i. IK i , - - u l' ' ' Mi - l iUH I IK "til ff Tin: i.KOi.iiaTt'HiL St. ATE, tSry rttwtWa oa iM tbjt f 4s 4i fcrf k (Ml If tot af UJ. d4 ' ettt4 uiiaaf 4f ekh ttUnt la ike Je4kia?y twwi-i. , . Mr. Or.t rMftt4 n ratai a lag itu Uv be Pf ttrodClk of feettrrwd I IM cotataUttw e tkt part it r:trMi mfWff rtU'lag u mm IkJt fkait. fetf tl mMm ' 6nwMMf - tala fate t-w kick kills wif Mad l irtl time, twdik Uiwr rtlmtd la ikitwH elsry cetaesktii . fHiay, I. Tat UU ta amend aa art mm4 h 1 1 1 1. rtUU't l iU im) tW Utl cKmJo cnU flktf Tk J11 la IBMIMi It Kl Mlt4 Ifl 1114. !Ul0f Mf tik Uwtof mmHot d4 cwtrtt room l Srrrf rttyt Ikt W Una wv OTfltf t m m t 0 4if . ll l iKt til vtMiflf IM nM of tkfflnff nkr1fft la im pr(H. Mr Mofrtmr7 motrtl lk coo .U.iL ItM bill t le TMiif Mikc.wucrTit4. intrdty J. Mr. PKltM from lW J-fkUrT CommUfr to Wl rttrr4 IM Wll pHntt4 bt lk Miu, tl- (irrw-t la coarU jak, rtpofttd ibt Mim vilb ffvdftl, bkh t4 to. tkf Ull rtM ibt Ibl'd tim M 0ftJrt4 lo bo tcrt4. Mi rkkctt from ib Mine cowmlittf t ' tpoiifd bill io eiplUt iwl imco4 tn ' Art. MtMd b IIHl 0lborW0 tb cooitf cift o rrquir dioinUif:or tn4 obr to lt cmi- Mcutur upon tto prtilo of itiwiininueirwrt Mtc4 lit Im rtsdinc. Mr. Plrkttl, from I ho Mine commitic. feportrd K bill rt ciiUUnt; ibt duty of Grind Juror rrq io prttcm inrnll for ffry ixl mI UlUro, with in ncnJmnl obieb m Rro Io. Mr. Pkkeilt from Ibt uim mrai!ie, rtportc4 bill io amcod Ibo Couoclpo Un 1. bkh rtid IM or lint. Mr. ForMVf fromibo commltuo of fiourtbif oo tb peuiioo of tuodry ciU - tvfio of Rot- on tbo objtci of im BUt)on of Cofitubltt. MrWcTJfptuiil& iuadry rttplg" ftoni on th tuhct of drlnhi ih U mt4 iU 1 Mt't i iU let 111 I. tMU4 - At I f ik Uiif ff IU of M U of I'irdutlOtf bf Mr, AUl4f bi t 14 IM xl of lilt, Imm trUf IM lOfrf Cfc4m J br Mr. tWxr.t till io rtp-U IM lib MCtkft of IM Mt Of l3J, ItUltM&lC lUlf Mrttcilt J ill U l It irfliftj 19 k'!4 M lo rati n t, im4 In lh fr (lift n l ' 'l iMoryxn 111 ! of CkrL(!t U M winf 4 litiUr.'ff M4 ItJ it rt'joWf offrAc of I? IOOD f tl liiti t,f i'Mj it if.J r.4r.c.:t.U ' 1(1 4r. 6ll M )Wkik of i!t wki M tJ fej'TMt W N tUiMJ 4 iRMlf IM Mir4 W l0 fi- Mr, M.rht!L r43 If IHMX IM ( ilrt lo IM tfmrt of biwi J ?pUf Orwt ktU9mt,U Am JwUf IM ffott. td a4 rtbrtfii Pr Mr. Tofrtci CM'? i U rJV 1 03 do!!n bf kMry t Oo tootlo. of Mr.1ftfdr.ibt cooimll IM etkloi of Mrf CUUof It4U t oo lb ioclMy otrt UnnKU4 U ii too fXIVnMk'7tiiUII Tof H.iootxri tMiTcotr l.lU TU Siltia revoir, of lobt diroftt4 froal tMU . U tv4 KotUj Ifcxrd of A f.lon, kxI Do ovmIoo f Mr. Dooooo, It oil cuy U tbtU M la Mltk m4 p bpoo o4 fXf ttbiUio4 bf lr OM M uIfftf of UHi'Ukb otcovtl poind 4 bo 4 air li iXtll boio howrt M i4 rtportt4 init IM Ctf iniolbt tip4Wftv of tiUiJUagtMt4' 'if Coti bf tbo IW; ibU U kJ BMfd fur iblt 5int. . 