nr. uvcntsr A Ten 1VA.r- lr ri7 f .tl ( if t t.I I i .! ti f I. a V T l't V Hit I 'I ' I ... tit wimUI aal.t mt Lm 111 fl raj.', r .1 LtUt.tH, 0. , ihethMul de-, ' W - . -.- a ft I ...V I .... tW, .. ' - , M 1 ' tf . - " s ttttqp"0 " " AHUM pMw in f inr W""" MMtMMilBl limn" ,tMii -ii (XMtf tMtiHM ! awwtf a i ii i aW "tw a jj - ! - - ff ii a . ,- o hm.! r- Jg ali ftvv ft) IlIlT 1 rnU U ml? vUxl T atk fwdwi wp'M JM, If trwi Wt Urn m m u i'i mk! rMl r' C woU Ml wmA J bUj Wrt T WwIm tUt bitW wJ - fcr." 1 hi tmunaun tluwgt. tb tpjurrJ krtM. Ukff Cap" J"11 W"f . Tlut ftaotb vrtthf l rtt. TWi tninll m 11m ) Mtc i Cm Mf of tixviMkd fMtha foqca. WQMJW8 irk turts tk i i ye, lk lbca lUf Ifi5 P' fcl. Abc. vbfii tit tjrt W k, dletoi iid t.Owr r of ter, Tm thta tha mult drp cloquenca . . lacrcTj look apptus. ' - - ai iu iumiu fA. . .. 'JS'-'Z:' '.ftntr.w.y. " " - 3t Q Mtu j Winp, dy iiif , liUo, all thing wm u atoura j A from Trpit'ioa flj mjf, Bring, to tmixJ tbc awukJtnng urn." Says an Author, Yers rush by tii like the wiod." The LUu of Autunao ire ntm id tullen rooant, Iveep.DSJihro th rf reminding the human rice of the" teittintjr thart all eanhl thing ahall draw to a dose. Nationa alike with individuals can lc. tive from this mournful aeaton the moat aolemo and impressive lessons. Tbey We their period of nef of glory, and of decline. The sun ap peara in the west after his path of, brightness baa been obscured by a dark and threatening storm. So oltcu is it with man.' The dark and drerv p.uh may at last lead U peace and h .ppi fiesi. Sorrow for a season may Veigb dwn the mind of the- lovely and the good, but they have a hope ... " m" tat.:.. i whichimayiPe? erriiiiana ui nope rif-- r .l nea-of-uninter. rupt?d enjoymer.U beyond the akies. When the melancholy winda of mtumn algh -through the lonely groyea and sweep along the lowly vale, they pro duce a aerenity like that which, per vadea the mind ofhim, whtse locks, whitened by the frosts of wintry suns, ,Mtaim ihat tnnn he COf to. rtOOSC IWH IVI w . a Uk ' iht fathera- ...The eroves .,arc rintred- witn. autumnal otes. o rnc proclaim 'the untimely fjrst, ptbers bear marka of decaying age. The morning :amia f MotWr autumnal prj. tiod are beginning to dawn, reminding ..Ba-cif the;:ppwiacMpg hofr.j?g!Ue must aleep in the graye. Since the last, who La not seen Borrow I Be fore another, who may not feel it ? Tim ia fast rolling on events, reader, in vrhtch othera, and perhaps you; my be deeply, yea, deeply interested,. Hi rt W. ihdo U.I 'Uw ihe; fTrl of yon. A,', ,,..' 5i s tie rJ4Jul rii nf emlnpf rwrarCinittll mri reader, if hy art,illl7ymi of ika tmouatalol fall." iM themwlfta decay with ytart.ikt ocesa uKrUka aoJ truwa arslo. thf BOOfl K,wlf ta lost ia hravrfl t aoJ ahsl isaa eaduit the wreck of element and still survive I N, ra tmmm ut.1 rtMa tWf iU W. The season of autwmo is ina of pea aivencM. and one which none ap proach without feeling deeply later- urested, aad rr n nog n-w ptmnawe art the charms of earth. It la now .Kit iKa eroud heart stoops fro an ha elevation and commingtea with the feeliaes of tha world. But the low oresloa which the accneaof autumn are peculiarly ttted to pmauce, is me ... f . . vsnnv