$.4 it 14 .InJitf fr, Ji tvm Ihi1 VW A MV,h tf l' .4 M r f,$4m UV4 I, tt t u f 4 m i M tW4 a- Mm, e4 4 T-M iff fVaf rfeft - J trUA IM ia nf 3t . J , Ju 1 1 tM a4 mu- tUX ifr rt"-Ju. . - 4U4WlUvitt, Wa mkJ ik Mf I , . . AJ Fi " M let WW- n Bt- tad. (Mmi MlM v-U4 rui Mfc J u WUUirwtHr Iwad a frrf TV tJ f af it Us M V -" frredwa W iM TV WUta m4 Cf4 , TVs! tMtll iM ratawaJih fra krm. Al fti lVl smiI I V trn; My irimmpk ifnj j AN rwfcgia) U lore, TV wWT aabjrctm) l . TVt of Irxtk ad Btrt "'S TV rgaitf TVm fpUs , Tt ewhi th Uavrtal -d. It lb gr prp of aaaak.ad. Pit , T ya. V rwg year, Owe boat asartioa WI V g lift i Tt ealeftata, ewarbtra, Mri . AJ, f-e race, ! tie. aa " 1 S "wwwtw. w ivv a, IVI N IW W iM f ! V. TVa Wp24iitrt iA'rr:. xhi isU h. Wnri trm fV cwl; e S'nnhtwin, Jk1 (aJ lolia II. inutk, Rkkm.l, hat t4 Trmn m ottwdfri tl 'L pro. U HMi Vfl t4l'4ll It NNiti t V V r ppmutttj, Li pLxl h t Mck . W4 M IU VUilM lUt rr tru , fiwMMtat fx I D. UfWi 1 1, t-m-fk HtXH t, im. IM4 X TVjmi 1Mfa . CmiU ft. M iKni 4 IV rrc U In (naailry. (. lUnwl i d. Mr. lafWi, KtM'tT fWiptl cmviIiio, 4 m mLI m i Wt( m m m i lr i Oft, iVr irptlvr k mm 4. IM . IM w M b U Ur li l OWMlW T A f kR MCtfiwAU 1. c. Titf O'wl.- U (ip. tnk (ran Ic'ltn to Mr. trtfrft, rmVrr of ftxiyrr , frrxn (irn Jin is (M AMtirU Ikr iffk t-rrirrl rv frive Cim, Ilttlf twann ifpJi riw,- imung V Ofk f M ml W. M rfl ial lo MotW4 k iVf itrrcl orlKm of their Sir. jrr rMfir. rruoi Frtntr, Mol'n4, Osrrm. carror of iff iwi Kt wrt to , Imc ka prrn iVr fert (JU rwtf A iptwl n mult lo ibe trr ! rr.r frwtM rircdir rK.f iKal fair, k4 hw&s i U taAl. Vi rmrttW t , (row Val tikr, llw mA M omm rn.mr. u r-nu iirrr txDirx m mrlct U rH'Vil. inVrJnirf lk Jr. b-. IM irxl H flnti rn l.L i-U-hK U AMrrtrM trwl., tf im Id of l)rcrmbrr i iml !ut Wr. t;.1Tjn. mtr MHir rvil. m rirt'tP.f tMlrMnr l, l llW) oirua, pnrn. In rffrrl, ! fffii"i,S lLal tMMBl. Hi PlntrtS I fDrrcnaacirf kare rtfcarU la affrxL&lc oaj IM frrS rrfrn ftvr nlt Ixi inr lo lks aJJ k rom-nui,ia'l IM rirrTfx!r if f bvrn ourminn'rr al IW It'iinH amvijrv, n lha MtifMM, v WnL iprri.l lS vi4r lfirv our Fr!rri bil Hf wriei ennra f our p. 4M a Im t f Val IM tif4 blUK i.f,MaV 11 taVMluMbMW4 " I MtaM 4 I k U V Ho.vt 4ar 4 viMr.VaMt4. I fWH kyuil fc M"f Atl-tiM ! M Ur m4 all j-4 MUaff ( miM imW v IM af aliUaif ift TJFH laalMaN lU tuaii Ji a tf lU pmH (I.J) rfa 4I i k4 m asrlJ wprtM U J Mr fc, " rjLHnivrBtctt, w.tf. Cio. I com, 12) o Tl v Vmmi, lit lo III ftttitf, fl 14; fa , pKI l Tl i btaKlt. ti V) t lailoax it UiaWltft J. 19 ll I 10 UiUcco. (niHiiUrt4t l u II. cgiia nicu, it C"n. It I ft f V on4 for tKHJcVi dgrln IM lai . fur IM ! If c IM dtniM nil Mta quit. 7fVC! MtiMMtPI LOTTtRT. IMi, ! U a fVr l pan trr'tt t fB"r IM mm itrkn anil M CiW'" M Nt rtH4 lo port. (mat IM arMf a otrW IUfM arr CWMtM; tr VMM 1 1 I fOfftklrot MMf a (rr'cJ, im 'M drf hm rtx c rarU M Jaan. A I fm Mintf Ik Mia ur Mkt M IM Laro. art i nirvrl la imma Wiw, l lr Am Tr. mi iMUWnMrfc, Lai U 'M tKlrU H!t rrnuin li thr bi i W4l ; ! ! rit 44lllttt , J it. Mf VVn.m,, l,J6t7 , it tai Mr, 6M, ilUait. 