a .a. a .a. I m AO ,,, jju .I., i n i i I I ' thk i.r.(i!MATrnr.. ftiJsf, On, tt A mt it4 fm lU Hv4 ttmt ft SppeiM WtU aruMS, til I A wW Wet rNi It nw4 ! In whCM9 i i ifW omv u ry CmaIiui,)! iW skaA U faitftf J M m.ti A V2"t' vbkk w 19 to ibii bpt " - A MU(f UiM retitft tt fwmltt m I MKbtn fota tkt 1st. I mWr tfatftft -fVMTVlWftlf wtW MJ4 ' f f vwifeU'S fret tkt Ilk iJkW C rirwanrwrr of irtfiPf t npr 7kmiV If lit tai st U trt I, l y.'tn,vU-. f ftattaatl e Uicetoeiiof Cf 1 ef ft4 V4U uMMf S4.U4 Mirkt1 (Ml Ml trio wdfwtt If ff a bona, Io,r4'plt ef fif ir f 1 ptiM MMe im f4, wtkk rate Ii efne r4i.Ui tf ik f.ftf MfJU! fiiin4. Ikat rafh ef lt f i l kn' r.KfiUMf Hi f;tr i rtUtt It lb itftr ef M Ce ef tkt U. fwt.is, m IM i . I il n.au I wxIaA af llatl. a4 MkhnI lwd.ie lkfi tf.4.p"h..l TM'tfe-. la, M fffim MUtt ) laDlt.-- -- -.. . tfr Ttf mmW4 Ik, at lU OtU, of alail.r t hum to iw bf0 (XIVflriH 14 Ik Mll4rtlt64 ef l,ieJ bt laprtii tvouo mAif it" M 'II M ffift4 ' Lf, m,i4,ft4 4UkiImi A wWtl Jm mni.ifff oa iki PaMk qtlo Ulof rat ty IM Cfclr O IM 4opUMt ol k I'M popowiki CMtiM in ik mtiic u tM Mmmftl el JdWirt Cobiiiim. rt to ik pootntmtal of wlct tninKM ef tfc lo "omi TM qt tit loo lbQ Ult ea tM MOp KM Of (K pt OpOMtkXt IK IMtVf TIm qutwwo on tb M(or4 prvpol Ikni froto IM Hovm kiting Uto (Hilt TM quttthn Ninx l en tH tMrd KBVouMoYoainoni, Mr opclgbi rtmtfktif, h coo 14 mo IM rf ttitt tof riitinc ttin( conmll Ito oe ibli vbjU,JltBpi!.la.!hM tit mto would ikm bo JptrieJ from, tnd Uil l propoutioe would not bo r 00 cvrrcdln. Tbo qaitilon. h Sonaio irvo to tbo propoiikm fom ibt wbr Hotmf t drcidod in ibt rKiit. Tk propotiiioo rctiiivo 10 iho ppoint ni or commJitit on Public Kuildingi, vii iirecd to. The pokcr announced Ihe folio inj gmlcmn, n compotioK tbc commiuci et lb uteri lubjccli orobriccd in tbc Rftolutioni, yci'trdiy lubmined to tbc 6cnttt by Mr. Pickett 1 On Education Mttii. MIC? . Srf A. iiill ol f f jnklin. Utkc and Juincr - On Intrrmai 7m ft wrmrnlt tt Jnrncfi Stokr,-King, WHon, 0f Edge MM.M4 t illia m. or Maritn On iJtnJt TfUtmi fam thr Cflrrokrr Jnd'ant Mettr Crootn. AUitnder - - n .1 m 11 1. j d. in. - - On the Judiciary. Wc Mrwv Pickett Wilier, Oilrhriit, Beard or Ro wn, and JliII of Stokei On tht Mtiri 7mm Metm Srxlthi . ef GrreiK, Cr.f , Sellerf, AVilliami, of lOn lnflcmgram Jfret J,imV ... ow ini0 imt oai. .iitltr. ftriwrn, 9pl(Mof Greene, Stokei,' Spiight, of lraon, and Oilrhriit. On th Pairtf Lewi Meitr Spihf of Ctaten, Black well, Tyion, MXeary ind Riddick. On the Proflotoli a Jonathan Elliott. Meri. Hill of Frmklin, Datii, Smith, liumer, and Holroman. ' Mr. Pickeii introduced the following resolution, which n rfead and referred 1 Whereat, marty of the ciiiaeni of ihU State have heretofore mailed themtrltt of the ittendince of Membenof the Gen era! Aitemblr, to pav into the Treatury, the purchaie money for entriei of land, . and In conaequrnce of the change in the tilling of the General Assembly, the time for the payment of all entries made .previous to 1835. did eipire on the 1 5t h day of this instant ; RftoJvrd, Therefore, that the commit tee of Finance be instrur led 10 enquire into tht expediency of providing bv law for giving further time for the payment of the DurchBte monevLonalLentrii offriKs was imrndad. Ill oM rm (m4 wnka mtmVl rotuli f'm re Itffing lb iwbjrcl to t omnltiM. Mf. Hili,of rranklin, laid I aa4 ikh