4tTB4 ru4 o4 otiflkko! tUoc fo Oo mmhm of. Mr. Alu4r, It v t0J platl Jl iocb ticiot of o4bU Wrrf. Tht IM JoJkUry (oainll- Uftiurt, (obtrt fr4 b.U Ml tppoof.) to U Uiroi4 loliHiulrt Uio Ibt II jb fl tolii at U obtrtia ibf r4f bt p4te?of MtmcndiBglboUoioHib ft- Mtk o lo iMir muWomou olib IM rird to Cao4tltk to touiri IM Coutif Counil ilto IM Drvpfitlr of nrvoft ipt4f coIUoIoq tod pf akioi of obf ott of limliikj, ok bio obkb C pit4 M IMir di lor cwikimo. tu cUat lor tlvihwt Hum of Af tt Mr Orf pt Hott4 IM pltioo f Ell ' ut, or cUlm of u; otMf dtcilp(k b PotMt prtf Inf to M dirortod from bH U 4t kMa la Ibo tlocoiort or bU vlft. Rfftrrtd lo Ibo toJ(iM of , tdmhtartion of Mica MUltsof bo for Dirorct tod Alifooof . f tir Urrod. Mr. Nr oUod ortMQtod tbo p thlo of : Oo otioa of Mr. Citmtot. ikt iat Ltbta Crli mm tnUt (Iiimm of Burkt I coimti otro wurocud to bxjuirt bio coon:, prtrf ko romootrotH f MM ttprfitocy of to mtadisg to oct. iMir Ubof U opttlog public rood, on- ptmd r iM ft ItOO. cooper fft, tfl dtr oo ordtr of Coon of mI4 toumr- I rtcilnr a oorooot. 'ptrt4 bf ikt croc Rtftrrtdlolkt commiiu of IaUrAlla.ikio of pfo& mlUt, tluil lo ftiara pro provantfil. ! ctcd lo newft dkougvo. to to ttttod Mr 5lo prtmd a Itittr froa Oio. , (M Uo for KWb doocti art aMtitod 0 Phliipo, of BoncomW cotmtf , on iM . from lt to ita r. gbjt of ibt U la rtgtrd lo (tocta. Oo motion bf Mr. Rkrdtoa, ibt Rt4rro4 lo tko coainaiiut oo Agrlcul i uim commllttt iftrt laatnKlcd to la lo't quirt hiotba tipaditacr of ao mtftdiof Oa rocxloa of Mr Jonta, of W rrt n. It ihf rtipecrlrri ronatftf altvtt, a lo wit i Miftct rurttvif fit , im ir ftnova tfftvtd, Tbol tht Jofklrr commit-1 io bo In or cooler of iblt StiM arcacd ito oAt( oi aoito, ta4d of lo for tbo tpoca af iBrif dn tp bf conaid- IbtrV ai rtflulrtd bf Ibt mlet of tht i trt d ooiUi and ireitrd orcortflnr!t III - ......- l-t .i.t-l n .1 'W M .i ' t inea corapoM ibtioramiueti Mtsira. commlnet ot rt aJto Intrrucled lo la JiwMOi of -Vrroo, lrUU, SMpurdf qrr Wo Ibo otprdteiKT of coropolUw r, rii!t tnif't i ! it tovMf iff pm M MM (0l obkk m rtfi rrtd lo a cjoUiim, torn iUUf of Mv 8U, ft, 1-1 j tUMi aJ Wbiuitr. Mr HoQ4kd prttau4 IM pttMoa of iMrf (ItlMt ( UmoU lowotft 0 IM tujici aibt Mamia olmnptr ctiilt aad Mr. Kkbudioa, iM pliWa tf btrki UoW aad PtoknOa Htotri of Ratbtrford, prttUf M ptrmltka If fBfl I Pb1 rt4 abkb wi tbrmttb Uk Wkb tto rtUrtid o M lowtnbua jAJt rorloi jwjj! rtt ij . - Mr Airtf4rf fwvtd fkt fttkloo oftui SkiMiLof MitklCBarr, prtk( to-Vt oUctd iM etoioni 1 oo4 Mt, Ldao4a, IM ptitiloaof 'eba iili vif, of ll'ioood, prtrlag tkit tko 9i Mil If Win S)0 otrtl of ikt aatold Uadi dliilflf kit tna. ai oat aVur tt acrt Rtftntd. IM bmtr ta ibt cootmbiM of CUim a. nd ibt Uiur to ti4 oa ibt CUr ok ft Lo4. Mr AUtv4r pftMBtrd lot txthloo f J.ran Y. Mill, prtrMf ta bf tft f eretd from bit olfo. Rf ftrrod bf IM eomaikut of Uitont aad AUmomj Horttf oa- 4 Mr. pft Mtd to aattad a ui potod la 1 1 JO. br iM btMtr rtgaliik of tM vmnif (Mil of R t MrUd, Dofko aad Uarola Ptod fat Int rtnlrnf Mr. Motibtod pftttaitd a biU la ad ttact ikt adralaUirtik of hr:o lo coortiof tiplif.aad ta tMiUiia team for imi parpoM 1. t r 't" !at'1 -'!f. $ I it 1171. t tw. it ii.o (.:.y f i wk, I..4 D4ra a U: flif It kiiM iU n-i. hi f Clt4 f"l Itirkvt't t'fttk C4 CvtfMf, TM lrt M pamd ! ti f'bg, a&4 lit Um rt'ir n4 io iM a.k!M M tattymtj Imp. proftatoi A Mitiri ail rtrtlr4 fo) ii i(ffUg tarikrtbt bmoU of A. U, MarMf Of f fM aatttt Um' kit. Mr. 8t(f from tkf Comailitat of Pvpoawkot a4 OtUott rprHtf ; rrUi oa IM paiiWot of t.fc USva fcf If. i adU.Cbukt Ult a4 WWa If rdrtf of RaiMtfar d tM prkka f taodrf Ifibibkaata of LUeU..Cf roi U- '-.