alii J lit fW U It Kil Vdt ittflif. (hi w-rM MU ' W- ft rf tmmm. - 1.4w.a i(of Ml t B.ii Aa- Wat U4 iwk li- iwWiiWh 14 . "4 M IV n f)t U 44twAm. fa tM tr. . 4 ml IM I B bU i t" at ,g taWt M, t4 M Ma ft" f , lb Ubct- "M la.l the Uittf nuu I UrTi Fray fa ftoaW fVw,' Iky M U a3al im g it4 (IHMtlM f U4 tatlM?? .wiMtVHM,fe") t:l to,SluUf 11.4, w t Un:J W baft MBt (Mi vt . CVw m BMrt covt i4i ' u f..:i f f l1 l?yUr. tf I t.Jl J tit tvf W fjtcA 1Kb, If h)n r4 r- m4 ia wMitfi4() !r' 1,1. 4 a, 'i t4 M - ! M i fcHvMWglM . Al ftft Natod tbf W ltaB4, , "i't aWJUact at, ft ( - . .11 i . . - . . M '" ' 1 . J a im oar nr mn vm i pat awnfy aW! t4 M W tiwwi IM awl it fcd, TVs MK( af b-a fasd, Tfp !, m ta Ba4a''t? awe i fca a lUfr, m Ira tWt WW prJa bare J. Ad Wad a ! up ta F'aa rJ, l.d, nfi i Fa ib tM pr, U kf.W. , 1V iu7 ntflM! I 4 W o f tl f tow vrtl fr4 K(Mm WL La uu tun jif r If rr rr wm w w p- i w I 4 i fiM if iml A( B.fkuuHf toe Attn tire mm, f'",l .. I ll'V-f I. Ill C ipvnrocru. n Mr(imr MUkALilltLm.4r Jt-I4JJi,xwn,f t4il9 kStCOWl ff'If. kOi U)! M iU W, 44 Uf lU m mT-" - M Hh m.1 l)Mi Tl4 lrihilhiiiit .(.Iu,. 4 totflh 4 xt U IMla, . W. tr. "Wr d. UT t, ,f 'nTt7. ,1.7" 'u ' m-m. u &ttoV mi tw c HUM1 WttUf Uf M kl llkrrHv t IB- lU" I TIB f m4 v ftp1 W , A ad iUi lU4 4to m BHt . IW BOBBp olW pl, to IB fM olW fr to tUk tfun. ptm.g M) na to to. Ttova, m mtmm ft4 brt, U toifM m4 Uf4 lW dMKrWttC Mtr tojIBbW i k'ifB toto M IM Kit tW ILtl. m a.M Im to iiimmi' iIm tmm BZaHHSB M ( ! ftoif tfJ 01 lrHA lfOIT COBlfVKll 1 lk to af (U " Ifi'Bft.l Kll hill Of (K lUUrd. Mil eW-M;toI, IW IW r. to IM li rrlWf lr hfd BM4l fcy ill fr pcr-l. n,,' 4J bvltCf U rfUf, Of mm i, ,W,Uf la W of aa ' ' " ' ..(ft td fOi Ihf lOfmcf Ol r4. filr atoB to f,tolWll.l W-Jiar VtrB 4rta-4 M Umm U I Urj. " m f , .l-.. I ft . I I itiiiml lm. anil vrniiu1 ekala. ara uni . . .4 i . i anf ft a ro. ii " " a -r. - r r 1 a. " 1 - Ti ! twa tittM a0O M rn"I awriiM " ria Vf ia mmux n M , Qir0nlJr lOIOflf Ul IfllClf Ol .ft . . - I . .L.ft . "- H' "a ft, , to Mtume Biof ana afvftJ toU, M naa,u W a-fUll Maaallaf a ara a4 fiiVV. 0O3 m W ivaj, M f liaavi CfL .tUtoUf IM ki V Wt&Bal Wt, Uj J aiMffi 0 Kn, U lt. M lU tH W taaa; Crk. ft.lf.Ji-X IM had a lUMB Itovt. win., r, raw, ! nWtv-'Vi t k WIUairt mmty bVVwWi (Mwr tM Kkr llaak ft PhaB, IM (! Haul of MartkftilAs ttatojr., K f (pa fwf tkwta ai HUa, afmto IM aai ft IM laraf lo7 a! ffV, hf a...( ft,,, , Wk (W avM vary J 'j00 1 TWl(loltolMluoH.liftUtokiial- lrflVf rwwn toU i 4 hlmtUi LtM iBat, to BMJ4 tU (M ' 'lff aaaWB I W ' la pAmfi ' crtof, ftl . . VT, vhtaw immd M iatX'JU H lWa. (( ' . . . . . hi altaftV af llw toaJl aJJr BHtrtUr r- I ' salisbL'ky, ja.nuaky so, itar. Ar. White: I bite radwiih much urpritr, ibe nilce yuu look ia your xpcr cf Ibr Ret. Jom'.bio O. Free. xnB4 taJc'dklory rmoo to the people of Tiftbur)'. At home your remark trt well nderiooJf aod duly pprc dated but ibruad what oill the pub He think t ind bow mtitl the Htv, breacher feet, when he rrad them VVellmar heeiclaim, in the laaguage of iheSpoUh prnverb, " 3re roe from my frieodi ! Y u aay, "ioaffrctinj n the addreii, that the eyet ol neir tai aitaf mf tV 4 My lUrmnnlrr k rw bifrtiBjarni. toaut tract tU txrl. fta4 ml H ar.irff T m rrjiuiis. TM MloaUf k BM af tttf mm mUquemt . n ,r pn ftf I V fJrioA. The ffpUlft lvttcK wbkti