I I ' L ;,it I -'i m - V ' f .. ;n, aV "' . I f i A. t-' L Avtf Tf V 4 to f' ltK Uit, () m il k U'-f1 f U ) hiiiUi M k4 . Mm) 1 A4 imim t'S I iMi)toi'f xiMi4ltoit&i Akl C,l4j 1 rmt p Mtit 4 lit ri!L, M f l4tf itU KfT bi4 j to "1 urptri4 U.4 t.4 iN ? .i r kl fta Lit 1 1L j ' l U fa i e . f-S lM fur Attrt. . J k Vi i t- U tmrfmm, W I Ut. to a - ' ' ' w U W. H Ut J.! Iml Ntiwi l-ti ' lW UT to 4 i.Af a f W4 Axtto4. lo kikli tlto t'. I. ftM iUm 1-M IJOW 4 Qwv 1 tol-4to, m4 A . A ft. k . . AV a iA M iIm k it m:atiii:il rmr jww la- a A4. U Tm I a.. e-M 4 U m, 04i V iJ. to- f mm-lffr f UttoiU 4 r,l.Alr-w- f At rito4 U fl4 AfU; .. .sou: uiiTiuiJL A W f. o.4 I Ul H ltlAl Ait M IM Ml I 4 IM Ami iW W90tm if Kr TtiA jiJ iu4 -f fwU Mrto t H l.fil. tf ! MbllA IM Aoum) M 7ZiTI1j -TJZTA ;.tott KtffHvUiMf Hnl.'. ltiM,0',ifi',ww A.J. vumuJ i.Ult UrtMttk'Hr iUHtol-4-WtoAitfci tYtf Lawt r U MaJaf I al toeWSA-l tUIN4f - - K. frtwf tt. H frwaW4 lAaaa, iW trtm tWaWyf 3&S t4.Uf iUt HflMU4int- VaawJU rA-TWtf.ttoW4 MNLkrak iLtoi n4 i fM fwt A) U rvti V '7 U Ito VttoV j4 to t f a .rt r t. I i T 1 .11 4' !(?7 I'll 1 A.- ,iJ--ulw-"",1",-- 7( : mr. I 8 1 5h W leWv . I att i U eW, h (W A- el in W lt e tn to IM f-ll as im ! 0 , tsktUe ttone. fei'lr, el ImI t17 44 I A bi Mi'H'f 4 aa -d rw i e4 A to W Ll e A MM UH Ue. e,e-tof W tU4.Ui k.pe., a i jor,. .uv VmetuTiifte & Comraiuioii We d.-, iW T-m m -W4.ai w.l torUf be feajiiawed to vm4 r-A kf rr vi U rr 0 W arena, m lU W M. Ab. mi my tmm tlmry. tof Mifll i4 4 Wlk dw4 to Wf m, m4 pr4. Da Mf kf W ltoM likf tw rm'r lUl krM H. V ink;, U X ttrrw W An4 ifawo A ait to ! aWU Jti tolW ImI Ort. krmfuDr fcr4 to Ito X Tark Ciwik-J A4ttrw r A toxJ fM M rrrM to ! Ur. , ClMTtr, rf ( W Jra, Arv. I, A."t, ' la4 to W rrWfJ o tri I'm;, f.4j tf Muf", r. v4rV4 r? H('MWlftrrMitirarwnirniMrrk4r rwrJ M tpfto rrJ b Mr ItmI am! imi, i rAirlcHiM, IU tuWrtWr t. ,111,1 f CUfh-rr, Hk tt 3JJ iptcttoitf trjMfcl Ii ramrr rnr. II. M mtimut '.A tocWtto t-xmmkf jMrtfrowjrtoBUC.f4. ' IW Urjfr IWtl fnm Vr. Wanru't pMrn, k '. It'A WM. J. WII.VOS. jlftMrM lOafvwtHMi ef w mJI Ivrrr. r4 to Ito frO f Mf J4r. n iW frv.16 Iff ii!Sft Mm 4 kiffr rrtW4 m (nf ' Mirr4 3J tocWf to circrtrM, kml Wi(W-s Kmut, At kit II. J efWl Irtt ca paiutal. Xuaa4. to lgrpM(M, bc'nli lo4- In- A pV(o ntodiA Mr)Unl Ac A 4 if KrrvAf ao4-4 of iW j, anil rr. tfiiWi A J 4nc4. . 0'rl l Arltto, r Arr W (mA r ; " n 'W fmnka't Mr. J(6 ll. T' .VotUc. f.,f Mtt traUM JoU ll. Rovtc, , "Hl,e M'tJiUrTk. I'aioa Coun't', (Pv) At!,Kw driven At A At nAtf, wAoaA M A4 Mf tolt lArttltAtl At) UL, Ut4 k4 it4 vmi44 Aim U(At lAwvUtf i TUut fin. a4 TinJIa Mrna4, It wltr t (MrtWtt ill rtJtri 4tlf it bt fut it re(4 e-ffitAt iiOM FlUti 'tit4J MUV-f'i Aomm. nd AlmM riAtvattl hwfli lit loai tf 14oo4. iv4 Tvto 4t Jff front lit Mrtult Iff iW tal la tto iowM of Mr llgoit, a 0 A4 AHt(Kc4 If l(f U toM i6di en yoartf Mfi A, A iMil atari If if MirrUd If lltitr, fifi it id prittefilf Al ltmp44 If Mill hmt lit iroAt freo il trp aim fortucuill; Axcttdf4 If tf totting Mr ttopt. D ill Umi tif lUrtf i4 ittffif a tn4 Patkfkof Morrit, . t4 Ca p