t i ' i I - r ; ( '! i-'V A 1 f A1 V flAMSIIllUY, N.C-.-'rUi: :i!.A,Y, NOVKMIIl.l. 31, "mo. YOL. Vlt.N(. W. '-"- II Ml J4 i - I If.- . - . ' . a.,a a . wi ...... -v w - aa . a I I.IU .,wiswyw.Ua r a. - - .-111 a, IT T w . - - - - v 69 COO iJOLLAHf. - . 1 frtiewl&SMW t i t 1 . ZfXQ lOXlL f t , ' 99 - .40 V ' 9 ,W 3 ... t t v. A t ttl t vt - ; v rjy TfiiwiT Tiar.r oh -nit 100 fm Jr. tilt jr kcht) u. J00 SOD 00 JO0 too 1,000 -1,000 uooo 1.0C0 IflM 1400 lo.noo ro.ooo TVrtciK ar, .... Fourth" r ' at VmwI'4 Uhi twW wm i" a(U"Uufi of thi Nnrth .CotHm pMc, Tin Wd.th!t pry eomempUted wJl, it MTit the tU of 1ho-e -wb art Mewftr ta (H Sntwtf of Rtrrtar wl neac Ib4 nine alon of th jrrtWu tu hu 04nica4 oe Commlwiaiwr in (ht Mmm of. U Lottery, h ufncifnt tWf u wnir. ..... A p MCXrilCT. ffT Tichii ' nk Itrjr for l tt Jkt offift of iU Wfter CftUn, tad by Mr CUrie VlnlttTci8xons. ..- m i :ui :... n- li.rurma Lil old A- Mtom and frkods, ooJ th public to m9W w V" ' " ' I iL.i ka Kaa tuaTt rMpld from hlJCur-l .. u PKnaJflnkia. the latctt ana moat I anMtwed WWr rMhons ' - . . ' h Caati. PiVttaloom and V rttt, the cut of ranrtenta, be baa re- orired drufta and f.rre, repreefMine; pcnoni ra iuh wjv., a.n jaa in eiiicn wont- wi,b malhematical predaion. To pror truthorfcUityofthli aMmotHfeniieiiieo r parted l-mke . r . - . I Wbrin..h.nkWlv dera for tailoring at cither of h- ahor. in tel. Inrton, Oavidaon county, or Hun Ule, Surry unt, and will execute them W.P-nctu.h. ,r,dura.nty,N 3t37 mHEiubicribef kei tl meji,qu 01 imonn iaaMw taoBeratiorvrt Hall and Fraler'a M.Ila, m lomht Kin rWer,. nine . miIea from .1" .liatance from Mock. HPrwul omen hi")t .r"' . , vine, on the main road between the two placea, alrat lite CeW vtn t ana ni's " - take in an ouaiuni j'..",v,""Dv . - . .1 ber'i GinWaa made by himaelf. wlucr, neTioni ,rJll anil ran rccommeiul It 10 UO a Ki" I -aiuj can recoaimcwiv u ; it t worctnait any em m-tnwaecuun . . . .--aAZlLJ. li k. k-.n ln.oneraUon froml i JT" :r7 'iaA at thte of snoo nnundi aeea cotton per oy. . . ' t 'AWlhoie wialung Cotton Ginned and in ha niccrt' manner for marke are mvnea to !?!?t?L!r vrta.- orfeK br the aub. "acriber himKu", , T-" . . '' Tri the patent imxracier nw " -"'h "-"7 M you itTt often Jwnl - .. 1 k a avrvj r.i. r ic Lir.1 . 1 nnnl.twt mnA h order 01 wrutw Tcwuvomi .. a-J a al . a" . J'4 - . I r . .1 ;- -. .,; - oavo-r . .Via.. j :.M..ht;fui R nurrainr thil bum 1 1 a . a I . . I - . . . .1 ....... . . .aa i I . t-i a wo i a " " ... I Ml -T T. - . a r I i i - - . - a- , .a - .aa aiiaai ... . .1 .. .I UaU ikanivr w(vtml Ut a4 Am. ae aaf f "MM M4tK. i i,4 w uw k Wi '- H !. . .-MAf r rfeot l ilia mmkiiiM ! M mmm w f-- ' m iil ..n. mtiui U im. IW r Eirfrti JSJIfkS.r "IMwi rr'r - . . . .. f- . 1 I l.' ts. u. waf a. J CUiJT rMZJCMLSC. Tk-i rfftirtjict are. m rftl, eicIIc4 ky tW of Akm eWrrro. r7 iaf of Ik oftHeCWtk of lUutUod.UfvtM oouU bJ that ! wai the ml ia mbW of M LmJ aUead Ibe eilab Ctbntfat amj H nnt aoC lba ooooxlcred rtptabU ft aUcad aajr 0br cbttXtb. Ann yxmS. I wet reHtfUy h w rrocbrJ tbe rar-cuofe. py7 f I J iL- L. Ik. nui aM i. Tti tf 0 butld- tnc Kb piia mctH fff k eoareoWnct of tbo tory. PV" ' V , i iU.nr to pay four ohitl.nn fof an elected otac and nrotrcti-n f" b 'ibef. Tw . . . no Inm