ivr. i.r.uisumnn. KJUTS. fVrad Ji. f The eW IUM fc.Ug 4ur4 U U MM t4e be IM n4e l f'4 J l nse4 the niaf ttL tot i NtHf ft gubttot of the C Crtt f Ktb e,fd,lVke eaLWOM 14 WU aAtt4 U he earei1t4. "Wadry leheUtawti a lsd3 CMAti to iM fc tbe " ter M UW far U Hit, shkk bp)4 M the llik P Mn4 the petition of zm priyUf I bate eecered kf ifft' fit the wMr bereefier acquire. '' rtdie tbe cor-mlttee of Ditme ar4 AU Baosy. Ot morion of Mr. Vf MUm, Mini. rV roeamittte Ike JodlcUry sere U- UrWCtld te Inquire Uts iM f tpfWlKf fpsioge law, compelling the Mn Of llltll 14 py lk burUI tkfg wk jury of Urptttl be bean held out their bodice. The fallowing tmwiJWai from the ether Ho, passed Ihelr I'St second and thk4 readings were r5rel wmi mJUdi ik bW to iwol the eel of IDS L ike detroloaef iTsleet U Asm nosMy. s4 the bill is certain persons there miss. Ik bill iowliaetkrCitiy Court 1 n.;tfnJ m mmUi e CwmmiHM ol r:- m mi lbs eeo4 tne, end iiMt4. m swotlos ef Mr. Smith, by extending Itt prtfUou m m la apply is Davldtos county, h was "ira date, and ordered U be engrossed , II r 5kc presented UU to. regulate the MiBtfil UtUm onlutt lo MffU couodci U Uli Sut vklcli (MMCd III TK foUowlnr bill nrt4 tn4 onJr td to b trrw4 1 Tk biil to oi&Mo o4 o4 i ociof IIU. mkotiting h Count r Corit o rqulf odminittra too i4otlr to tito cwwir MtaHif Cpon tHo prtl'U of IlKlr Kruritlct. n.", Il-Mr. M Dowell pro tentrd io pciltkm of Samuel Jenktoi of Banronb, priln lo bo' rioed lo crcdht iwJ Mr. Hill of 3iok, lh pll lion of Joa Gboo, oo ik lubject of ditorct. ... OoMKxkMof Mr 8krp;tt JtxJUl trr conualr.ee wer lninir4 to tnquiro tf be eipodieocf of oo mtmdmg ht "T" nw.rui OWu-er after ntN'f W fflMlUfttf Ttow mutter ' errket.- - - V Mr. Ilcken lntroic4 i bill o pr Ttttt fraodt wd ptrmrv in cerialn com. Tbt Senite rewired ttlf into com inhtooof th vkolo, Mr. Furoev, in the Chain o iho bill to mtrv4 th t sincl patkxi Dti of thU ??ite. ThU bill protlJei that hereafter, wheft 'bo owner ol aof .Mart OMilni trenca to manumit iuc h la'i be thall f ire bon4 and aceoritf ' la 81000 that tbt alavo ahaH vitUn ait tnontbt rnnore from th Sta(e' ahd tierer gain return to reide therein. J Mr. Yncr moved to amend tke bill br adding now aeclion, which provide " that no aiave ahiD hereafter bo cmanci pated in this State, eicepl on tbo ci preas condition, that tber hall leavo the State never more to mora, or in caao ther do return, ther thall be aold bV or der of any County Court and the pro ceeda be ipoUed to count r.U'a After tome debate, ihit amendment wat adop ted. and the bill at amended, patted itaj torond reading. Vrfey, Jan. 13. Mr. Love from the Committee of CUime, reported unfavor ablv to the petition of Robert Gracr a Rrvolutionarv eoldier. Concurred in. Mr. Riddkk pretented a reiolution in ttrurtintc th Judiciary Committee to in quire into the expediency of making the law relative to Usury more penal. The bill to allow further time for the payment of - the purchase money on en triea of vacant landa, wat read the second end third time and passed without debate. The bill to reRuUre!hepayinenTof claims, againat the tereral countiet in tftttIL, to via Vtl nfrrt V V'3 ,0f U tM tu T'lf Rite U rt44iiNr'itJp