irtiibdtd 10 lay wed o ibis tubfi. ner would bo ktv don th bw t K ttDp wbicb, is bo rort lv4. lb C" tWman front lJneokfMr. FKf) bad made lo ihtow lenpadienenii in the wit J ibt rtfJutioo H bMd lb rMi Ikmi wwuld nl will Ibe ipprwftiiioa of lb UgWUiwr. and Ibal Ii would b r Urrt4 fbli was no eow nurop f lb non slat bolding Sisus il roch mmti for some tears lhf bi brio oflWlmjalf UurwwdJUAg wwawour duraa Ik cncros. od w bat lokratvd it, MQ 111 vur wlrnro bas b ofsnd lii n mm at totbalr dxtfi4i. Il wis Mgb liistl (aka wxlre af Iboso AunartMS nd nunBW late M rrncts. sn4 to kIm tlprttkrt, at i&tirnan tinges- slot, of our ftcling! on ih tubjerl. TKar m aciutl confcdcraiion on hot, 0 sap the foundation of tb Ua boUiog Sile,Jn point wkirb ii con-j sidered-vulnrraM. Mr. King Iboueb: it of gre al importance tbat errv turret shnutd be wtll welrl rd before ii ws referred 10 commi tte o be irponrd 00. He did noi tee ant reaaon for I'ltul-iine. on the iubjeit present. o dub, all emenained me opinion that slavery t a great Mil l ws a delicate subject-and for hirmrll. lhoU(ht ihe letl said 00 lb SuKferl he belter Believing that Ihe setrr.l resolutions proposed lo b referred, in olted other topics besides thoe tun lainad in in rawduiion f the (enleinan from Greene, he moved tbat ii lie on the abla, and if my ihln should irise duriiiif the aritrn, which teemed lo demand in comidf rition, it could tben bo called u? Tk mM r H revolution on Ibe laUr was negatived. KtHJuJ, Tbat Ibe c oeamlH M ko ;aft!try UU4rtKiH Uiajulf Ue lb iiptiM a of litalikg Ib4 Ua . wlikU wikb Ljij wo w4geftt of CoQfll of Racaf'dlUandat etbof sal4 U'4 mnf ity U lvbl e4 da4kja f m'.f lrv4. tiliro.l itotlMal W 1-stMKliil M ('- -. Wi, .IJi.; bit. f. iLe ..utti.Uril .vMiH4i..i.(L i m ' m it i r b Is4lbfi limit I tHiiiMfc 1 ef eaiie 5at lto4 from the Toei el FaytltlTiIl WilliboftratS Cfftf Blilt I4tb4 rowtt wfttoff f vt tt J Ibe CitU F.ai'orrf, J Ibit Ihff pit. If art tn ftpofi hf till of othrrwlif. . If. Pitll rfft'flf'l lbt Mtowlng L. y.Utf " - f 1 - - ' 1 i . . KbululKMay IU flataticHI 04 eaotKtfig huh, vti 6 tell id la ihe err itlvy f m.n a aY " tiiverrM lubjud ei peivate ea Mr- fctiib eaeawMod e U Ugt1tlft irrfriBttfot!rlfttrtJot(! far ifel trinwwvef a U 4 t p?w I i a! lk-iLa.aLWr. 01 , a tHrwl;--,. ef . DuUU weturt .mI rxtMMavait lot aB'afS, we au - ' 1 1 ' . a 1 j tM fern, tliutU) iM 1V0 rUi ere si it 04 it u riaolwtirios. A ninait f'ro ko feaai WaU4t Ibal Mf tU4 Pet C4 10 tb pewpwat 'ka Mt f'S"S lUl llao, fcavpnaioi ik I (xiAiwitnt ef H4 hImI iwAMMiiee. u UMJYikUrj.coaaiJtUav or H bo iUt feaiwitttet la bo itU4 tka rommli'tf m CMroktt di bajtik U pajftaaaMi ef k bJat fWl of k , t-iajaimbooeto Mpp4o4o4 e fo$r ''fX. tM't'f ..n4,t, wki ,oa. CMntkao U4a I re card; n4 battery 1 wbwr n4 Ifal '- lUrll fof ilu iu( m.uI. .14 ik liw mtnilora4 1 wnrriof, wat, en ajoiluitr Mr H lu nfurtdj ffnoW, Tht tfwr ibt tOth dit to ib elvUry mrMi 'of Jmuaiy iuifl, eo bill of 0 or I t)n mo'Wn of Mr HarMWn. lb bill lo'voi natuf iKall b iDtroduifd (!' aliar ih ilmt .b nnai ailg wf thia iise. 