tU ,kfi.!fr el t' I l ilt ? ! !( -1 J i.!ir iin .I (tt ', tkt -' if V, t s ; ; M I t 1 4 I W f ' M !,-. s Vi'i t r Vf f. .1 kff .iM.t J rt i r ., ; i" Vi w t-l Nif ni"s tt 'y u lg .cf ;tf tf i rf i t a tt. -ws I'b4 a t a r fit fx,.. 1 1. . r lit n ,t,'' 4vJ ttl ttl i' 5iI'f eJ lu, V tk i!t Mtw. list a. ft, H .Ur!i Il.tis, ht, of Ki , pwk'tt m ike iirtM f th ftufttief (irttks, w Mli iMl tWlare Ift 1lKidMnfr,mhf faiftif W. fMlta lIMury. frtfft ft Itft We ! foavtrsfd with Mr, fdd. "lif whw yta'ud Gmff- at! to . ttwt tf trr u petrowtgt er im , 0 be gttt of hf destitute tftd ,y tvfW fodtka e thatepfyrtstd r- ftt-Ut 1 MJUir - II COO. f t.l the" suit ant! tma.U l?K La fof UtoOliJfef llkif pk y.Uoci aed diiiMtes. IM we-enea JTrti etstrtly dut'trg ihf litre t MiJrtilM god m dd the, eflf r Wtrdt, who escaped, MM cbotl dstb rather tha U capture d. THy d'peicitd, above ell other ciU, I hi ur.ter sain tit bwdt ol tbt if rve e4 itATfthei eaeaslrl, 1h ut of nvt4 of the lnhMuatt of the Mo. rvi ere flttrrnf f ad ibuM captured . ire treiud la snotl bruUJ es inner. U Attka iad jiotie, the people ate in l enoet deitttoty Cocdiiloo, JJ.it 00hl( n lodlKt Kn to fttlb. toil t their Cf wtl Opprreoft, I bey Ar CMlrtff tiftotrd lo frv tHraiirtvrt fr -m jK Tutlnh yoke, m in I aU B d U talf.dtrrcr. Tbrv dt rot ItM 4M 4t Ulf iK power el tS tB&dfl im Mcn thtf 1fttd. MilWf fft tbt pat U ion i would bt u ctrpuW to tbrco Mr A r irmi. Thouttt thrr ire rxx in rrry ' U' dil'iplinrd rif, thrjr toUr d pftvkitbui ih i it Utlifi '.h (. fofn Md keep -p regular Jdior rmT. "Ht tMnt,H tbt PotttU uthrrirttr Occuitt, my b the r to tr V'tA Ko'u, or ihr prrieol d (Eculiirt ith thr Ji- ni(rira tKt ht (rrk oo br ')1e t recot er frnm Kir i flrtioT iit-iiion, nd be Irct and pr upcroui. Mr. M,in vrrv in el. iigrfit nao, and hit 'pinioni art rn. U led 10 full credit, fir went to Grrrcr with hnnorablr and ditmirr. ftted nl be will tlwayi have tfr tjtitftrtion to rtflrct, that bt Libntcd and lufnrd in bcbalf of that Mlowinf xlditioiul particular! tic frnm Mr, MUUr bimvclfi Tbe prtKot ante of Greece it in. cooccivaoiY wieicnca. rtoi nniy trc thbuundt or itt lohab'itaota detitu' of ctotbivg lufBctrnl to protect ibeta from the inclemency of the approach lo( winter, hut are in want of pro. tioot to enable them long to tupprt Tife. Tbe titndard of the rrott.w.aj raited in the Peteponneiiu murr than f re ye art ago, tltce which time, the Crrekt have enbibited a dclcrrmina. T jkhi wpnnT u nir origin j tno, IQ XD-ny hard fought battle, have folly drmonttratcd, that they will live free of the Turk, r die in arm. They hate committed great nmiaket, but Dot greater than one, acquitmrrl with tbrir ccfidition, might hate ripx-c.t'd. During oiv rrtidec' among thrm, in. Head of bcinjj. aurpnted at their "ctitnev I Kave" often beet' astonished in sreirg - Dnrh virtue, atnidtt turn fnUerv and etnfutin. Tt remilt o thrir trugnle, I bink, It uncertain : b it any thiiig.that can