I ,4 t a..-U-- ; 4. ' 1 - - - hi A 3 n r4v mil al UlIlP tUtltf Mf Maaa tMiulf W.m ftailf, fjy iw tifif of iw r.r,6f Alia4f af Kjf kUW sxsuffid (trttfrpftflaOWSlV iltV P !. piM ef tfcf IM TUsaUei of Ca-r th Ueittd Sou litf boa drjrvd r ug tWJ. ii( Jyi fi'uKfui rrMOu.l iht leflnmt e, Wota(r, a4.Usincd la ..lit ataaaai, Urn KOiinh, froes ati toN hs j bri iMghi 19 lK f(f ,nJ valu 0 potlK tW t4 t N aUe hel the Interests w bit w frtek and friendly Hiertw'M if Ihil repubbf, asthoa of hit po pi would be advanced bv a liberal ofArKul(urcxir with our coun Iff, A undid eed cemEdrntial ieiter. thage of aeMleienia Utweee him eaxl the Government of the Uf,ltd Siati, upoa the efairi .f 5-MiiKtfB .mrrici, tool plate at a period hog preceding nit demise, end con irikMiird to It lht course of jJt which Irfi to the other Govrrarorwt of E-iroj bo attrns .five but lhai ol aootw r liter recognixeg the idr. prndrnce of OOf soilhern neighbours, of which iht example had, by the Uilrd Slelei, already here Ml, The ordinary diplomatic tommuolcatioos hfca his successor, ibe Emperor, N' (solas tod lh Uied States, hava tuff'rtd some Interruption tnr the llTneis, departure. ad subsequent dr. cease of hi minister rrtiding here. wh1 enjosed, hr merited, the en. tire confidence of hieoew eovtieigi", at he had eminently rrapooded to ihi of hii Dfrdrciv.r. Hot r hate hd kit roifT ifef -ir, titUmlf ! !itlorir aiturincn, IBit ikM Vr bHle. tnd nrrl'" hr rDtinrni of ih rti(i'ng rmprror . tt 1 a. prrtt oot ltb hit pen, but mi ni lowirdi ihr Unitra d'airt, arc alio ord Tha writer txlif ihi tht rihrr confurmablr lo thoae which had roplt ahoold know ihf iro-h bo:hW w one ind Ci Ottamlr inlawed hit V wa r ll U 4 Na IMmh f Mrt wM! U lalf tta .t4 U4 tinfr If 11 .Ura ti-lL, a Utk li k4i JmIm Ua matmiftti Mkn. I t iW fr f IM aaUf.liti kJvUt aa4k4.afaf UJafUf UJ U iaa4 ofU:Uf 1 p4 ! 1 - .iiif-kr BiVa-inrttk ftml kr Hk aw T - - - - - tM gftauai elnMM a4 ti tm4 iUt a4 ttfoaf Ufa IM aMMfi o iM M ik 1 D 1114 af'ff t 4, and 1 Wna mttt Mrd. k Um lafkiM nJ . I t ib Irv ii irr fcd f r tMwMr4i fttUr fcita. IflMr a o-m riUg Wfikm. a( alagta !' oi f't prtlftd by ikoaa ao M' Wd Mm. Tfea any U atkad. ly iM ritr kn aiirnpttd l I a pMk llur) ep Ifcf Ufa camirf ol Om rJ iarkaowi1 Tkl qwtilo it aily awtvcrtd A diiinwlKrd mtt. k ( larafd 10 irtoia tkt baWf ti Jttkvxt rfly a 'Military ffcUft.U" Th kyKt of ik riwr la la ako lki Ji fta aim KOBcrtd ihUtn'h polU)k0 waa aduratrd in runi i!e4imyoSkl what a rtto4ok)0 try palriolt cemmcMtd Ika 'prarfV ia preraUot in a a4iUd tnuntn, M alrclrd likr klm. 19 IK fWntc tH 1LC of Bf7ftMtjt 0 h Coo of l at oalVoo ( itxl unlik Mm. Jvttr of tha Httnf Cmrt f hra adopted Slait fx ail yean 1 and hf i r . - . . . I....)..,. aa. 'Moaaitiat ln af a j l . a a i .it rtnaiat ajailkrtd, W1O1 tim (Uttraatef ika MtV-rrU-xli, Ul uUt aUadcaeMat of Jit(naalaaiS dlUi t ad Ut tfpla ud t7 aUgUVutf kU cmi UmH adtat Te Kt &f nt'f Oti of Atfd, b4iiW4 i3 diniiajlM aafavf cWuaa f latpoalatwl Tcwaigr, tag K Mala ad (Jo4 of it Krihritaodj hi U fxrna ol K UaU lid 5arra,-M om Ta iki (5 .'( if ill Vil r,tr.stf, di farm 14 4V k ' U Cai(ilJ 1 11a iy U SwiUfk mtitmhti. Ml ai;4A A (tiatiiiW af b I U IM a.(inpi llv f Ua 8fuli itratttai. a4 U Wilaa4 U U lttlU M iM part of iM t'al'H Fu'ia. Il a Ut prated fcy Ikt Xk f of Awrdaa, Ikal, pao4tr ff l M(UfatfrtMt,ikiiHtf4 Trta la lUajld 4 ajiajmati laoaUartd aa UI )fi ton i a r a oklck wilt Mjwl lk aKikof Cojh l Ua farriad Iwt if ttl M rf pniaid lkka I Ikift tot rHMf a4 t yof 1 ati4raiu. M taa mm4 LHt4 taaa al'ia taadt, iht: all t dui ?'l,MM11u- k.. mm t.iH.H. a.'