r - JtV-tftT 1 1. I.? U.'.MOVAU r? tm u r tr cvau lt,'ioi'iii turn ft W'm eh- i f - v4 r-i -M i IM HA4 t IM C Moj't' a-!-! t tU.li Ae ihaaa il Mf - kw wan a' 13 te mmfmv wf 4f i m -.4 Tniifn rr"wt IU ri fif.HHit.Wt U IM M !:, VerraJlMS, a, a 4 4 a Utat ).wiuirwi eit.riMiM a-i. t),ti, Pf4 Vr' canioftt TV MuildU iMf lU tr.Vr M M f I MUf M UMtaW', a t 34 ttlr1 to tV of al m aa, it lift I. IM !VU dU 0.a, Mf, fioa) ftm. NdMi tM & tuaa. nl Joov of sm tmf, im mg, h we 4 a h m, , m m I iMf . t a i ! ofckh iMMouitllf teidi,, fWH IM tM TM it i-r i rr'' f! J" VI mmAftk ri a M I1 M ' wo M Jwo4 by W tot, lOO M. ft, f. rf"' hf lk 14 Mtlk 1 1 Ul lflf MM44 UtvfWvUr n rfflt 41 11 mm U iM Win t TImi I. Dnirtiii K I If. Ranoc, , , ft tppmwU m cmrttbf IM UUoti, fill iWff M 9M Mff o dfft tht tWrt vtrf t(n U Ik tt ilomt. A. M 1M1 ff4 bi h 4tMf4 1M4 tM bcuM fiy . k 14 rttlr4 maUj 4 tM totiw aa4 M 4Qt4 nUI fct mixhy if ee vo Prirbgj M I fto4 katloilng M iM lOtMM tl JoMpt Fkkfil tltMrivi (rt IM Remliuilo. Tin ftt (M t0aUsf wu, BltnKni ' III Uttfiftn, It 1 ; Drt rmt, . Hi tUn, I. A Mni WJotlaf vtt kt4 nmt 41ulri M k rvtohf 4 U iM tlvctkm f Irrti'f, IM tmti ef Rabcrtlli Burf a4 Th i f . 0trtaf Mving M broilf tttulrt. 7 Tfct rott tt, fcr , 1 Mmtilth 101 I j Mm turn, li; Itl.ni, 4 tdundatf?y iArr tM akctlon, Mr, rmf Jrii 4 WTrf ta plrf T iM H- thrnt Mdyi Mt itnw fra Im upealtt, 0t il m Mt wwmry f w tM Member from IifriIW to n M 'U. M tM kffMlhir mII ftifjoan b-fjff It wH b ritr4 of bnMt qiMUfjr Jmft, IM MitM fud t eept tM rrWf tion. Oi tM nit Ur, Mv. tPir tM raftifMtiM cHf4. i-k( vrit Wc4 for tM clcctiM of a acmMr from A eoTvnMlM( U Ratrtr. M vritrt us sndrf da of tM 1 Jtk Intt. in rxaklnc of tb ft rmh wf 'M tUctim for Infers rtmrit t Kr wrtnrt eobin!ki of cveuRMtMCM, ftnMt nnfr, of FTtTiIW, o tlev 4 t tM Lljtilr rctpoetahlc uunf hm. H lit Mjpf M okkb, duwbtl, OBfwMtl BMch to kit oiceeM. After tM Bm billow, r. ftthm prmiW4 on hh H odt to vitHdnv bit tune! hkk vm dono rtth much rbcfc, Mhe il gcMrmlh coiMk!rd Mrt k n rjr aoooi kvrer. and ctl Qoiliflfd for tHt Mttkm. TM fa) ooatffl mmf Mtvooo Marlb ood Uuk rum. tM tod tu, for 102, Mnpiw M. Tbu4Mt IM M twn tr TM Cwmcathif ubMM4, o prime frkadshi'jvihinitd M MlluttCiL Ift AMMMAtlMAM U IT tlUO oeeukm, Ike Wf rt rt!r irxkblrd to tM kMfl conduct of imnv of tli nemMn from tM EMtf ptrt of tbe tUte. Tkt truth U, M velUnformrtl men from the Cst,Mc rvcr cted liMmnjr on fl mbjectt, etwptinj that of mjwU rifrrttntantn t un tMt,.iaev teem 10 kave iieiihf conorlenoe nor rtont the ttercMN of power, ihef ferret rirht. Ai to tM appoinUMnt of Juorc, they AlmUud. tM Jtim if the Wet, and were active in tiip porting tM. Mr. MMram Mdreairned hii leal ontMMnch,to jro to frnrri and, In a iMrt time, retirned that office to Mcome Jiulreartin. Thi looked aithourh he thourht the konoraand oficeaof tM otite were at h' kiddiiifi.it wao dlihnnorinr the nwof the people. J hare no Wriinnf objection to Mr. Mangumi he U an early and highly valued acquaintance 1 but, private friendship abould sever ttand in the way of public good. Nn4. 