l 'a t t 1 , V I-' ! i I . It. Ml ' Ii f '' ; i ' . tri i una. t l li ' I. nVft t.f 1....... 1 . .4 frf if " It k k fjl a "4 Us IM pi- t.tff tMi4 UHfattk a U M Jv'4 a -g JW fa. '.a-', H ?4 4 Ik l f t It 14) f Wa a-4.a4 jh4 v f gt.4 to U. aU t m, tW Alt Utj LymiJ L. t. I lft, r KH 1 " nr utf. ai .... .1 if ,1 . I , ""MWfHH HUNiW nnl asyaf IMS-6r iln 4aa4 if Mr. Paaae a- IM I BUI il-l a . 11. . 0, VI K4, a- Wr. 14 t!"f fW 34 W4. JJ1 a ""iWUlfll KilVlvtlL's,.? I - I I . f f - F rmwnf ti nniniMVfiiM kf IM IrWiarU f U ilU'if lV W 4 aawaa. f IM BVam. ta.1 -a,L V 1 ..... ar- itdMn ntfe44 tut mmommm, r-1, IW bavfc (M ka r n, . , raw a ek-'" tVa a at w li k!r ,(! tf t , 4 I ' . I r uowv.. . I aa. . s-M . I M M.Ml.l V.' YI4 -i J -, .1 Uk U 4 V Mt.'l la a1 ' i tv.f r f. , h tfcrt t Ek foul a relt l a a 4e ay a m, '. ,, , !r A. M. jU4, M IW taw fW ataH a, p ifUM to f ia.ua ti lint abase A K " ft . A lift A M " v bmctirt 4 fof iKtlr mm U .14 ft 1 iikii .in,,, ::r,:,d;rmMin!'d,,,,,r4' VW lftMftl Mull v MrrUff 1 MMtrt WJ Irf trfelr, n4 MWM. ft 4C Cl"4 rs'pvlitf , . C I I M Ik4 UMl l TMf l'lrrd. 4r Rtittrr. m mm m amvb "IM.! ' ' " WW farttt bl i)rff Jif tX 4H 1 tf bMi Ua rrt . 1 t)V f rVsJhi. ' Niua nt ttt j ika &4 Wt MJfB-f V 1 ti rtM lor iitjirii toaatf, con 4 ll r i m poi rajr &4 4iMlilwi4f r&4 ;irVJwTI, Hf wiir b4 mtmm 4 M ftOmt CiifstlT. U IM UllUmitl Af trif.w cli04jr-H4 tli4! iA ( im onktrt li i. C4.1U a UUm. m4 mm offlo midiwi i ib IU44 M 4tf4, p;UC mU Uctl bf U. Tm lottramtnl la Ittttca. lU .wkodiUi a4 ptpli U Vin Crt. ! IMir vtmttl 4(pfgUlKM lo im tempi 10 ritln hit auiBofii. i I I6IM natvatt I,... M .-J .1 1 . ' ... " nwn imi Y"itii. jiurmti. I MUo4. If; f' - fc-...,,.,,.,,-. , M IH-CT. ,J- ' I I tOVDOIt llfT. 2. C44 Tke rthM ( Coiej for lh week mdinf fctitrtfif er rxH c i lentiit, (frl prononloo t-f Ht Nftrtj aiing crrnt of lai 4r KiM India A mKbioiir s-onlnf flu likt rot 100 f n jjKert4 in Moolck TMi Krt 1 d.uJfnuro la tn.th.o wt. 4J ii cili to bt of mat ro. portt4). T -- - - . . 4 li 1 Mtaun w fl k I mm.?.. 1 ...1 ... Am a., al -If'"" Ka ailCRIKW, ang . I bfir akllrlialUfla ik.l fk . j I ti . Tl r ;AMM lint 17'rtfuflf TnM4rTl ojrrtrt fa Raldt, tbil M?rrl bmlfical ' lAHCtL kKf.Vtf. oct 1 MJ 144 p,r tL an4 ih Infr been entlrtlr it fc, ....i mim J t..J ........... I .. . . " ' vawxcT-. r iiui uravriDIUini I 4(1 1 3 AH Mfh.n I WtCll. irwl umsa k... t - 11 . . , . . v mum apfc-i iw rajcittruia lor a upplr. fioJrrrj t'rfaaj. Wlra 1H l't . I ulatiit tajing, thi price ar try rre- Kaa tf taTi.lairi to rrprtaral im ptopH U ,. I iar. 0a AUtarMJrr Smrik, Ii ( aJJ. win U tlfcitd for Ibt countf of Wrifca, i Irtppljr iKa mancf cvniloflrd bf Hfr. ' J Jk. U im Crncral Am-blr of ' Viriai, able b toccii iu DrctmNr. Dr. WiUUm . SV'ja4tr;' Alma na, Mrctd !l.a appHaimf)t ef liuUcLlcXiTUuin a4 MaryCoikfa. ia. fetiilMoiit ao 