.Ui lu. Jaga aa k ah l 'iiU Ult-aakal if CttrillLI Jrgul jtkf Lrtfd 6araf a M aUagdoaa, M 9 My li a ol r I Ud LrM JUiUH4, -TVaaa) -alpo- ritnM bmvwr ktU Vmcm, cat rtaajrikwa Hadfooiiawd ia fuftt PoataaUrxia of OiaM DHiaia). la Amafka. torralyrar. wbta Im UiKfiaaioa- rjniMooa o if PUMPiBimnaaciw 0 1I01 pldpl ucd ty h I ir Umwa fcaa oaah fof a NnhcraodrU t flaw .od lodirrtl! f ta.ai-dUf.aalo. U..M..M oa ': rt-iJ.a ri ,(a l feu 1 J u , ji5 Urt (( t'-.t .ia, I...!,! ail ltotia oUli a :4 . d!4 owtj IiiIm a tii.4k ol Urg nifaaM(4 Wa m Htm K (alalia la (' tla. U(ua ij arrival a4 Walnrf If ad 4Hni$4 (antra of ertAva, M aa a 04f aalla P.J C atrlr, frt a4 aftat lU a ol Dr raikti M nmai, lMtfaol V4 n,n front all ka rl.UI UiHil (wi), t If pUg taoa llJttWadar4a a 1frrtaWl ! aoaoa Ma ti!M. lad. M Utolonnad lkt. ctauv Mitooa aattog aotaa, lofi at a My, 444 ail vrulfUiia) Ji y otWr. oail'jtfti W a twnar aia fate y im( fowt gf"1' utbfttt al MfotUihan, ktltalt NgaUtad ry IM Uglalatiaa il la of M Paoty aaUg iM Ikal iM PmU,, Coa tathaM, iMrttorft Of'tiMt tv. . 1 . l.i fl f.l -I I L. 1 i. u uotrrftmaftiai ad oo im pan otiM uai. iiit'ir owrfTWif i 1 ) irai at iM' pralf rod Wiatply IM larmt "ffartrt iMtrtaio t'tal magniiwlaaoddalKary M Arl of raUaarM, ol Jtj )0, kadbato ajuwad t ika Coon!ofia of0rtal Brf'aia atd t o adtek tk ll'J rv llll. oMla ikal rf 1131. H I triMIt ol IM Lit oiaiaa avr pmi . a . 1 . . - 1 - a .1 .m 1.1. W(A naiinfiai 'rr 11 1 Ih Lfnld 5iau are oo prlitd n pariiciaie. by lh al of Coogtctt bvouiM baa bacn rnaraie lor am plotnttwa be ha hrW ibf mnnr in hWh be baa rqulnrl Mmrll In ihoac OTPpJomrait. and lii E'rta In Ell the oaVr of Chief Maiirair of (hit great ia4 (rr rtaiion C0N0RR8S the U. STATE8. On oaxlat,tHr 4(k retinal. (.'niigrrM mi in tJ kiiM fHt . A niumin KftiA infvar. A pr ol kcb follow : I 'mteJ Sum. am 1 imprrial broihrr and we nave rratou 10 hntte that ihev will acrte lo crmmt that harmony aod good undrrifandinf brtwrrn ihr monniona, which, .mn. A mA im aa-vM mmr at t t I a P a a t rtnnAI K.il ' - . I lK-r at aiaawt.t a1l ak a. ai m a H a t a rrauh in the ailvanccmrni of the wcU i ; of 71b Jajuan, IIJ4, U diKrimioa ling dtilia in the United Stalra were agaia auapAdcd, M far at rel.ted lo ihr vatatla od produce of iHe Nelh. trlaod, ao org aa the reciprocal ri rmpi.a htd be encoded ! the rah) and pnxktct f the (Jailed Sutra In lh Nnherlaoda. Hut the Mdir ar prtvHra that ia Kc etent of a rrator attoa of dlarriminating dut'ira, i oprrata ttt)atr the ahlpptnf and tommrni tr iht Uatied Staled' ia ay of thr fftiga countriee refrrred I iherrin, til auijnain of diatrim inatinr duiieiin (a.f .f the wrea- tion of loch'fnrrijfl cmntry ahotild tfr, and at the proviiioot of the act! impotinflfdiacnminatifig foreign toanat aod itpoat duttea lathe UoU led Sifti, ihtjld revive, and be id full force withregard to that nation. la the cofetpondrncr with the Onirrrnmrnt f the Netherlanda upon ihia iuhjrcl, tej hf contended thai the (i r ahoati to their own ahipping hr thit hount) upon their tonnage, 11 not in he conHerrd l a diacrimina ti dutv. oil il cannot be denied fare and proaprrity of both. Our relatione of Commrrce and Navigation with France are, bv tbr vith that Nation, lo ataie of gradual and progrriiive irn provcmcni Convinced br all our 'iperienfr, no leva than by the princi- rl . .1 lAw ami lihrral frflnfflfitv .aM.' V"m ' 1 ' xoi rf a.