'b Uritiaiore. s wade IM edr ef I fttt Snf,pe,4 ptr wntr J bill, con. ibe day fwf ibe I lnwam. jceroiog ihe gr.olm LkrfKt , lo prir. . M f,wHH " , Itw iii ihe Coo. ty louruol this 4c. .Vf,ert.ttVlr MH.yenlrld.t .p M ' , m.y .i. ,u Ul Ikat Ibor 44 g'N TwLti. Jn 1 On mk ef Ni M iw t 11 a Kth4, Tnai K commit! en ib Jlkiat b Inti'Ufydlolxjai'a whctbei sn, avl if af . ia alisr'lont ar we cetwv rrlatlv lo 'hr ivceedmg and gi log ihihUmv to He of rsi rH bills of file, lu d Ibal ibiy report by bill Of otheroiio. Vi. Ceoora svmirted ibo lolbvwing ra-y-uioa, mkljk on ovxbM ef Mi. M'ir, vii ltd on the tsU,ni. el ufaqaoAi Hur, tako up ind adopted I ktmJw4Tn lb committee 00 lb Judiciary b ini'ruried 10 i' lgire Into tne npedUtf ef rraonweriwa' Jusil ret of Ibe (jurtt of Plrat and Quancr Setuons of Ito'teVrral cetirtttti.m ikis Slat! 10 e SI filth poof avl WOk I.OUKI in their nttwciMO counties, eicapung tHov county h wbkh poof end work h'Hjict roa1irdv rHaMiancd bv la : anj ht" ihif rrjiori ! Mil or caberoiso. (). q.i iot af Mr Piiaeit, il waa Ft totprd, I hat -ae rommit're on the ladi ciirt t 1'itiirird 10 inquire into the ei prlrnit of j amending the tmancipa tion if at rhe owner of anv slave hall, upon ti'aining license for ranu miti n. enieinto boA l and scuriif thol ihr ti4 slte shall, within a f(nrnirnt i(m.'r)ttv aim e herself w'nhti tit limits -if the State, end not return to re aid I her no k M Orard. ef Rowan, presented the pti ion of aundrt eii'iMBief Jnwaftioaia fy, on itw svMeci of tn eUcnon of ('en tth:et- Referred to the committee id ProtoViittiti nd Grietancei. cmrr tt prictite in the C' unt) Coutti, rftioaa to their bivint llltin'tl 10 w "V the age of II teiri.) Head the first time, frirv, Dff. 29. Mr.Wtche pre. teeird iHr JI-iwii g rcrlatt"a 1 HtiohtJ, hy the l.egttlature of N--eh.Crohit that the Congreet of ihe United Sulci di not pMtett the pwer of ln'fg tod collecliog a rev. ruue for the purpme of ctnttrg Koadi aad CtnotilB iht reipeetivt State! and that our Senators be instructed aod our Kepccieotatives requested, to use all lawful eirrti ns 10 their p--er to prrrroi it, A-.d that ii Kicellcn. c ibt Grrvtraor cause a copy of the above rcsoluli'to lo he lorwardeo to rhe indiriduali ctmpoiiog the delega. tioo or this Sine in Congrtta. On motion of Mr. Jones, of War. rer., ordered that thisreielutioo lie on The question on the adoption of the ameodmenLbiting been. decided, 10 the ,M M'Dawcll presented the petition rfirmitive, the question recurred 00 the of Sjmu. .IE Inry, of Buncombe, prat patsage ol lb revolution, which was ilto ina; to be divorced frwrr hit wife Olivia decided in the afTfrmiive. fUrird to tne committee of Divorce and Mr. Beard of Kowan, presented ihe fd A'imonv - - iowinic Keoluion, which vii irreed to. 1 Ti.e hill respoctinir Ihe allowance of Hctilvtd, That the Committee on ihe claim and the pprupiatnn of thr pub Judiciary bo instructed to enquire wheh.ili. nion-y ih Uavidsoo (wu, waa- read er any, end any, wbal amendment ti tv SI and I I times, and ordered to be necriury Ui tb4 JiwVreipecting" Admin ene'wM a m x a a latraiore ol (no eiuies ol oeceaaeo per sons, the more effertuilli to prevet.t Ion to tuch entet by ihe mitmanxgement or ailure of administrators, ind likewise to protect ihe securities of adm'rs. and that hey have I ave to report by bill or other-. A message was received from the Home of Commons, stating that they have passed a bill to incorporate Mocks villa Academy, In Rowan county. The bill was read three times and ordered lo be enrolled. It is therefore a law. Mr. Montgomery presented a bill to vest the tight of electing Sheriff's in the V Love presented a hill ti change the tnno and rgul .le the