4 ift4 ,M j, f IM III fl. (TU4 W FuJar flMfhWii li Tkii itii4 om arm UJ nivJ.r im oKL,fl ( Uln ff ! IM rrtwf'lif M M.ufv4, li.i a4 Mr, Uf cirtwmudKti. kflavo ArttM Mil M .Jii(lr UIUn.4 la ! l py i.U Mr irlat, Vu( frttm IM PfClfitll Itjtf Cf Mr kaahk. a a4 wSll4 N Mil," V tjfebwaiwl lkt Mr U4 tMwU . Mm, Mm laa lrrtnr-4 na it B9 tUMiflacd U lk JaU cJ Mf CUAtf . . i . a i . ' Oat. 5UuM4 4iVm La4ki4 tW kU rMctM UH im bf. k banktla V. York ka U irUd n4 riit. TkU ll Ul K'l MHfraiki l mnt t-fwl '4 MnuiniAr of im Cn in Vj1Hi). ay'OWr 6ra,r, I 1 y rrwiM Aort.U Nt Yoik, ; o 3 per cm. dixouhi. rhilaJclphl. j; ptt 0M. SUAk, 1J lo 3 pr cent RkkriyxKl, JJ lo 1J At fti. Teltrt Hurf, ' J r t nl. CharUloo, I lo J(xrtmi Al IM Uicm daici. fjirajrf a ktw fm K mft,. Jut f)f Itmirr U, Mr H .rxiolpK.rfl.rd In ihUCiia tt ''. i lia him laat rii(lii fir it in fin Malik and apirin I ht nfrr Men him to tll mmiI n4 mIi poatM d nd all lhal bi friend would Uh him to M " Tm KHhmoA ttttinr m Trom r iNim ik. i .. t w aiMr of IM feci iHf of IM UrTMra 4 ha LaHliwr. c hava no tioubl of Mr HarxUlph'a be in; re-elected nf, nhcm cpcii!iw nf T r4fMfai,UJ f-. IM 4.rwl Vj IM a rtatrf I'tlr. 4 mm M laaill 4 lr I J ar4 M M 4 IM rt iWa k aaj lU aMk4 at. ' Vj fikfWJ IMt(M laalN IM iWaf, tMf m, - UUra, of 4 M ktai traak. -IH f U- UA W MMmiIIUmJ kri Jy IHklIIMHatNt)4fMt - Craak, kwiUi iM laa-l a fMt Mw lWkj at MTOWo U M-ru to aW ofc4a ka famaj of IM 4aWra rHa ! MH M IUI ftaak nt S UM at I iUm). aJ IM tM I tar IUa. at BaWot, taa ikaai aaJ - afWra. - - :74'i ta-l iraft. M IM im a luaCrL FflrMCrrti.iaH rtrJ trk. aoftf IM laJ aioMt k tWJ, W, Jrf Kink i a Ua0 al atMra.iM Ma?. 7 a rlijl rVaj';, la aMf; aaadry datKf kick M ta Mi afatoal Mat. M. joiiw IllSAttt, if, hXff. Fw kMtNiitMiii kktnj. .... M. IBA. It.'. Jt4 r '. - ... . ni. ....i r .. are 1Kb) unrnn; people iron iar horrora of i "'"T', , 1 ' w lemfie 4 falaJ (Ua U aoox- nmh Nwfin'i) aaarr law, WoflM Fark. A faiWa) ha Mf trrtrw'i im Ika Wri'Ulara-ai' VVgiak. prafoaiafr tM rrattin) fa P'IJ f Mnmiivrl H mrmon of lh )af 1 Maaa tiXmom i aid titer ia Kttlar doubt " TW Prtti awa f TJrlvf. TV Mrar. Cohf n. hrokrr tail Unttrr lirk NajrK of Baitimorr. ptabr.ab. lUt. ia IM Manktad atate lienr. ika rr ormrrmcc of - titkA alraaring ( pntoa. actaalif feap. KarO la the hat d'aviar n 1al krfirnr. rkrt No. 17.651 dnw gi(J,(XX), S. tml TVia rerr lock, lottod. ... ) . Tba, Irrllatur ff oith TTtfonna, it thrir rr. (eat ara'Kwt, pae4 a ro)Mlkiaj (uainimoualy ia the hrniae of rnnrerlaiirf. and t0 rirn- lif oahr ia tM arnaJr) anakiar a rrani iaix pefeear. aloek, llMaaaMf -aw ilnmaj dtihrt, o Mr. PamUlfk, only lif inj child of toe hue Thoma JcffVron. BLCSslsus or .i.f r.?f.tn. r. W noticr, in the hfraw paper, an adrrr lMment orr the nme of Smh Hudaon, in which the italM that her hutbattd hu k ft her, rtho, any j'it came or provocation," and kaa carried another peraon" near Anguaa, Grorgia, reprenrtne; that hii 6iat arife wa alrad. Mr. Itudaoa indignantly reft la I hi alander r mm declare that a'le i rmt on'r al 4ead, but in a TniKb fairer aav of Ur-ing fa a woman ihould Ktre) than