41. V r. rMt tt4 a V.9 frf U U tt ml M 4lv)L oA' Pffck (CH 4!- i((mt 4mr ioWkmV'S" f roi4 M to 4m rM at! HAgt m. IM apr awri tk4 r 1 feutki Jlf Uwl iMS rh IM I aro4t Jt ffeMfl IM ii tlr IN tM i4t W4,r .HareI tM tiki 1 rff iM Mk tMi mru tM m. W0ao R M Jf e Ijm h t Mi4 l.f4-r Ckr mf 114 lk MfU, 4 AmhiiQ'Jrl f kaM of tM lOlk wAgtA ml IM IIJAM of iM DtmWmmSm TM Rk of Capo W 4m1! a 4nJ4 4 J Mf wl, a4 tM VXmmk of WroWra 4 pet cowl, mm ISr M(m4J for I, fef tM Ml klf rev. r4 Uk of Vir fMm M oVUr4 4kJ 1 p rt. ft4 llo rvmov f rtrgnn-a a ojrMKl of It pH It. M ikfir Mprtal I far tM amine ri4 W kom from lWifk, tMft ChtMtK llnl, 04 M lbjrc1 of rr pokJir rMrv tfiAoor. from o'mroyw-i krt of oojblyta4 Vrr pooo ml k. rveo a4 4ftx) from nrn tarum. to M oionr mmAimt )imt H iM .mat, tMo Mi bofurt ltA for iAn or Iwtoty yoom. tm tMotbJoctof the mi f rvUotaJ IJotiMM. tMre doee not wo to M omio eooof k to etcMe OMttk oanemtkm. TMre a a m Mr of ktfWy rofota'-o memoori U tM Wf. More, pottueaUf friood'y to tarmm. A Ml tad j CUv 1 but tM rroot bm are tM other war J tkiokinf 1 and. we ouo&ect, thai thtr cn b ooiUtU kojttW M vot of SartMiotiM wiS M riwn to CktHrml fackwM al tM oett rYeokkaitaJ Cectton, fJ , by tome afore'. teen eontmreocy, be oitould M tm out a CamftfUte, or hi pmopoct be entirrly bli(kie4 etaeoberei and there m not, at la limr IM rem proMbtbtr of eithrrf kappeoiBr ifrrMnf if ft .Mjv M4eVr iet4 ' Ut kib amrJtat ten Mt ttftel ffA iMrnot Mperwn'f of f Hit-i-rt k tM " "1" Z7,. ? 7. V . " Mie iewM, or owry M.,t oot I 'Sm l"1 ,Pt" iib even MiooiM. M oem lyre "M-"11' .BtiUfiHm. bod Men tin. tJ reopotle onefrefVion. TM nt'iiv v4!iit( Cmtm VA" owwoMrl We" J"1 4mSmlMo''onoomPSoBbloW On tM earn eVy. iM lire, Mf . 0ewo of tie (tlirrfrk r.HfWJ CMrck. from IIJUW. oroeral a Mrwoo In tM rrooVrtUn t.Wk in th ewy, tkV -mmij, em tb Vb ba a4 of IM rWdi of tM Feo-le Vtrvlt4 Otps of tlrfromtry iUNmrt Jft 4otoi4mW Wofi lir.an. Out. ' h-.i,f 10 lk fet Wr y r W fit , Hnif jultMWn 4 ar be 0-r 14 Hf a0'M k-j.w, km a no a4 Oatt MjMra. I COTTCKY , W,tMrrvr.4onT0HilOn onM I I woMtaO Mqi tio f to.Trd, ririi!to i 11 o4. Um. r mtU mlm oM iMie M. ' two .4.4 a O. JiJU. iLre Mri lt,MN im.4 OMil 4 tMnvlif J"tolBO of y i ir.l hf.'M u f , ;of tr ute. Vu)f fAmf.- 0 lie th 4 f'k ctowo ef frbnmrr fteit, iktrr 4 b a Uf (mui; W PAH IROV Wr Jtrrttt ' 44 on .f,. at lie I !-. kLk liJo l Mmo M. ! 