UueBKy www t.lraika tiat-iM Bm, rrprte4 Ike ui wiik m aa4tMi, wkkb ws uiiJ ta. a4 tke Ult him4 kt tewa4 a4 lkl'4 nir-tt V4 ll rtr Mr. HaIfkt J Clin, pawta4 lifl fnktf M atM tM M mwt V frsf t4 t N7 r-Ak itUM. U iir tU '.".. mo,'ie or rowwi. isv rnliLm f I'tBt WaJaer. relailew 1 f'4 UCwwwltt l tir.i laovcwxMi to wkooa was Itkf r4tkUll Wieapowaf iwwpk Um to erect ras Kr wrtain rwc4. re per tad ikt w It ip4M to pH ike I wkUk rpKl wat romemd Aliitoe Ike moved fr ke Melaiie potpmtmiMot tke bill I wklckwiteef lived, and Ike pawed III t4 reading On nvxkM of Mr. Allio. tke JofWU r (mmiiiee ware UinKie4 lo Wjtlr into ike etpedbMy of akolg SUrifn M ail caaes of indictmcoi lot a4 battery, lo rteeWt.M elarkarse frwaa peraocti k Irpligtel cin'wtiaacs or dcrtd btoihvlr roatody, bood a4 ci rity tar tke I'M nd coats, payable ae the eoMiiac tfm. Mr. Sttla. frans ike CommMUf of rropoaitMDt tod OHevancea, lo whs at rtfrrre 4 tk pt Hon ol twndr UV kams of 5o4et cowr, tjetkr with the eownttr pttHorsle relacUiti lo aa alter t low la ihw bowndtry Ike of tU riuiHy. repwrud agin4 tke ctpvdUocy of terfc tfctraik! okick report wet ccwe'- red In; . i Mr. Biin, frns the comml'tee of Pi rorce od Allmonr. repo'ted unfavor a4 as ikefrriWoo Mit.CWaJL U Iff dell, for a divorce front ker kwadend Concerted in. Mr. Jones, of Warm, from ke Jdl- clary commit:, lo wko was referred the reaoJutlon hti wtltg tkem to Inquire into tHe eioedieocv of amending the c of 1101, providing how persons InttrrtJ by the erection of public mill sft.ll pro ceed lo rerover dawa;es, reported that t it iittipedient to a ike any alteration in a id Conrurred in. Itdtv, Jan. 9 On Motion of Mr. Fov. the committee on the Judiciary ere Instructed lo Inquire Into tke ei- pcdlrncy of o smending tke law ia tela tion to tke levying of etecutiuflt br Coo ttabtrt on losorvent debtors'-Undt o lor lode all ke eiecutlont which miy.be bciii, tn4 thereby Incur t hereon but one set uf roa-t. Mr. Newland preaented resolution ia M-l a pvUiva) ( K vntwlfy Uk,Uu I ci Wt'S Plbt Uf an ahrtkisUVe tlsxi el e;.g iM wit ttj vVk"l MrOat dos rtMtt4 1 coeMer petUos. Iff. Lave cvia4 Ike peOtle wf MtlfJtlilutiallifwaUcewMfiaf U te U tetUxUad se ope TsvwpUe tUa4 a4 ta yecalte teiis eke pumpl- ted. Hr. EoeacrJ prewte4 bUt eltaaxfUg Mtrcrt4okcs was retMSoe. Ue ravulv w Mr. CVtosf lk loeaaik' U.ti floawer 1aaew4 ILm14 Me Un?J,mf of -ni.gtss lUvawwe U.M U Pill IM tat M aaweaai le ttt prvvlaiona. Tk kaf ia uiU'lte Ue Cwewy Count J tkie State to prsM Gatee to he emu4 ecrne tke puWU rwda, a ad is Uf eUa" Ikereos, wae read the aoa4 1,M' . Mr aVlf . she k4 Uiredsced Ikla b,fl. Mi4,i w.akt wiH lereBeveih Ug IJatire front the irosUe of lrti.tl-g (mm e trl kkk ke.tkoucM cwotd be Mtier amaugr4 r Ike county lourte. wko aalki be eably treated whk it, and e4 share be bad M d-ubc it wowld be pmpaHy waed. Wver) anxftdeetett were propnaed to the kill, nta of wkkb war- adaotid. and eakert oare reyre'ed. Ooe f these pro po4 tkat the poo ata ikes ' id,aJtdfto be less lka glO. Ttl, WS prttjoMd be Mr. Hlnpperd. wkslbougkl tke lgi Utejro OA U be cautious U plettng a lower of tkW ktftd U Ike county cojms, which oJat 4t) greatly abased. If this till