-.."-..-.. - . Mr. Itraogft ffaa tkt cooiliiat ttj fattraat lpmtaMali la akoai im ro Itrrtd Ibt pttbkai af aaadrp tidbit of Bt'kt ojai; f rrpwlfd aautoorall; ta iMU praftr. CoMorrtd la. , , Tkt biU ta tanrod tkt rrwn art W ui let t it at rotf tooMt om Ntdtba I bird ilot, tad oa mkm of Mr. Wytba poalpoaodlodtloktlr. TtttloiHtfilt. 1 itb ooPQnni.tti tzzziov. HaotV. itn. o Mr. IftWrkkt. froaa tot Coasfalilf t oo Roodt aad Caaait,, rrporltd a Un for eyctJaf a Kood fVoaq Mr rnpbla la Tcaoft. to Unit Rock.' la tkt Ttrriioff of Afbtam, obkb oat ordtrt d to bt ttgroaotd (or lUrrf rtoaV lC. A bill la ttiberttt tkt aalt of tkt ra Mr. Joott af Vftrrtu aaoftd ikil ikt I atrnd ih tftWa aad IM laad adlictai Unfit oa Ibt labia aad at prhtod, oot jthirtio, U lUSuit af Ititaoojri. u ar- Sprwillt Sirmcci Scitlt atfl Saio. Maura- Bn, Blaaoi, Bitmiat Tor react aad Millar otre appointed ibt com miuct oo Mtiiiarr Affair. TmtUy, Jan. J. On modoo of Mr. Sv.in, it Retohrd, That iht coramitttt on Ibt tieru'art tt giit aeraiitf lo Ctrtb ca tea. On motioo of Ir Fof, tht Jodidirr commidtf vtrt laatructcd to Inquirt In to tbt tipcdltncf of compelling Ittta mcntarr r.urduotto git aocoHir. vbtrt It ahall tpptar to Ibt Coaalt Court thai JudkUrr bo loairuntd lo inquirt Into ibtf are ioiolreBi.and art likclr la aaalt iht tipediencf of providing b lav for ; 4 aquandtr tM propcrlf of tMir tbt arrangingi rtviung tad digealinfr ibt rd bolt bodr of Ibt public ataiutt U of) "T prtteated ctrtiacait oi loor eoo (af tack rotmbtr. Mr. M ft Mad, UO tf tmtaclpatt alivti oa ctrtala coodltldat. Ordered It IU oa IM table and bt priMtd. Mr.Sbtpperd, t UH to prtttot fitlga- lloa by rtgvUilaf coatt la ctrtaia ctata. dcred ta a Iblrd roadke. Tbt Seaaie did aot tit aa Sotardir , . NoftK Carolina, commenclnr oiib iba tarlieat Cngliib aulutet lo fbrra U ikU Slate. Mr. Hill, of IViimlngtoo, prrteottd a bill lopplemtotil tq o act, totitled M An Soetnp Landtof tbo Siatt, whicb ertiact ronrerninr tbt citato of pcraooa dr referred to a eocnmittet r tht wholt(Jng lntcatato ( which via read tbt firal lloate, and made tbt order of tM day, time, and referred to tbt committee oo 'for Monda? neit the Judiclaff . Mr. - McDowell prtaented a bill ta Mr. Fot praatntnd a bill to amend iba amend in act poeaedjn !, to tttab- get of lilP.to prerent Ibo fraudulebl ira- Bib wd regqu'f a. tutnput rood ta;diae wkh tliwi. Referred W tbt Judl BrtherfbnJ and Boncpmbe. "IcTary committee. '''ltodfyyJn:1.MrrWtMTi'pty. ;A metMgf front ibt Senate, atatirtR kedaxtJoluUwiJoilniclinfi tbt Judi- .ibatIMaart-lSpigbf of CravtOf Pkkttt ; ciirr Commluet lo- enmiiro Into tbt ta- tod MTr form lb Library committct tH'tencT of amandine; iht lawa . rtlativt on their part. -Mauri. A Moore, Iredell