1 e4 iM h,e qf of r . Ol IM rwOM. lgl Nrbi m4 k. bt M.0 U tM I'Jik. M fjtlm. aotiitbrr mt aaw-toii ia. A m j , V , I U U aoooiy. on ike k oh e nm ooricve iron veno.frno, w ie r- a.e to lOik ttJl. M IM ttwktr Hill, ataie Ikal iVWlrif arrlrod al &oroQfi the 14m of! In CWMte on tM Jl'h H. M iM Irv of . b tU4M. 4 lb (uotrft llii imMi, IM Ttlh tire eMcl fmhHon, fjm Ur, tVrilmn MMoe to irr .4 . 1,1 , ifcrWmt IM cr Dm bVheoto rmlo. tmt I 4 r.44 t M o44 b lU t ii at n 1 fBy br W.o Hu(h lleenaa of Saliibury, Joeeph Hv Pool of Paaquotank county, and Jamea t. Bryan of NewMrm ham Men admitted bythe Supreme oourt to practite law in the 'J;crior courta 1 and Thomai Riddle of Chatham county, to practite m the county, eourte."" , Tht leeittaure of New-Tork met it Albany ,1 VI U'nAt M.. aTm jtt avMalrA VH 111 U ''' WIN w .m.vVM wv. of the lower hoiiae.' Gov. Clintoni meaaare it a Ion? and able document ' We than endeavor to five a few extract! from H hereafter. KLtcriov or snmim. The bill tWinf the 'iht of rlectlni SMrlft totM people i irje. mt rejer l4 in tbe Senate, oa the fib intt. bv the Catting vote of iMepekcr. AUlheaena (on were la tbeir Matt, when the vote ttkeo 1 and H if a little eitraorriimrv Ikel Ibit bill t rejected lat ae.ion. bf the unit vote. Too Mrinr r the teat en4 nvton the vote thit yert Yet Metiri. Alrxnilr, n4ifd of Bu'kr. Bullock. lVtr4 of Rowm, Bmley Cron. D .enport, Drberrv Dliotu Fore mun, Forney, (iilrkritt. Hill of Sioket, Jorner, Leek,- Love. M Millarti v-Kav Miller, Mattkews M Dnlel, Pit ken. 3railh,SoeivSpcij(ht oUrerne, 5brp 3etwell Sioket, WiImmi f Oemden. Wilton of EJe,rcombe. and Ward 51 . AeKt Metrt. Burney, P-wlclie, B'w k welli BiH- Dvifr DrHraner GWioVrOa. Iliir aT. Frktln.- Hoilooi 4n, lliwkint KinK, Locke, M'Dowell. Marh, M'Leary, Mtntroflkerf, Parket Kildick, Robert. Spa4UArCTaen;aIveAr,r5ndef"i; Skufford.SelleT, Venkook, Wil linmt ofJBetufort, Williamt of Martin, Warden, and Hunter 31. There Ming tit in the votet, the bill rejected by the ctitin vote of the Speaker. 0lmr took dtdwre nrmrtt i rwttort j tio tM evrf mf iM vh nw. by J.mre oprr iai n tnteuM aimviu wun toe iwlkorliv citrn him M it Conrrtaiioti U te of Irutl're'il" I tkH M k4 del patched S.ntiftder In Pcjtt, tWiM4 M oflkciol Setrotarv of Fotrlen AVAn and of IM Nat 1 ordered iM armt to M re duct4 to o00j aarn, and iKreaved Ike pay ol the effken in IM natv 100 per cent. TM lattodaat at Cankaf f f ta M retove4. It it atitei that a Comvta tkxt of tbe people wet to M called. iM tlarrao 4. iHnrni ii narrt, Ht.kt rvtKttiiit k, fUml 14, l tmmtmr limgM, .Mfrnfk, VntnTTJ fair ItMJnoX'taa mm4 ty if: 1 1 M.tSU a"4 AMMM.II. mfrt at 4 TMmoa Cotwe to tfa Lnh rnrt. aowrtiMM In Ki4j.b OMoty, on ibr lh oh. ( J. Jut . lrt , .Vr.rc If