when hrr hvin pnie atay'd with her. She affect a total indifTer. ence i to hf peraon" erjnvi her hiihanl'i tmbraeea now, or " ererherrafier i" but she U not parin(f of hard name, toward the u nn," and from the ant of temper the manif. ri throughout Ibe adrertiaement, the preemption b ttrona;. that " that (rreen-eyed monatT, Jrml. a. U ranklinp in her breaat. Rut withal, we are dipoed to take the womnn part. F.very dav'i experience mast aatisfy any candid per Mo!f .Varfa.Curaiiaa .- would rat! the attention nf the rradrr to the adcrtrement of Mr. McRae, in BMilwrqnent column, rrlatiee to the pohn ation or a Map N'arfA Carolina. It w to apnwnt to erery one, thai there i tt thi lime nn Map f the atate that decre the name, that it wottM he a uieleat waste of lime to attempt to show the universal detnai.d there ia for a work like the one Mr. McRae propose on, thai four-fifth of the unhappy matchea in to puhlhh, aivl the incalculable utility of it to our country, are canted, immediately or proxi. the cititens of the state. In to favorable a light aoatelv. by the mconitancy and prpflincy of fa Mr. funata which wttdiAw rke mawl aauned by F.Aftnd it ref niar to orgmiai 6m iM wibjecf. IVr extract will M iMnd oa tM Int pac at lo-dy" paper. It now left W Otter to araaei eMoovaiii liont OB lb Rrhita trader, aa, la tteia a if lorn, aaar eras b- o ewmfwat with thr tirevTH and if rilj of 'be nation, i the rifbU of our Ctliara njfcd in aari(im purtuita. ' " Ca .. a trraiU Ik, Kati " A Mr. Reneau, in the Ttnnftcr Irjriililitre, hi tmrod'lCed a bill into that Vndf, defining, ky atarafrw tM ape (30 year) at which a man ahall be deemed and taken to be a ffarae J i and makin; it the ilnlv of the rint; officer ia earh cnuf'v to aaert!n, in aitlitinn to tM value of propeftT, th auntber of Rache lor, a'rth the antmint nf peapart v poeted M each, aaI lo aaaeat a tax of 2J per cent, ibercon i the avll to be d'strtboTfd amAnf ill the un married female nrfr 'he jje,rtf?5. j . If I lu aronT dnve the inmrrtr.blc old 8eoe. 1 dkt ino matrimonv, c are at a km to know what ill. It i recommended to avr VjjUlattire to in quire into tr.e eXpedirney" of txinfr Bachelor : But wr womM apply the rerenne thu rUel, differenihr f.-om what Mr. Reneau nronoar i iao-irview.it houfl be appropriated lo piir poae of txtmtat tmprwvement. brrinntpr with the improvement of tlie wumth of thnae children a how mfrllretf would otherwiae evef remain a " moral wiklc rnea and thu. perbans, make of them better citizen than the unwilling tributorl to the meoa which effected their "transition from 'jloom to jlory."' The deuehment of Cadeti from the Middlelown Academr, under their Pre reptor nd uperiorerulenl. Captain Aldm ArfrMffr arrived In n atbK)r.ow 'Ciiy about ooon on iordy the 14th. )T ttJr ri nd tjjt the Nalioml Intelli Rf nrf r,hi djn((ci to rhe arnniint of two thouttnd tlolri, were, on V'edoed jt, awarded b Jut w in the Circuit Court for thii Uittrict, in a ce of pro cutlon for seduction bf a youn female. i.inifl, It MaeklraWf emaly, a tV Otb ah. bt lb Rev Joha KirfMMia, Mr. rbo I. IWraett to M