at. troctite than tW aenodtio- of our Mulwi of tbe py and dlMipatM aceaa P"; conrVos tbe Met that tno touea wa cwo w . a.Hl t-ttle ni Antcrv entea on ine nci.pNi 1 7 eandeneyor prejudieeaf Uek aa I ladw Britiah females 1 r" "bf wthe!b aoMMfacnUof tWUffaroealcalalad lo aoftca tltelr nanoer, iaiproa their mimla, or ia ay nr tender them o amiable n tbe dome-tie circle. On tbil oeowion tkey bud Ox afer freely U the her wt; ami oremoa w .4.... tk k'-alla(kctiOfl. ..I COUM not UlpWafiwita wbarejtYt tr IoHoW we moremciii" .rhimiii at a frova of diiDieawre iffected their fealuret, a iheif fawito born won or loot round, in our coonr, " veil known, k kt conaulered d.arpuuMo lo ft- i k. .i kontiiM. and even tbe mates t pr-.ii . m-. .Im frcouent tbrm are renerally not the IIU CTWlHn. w ' ' . , " . j liilhanMMinf. WltDOut , in aocielr. Here, all ranks, ,.T imnmnnctr. Even clerry- men br aaid tha facerdotai ebaracter, and ap- n Uto turf. EJtQUSlt BEGGARS. Kov ,0 ,K6 AmUkt all tbe le""1 ""f0 wainnofenriwwcwiu lor ten- gocJ of this country, there m him during the last winter at Warning t, a large .hare of indU ,on Hj ,.C0Dd, Mr. Smith, wa treated 'FTi!ie. 'rr:;. with marked contempt by Gen. H. while ... anu puoiic Diuniuv - r . ' 0f the , T.e tr. m,ny Wfto can nd, and who actually enioy. moot of the Zi i ' Th ,ive , t! bouaea, d Jtiv,le tll4 i,d of otbera. There are at number ho ccly b.e bomea, and dASlrcS a . J . ikai latalW MlMif I on charity for a euppoH. They are mui- LUneroui in largi manufacturiny towna like ,K;t fnerminrf.aml than in other pUcea. SUiuv ted am . r.. -. .u-i.. come aed aee W1.- ueiucu. - j I u4 a -.Wrt a? th.it to- worku and 1 , m . 7."; s-, . Aa I thev can make a Ur number of .ealU ina day.l berofe a Pile ef Mwuee en my wmaimell kebt a W0 el- Pnniea ipwiikvkwi anMniJPCe. tWO Or t VI "HHiv a t. , ,.va.p;i .uawv .....uM. aV- at, at I am in one of the moat pubfio itreeta. I - - . on Tbortdiy morning l th L oontinmllv annoTod brtbe caUi of tbeae I r" . . v.....t- linn. That fooebtl bear tneir aownu wno J - .l-n I througn ironx tee -1 '.M:iIrJLi. r ..tract on it would b?e j.i. aw. 1 wa. actuated not ao much by monreaorb.ty irUMer tu kei in wi - - w . rfAiA jb. i rrnim nm uut w i M aa W mP llirir UUIV - .ikuNifivd .V... .La I. ill I. I ll ll ll 11 I - .!...-..f . .1 . ...J ll I. k.l I ri in iiiimii ara (i m..- wm , - I. J.. l.a. W lll.t aa ai mm ra w n H a r aa iaa a .. .al.. 1 .. L..I a, I .L. tif I I r.. t V.- tA-a.'aaUlal. a. I Mjjf ikf W f 114 face, UU .1 .t. mwm UtMt U that rVPOM. t 1 tvtUi iV)SirtJUT0k" 1 m.Ht!iu!r tmputw4 ieUt Ul .5 aaaA a aaataal I nmff ? - hi' i .rv4 iUi IbbmuV Mil Ttwmiwa www aw-iiwti.1-,.. the Mlolo.8rrt look rJU- Ai Un f ik iooli, btfadlc tU of ,k- Uik-.i itl HmomLi. d4tilb!.irU ciffii " --T. T . . . . I were 10 nfcr, ftdrtn4, and kit, tXC rf-thlr ben ttelne Aletandcr Bertonjefi, lylltf, McuratUkT, PeKal, tixl Katfoftky, walled up to ot 6f Scaffold, bcllt W the top d the tii.fUa air ika lortnaal the Unmpeta. drema, end motic hr ntkt 1 drtd' a J it ! Ivl.