be done to re ltrir their present want, will be d-.d of ch trirv, worthy of tSoe who trj ice in lrtteoing the aggregate of cumin murrr. Inert it, indeed, enough of tnnery it eerv part of tbe world bUt tht rf which I now uprak, it of peculiar character, and which Xut reach the httrt f every Ameri. can. The preeka are ttruggling as our fathert did, for freedom and in. irpendence though not from a Clint - lit.' Iv. ' a lAf tkiAUflaa .rwkte TUa " . ' -" " - - - r- - - . iv tacrifice i they have made. I believe are greater than ever were made by an other people. Thev cannot tub. mir.at discretion, Hith.,ut leopard iaii)gl?v'ir livet, aqd. ..vP-,'ng . their a - . . wives and daughters to the lustful pafiont r-i neatuai towteiylhe hishiry -of 4rner" I nrk rah treatiet t.-i i i t : lea' ncs wvn tn iney may expect JfeT'obmmjcapk can tney do f I ell me not of Xurkish - - IW" . t merry, orr- wruto laiin-r i ner arrl im-rnful o'r.ly whef. there it fenr of reaiatunj and keep tVeir promise orK bcl it it rift for their interest to hre;.l iC Thia" is the unhappy atat -f Creecr. Fot my owe pjrt, after bav r e sur. much of the nan-re of the present itruggjc, .and leatrot . jr,tuft, A tMk. MifiHt4 fof U . mpiUUf fwo4 ta (mii O CwrUf I'f.f'ti wUl.wlf iftM,Mifftrtf peitita Vi't Ui gla ti Mfcfwi ttttMt aw Hiifif lk laltttiUa t4 atjct telui Into wkka lit trf.h pctI iivt ftUta. tittti4r,dt AwguU U.tMtUsif ((t rr4Ufkttf afrtttltsimJJ Tit i ttUf&tfit U lilt Ni II- liWt f4 tU toMlOklt t4 I t4M, t M um u v tu m r a, , ,4t. Vw wi J rt t Ut fcwr iit lufcairtk at 1 tttttt ay "r fW at imm." (Wt fwoil frwta Miet, wet vtlrf li f tr kwfott t UUt w et tac rt !y J , IlitUyviiwr iattwth. iU i mmi kaw, ijaiiMCitf ht H. Ti It ripftttiH hU.Cartrt ti IM L'il U4 4, U h'l, V a waa tM l Hon) CaraJaa (f. Caia&rtWag t . Iftt M aWfcMnia tvtf Mr. mUf,9 tit tarttf BartwH Mi M Br'rfi'rl J cJita to Mr CSJ a "tbt -a . . . a t - .- tv. ..t, r If at If m f4 UVwl UH 1 1 '11 CiiMWiOMHI I ikH)ut4 Inif rtgt, cotrttly ptaat lotttitr. cwtttt tfttlr MU itUtt tf UxlU rta4r awttf tnrat tooktng if a long kttrd, grvd Mraiat, a Ifftxkwttrt ai ina, tM ad fatu Ww aUi wfictra, til ak4 tltat. At t4 Watt, a cawkaJ Igart, bnidlflf la at t4 a pUiti ad a IkiU Mr triaMM In tapptr ka tit Ut, MkH tbtrttv lot 01. At Bargot I ttw KorriUt tlfbi.iM nwHbola attu flnr frteMM4 of a rawttot, 4aitd m ii r4 ltdg mii of lit hy i ! Vt4t4 nttd wtviritt nwM4 pfwiwit- rnUt knta tba aU4 of tia caattai rtwrl yaftf, a4 rewiB(tt' Ighirag ki wif (tr befft! fiick prta. Two vwwta tt r.wa ik wy IM old mt, aa4 tit fU iy tKa ynng TM iMrtl fikt. ralard win ticlMMiino. Fe GMl't Mit,' t4 Tie Holy ritr.'rT4rtQ'itt hmi CMitW. of wilt lit dkirihwtKMI tf nwret. tforinw tit (titt wf Frii cft fle tow bote tlifitUtt Omhtotber i,n4. t eotnprnt'ta P tilt. I hi q tit 4if tfrtl tl BafgM tig catKHtttkkt1 of mtirt tl?tr. Itt (ttt Mgi, whUi bt woeih hyiMtrvd lieoo4 crowns til Umpt ef lit timr tnctal. all arw, bit lit