3. Ak7 . We Iraro thai caU. Alriihilrr Clasfon hit bcrn apKili.lcd to iha row- mand of the L. S. aloup of war Hornet. MM! gafl th (II liiMe rfritiitrk Ilk our Nioiwcf, Mr Seraeanl. to ike fonrtu near thr titf tf Meiiro, who ill laera U joed, it it unJrrtiood, by Mr. Palawan. - -.. . , W funlrr Irarn, iha! caDl. Chartrt u. KMriey li aniKrt'iieil lo the command J of our el India Naval nation, tncl wi "-i- JiUa tAialtf aX. ."L PI faar-MaWf.MIM . H'nrar. itaH 14 lav. L. f,ftitaai . a4 ai tmt af W Im )akvaaf' J U,tM aUa aiutM aHr ihaaaaaMj kW U M rwfl. a Jr-" " kr aaAai. m acu4 U CaKa4, CWra a-iti j, c AW 8, IIK, yvf TM 4iW a ft raaU ..rf 1 . Im aWa J taa aa4 aaaa) ka at4 toO Jijar. liana fnt fttvU. 0" ,M k 4i4naa. a a JJ 8 a! M Ia4a fWU K WMkiaa, htng im tkm raw. a l-(.N , ..j a9 im kxa k niH ia (La iM. a 1..1 n. aMaKafl Ika U4 aWaai4 at r'1?' V rrpriaatairwa 4 IM Vata knMrt ir,JaVi. aa ara k;aW iMCawtaf lf. Tm UaJ rM-rjfl'a4aJW,M! - Of Vklck ar rr taltatila 1 AuiImLJ. .w ' Iaa4 kaoaa krtWaaata of lU Wlri. L. trc la rrtUa Cai. A. Wart a. aVraJ m4iiUIwm iMJV. Tm a la IM 1 Okct. an, aaata at tka takuUa 1 aa4 aavNtf lUai v,0 aa a4.f4 for aW Ik- Ua lnjk Up aMrt Warff (rh k4. A , fara alii ba aWra. -4 IU aala taaiuaaa hm afar la da, til aB la aaU. fcro. LEf, Daiiot( Jiri CAUfBKU, TUoriut.c rAUi, 3131 fftJeigk Sttr. StHty im IM ?0tk Coaima, aai aaJ, Jack aon!i aaaard a' pa4 Juke oa Ux A Jam-itra, bj ' laR tkat thry aut ka poCtlcaTI wr, aa thty pot lara4 oa rbmr ticket, ant Uf aw la'aominailoa. Ym liaataH ' tna4ad U aVratiaf tbaircacLalaa, MtMt tha bKUn All thalr AnnnAtaalA . ....... - 1 ' I Clf rSrw. uri . k.a .t I.mL I..k... .1 1 . 1 1 - - - . w w. i. m t iv 11. ill him il.t v mrmiTw vvna aaarry an ua oceaawRt taav .a - lr. R ,. " " - -1 Ml- .1. - -l rr - i": ''ri ""Mnil iuii uwrc anno MOD & W!" Nbilhf ! their arreeine. Tb. rrrortof arra wMnunacMU4oJIM.qr.afW-. h -hola eata l.'-,Klial.. k-,. T. , . . . '"rT,H the ration f cxitr in Kcv.Tork Tk coort of O.er and Terminer, bfik. N(k Joll, rjj; hkb batbeen ao lonjf fnned in the V' 'r,ll Jar t--n. .ku Atw tf take piita(e in lie Hornet for thai poet nkitiv "r- Voro""col erando;htnfQr 2Jkw T'-W' ' I roniMnr In rktil U it,. .......... U . . . I . lara I tbr om 1 . .-..aKinni - urp lm.bl 1b tltn dauvtitar araa I .U w.l ndrJ nM iilli4all, U ika ilr urrirfip.aaUaaf IJaaaa. aT" " I - ' ' " Clif jeiarkfti.' rArtrrtrtux pkjces. w. j. T AtA IA at at a aa a. - 1. . " . .'T ,." . j rwuannpnia iw a wecaif 1 o"! r)' 1 1 "1 brodeao. and tnM .t.Lrk .rv.LI -.a.,. I a 1. J ' " i ... . . 