--' I which the U one a otaua nave coo 'The attcmtiljgr of the neprrient4LUntly tendered to all tle njtioi.a "of Urea of our Union in both rluei ol lnc etrth, It the rule of commercial Con'greaa at thia lime, occura under iotercourae, which thev w.ld univer. eircuanttaoeea calling for" the renewed iav prefer, that fair and equal com aSoraage of our grateful acknowledge petition ia moat conducive to the in. enu to the Giver-fall Good. With tereata. of bothiiarUc$-lhe United a - r the axceptiona t.nctdentat K nKljStarei, in bt orgrntatton ol that Con vention, earnctllv contended for a feliritoua-c- nditido of human exit' nttnuc to be highly favor. I mutual renunciation of d'ncriminaiinff td 10 all the ekmenta which cootru ,utift and chargra in the rria of the bote to individual comfort and to na. two couo'riea. Unktle to obtain the tional proaperity. In the aurvey of immediate recognition of thia principle Our exttnaive country, we have gener. ,n it lull extent, after reducme the alU t . observe abHle of health and dutiea of diacrimation , ao far as it vm .'a a -a al . ration 01 Dlrntv. in our civu.anai .na;nKlr. it .& avreed that- i. . . . . . . . 1 ; ' politicalrela'iont, ne have peace wiih.l,, , he expiration of two yeara from out, ana tranquility wttnin, our oor. thc i,t of October, 1822, when the Urn. W e are, aa a people, increasing Convention wa to go into effrer, on with unabated rapidity in p-puletion, lc8. notice of aix montha on either Wealth, acd national reiourceai and, ,id- .hnuld be iriven to the other, that whatever diffrrrncea of pinion exii th Convention itaelf must terminate, am -og 01, with regard to the nvde those duties should be reduced bv and Uie me-ina by which we shall turn one-fourth ; and that this reduction TV oenencenc 01 neavei to ine im. ,hould be vearly repeated until all provementof our own condition, there discrimination ahoujd cease while the IX yet a apirit animati- g us all, which Convention itself should continue in will not auflVr the bounties of ProvL force. By the effect of this sttpula dence to be showered. npon us in vain, t;on. three-fourths of the discrimina lnt will receive them-with grateful tinj duties which had be levied by hearuand apply them. with unea- fIch puny upon the veisels of the neq nanna, to wc qvancrrocni ui me .,ther in its ports, have already been general good." removed; and. on the first of next Of the aubiecta recommended to October, should the Convention be the eonaideration of O'Ogreaa aMheir Ltill in fore, the remaining fourth last aeision, some were men aenm. will be discontinued. French vessels, tively acted upon. Others left unfin. 9den- with French produce, will be IaheVJjut partially matured, will re. received in our porta oa the aame 11 id the mutaal abolition been stipu I ted bv Treaty, such a bounty upon tie national veatela could atarrrlv Kwill faith.frU Jithe At t, of Co.. grriaof 7ihJanu.ryt 1824, hj tol 'Xprrtly' auth. tizrd the Exrcotivr authtritt to determine what ih.ll be cnniidtrrd as a revival of diacrimina. ting dutirt bv a foreign Government to - the disadvantage if the United State, and aa the retaliatory measure n our part, however just and recea. tary, may tend rather to that omflict f legislation which we deprecate, than f that concert to which we In; rd bv b l.ie rmparor AW laodrr, ba4 peomlard a atitfciay cirfnpofal of rUlma wKkkiMOtrttrnmtnt ollM UM tad 5iai, in juttita lo ika rijktt of a numrrcyt lt 4 ibalr rliifna. wat bngnd 10 tui -In Cut with rrg'd lo tba CowmertUl inirrrou'w belwrro iM t'ni lad Htatea and tKe D'i'itb CoionUa la America, ii baa bean