vtrfrrt Broaa. In Fatrtinine, on m Itth all Mr. H jtto C XrhoB to Mm Carok . atekW, vwairvt uongbur of Ouaraaj akRae, F.aq alt of thai P- It M aHnf on City, o tM 7lPiao,tM lluo. Ilrary C. Martia-lale. a rp"Hative in fan t froaa tM vtote of ftVw-Wt ta Mia USitia F. Ca0, da'idier of Dr. tm Ewe II. SXXD, la th enntf. on the Nh oh. Jr. Marv M. iCera, wiJow of iM late Mr. Oand tra. ared 80 rerv Rbe a worthy. MtxtoUwt neigh. i hoe, and aa exemplary ckrwtiaa, j In CMrlotte, on the 5"i ah. Hioa B. fa J faat eon of Mr. CkaHe lima, fea 16 Baoarth. (raariciTaa Departed tkia kfe. on the Mk of November, 1876, hrmmi f. W. Earl, of Mtekleabnrf coiintv, tflifiana. V C. M had art off to view aome of iM Wrattfa tttale! areat a far t Mrmpbia. on the "hirk-a SWA, MiSaiippi Unr. M eat, ra Di trictj .'cn8rr.fd the rclurrud with a deiri iS ctuninf immediately home to hi family: f tne-krnfth-jf John Matthews', F.q. Ma'in rnur'v, near Columbia, ltn "5 T "P ? BT,"'t!T W rranKemeni wit b lb. Greek. tlirJUb tUv of hieknrw. aaxl m the 4Jth I . . . r. ; t rear the fever, Mr. Divi an exeellent member of both civil ami rr I Irion ancietyt Ira friend) aa rpiir. .Wfift Mtiaf rvl.arMd U. 1 la IM taa mf MlaWr. watM l cIm k4 aeeoaat a mm a fmaMi and. tMrvfu, rvprw tl! Mraoa iUbid,la ataka) payaarm aalMna del;, I Man. Matfin aail MtoM, M f IwUv aaibortfed to riff foe IM nwMi WMb wanaa IM Wiukn. J.arL ft, be, Irft wM i Ike suMertber tat rvpai', ar lirpowteil, and ran b bl ki ICnr ikvaa aad paytn; chatfv. JOIIS f A'iE, CtrikVf aMnrUf. urd. rI1llE uWrb bv romaaraced I- laa dour eaat of iM ftrirk Hioea, af CVurek aiieei, ba iMy will aapply uW M may wiUi lo ca9 oa the at, wrth fJarlJTTimf'Jfpiei','' Tah!tU anJ Monvmentt, at the re am.re, anil the work wn M taeuitd In ibe M'r1 manner. (IT All ert Irani tM rauntry will bo promptly altended la. roe ntoeriMn wiH furni Marble or Free fttoax-, fr Ve-w, t nd rrnnmne. Duor and Wut dow Sills Cap, ke Urn baiklinyv. rrt.nr.lt In at M EF.TI.AAiD. CArrew, ftrf H, MM. 4J The Pretidentol the United Statet hit recognised Martin Mjniin at a Vjre Con tul of hit llolinr Tope Icu Ihe Twelfth, for the port of New York. Mr. Robespierre it lo go to Consfinti nople, at Flimlan ambataador to the Poile j and it it beliefrd lhal ihe Chrii tian "pbweh'wlll Immediately' present a very energetic- joint note to induce the lurkith government to conclude a favor VWe IriiUtir UrviiiTfA. HAN aaay from thf anlwrhber' empkiv, oo thi litth wTf.h indentrd apprer.tB-r fntbe ' laikiring bo'inea, by ihe name of Mn We. He a a about II teirt of age.lobrabU cl unky buih, nf rHer a doanrail kk, a l La a kwar. aHiail walk. He wiapretrd if having mbetiled aaum of money, ahich at probably the taute of hit introoiling. Alt tailor-, and other, r.e rautiotied gaia hrrbofinf m trna. ting him. Fie ilollar rea ard it ofli-rcd. I"t hi pprrhenvMMi, and infurwiaiioa gta lo Mr. Silo I emplctoa, 'li.bury, V L. ao that be may M obtained, and all rcaamablc charge paid. MAHIIN V. HEVr.LL. . funnnry I, I II .HI. J l1ontnct for n l!urti. FnilftaMaaMe ad IWadaal la f piatapal I Church, baring determined lo