manner of hold n the ( umv Court t ol H wood ; and Mr. Spcigni, J Grctne, a hill to prevent free persons of coldr fiora migrating into this 5 jte, for thr good govern mtnt of such pervjnt. and lor ot her purposes - The bill authorising the trusti es of the Richmond Academy lo raise 10,000 ded lars hv lottery. ws rd ne second time and fxisfd yeas 37. nats 3i II was then read' the third time and ordered to be engrcmetl. I he bill to change the time and regu laie ihe mimur of holdine thr Count v made since the first day of Jan. 1825. The motion to postpone until Monday, was carried. .Mr. Montgomery from the balloting committee for two Engrossing Clerks, reported that of the votes received,; Srene bad 97, Cowan. , Dei7J nd Pool 62.' Stone and Cowan -were declared duly elected. ,. 1 Mr.'Mattfiews pretented the petition of Mildred, M'MilIj,, WWJOEMMfim from her huihand, accompanied with a motion that a committee" of Divorce and Alimony be appointed to whom that pftnion should be re Terred. he motion was carried, apd Meisri. Matthe wi7 Gray, Montgomery, Devane and Parker, were subsequently announced ai composing this committee.. Mr. Gray presented a petition on the subject of a divorce, which, received a like referenced the above. j Saturday, Dec 30 Messrs. Sneed and King were announced as - corp,joi,ij,' the committee on the part of this House, on the Public Buildings, free people of this State, which passed it. Count of Hvood, was red the second ftrst reading, was ordered lo be printed, and third limes, and ordered to be en and made the order of the dav fur croied. Monday. A mrmn from ika nhl Ifnnae. Mr. Croom presented a bill to amend on' tin that Msr Wot nd Rmd f rm act passed in 1819, to prevent the fraudu the joint committee, on thri' part, on Pub lent trading with slaves. Head 1st time. lir Buiidines: and ht Hie .bint commit Monday, Jan I Mr. Boddie presen ted the following resolutotn lee, on their, part, to inquire into the ex-. pediency of :tlrenng the sittings of the 2d, 3i xnd 5'h Judicial Cir uits. consists of Mes)trv Iredell, Martin, B f man I J?eovdV That the committecTirrthFt,r4rftr"w rwr'srtirjfliofTj Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of passing a law to oreven! slaves from selling cotton to any person, 'Mli on, Siedman. Bums, ?errHid. Blount except tne owners, or other petsons bav rviiwaras, i ox i! i4enotr, a. 11 Jones, ing charge of the same; and that thev Spruill, Gr,v. -Dirknn'., Whtukrr, A. . L c refuel oy.oiu.or oLnerwise ..... T)h mdtidribf Mri CroomV the ' resolu tion was amended by adding after the Spruill, Gr.y, Moore, Slcange.ii A Hdl, -Marshall and The engrossed bill "from' the other word "-cotibRv?ihefol the and olhe'r articles of produce mentioned in adopted. - - " , On motion of Mr. M'Kay, it was Ketolved, Thai a select committee he npointedi wnb instructions to inquire in to the expediency of desienatinc such acts ana parts 01 acts ot the British Par liament as shall hereafter be considered in force in this State.' Messrs. M'Kay, Seiwell. Pickett, Mil ler ind Spaight of Craven were appointed me committee, in pursuance to the fore going resolution. Mr. M'Kay presented the following preamble tad resolution syhich were adopted 't th t-ble. A meii'ge was received from ihe Senile, informing thr lfHise that io pursuance to the joint rulei of the two Houses, they had raised a c mmittee f Finance