ol eatiniy rtopea. invoeauiy f Maf..U aiuiW. of aomraef have ffoe, and with them the hopes and protptcta ol many arc ousted. ' Perhaps before another autumn'a sua shall shine, I may be called to .allow to the grave some dear early frlf-ul. I have seen since 6c commencement cf the last year, persona weepiog in sUcnt but deep fell aaguiih over the couch of a dying fricad, wachitg with intense aniietf, the last throb blng of the heart, aMth Is rtn tc lose its beating in the eold embrace -l death. No diMiht we dream of lone; life an3 prosperity that our path will lead to harpioeiiij that the beams of hearrn will smile aruund our habm lion i that when the eveeiog.of our days cornea ca, our sun will. go down in cloudless serenity. But alas! a few day a will cbaoge the scene. The syren song will net alwaya last. A short time and the psssing traveller ill crtaJ drS bur gtirea, and know m t that we are there. The hand, of time ia daily ensumpirg dissolution and deray upon 4tbe ooUest proof ol human toil." The most stupen dous fabrics of antiquity are touched by its influence, and crumble into no thing. Where now are the once re. Downed cities. of Balberaod LUbjWo Tyre and Troy Carthage and Pal- myVa? Bui one stupendous mass of theae n.agnificent works of the an- M?"?f"th fotd'ihe cienta lowered in oriental aublimity ! hest hits for puna iod epigram r. Thr barbarian as he roams the desert Both are powerful stimulants to wrt looks with astonishment upon those time worn and tempest beaten monu ments! those half mouldered rem nants of columns, of capitols, and of tombs ! In the land where the aun of icimre- and geniua-abone'whb: onri valed splendour, where once resided the fathers of Learoine. we behold the pyramids, rising in massy and ntuDcndout mcificcocr. a mark a mark at once of human ingenuity and debasing I v superstition. When we revert to the history of EeVPt. how many profound i truths are thpre written on those sepulchral monumenta of Egyptian I it t . - . U sublime instructions. There may we heboid the futility of all human power and aggrandizement. - Having aur veyed the lofty site of old Carthage, once the formidable . rival of Borne, ai d the piacca winch Vet bear marki of ancient art and empire, we may pro ceed onward in our tour, and view in silent, but thoughtful amazement, the valley of the Nile, within whose bor ders, Thebes with her hundred gates, strewa the ground with broken entab latures, pedestals, and other marks ol former grandeur ! Passing over into riea of the mighreadtbeTOmb of, the Assyrian cjn the bankejpf the Tigris the Chaldean on the banks of the. Euphrates and thoae of the Per sians scattered over the plains from the Indus to the Mediterranean. Among these ruins the genius of departed ages sits undisturbed, announcing . to the world, that no pomp of earthly great ness can survive the deaolationa of Time. When this fleeting dream of human life shall have flown, to what air-f " t- -p- . I L ! . Mint l to ' . . ' .... . . . . 1.1. k.. rflkH till MM W M tkifil U 1rY HUlUilKH tKlttt PC tf- fatal I ClU Utcrt lof- -T " TVk ti b ft lfVif 1U - TW o4f tUwlwSit ""Wa H t4. Wi tW rr - , IXTILKT, !'