to admlniitraton and eierutort, ao aa to and Sheppird were then appointed oa tM com oel ihrm lo have a final acttlcmtnt part of ibia Hooaa- within tome limited time after tbt bcirt . Mettr. Keoland, Poor and Gary wert cdmt of ago. added to tbt Military committct. The Senate took op tht ordtrt of the Mr Uii present ed a bill requiring tha dir. The bill to ei plain and amend an act .patted in 1133, authorising tht county count it require admlniauatort and other to'Kivt ttunttr aecurity upon the petition of tboa Kcurtilet, was taken up and pat ted its second reading without debate. , Tht next order wae tht bill regulating the duly of Grand Juror with regard to presentment of affray a, assault and bat ttries. kc. Provides that all prosecutions qoi brought in three year thall be barred. The bill to amend the emancipation law of this state, waa read tbe second time - Mr. Sneed thought tbe subject of so much importance to tbe state ol florth Carolina, that he moved tbe bill be refer red to a committee of tbe whole House, "and be marteibe ofdefnoenSajrforTo morrow, Ac reed to. ' Mr. Beard of Rowan introduced a bill to establish a Medical school, and to recti late the practice of Physic and Surgery In tbe Slate. Read and referred to a ie- lect committee. HOUSE OF COUMONS. 2 . " .. , ... . Monday January I. Mr. WhkehuTst presented tbt oetilion of Elifa . 4Jox,'t wraven praying lo be divonSrd'f Referred io "the eoromiuea of Divorte and Alimony; The following bill were presented and read the first time : By Mr. Shipp, a . bill allowing juror a in the County and Supe rior Courts of Lincoln to receive pay Tor their services also, a bill to empower Joseph Houston, of Iredell, to erect gates across certain roada which waa- referred to the commitiee on Internal Improve ments jj by Mr. Strange, a bill to author iae the commissioners of Fayrtteville to ccct special justice af said tovoi and clerks of the several Courts and Rrglv lers-wiibin lbia !iatt to keep-lbeir o6V cea at the court-houses of their respec livt coanties, which pitied its first rea ding. Mr. Cooper presented a bill to smend tht act of 1 133, providing for revenue for tht payment of the Civil Liat and con tingent charges of government, which was read tht first lime. Mr. Bltvins presented a bill to repeal tbe act of last session, allowing compensa- uon io me juror in rtine county. The following petition! for divorce were presented and referred to the committee or Divorce and Alimony j By Mr. Webb, tht petition of Mary Greene, of Person 1 by Mr. Gordon, the petition of John Put gate, of Wilkes; jnd bv Mr. Swain the petition orNaricy ChadwickT sornt mf BcrRUExrjTjnt ju. 4 Mr. Unit, from ikt Stloct Cowmltue 00 ibt tnblect.rtDoned aa Act f llet-tU . fProvidtt ibaf fai lay act of trtspata, it .l. Dr rcDrtatatatloa after tM 3d dav of . .. . ! ' . . . ' . aaali andbattarf t4 tretPttaaa taaot Marcb, 113) wbkb wis read tkef ' tml tenement,' wbkb bn bt brwtfbt commUtc dTmdt tkf order of ike day fcr unlets iba plint If rtcottrt a verdict for lo monmw, and ordered lobt'priaitd. Hlar. tbty