toU Iforrti cum lo t'Atf lo.it, iim! tnaHr tppK'ttloo ! Jtx)(t Kaffir, A iMf Ar, tor aoi Aoriir If iDftritTM Yirxflt r If Ia(4Uit!f Uut4 t UkA imnl, aa4 drc1t4 tit litnf It uit Ma 4a4 or'i. Tit titrif aurud lit mm aIA(, rttci4 I At Mixibof ioo4 if tuf rt ft It AaornloK, um mond guari of thaw SO smb. tur rerMfc4 I St io of YimJU, vbtrt it iaj iii aUmU vp t4 inne4 iirtttlf ' riOt louibot fm ao4 tf moioAtd Aim to itmrttr. Tilt it poahivclf rtfuatd if do, 4)4 tltcnipif4 If fift tt a part of lit Wf ocf of lit gtrril via- Mrra hf4 from (Attn, tvotr, hit Vkhdld M tiki cffrcl, rtuard him to rt tret from hi position, la thori irat rtt aick ttoni tttrapi, but fiio to flaw l Aia,n. .Wa. a-,11 1TM. ROANE. HaAvAWng Ruftlntfti. The bjRc irr rqu-ird la call o Ma if. J?Mr. alw iaN)t rarrjinf m IW SaMigt JItrtift l ninkmaking bu ta. In an ill, Wa altar. Ilr Irrrw iW Wat bark t K i Iri from lk Irfyrn pound, maaaihaf la-alTijfM ! 1 IfCrcttd fttMArt inrhM in cirtvavTrraact aJ k lank Uurtr I 'it fMii)p-ioo, onilllif Utter part of totW. ItAt dif, wilSoot heinj bl If effect Mr. AbwWadhMpiWrfrwi i.tof lKf 0rif 1 1 hen Iht aheniff n4 tit Aia Tbui, atr Ihw Tova, GnaixJ, wtuch, ifrt . M.i ,' j., tMv nn iK tm.4a ... l rlM.a p7rl Jd m3 f" a. tir. HA Iba Wat f tW to I mB0Oe4 10 lUrfflKlcr bflt if rtpjifd. .KnfTiKDfinf i incno, fttl i tncWt; llKj'.lh.l Be AAtV n 0UU baft 10 (lit II bf on wMMtt HR-iiMiTti, iimiclfuih and it would mtitr tW kU lanaa. Ortkra Mrnnrnfy Bit J, ia tW aaatrat wiawtrt a ad W varraMtlhe vork m rood aa aar av-W to tto ataic. XMty.H. P0Nt- , XOTICE. - I tbe aubarnVr inicml to wanxaca the Jl Taaataj furr Bimufwt immrdiatalf. W iHerr- Kkra lliia avtltol of Infiirmin ho a ho vt h bied to hiit, tha a 'art of iheir duet 9m iKa ainr, the dwarf of a loch aa ! jdie then Ibtn larrcndcr. . Ht then mide ...... C- t-.t .l. .k..:ar tirhinr " 1 ' aiicr.iia in nic, ai ma aoaiiu ktat 30 toebca lomr. A Botatoa at Iba Inn ml kia.1 threa poanda and tarKe ounce. m ratotd ta ,Dd Wr4, tt lcrtrth put hit (on lirough Wuodborr. Cona. iW nrwM kit M im (ruk aiuf uuniwJ It al m nf tha lrn Amir, a. ' rlh aaraauring 23 incnci Igmrd, onlr A few pact! diitafil) at lhal m nrcu.icrtace, a r. n a prdea ui ttu. . inu. ter, 0f ... firtd Djm, A Tor; iv. .ku k .M k. u. ihrwieh lit crack, but unrortunttclr roil at aat ami ha -aJka tW natt ianuwy Court i ' , a! laajf arw W -t w u - ff t,be iU'io ema-i e c t pimt a n arora 4 rim atrert, meamrr t.u nia, no waairmR in oeo. i oia i mt We!i ut.rinlHhrrr.Uaaaa.JMlo;'7,l,,, rwml-el(rbt 13 owutdaaod 6rt knonledM which either Iht iherifT ii Ounce. ..... u .... j.. ,1. V.J- A rafraaf lbi.cOlf (Nea, HaaaaVmfor. 1 , hetoApoaaraatoivatapple itbii.f ! "" m Df j"1 tbtt. tBr.oiher .pcrwn av . ft aa- . tf ' -A.-' DctMti I ooie ney had toppoaed it had either murdered -tW.aavr.iM r giUand ipnU, art aarin. ftr-d. f th fWl o ancn.1 W thia of br : ... ?Ji txtncta. and mcajunn IS iitcW in cirrnm.1 had tapper! juuMti4 dtlaMJ.44t-aiM a,tt A brrwirM, amr'rBC" aHy pubwlae, Ikia apple i hit fmilf Of tent tbtm o!T.i "But" It m r.0c rtun b!c o the ArUi eU.n, owW rak P fa aboto breir. cook, maidiwem. At liey vtrt - aubaccjoaotlr hr (ai kwot ,rfKr to peiaotf.) c.rrt or drv . " ; " ' . . . j formed b iU lfe, that when hit houw Nid-twdl WvMfc.f.