d. W.eaoeeiad we kMl4 aootl hve gtea os rns here and Ikare. and ever, where. W has person know I key r owtftn leaae to creel Geitt by mere (Vitrei so tke casety court, on paying a iigbl ltt Conveniroc of the com aauiy M Uavellusg. wou'd be murb In peded k tklr otieaher Cvry oMtrue tton to travelling on a public road, he said, we e Puinr. lie had toted m favor uferecti'ig 0js lo tpecUl ces bet if te sppiication were lo become nu merous, be ahoulJ rote against them. If this bin theeild past, he hoped t heavy ti would be laid upon tU Oatct erected in mis . Mr. . Moore hoped this amendment oukl not be aererd to J for If it wrre. it would go to owferi the object of t bill. It was the kitentios of (he Renilctnaa frem Rockingham t lk thia k nd of business out sf.lke badt of the Ler.iUa- rra, kick consumed much o'.'hcir time, at e great espesae &tc aftd place wK fKJwWvwfVavWr minTJTj, foe kcre.se ayt without koowledga on Ik jKjr. ' - The astendnvent wareieeied, tod tke t ta6ifta jttpo4l ly if. ftfii 4,Uu wt pa;4 t Ika 1k bet. le ike IUe of Ipcesnt-ta. ike dy ws tvlrtty .; 4 UlkediKilt aioe of ike Hul 114 o Ike la'Je I he pracufU.; 4iy by Mr. PUlr, of Taav i.imi, U U'. YWkLfr. ef Mckf, The tow UtMf wart ffe4 to, i'k svendflMfttii t4 the diaceion of the klltr tespanded k tii L tke OC dart ea? Ike day. The talact contealuae tppclntWeattbe aJeet of the Sen reef tse Varw f reaiee a- u Wbf M r f fj , rAtilnr 4 'U a ve W alt tleriag iM tlttingt of ike Ifowsav TM if urttj of Cevitry Ten We crept, aai Vy tiw,fVail nVaea, ( Uk Gas. 8otf wt friio,' wa'rtlrid I ria Ike Wr Depenajseotf e4 sesoewd tebeprsaled. - f : " - Oe antks of Mr. Ung, tke CoeaaaJi tee mi Mi kerf AfeJre wee d1ckerge4 frws ihe fenher eonsideratlws of the pe tltioaj sf Joseph Wheat, aed ke hd te is wtthdra hit petltios. Taerader, . 1 1 le tke Senate f et- Krday. tke biU for eoenUg eallltarf roads N the Ten try of Mic Me, wet ikes te le up, nd af ar to animated debate, teat Ud on tke thle. le ihe H iuse of Reprtsentatlves, M. Matter Uid a roeoU'lon os ike uble cal Il..g fe lnfmlo reUtlve to Ike Ct im llese receipt front llll, so Ike prevent tioaa. A B.U wt re ported front the t ommhtee on MfMifc'urts, reUtiu it de'iet os laports aod e fUfl from ike MtlHsrr Commlee le lcreee lk Corps I Engneera The resolutlos offered by Mr. Ulckliffe. a4 divrustd on ike preceding dv, wi adopted whk e svs dilcailos. A reage front tke Ptesi nnt wit received. eonvtMiaWatbg as so trrewUg report fwmike Secretary of the N,vt, rtl.tive oDrv Doki and eeom caunliation from tke War Dprireoi, coot.lninK the names of Ike office rt of tke Rtvolu'i'rfury Atmy.at farastkey could be furnished " Oa mmln f Mr. Cartas, k was v- PrrW. That ihe Coanmltlcr os Post Uffice aod Poal Roada .be instructed lo Inquire Into the einediencr of establishing o post road from Miegnln, North far elinMO Athens, Georgia, by way of Rutb erlord. CreUle, Peodleloo, kc- The following it Ihe completion of the cm mitt te on the application of Mr. Cal houn to investigate ihe Rip Rap ff.ir, in reference lo the parties at eiisdftg at the time of the first rnveligatios i Craa-foed, l awtiif a4 evW a4 AJ j-m. iLuk Ae $vm4 lnMf 4 at puns CU aisafu. fu n t'7 - - tlKMOVAU