weoflrrt to toi arra. Urn, linn for the r &4t f ' ' nhim tU at m tocrcaat of qutn cor. cuvrvj (he lclliin t Vw Twk. h kMreif tf trr? flnet al aitenfiafi Gt C ef) iHrea)enoi K Bailoo. I, m i mI', ftwfwl'ni to virrtm n Hfi it of iuirrrt' In Biritr rnnir from him. rll ol lortl t n'Knil lr ifj U rrfcrr io ihe poinI of 'hf lW Ur4r4 Km ra Ta mum irif it. ami no M fmiW W IM tWnW, aH aW hW'-b to Ifcf tH'arTi avlr' 'mi L towuy iTOna V,tnte of Jamt k ckei. T'lf aiKir-vKft-f Wif, '' SBkMr Irna of M a i mnirtf eou. t ikr a4 Wi. irt af .IwuuaTvf ma OB Ka i af Amt at-ftra, ll Mnn tnwnl, 4rM. ft n. kV to bQ pa MrvaJ a awl fir, to BMke taaidur parawW i ui fhamt Wrf mmfn) trvaat H. arjll Maaraf iVm. trvtfnf naicW4 fee. ilha laj .limr lin itj T Mvia IMv vin y banaJ rttofrrr. te. BofitiAC ftKtolf to wti Caar mailt arvl rrmi.W WD. B Tll.inx. . Wr. W 21. M. Mmtn 34 ftAtl. I nrVal tfMt BB IM atotl af a.-. Tr-j.k. f1'ft Cr. m-J tfa4Ml Otwt, IM tatxk afiawtJi 11m, Cv Vb. Jinc, IUmjMB Mao Bad BMf iW btaft If ml fitoaiwl AVrajty, to BBliafy mmjry k t aa to kaaJa aTkiMl bob. k. i t tl, . atort Foe tiKTvm aB, Lmmf. Hr4i la Cfm, caaata l dctkftif (4 aaj Lifttly rtdacj M Ma(j(BraJ. VU'Wa ,Ka I diftlike the nn who drliln'rie !r trifle wiih the a(Trrtion nf woman, f would rather bkr hand wiih highwavoant than with grntlemin who hat aacrificrd to hit oa vanriy ' ihe liff-lona happirr of an inrlpr. If the whole ataenblr were auffnted rieoced sir). I fcr ihn mrl of run. Wh Mm Thll fin 1 nllp ia Amrt k ka iuK,iiil u ' . . r . k. - L.1 t ... w WLk -f .U- .T J ft.k'..k c.. i r- i c... ..fl k..i.i. . .k. I rvfiiapflnf 1 Bfwftj ihrw flntftW etlWiaal. wvcui uii uhuviiiii hhiiiii oaicu, inu icmir iu" win wir jt j rjirM,n jitwi hi f wrtaii Ito Ural tiT a laift BotaM Bui be cd bv our uuzeoa lor Iheir late amia . the rihtt "I their in. ov 'CCtDiinj : ' in iie union, errr nn mem Bftiion, fier mnirkinr i tJrni piifT .houM V ftrt.!mi. to ftfti-.; V.t.U 0f UftXntft aMoTCQU. VVG lik1!! Bil Irtlrr of ft lmintilrfttioB njiiofi. 0f'i'r fllrjion mke Ihe f'iiainp 'urw iso4 ,'ioo uiKrti ub irom fftniriinr or io nii in(r ourarifct -mm lK Ihr foMlr rr.irirrm'M ol Other II m tkrataf HariMrm. Im 11 e af Retain fminl. leM. I lrif H fxrvwi to ilcbtrd io mm! rHitr, to mlf (mmrtile pay. Bvrn' 1 ftml all who hf rlaiito aoina It, art AVnAava4BB. X4m raBay . rol'VT ot rW ami Qsittt tewiiana, tV wW itraL IMi M.n Nrer m. o4i II ft srMtinal atlaehawBL Wid to Wad. la lb caar, k arpearf to tU ra'tc I'm, af lU BflH thaf Ike (WfWftat l WlTt af ftBathar itolf, r w lb, ardrrad bf ibft ronrl. Ikal tba) t1atbaW B4 aJtr?Ml )m im ITaira I arntftiftB Io ai tka, fur ibt 4fa.Uat Io ppaf at IM Mai Court FVat and QaHr mbbob ib M beld tor m'td omafiy, al Ih cmirt4MNi IB trfMMMf, BB lb ftfcaad MoruUt in Mirth nit anJ-pWad. aBr, at demvr. otarraaw htdfwrni AmI 1U b Ukn pilktt hvav, BCrt&f to pWimif f VSfttL M. 6H7 y c. R. MOQRCe.r. in ine union. hie naator t and furDiaheal aiiih nri! ih Vnantr nf a man. Bhrj1 'iehti A Dleaiio cvideoce that the anottnlic ! hat brenmr notorioyi .r ih cn'ctt I Afk taetnpt, futile a th tot 1. 