rrrtimtry. Cmmp. mf Hmtttmrri cowoty. to Ma l'arma ea, I -XI t p m hut U-t. ertfiied pwrw Ka I jodart. S'rrtembr, aa-J procte4e4 foe Veneiutle ,olM, - 0 4 te Ha U 04 iM ink. ;Mnct M w.tei irr- , ! . . f .. . . . ' In Watklroborf roate , on tM ae uto.Nt. j pKlt4 19 arrive a CenkagtM ab.l tbt Taj ttMsJamo. WiMn! urn i in ma m anuiry. j at tett (fcmrly aW'.r) to Mra I a.. ma fi.ikam. et irovtrnmcnt wit io m efttbOtMa tor iM pet arm al IM talttf flaff, of al Tr boca. It milet dltlant. TM private let 'art aiate, that on irrlrtne at Boot, MrWif, Km of WreklrbKr rowan. Kf w;u at to fhm tyM CaUotll of iM tame oavoty, DXTD, In rtiie yeatrrlat awwaf, arr a pro. Iradtd iHoroi, Mr. J'' fnrrrncr. mom of tbe rincnu 1Z.YJT0R. By letter from Rirbeaond, dated Ike llik Intt. at 4 P. M. we are informed thai Oovernor Tiler it eltcird Senator o Cuotreti (mm tkil Stataf lo turreed Mr. Rindolph T ie votet are aHr4 t M for Tfler III) Randolph 110; 9cttterWi, S Oen. Samuel Smi'k it e rlerted Sen tor from Maryland. Hal Fegttrr. lale ABxrt Twrturt. tn. in it 24 ear ca bie tr. 4M, ta lh pWr, abtMil aM mm hour, Mr. Imuran MIxU. frvl about 09 rtr. ,, At tM mideoew mf bn Tuber, tvar n.'m im on -tM ink loat, if a chtmie leflamm. Imo of the brr, Mr. .Aw ''. .?, m Ihr TTih trar ot h trr. r. Mull a tounr taa of an aixable at nnblrm'tMd f '.' Mu" V ,m,'t m fj H It A. ra ,f.W. Mrrrl f'' 4C -4 torwmnttow. and aM4 tWcr, He om an .(Trr. j 4kJ oV II Vrrdiicrie, pore VI Tf Boo fkbe 30 bt:. M l.iil4. rfU, ?li.4 (t,U rli.Wltlpbaj 6 hU laot, ItWb ?lu Hirt rib Rrooa 71 V. n iai krd 1?UU IV. I i bUd.Vre I f'. Torp, H'tnr 471 bol. e tmiua4.lBa lit lit. frnfl i.t iv n b 7t - f:;mi, in tiki e4et itHdi fW4 X'aramfva,- Piaatir, - Mrd truni, radiTo, "lawwrn ' and farolina Afjut f rtn, "Hrtt I jrl, Alc4iol, and rrr arlirlr fir lhrri or Itai'rr't iht. ran infini MrrrhaHa, Minofarturra are datfy rrt"i"f hrir llm in " J, Jr.. ..?Lr.iT n ' S"A otk ,h ioeamaeata are of. obRr.f nr.hbir. and t eiewplary Ckrn j ft(f p,,,,, ,; tbot lull a.im trtn atnrr. drrprt trcuiv tnr im portaKr and orfotitt ut bittwninf a dnriplr ( of Ibr ditt" H d-rmrrt hr aitached bim hj to tbr fa flxal Ijtihrran f'bureh, of ohkh M a rr(MiUr mrmbrr in fu'l eomtMiriHM to I tbr U) (4 bit dratb. About torNr morrtba I aincr. be oaa eledrd to artte aa ara in tl j fMirtl r iarfntn. W JO. .H2 mH il (VP. I iM re JlJ of tM tu fU Jmlr Murwmfw' Utit.tlT reft-renca to owe leifiilaiivo proccediniri, U will be aren that Judre Murphey hu petitioned the General A armbly to amend the law (franlinit hia lottery, to a to remove tome arnoua oretacirt which now retard tbe tuceettful co-npletion of the drawine of the lottery. It it pmMhle the Comntiaaionrr of the lottery will tfwut tM leaue orthu