'In . A . T "..V7 . " '-J.v' ""T. " . " - . ' " 1 r,"rt iuwj;o ice aeicnuanu are not r - r ormaaj, mi rj, appi iur a-auvwinr. aw aniDk in anara. loai I rnninaf. iw. .r i v Aa rtnoe of pretja ia bcltrr tlao a twamil I f-d tlhrv are exi af oafa.4My Ua4 ia tba aid ml rVairiana ba. I i be for K worbl oaji lodrrnent uoon a -bt m Il It ataicd la the Democratic Pme, tkat Ik aloop of war Hornet, captala Woodbooie, li expected it rkiladetphta in raw nevi, and mat Mr. ffarreant at embark in hrr on Ma U'mion 10 Ik Con ertM near tkt citf of Meilco, about the middle of November. It ia not known heiker i Minlitcr baa been appointed in lha piare l the lata Mr. Andenon Should Air. It oefc eater jjoi be cJuiacBcxi until-, uorrrnor of Near ork, for - fore lickara bad Jake tnr. deep root aiaotif tkeiai a4 tfvef if A" M-aauateJ lbat their ' poctiira bare cared tha whole atate of Ike di- 4ratWaar Ureaed ika milifn i aa arouaaeni axvne an aiecnua la Ke. . leraej, vaa eory grt aj aad, eooaaqur ntfy, the ueerVl party re joio " with eiceedint; at Joj"..Bt it ia atvaya prudent to check lb eiuberaaca of oar Ictlinp on auch occaalona, leat our rrjokior, ay ona of ikoae alveraa ciir 1 iwa oil jui Dacan. IS. aH T.L. ahuh nl. a. ..nfiA... u. f-ii., .-a fiwtt. The evidenca LzZJ'.. iJTJ wtar. which li not iltcmed wohable. be mar ko ho will naa. a HrM-KlTaTlil 'ILS????" Sre.r, to -he Miaaion. not.ilh.taad theae peculaiora. Rl a 1 20 1 naudtKji talTow, r a wTin,l,.h ot ,J igt,,,ion of th - .UTMroot, iitt. S5. - There haa been a ateedf and raiher lirely demaraj for Cotton in tbia market tnc otjr report of the 16th int . and the trade appear to purchaie with in created confidence in a continuance of the improved ante of the market Tl,e .l...: 1 1... l 1 . . a.... k kl.t. . v.' . . . .1 - " "min uuimicu iai wrca nai anrf tha aalaa f,Krr, 'Sr rJ Wm ""ounted to 13,070 bg of whlcb 9,740 Jf whdheaBe4 tktaaiiuy fcver,-to orer wTr. American j 870 ' Bratilvi Jd - - T aa iL . a . .rat . a . a .. ' wu. ipw awameweracy ta me year ino, lagyptiani and 380 Eaat Indiea. The .a, Tiolentljr at -u baflie aD the efnru of t)ioe Amertci-n descripiioni cooalated of 3260 (meico polUioo) Docton wlw are taid to bare bales Uplandf, 6 to 7, averaging 6 II-IM. Of the above about 3500 Egyptian ana 300 American were taken by apecu latora, and 60O for export. No import ft lolton laat week. On Saturday the S3d. there wa a good demand for Cotton eatimitcd at 4000 bag., ttilutf cared the alate" tbia year. Metwaa, 2t a SSt rioe S 40 to 4 art loo Ih. iron. Si ad. pr.lOOrb., tobacco, ittl, g4 a 5 tnamitacturad, 1 a 30 pr. ewt af . ' enon, f is j corn, TS td 10 V . a at a ... a . a . oacon, 17 to 13; vblikey, 4f to JO ; brandy, peacb 6J a fS ; bre&dy, apple 60 65 ; tallow If a" 13 flour, 1 50 to 8 50 : a a. . looacco, imanuucturedj 13 i,r cattAw raictta, jiov. 3. Cotton a 9 I 3 centl 2 Cottj and Meal 63 allj. Uacoa I Vaod retail at If and 30 Flour Tel Donari; Detf 4 a t Lard 13 a 15 very littl in market. ...A earretpofklent of the Borton Becorder, Vriting froaa trankfort, in the atate of New.York. .inder date of tbr 4tb tilt, mention! a peat re. tinl inUt-nl0hborhood.'