- ful Doitc ihcy were etma an hh iiba Urft black: oe ihtir htil, Kb cbelf nimet ! crime In fflV Uttra. P.it.l va&tJ VP firat, end the othire fdloed J tU reje were onq if- ranftd, and at ha p wur p arui, .k.a. atriaerable to relate, Ibrce of ikan ika mnM byke.a-4iher Ml to the ground. Ye nf bney the eoof tad borrW ihunUa ef iboae - enloriunau bcioRa, lied arm! tr.d fcel, faiU"! bro boards and rwbblth to the irrouod. reo ple were ImioedUrely ten! P P ropea, wbkb loec toout te wmuica wa. Va. ra read and tlurinr thai titM the unforteoate crimloali u their two eompwiona hanjUif bet ore tnem iky talked up lo bcIort 601 008 could hardly more, end he waa eaaiated .k. arwsn fell Brain With thoM tkrtO last, end Ibey were axw p w.w, roiacrT Tbe hodiee huog -till halfpit . a ..a hVarat tta Mtat ' .... ..a . r fkatla five, when wer were w "7. - .1;.- .iMiara. The Kaffold wai entire- lybreke lo pieeea, and buret on tbe Uee 'i...- ,K.t- unlforma had been consumed. Their sentence was, to be quartered ind their heeds cut clTl but ire emperor would not allow it. Some of the remain 1.. tix alia. eonde nine d lo be broken tlite, tome Ion nmb from. Umb. by booes, sod dearn to all ; tne em peror would not tuflet more to be execu ted, and they were til ent off hea-Hy Ironed, lo the minet In Siberia for lite. Thu U fhe conspirtcy Wholly at an end. Gtn. HOUSTON W C- ITBtTE. a i.M.. rMm Na.hUle eives some in- f ICIIll HW.a.-T m a. nariinilara of tbts duel. It tr Cr3eaTjsi w - - - Dears that Mr. ErWn, formerly editor of .... aa 1 1 A U Ia 1-rAiinl tbe M Whig, eaiieo , , " for certain eipreiaiona wnmi His second, Mr. Smith, w.s treated marked contempt by Gen. II. while i.i:.r.K.'eK.llnt. He icr .,w".":: f. P:-. K-t a.n .nimedtar " .fer returned ith Geo. WbUa, .rme(J ,nd -Jetermbed to M that Hooa- h' M tec,iM ,h. chaUenKt. An l?",, me by Smith to deUrer the HoStonoZ th. paeement, be- Ana. I IaaS. Ihl flOfiF OI IMO WUUiM, . - w " - "- tha chii. Whita chUeD5ed HewtOB I . tbl ' cfttl Wlt womptlf kceeptcd, nd the e. c. umanira aira iook nocdii l". thaiBtre of Inn DOUTi UUl i .1 '"i u . - i.:t tl--. a rih. if rtaid i 0 round the back n lion ntr tne m i natg m-- rri w ummm ...r, . a. iwrtbe OD-iGi - . . . . B a. -Hlkiail IT aWBl CBnill' EA' I . r anih.ra ia .r-- . vut llr0T)c ,nd ret- rtf nrnti fataL - I 1 . a w - aha. trv n- i . B. aai OaWml I laaO HI Bfta IV wiwavv iieneni- wuaiv . M' 'a It Um, nl liUag kUly re hand. 11,1 bi 1 ra gMl II wv . av - - aaavJ a 1 a A a ime ar rn- tiwie eere--i .ia 1 ... ( ll tl-a v a a m aaa mm m m . i j . m v . a r, ' .4 I kM 1. (laMnTl HltA MM my setlUf Uui e yWmX 1" t.e WU IfaaatiMi tmuLI M4 n!te ike etwnd en- .,1 ka, a mMdtm anatla far White's CtanfortaUe rrtnr.l and aeraeVV. e e, r u riai v. e, . wt. eaa utri JIT lUtZZl MBtaaWHaSmBa . Uiuj si Ika mIa.I ktl lh wkJt UA 1.1 ..J iV.l iw. u ikat ankaia. Thu mxie or procedure hat been eWwo and eaplained . the moat Klenclne aerftone 01 ibi town, who ht wlihe-jt eieeption t- La VtvaratlMt ba Wra Mrtbrvrcd on more than VO member a t,l the profekloa. uul ikaa hat intariablr declared that ll couhl ectrtely be fclH as ikelr own car- llBatet show. Te i-trumen unu fof this purpose te aery simple j they are e few plain fortep, eight set led and .ir.t.ki. lih cuttiee cdees, like tne common surgical bone forceps, but those cdKcs ate made accurately to fit tbe necks of the teeth, tod only the neck $ ao tbat, tvoveter decaved a tooth may it me forceps my be safely and eiily applied ' 9 a a a t .La. a avJ ha iihout any rnk ol oreismjf m Haring been thus csrtlulJy appued . ika neck of t lootb, the edjres of the forceps should be helJ pirsllel to the edge of tbe guro, ana an"UKi be made to prtaa It flown e uuie, w order to get at tbe neck about a unc below the umal height of the gum ne handles of the forceps are then prmed gradoaJlf but Crmly together, and tu a man, ik unnrr cart of tbe tooth tnap ..ar j,i...n ika eaaitr eontaitiioe lie Ui. iuuiuia, ' .