' ' ' e 1 f yfW 1 .. . 'l, I J I li I . . y ; v w HAMSHUIIY, N.'OTUIWnAV, JANUAUY 33, 1837. VOL. VII NO. SIB. . " - J A V'7r " I X; i i ' I If. ' A i i r A a mm " - J , . SJJ Mt,tf ' . . r, .U aaaw KV"" r .. - un rr-e cti.ir fla Mebir. i m I Irirr-i '" n,u.,:.y i;r-i3i i( c ve yt d 1 U-m TTlZftiae tr.rf, th '! U be fanWsl ! ct. rrtJ 7arvii-ci. 8ifff kive'tn-ta Jt (ttaU!sbf Jl TU lefts Irbs Vf sad beTwttw Mnrve, rl : XoJ -M watt mrrt ia . Ale.'. v "... . . . w4 ihf wKtoJvjyiUJLrl Ji Uti w -a n Hf w Miweye . ..a or ibey y . .. . , 1. ik aaMrt eaayi bi , ' iTm.V. Hf the m-V ef tjeaa atasiawia - f. a law. r WAU fb T eaftf UC9 W Mnmkn at tk W ttea tkow rfik pwt"C .TbU anooot, iu' wKriiu, - ioc)a4ioo pan of h?.W . . i-v . f tWa r..rnii' of (tilt Anttvntmt Mk, ia na.incoQiiacrir lulu pcnditf "U'f'iC fele degree, ironi uic iwu ... . lUft lttely been gma on important ' " routes aod theV"'nS eonfidf"1' ' the public la the fety oJ rcgul-ruy of the rtiil. - Sbce the It annual ratement, 'r contract have been mad f r an addi- lionUtfaiMprUtloa.-ot . the- man in tKf ujpa . .! ia 1 ttt n .tt. Oa tkU rtmie M r,M l OHrtaa HI H tr a-rtl la ror dirt (ri tiMit frH Wiihitra CHr, ml iS placet f B rout by the Nuht. A r pfiMipte h ba ii orpt if J ofo the Ute coaifKW which U U Ktiiri- will ofytet trt rliUru la lh inmttf MCf of . cuare f-r dctiy il failuta hart aJm bea Kf J, -a! be l Dinared tSat iHt obtrutliia were .ich comII oot be erc', ao M..hiK.e bt-en Uaned. UvJr ihit pfKtice It b ce fad tirrlefi fea eadfi to aeoiJ tM tfccti of tbeir a Mrracr. be lneairat whic. eitmpl ibeir e. lueri from bar. Thli prwM i .tr iod earforTbrtB H wr1- from pfrvxit with the? ? hivt Ufiaece, comboratie of tbrir own Uefrio. T renrv.ire thit rov. iSet ind idic the uimot eiertiofl, be he late cntrci, p'iT f 'I every iiilure without rrgira o i' upndiCrts Aa.ibia pen.Ite ' incrr te J bv te IWKmn oi errr ceea mlnutr dfUy, 'd a rihirr Muct - hh. a dependine lio. the-Migh ane wint of etrrtioo. dm fiwfeit lh- eontTKt. n trrXtr in duccmeot cm he tfirded to iatue a puoct ul delieery -fthe mail. J ic frn eon'rmcx in. fxMinu. There' wm ! rewkrtl H that line Wh tVeitof o-W 54 mmMI VBttunUne 10 1 tV.KW w ! ti(i'el .awwni 'of (teH. which hie been vUit J by cred- .k..t three hundred and twxtMaur I:Z ? o borae bcl, lUtt-elne - , houaod one hundred and a'uty miles annually. the transportation, when added to -tJie Increase of the two preceding Tears, will show an augmented con. :Veynce o! the m.il, in comparison " : with the rear 1823. of-n miUioo , eigt hundred and fifty-aeven thou- aand' three hundred -and forty -five Bi'iles. n . , Seven hundred and fourteen Pont. Offices hate been established within the pat year these ehen added to it, . In k turn nrrcrdinff tnose esxaoiitu r ----- , years, make seventeen hundred and .fifty-four. -A comparison of the above aug- Mentation of revenue, transportation, -and ptttffices, with former ye4rs, ' i will ahosi the r-pid extension of the - operations of this department. -J& 1801 the eeceipu for potv 303.M? 81 T-.rr-j iwvrtraodrtdrand,6lt)rtnel . tK.