. far, the wuttl It taltf plr aaaat crtstur'r, only da oi, at I sat J before, eiprd loo muib of ii. lathe hour of peier, or proifxruy, aau tt Uutioa, Mk the world i. modera.1 bg. Um; TZ . ' i il-f- ..iOMdn al J aa paoeiaa. UOnUUeoiiia7WM"w.u)iyi.i.wB5J rfili.l i bJ lose S4.I the remtmbraocc i. t. ....Jlkl.!.. Mi lK- I. mm I dflak it nt to cms, or it will lead 10 folly, ignomiay, r death. Jlopc Bothia Iron the watd lathe Ivir of aorrow, Hope UtUe era from Iriendi try thena not loo muci, It 1 panful to find then waotioc. Trust or.ty in thai r Id which is wot Bv , but which must (oau La all- heller her will or Hot. ' . r j i tx " t tj - r rnrnwf-taw v, r hip still remains, bat that ia all i tha a .-aa .a."ei -a.i beaveaorw tree itaelfi quite ro4ad up aad lost j and unlns some advan. tige it likely to follow, Friendship will not interfere. Friendship, in a fatal hour, contracted in acquaintance with FUttcry, afld wki ruined ?Um ry bath aince assutnrd Friendship's hubit, and ii rrquirts "some study to delect the imp'istor, even under the specious guise of closet consanguin ity. Ma arortd ia st) ovr so fuO dtct'tf. "Ib.t friaatlal.ip'.a javel at tUocaa meet.'' l.rtO.tM av A T.IX When Mr. Winter, (one of those icky individtialt cm whom fortune never frowei,) obtained an assessor ship of taxci, he happened to go into cdTce hom wnere the author of . - . T m Si) iocs and Doings" waa amusing the company with bia wit. As Mr. W, approached him, the wit-address. ct his friends with this, impromptu t McM-iMWitwtt)rwi a..i ,mmt rtfia " I 1W f Ul MM. Mi -.fl. mn mmmtum. It wouMU difficult to say .which of those two common occurrences in hu- caual Derhana to tin and water. The. following wc cut from a country paper last week. ; 'N. E. Galaxy, zpir.ipn ay j oeocut. Here lie at iraj okl Moaea Merit. Who hila awartl.waaUantad aataa tpiriL Hii ijiirit now" 'jpihitXi "fafinlNiJ, To purgatory to be rttjJ. On the Marias Mr. atffo Drtwtt Mu Dtrtthg Andrtw. Wbrn a virgin become a married din e. oh . . h ,,,. -t,- But no tuch fat lucky Doll befcl. She tui merely lout AN vUck.' MtortXO T0M.1CC0. m .t.- i- .l. r n diseestion. If the Saliva be swallowed, such msy be the fact otherwise the re su?ri quite opposite. The poor ere a lures confined on short allowance in pri sons, it is well Vnown, are xM to ubtain a little tobacco, hlch Vhich thry chcwii in order kw. .hffrt irc oti,er ,nj rttfr tevi ravines of hunger. woaTTjj,,,,,. for citizens orKorthC" to aotteo the cravtnes tobacco-smokers kava bad digestions, and a greater misfortune can hardly afflict poor human pature '1 t'm tS ulffM, M'.M MWifUMl tm mm wo, uu awwtet. to. uU mm Tt, mm m. ) twri artaMiuUir bri" ;S.lirA.!nT' f. ?.. t Wtnw ttfUt ft4wrv Tt, kMa4MM,fe,l. I stt whkW4 wveatepwtaavtaNak tt I Km Um tw, ta artMtt a (U4. In Rpglalrd, a imuaicianj named Mark Kid, wh4 has been bjind for fif ty years, has made, with an ingenuity almost incredible, a elm pie te model, upwards of five feet long, of a seventy four gun ship. The king had presen ted him with twenty pounds ai a token of admiration for his wort. a.,V IfUi 1 J t.W- .4aa. A IM Ul- f i-i.-. fi.t.-iuM la IU f r Unfe M lU atAn-', tWlf.V ) rK.t4. a4 ry an.i r . r Mrjiat twttjiwiota.