1 f .,. k.ft ...f .t-.. .if .i.t . .. it a:.' mrr, beta mi0 o a rutrtn Ikhiw A . t .r a a b a a aa i aa ii ay w wppipm awa wtty aa4 4aa W aloa a4C4f I , ' . lion of II ait i in bv of their frcotrrr i Xfftff iera trad' rthgiiut rtforma Uonamonfui. According ( thti ac eouo V l" preacher- ia not only Whitfield in pthot, but ia likewise Xuther in argument, and ia the great arpr k of reformation. But have you Ttt ti learn, that teara are not atairi .a proof, either ol aorrow or pietir r In reference to the great moral and reft wnuf reform vou apeak of.. truth rc qulrea aie ld:iart that. tlie. people o 'SihbaryJ'mfiw-Xccpu69 are noi'yet Satota. What then muat thev hive been before thia ' Holy apoatje o Cod" (aavou call him) came among thrm, and wrought the great moral and rtligtout reformation ! I They, like the people of our country in gen eral, have been, and are, keeping pace with the- improvement! of the arc But to y that a great reformation 'baa been achieved by the labours .f . IVf r. Freeman io Salisbury, is to assert more than can be substantiated by factt, Doubtle't Mr. Freeman has done aome good during his labours of ' aiz veart t but to ascribe to him all the merits of the reformation, if it were true that such a mighty ope has -Seen effected, would be casting unmer ited reproach on twi other clergymen, who are esteemed by many at least equal to nim m zeal and piety. And lest the friends of religion at a dis- upon, who hat nncr rwen err tf afTrcrianate woman I - When, bv etiln ivr attentiojM, you have riciled a tt gtrd, by the developeraent of talent, or by the ditplav and devotion of jenon. al graces you have fcin4trd the mind and the hrart, when, by the alting! and the ainktng eve, the faltering voice, the fervid tone, the retained hand, you have awakened the passion - 1 1 L iki .. . I - . L .....n. A mm J.J lone rior in i v v apl irftunr ' r I ... . h . iT.ti.jl ft. ft. ...i.. A'artA-fVaBaa, .tftabr raaf Ot'ltf of fl and Quartor Naakwa, eta ber Irrau 121 t f.asaW! 4Kbrf ta. fltonc W. forti orirlaal aKacbawBt, lH M bumI. lie. a tb4 eto t aapaBitoff B4 eataartioB of tk eoart iKat tM oVIVadaal il Ciiitra of aBother atalr, tt it ibtreftjta ordrtti br tb eouH, that aWaahaaaal bo Wtw4 lb Erie rtntt. tt does ...... . - --f-g- . i. .-,Ai. ...- I.- V.- L.- lf r.l i wneiiitr ine rrn I f wrmmrni nav power. IVUOUI'UI HI Wllin HIU"1" 1,1. .'1.1 " L J. ft 1 "K6tertenr,ta comtrtirt fflend roads j TnVen up.iinA CfimmUltd rr0 kt JM mf Unwtn ttmmntr, K. IM Im I Iftkof uriat, 15?, BttTOBtoB, bo in h Wtaicra CafOnViaa fat ail vttAA aW iba .1. .kl. A . k f-" n"a-- -'. .7"" orreiinain.w arp"r a. -- T 'H ,-v., , ... i"" i-ek bicht nv ht h-n tna maatft abowt a otttftl .,( Quorttr atioM ta b neJ for aaid eaua rounienatKe Irom hlher authontiea. nor in ih KUt of ftcorjpa f u booirht by I trr at The twin aa Ja. tmartoay oa tat ran it lor moment oe btU'Tfi ihai claim to prepotterout in its avump'ion and to perniriout m its results, aould ai any time H eocrxiraetd In ant quarter the ijiirti of internal imnrottment It rapidly trending; In etery ftircc'loo. Iti hi htrome aqura ton of threat momrn. JokiwM, !at tprinr. Matthew W ilhaav atennd MoBday ia March Mit. thtfl aad tbrrt atxi. at Charlnttt Oxirt-Hmiar, Inrtn'ia. Tk I to Dkrad, aiwatr or iewr, OthtrtM kidf nrat a ft a 1 . . a ( . a . .a onr It rrnuiren to rome irtnrara, pfot 1 final vi" be takta aniaat DtaB, aiwrXkUBaTloiM property, pay cliaire, and tike him y. riF.LPlNG ILtTER. Jliimt. ibW V. C. ..f. tf, taiM. 94 pkmtilTi demand. 