ff Tka r&4 ad the n Cnlm 40v ID "-a the lt W4 h or4 'U -'V-. o an M Che aawe r4 taak as tk CWt tUma lavavd'Y 64 1 W thwas ehe easy ke ! kh Oa tnHiwn, w J pWaaa krreur te tftj. tf sTafahrttwUuVjij Cnralae rn-4 sm4 aWaifX im. 1C7. "hbaUi It tkei Ueiua he Vtwt4 of the atrafaai la mnmm of M airy thia sir if lh tiwa M f m j tMl raw tig so eVieaaael Ihe taaOa mJk saw Che eptwvwth ha h-a awl hash t4 apwtta virsi pie 4 hOl mm kad4 K and the it- then west kata Ca eaauee af Ihe Wheie as the Oaaacaey M, bJ a (h CVair. Mr. Wtha ih. fmmt ad Che aanaawee. ssed Ihe deiwte as is levee, and oaa fc Hawed by Mr. ttaeJey ini m. lie t sm apaea aae uai a na' Iws Wees 1 sa aWhef, Vtvae, b-n C eah4 fc e eWa ef watae a4 aVaoh sbwt teft4 mkU-m lie aawUx;, hi aWuvwd aaare and mm and hs' eVetwree In we oaae fit aeiil Saail h at leeh aeOuvsaed tethe Mane braig ski to precead, aWn iMM Cava W wkkh ke aWJ mU aceawajl ohvrawydo the CaaiaMltee rw, and Mr. tieeJey eilk Acoty reached the Chair aifhl ae to awaxVara aee f aot (a? tk prpi) f eaawlae aa atjawrsa, aad Ike arwatm oaa Ml hy Mr. tirv. The House af eoors atvNrac4-U the Fpeakcr bad lo ri an I'm tret, wketac be was honte bp aeweU f the aske, ahaaat U a taia fka ar.Ukv. taiha h V. seak-hh. f (hetiaae they fU4 Dr. BaalrwUh', h U4 loai hi eneer ewwaly. an4 h avid the hte ef one aide aa paralyses e an7 thai shae heeo aft f ery power to kiat, aka cats aaehaachavy e4 haoawanafbait I hat W lanraed UW k at aa eatW. 4tcX It the ti aaiien U whatb Mr. Meekr it keU aa S taaMe so,thal there te not Ma4r?Sawla4aoywaeq woe dvr oat cVneae the eaUsity skath Jasu ketatWn hiaa. hWd ke be eafoenjeaie ae eotio he able la rraaas hw Mat at th Haass aCowiiwan.evajid ae tmda a aaar Ltfm. live Cawacile, ohkh, I tree, wil oat even he f ued op." Can. Ped-B, ateashrr from Rdentas, wat at (JaMwty rlrcied Speaker am fth Roas ofCMtuH the day tfUr the cajaaah ekkh ketVI Mr. ttanley. that h waa reaaariad (hei hat War kvgsaj ther, and he faararae I in si. a saaas idseia4. 1 1 oaa a vara ef bs a. Clay, fVtd. tirginaa, vTil5ain,N.C. Wf ietrt. Ohio. Clarke. Eeetocke. larrvoH Conn. Canphell. oUa. " Itin WW as. . 1 " wrir-..rsws ween -or oi samwet m u. tote, snetir nt;,, p te second readin, Durke county : which w.s referred lo the ' Mr. S4,0. ..w, ,B pfe,lu no committre or Claims. ! tier, celled up for consideration, the The hill to empower Joseph Hnnsten. Rport w , ped.io,, cf cr rtaln person, In of Iredell countt, to erect gstes acmes Burke and Buncombe countica, who pray certain mads, w.t read the t ttd ilmtd tobeerrt tedhto i new countr, owing anU ordered to be engrossed (0 ,bf r ft(no,f Jl--(on ff0m htr re mr. settle, imm me committee c4 Fro . cM.r - .Th ,Amttlh,- r- , . - , reponcd againat gtantmg the prvcr 4 I he' p l Uione r, " M rji 3 aitv mdr - r atrong and eloquent appeal to the House in favor ol ihe petitioners i but Ms efforts did not succeed t the prayer of the peti tioners wis not granted this state, hiving been read the tecond time, Mr. Forney aid it appeared to be general in its provisions, and therefore of importance', be mored that it He on ihe Uble and be printed, which wat agreed to. - The bill provide! that from and if ter the patnge