- .tfaia-Ki-i. - ... -Vttt WVnUt Vuon. allll SnWoL-r KfWr Ws ila aW , aautTf aM Jr, 4 ra raaarat lUiMniJkfl mm J awi ta UU.Ipa-a,' lUlaUat aa4 H4 arf.! fill, a i fc "Drttt D'f Waaeaa )'. .Uaw4 ari J Innt. rt afrf iiwti u a. a Am.mtLmm.kt. Btka - Ota pfMclt m 4 at4t4.f f arwau, ttva vUcrvWf w tMlkJ lo tl rawaa, all aMtwrMl ft. Ta we iW wMa) a ftM f A m"" gtatUaMa are aiy aaltJ lo loaa a tt tA iU aalMnlKf Ut9T m-a al oe Vra t UUt. al ekr l1 jiLAi.' jjiirtaftVe. f4.W. 7' ' JACOB WBr.U. I A.. 11 ttM. ' I Ml Z keiU lake Ihta mA MtMi-. 1 fcfUIWUofSliWy La tornin. M J tr? ax tve - ffewh-Taiitila tw, t wia rwaa itUMff, wl lU mm ilaatca hm Hacka. t.lta. mUmmnmiI aeoa loio pawea, a rVoi r Taawa Gta i aad kig bad! a laf lUiMlbe rrreiroe,7To ub ia a owaiy iMMar. I aa aubaot. Cm. .U laada bf biaaaelt, ot-cS M loot - - . 1 panloitar paia at ItMSimg U o aaparta atyla, awl caa VfUWMtil M lo 4iH bu.r oktta7oaltiaaoUtrjfi a km or oaier, al oa ba im opaniivo frsaa tlw kVn f h lart, l eaa gia al th rata vf yjM pouivii at4 e-Mloa per day. - AH I tobf C.aaad aai racked aa Uto axaat !' ' e try tha aukW Ilwtta will aw eo auaily krpl h eoanplett, tler. by th aao- SAUVLX fa A LET. TUT Oct. 7, ll.t .two r;B.-KtHMvu v. '1 1HEaubaciUrlnr lcae agaio lo W-ro k,. oLI cuJoaurt aaU rr.i, aau pabCc ia gr-craJ, tlul ba U rcrti aa aaal trf tba o f t f ! W ia a two h preparetJ to wli up inlo Root ft uinV fctootn arter tie iboai approel flo. P"" th.1 it it Uftd ut tie ui oemaic m fj um rm mm tfrnj f & "err 1 1 m rt - tract to-mum. if t'X '"J- i aaraa, in More, to. deal on pUio ltrMt n. a .tut vflt nm me -cava one wata. JaLa. rt i b II b Ule J to a dc duct io of 12 moolha kraJ iolertot from ordinary prkatj d iboaa vhodo out pay down fur oork. 'U hav their account. Wtiaa cd lotham eeerythrtc tfoHlla, t.K.1 il nonrv or their o(c rcrfiiuxu, or Jutfz tenia wOf ba'takca tho ohooa I am n. dcbled. llt of eo-iraa U excepted from tht lule. . I BKNE-tU UICK60.V. AaAtSti. fJi. T, WS. 31rf IN conrnietK ol the Wur of everl pe r aon in ! hand Ticket bid htea placed for fc.!e, lo mke reium lo tU ComntU Lioner, ol the Ticket ahkh Ibey had .otd, the draaing of tht Ultry did not eowmenee al tha time appointed j though H appeared prS ble, frum ! return made, that a eulhetant number ha.1 been aoU to Juatify a commence, ment of the Urtwing . AU perons ling lick. fk'Sw tule ht thta Lottery, or requeue J to continu the le of t!iem until lha Jth i.f No- vemher aei,nd then report to the eomiMioo. er. Pr. tmrt lie, t luntooro, now ntny Ticket retrain untold, ted their numhrr. I he drtaing aill commence ro the 4ih Mon. dav inKovealcr nexti aid K U hojied thai a tiifficient numbertd" ricU a ill he told by that time, lo jurtirv the Ci.mmiwionir in coutin uinr the drawing 'frutn day to dty, until it can be completed. ierfiA 24A, 1826. TICKETS in the above Lottery re for tale at the Office cf the 1 tJfer t uraftmon, Stlikbiiry, f,5 each. The tcheme (which will he lound on the firat puge of our paper) i a ery jrood 1 one, and I10IJ. otit at ureal a chance to adveit turer for obtaininir Prixea, aa that of any lottery now before the public. . T he piwnecl of tftnrcl pertonal gain, i the first and greeteat hkImc- mcnt w ttn all : w no purcitasa- tuwty tttae-t 1 leu