caniflttilckt. wtrt bomiag ail td rftt, wittt lie poor i't wot t CSi n lirirdweffinct. la Arimlt. Dutirtgo, tad Vnvt 8Wrtt, vat tic umr frightful iwitry litthnp tr rnougi to mkt one thudifff liihy, tmptft drattitdi oothlof In i hem oot trttb, tnd ihit it the blgitM prkt " Mr. r.tv.vtvo m r.tnn. Mr ( fiDtrg't ! to Prlt it a tub jrcl f rotck (peculation tnd antie'y with be. l oon of Spain. The kgihmaiet ol titt bigoiiftl knd dtgrtded anion httt a great tertkxt to lbr'libtrl Engluh ttifeimaa. That ittt ilm tlmott ennH llr at they do an American republican lit new and uhcrl contutuiion of lor tog J. UtU tititr itngdoea. that impvtt ' or to iht advice and Influence of th orltitn. It u prUMiUt I itt IrtncyvUI not interim wLbtha interntl tfT.irt Poriaea) j nor will the ctutioai apror ol Austria attempt to pat down tbt new order of thing there, unlttt be should dlacotcr a. spirit of rtform tprejchng in hit terntoriet, and bis own ihrooe in immcditta daiigtr. -The greit nonbtra Au'ocrat hat enough to do, in. keepb.r hit own numetout tubitcit In older, tnd in watching the movements of hit old en tfny In the East. : ; .:; ;j7or..Ct. ' crSr TALIEI'.S. Supr'6'ui mn otun talk most flu. ently, aod in mixed companies mott agrrtahli. T' ey are usdally gay and cne.erfui, lor 'hur spirna are not ct tiaut'cu by deep th- uiht, nor drawn from the ttiiagf before them by ab. Vsrt m mind, It it an erroneous judgment, which it often formed i f chilitrrn as well at men. when those 4 re suppmed to possess the best prts who talk most, fcxceisive garrulity it certainly incompatible with solid thinking, and a mark of that volatile and superficial turn which dwells on the surface uf thii'gs, never penetrates deeply tnoi gh to make any valuable du overiet. But at no rule ta without exception, some deep thinkers have ilso bee., great talkers. And aa univer. aal excellence it desirable, we ahould labour to aupply every defect. Deep thinker ahould cultivate the art and habit of conversation landfluentJali. era should strive to obtain the tolidi- ty and accuracy of deep thinlera, AX7) tTATF.n. On Tuesday morning, Noah Mar. tvt? greengrocer at Hdderafield; nung nimaeir in a paroxism brought on by drinlinig gin in lrge quaotitiea add oh the'aame day. VV, Kibbleth. wate dropped down dead from having draDl-br-craghtfWdMr 7 What tneianchi'lly circumstance it is, that these poor fellows were not acquainted with each ther : for had th7 been ao. sod Marrlot bad mixed hit tin with KibblethwatVa water. both i f them, in all nrobabilitv. would f.i. - - -j vt hfr live and merry at this tnr Kieli-CrrOlwa I llta bo hrrm tA Uti ct tlib prt af tit wawia ftitabtf U sataaUn at tia least af tit Vafctd tuvitt, art ttttUaMt) wi tt Ma a4 awcattdaa HttibCtrWiwar Ht U torfta, lUi lit lot taw, tit to kwrew, i rkt. S NatUr aa4 aatsJ porta avtidtxtdlw HofiaCtrt4U larva a ttry brft ptrtkw) of lit ttporta at lit Out M Kt Twki aa4 ttt4 tatttri til v to add to bar wtthk td