thereof, claims against the -e?etcoOTtiev-'within the 'statn, which hare been ' leeiflir altowed br the clerkt of the auperior and county courts, poviiona and Grievances, .reported unfa vorably to the petition of Wm.. Wattt and other citltens of Burke county, praying for an site ration of the tinrt between that county and Wilkes. Which report was coneorred in. Mr. Swain pretented the petition of Humphrey Posey; ol Hav wood rountv, stating a grievance growinrcmt of the purchase of Cherokee lands and prating j for remuneration. Keterrcd to the com mittee of Finance. ItWacerfay, Tad 10. The house wat occupied nearlr the whole of ihit day, in debate on the bill changing ihe time of merlinK of the Legislature. j Tkunday, Jan. II. Mr. Edmontfonj presented the petition of James Stepken- CUNGRE8SI0NAL SUMMARY. . wtsaiNSTOR, Ja 9. In the Senate venerdav Mr. Rred'e rrsoluiion proposing an Inquiry Into the necessity of InrretsiBg the salary of the f ost Matter General, wat agreed to. The bill entitled " an act lo'regulate proceit in the Court of the united States," wat ordered to a third reading. About one o'clock, the Senate proceeded to the con ton, of Haywood, ttating grievance I "deration of Eieeutive business. that be had sustained in the purchase of ai In the House of Representatives yet tract of Cherokee land, and prayinf for terdar, Mr. Tucker'a resolution, calling redress. for information et to the names of Ihe Mr Alford presented a bill to exempt surviving officer sf the army of the re subaltern officers in the militia, from fur- rolu'ion, wat adopted, with a modification nishing themselves with uniforms, wkicb ! offered by., himself. .Mr...BUir. of Ten wat rejected on itt first reading) nd Jnettee, offered two resolutions, which lie Air. Saintclair a bill to regulate the feeifonhe table, Calling on the President for halt be reefetered by the counTy T bill to comnel vrilnin ruwfw my unom tHiuuucuiui- , ed. It further provide t that ill claim t ivaintl in. r nil jtw iatti,l Hretainna Irk t Km first of May, It3f, shall be registered by the ctunty trustee, within day after said first day of Myor be barred ; and no certificate or claim which thall not hire been paid off before the laid first of . Miy inili be received from any county , trustee m . the settlement of hit accounts, I . .L i I !. ! 1 ii , ymraa iuc pti iu wnom H is cue, ana II iign a receipt on the back . Saturday, Jan. 13 Mr. Forney, from the conoittee of laternil Impreye oPthe Attorney and Soliriror Generaf and Solicitor!, which patted itt first reading ihe following engrossed bills were received from -the Senate, and passed their first reading io this House, m i. 1 o explain an act passed in tltt, te authorise County Courts to require ad miuitestort and others to give other or counter security upon petition of thel security f to authorise t he Count y Count of Guilford - end Da vidson to appoint a committee ol finance. the ekitfer and other nffirr ri of Lincoln county, to keep their officet et "the court-house. . . Mr. Settle, from the committee of Propositions and Grievances, to .whom was referred the petition of Wm. Thorn ton, of the District of Columbia, praying for an act of