biibeno futiod im praetk aMe la balitf iM partka lo an an drratandtiii aailaf(torv lobolk. TM rt Utlta tentrapbUaJ pmiiUo. aod iM rta plia pewlueta of 0irr ruttitaird by kumn iodutlry, bad eoaiMa)iad ika aU ntfnis ol a coromarclal inttrtotirae ba iwcca the Urlitd Ftaietaod Bitin Amer if Bi intular and conUnentat. Tmpor-ot ft iba lAbabitam f bob etMiMilat. Boi il bad bea intrretkled by Great Biliain, vp OB a principle heretofore pr.rticd upon by lb colonltlng riatioeti of Eeope of brdding the trade of their eolonla. raeb in eiehjalvf mooopolr 10 beraelf Ahrr iM termination of I ha late war, ibia intar dicthrt bad been revived, and tbr BrHah Government drrlinrd imludina: lka pnr lion of oor interroorae wiih bar povaet tiooa in the negotiation of lha Convention ofll'S- Tbr trada waa then carried on rx uitcly in Biitivh vcaaalt, till iba art of Congreaa rnncemina navigation, of llll. arjd the aopplemental acl of 1110, met tbc interdict bv a eorneaponding me a aure on the part of ibe United St. tit J brae mcaturct, not of retaliation, hut of .m. irtt,Mf( were anon torree cur tdyourlittcntioo, without needing ,crm$ n our own f and ours, in re. ill of orcirlWjrie Th turn, will enjoy the aame advantage! : . Purpose-t?f thia cotnmaoicatioo-,wiU in tfiif Dorta cirFrwce, . Bv theac 11 pWfloyPrip aspect 01 rur.puoiic anairs at una mo TrientiJiQd 4heiei been tileni Wlirry tyfoeKWXMri: tentions of tha Legislature aa aigni fied by the lav. a then and heretofore eoactadr--;--- ...... . , In bur lotercourae with the; other ftatb' a i f the earth, we tave arjlf the happitiesi of erjoyipg pce and m neral good unrlrratandmg q'jdi rd), ho'rt tr, ijo -veralliniip.r at-t tics and 01 cnarirei. not oniy nas tne -commeref-;bftwnz prospered, but -friendly dispositions have bcea on both aides encouraged aod promoted. They will continue to be chrrrflhed nd cultivated 00 the part of the U. 8. y It would have been gn,ti- vjte all Commercial options, ai most conducTve',to their" intereat and our owe, I have thought it o.ore consisteot with the spirit of our Institutions to refer the subject agaio o the para mount authority of the Legislature, to decide what meaaure the emergncv mav require, than abroptlv, bv Pr-c lamatinn, to carrv into effrt thr mn atorr proviiorr of the art of 1 824'. During the last Seuion of Cngres, 1 rea'ie a of A-nliy, Nj-ltjafion ant Com mere e. were neiroti-ted and siened ai thit ptarr iih the Onvernmenl of Denmark. in Europe, a d with the federation of Cen n1 Amciira, in thia hemisphere. 1 hese treaties then recrb-ed tbe ronstitutionxl sanction of the $enatrbr the advice and content to their ntifir a ion. They were a cordial ratified on tbe part of the United S'ates, aod during the recess of Congress have been alto ratified by the other reapectivr contracting parties- The ratifications have been exchanged, and they have bewt published by Prorlama tion, copies of which are herewith com municated lo Congress. 1 hee Treaties have establisfied between the contracting ded bi anArlff rarflameni, opening cer uln toJooUr porta to tha ttuals of the United Htatea, rnming directly from tkam. and to the importation from them of car tain ariclet of our produce, burdened with heavr dutiea, and excluding eomt of ttve mntt valuable articles of our eiports The United 8utes opened Iheir portt'lo liriiitb vettclt from the Colonies, upon terms as eiarllv corrrtponrfing with those of the Art of Parliament, at, in the rela- ive position of the parties, could be made And a " negotiation was commenced br