ball bav judgtrstat for bju ie, ,ba niio at oot rt pro aaaaofa coata tkaa damages J toaiaJvo to 40-000. - -- Mr. Bain, who voted In the majority oa Mr. Lh,l,o rtporilng tklt bltt, Ute4 tbt cmewloa of rtjectloa of tbt Ul. to lBa1 t vtl tM opinloo of lt Cummfataa provldt for tht tupport of iM familks Wiom ,tj, wat re ferrtd, taat - af lMolventt and ikt tdocatloo of iMir ,ftt n ui wobM children, moved for l:a recooslderailoo, Mmt Bumbtr of represtatatlvet at wa wbkb was negatived. Mvt aodt r tht pre test ratio. Tb com Friaay, Jam. $ The Speskcr, la par- mittee were cnoilllag that tblt Busbar tuatx t of a reaolutba of the lloate, ap ihould bt iocrtited be rood what It la at pointed Metira. Dooobo, WcM, ftcotl preMnl. tad Fiahr,a commkttt oa ikt subject I Mr. Drat too, frooi tkt Coasa&ltttt e of evitilithlng a Medlcil Board for tail Milium Affair, re ported a UH autkor Start. itlog P manars lo aeaploj chbeat, ta " On mot'on of Mr If irdy, " aid tMra to tkt dtKbargt of Ikt lr duly lo 7?fWYf, thai tbe Judiciary commit' eartala casea tokkb . wis rood tka - tee be Irstnicted to Inquire Into tbe pro- and committed. priety of amending tbe eijtring taw rt A rcsofutica wis bid on the tablt bf , . latlvo topettv and tnalkkm lodktmtnta. Mr. Foraylb,caIliag oa Ibt Pretldeat of so as id compel tht proaecator to give tbt United Sister for copy of Ibt con-! bond snd security for tbt payment of vtntlon (if not rncoaalsWnt with tbt pub - i m a a . . it i . . a . k. . - aav wvi. aw. . & lo tbt coramitttt of rropowttoo and.tnt costs oi.suca inoicimcma, ana ia uc imartai; dciwtco m wbwcc oiaica GrUvancaa oblice klm in til rases to pty iht coats and Great Britain, rtlativt to tkt railed Mr. S-iotcIair presentrd tht petition ofi whkb.jnsyCcrnQ Jbtrton,. onleu bt commition aow ajttinr andtr tbf finti FrancU Mortiu, of JVlIkei county, to tustila Ihe .me, and that tbefjeport by artrcle.of tht J retry cfU beat. UU or otherwise. nr. wane luDmiueea resoimion oa " Mr: CUyioo, a bill rrqulrlnR - Mills the" subject of tbe removal ef tkt Florida rrT river, Jn Buncombe county,,! be. ktpt fjidiana, .Tkt bill ia prpvlda- for iba 7 open for iht pasugt of fish j . clatmi of the officer of ibt arm r of tba X Mr. Soain, from-tba committee to Revolution was considered In Cetsmittea' 7 whom was referred tbe petition of sundry on motion of Mr. Surges, who made an citiaens of Burke and Buncombe, on tbt eloquent appeal to tbe House la favour af tubject of a new county, reported Ibat these veterans. tbe committee deem it ineipedient to Saturday, Jam. 6. On motion of Mr. grant their prayer. Tbe report was con- Conner, it was Rotvrd, That tbe Com eorred with. mittee on Post Office and Post Roada ba Mr. Scolt. presented the memorial of linsirucud to loquire Into tbe eipcdiencv - A. D Murphev. anting, that In cnnse-lof cstaMiihing a post route from Char Juatktt of Mecklenburg county, ia favor mt riy TMaayaati kva wat UWOO the laMe. Mr. Himdtoa artstntad a UJUfoonded on a peii Joo, la aanet part ef. Stoke to Davidton county) wbkb, together with tht pttitioe and Iwa counter