apnliea tioA to the lepalatjre, hrfore he foe on with the drawinr. We think confidence mav ttill M repoid in th honorable manarement of thit lottery. Tbe hi(fh character for honor and integrity, which the (rentl- man (Dr. Webb) who hat the manafrement of the lottery beat. otirht to intpire a confidence that the drawina; will ultimately M completed with all (airneta. The B'Hltk Partiaiarnl wit opened on M llM of NoveroSer. The KW deliv tred km Bpeork h not hint; mteriat or J iM in thr 1 nam nenrd It U in a trftil par) amm, and a a tert thribto Luthrmn rMihin HaR4Miry, abich onW be iuimI foe the M rtaiHil or any uW kiJ a4 ID d ith univeraal aaiiafarlioai lo all thr ovm- boanvroa, Itaiinf brrn tdrai larroWr ormt.t.4 kvr i by oluxa ba luo drrplr tamented, and at a nto-e M many jrtrt t tbrte it I ftd la- .mt.lii. will br Umg UK. The eolraanitira nT th orrtw irwrlHn:, ami nrreoaary oti ouuuinjta, on tna mr o"oine . . , T .. . . . ij : t..i .1.. a ... .t 1 aioit a 1. me a j m an mat rr. mutn wrr r mm 1 ww.j vj .to p bit dtmf reaxaina, ciprraard be hif eweem barfain Hit! be bad in the imrcJtoar of M pre - - w)- a dic k vn WJ, w owpttf lat w. M t VI, Nicy wir be Wewted again, Tk- Director! of tM Bank of tbe Unt - knruaarr knnti IM ur.(Virnd pic'v oVteh For fnrtWr particiUr, apply t ted Statet, 4clare4 a dividend, on iM lit M poetred, rnabtrd bim to brar hi- aflinioo VKJi AKL HkOW N, .MWy. Intt for Ike law ail montht, af th'rtf dot ' i,h nprrcrdrntd pawner od rcirtutUm ; ere nejf ihare .ami to meet draik with Ibal eolmneaa ami ee . , '.. ... P"jrf of mind, obich it ekMn ortortard "" - - t Contciout of hit approahin(j dUaiikiiion, hr looivilia, Ull Ml f .termed todriath hi B-iml fnim all oiblmar. The N St B ib n-Mhe Bfanck '' "4 enjottd a orll frroumlrd h. m of iM Old SMie B...k. aill rontioue, ac V" T ?Z?"f romioa. o .n.,r arrrriniaiimH.vMl at --tt,h;,n Mh, m ban d. privrffrrfHf rfffijr it riprxieo. i piv aiTrr. -1 rre re.'ik, mr. ol ka borrore. and etrrrutr oT itt'.i.- ..i.i:- .:. .Im. r ,1. ,,,,t- - MttacaMtreraiairtlM NaktlHa Bank Are rloom. .. . ... . , . - j boainraa in i.i hi. - . 4 . a at . At- - L. fTWa '."".'k..a.. a L" - - i . .a .aH'a. at . tff itffj 4uv -ftiw ivo Bt if r, nr i nrtAyr rw (ay ami vMf " Airiif iw ir. i - in tnrnr. rrvrr lawtnnj in rr'irjf mykm lliftn Mrm to Mve to my aitreea, wiBM alfoe--'-.tt CorUI'mre II entsrtalned Of ike I Of all three rpulchrrs inruetr true, .aw o mi icnurr (....nrr. .,r. . .m,, Annpt " . 44 ..VnctiiTiizt & Vommn grxrs'r" Tlf. cnci rn 1 ' anarr mnd ttttim havin hern diaolrcd. tlir Fucitrtgi a4 ( rmmiH a in t'liarh ttm mo all brr attrr be continued io Llhr name anj fuf tM indiridual tamtdfS Jb, ' - i . w 1 m . a tubarnhrri ohq.now npeetruiiy teiuen 10 fullrtt bilitv of th- Bnk. and lie willinjrnen of ill Director!, honevlv topv all il debts. HiLLiioetuai it. S. rrnrvent mr intrrt-M in n al fiacr. 