erect a Church in Ihe bran of atiabury, and hating ' appomtnl the undrrairned a Coat mi tea lor It il the purpose of contracting fur and aiprrintrnd ilia uv of ni sicxnrs. ui nt ine atn ' . , . r , :.. i.i-ir...f .i. .l. . i mf biaag ilia nckoe- commenced with Ufd, that Turkish diplomatic .n. l kiUoot. and lermiMted witk th typho. ! hereafter be placed fieir each of the T!? "jrri?r '''i'nr, h ' Kuropeao cabinets. they are readv to recrJVe pmaoult ami to rn ler Into a eootrayi foe ibe wbnle r sn part of - uie writ. rhr walla ire In be of hnck : other Tk. .ia.ii.1 j.f'i.11. at,. I. . :n L A - L .... J , , r . . m i , , i iic .iiiou'i' v iimi iririTiu uii iiib n'lmivi wih nr mane a now a en appitcaimn BTEPHEM I- FFKRAND, , JOHN BE.tltn, Jr. ' F.DWAHIrCHF."," 42 TIIUMAH CHAMHEIIH, Itrtrmhrr 20, 1826. Ctmmintfi year which hat jutl terminated il CJli- mated t( bodi roOrOOO dollar. The amount of cotton shipped from ora nuin, and one whose word sight bare been rre'rited etj'tal toanv other trpon tM face 4 ihe ea'thj au trnerafly eitrtmrd. and now' la. men ed. by all who knew him. Ha ha left he. hind him a beloved wife, and a numerous. proming. and sgreesoie larnity of children, to, Petcftburg. ircinis, during the rear beaail the r' ky now aaia. Yet efdin!j ,hf 0 h September, w 35 646 ; tlvrv ha.ethe eontHm, that "ordered f j h U u6 wer, ,., e0Ml.iie, ,nd b that great and kind Bving, who perfoemeth I" ' , - . all hinr well for bis people, that in the time of i 3 -' lo ,orc,K" I"" 19 kt lat Miners kt lot a cat in a ehevalian, renteel family, when the grrst car wa ta ken of him, and ibe best medical aid afforded Lincoln ton Female Arndemj. frtllf. llce with pliaure, iiilorm the) J. puhlir, that they have employed Mia .Maria Mf, from New-Tbrk, at pi ineipal of iha i...ih..i;..n il.. a,..u.u . i.i. enrretrmndent nl the Utira. IN. Y.l . l i. m un, sod tlir at at mcaieal aid affarded: . , " r": ..... .' a11" r,cl ouiMiing. auaicientiy large to teom. him. Beskles, hi leriow-traveller. Mr. IRchard ' sentinel, tavt: i nere it now living in morlate froo, 75 lo 100 pipits fbe tmrteea People, waited pon hirt all Ibe ffme, and also I the town of Western, Unecia county, a believe that Mir Allya ta qualified to tearh all firmer that measure aeren feet lour "'e u"" ornamental-oranahes or ti-maia tnchet anc! three fourth! in height. The d,',e,10n ,h x'h f . I. i . t f i of the eouniryj and they are determined to writer itatei the f.rt from bisownkndwl He eVffy TnMc ttrMa ,0 rdjje, laing himself leen the man f,r.tion to all who may patronize the Institution. . : l he exerciv of tuition will commence on Mon day, the 1 1 1 kj in.t. Bv order of thr Board. acted tM part of a mot kind friend. Brought home tM deceased s ruling aorse, and all uch thing a M had taken from home with hint, to accommodate him in' hi journey, and delivered them up to th widow, safe ind in good order. But the rreateft rround of oowaoUtion that. ; measured. nreviou to hi departure, Mr. Davit gave com-' awBavaaaaai the huaband. The tieamAoarmnrittta. ninnmrrbetsreeit Jayetteville and Wilmington, waa, on