t HAI.IHItUUV,.V.C TUR8UA.Y, JAMMIIY 80, im. VOL VIL.NO.5l7. ; r .J(l- ,Wfj "4 lM Mif te rrf fci In . MM4 ft -Mi,, TU WfWtlU tlawera fW"l rsw wjwjwj w-"w rk. n w - a m m . . .A be J iaiffn9tmcr 1. IIIJ.,. Whet M h4 . . i V . k a ... I .. . . ..a 4 . V .. ... il - . ...... i4vid fovtuu': ! Ca vf ,n .4 ketjim rtatbetl at, Mab awMaiiw --r-rarti kfifilturtl a , U Ctaj f le rMM. t. 1. -u.-j V. f W-. f w sweat wiiffifr N nrti It jJeJ ih.1 liar r ftLiak Liii. iirrn . ........... ..liii 5ia. IipiaaaiMr 3if a4 t tkia ftf!.' a.ifis.iK.irv- w.ftW; t. ah it n I ti tut 1 4n,ft.t t Toa t Ka hem arrW mLi U. 6 mm ' . . . . I H -i. - I . . ft I . a . - wtiifitwpwp" . ii'irwvr mifrrvru Dim, mi cwrtro ft. ia .4... l f 1-. J .1 a M . II 1 ' 1 " ' Thl. i ijof4wl. ti (. B.r D'lMrimroi, n! rrOiciia on 'ht Mb (imi w ik Coiclol.K), (! rvH sopt Xt to drl wih. 4 Kt M-cordUf lr f ffi'Uftrl o hr mm 1 I f a - ........... ir .Ml.!. M i lor pinaof sr. Htno'wpn co borxi iM Mr m i i rr' I till DM tt (Hit k-tlir mti 1 fxit trw. ilea, (or b fttrt1 4 (St cSJn i 6ii. ih I), a nmin'i mm n eMrmrf.lBWfif mirtiCirkiflrt j, j, appo, frutt Cl.ik Mmwlf. fl. ll It ibogt ! fftl lrvcfc in ocurrturr )itinr brfame knon. !.) ftJ mU, kit CAiapiciHfi aio.lla4 bit conmuatcaikio la (ht I!.mim ' 'Ml wVMa.Mf(t.4rt rir. wl.m- iU lord, of lk rnrttf, ih Kit fftl " " w'H rffl pg Mfl.Kl iVw.r.1. .thou! the tllh'.ti rini ippetrta durhf ih ,.j-n I8ftlrf oui tttKe toei. lit kept pr m" r,alT fT-t .1 memw on I .f 0 irulm; . d.rT.ftrwt of ihl. ki.,d. Jout4 9itnci o bovd, f icepUnf fc ?in onunrm Mi.rf.. rH.i.,,, br . ,. f compromiM. Etch vordi fcf adftanJ lo Mr. IJfinioo. "''' 're M. Al.mt irt-li trnion of ?ht S-t-r M(hf to Uld lit yHo M pMrl tn kA, aM 1 kcrt tu f"n'"' Ptrr. Th C.i n.n xlre tie the Mhr Tho .Ho .r In ft.r ok nU 15 tjdftkrton. Hit drn L,"ire n, ntjre iron'thli tvrf. r,rmrri1c onth- Mond in J.no.'f, tu Mm coat tod pir,ulc,. .iiN I'f'nwqienofihfiep1 ,He,fion'.t thmid bk il. and ihn In favor thoci iimJ iin. tmilt EnKtih ht-fT?' ' ,rMfr " r!i!or of ihr . UkJk Nirttllnf Cfon, lUSl colurfl 'Uiref. whirh pl.ret the .f .ir m anoat with a tra ftt. and a itilow " ""'"T'" m c ailk hiivlkfrrhiff . tirl .boui hit nrrk V Wwr.o ired if The f-.llo Is a earlcta manner. Hit rountrninre ,n h CpmnTlore't lo in mrtlbafa of ika Lg-ltUtuf I Warn ftrrt A4 if, M Kr, cwj' a, arwl (lioiaif. arcf MKr flrr uUf(t rt lika in ttf om f K 5ait, iHaia mtlA lt no AK,rtnf rf o4nWin n lit nim 10 iU forr tla)Un. imr of mrt-'tocf ih Gfitaral Avrn frn ihr Ur pri of Ike Saa. ail ao un ik mmUrffoniik uppr rouavf (n.l hick oouM bei tuJr lh tm.ll f.rmrft, wihiM i tuil Ik .'ff onet. Vfci. than, nor ht lo b i-na ta ttKk CMf Will iha m.Wr frum lHa Uorr pn of the 5. ( cnC forw.r l and Mr. fit n(t a .tfr,t fur tnt from ly VVeti t.r.tfta ID It Mmr Ih.t ill .nil litem f " Iff irt)ttrf ntrttner tiIJ i'.i' turi- rourte The ! fk. k CVrvUi Cr. 4T7III m. r. itrf iiii, f f Srmrrw, W, I, lt.. aar liy . ' . rar, fW, A, KM C.prf'J Hloek. ... Vli&H W ikw fl.k in CircvkiMM, i'l7)tl TmU. ..... TO.IW rrvAl im Im, or aurplftit. . . RUM4 1 ... ... ... hn oot the UUheai rutrkt of Jtr..i '", ' M '"f"M h? ,he n ' ''cn' W it. Hit uoa it rttner tmall, M, '"1 ''" ' call on hit fiher. hn of mrriinf 01 r Nfovl. in Koern her, ih'iuld ro fnratro a li'ile i and thm ' i.WU rro.od aotMla ik proper nme o bi upon, and tbi would brine, it 10 'he lt or 1H Monaf of D-rember Thi, be iHHihi, would be mora ronvtn iem for the h,.lP Stie thin eilbrr ihe 3.1 f.Mida in X . ember lb U Mon dr in J muarr. If t ihr former period lheirn,er would not bite ttoref ibeir lobacro and foil 00, and 'hef would be Cr p, ..... Fa4 it tke S'nflK. . . !m by kanki in orh4.'arlira. t0vm 4 ftakt tm fc4, ' Brl r".at, .... I. !. of Ktef djtfoun." U 4 a4 Ja.ifowMs I AIM - n ran rtftihi rrlM 0eYr Amm tww awl- ik Biaai4.at.Mtr MHetMesU wkiVj. k Uiirwrd,f4ed wiikikaimkU . kre ritrrenlr rtpoMe. af tecii bin.lred pi9ner, I be autUf af kiUaJ and wrfwrvlrii no mentioned J bu, at bw i iiiMKMed la kate Un a ftiin.r. one, tka lott mutt lute Uan ctit. Tke fontny ftneo Mrtlei, Olf. wkiclt fld al V.ra V,ui Jli .rflid U. boKh HI fOOOOO I .bbttt kalf f lb mono! wiio U furw.rdfdlolhe t'nii4 Hi .let. We undr(nd ba MeiWan tngwJra. under Comroedofe Porter, wkUb an ta t.il on tb Jib inn iteiperied lo titit one o our pntl. pol.bJ Norfolk. Tbr Marouii del Ar.n'o, a patienf tf in lie P'oap. ji a dittioeuMied intmUr of i he Mctita.i Koeramem, on a lour to (hit countf f trW t!rop. - A, ft, MtTt J J v. ASfr.t0V. Cbln a little eiiended (ormn from 1 line 'perpendicular witn bit rnouih, and thr fnal mutciet of the cheek, are thrive'led nd wrinkled, lit retired ro hit birth irf in tbe evening 1 and although di rtctlf oppotlie kit aleepin place a lone; (TiaJocua) wal held between a Jeraer tVrKH-Ttatte end a t-brewd Qiukar upoii " tkt mtatfllei 0T t5nrn uratttmat. W.i lVK(h f bare p rnaoked , M fl 1 , Ud Qn - kfj(w ((UftileJ o tfp I ..ipected et.r, In.t.nt lo J"rthU ir , -n(M mWt .d,CM on ,he , rfle4turet w . wf, TttiOle jpatn ?rea oui upn mem, - yrr a at wordiAatr he. in he t.i l wt vrrr detimut of irin m l'ttrerd m doubit of the proprirt or me e;oin? 10 ihe prctKicm't houe, be Wihn uoilnr arretl and uncertain ho 1 -ft.. .. 1 L ... . . ... I. . .nw.a oe rreeieta. nr,Ui 1 I meet the from home in ihe month ihe moat uia pretioeni. lie loiorme.l me hit f.rher ble forfait nbv..h.n.. m..ln.'h mo room, wnere 1 wff.iM tee Mm wtib nrali0ni fue ih. n.. Tl tk. 1.1 out rope.mjr any of the (amile. I tenlnr 31 Mond.e Deremhwr, aod the far told bin I 4 --."" " 1 p,",wiiI 1 -j . ateoinn ,M. Dupon: called on me. on cumun' et. wui "erai cr necettarf pre Delator . - . T it p.fi I rnfjigrre oe a aurreedintt one iu 11 f ihe eiern ire law-dt reconciliation.) we meet on the U M-nda in Januaif I told him it woulJ afford me the tjrettett ihe imion will be eiiendedtoo far into pleiture (0 be bn Rood term, bat that I tha. tprtor; of the eear. atkes Camert would nni content iq be releated from mr ought lo be at home to aee th their arrett, fr whieer offence I hl com I frnret are mJe noxl. their 0tt own. mitied. I would eipwie i be y PTrrinn I ml their ground prepared fr planting be Duiiltbrarnt JO whtfh I bl Keen I corn. entenred. I wat then toIJ be. iIr. I