- 1 . . . .1 lV..a It. . n eipansion ol tne oerre, ano iu Inuant perroinently relieres all pain. The adrantiges of this operation are 1st. It is pemleatand ioiuntsneously performed. Jd. The Surface ot the sound stump remaining in tbe jaw, presents a firm base for mssticstroni or for the 6ing of an rtificUl tooth. 3d. Whsl Kreaieal ttvoment, the stump or tumps left in the law sfford t 6tra support lo the tdjoioing ieelh, end without which aopport the sheolsr process correlporx.ing to We part before-occupied by the diaessed tooth, and e part of the intc r.tlce struc ture of the jaw, become absorbed, the adjoining teeth in a few y become loose, and ul.im.tely prematurely fallout, as daily eiperience shows. Mr. Fay has, for his improeeroent 10 thia branch ol surgery, and for other forcepe for the perpendkuU ertraction of teeth, when HtrVction may be absolutely rerruired, recr ied the Urge a.Wer medal from tbe c-...i. isf ami: ana tne inn engrs-inRS, will be published in the "n wf tbo Trwisar.tions of the gocle. Ion. fiafier.. Pocle - J - A PRLZTMtST M Dr0CeediTe tf cPf P " b,Jh j We kno We fno following 44 presentment and ina "! r- in the interior 01 a . I I . r . .r nw ol no mcmoq L.nr. ih Honourable SOOIC, Wjun -- IFAif, Equirea, Judgea ThtFeofile, . T . Tbe Grind m, . . A...a nracHm inu sctv rv-r--i - . , n . - I.L- r..ll,!n( nraentment t i-cenire oiiiow .1 j. . . I a ari 1 1- iJLa taint Common, rieot.o ioe vs?7 y ' r jr W IllVrl mmr -llf-ama. , lfolt la. naa civun ----- , naa eipirou ''" . ' . ?.V .i;kined manner in . - . vk-reaa tne wiui , accurate, mn b . nf whi ... ::- inn uiuu j i ---- - - . e iVe bsvstteUsf tketatift f-f re ipp4stN N iVal t-tUt . ' II. w. B ill sis, Jpwit Vae Uaisl.nf. At 4 tee Me m wt tftape tr f- Uu Cenrl before Ue tiers uJ ewkciif a. -a .L.I Lai aaaaat iaa ikat trTtMBl flMSt aa J V .at m w ir"i 1 - w tf (He Oread irf tftsai-t, M U lW4 . . I 1 .1 I 1 la - A be ki auacbartM ie I. a M..I t ,i-rtli amM.aIitkial aavanner.la eLtU MU ivrm, '-w OiA Jaww s,aw eme i raw behalf pfeeee4te-M..T-. a, - Tl f.a U la rVHaUr4 he Ik Cft -IIW"'- " IT 'im, mm. t4 riNvtt t!4' B.tr' Whi tU Wit herffttieeed hold lie aU wff It VutrUt Jtttml, ad Mrforns the duties iberW kt Mb- a. - al a.. A aa...aa aW rui, accurate and nntainwe an'i the urm of Vr eren frwet ihe date el the presentment eforeteW ted thls cwn- tictbo. And the twtd reofkt m awnii Bfjrnrut. rinaMTtox A turn of ! totuae hat Um UiV kraugki m a ckat ie ike ciy ol k.,-,.Tah. ll was a tnai t a C4aMoIrary te aVfraol errUfo tawUad iartwiMM aad ladiaWle of that i rwyu .is&t-wd exra e the Irat riak. aa.1 lia aMwaaai tVa U' tVk eaxWs-d the n,t uMk ti tka war frvit ta lpesj n .ka m .itaA-M. tf llaJLiM. we attract n- . kvwUf fra s-aong the taJaJ-ef pagrwpha. 