Itapottaact f Dwt wt itoi tp twr pta, tw to antxi ta rtfciit tit aknitr at tilt Ntv Tan bbtlWr, tt to u a w'd tia chlatat tl Konb Carolina. Yaw tot, tad .ft i.st dily avortf7asg proofs al tia fact, bow bgiily ytw srt aUttaatd by tia chtatat af ytv tlftr aifti. Tit ftvfc It yawf wwa. Jaw ar too atrplaw, law flfetodrwl oT whm hAMti y warn Int. Wktb t toil to4 tlhmttt towj it) toy in lit wtrld-rki h litfla, td la Mry uat M wiki tW Voawtlfot ttawtor wf NafvU-cotjld bestow tpotj f"jom aft oti fmpewtt yo adttw tatt wlnly. Tat art, polhkally, loa tmmUei ftw v aKL4 to pwt fanb year tuvngibt yaw ttl tot) wtB cootenl ta Aiay a trtwaf firt. Rowaf am, lot threat J and su4m titt raak wiki 1041 tr tat hied A oc'apy.' l b b mid it W t ak tW ay av t. tWbrwtv t yawtk, aw Bttien Jataaaarl ItocawsUr, Pt rrtd U tit suit tprftjknd t tdaAtfrt titrt t fcw ytit, tWNgrattd la tit wt. W part wf t.YeL witrv, iy Uduatrjr, ta. tvrpnaw,sadWnKl it taitwtl taiwJtf tilt foftVM. Wat. L at wH fdweaUd at iw eafacity wiwU adiwii and ratrBtd law aw. ftMM rf ti lawMwiki, awwwvte. it U tot toprar dwxjiwd at raw aiwrt aaawjecrfey t it awing tt s rart eAjinnUut wf ttmla, and jW kuk, it wm tfttvwtrd a tjrctwt Jitdp, wiiela fttaalioaj if aatw f'f . cioot hwitlky, tt iW4, to yvrform kt dutWt ertdrt WtrfwarH or bene It ta tit pubU,) it thet trttrred tbt tppoiatawH at tWtJarv nf Ltgitloo ta tit fftttaaf rawaaMi tnd, ttlll fuHbtf V tiwait kit dewiny, bit frWd witi s Wntt of aetl talirvry anprtevdrwtcd, noraJoatt 4 -iiw for Cwrewwr wf Mtw.Tort, ta eripntitWw tw Dt ffiat 'Itr Tit pubic cur of tbla ywang aaaa tahtbrtt ont of tboae atrttgr freakt of fortnnt, viici it It beyond tbt takaeat of humanity ra aosenat toe. tl CaraJw'tW. The Boston CowtQwrcial Cuvtte of tit 50th ulL hl)i. "lit V. aVabia. Crie, David Deacon, eoamander, arrWed tt "tw.Tark on Tbtmday fbrenoott, froaa a cwiae np tbt Straitt, and bat from Gibraltar, in thrty-mx yaw" A long paawfe tiia!! Wt wonder at Ctpt Deacon bad not tt pot bit BMW oa abort alkrwanee of provwioni, idbet it rtacbrd port t Cat. Wilfiam Doane, fcrtMrty editor of Ut fhiladerpbia Awrorm, pmptiaet eonuaveneing tbt pubRcatmn of a an Airy paper la thai city, tt bt tntitlrd tbt AVwKTarana. ' He propoies it uing ii aper ta Hn aa s tufRdent aaaier of ubtcribcrt art obtained to warrant it. 4 dividend of 4 per cent, for the hat tit moitht, baa been drclared by tbe State Dank of Notth -Carolina, payable at tbe principal bank in Rdeigb on the 1ft Monday in December, and at ths aeveral branchet 15 days thereafter. - Crfiiur. The legitlatare of South- Carolits met in Columbia On Monday, the 27ih ult. J. 0. 