-JI- fcl&V-U 'I 79.100 Cl 321.89 82 -Thencreiia rerenue of the W Tear over the year emlin l,t julv. l8tt.MaboreH.tfed Leawinir rouneen nu..r Combine dollara and eigbty. - Wo'eenta, more than the total ; teretuMPHBOl . 81449 W vLkn.mrai.rt. tiinsDortauoiti. oi ;tke mail tiftce.WL- ut4 orer the recein't . fwh year coding ! -Jul. 1531, Amount of receipt aboe the eipenrfiture f'r ten year latJulv. I8.'5. Eicew of receipts orer ei pendituref for U year, iminrai."-. aVH.M, B7 dergfthe tk-p.rtn.er,, 7T0,m 87 As the rriri'S of; the Departmeni ,m umnle in meet all its enjracemrnts. and any reasonable .mount of addif ,nna fne diiure which Congrtaa Un,y think proper to authorize by the eatablishmcnt ot new routra,u isucai. rable that its contingent expenses and the salaries vf us otneers, snouia oe niid out ol its own fund, and thr Treasury be relieved from the usual appropriations fir that purpose. rilty tnous.nu u"ui save4. annually by the dicontinu- nee ot unpfodu uve post ruuic. llndtt the law passed at the ast ses VIC HI all K y ' , Mtiar t6 US v cotivey arice . :tbrotighout Am -a Kf- sftOcL there. were Vm ni"?l n iowv w"".--7-..7KW - .... - innrfl ind.ten, Post-0Hiccsl there - :re now six thousand two hundred 7'1 and eighteen, sevepteen hundred and v ify-four of which have been estab. , Jihed sinceltat July, 1823-, 1 . j; On the contracts which have been r. tely made for the routh and south west, some reduction of expense has leen effected, though -great facilities ,'; " lave been givep, y ' ' On the route by the y,of Hoota " Ville, Columbus Jackson and Natchez, ' Orleans, iudejrjha aion of Cngress, requiring the mail r s'.i..k... in 1i'issinDl. pniirvi rii m i .iiiiiuiuusi to Donkes, and from Chatahouche, in Georgia; to Line Creek, in Alabama, to .be repaired, contracts have been nradef and the work commenceu. ,uai sst4!iV itt.Ui ia t Ve y o tsnt ia iitt t nf f Ibe sf.lf, aiikkl ttt if ?r m 1 C4 k la tM Jr1 J Cfrti. 0a tat Mpf awantiiirfr-V Seaasalaaa aee4 St a.ilf in.f be veWff IW Cca I UJI tifbi.titsaarlarpiVM I It tf J'iUK4 tal mJU4 1 jri fcatt i rBei bf it. J Mr. Vm XiMHUr S. r'. Mr. HIhh Via Ulw Mr Eti'etfftf Miai, J Nneib Cofl. Mr Xier f t Ailtr,J, Ad M. n41t t OaU. era frfx4el iM (maaMV. t( 14. pnt ibcae IkIS a1 I Sf JJ. ihi tJ the mm (Mumliue S P iiratsd be lbs fpbf r.re lera were i be priklr fridi e Me- A"m Tbe CmRUiiet made leir RB 4.i4 k ml ib II mm. ryf tl it fa"4 U ib I Mb f rb- lie 0ca"at l ib Uti aei K,rt4 11 J. TM Rfpor h S atoctnew o U PKS fro ' ,k fUuU( es'rri - eefikai tber kart bl vM wuii! of the e riilo) under eareftti