incorporation, the better to enable himself and those associated with him to learth for Gold on lands owned by them in Montgomery county, reported that the committee deemed it inexpedi ent to grant the prayer of the Detition. Tbo report wm concurred n'uk , information whether nf Chargee dee AH fairee have been appointed atnee the Itt of January, 1836, without the advice and contest of the Senate t Mr. Wjckliffe laid a re sol vt ion on the table celling for infor mation at to the turveyt of roads and ca nals which yet remain to be made. On motion of Mr. Jennings, of Indians, the Committee on Public Lands wrre instruc ted to consider the propriety of reducing Fifteen hundred bales 6T American 4 ton 'goods hsve been shipped from Bos ton to Smyrna,' within s short lime past. This is a new market for American man ufacturca, which will no doubt improve. ..fMetLVI. . We are sorry lo hear that party spirit to far prevails in our Igtslatere, that s duuniofl of the 'state aa .been, actually Jlireaietvrd t -iWewmfeftfind tnil - the northern members hate Concluded that those in the south were not disposed to lejriila'e for us with justice. Hence Ihey have threatened to detach this taller from Alabama, and attach it to Tennca . lee ! T his conclusion s no doubt drawn in haste, under the influence of passion bul a decision on this subject will re quire much deliberation. Cowrltand Herald. DiriDZXBS LY xzw.roitr. asw.tsBK, tin. 5. The bank of America has declared a dividend of two dollart and half per share. . The Phoenix Bank, three end a half percent. The North River Bank, four per cent. The Merchants' Bank, three per cent. The Niagara Insurance Company, three and a half per cent. The Ocein Insurance Company, four percent. - The National Insurance Company, six pr r cent. The New-York Insurance Company, ve per cent. The Eagle Fire Company, four end a half per cent. The New York Lafayette rire Insu rance Company, three and a half per cent. The Farmers ire Insurance Compa ny, three and a half per rent. The Mutual Insurance Company, three J. D. Taeaaer, Rao,, haa keen alerted te the Wrialaiitre from rvttvUk, as place af Mi. ttrtaga, af pointed JuJjr. ' destmclive Ire occurred aa Knn3e, Teas, as the 2Ah Ju by wkicb twe ae ikran valuable btiiMinf were entirely owua4 aaaV waa fa tame tfreialwjr, a rtaaiKtns ne a ana C sr. hatuJ aM7 two cnMaaatd ia the Baski I CMatfos Aeria the dewrwetien, near IlilhhW af the dweltiag howae ef the Rev. Mr. With t rap . with all as eontenta, eve-i t the clethiwr ath taaaily, vs. cept auch aa they had oa their backs, th city lei of th villare, irh a prmiae.worthv heoev. olenee, the neat day eierted tbenwefrr la making collect oo af articlea of oeceaaify, ha, fT the ea erhe wnlorrunate fimihr. an4 , ceeded b retting aboet gMO watth ef articka caotribatcd. " " ' . - - B Koeh'i.: Enquirer,' In ieailna;!. fbe bta ' rlectioN of povernor of NV w-Vork,; i Tk " old republican voted againat Clin toe on old party ground, he havinr once bee auaprcieJ of federrim, havinr aurTerwd hisnelf to be raa tor Prendent by them arainat Madiwai the J I I . noama mt rvieu auna nB iron, convtcrat) that he rai unfrienriry I the general adminis tration i and