-fA. of dak,., riS.!!SlK, .urrcmnded,heiH.iiertDdbU chH vmmhi or caan paxi i .r mrm, 10 nv aimaiM, at r . ' - . . . , j , . . it, .arpr. in Conc-rd. Cah.u. c.n.r, .t Jhe T i r. PP'f. t oW a pk a to bar, b'd' COterd 'he,!, "P 1d muJ nrkea. 0rr6rf- K, PAtL BARRINT.KR. huaiU IjftnAa for ivfc ILL be ofTeml 6 !, at public vendue. TV l.jmimxire a rurioaitv Utelv obatrred in Ham. clared, if thee made tbe leatt noiae, he rdpnnn. ,A pumpkto waa it laaaa bad be-i would IniTintfT nut theirflo death. In cmne .liM-ontented with it. proper anbare. and unfortoruje jleali, tbertfoft, of Ihf chrd up tbr aldaof a bafa aalhaaidre, whtch i;. , , ,C U... kl. k ., mijrbt be 33 feet, where aaa auapewled a fi. I ,,H' not lhe ",ro wlu. niin,nkin . ii ;t1 nj..ki. i.v. ii. ,.k, uched to in oot out iht vrttcbed la- n Tuesday, .r 15ili dj of Drrember ' : ,k tn tr m.nV..In,, Iher. '!nr?n ifn tLESlrt t .T' cW-rA cymlir, (or aquasb) u ImmedlateW on the firing of the guard, to r!,aHote. contsiuinp .1,0..! a circm,renc,P , r!7on a planf patch! and ,h! ?4 Oft of door on lhe o? Butdrea arret i on bich w a aet Mlk now I t1f t),e winier speciea It is now exhibiiint; al "rfe ' ,he ,n T on he Jn tbr brat rtpair. bei tusrly new. calculated , thi, rl.ce. H.lifu, c. H. (Va ) October 15. RUrd within four pacea of the muzzle of 1 : ... .. ' h iy mt '.mrt- a ine -old dominion aaw win ia njea on ine mnr .and !( ai'iiatid Conv ni tx! umber. A credit iH be gien lor a part of he price, and a liberal iixlul',cnce extended upon approved aemtir. rirrther term will ba made known on tbr Jay of sale, bv MOSES P. NICHOLSON. Av.15tA. 1826, . dttOp tfr ayMi . if Ka.a hlai evtifw Al tm mAfnat laak eantakawl 4n .. j a ( t w........... ... KU1 AiitT lliuilici tic lumvu vu ta In to lw fore, . of i",''i ,gr T u l - however, two of tit guard fired end ihot V !J . intend lo rv ilieir hick in snu.sbes. But think k; . l j. .l- i w.H be given f, . part ,' v ,he Virriui. ..-1. kvitil ' "f h"T through ; and to this tircuroit.nce II ..I.VO .Vfiir TP.RMS M.1Kl.0 H UP TffllR aubactiber bep leave apin to inform J bis old cuatomcrt and rrienda, and the puboc in jfeneral, that be has rtceivrd n aort Ifient of the very bert of Calf and .' ml Skint i wbicli he ia prepared to make up into Wools am Soes, -After the moat approved fajiioni, and atpcice ".tbXf it W Wpiyl W one wilt bcsitaie to pav the Tm J eaaiv V eK iiStt and delay i - mean, in iutnre to deaUfin.,pliun "teem'tr iKbae'wbo iinpiy me "casli for work, on ddive. ry, KH W unfilled In i!...lnrihln 0jf 11. JeirAl'jniere'at froia.wailwnriy'gncesTand tho do"W"pay thiwii for work, will live their accu l'jbU preaen. eo-io inera tv.ery -tre- month, anl -'be money or 'heir qote neqmred, or jndjf. me;('s wii! fkif s tkoae o ahoni I am in. deb' d w ii" of "Ciii;e be excepted from thia rule. EBENE2F.lt DICKSON, tfiiAery, Oct. 7, 1855.. 