1W rdriae af the JUrWal Aimate mjs ty errj wtlWl Wikw aw-gw-l '- Hmm JCaJ . f .kiviU Kite rva cfiiftrnttv In dismiaarag (his esse tnd rclleTlng yww foo ay rW- ther eefTlve c-f patVenoe u i ee not last that tbil cacse originated in motieea, eM baibcen conducted In t manter caroie led to kite my clirtts eepoaed lo (ho r.aatnf a terrible monrter, te PvWle Dt- jgdici. Public pejuegenaemen,Tt. jKjtJic prejudice which cannot be debar red an entrance wnnin ibo- win, w-.a vr.laana ka ktiraso miod. end disturb the . course of juitlce. Puhtk prejudice which a a a t tvery man dreads, sn wuce none can SKipe- Nolselttt, silent iftd onper- a ' A, a. -a. latj .1.. eched, il lalle upon tne numanmina uaw ka -inlvrMMia daws of in Infected lulu ana upon tbe dying vegetation tf tha world j it insinuates itseu mio im.rw rtccsaes of the s-hj1 It teltes the master passions of the mind it aMS item vj f. . aknrnnaaa and tramoies in own iii-yina rr , ' ever etery feellpg and every tirtue. Yet, gentiemfn, puw.-' prrjam.w -a. .... itvrlf once and again te the dlimif or the , tjwl ind the nrtuous. Thithrrmesel J.poti are supported by Its henda 4 It pieaides whtrricr human nature win bow to its power; il 'mingle! In iho. ministration of the aliart. U operates up on the best fee lings of the humsn heart, and turns them tside to hi unholy pur- PIt haa trmed the tnnts of ihe wweU . with power; it has drank Ihe Wood of mariyrs end il has thrown the deep Maine r .nit, on ika fair robee of iteocence. Who doet not now how oftth the most :v r imiiii kia Cah its lnfioefice or the purest judgei n well a! mrort bent their thought! to hi iay f When I re collect the effects 01 tte late c.wivar. 1 the money market the fererlih reiult of many monled opersiiorm aoo ine ew a.a.i.riki nuklie mind when I remem" ber Ihe compUinti forrg tnd deep that were flttered tntt jour duw prim were calling justice dawn upon the hetda of the supposed delinquents, 1 tm not surprised that the publm mind thould bo led awsy under the power of intoiiceUon, snJ should throw Itself open to the inroedt of prejudice. In every part of the cltr e ' . at - a -x aa a I a ' the tocsin was sounaea every ira-ai.M.. on which doubt could be filed wit r-ktd on from oblivion men b t ittte of en citement hurried to the city hill with their piivite trtnttctions an army cf crusa ders was orgar.Ited -ml thai worthy gen tlemen Sir. Uavitt on my lefrhmd headed the glorioui Yin. Ufortunitn stoc jobbers were drummed up fof tbe ex peditionhonorable brokers were called upon' to join tbe battilion the town wit scoured tor iuffcringjdowi in crarjend : black shawls and every thing adopted tbat imarJnation toold create at ingenu ity devise to gWe ttigt effect to th mar shalling ta trray of witneetet in thU hall, ar. L.A i.ma to nauae. . Public eplt- ton called upon utto ptoceei, but we had. quarantine witnm our power. iTh. raanlt of the trial was a failure ol . . . n. .. , i. .!. ' K.Mtttv id M -J nicui i 1 , . for wmt of wqrkmeh-wb do thej not obtain recruitt from the attnmg wdrkmeti of Europe. ''..- " . ' The" PHei f ioriSitWWptte clpallf of elm, and hw rentlnel for six cettturi-ei without mauml decty. 1 1 1 ... -.. jrf . . .. . J? uponaa7for at office. V to sucn an in.pw.wm, , " . v' k .. . ' ..... ..... ' .v . -

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