1 ne 'it. acribcr hopra, b lii induitrt, punrtualil), and aitrntion to buaimf. tu merit a rominiuufi of iir.NMV w. rnvNr.a. Ckurlrtttti, .f. I. Idi. 3m'41 flaviny; aithdrao n from the concern of Conner A bill wu ere tented In tMhouae of commoni on the 13th intt. by a member from Chowan county, to divorce Wm. Smith ( a free black) arom RIB WIIOI ni Uliua. wwy,fvnu. ini; while of the'lr jriiatore te continue in teation. tatutat n- Katam- f Ii limet raraM AhfUlr . thmtk th atfamtmer. OIIVW m woa ai,aoJi.ovafm twvtjia oawwamr oow mwmww- Int&nal Fmfifwemenl.-TTom a letter we re. teived by hut mail, from a member of the Geri aral Wteeihb Jake tM following1 extract,' an the rubject of Internal Improvement in tfiii ettfer"Tne buttneai of internal improvement it at rather a low ebh....Tbere are tome fcart that the work on the Flati below Wilmington, will artially, if not wholly, fail There haa, in fact, keen nothiag pituMg done In the ttate, eicept y the Cape Pear .Navigation Company the toncernt of that company Ming now managed by efficient men, Mr. Jamea Mebane being Pret went. Vnlett the Mate employt an effiptnt En. (ineer to direct operation!, I think we oiight H well diamiti the board of internal improve. u IM tra.ip U oftio for tAearcaaypts . (CY We are indebted to Mr. I.nnr. the Repre. tentative in Congrrta from t'lit dittri' t, for vari- out public documenta, printed by ord r of Con grett 1 and we here take occation lo make our acknowledgment! for tM tame. Aonr the metdoctiment!v we fcave-reeeived, areeopiee of the Bankrupt Bin, of the Bill for the aboluh- ment of imnnaonmeiit for debt, and of four t-u- graved Map of topographical turveyij one of tneae it a " reconnnitoance, exhibiting the country betlf en, Wathington and w-Orleant, wnntne route examined in reference to a con templated Aoflana Rtad between thote two ci. tiei : thit iia well engraved Map, and colored it e xhihiti tbe mera, erecke, lake, pomli. motin taihiilotna, tnd placet 61 notoriety, of the coiln try on and adjacent to tbe routea aurveyed for the National Road front Waahhurton lo mm. (Meant 1 we have received thftw othr-i. nun. I . .. r r k : . j t aurveyi maoe oy government in MaaamcUu. aetta, to aacertain ina practicability of cuttinr viIi tujt6im::indrien,dfw tee any ot tnete aocumenta and roapt, .cm dp to oy calling at our omce. That. oon or lair, death aM i lour lot. Andthenrltop'ning grave may taon for you, IraanrairaTia In Guilfo.d county, on the ."lt ull Abirail public patmnajre. . r ... j 1.... f K.ik.. ii... u I Ckurtrttm. Ar Larcnnr. Iliraoi uauamir i i-anw, ,. 