31tf . pr name of .quaahe r Bv no meana. A cvw-' doubt lets owing thtt his fire did-not Aa theycN it, for the sake of tbe anund. . ,ake eftect, a lhe woundi he received We tre informed ihat Mr John I itu of caused him to elevate hit gun so thjt the Somera, has raised in bis garden thi. aeason,, shot paiard over tie heads of the gwird. Tnesuroig-,630 feet! Ul tbe annalt of;'' "n he fel1 dea1 evertl pace! from Pumpkin grovvih in our country outstretch this tne dr. fact if they can. ' We hte purpoaelf gono Into the de- r . ... . ""T . t. . tails, of thl melancholly transaction, in okTu'.u rr . ,tUrd? n'R ' order 10 '" iPprebenaions and 25th ult. the barn 0f Mr. Leonard Klutta. about i pre? ent f8M reporU from gettint: into trie w, the editor of the Journal needed WMTtRX TtXXUtlt Tit tf4awaf lAf Jaakaaf (Taw) CaaatU, iat Niw4 1 irttof Araaa a Ivtoa4 As KeA CaraWb aiki tW wiw fcafatoti kvaf lit tn0mXtf al aewwrtof araaw, iy frf. ft ft AVfiWUaf tW Waatev f tbaa aUiA. I la trpt aa af AwiiaA totW aw Art , tial ft say a the A.pJ4vA. tWta an m 14 ttal lit Arae ef a4 ftwnrmi atoe. deters aaaav ttt'iaeaa aT i-Cabwa fraas raoaaatof UWr. TAW cAjacaiof wt iatf aAat Ard ttoatiaaedi tad. af a8AJd, awll. mmwtwBj ei. iavV ftl tolaja as tbaektoc eWevattow. AW! tit editor as lit Caavtto eairararf Ihto ayUiaa if foctA. tit Mjti Mla m pan aft W faUad lUU, t-aa al tW Afl-fy,eaaadaiet ia pracwead ii im Uto, iWa As ik al eawarry. la tilt lawn, (Jatkaoo) al bats'? tf 30 t?Vv al Mgoad taUta xaia traswudaay wiaffi aad to a to tare Aa At beef tvj tf tf aaarv tban U fret fce It Aad it AA Ibal wiib frw vtceptiona, watef ran A prrre4 ta IW ii'fbeat rmlff to lU dairict, at tial depti. Frovn iW aditor' rvaaarks wa aKasikJ iJvr (L tWuA it' does aol asf at) Ibal al goad at tiara vary team tier. fot'a.)e la) tbis abxacje cm bt eaady nm.A4, akb aa ta pm al awry 13 av 15 dofVs." Tit rawJy, e preaaoka, ts la -Ap wrjk. A boat lOU) (awtWa. M al rbo.ft, will esaipatt ta that dU trict lii era. We kf tbeaa who Am gont smv better ibeir Conditio i bat f aowtf of (Wta baa left advaaupa and eooforts WAtod wbkb tWy wiQ avak far ia vain ia tbt wilda el Ibe wcat. Joarpb Atoydr baa kiely been admit led to practise law ia Berks eonnty, PnyKaa'. A vary appropriate name for A Aswyer j fur Air. tpatde ia ike moMof hisprortawoual brethren. la 'iU"(fifwrativeh apeakmg) etf aVwreof many poor clical t uHe4 bt, aa ia iKa case w'tii iba aMiabers of tba lept proCtaiioi in China, befog obliged himself tt enter lbs pit ia (T'g, JVr ritert TmA, tW sKtttrf ciii.iip'imwr ll. I,,; If of Af Kgf focwiul, lba daj Ire. fAUti bi Mfttctd ad r sands of Tfris, ArnwAutM, ti J l tvftfMltst dlloialLe, f i teAi lif JaAtturlta. Al lif llaaf ff t, tpprtssJot), tiff fvrt4 iW , CffttamlAoplf whi pUcirdi, ks e tiff lirtatootl If fslarf, ttrt U. bonorn tf lit w, It tvtng t VkV tr, Tit Owe r an a! ippt tn At it 4H lit fdwpt Urn ef tetrw tneiturt kk ( if Ibff it tf If BftvtM lit dltet! tf lit petpW frans tittAf t Wt krkcf. Om of lie Ir nrawti, ktrpdowf lit tKkt efprtvMock 1 Sok an and ilt rabbet trt iturtbti , t Halt f gloom? Itfxiientlow it m Oil trt.,. " .. . I'JYa.'JWa, jeJeTiKretn5tincrA?pjA lit ttfMnkeH 