J f "un irentlemen. Mkcd Mr. 1 . . remtin pont JbtvOrn. L ifjvctir ha-l ti l hit heart I here in an comfort to leit;itlile. wben ce on mrndinv the brracb between .me nJenr thtfi nuu Ahem io mind that their tha -Cecu'i.' tml.11 nr tan . wji onJ buVmett requlrenhrir presence It borne f board :he Rrndrwine. ne"wirte1 m tnj N f farmer wotild be ! eat under aurh be invite, to jrr ompny him to the thip rlmtmttanret j nor would the lewver in It wat, in fine, arrjnjjed thai I thould rhe LfRiiliiurc be any belter tatitheH, Call on him al 9 o'clock net mornini; when thee recollected lhal their Count About that hour I calfcd. with Lieu' were in tettion, and the fee which they Skinner, of lhe n, at th lotiiirun of I oif ht o rereiee were frojn into other Mr. Hiltum FHitkrr, a lerwteU 1.I1S.4JKJ f ,f frrrjuirrtana CowMf, wkw went j "u t Irr, .ml w. .i ia ike w be. 1,61 ruim.nt, which Cititiied a e on otre from tint port to the W Inrfiea, m!e protition (or hit children and ar fincttj ti) filt affairi preflnoi to bit tf panure. He tutet in hi will that kit Ihr tUvet brlonitinf to kit etiaie, i wbicb e unilrrtland to be 10 r 13 thill, after the entuin(f teat.be emancipated c'ur- 101; finh time thee .re to I, kirad mi rWMnate of ih, a,.pr,.ri.tHioaf tbe .er.e of j fof ,he .)wprnr of r.itinf lUn.l to rlefr.r 0 ' 1 ihe eipenttiof eidlnj;to flat i or Lib- ria, hich crcr they may tboote. Tke speaker Ul krAe ik J Rro. reaanuii.ea om lk iik imI. U fuH.Bii. com. BiuicIkjo (ntn iUr rr'rt'j i4 ihe I 'tairj 7Wav.y l-jHirtmri, Jun 4, . ia , kate ll kooor la traft'tnil. fur Ibr in. furmt'irm 4 thr Mir U K prr wi.Ltjirt, an tr itembo,i ir fatt in the mud aereral timet in tke etght and tome were alarmed, and mott were -a little rettlett, bat Mr. Randolph did not tiir. In the morning etrlr he ,kel 0U' fof Wtfhinrjon - Foe- the fi.ai : kalf hour if rr Jt "wit on boardret erf one vat RJiinir at Mm, eten the Udiet : TooJied' atkaoce from their tibln o aae ..Ihe; tftuue mn t - bul the wonder toon ceiled, and he Ihen excited no more -len'ion lhan any other roan ; o oU $tranft thinjt fiat away. JUL CALHOUW The Inreitiiritlon which thit eentle mm hai demanded inlo hit offi-itl con Mr. Dupont, and we procretled ftomjhandt Ft, then, on the mirfdle periol ; Jtnrt aaSerretarv at War. will no doubt thence to the prrident't houte 1 the car 1 11 will be a teaton of the tear mott con ' h concluded at an early day. ami we have riaee wat at the door : we atrended thr I yenient, taking all circamt'ancel into , little doubt entirely to hit aatitfaftion. jttept. and while h the act of riniop; the J view, for the memberi of the Lcgitliture Inihit opinion, e-yery one who' hathith bell, the pretident, preceded by General J generally. erto eiptetsed himtelf hai concuired. raretie, came out. ol knot inn I Mr Manly (the speaker observed :It it one of Ihote chirzet whkh ihe late whether Gen. La Fayette would recoR that Ihe hill before the Committee differ Dretidential contest brought forth; a nice me. I wailed for an fntroltriion, ed from thoae e were generally called to period, it mtr be recollected, when the and. in the mean time, pulled off my h t cntider. Thit bill doea not concern the fil Rw fit S MiTrlLiwoii., . . .Xri, 135 F ttgn liitrre.iurte. . . '.'f'lV. r.iprnart cf ihe Arrnf, including thr Wihtar Ma.lro., 2.0BI.75S M Fotiflra'.imt, Irmortra, Anenala, and )rdniire. !te. . 