. Speakinj of the TVk ? . .toorej coaditkm of the people before the revival commenced, be uya: Heretofore, the' distil lery, cardina machine, eriatill, and taw-mill ere all in motion on Godi holy day!" Wa .bad expected better tbinga from lb people" 'ol tkat aeettoa of coaritry. ' rankfort ia only about $ or 8 miln frwn Uticaa-a1 large, commercial own, containing a population of about 5000 aauri. A mora cnriauan4ika account ia,' how. ever, given of .the. atate of Religion within the aounda of the Oneida Presbytery, which imme oiately aojoina rranLfort, wbera auch moral otmlaUon ia ttated to bava to- lately existed. Oneida Presbytery includei the ehurchra in one county, only and it aid that not leas than tmenryvt hundred converta bar been added to tverre asamb pat ' nr. n.i. 1... ti. t... i-.t. "v1 w vviamvAf.aa-1 uc las. i'gna fr American 'Review aiierta uoon authoriiv. .... . . . . mat Irvine ia not engaged in writing, the life-pf Columbutn Hb went to' Spain !. a -TS r 'a a M " 1 a1 . r i- iin view ot obtaining materials foi . At the Tate term of tha Superior court in New bem, in this atate, there were three indktmenta for murder (rieCan two. of which there' were tcquituVan4onoM'ft ier. At the aame torm, Joaeph Selby waa tried a4' convicted of forirery. . . '' " " Ju.eiiiVhan appear reit week. - 3500 of them Egyptian 1 50 of which were to speculator!, thai purpose, but upon reflection, he came 10 tne conclusion, and ai we apprehend a rerjr correct conclusion, that auch a ub jecwnnot within the province of hi power.' In life of Ibo arreat Discoverer matter of fact a they really vxre would be looked for t and no embellishments of it or fancy, could add to the interest of a va ay "rnt bJMlie. a XMCTtlW mWlf CULMTm A A. (Via. tJatAI atw Wil.a a.aaa. . La.4 a. .A a F a 1 a. a a. W lla mm I. a ' a aas aaja f a,vl J AVUIIUila !? Illlll . I ' afKartfrft, la Enoivifle, Teim. on the 34th alt. Mr. Clar. too Abernatby, of Liocola county, S. C. to kiiks . t Annjaronia caoo. unco, In Cabarrua county, on the 30th ult. after a abort illness, Mr. Joha P. Allison, aged 30 years, la this count, tm the 8th inat. Mr. Janvea tincaid sen. in h 88th year f bis are 1 an ! J ..n ..? .1 . wiu ana rewomcoLOta cinaea 01 wua couimr. appoii.to.cr I. Mr. Rocbraler ia a wily fellow 1 he intends, it arcms lo atuir rnrt of .s af ihe two urn ex.. But i it fair pUjr.Ui 1 he people of 'aa.'ork M aaa rtmne4 kit PartamaoM.ee, wkea be hoMs oa to it ') ba auH Coffar CaTvOasM. Cwgrti at Tucufvya.Wt) are in formed, savs the Democratic Prttt, that the aloop of War Hornet, Caplain Wood- house, la eipr rird here in a few days, and tbat Mr.. Sergeant will embark In that vessel, on his mission to the Coogres al Tec ubet aalwiil i ke middle of Novembar. . We are tinahleto aay whether Mr. Ser geant will be accompanied by Judge Kocbester, or whether any Minister has been appointed in the place of the. late Mr. Anderaon. Til t aonrrn of Vmmm mU tHUm katW baea dUaaltacl Ika r aa ia CMrtcatoa w Ut tvanaYM vtmmr4 aa lK -d f Ihe Wi.kWtJ accvaat tf taa Mbarrikaf, Ka now rrprlfurTjr taa-ltra M the public his em kea sue IM tnaaactiaa af baaiaraa ia ka taa. la Ckeraw, artry sacAi. 