the 13th ult. anagged in descending the river, a few milea below Fayetteville, and sunk : the eargo, com- Board entirety of eotten, wa aaved j the boat da been rained, taken to town, and will be ,re Haired with a moderate expense. No blam-r ttaebet to the captain, (Taws) the accident being nnavoidable, Jemei fl, Withersnoon, of Lancister district. has been elected lieutenant governor of South VMUIIH -- The legislature of Virttinuwo the 14to ult. fleeted AlkH Taplir, Eatj. of Botetourte county, ChanctTlor ;of-e;-VVythe?;---trtn1riefrnd Staunton districts, in place of John Drown, deed. On the firrt ballot, the- vr teas, for Taylor 89, John H. Pevton, ot Staunton, 6", Jonathan 0. Carr, of Aloemarle, 34; fidward Campbell, of waah nrton. 72 1 . Second hallot Taylor 114. Feyton,78j Campbell, withdrawn. Cot. John McKinlev, of Huntifle, hubeen elected U. S, senator from Alabama, inhe place of Urael Pickens, resigned i CbL RfcK. received a majority of 3 vote, otor Jiadge Uay, JWwf HunCmllfr. - .;. - ia the undertaking of Mr. McRae viewed in this section of the atate, that our members of the General Aemb!v could not, in their official capaeitr. do any act wore acceptable lo their constituent, than affording legislative assistance to this laudable enterprixe. Tlir IWaritrM. rATETTKriLLE PRICES,. Dee. 50. Cotton, 25 a 8 TO ; floor, fine, 5 a 6, auper fine acarce, g6 a 6J i wheat, $1 a 1 1 0 , whiskey, 45 a 50 peach brandy, 6u a 75 t appie do. 4550 : corn. 65 a 70 1 bac6n. 14 15 i salU lurk Idand, 85 a 90 per bush.v iimbwaes.40; augar, fmtible evidence of hi going to a better world. AFRICA. A paper by the last arrir.l from Eng land containe a letter from Captain. Cjap perton, the celebrated Cngfish traveller in Africa. Ft is dated at Hro, or Eyo. the capital of Yovreba, 23d February, 1826, and says t Lhayg been well used her ; rnd depart in two day for Youri, where poor Park wis killed. J will pet all hit papers, if not aent home by Bella, and hear every circumstance connected with hi death. Inhere made important dicoveriei here every foot is pew ground- I Jure paired over range of hills which, were hot known lo axisl be for : and traversed one of the most extensive kingdom Africa, wtw ouao.v ttmiaaaea, w "Kr. i . r Kiok ...l.. 3, 3d ami Al quality, 16 a 18 ttwu hyfon. 4 EutopeallS. In ihe CpUf Pl.W alXljf dOH I nave remaiocu rrwarua.fBi . iwq montha. .Thr celebrtttd: Niger, i twly .n d.i ioht-ne to tfieesrward of me i ittcoufse to the tea in (he Bight of Benin, can be no longer doubilul- - - Clerkt of the Superior Courts, AN!) other Gentlemen holding Subtcriptioin to the New Map of North-Carolina, are re quested to ret.iro the same by the Irt of antia- 1 . n t ill I . . 