fvine to have had it in mv power to add. that claims upon the justice of the rrrncn ,vovrrotrcnt, irtoivipk mc propem and the comfortable uibsia.i in tli Artie Seat, but none with regard to . f ' '- a r it 1 . . . . ... t aj; partirt the principles of equality and re ciprocity in broadest and most liberal ex tent 1 Each yarty admitting the vessels of the other into its ports, laden with cargoes the produci or manufacture of anv qur ter of the globe, upon the payment of the aame duties, of. tonnuge and Import that re ebary-Wa)a) lhoir oWn- lbey haver fortler ttlpurVted, 4bat-tn parties shalt berrafietfiTtriirpow irott of iftmltiercf'to any other- nation. wituh aJull 4ux -tiDon the, aame tecra . be, granted to "each other '; and that neither Partv wil inipose unon .articles 01 tner chantlisr, the produce or manufacture of the otb. any othefor.higher duliet than upon tie like artirles being the produce, or mjrlufacture of any. other country To 4h)e principles there is in the Con vcntifti with Uenmarksn exception, with regard td the Colonieaof that Kingdom mutal content, with the hope, on our part that a reciprocal apiril of accommodation and a common sentiment of the impor ance of the trade to the interests of the inhibit ntt of the two countries, between whnm it mutt be carried on, would ulti mate It bring the partiea to a cnmpromie with which both might ba aatitned With thit view, the Government of the United States had determined lo sacrifice injhrthirtt of that entire wrproriry which in all commercial arrangements with For cigh Powers they are entitled to demand, and to actjuieaee in aome inequalities dis advantaiteous lo ourselves, rather than to forego the benefit of a fina and perman ent adjustment of this interest, to the sat isfaction of Great Britain herself. The negotiation, repeatedly suspended by ac cidental circumatances, was, however, bv mutual agreement and express assent, considered as pending, and to he speedily resumed. In the mean time, another Act ol Parliament, so doubtful and ambig uous in is import as to have been misun derttood by the officers.in the colonies who were to carry it into execution, opens again certain Colonial ports, upon new ." 1 r.T . .1 . .. iflstancts, by wUixjooiof intercst; ttndtcDcc of maty of our fcllo w-cititens, I her Colonics in the West Indies- conditions and terms, with a threat to close them against any. nation which may not accent those terms, as prescri bed by the British Government. Thii act passed in July, J 82 5, not communica ted to the Government of the United States, not understood by the British Officers of the Customs in the Colonies where it was to be enforced, was never theless aubnuUed -.to ibe consideration of Congress atlvek htt setsion.-' With ihr knowledge that a, oegotition on the uS)l had-iflng bwft' in--progress, and ptedgea given of its resumption at an early day, it waa deemed expedient to await the result of that negotiation, rather than to subscribe implicitly to terms I he import of which was not clear, and which the British authorities themselves, in this hemisphere, Were not prepared to ex plain.. iba terms a which ak kstatxe Utax to the asalgatloai aletkef aatiws. We bate baa accowmed h ceanMcy ibe tfadr wkkk wt bate f ajoytd whb Ika)' British ColonUa, rather atta Utartbtnvw of muto.l UneEts. than ai a aaere faror" received 1 ibat, anetr every clrcaaa. stance, we have give an ins pie rqvs lent We kava aeea evert atkir a a. too, koltftng (ol.eiiea, ncctKlaie Uk'' oiMr auilooa, and grim