1.171,400 Kcrututionay and Military t- a.i.n, . . . . . 1,571.740 Mian Department, - . Ill,; Arretrtri, . - . . Jo.oui la.. J.Iww.mat. . 2t.'jyJ - Marine Corpv - - VjCZMZV1 To the e Mimaie are anneied 10 ti.tr menu, prepared in obedience 10 the ,4Act in addition to the ieeral am for the ea-- t.blitbmenl and reputation of tke Tree turv War, and navy Department!, shew inr, firtt the appropriation! for. (he aer- . . r r j ttlinrt maoc uv ,v, me ..ft.,, ..ft,. w 1 .,....... equipping, ihcmiiiijaj public; (?cb citrill l'tonofthe Indians and fraiirt with Indiin tribet, amounting 10 gl0.4l9X)35. Second, balance upprtipruuont Uftt Mr. Momoe't adminittraiion wn. In iit mtirct. perfectly lederal, but in hit appuin'mrntt to oITkc he telectrd nona but demtK-r.t. I hut it a, there tit ii rr a moir jmpular admitiitlration ikart hi, or rath lary gel tXutllv what it watted" Botvoa ott rhe rtdrrah. rev.-V.rj t7 practl'td on b) thr alminn'rBor of Ihe for. rrnmtnt, aiil'OUf rnjoinj a.f of ihe tmJvmnt f ne 1 H e were alaajt vf the opunon tka ihry had a f'rat a hankering after the Inarea v trxl fi-lKa," ihrwr b.r pJitcaJ frieiMki vcrw in poarr. Hut in tlirte da) ol pub'irat anal eanioo aJMl,Ui:)lii"r, there ar atraiv)rer liapieninf than our plulwopby evtf drtatiipt cd.J , . . . jibmmaMt A inoal airociout cite of unnatural feeling-In a niollitr. It tnen k.-Kviiwi v.i.iiwft. v. r r ' - . . , , . . ..ft. . Kfirdrmarte prevtou.o .b. e.ri837.1 ? ' U,f f'Tf'VZ? and which will be reouired for .he ohiec.. ,n. Ola-row, Sinl lend, look the dead Ibodjr characteriof the best and mott honora ble men in the communitr wee expoted to the vilett calumnies, and ihe mott fou efTor'.i to dettroy them, morally and .politically. It was then rxuninrd into, and the charge of participation in the Mix Contract, by the then Secretary at War, declared unfounded although as veil as we can recollect, it was advanced In thu report, that some informality had existed iiTThe publintion-f-ther-prt4 posala, and tome censure was cast upon the Chief t lerk ot uepartment at parti . T1 1 IPM.ft .tea n-..a Vft.lLiaiLir III lit a hw wwre. " we belieye, acted upon, and the present enquiry, undertaken at a time when it can and will be inveitigaleif coolly and dispassionately, although H may, in ' lAintw a4fttlwt4. rawfiv ard nublic husinest. iit probahlr tVtrever lerthe suhwet take the following facts, the occurrenee e :k tk tiiKlia. fionr in - the"ntwpiperai :bn)UKri . jpnn lfcrppe'M of ih - Vlce-Prestdent to , the nnuwt fci . ,v...ft... Mix, emong others, had made proposal at the War Department fur a supply of materials to complete the worts at Old Point Comfort. The offerjof Mix wa the lowest, and, of course, he was enti tied to the contract, if no objection exit ted.. -But when the contract was about to be concluded, Mr. Sdtterlr e Clark, who had recently arrived in