11. Jntlher tire.-A ur hu n iUn k on ared If montht aa . .k.. J ..11: 1 1.. .1.:. uuntv nn ih filiina Mn rilhinnr j-w.fr f. - j . advanred age. , ', v ami a -a, .n.-umr-.u ov ,( n,,,,,-,,-,,,, county, on thr ISrlh lilt. Mr. " """. "r " fire The ftmilv had retind lo Md, and ) Berr A. Harfa. agrd about 4J. .Ihry patronag in hie favor. vhrn alarmed, the raDid orrarrraa nf th a hi. m.tl.eiJ rraidrnee.'in Hilkrt eouiitv. WM. J. illON. Bamet rendered ineffectual vm effort , K-1'. on the 27th Oct. bat, in Ur 38th earof llvnpft Mnvrran totave -nv D,,riion of -be prope rt and j - -p. '"." 1 fh llftneg .Morgan. ,. -Kif ,h- f,nliiiM time been in a declining Hate of health, with f .V; takth out Irtut- o e.'nm.i-tralio) the whole of tMfurn.ture, wearing ap mp,mn , w,ich he bore with Chritn.n 1 1 n ,hr ettate of Huynn MTgan, tn lata parel. tnd I valuable linrarv, were ron I peaipialion. He wit a n,an .highly rtteemed of Kowan county, d. c'd.,1 detire aH pcr-on in. turned. Kccrdtr, ! and rttpectrd by hi acquaintance!, and oat di btrd to aaid e'atate, lo'make immediate pay frrtitit!v honored bv In leliowcitttei.ritn mnm 1 and all who have claima again' it, aro 8 to 8 fJ caa pt'bljr pfticr. and had been a member oHhe rrquetled to bring ihrm forward for tettement 1 leniilatlire. Hia death it deplored by all who ' wj,hh, the legal time, or thit notice oill be ! knew bim. coaacaicaTia. nle Jin bar of liieir recovery. 1 . a I . .: a I. nCfcal. . . la U I . at 1 1 ' r.,, -n. t. in rn- nioi. r- in Wfuienourif counyr, on iw m u. wr. a. k. jwwr.s. jiammurMT. ' , , -' . Chtraw, Jan, 13. Cotton, be obtained for choice lot. 65 to 70 ; Flour, 5 to 6 ; Bacon, 8 ging. 25i Coffee, 16 to 19 j Sugar, to 10 . n.. ' Mn Dtkk. aged upward of 80 year. he wa ! o ,1 1 .a ' tlaundt Whig. and a Valiant toldier, during -, to u , . T ,, , SKalTit excellent flth Wat, a week or two aince, . caught and .brought to market in Savaniuh, Georgia. . , Mrtnitlr, Av. 1826. 3n.lil hmionary war, The Boaton Patriot has an article I prove thai Oen. Jackson it unfit for tie Presidential chair, because he hti not been a prefestioriaj Diplomatitt, nor aecre lrr of State. This ie the ' esance of ami republicanism, is well al of absurd llluU nomore .nor lending for fmtenf filaett aw wflidaf re vrrtim If no tinn ugbi, Ik be Preti dent mho. haa. not. been a-Mcretarv. the 4!oBerie U Drobiblf mif,-wgkwi(.Ma,,,ilie wonder the Patriot did not maintain the '- THt tQJtt TlltJILS. On the 3d inst. sentence was pronoun cad on the persons convicted at the late term of the New York Qyer and Terrain er,.to wit. " " Charles M&walt, Pf nilentiaryJ yeari. Thomas Hvatti ; do." 3 i ears. Smucl,F Unjbertj, do. I ftv. prlncipirbfir presidential itation. " ' T, Enq. WEST