uAjil- Tbe U compaaibf papers (.wt"l reUe lo ht rtmiuil b da Ud loilb iS PfeUeii's k4w- rs t-p" ?D. r. F.) rUie p.U4,U tube far fii.Hinv l ha Prru lcnl'l Vxie. TV A- hrrfli) U UU All y4s .1Jm;jr. Me in wkfck th fifty"'" I" lr' Ibe Mloif -is lHiri ' - r.fc.f.. U Ar. 1119. !n omplUnca witi -iur rfqieat. I hire ihe honor li irtnsnn osi an ae eMint of ihe espendiiua ' iba sppropH 4lon mi le t.r rurnihln te rrrwoam hotiae 1 1 should hr bet funlbd In ilm fnr ih maiinr of be CwasmlitM ihlt m'MTtiiz. bed if beer pUbUt but the receipt 4 i our nois bting dUf ed till im Ykxa lhl mornlnici ani tbe Mcts- .1.. Mkl. h I a.a nnAf Of OlSlinC IN copr -hlch Is no tr.MiltMfl, rentiers impractrhle. 1 hare the honor lo fte, e. jnHAIAbSjJr Tbe a.rouniof thr espendiiara then follows i . The deVor side charges Mr. John lt.m. I. wiih i u Trfutnt ffarrenl, d4te-l M.rch I lis for 8I4XXK). h sum appropriited rmrrbaaH- Urnitor lv i.-FiMenr booser-rrba credit aide praVrau fil f ttl he ms., numbered r. l ... til irwluwe. mnd dated from lOtbof Marrh, -HJ.-to .f'h.rrbrnary, iaiL nH nuroodi to be S lisl of articles puff based for furniaswf tbe. p.eUdent'a house out ol the eppniprlatlon i B a aw. and trrdited as aucn. mone these ItemM under dtte of M.t 35 h, 1125. and numbered II. It the fol lowing r Uwn tCrrtmi, AftW . . . RW." Al.umlerdatnfJona Mh, numbered 54, the fulUainf : ... ' - ff.- Ma, t'th 44 w nJ AImi. iindtr tame date namoerea 35, cm iohow- in : Little M, fir . W W Also, under of orrmDer v, numoerea J thr following: " ' m AIo, under .late of January lt, I 2f numbered 107. the foll .lnCi . n-, A gM SO." ri..i.n thiaaiate of 'he Record evidence, a dmijl as bold as uneipeeied, is jusi pu' forth b? a memier f Congress from Kentucky, backed bv Peter Force (and auch a denial needs Porte to hack it) that any part of the public moncv wa eter anidie d to" tbe purchase of the Billiard Tablet t- :- 7-tt tir. .i fnr th dmnttrnml 01 ail E wan " r rinn frStv.tn the Editors or ttte lUcbmOiW Elrquirrr, -iMctmber.it,; nilfttifn T" Piihlie'-mttention at this ITmiic ITjl I Ireered It bresent to the .r k.' Rilli rt' TkUU. Whirh seems aim j v. .... . --i destined to give as much disturbance to our presidential tamiif. astne story pi the Diamond Necklace gave .to the family of the Bourbons at tne weaninu out ui the French Revolution. A stout denial has just been made, that any public money was ever paid for this table t and .ki.drnial 1a made in contravention of an ancient law maxim w hie D says the P Rttord tannot he, curiosity IS on tiptoe io . a' . . . this affair, which, besides tne criRiuai merits of the transaction, invoinn an illegal bd immoral appljcetioa ol Ihe public moner, now presents new ques lions of veracity, and milling, and trick er. Is Mr Qarson to b beat don Ms tbtKemucWr w! & i,u,u,d;' And how shall these: bfeets-be aeconv. pllshed r1 "Shan th President son- me recorded account f Dr shall he alter it oriratelv. before it ia settled st the Trea ,urnt Or shall the public printers be relied upon to brinir the whole affair un it, "a mass of lie. I Which of these al. ternatives shall erentually be adopted is vet unknown ; but one thing-Is certaim that whatever is now done is tbe act of the ministry, and from their manner -of conducting it, thepuouc win nare sample of tlieir aioaw rai"- (aw tea i assue ctvtttL jvoff ar n ,xiay. Plate CtMfal ikfcMa4 tl' Nad f tvr 4,fama4, ,4U aUfsraaa cMrf rs)st4l aVa4, mm4 S4 Uae. aaaaWaaa,teu tncti(tli.' MbvlWesbcd.lle ioa.11 eMl, iua IU pboWy. be m y r sen tb tfmV tJ ike peefle. t tbae Skf tUptiaf CaalM arf lb-Late liaaa, fmk Irat U tai ataefrtr4 airsaoMbrrlBes1 - NalaJ fee kiJ be efib4l bf tb tta'at bUb ibe OrMfal bit qM'4 U aas U'jeflf would U blra bare S Melostt feadertaal ifraatf uU rUa froea bl pewae- A spirit bf ecet, paraiaaaeiy. aU his pever l ad Ibe (hiratiM popsilaf tttUnt aeg meat b-s retb. he U baa alay beee M efJsww. ibat be eUesl defeaes foe in admlasifaiWKt, Is Ibe siectf ot im lL.aJa1 tl...r.l lackaoa aitvlf bf III am. be dasae af pUasbf ibe peepU, wotiUi prvsi i bat be vis octet m ieir drrr, sod vovld make bis seal If m aid aerara, vviik bU and esDetirnce, Mb w- --a-- r bis are ad rrpsitailoa. be be la.bled to Kcompliah for tbe aa.aMr I ibe nml A .iri Inaulr lata the Dsiblk. tf oiiifea,end the poUic tipe"flrtrre.-r aw Cause fo here asatfe. tery pr uAiat oltV er of imI dtpanmenl," would he rvrtuired le Co bla dutf. iib pwtMtu allif and lrliif . Tka nalite le reoidiit ef bis cbarae'er. kta Mrsuaaitt nianhers, bis poeis o pleaainir. and shore all, ihe slrtoes wbUb tdorn bit domeste ute. w irwidd unusual spieadoe. - The peoplr tssMlMi require no a.ai te rWe Ibcm light in the dark aod intri tie paiboar of poiiiiiat Tbei wouKl urn their eyes lo ihe r&eir ot Hue, aa here diacoi the htileark of their liber lew their fori ones, sod tbelr litea To no ore can tbe c orernmeot be en tmsied o with greairr secuntf, ae ie Oeneral Jackaon fcren and siaaani Mild he bold the reins. Tk (bamoioos of Lit Mr well anoa that there is nothing -hkh tires ireairr atabiUtf to s ferernmenl, then an adber tMi to food old sorms, wise ana pruot u ti.l m. tiros, and aacred sna!nia Tbe people will readily know, ben tar condition of he oaiwn ia prospcrou. however, a iVfy tO-'.m.j be dispose J i.i. not noil oi fi.wHiH, could ceosHKS tbe friends of Jscksoo tb-i . i. . I n .rrrtf. IK,m , The voice of freedom, is we votce nature i it Is s voice "huh, lo eur napp republic, ia alwatt heard. The ler,islaiure would not require un he allurement of an w jue'Tnflurnce: norrw.M U b4 necessart to praise tbc.yHites from "fDCC ance is derived. ' The me.sre.hlcb-haWould.n: commend, would be