to join the committee on the part f-the II use, consisting of JMesin. M'K.r. PUkett, King, Hill f Franklin, Srawell, Willum, of Ur-aufort, Stokti and Sharp. On motion ol Mr, Swaio. a mrma . - . - aw --a W - - a t ars arl to toe &entc informing ih. J A'.nson, Ktchrd Adison, John Scti, Kobert H. Jjnea, Leonard .Mattiu, William A, lil-xint, . Alfred More and H ibert Strange, f'rm the commit. a a a aa tee ni nnnce 60 ine part ol this House. Mr. Clement introduced a hill 10 est Wish Icksviile Acatlrmy in Howan and t- incorporate lite Trut ieea iherflHejscI lhe" first, jeeojud arvd thiMf 4imeif kod -ordered toTte t'ff grossed. Mr. A vche presented a bill to al ter the time of holding the meeting of the (ieneral Aiiembly Proposes to alter the time to the Id Mn'day in November. Mr. Hampton presented a bill con cerning iritain olucers in Lmids n O'UDtv. fProvidei thai whrrcai the term of ojfice of the Clerk of the County Ct. of the Solicitor, Ktguttr, &c. of Davidson County, expires 00 the fourth week in January, and next court does not occur ar til the 3d ! Morday in March, that these powers j 1 a I be Continued to tnem until aaia court. These bills passed their first reading. Mr. Shrpperd presented ihe mem- rial (.f Josiah Cowles, of Surry, or. the subject of the tax n Pedlars. The Spr-ker laid before the II:. use, the memorial of the- American Coloni- gt'woSocietvvu hich u as rcad-and Hr red to lie on the table. r-v amv tj v a..a Snwrauu. uec. au. itir. octtie la tit ippolntasraf ef 1 rwrnJuao t. ratjsrrt IV "pItaf ef abrr Mg lb rU Tiraaa of lb lUpyrW Cawni U tbt tmiraMiiloaef rtnuit Iso o te oppoiirt taoal ef a tecanuin, e ptibfl'" vaiMieiff . Mf M. II awi amned, Ikat as tU Hatii did we ruKiM ta lb preeoaiito of tbit IIuvjm. lo apotaSeiUg a )im rlatt lofwwlnrl, l4 Iblt lloo Meioo frtnit i't peo'hoa, otai appolM 0 jwdt ila'f commltn oa tat prt of iki H'MIS Ar Swmtn eUarvtd, iki ib Uaa bad attlgoei! at rttsoei for ani agrtsiag lo the ptcpmitiofts'ef ibit Huo, ikat tbt J'd of rules of lb le I ft a prvri ded for lb appolniabl 0 (oasmiii 00 il.r tut'Uila proposed, by oeck Uaecb of ike LgiJiu. ikougk 1 bar waoao sorb luUtio isltirNo. He Ikoogbl it would .bo UU le fasaled ibo laaoauska pae4 f istirdaf bt ik Hojm, of wakk Ibo Seoate bad !! euk fifr. SisMcr4vlti ! nrteceturt ui act fan ha r we tb oijtct. Tie BoaVt bas acted it ft thevckl peeper, ia rctpact lo ib rtteJatlod el ibis lluua 4 though taer be no ffpetit priioo m.rt In lb toiM role ef eiibrr ef ike Cornnine proposed lo bt ippfJntcd by . ivlt Haust, ikro ita ruU wklrk sats, thai each Hoe so shall romplci Its ewa builness. Tm anotioai to reconsider was ecrv lived. On motleo ef Mr Bin, a Commlnet 00 Divorce and Ahmrfiy was appointed. N',.ri B.ia. J. A Hill, Fisber, snd WKnehursi, form this Commltie. Mr. Stin thrb presented lb petiiioo of Polly Rurkncr, prating to b divorced from tier ouUund Ldwrd Bockner. Mr. Hiil, ef New Hanover, said b wis opposed lo lb reference of ibis pcti'ioe. Il had. hoped ibal after ibo Lrgilitr bad patted an act on this subjeCl, "ne tears ago, giving ihe judiciary rognj hMr ol ill qui'i4nsot tan amd, tbat t Mi House uuU. bate . been eo lonr . trotiblcd with the applkittoni. Ibt muriagc root ran, ne said, wat too sorrtd lolx lighilv inlei fared with. , Tk Let if iatura nr pn. general law 00 Ibo auhjert, but hate no right, and, of ciKirsr, ought not lo .it est