powerrul indneementi. fur citizens of North-Carolina lo purchaie ticket in thi lottery.i every cerit that it expended ia thi way, indirectly betuCta ill th people in the ttate, by contributing toward the publication of" a correct " Hialory of NorthJirolint 1" and will to n.inicttr to the relief of one of the most esteemed and use ful citiaena of the atate. SaA4ry, Ael. 30v 18.6. . S7tf d KPlUMREIHewipni 1326: Jcnatiiah dbson: .aJXdffiiiattVBaaaQtof cial attachment, letird on 2474 acre oflanu, at the property of Edmund Betzly. 1t sppearrnjr to the sttitfaction of the court, that Edmund Dctily, on of the (K'.'emliul, i not an inhabitant of thik ttate, it it therefore ordered, that publi cation be nude tix week in the Western Caro linian, notifying, ttid Bvaaly-to-appeat V the neat term of the court of picas and i8Tter e tiont to be held for laid county at the court-houte in Germanton, on the tccond Monday in Decern, ber neat, and plead, or replevy the property, otherwise a decree of tae will be awarded the plaintiff. Tet M.-K.ilOORE, Cri. Trice dT.g5: . .Jt,T.,w::rrviat.raf.r--.t4t tJU ar.tit..aifc4iiUtl., MjiOaia. f M a-rV M I . ao ih i tt aa ai t-4a iUa aa af aM aw Ul4, M7 C' f U 4 acs U3 ( ft3 MtfJ, a4 U j i ! -alup a4 1 1 fL -r l tiwaf tatra. AJrertlirraent to CrrtJiton. f pill aa-wiof T"4 t ifailtUwtl4U t4. ttaraa aa-U af..-4 i. ita aUi OttVr Htm. Li la rvMl CWa M MJ ria ta rv7U4 r M ad of awaW, aa, UWJ M act swT "fti M graMiaf artur of i!inM frattil M Uj aaaf xmm iavaur t mii; . atUfO taa iWy o rfl tx m4 of rccoi ary, Vj fa rta:iMi of iM mM art. - luarir nonet. ' attjwuti iuaaif,JJ. M,itmmfrj nmmfy. Pit. II. lava. btml4 f. ctA Car, Mrm Mmmtfr ' IH Ik Caurt of j.tWf laeat, rj. aWew JI'M aa. Html !ai.t, athf. M srpartf to t 0r1. dkal Utoao. tlaart i-akiav lli Jrakiaa. ta-a.1 JtMtkUa. MJ a lparkk o4 Mrry k W it. ;taklM Kiipoinea. auey aJpalfK. swaoaa K.Kpatrkk. folly it alia. D.d JaU Juui Caa and Ana hi MaV, lid feoaa, RWIuri sWtlaaatw attaw Stttart aad Efcaw Wtk M V, aV. aad Da td Cowaa, ar not laiaW laau of tbi ta, N U Iherefur Ordered, tiki aba IM 0d defend- oaBtad U tla aa. olaiftaar kin, aparar at U Mlt Ufa af tita court lob held at Ht ttrt-rla ia S-Ubaey, oo) tha aecood Manday afTcr l fc-anh atoadt la March oeit, ad pWad, aaawav or dgaur la itva e-ntltwtM('i bia (ur cotrdiUu. It w3 ' lB4 WaMt'i bij ,,4 tfi,h, CVtWad, that that aaU U bUlted fur alf ta ia tbo Wtttara 1 . - Carahataa. f AMU BllXJUAji, (A & X. Htrryv. in. 4 . CO 3 friea adrt. RUJI ioja Aerr-' arA. ' alVraa etwafy tint It T td flea a4 Quarter Setaiatta, Oct. her tt lacrj. AUuad-r lUraa aa. Aaa 1 hawfMoa 1 Origituit aiUcbeot levied j 1m Vd, a. H TV01 t aiWktitHi af Itva etwrt. that the defradaat ia tbi eat la not a inhabi'an af tk'ta atale. ordered, then. fore, tlal jHiine.Goa b ode alf ctki latta' Weaieea Carariiuaa, aotif;i(f awd tulrMtat, that aalea) b tppear al owe aa U Cmr1 of fkal sad Qaarlrr StaMoet to bo held far said eoaiey al tba court -haaea ia Coacoed, aa tha 3d Me, day of January aext, tbea aad lher plead, repteey. or At mm, judgment final UJ be takes aaaiaat him acoordtag 10 plainiilT demand. IC9 IUNX. COl EMAK. iTk. Slmtt V4 rara. ffrUr roaary ' SKeTEMBEK ara-ion, If3 