1'On vu remlecttd president of tbe ttnate Job Johnton clerk, in place of William D. Martli," elected a member of congee i G. Chip maqjoor -ice per, John Withers mewen. John B.yNeal vu reflected speaker of tbt boats of ttprttentativea t Robert Anderson, clerk; Robert H. Waring, ntrtjengerf and Joiiaa D. GaT.lard, doee-kreper. TbaC UaUlature artht fcfonw election nf a United Statea Senator, to fltlfthe racancyoeca. toned bv the death of the1 later Mi 7 Caiflard, (ficb..omee.wtnpmK aettion by tbe Governor appointing MrT Ilarperi) on the first baHot the yote-atojjuB jl JEk Judge Smith, 83 Judge Huger, It Judge SjnUh as jformcrTy' in the Jrrl.f1 , planted by Col. Hayne, ot occount of hit cau cut predilections. - Wa M aJ(Vi44d tWy at awi;, tMttdf ta,uy ttdM awUt at I NStMut i4 trf tH llwry at! rati tttu. w4 oaoiir lit t ' I wlwa W tit Uf'Mt tt fWMrW A ft tf Ciw tUHt, it 0 m i it! aiwstrtl I taaltaa awa aattttiad tt t.a.iif t4 wrJ-f W,-o- VgUrt ag'itt Wtwili t UUa, Tiw. U lit 4df tt tt W 44s m taW ww w. trtbwte ta lit ptauht iaumi tt tt atWa, j taTwwUf attsa awtait a4 taVwa4 aU la IM paAltwM la rba awjw,Uwo tt ait bittx C10MCL1 Hl. A ittW Itnlla awrtka ttlW tteWhf aW. at lit Wmm tttrtwJt; wf MniV4. s, It taw ami af Ctwrgw aWk aVBt i wt Ut ibwafV, tWrttVr. that rit fUWw itf iewf ft. aaawt at lit two t i i a tl (bat taw twti w 14 Wa7'tUttnvtrytaattwrrtdf. Ti'tt ttatftatwit art ktttd ap tbaat avtdt by rit aWUtWwwkat la tit bgwiit ttiwl atast, atw at artwaw i Tia Bai a Aagysia btt wot a ia clr caUilwa to lit aeaownl of lM,liy4 tp(t hkf lag to l be lUak in ht vtylti EHJ4I1 TMaAoobtfulwtbitarataiiaBt ltd al SI000,tdiiot Udai f,yjll Aavhxm of oadhMtd peolit ITf.l 1 1. Tie flaMm' Dalt itt la tpttio sad aptxW fWfa liy.1ll Natt k circa Utlow tI).M . Tit eaaovat of aottl whkb tbo State Btab and bt beancbes bat La tlrtttUtko, is tSl JXIit tptck aad specie foods iJio.tia f i Uak riOtrlta btnottoit taaooa ling to $yi),4SS, ad was of specie gIMJf Upw.rdi of btif am'illroa al lit notes art U tbt Sttie Trattoit. Tit Prt tide at of tils Dank, Aaaow Ktmbtrrf , uva In bit latter to tia Cottmor, that lie tott Wyood tit reserved food sea. oeai to BUOOO r wiki Mr a, limkt ran bo - ano ap In mo or tirea years after "be Dtnk rtt la optratton, from lit pec Bit." The Recorder sttt, tiia B.ok, a think, will otvtr again ba in atxeett- fwl operation aod tie aoooer ita a(firs are brought lo a cbne, tbe belter for tbe individual stockholders sad the state. Th lots sustained tlDarten it attlmattd BStnoo, whkb n snort tito bill lie a. a 4W.at WO a . rrrii vtoci I ne aiacon oranca toai 4000; ard at Milledf etiltei wbtre nrarlv ?1.000,r)0, wn loaned out. on If E 30.000 it reportfd it lost-. Tha Presi dent of tbe Bank lilnka all its note a ea cepf tbnteTn the Trettory will bw called in by tba 1st of Mmh next. ' Mtj. Rtwry Let b said la bt writing a biogra. pby of Cea. jKkson. i NoaiV Kew-Tork F.nrplrer, In apeak ing of At politic of tit awfabers tVcteiTtf th tXi eor.gr, at trtm titt attte, says i " there art SO taenitrt dweidrdly appowd tw tp. Afer1 rv election, eight, decidedly .fat irrn, f w. friend. It U Mr. CKaion. tnd two wnpotrd to Mr. Ad srna, and twt doMbtful. Tit Mir estimate, without any gWaaing. it, tiat twertyix iH vot aft in Mr. Adamethwuld tht qurttkm