Ikttn, freely, aemutaoo it IM (Mli by Iroajyj , a4. aa far art iM tbrf cc4.trjg h ttoos of Meooa ars (rwra) refOaiot to nrgoilate foe lrad wlik their CoioftUs, thai we our Mi vet have aeeered aeeete ' tr) the CoVjeiirt l twoet ikao oT tbrrn by Teay. TM rafuaal, Kotrr, ' of Great Britain wegolalf, leaves Ke United Slates o other ahernt'lv' liao ibat ef rgtobtmgie - tmerdwrlnw- altogether, the trade on their pn, ac cording at either mcttqre may affect tk ntetftts of our on coontry 1 aod wiik that esclesire objeel. I would rtconf ' mend iM whole subject to year calm and candid delibrration. It ia hoped (bat oar unavailing exer tions to are omplUh a cordial good onder t'aoding on thia intereat, will not have ta unprcpi'ioos eftVei opoo tha other great 'pi 1 of dixtrtsioo, hrtweca tbe tea Ouvemmcnls Oar Northeastern sad j Nark western bouodarWa are atill tuv dmnuL Taav!awmiiiai. j ist 4ih Arricle of tbe j reaiy of Ghent, bars) Marly cvroa (0 ibf cIoh oljktir labors nor ean we renounce iM c special Ion, enfeebled utt it, that they may sgrea upon 1 heir Report, to ike satisfaction r arqiiii-srenec -f Imb parties. Tbe Cent-miwi-iB for liquidating IM claima (of indemnity .for alavaa carried away . after - -tbe clow of tha war, baa been sitting, with doubtful prospect of sqcrcs Propositions of compromise have, how ever, paued between the t0 Govtrf ' mcpta, I he resell of which, we flatter emraelvea,-my--yet:- prove aatlafactory. - - Uur own ciipnstttons and porpoaes t- wards Great Britain, are aU frlendlr ' and eonrilitorr f nor can we abandoa, but with atrong reluctance, the belief that they will ultimately meet a return not of favors, which we neither ask nor desire, but of equal reciprocity and good rill. Immediately after the close of the last Session of Congress, one of our merit With the. American Governments of ibis hemisphera. wa rontioaa to maintain an intercourse altogether friendly, and between their nations and onrs that com mercial interchange of which mutual benefit is the source. and mutual comfort and harmony the result, ia in a continual state of improvement. The war between Spain and them, since the total expulsion of the Spanish military force from their continental territories has bee little more than nominal; and their internal tranquillity, though oecaaiooall? mena ced bv the agitations which civil wars never fail to leave behind them, has not been affected by any serious calamity. The Congress of Ministers from sever- al of those nylons which assembled it Panama, after a short session there, sd-' jonrned to meet-again- at a more-fas ble season, in the neighborhood of Met- co. 1 he decease or one or our Ministers on his way to the Isthmus, sod the Im pediments of the. season, which delayed the departure of the other deprived us of the advantage of being represented at the first meeting of the Congress.-' ' There is, however, no reason to believe , that snjf of thejransaclions of tha Coft"- : MserijCX.ia4'iO ously the interests of the United Statest r or " to require the' interpositioq of :cVur Ministers, had t hey been present. Their - absence haa indeed deprived us of the ' opporinnity of possessing- precise . and . ; authentic information of the treaties, which were concluded at Panama) end the whole result has confirmed me ia the conviction of the expediency to the United States, of being represented at the Congress. The surviving member of the Missioni appointed during -four -lest session, has accordingly proceeded , J- .... V ' ''-T'-i,- l-.vV-.. ' ., jr;--.t-..- . ;