'TreM lit'Spontoi m contbtt tf) it bcrtasteg depre, , iivt etlted gftsiilinn. TMKinf gu if view tbt Roy illat wJoateet diatmsr, in coftseejoewct bf i dlipov otkievKed if liens It tspofst lit Ci of Dnet Cartoa. Reroht bad titrt b! imoog ibeni h JftrtW Tsmgew, ;i Arragon tltf at Valadolld, PrtMrsb Ron. It wst tppvtltndtdliAtlltL hi troops which ltd deserted Into fV tl, wowJd makt a sudden bv onion i Spanish Cslrtnadfrt, tiller & plunder or panitus. Another re; viki lad carrr ncv, ws ilal tit prii tncourgr 4 liett rsvolli and dlvffec& lib t view lo sccurt tit govtrooMAt Spain lo litmselvts, setbix tit Impo biliif of aitf efficient rrsi.tsBCt be nadt to ibt Portugucsf anfiueocitkt present politkai suit of liiaga. ii South AmtTk. Our accouma fr otiii NmeHcs rrprtKnt thLcoiXB la A stry Bnetlledcotvdijoni andb catt tilt A cbtAgt In lis pUikal r mast if made.. It Is fve,aid du mUltsry dtspotiitn roust bt ttuUUb snd tist the suprt rat pewtr bai beef fered to Bolivar. ' , . . - .3" Tbt Barcelona Gitsttt innounceK cUIlf that In consequence of Ibt boo-f raeniiv Spain of tbe Accustomed irii totht Dcf of AlgUtbi ht id Mt squadron 10 cruist tlonf lit coast Spslo.. . A letter from tn Engli.htnsA In Al andrla,ErDt. uva, that ibt sews of L rw-Tpr. It H now seerrtajBed, to a I certainty, thai De Wilt Cttntow ia re-etocj ted novtrnor of Nrw.York i but by a aaajor. j ily of or.lv about 2000 vote. In 1834, bis majority vu pasnl of ; 6,000. About two hundred tbooaand votes art pnerally poHed in that state, at tbe gubernatorial etccttotia i Gov. Clinton received, in bis eonteet with Col Vownga two years aincaVupwatda ajsaeAawaW Englaad fof rotes : and Young more than 80,000.- 1 be peo. I Levant had CaUKd t great. SCBU' pie of Kew.Yofk, we think, mustbava .gooel there and k was feaxed -lbt BOplew statk mad at the late election t lor we cannot conceive bow any one, "of sound mind," could prefer, for Governor of that great tte, suck a man a Wm. B. Mochester, to De Witt Clinton the former in eompartaon a'rth the latter, ia ao 1 more that a rusk-right to a brifliant meteor. ' A vessel htely arrived at Wilmington, In thia state, from the Island of Martinique, fin tbe West Indies) ahh'lie yellow fever on board i two of the crrw died on tbe passage, and one alter tne arrival at Wilmington, sucn mea sures were taken as prevented tha diteata from preading in Wilmington. 10 milea outha?t of thi town, vu struck by circulation ligotning, and totally consumed, with all its eon-' laUeJtwupeveirtmg from taking fire. Mr.T:ra,i . . . , L vt t ta . . T . ejeused Ants it A aevew one i for the little' a I be baiLof '. . . . . Av-f---21' onwmed in the barmiZt?? ' " gTalhjaf7fo3defi was consumed . In lat week's paper, we briefly mentioned that a very tragic affair had taken place in Meckleo burg countyr the last Charlotte paper contain the particulars attending it, which aro even more shocking than report bad represented ' We learn, from t paragraph in the Southern tnem. it ia with shame and confusion we per. Advocate, that there were more than tight Ann. form our task as public jwinaTiiti, in