on. fcrtonttsly bt again aubwiitud to Congrvm It appears we were wrong in stsung that Mr. Borgeant gortto nwiti A nprka unaccow ponwd bv Mr. Rochet er. Wt were led into tie et rcr, by teeing Itr. Sergeant's departare on bit asitNon announcrd in many of the northern papers, which were silent aa to Mr. N. It waa given out by Mr. Rorherter't friends in New Tort, previous to the election, that ht had resigned hit diplomatic Keretanrthipi bnt it now are ma, aa we ataf.d a few weeks since, that this w as a lure thrown out foe electioneer, inr rurnofca at Lome. M A bird in hand ia worth two on the wing t" he waa determined to hold on to the office ho had. till it was atrer. talned whether he could get a better. And it it not impossible but the departure of tbe nie- tion to Tucubaya, waa delayed to accommodate bim, and tomeWy U J Tbia ia the personage whom the Oncktails laud at a modeat, unaipiring man I Hit graceteta prcttmptinn in opposing frinirXKaftn7lj"oidjrTq06Tte4 tfflila Tiypoe I'- t'y. J.t "'", isrr.vrtKtxcg, TVs iJUv mf $ gtfmt turn ii nw.j f;d at Fana.rara,, si IV mu, la (U It f I A. 4 rW Pa lit iWt-w. fawsi U Witftst atotUty its rvMtt'f i,. fjtemtl, abit tit liwiii ts4 ut , prsagt t lit rvSyttry af 0, U tia sapptttakiw of bftwtwrM.7: ffrwVttit tiUfyaol IliWyatyU atatb plttaor, lk bappy tnU ti tWy batiste, ral it'y tatwo arvwr ftt try apf wteit of ttl! Scci J dwr tWvwfcwav ttt?Ur rteota axsil aJ xotlttf le lit 'MaawwswppmyJ ail IM cianaaa oaaat imut Tba Katiwawl aartatl ttty titt d, J ttjpti ta rfttawo iwr lit tri year, awa ewM im atiiatsif f iw rvttry at lit Tratsorv, at lie aasi J Ii4 last aatiVot) of Ceagrtsa, fawarJ aatltg titttnatattlwliattwiiart, fj tag im row not of im paper j Hit fjj 0000) tad that litre kt a a. litt tia rtetlpn af tia ytar Ilif sni 't""i rww wt orwetsva at i at a. b tlpeaditart, keying im aaw U wtirjlaoa aw aecooai U tit sykcip4 a mtrttt oi t.t ptjbU debt. ssBtHaaataaaawaw. ' Oflktal rtrnt btra bera rtrU4 , A1ay,frooj all lie cowwtkt ka M Tori. Titw give CBmot) g tnajfy , atta,aoa rtcar iixy. . . .. " - A fafww Came of rh)rTCvra rrowti, i lio tktaky of ClarWstiMM baa ieea kft, wbi at for pwhlk Uipeck. Ilk wiki af lb moot laiartant grow li, tad tviw lo wial Mrlectkoa t calilvaUot) aavf csrried ia till tta'a. .Ii anatsafta 10 ftcl ka itigit, and t bcitak ri caeartrtaca, dWrtta Qtw Gtx 1 Wl . cormcor. A rommtrcial frkwd btt ftvortd aser tia lollowbig atatement, from New Tort of tie owafttity of Conoa eiponed I ike Sutrtiera State foe tba year t October I, I 111, tnd October f, 1134. W3. itA 90Uutawkt,21UJ9iilr froaa K. Orleaaw, Vlorifta, Oeteria, kouti Caraliwa, K. C and Virginia, 3.CW) HUM V7jJ0Q ytjct latU.j 111V71 ) Total Crop, WW Shewing trt incrcisa in tba year 'i:f, of IS077I bnlca. ZUidts,k UprtMiw that tht very , great Iraosition from tat ilgb prices of 11)1 to low comparadnlr low lytes of 11)6. bat traded to katp rat artkla Uk and lio fjuawtity wkftaeU from tba markei, ia