any imrtvidir- I cjc ; the law. is auflh Knt for the re lief of all, where it would bt right to grsnt relief Mr. Sw.in said, bt wis not disposed to enter into anv argument with tb ten- iUnsaa-4eon -aVfa4f ayefY wbe'tber It ' ' was eemstfiatiomfrorV tor the" Leers.:r laiura In my cast lo giant di voices. If . ve have not this power.thcn the act r.si- rd seven years ago. giving to tht 8u.e-. rior Couils cogniztnre of such cases, is unconstitutional. But if that law be con stitu'ioul, then rhe Leaxitlaturc hit a right to act in any esse where it. nwv I't deemed proper. He was .willing to tiave the question examined and settled With regard to divorces in general, be at unftiendlr to them. Bui he thought there might he cues where it-would be proper for the Legislature lo interfere. Mr. Fisher inquired if this wis 1 case of which the law referred to, takei cogni zance t Mr. Swain answered it was not. The petition wa then referred. Mr Morehrad presented the petitioo of Elizabeth Pui r, wife of John Duer. of Guilford, prat ing to be divorced Ii -m her husband, which wat read and rel r red to the committee of Pivorce and Ali mony. MrN land presenied t RePptTfrorHoF Nimrod Ltinsford praying for authority to erect a Gate, and Mr Moore of Surrf Wednesday Ja...-hlitr Dayir preaen kn a bill presenbiag- the m inner in which Klerks of ihe auperior Courts shall here- ifter be appointed ; which passed its first reading:. Mr. Croom, from the committee of Pri vileges and Elections, to whom was re- erred the communication from Cornelius Dowd, staling that Josiah Tyson, the Senator from Moore county, is not legally entitled to a seat in the Senate, reported in aver of the sitting member. presented a bill to authorise Cr uris of ( pf"ted the petition of William Dow- Pleas and Qu-rter Sessions to permit ""K . uino"lf 10 . r- . - . k- ,,;.,i ,w. Lu-. "1'"-Referred lo the committee on lutes to be raised across tne public 1 . n , HOUSE OF COMMONS Thunday Dec, 28. Oa motion of Mr. Sbepperd. - pt:o4iosuions and Grievances-! Houae of Commons, we see fat., wao,t of room obliged to defer till our next, ... . ' . Mr. Bernhardt pftsented a b II to f ' T, T . , f , . on "'e 1st, 2d, and 3d inst. N' . I'"- " I " J'-" tStresiterti couritSi nJ lor"' otrier nurpoaea. '. Mr. ribcr proposed two addition- . wkmi ikmim ueucn, u icn- al rules tor the government of the ! mond. Vt- ha ent to Mr-member of House. One was, that every resolu-1 ConrTrea, a ten dollar bill, to be applied to the tion of a public nature should be read ; benefit ,h fcrng Greeks, in their itrug- anri li nnnn tih . nnf Hiv inr -.-n , K'c " irrcuuui. wr. dciucii uiwiici ; a. - -V, . sideration, unless otherwise ordered, before question is taken onr its adop tion. A rule, he smd, which is em braced in the rules regulating the pro ceedings of Congress, and in those of most other legislative bodies. The 7 . w .- . . - 1 am aware the sum is small, but it is a fiilhithe of my clear yearly Income. "Born and brought up in a land of lib ertv. I know, and knowing, prize the rights, the privileges, and the blessings, of a citizen of a free country 1 and I can not but wish that all who are seeking through toil, suffering, and blood, for the other was, that every resolution which proposes t draw anv money from the , rights of man. may enjoy tbetn as liber Treasury, shall be ei threetimci on j ally aj do myself. " ".'