1 . . ry neXT. iney win uc w jjkkj aiiu preem , . - them, in the mean time, to uch person a will " ,h' cny. on H edneailav, the d day of be likely to patronize the work, who have not January next, and continued from day to day un- had n opportunity of doing so alresdy. The . " 'be -Whole i. disposed, ol. Uie penshabl prior to non subscribers will be $10. Very i PPy befonngtosaid estate, consisting of few, however, more than those Subscribed for JOSEPH E. BKI.I,, W'elarv. Dec. 9A.18J6. .1t44 .?dmnAttnVor,s Sae. WILL be exposed to public tale, at the resi. drnee of the late I homaa T-dil. deed. Hones, uattie, Hngi, Sbe. p To remove anir objoiw w .Lorn, inn otpeiLixra i Sttai T30F fliiieed, Cii Mi tallow, if i beesvat.,26 a27i riee 3 50 to 4 per 100 lbs. i iroD,56.pr, lUI lb,f tobacco, leaf, g5J-a 4 j manufactured, 5 a JO pr. cwt. ClLiniESTOX PRICES, 0ec. 18. Cotton, 8. Ishrid, 1 a 24 f atained do.. 8 a 10 Maine and Sintee, 17 a 19 eta. j abort staple. 9 a 10 cents i Wliikey,42a43centet Bacon, 8 9iHam!0alli.Urd,9al0 Bagging, Dun- dee and Internes, (42 inch,) 33 a 24 1. Coffee, Prime Green, 18) a 19 Inf. to good, 13 to 16.. Savannah and Augusta Bank Billsl a 1 J per ' cent, diatoun . ; rtL.Caro&m Stale Do."-, pet ecat. da. The ttate of Virginia protested against the slave trade at early m the year 1773, .when ibe house of Pyrgease mad an address to George Ul. complaining of the inhumanity of the traffic, and of it re Urding . ihe population of the couotrjr by wbitOimen. nrtil keTirimed. nav be urtred against nibtCriblng, the fubVuh cr wishes it to be understood, that none nf the subscribers will be held bound, if the Hap ii not correctly drawn, Sniihed ia the beat manner, and of the beat materiaut From the returns already received, (he Pub Caber ia warranted in believing, that a mbserip. tion of not lean than one thousand name will be obtained hs Ntwtb-Carolina, among-whom are. Hia Excellency tM Governor, JI the Officers of. tne State tiovernmem rewuing at tne roerropo- fTs, the Member or both House of the Legtsla. rarer b'bcVal pbpOtion ot. Iho tofr Gentlemen, a.targe number of rhaf. most respect ableehual of citireua, the Farmers, and general. rr tfie Merchlntf md Trader of our wwnt, to whom a correct nap oi ine auie is parucuiariy desietbie. . . The Publisher takes this opportunity to c know ledge his obligation for the polite atten tion which hu been uniformly paid to hi ap- Klications for attnoe in the prosecution of is work, and especially to those gentlemen who have interested themielve in procuring the sur veys of the everal counties. Any information calculated to benefit the work will still be tbankfulry received. JOHN MAC KAE. fnittniBey Dah Uth, l3Qv M nay, ami vanoui kimis or roughncis And a large qumtity of other property, not neceasary here to enumerate Also, at the same time and place, 30 or 40 ftOROE-i WrH ; be hired, fur twelve months. Terms will be made known on the days of ale. IU.NJAMIN HOWARD, Mm'r. Dt. !9,182ff. Jt!3 LEATHER. . M.t -i i - l l 1. nrmmv r 'lie. auiirnorr na un nami. at- :A Yrd near Malitbory, abmit JOO.aidea of bea-ulalnniaMid SOLE LFJlTUBlli s Brgie qiiaof-- fikirting,' Hog-Skin Calf-sbiis, Slieep-sWin and Upper Leatlierf worthy the attention of persmk it a distance,' who work in that article ( which he will dlrpos'e of on good terms, forxih. - tTU. CHA"Mnr.liS. AW 28, 1826. - 2ei69 . SherilTi' Deeds, I?OR land sold by order of writs of retidjliwlj " ; exponss, sale at th" offic. , - - r ) l! i I J X