Washington from New-York, called on the. Secretary of to Mr. Adams. nd sid Hiatinctlv to him, I people whose intetetts are con6 led to "Good morning "r. Adams. He look lour care, so much as it does the intetettt ed me full in the fice hit ftr e became I tnd convenience of Members of At tern very much fluthed he rushed by me inlbly. The bill proposes 'o alter the lime a very scornful manner, and look his I of the meeting of the Legitlature ; it it stand by the carriage door. It was of little consequence to our constituent, anmetime before we got over mir em when our session commence,, whet her in barrassment and. surpriir. I . was at November, December, or January; a length Introduced to ihe general, who much more important eiiquffy with Them exnretsedto me irre ttreeret at what had I M, how lone will it continue, an1 V required for ue otjec for which they were tevetallv made. amounting to 8 964 453 4 I hit ag regale ol.ihe uiixMhrc) .pptnprutlont. differt, 8539,453 46, Irom the -mount pretemed in ihr H port of this Dt part f'1 . . r lltak 3ltal. r.f ih Jll u IM 4 W . t trintmiited onhe 13th December. 1 836, l"h" nd k'P lh'm Th !- of her child lo all apothecary, and offered to sell 11 to him for riitscciion, lor 5 poundi ! he had with her a ton, IS years old, who she alto offered to aell to the apothecary, (to kill and boil up) for pounds, if he would lei her irip off the which it acrounted for by the exprndi turet for the fourth quarter of 1-826 h ing less by the tame turn I have the honor 10 remain very re spccifully, your obedirni servant. RICHARD RUSH. The Hon. thr Sfirakrr OJ thr Htutr of Rrfirtttntativti. This communicatian wat referred the Committee of Ways and Meant. to happewdrJwMoviJede-aaxallttQlbeH Whoever, uid Mr. S . . . .. . I . .. 1 m . . U -ne, which invitation I declined, lie has cast hit eye over the treasurers re then observed, that the president 'wh i port, and discovers what is the cost of the manifested treat imna'iencel wat waiting annual session of the Legislature, an. for him, and he left ut. Ithen examines the pamhhlrt whkh con The evening' after this meeting. Gen. I uinnbe doten public acts and the much La Fayette informed several of my friends greier number of private "biWs,which ihkt, on eoing into the carriage. the.Pf I sre the fru'ns of our labouri for a session, sident informed him that his treatment will be mortified at the; discovery that of me wascsused-bv a letter.of mine ih lhalf the mlblic tax1"" Property (except reply 10 an inviiainn Trnm tne cmrrna ot tne-ia w .Dana,. Muck.). ! . mm Lnu WliMnroW'hien.lnHl ppearedm;lwt UowB-lo.Uasaand,4)9l! - ... . e i:it I 1...: . 1 r. ..-J f 1 " I'w ntjreiy. ignorot, and for- whjicb l I useless r,ts of ieuWlatlohT "Of the cfirecT 'Is''": "'-il.....!ui t. . i-ft 1, ' i.';i."lvt:'.li::. "4n :..""..