that suggested it, and, however visional such a result may appear, at iba mj glnce, ve doubt tint that this issocinM will have.a trrcat tnOuence in iuppreitnii the. practice alluded aSome of M mosi respcctPirie - gentlemen 01 rnw Carolina are members, among whom V! observe-the name of General Picknd and. Jdeo lH ba .meani.to Letters from the vicinity of Ihe Cbotu Nation, received in Mobile, we emit stand, reDrescnt that the Coromltsiw r . . . ... 1 appointed by tneuorernment, to treat a cession or tbe Choctaw lands, ire n'1 to succeed b forming a treaty to that e! fact. Mt.Jovw- Dumns.. An "association hss bfd formed in Charleston, .SC for tbe -m waa lying- at Elsinore, Sept. 1 1, wairini orders. . Creecr. We have but little to add to our former intelligence on the, affairs of U recce, but we think that appearances are 4 mora favourable, - A letter from Genoa. dated hepu 13, states, that the master of a Sardinian yessel, who left Csgliari on thethinst. and arrived hereon-the 10th MltorroWale awaaa - hheTawir on Athens, and gone-over to tire Turin with 300 men, - " ' iaat luumn, aucr me arnval ot a schooner, which went in company with her." This eal Kakllaaaaaul a I t- 1 . a ll II 'WW " ' ' - I ' L.l l" aipeomon unuer loru . Aoojcry. v e . understsna,. .tnan Cochrane. , Monday night last,' five or six trunks wen ano rrencn papers ol tne 19th Sept. stolen from behind the Northern aia contain some intelligence from Greece, about five mile nbrth'of Louisburgi whib communicated bf a French volunteer, tho on its wav to" this nlace". One of M Count dllarcour, and biehlv cheerinir to trunk tontainit lawlr to a considers- the Christian ctuse. Notwitbstandins rhej ble amount. . Raleigh Scar. ' ' A "Ow,

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