4 aa-Wa a4 fcrwardmg Co la my ac'draas J aa jrt oad by my hnmtr print Mr. Wueea, waa wUI reprtaem aTyr.trm-a: m ttarplu.' Tta b. achoer kvepae. by Kit MaMrtry, aametaabty, aa4 aitentioa to ki.aras la mark a aaritla.aaa of puWie pirwwrt, Hf NUT W. CO.gf CidrJrafaa, A'i. 1, 18J6. Smiii Haria. , ithdrsaa from the eonrem tf rak. and Witoa, i Cttarlewaa. tha aubamk, artactfufly rrcoaime-ta km form pariaer, II W. ronnar. t4 V4 frinxla. Kaf a naaliauajtra af their palronaira in biafaror. Jv. lf, liC-A WM. J. WII.I0V.1 rr., Conlna & Co. HAVE rrcalrrd by the b.U.Brrlrah, tbeir aaual Fall Stock of Brtiiih, India, Frtnch end Dmettie DRT HOODS. CiannrUina a Very ettanairo aaanrawnf aaJ' for nJe by the package- or tkoavo reaaaaaU tcrma. - . . rmlr.r; Pel. 15, 1SX '"" 4KS X0TIC& havinr reaSded here lor mora thaa aixt team. In the town of Faretteville. n the 28th alt John Hoge;, Cat), in the 63d ymr of bis age. In llillstaro.'oa the 36th sMiaao, Mr. FJiz. betb Murpbey, wife, of Mr. lVdGan D. ii urphey. Recently, in Philadelplia,. SeOetk OaaVa. Ea. a Poet of cohaidrrabk eminence, and to. merly a Aepaoilni.'KaTTar of aeterat newspa pers particularly ana H Connecticut, wbera, in the beat of nertr tiowa. he waa imnriaoned twelve months, for hat the tMaaaoejuUttl par ty oeetned libelloUi jvficauon la Im paper. aVoUce. r1HE SadJUnr Dtuinf lately carried oa for JL William Koane, by ba agent John If. I. ma .... I aa .. nuanr, in aiorganion, is eioaea 1 ail uioar in. debted are hereby notified of the Law, and re. quired to art tie, either by caah payment, or ginng note and aecuny : call on Joba li. Roana, won m to cioae rn Duuness. .Vat.. Im, 1926. WM. ROANE. SaAtAllng liiislntsii. Jhe public are requested to call onA- J. Pimm, who intends carrvinv on tha &nrlAl'mtr- H neurit and. 'I'runttttiintr J . - . ... rr.i.... bnalneia, hiovaetr, nerearten Ttejlteepi the best of workmen employed 1 and will sell for eatb on the lowest terms. Orders promptly filled, . In tha neatest manner 1 and be warrants the work aaaudaaaoy madala tba atate.1 - JOHN- H. ROANE. Mnrrtmtwn, ,v. Ut, 1826. 3t38 1 S tke eubarribrr mtea.1t to eommraee tb j - Jaim-r Jtmtmm immediately. M there. fort takes fhli m0,fvt of informlna iKam arka. ara btdeUed ta aim, mot a part ef their dee t least KMiat be paid by the Mtt Januarv canr . if tiwt, ha will have te commence suit against all dcUiaqttcota... And turlW. all wka aa 1. the anvMinl of R10O aniT UDwatila. at hi,wiij" furoied, if tbrv fail la attend to thia Mi'a k the 1 at day of January neat, either by not py. mg a part, ar tailing lo place cotton to some, amotiat m hand, that suit will ba brought, a4 writs made returnable ta tha aoreaaid court, (w'rihout respect4 to paraoos.) Oeea ar dry Hides will ba reccired ia payment of debts Gooda or cash paid for them, to any amount, it my Store ia Coneord, Cabarrus county, st tho PAUL BARRINGER. n x usual prices. OelaAar 18, 1836. 