-.. V4 uu wtym. .icaituiisiiiict : tt is wiintn C) or Mlif tri'Trww- wt(,niny . the, knowledge of 'MusaHr)at'1eit'foiiTif Three bousanddnllarVateCi expended .for of the very ciiizenwho published the of- one of our annual sessions! Vhen it fennive -lettkr, were a very few 'lays '.af shall be attempted to remedy . this evil, terwards, received with politeness at the bv the only certain mode or doing ao, by house of the President. I excluding much of the unimportant bu This is a plain narrative of facts as sinett, which consumes bur time, he they ocurred, and for the truth of tliem should gladly lend his assistance to ef appeal to uen. La r ayette and the gen I fee? it. lemen who were present. Whether! Mr. Hun a amendment finally Dre- the conduct of Mr. Adams on th- occa I vailed, GxiDg the 31 Mondaj in Decern sioo wai lucb ai became the President j ber, b 62 yotes to 52.) CHAKLESTON, JH. 10. Trotting Match ' A trotting 'mulch Ktnintt time, lor a pet ol two thoutana dollar i. took place yesterday on Ihe , Washington Race Course, near this city, herween-ihr hour a-of l0-andJ .'clockJ The condiiiotis were, iht the horse ihould go fifty times round the course, (a distance of one mile) in five surressive houn , which was performed in 3 minutes tnd 14 seconds wuhiu the .time was driven by a gentleman in a sulkey. The excitement among the spectator! became intense ihe Tatt two miles, 'and on hit ooroipft tn mnri wnral asclamation ensued, which. afarmeiT the horse y at the same iristiftf, the1 bit hrokevand he fin 'yt hh imrch nolence - lowards tbe city iht eeWknaart being' on bje Jorestrain him? washrqwp trom the suH,eT a short distance from the coutse ; and the horse, after dashing the yehkle in pieces, ran through the city for some time, before he ould be arrested- i ounce. rary very properly sent her to the police) office. F.xfiloiion! An explosion of gunpow der look place in the store of Mr. Daniel Fisher, of Monitral. Canada, a short time sinre, wh. n Mr F. and hit first clerk were teriouslv wounded Mr. F. was dri ven by the concussion, in a flaming matt, into the ttreel - hit clothes were much burnt, the hair of hit head was almost all scorched off, and his face so disfigured that, in attempting to enter his own house, he was repulsed by his brother, who sup posed him to be pilfering negro I". . LOAG SPE I CUES, Ue. ThTletsTaTiiTeTtthnrris-assemblrd it Vandalia on Monday, 4th December. A deDtlatory soap, intended for the use of ladies, is advertised in tbe French pa ners. It will remove the hair from the chin in ten minuttt without injuring the kii! t)n Tuesday Ninian Edwards was quali fied as Governor of that State, on which ' occasion hit itiMutrural address occupied -abotit 'rtw hourt in the- delivtrry-.- The genius of invention must bestir itself, for " the times" require, of) will toon want, trttrr tajnngMnii reading $aving machinat, . il our resident, Governors, rMejinbera . .0.?Rgr.rtai T-"t . era, coiitinuejmprbvmg in compoafliM''," rp'diy as lhey Perftetual MMon. In a late London iapcr it is mentioned that a'mechinic, of Sot sham, Wilts, is said to have discover ed a perpeiual motion, and to have written a letter to the king, informing bim of the circumstance. It is represented to be a wheel set in motion, by the help of mag nets, and it had been going several days when the letter was sent. - 1 1 . i. 1 'i!

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