hr result of wisdom, and ihe harrrronr which would cant In the different branches of the torernn,ent. would ensure its stebilHr. i. i..l. .mi hate the tonrur, arm of ihe Datiiot A knowledge ol ,he .w, will enable him. from the pos : r . mnri- inun'.e knowledr r '.l. .:..ki. nf indKidua a, nuu vi communittes, the octier i ," '." prsrrve them, and his political, skill i u. kim thr heiter to aDpreciate, Will ciiaui" '. . and cherih thr edroirable qualities of a free constitution. General Jackson would look to the neonle. whose welfare is tue ena oi ati rorrrnment. if ... . L. . .Amlmr rf hla. AWII He wouiu oc i" '' -neaures, and the legislature would ap srore or reject. A presidem (be he who be may) must lUe adherents; interest may attach reirird o'hers. The man who ran attach the heart feels the moat- secure IVhat man would desert s President, ffhen tied by reason atuUffectioB r.anral Jackaon can withstand the al lurements of private interest, snd the in- t ..I .Ituak wvnlst Sfl Siffl tenuity ot tne specuiau.w it- nn.u..n iliacretion and Inteirritv, nd I can safely declare, that if Genera Jackson, be elected to the presidential chair, that the people will. never enjor a ' a. . !!... .nl fS If t at ffreatet share ot tranquility "7 7. . 4.:.' i.M.i.nm.'flf ' jnaniinoe ua iv'v;--- I4T Ol' UHTKM UlWttlO l WM lV a aaiaUny St. rar- oe tb tat wf M-a, Ita4l Ar' aW I' JAaf4 MiaJUib AWisaW J a . I 4wM ' 1-4 Ata i.biMwa.. Was S4.w Jm liwa - ' 'i !'. 1 wr -1 y,e . . mpt SVfWaS aMffif laNaa I m i. . . . . . . i .... - TUrn IMUaW . WavbVsAi) aa,abae.. . r&ab B A tum tUnj I J4 BV.fy tfaa SVa fybaasa rmiU ae nb kVaaef WUaa iWv ra r-Au Mai raUaaQ (Wat Cawb Jabe I ore )A Caawe J.aa raaabafl Lap I.WfUjkl Caaba CWwl (are tlarb rnee CaUU iaaaae nfiii fraa Haarv I CAk Poffr raabdul iady CVaaa a Ilaral . Job DaW rW Datal 7 . i.4,a.taaaaiao KaibrW ffcrr ftaml fwi Nraey TraiWy Jet, I- tmkaas frane fbauo f-anctf tirabaas WtTAaaa trav - Jraar Jtrt4aa .' . Jn MrdWe H.n I) Ha'lra 1 Mra ItloM tlolrwea kwr A Mai CharVe ll-Mee Johai Howard t'aaper lloMawaee I ItMtb Hrt.e Kami, ffafbee r. N. fhre loarpb H"Jf rboanaa llulaow stiKena W llayaes W lander Hiyaea bt.es Mras la 'S Ja Wf I 4tWwlt'aO Miaa) 11110 , IH-A ly. Mr ldaaa iaa he Wial rb.bf n.0r j,aa trbealy iaf W,e aa A Wi IV-a Mtweai .liai WiHee MVWaa St aaf Hal 4 rape JoIm f.ae Jrv fi-laai lrri fkWe aaab f.VWe iaaira rafk jaa b Ha earl Naeey r taii-wal ,lhaa fn Xlaaaa atiawai Mar Mar Carp bVaVawaa) w.ru uai'waa Jaaaes SV. bae? Cbaar A. Nk4 b ft. OaaUb wtatthr WJia haree .fi Record tannot ae, curiosiiy is - laara wpoa what tojue, tr eWJ:y???.,,; 4 made of rf tren, ilro- In tfrculattoir h Philadelphia. What next f . r . n.inn to the Hudson A- rtanway Mum i$ estimatid to Cost only 8 .WOpdWO. tl. ji ..rnr Evening Poll of tb 1 lisp .ww7 v 18,h lnsunt, state., that two foreigner of di.tinction bad been prere-cu ....