peiitiont pre'trntedby Mr Sbeppard, wis referred J get be r wiik'a petition of sundry citiaens oi vaia-counry -on- to- uoj, . prating that a Certain porUoa of IM oaappropru- taia to ted laadioa tkt Bmsby'Moam county, bt convey t4 to Mra for ibt par pose of rQttiv4iing the gripe Referred to iht committee of Agrkolturt. Tht retolution from tht Senttt, pro posing to rlar a select joint committee on so much of the Govemor'a Message as relates ta slavery, and the Vermont resolution en that tabfect, - wa roncwr- red in. and Meur. Bill of Wilmington, Jones of Warren, Morehead, IredeJI andlquence of the lottery granted Um at the lotte, North Carolina, by way of Old Na- Mf. Bonner preaented the petition of sundry citiaens of Hyde county, praying to be authorised ttraise a sum of money by loan 40 enable them to cut a canal from Mittamuskeet Lake v and Mr- Clayton, presented the petition of Joseph Oliver, of Haywood county, stating that ht ia ve ry old and incapable of rniiotainjng him, df by libor;ljnd praying that tbo State would grant, biift aaroaU tract of tbe.vn Hppropriated lands in his cotmtyrwhich wis referied to the comtntttee of Pro- pJillOMj i The bill concerning the granting of li censes to practice law in the Countv Courts, was read the second time, and on motion, of Mr. 'Martin, postponed inde finitely. . The following bills were read the ae cond and third timet and ordered to be en grossed t The bill to incorporate Roanoke Chapter, No. 4, of Eicellehf and Most Excellent Roval Arch Masons the hill allowing jurors tn tbe County and Supe rior Cevu of Itiacoln to rccciyo pa for ( Owen, crc,appoloted tbe aaid commit tre on the part of thia House. vn motion of Mr. Jones, of Warren, Messrs. Martin and Fisher wert added tithe Judiciary committee. On motion of Mr- W. Richardson, the vote on the indefinite postponement of the bill concerning tht granting of licen ses to practict law in ihe Countv Courts, was reconsidered. The Question of in definite postponement being withdrawn, the bill wat reid the second time, and laid on the table., "Mr. ' Alexander presented a bill con cernin g executors,- administrators and guardians and Mr. Shipp, a bill to re peal the act of 1130, chapter 14, directing the Lotnty Courts to ptv fees to certain officers , which passed their first reading. The following bill from the Senate were- read the first time, via - The bill respecting the allowance of claima and the appropriation of. public money in Davidson, county) the bill to change the time and regulate the manner of holding "-' he bill to-repeal atr act f 5 lastaea- r ' . . sion, allowing compensation to tne Jurors in Aaba ;,Muntr. iwiiod U? third readings, and were ordered to be engrossed. , Mr. W, Lewis presented a bill to" pro vide for the support of the familie of in olventa, and the education of their chil dren, which was rejected. On motion of Mr Fisher, the judiciary committee were instructed to inquire In to the expediency of so amending the ex isting laws on divorce and alimony, as to give to the Superior Courts mora eiten- tiro jurisdlcuoo