3mt4J the news of the death of Adam and Jef ferson, produce much effect amonir our. countrymen in that capital, and the friend otlibertyliigejieraLafayette-Jl.e Friend, ip youth and in age, of those ven erable patriots, shed tear when the new wa read to him. in the tame letter the (writer, olserves that every thing of a South-Ametican Congiba, as miiuatar. in place of Mr. Andersondectssed. The -Telegraph etpresaes a belief that Mr. M. cao'noi ta pre- vailcd oa to accept tjiejinvitatiao. , j- Daniel Webster ba beea nominated by tb citisens Of Boston, fu re-election to tbe' 20tb Congress, Dissolution of Copartnership. jrpHtfpa4B?r-Wpill JL"- tjmariaatoM, -aV C. omler tha firm tf fJmtr Bale ot TroT-trty. THEKK will ke sold, en a credit, at the la dwctlinf boose af James A. Means, deed, in Cabarrua county, en Wednesday the XWh in stant, all the VW rnpfrtf bclmyring" to tho eatata of said Means, enmiafing of Negrora, ona of whom is an eicellent BUckamitb Com, Cotton, Uorsei, noes; Cattle;'aml btocYtf avenr - kmdlft0flKh3t(l in4Xttc1.nT.MBnie7TarT mlng tools of every dearriotioB 1 and a e-rrr many other articles, too tedious t mention. Sale. to continue from day to day, until all is told. Tends of -aam will He mad knnw mi fK. i. af SSaLKWatJiiWatitaTa. tiv-- y9.7th, 1826. . 3t38 AartA CaTaA'a.4Hita mtmntM t 1 0.yKTt.i2i J a' tenlea as; -tear-re iiui JJame Scuil atikfif iriaala AaM IfV CACIW. UnAtt UlAf fij-t.fljf Y ThMf Um. ataittti this day dipsolved. 1 ha buainess of tbe Charles. it isact urn of the m tk. .. a'V ... ton concern will be attended to by II. W. Con ner $ and the affairs of tha Cberaw eatabliabmeat, will be dosed by William i. Wilson j to whom, thoaa iarlebttrti to tbat eooeern, are desired to mak1mme4mte-payawntrml for Vbielt- purl paaea, me parties nare com pete at powors. , , HENS! W; CONNER, wis. t, tviLsoy. CVhrlemn, Sv. htt 1806. 4t.V f xCaatgi- 't$ Jamta coJt'fi'5 i..-.J:r'-';.. .-- i -' 'if .iT. - llia- not kihabitaats of this Sute, eourt ordered; tbat pttuiiutMm 09 maoa in ta Western Carolini an" two ftths, notifying theiu t appeai at tha next term of skid court, at the court bratm in berille,on the. first Miinday in Jsmtarrnextr then and there to plead, answer or demuMo the tliea Of lha ttlaHltlff. mharwlaa .... . . . - - - ............ - - - nmi Will ba taken bv tWu t. . 1 w.t 'W.4-4-raltS...Wil1l I 43 Test: J0IJN MILLET!, ... r. T' lSf-' . a. " . v rt '

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