IXnU TMDB, We do not take it upon us to say that our government were actuated br Ira proper views, in refuting to legulate upon the subject of our commercial in lercourse with the British West Indies but ire apprehend that it is matter of ioma meriiiutioa ta tbe fabioct at tbe laleofJrrlt-('urlinu. Itavidn ennlg t 4T10UKT of pica and quarter aettioni. Decent ' Ta laiiavavnvi ber term 1820. riiarl. lvenng til. Al- 111 nurKCjjUru. exander Heat Orieinal attachment levied in PROrosiriONa wLU be rtce mii!v eonrt of Rowan, to be held in Salia-' and the aummoncd aa Gamiihera. It annrarinat Geographical Hurvey of aaid county, with tbi dant, Alexander Rea, it not an inhabitant of (hie view of aaaUting Mr. MacHai in completing a j state, it it therefore ordered by the court that Map ot the ...Stale...'! Maurvey. can be jeaiily , publicat ion be made for- i week eucoeaaivelf -accomplished t "II that ia required wilf M tte ln the Wi etrrn Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, cmianddiatance,jftliepriit(ypaJ Hltfromthai'Uiiltlie raid Alexander Rea appear at Ule CourWIOUte 10 me anijoinina; wumj intra i line next eoun oi pica ai n miancr caaiu" ,i the cuurtet'of Hie princi;l river and ereekt inbe htld fbr the' eMiifyv nf Davidson, at lhe court the county, and their probable diatanort i ana i houae in xiij.to(i, on th M Mooday m tiaica all public nUce, and principal aweiiing on mef-next, and r-pi,-. and make himeif a p"r, iwute of the niauand week, paitkularl the n(unt jo garntuMe a band ppi W charge of aaid jiidgiMnt. . , , . . 6i51 Attert r IiAVin MOCK, e. e. e. . - a.-..--'. I I9U aMMl JIMmC-Us. TThe survey if undemken, will be required fiStefXrTO 1 IX thote indebted to the ettateiof Jamet JY McKniriit. Sen. deccated, eitner. ror pro perty bought at the Sale, or otherww, are Lwbv notified to com4brward and mate pay ment without further delay. And all thwe hav. : a...A ta tirrwnt them, properly authen ticated, for aettlement, or this notice Will be pled in bar of their recovery, a I am determineo to close the ettate a opredily PMf; -.... - . . JOSEPH McKNlHHT, -.(v-. - ; z.-- . Mrwit'ir Ltft.. doli4l8 . t4l TIC'KKTS, IH tM NorttHCtplMiA iwm VX-W benefiC of Oxford Academy, 3d Claat. to M drawn im Ralt igh On thr 2lt of February .next, and An' ithed in one day, Yates & MTnt'yre mahairerv for tale, on appDcation at the office, of the Wea tern Carolinian j price g6,thares iii proportion. Also, ticket in all 'he respect abler Northern lotteries, can be procured through the agenejr of the editor of., this paper, free of any charge for postage. !,.y v For want uf room, w are ijrerf fe rfrr iM $ur ntxt, tU juihcatim lA icheme thi Ia

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