thai fjie soir poascis. hat session being restricted ta three lion Ford, (or Harrii Ferry,) on Catawba drawings, 'and the sum authorised to be River, to Chester Court House, SouUk raised so small, he wss unable to dispest Carolina. . of the echeme to individuals who deal in In the House of Representatives lha that kind of adventure, and praying Resolution of Mr. Cambrekng, calling for that the Legislature will authoriae him tbe correspondence with the Netherlands to raise a larger sum, and that no resy-ic in relation to discriminating duties, waa tion may be imposed on the number of adopted. Resolutions were lao adopted, drawings. Referred io a aelect commit- calling upon the War Department bra, tee. statement of the number of tbe surviving The errgrossed bill from the Senate, officers of the continental -eatablishment respecting tbe allowance of claims, kc. not on the Pension List ; upon tbe Com in Davidson county, was read vhe third missioners of Naval Jlospitals, for lbo ,r time and ordered to be enrolled. . amount of the auma they have received Mr. Fisher offered a resolution, pro- and expended, and the balance onexpen . postnglhe appInTmenr&fTr6inrT6lnded Treasury Department, for mittee of both House, to prepare a statements or the compensation allowed. Memorial to Congress praying for an ex- to aurveyors of the United Statee, A Ro- tinction of the remaining Indian title to I solution offered by Mr. Weems to inquire landa in thia State, which lies, of course, into the expediency of assisting such free one day on tna table - - -- people oi color as wish to be tent to Libe Un motion, the nouse went into a ria, waa retected mw a -aw - k mm m committee of tne wnoie on the bill re nai-liBB tha vrinlin. nl lirinru Ia kIii.I .Tl. ri.Jj.'ll..ill f i J"' dente f law under age v but rasa wiihout ulu. contain tM unnlcaaant inttlliha-' making any amendmant to the bill.; I'M difficulties having arisen between tha w then put on Its pajtgea.anATilkiLaJ.iiltM -1 JL-.- " - -. - .1 ml . . . . an I., I . ... . ' anwn ucuaic, wbj rcjcticu m i voice io av. several murders had been committed on 1 : to motion of ;Mr.ilhe est side of thrOcillrrivervtmd tha Stedman, tbe Judiciary Committee was family of a -Mr. Carr, on the road leading , instructed to enquire into the expedifocy from Tallahasse to Sr.: Augustine, had of compelling Sheriffs and Constable to been murdered, and all buried together.: v return warrants in the district in which Measures had been taken to prevent fuK v t the defendant lives. .. ther'bostllhleiby the aswinUtrigof troop - ! The resolution tent from the Seoate, in sufficient numbers, it was suppoaedi ta j concerning the etinguiabment of Indian overawe the Indiana. '( ; " 4 titles to lands in thia State, was ordered , (r'----..!V '-r-'v" " :Vlt&--4 to lie on ihe table. :,; Tha notes of the AsaMT'ifaita mTi. v'f The Resolution 'introduced bv Mr. a discount of thtrtulhrte and a third ott Fisher, on the same subjectj was taken cent at Nashville, and ,' we believe,. 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