promulging I djrd civU tuks on He docket of the circuit court Tt a lots to know irbat hum falu report on the subject can do rumor, with her thousand tonguei, could -not have eiaggerafed the enor mity, cir increased die horror of the " IrtDsac- Atw-Jtrrn. In the late election by the Leg- islature of New Jersey, of a eenator in congress, E. Bateman received 28 votes, and Mr. Pre- Jinhuysen 28 1 Uateman, being chairman of the council, rted (a he had a right to do) r Mm irlf, and wa. elected. Such a circumstance i. of rare occurrence s it is not often a man has s sSftt,ewtJ"fk4-tyV fHtp an office ss U. S. senator for six years ! . Five of the six . representatives in eongrc! from New Jersey, ourteadefs have already been told, art Dtcttrti Ephraim Bate man, the newly elected senator, is also a disciple of Esculapiua. If there be any virtue in phyrical legislation, there ia not much danger of the hiJupthtie of y.v-jtvri-:"-'''v ''.' mis stale otouiuinj; uiwaseo. ...-....yWa'ffjf Bthna)Fi of Jpr'iculture of this state crdered to be procu red from the hforth, arrived at Fayette ville Utely, and has been distributed tomot of the Agricul tural Societiea virotrghout the state. The cask fur the Rowan sofiiety, arrived in Salisbury about two weeka since snd the wheat has been dis tributed among thn members. It waa received too late in the season tor a fair experiment to be made of ita capacity to resist the destructive effects of U)f (t!'lt being one of die peculfr cooHQueoces would tcsult to lit lithmtn residing litrt. Talma, the celebrated Tragedian,' ttill If iff daftgtroQttf HI. Tbt Nuremberg CorrespooJeot Dounces. that.tbf iliuiuen scot if , rliflcrtnt Count to sssist In ibeoaec lion bf the Emperor of Rossis, isrt celved tn Invitation to essUt tt lit ci mony of his coronation as King of Pol' at Vansovie. It it expected tbtt on i occaKion t number of promotioni will made in tbe Polish army. . 7Vrfry. Mnf ir.dividusls hsvt i trrested snd tiiled or put lo desti. A 1 disrontrnt of the people daily Inciei! And is more end mort marked. On the" fih Inst, there . wst a pi Council tt the Porte. A-Jin. read in the mosq'dt forbiding til COO' sation respecting public affairs st the I fire. 'Any man who violates thii ore Is to be strung, op , on the..ipot,j femtiefttijinmm bri up in a hag, end lhiown into the tea., A fa bad his tongut cut out t for bsinir sacrilegious language .agsi the Sandjiah Slieriff. lit wat tbeQ C ducted to Kadekoni,(snclent Chalc'edoi where he will probably be put, to death Colonel SoyeE, Aid de Camp of & fnrriiasfriyerfSrraaT" carried tf JHde"Prdt pemkmof 1 3,000 fruKti front the Colo The aatronomers of Moscow tnnout thtt this yetr the winter In Ru)Ai ; be as severe' at that of I8l4i it.'.'. ,47' A 8pablih zebeck, froni Marsellleiiv captured Sept. 31d, seven leagues fn Darcelont, by an Algeriiit tcftooo The crewTscBped in the boat.,,-. 1 ; A letter from Marseilles, Oct J, si The frigate for Egypt is expected tf got up in a few day. A second mga 60 g;nsr fo the Pcba h on the tiot 'a- f J

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