the loterior, and k tit itadt of tba PUnttrt, in aorat of the ni ton growing States, It probably roach Itr-1 ger than it oat Ut year. AtriA Crtila AW. lit New Tori, 4 per cent dc ounf. PblTidtlpblt, J per cent. Norfolk, I to Ji per rent. RtcH mood, 1 lo I J per cent. Pelertburr.t per rent. . thrrtettoo, 3 per ceoU . tl ttt litest dates. " The Audits Cbronkle of the llth Inst, states that the Troup majoriti it much greater th.u bad been ejt pec t to tal I J in tbe House, and from 1 to I is the Senate. Mr. B.ker of Wsrrtn, in given notice la iba Senate, that ht should move for a committee to eontiutr taw-eapedretrer-of repealmgrtor f-vtr grrttioiwl Duttkt Bill. Bittiry j 6arpavTroih a message of Cov. Troup to the Georgia lrgiaature, we.karn that Mr. Joarph V. Bevan baa heretofore (for what length of time, wt do tint understand) been in tho employ qf Cut totariograpbtT. riny and double-dealing in relation to hit secre. tarjthtp. -e8e A tVcf grew this teaton in the garden of Capt. Saml P. PanerAn, of wrrkethorotigh. ybicb meatured 29 J inches' in length. StJ'inchea in circumference, and weighed 1 1 f pOutidf.- Sev. era! others in the same garden; were nearly ta large aa th above. . w But this it -darf production to onr-meri tioned iff the American Farmer. A con-cpon-dent of that paper, under date of 26tb tuft, writes from Worcester county, (Md.) that a bhad beet grew in a garden there thia teaton. which meaaured 3 fttct, round, and n eighed, when cleaned of tops and wuhed, twenty-tit pewull! - , H.seje" Dri Grant, of St. Simon'a Island, (Georgia, hia presented ta the Ayricul- j Ala iMuyL Mr. Randotpb b tall to km wwdtht (oHovig tht ipeefb 1 ht delivered b the U. 9. aenafe, which led it tht altercation betweea bim and Mr. Clay. Tt j tanewage ia certainly very abw'rre to awek , to. indeed, that wt very macb doubt whether it j vat used by him ia tba tetuUt t "This man mankind I crtva your psrdon thia worm .(little animtls for give the insult) wit spit but of ! womh of madnets was raised to higher life than! hoT was. born io-.for be' raised to the . society of blackguards. Soma fortune .kind to ilm. cruel lo o has tossed him into tbe Secretaryship of btatf. . " Contempt has the ' property of de scending, but she Mopt far short of him She Would die before ihe could read him. He dwell bnb he fall. u - . " I would hate him if I did not despHe, himr--it Is not'-tpaf be is, but vihttt he it, that put my thoughts Jn action. That Alphabet Which' writes the names ol Nil mm . . t.. inerirtct, ot Jilitctgmrdt pi - iuaaanjt refoseybeyletrm fnl Mff u That mimi whicb thinks on what U cannot exprcts, caw acarcely think of... him. An hyfirrbote for meatmen would be an tlitpiitfar Clay. It I stated in the Newport Republican that Benjamin Hazard; Eq. " hat teeft elected thirty-list times M auicesslon a Representative.' from Newport)' without even one opposing vote." - - . t

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