i Fbeirfter Perry . Certgo W. Fofrtf 1 oeieUaJ ttuchatew. In ted aa 23 1 acre of iaod, en IM bra-l aaleea of IWUa'a Crrtk. adjuining tba tanda of KeeJ Sttrback, Tauoua Vom, A. CaarpbeR. aad atb. era, a the property of iorg try Fw'ger. It" ippeiHuff lo th aaiUCtctioaj af taa coaK, that Gcorg vr. ro-'er.tha defendant, baotaa in hatHant of tkia (tat, it M therrfor edereJ, Out pubHrttlon be mada ait week kt h ' tern tWinua, axMifjiatf aid Ydm) appear, tl lha next term i tl.a un.rt of plea aad ifttt ter atrOMon 10 b held ft mldeouMyt St the coart houae in Gcnnanton, on tha arcoad Monday ia Decen.bcr nest, and plead, or replevy tba prep, erty. atherwi a 'decree of aala will be avtrdc. the pbintrff. Tet : M. U. MOOKE, Cf. . . Fr.c aur. fJ2 r . " T Xatt XtrlK-CartHnu, iuJtti reuaiji SKr,rCMBERteHon,'182t PaulFaJcerw. Georg rrTo!rTr BriglnatanacheBV li-ied oa 331 acre of land, on the head water rf Belew creek, adjoining the tanda of Beed fctarbttck, Thomaa Van, A. Campbell, nu.. other, a lh projerty of George tV Polger. It appearing to the wtitftciion of tha court, that Crorre W. Polrer. th defendant, i nut ta ia- habitant of ihia tte, ia tbenfor ardarad, aaaw ptiiricttioa b made ir week In the Wettera CaroUnhui. notifyinr d Folr to appear a the nejrt term of lha court of plea and quarter t I I r I ... -ft .V- . Dcmler aett. aad plead or replevy the prop. ertv, ntherwiM a decree of t!e will ha-awrdd the plaintiff-. Ttrt : M. 1 MQOKE. Cfk Price tJ.R3t ' 6t . SiuU .VerfA-Caraaaa. &tlt funtf 1 SKPTKMHCIt aettion, 1828: Iteuben Fulpr . ta. George W. Fotgeri original atrtch ment, leTkd on 231 tcrtt of land, on th bead aattra of Delew'a creek, aJoining the Und of IU-ed tirbjitk. Thorn Yuan. A. Campbell, ml ihrrt I ho nniurli itf r.inrre W. Fol ( tp.earinj to th latUfactw of th cotiri, that Utorga w. roigcr. tuo netenoam, i nirt an inhabitant of thi state, it ia therefor ordered, that imbrication be mad tix werk la th W estern Carolinian, notify irg a:d Fvlger to appear at tho neat term of th eouH of pleas and ntiartpr rminni tit he held for aatd eOMaty.-' at the court JiiMite in Germanton, on the teoood" Monday in liecember neat, and plctd, or, re pleey the propertr, or otherwUa a dtfcres of tale wil be swarded the plain iff.- - - Tett: M. at. MOOME, CTt.'.'7 Price adv. 7t 638 1 Slut tfAtth VnrtUmi. SfrtrM ttuntyt. M COURT f Equity, Oct. lerm," 1826 j Jet, Kerby, Ekecutor of Samuel Kerby, deed, and ; John tlouter, tt, Isaac Conrad, Samuel . :?tctfirT Iteuben Slersrt, Afttl uaria stewtrrr uiUltogljji'is: the sattafartie the court, that IHtvni BiewaH?lMWfrde fewlant in'thh ewe, does notttrfde whliin the; -limit of thi tate, it is therefore ordcretl, that puhheation he mad in lha VVettern CtroBnitn, printed at Salisbury, for tix weekt, that unlet the tid David Stewart pper at the next Court of Equity lo be holden fw Stoke county, at th Court-IJortseln Geitntnon7dh tfielfiird P" day after tile fourth Monday in March next, acd plead, antwer or demur to the taid hjll, Mime will be taken pro confesto agtinat them at that term, and the Cue et down for hctrirj es parte. Copy from minn'o-'- , . wv : 7 est . JOHN c. cti,, .

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