- Bghtlng a duel, by the proper aathoridesaf that tj. IRIgbtj Umi: tatilb Immn S'rrl Ktfbolaa wnsna JaCnb THwae Caiba; batlth ittieiw Move Jaeub Mfaaab tSUia IbaaapW be I lira TMrarf noree A. I HaaJ tNias baibaL Tbapoo fjad. rWoas llrO a Varwer Jnarpb leaat ChaHrs Vihero frftby With. Jaiwre Vtilb Joha Hitbours) i. I While Baraey Trf. a TfcrnV LETTERS. ...ui. u tiw Po4-nfl-y al t'ewcord. N. C ae the tat day of January. 1IX I. liaAleaaJWler J Wcas Rob.naoa Wdaoa rvMiin nira Philip . w Caf Job btrat William C bcott R Mr HwHlb W iUiaiW NiB"rd -AWstivter tsrwtt IHnirl S'riekee Eliiabrib Khin llhiaheib Ibompeas Wdliara Trier Ka'Kaii- Wada -jadiab Wallace- Jamr s .Youef ... -Joarnb A Vouaf DaaWi tiaHer ; t -.. .' 1 nh'ia fauMlilkaa . .. Docu VV Hwi.toa ; Ptiet MaribK Harnt , S-.lrolrr Hi .da-.a Kicl.aril Hulbri bka I)oct thomutlarrif Simon llatlcy VI illiam Hutlaoa, prter Cauble Thomas Liuletna Chri'iofiher Ughl Jacob lierly D SIOHKR. PM k il Indebted to thia office for P"A are requested to irake payment. In hitur. , no letters will be lei out of this office.until tbe po. 'ar ' raid. i .1ST OF LK1TKRS rMAIMVti in Ihe Poaifficr at (taienlla N C. on tbe lit day of January, io.. rk.plaa Irnbart CUb r. Aletawter r. tr ,ben Alexander Mra. Marfar-a Burd Ana E. lUird Joaepb Baker Charles Bain Corje St. t:Urk Henry Ca(fle Henrr I'urr A If lander Frrynoa W illiam -trtUiaja-., JanaVa VtCtaia aamoel ra jiha.eaoij.:. y v akUraw Chriatnplier Stelchoe Thnma. blally Julia McCaleM jhn stiaenhimer Jnelma Nelaiift William Nicbota II. B. rhitipa Peter Peninjrer Charki Peace tlartia Rendletnaa John Kobinaon Ruth tired 3t4d R Reall Jami s Hracken John Camett Fliiabeth Camrace Tabitha Duvall rhotiiM Daridaon Oeorje L. Kdwarda Jamea Rib Allea Francis John - ; Felijiarrald GTtleon aralTstrSr Holmes James Harris Jimes II. Mill M. L. Jonston Wm. 9. Kinr Mary Mrs. IewU A. L Lemay Zachariah . McLauglilin John McCray Pollv Xiai Moreao at. ' Narnoa Joha .5t7 r r Potts Joha Robrrtaoti Geo. W. Kitchens John Kandele Smith Keid Caiwandra Mm Jomblinaon Wm. U. Smith William Shaw William .Stephenson Jamea . Smith Jacob Stuert Abnef" Stewart Robert Smith James Shipp Bartlett Sharp Frauklia Stroud Andrew Weatmorlar.d Editto Woodward Mr. Welch James WiUon Jamea If. Woodaidea Janwf. jAi7-a'gyt(?rf n at mi aiw I JtTTKR&y A ' Al R-uKw.-C.-on tbe 1st daof Januwy, 1& j..hn niackbourn John Calloway James llabbs Hubbard Daria WillUm Kliot Solomon Crimes Jacob Crigaon t-amuel J Hamilton Hi Uben Holme. James Kennedy James Lome JohnKckl John Soot Molly tmider Daniel Bwinr ' Frederick I bomptoO i William Thompson Inomas TaidweU Carbart Wallen William Wilson ' 9. D. BOUWSAYIUI, ?. Ii I 1 J A I. f ( I t - - - 4 a " -I 'A t ' - AAi.A, 1:AA:

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