the Jackion race voted apiatt him, for fear that he waa first for hirneeh i n ke kad all interest oppoard to bins." T this be a fact, it reasonably accounts for hs being ehwely ran by ao obacure a nun a Waa. B. Hocheater. And K is totally InexpOcabte tow) how, if alt interest were opposed lo him, la could get elected. Bit it pu axles wiser head than -ours, to e into tke arcane of New-York politic. A poet -office hat been estabfiahed in Jnef county, in thin state, named Caneear. No doubt it will be a nmfortoib concern to the people ia it vicinity. Pxtl fr Shae-mttktri.k Mr. MacKay, of Philadelphia, baa aent to the- Editor of JMe of tbe nenpapera in that citv, a Pafxr Pautm, eiplaininr bow . tbe .upper . .leather, quarter, strap, and lining of a shoe, mar be constructed. all ' ana piara, wa'aevl e aixgh tram ! Do snr I wf our iwrewKwi wohankhe underatand thief If so, we shall be pleased with an opportunity of making it known through our columns. thtrprice vt VJ& rent per acre, offifty cents, in proportion to - the time, tbey - bave-beetv-in.abe Wednttdaifi Jatu JlO. -In Jbe. Senate, yeaterdny, the w Bill to provide for the lo cation of the two. townships of land reser ted for a seminarf of learning in-the territory of Flonda, end to complete the location of the grant to -the Deaf and Dumb Asvlum of Kentucky, H after some discussion, was ordered to third' ree ding. The "Bill to graduate tbe price of public lands, and to cede the refute to the Statesin which they lie," wat consid ered, and strongly supported, in an able ipoecb,! bj Mi. BartOQ T6.biUi willi Tbe Editor of the Newburyport (Maasachu aetU) Herald, state, that, be baa pubUrhed that paper for more than twenty-fire vtM( and. during that period, Jtai witnessed the failure thirteen dilTerent attempt to get up rival paper in that place. How many aaernea of this kind there hate ben lit the to a ef .Salisbury, durinf the all or aeven i tesrsour tftHK4inent 1 tLWtn f tfoiaoii:. wat: raff .auadenc quence to any one C trteM wraflfj to be worth freMi:-jkwa Pfe four ner .cent. :tKio.r our pertehtr -. fn;irieUSKrvi "The Manhattan Fire Insurance Com panvv four and a half per rent. - The United States Fire Insurince Com pany, three aod a half per cent. 4 met Noble has been re. elected a Sen ator from the State of Indiana for. tbe term of six years, from the 4Mb of March next. . A deposite of 9000 dollars, in headed pistsreens, was made in the State Bank, Sostosy on Satttrdiys 1 6th oh, : iff By' reference to oiir ad"vertlinc c3umC it will be seen that the Rev. Jiass Raaii hu opened a School in thi town, tar the instruct jon of youth in the rarinut branches, aa well of an English Education uof me faigher departraeoUv of learning preparatory to entrance into any w the. Universities. And it ii with much sstisfaCi tion we are enabled to rtate, that that Sen tlemart has been engaged to take charge of the Presbyterian Church in this place, as weeeswr to the Rev. Dr. PatsM, and will devote the whole of hi anoatolic labors to the tervicc of the People in connexion with thi Church. . IKpm are now three reralarlv -onfamre Cburcbei ia the tewa ef Saijabrjr,

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