6Uf M. R. MOORE, e. e. Br C I- lAtNER, JLt !.I-r OF LKTTF.K8 rMAIMMj in Ihe Poat-lXRce at Hiattwilla, S. tIon tbe.Itt ! of ianuanr, 187. Brail Jftilvft -- r. .for f otia-Jbb . Bracken John 1 Robrrtion Geo. W. Camrtt fJit-Mlb Kitchent JotiiT - Raadela amitb Heid Cataandra Mra. P.llia Allen Francia John Iv donC thifinercolri W-od "of van- ity, ana ii autta ynur convenience, or i- ,hM ioW. .hd lithr anrh sated coxcomberv, to finish the scene j power, if not lreadt vrtied. ouehi nol to fWare TaWI-a hv altered' mien, a dittant rnurtetv. or ! k. f II, -i. .M k. I lfciall riioiru ' , .'ftmri' r .. .a."" " ' ' " - I i ft m ft 1' . mr t an rfnrH.inn f anrnri. .f ik ' f..nJ .!,!-. mt .kl. , mA1w,an wortf 1". m' v .r ' , .r. ... " .' . . . rwaoUJamea pectrd rtlrctt 01 vour civilitv win you be able to quirt your conscience with a jest I Will you sleep ton an ad ige of foolt, or a lie of your own? What ifi the poor being, whose hope you hve changtd intn deapair, wb ae garden u have blasted with mildew and rost whoae heaven you have darken. ed fr evermore, shall suffer in silence, stiiving to bcir htr a-irrow, praying for chcerftilneaa, pard"ning wjthout forgetting vou, till the worm hat eaten through to life, and the bodv iseraan- ipated which you have led to te danre, the voice is broken on which you have hung, the face wan which you have flattered, and the eyes right after devoting; to it all the consideration to which, from its importanre. it it enti tied. I think b due to a aente of dutv and! Ftla Garrald a anJrir nf uiluii In mm! lha ma noin-1 Gideon 9ftrah Mrs. ion it rq.,.llt tiofttile to its pottestion or J"'". eierrite, or nt intrs'meni in ine n1! ,l M. L. tional anthontiet. fin pt-reelte In It Jonaton YSm. 8. nothinK leu than tba harhincrof cer ainj Kiny Mary Mrt. diniriinn tnih ataf tnrrmmpnlt. noriLtwiaA. L. can we hat tee that it at onre hrek down the barrier between a government for na twnaJ or eitenor aff lira, and lornl govern mentt for domettic or interior ronremt At well miht Congress take tognitance of agriculture, common schools, unitersi tie, penal codes, civil rights, and the whole rsnjre of local and internal reguh tions, as of roads ind canals. A how Lemay Zachariah Mcljiuehlin John McCray Poll) Mia Morran M. Norricr John 3i47 Smith William Shaw William Bteplienaon James flmith Jaeob Stuert Abner Ftert Robeat Smith James Phipp Rartlett 'Sharp Franktla Stroud Andrew Wemorlir,d RJitfe Woodward Mr. Welch James Wilon Jametfl. Hoodaides James JAS. MTCMGHT, P. M. fully bright with a funeral lustre, which )flf1nfr John Blackbouro ever the general government isposesedl John Calloway nuiiniftt itnm.ini. and haa ATrlii tance snould SlCketrwltn aDDrehenstoiHtTarrttflaMwIv raHianevind hnrv. nnrl i .1 .!. . i . I Hubbard rftV--.- ro-i- l ,'r ... .:; . . r-r-"a.-aWnWMfYcrn5Miv,, 1'.,.,, . . tor inc ia oi oauaourr, t conceive it love, when tney gazed upon you r sources of revenue, I believe thit the u-, " crime. an act ol numanitv to intr.rm them, What if a prouder temper, a more ar- poyerof distributing the necessarv tundt j,Cob Criipioii that the two humble mintatera f dent imaeination. and a stronger con- aman the several states for object t ol I Samuel J. H aTat . I .Mi il ft. i.nnst wno mil ojjictaxe there, are deemed able, under Providence, to prevent the full return of darkness and superstition, till another "Apoa. t!eabaU:appear..,, ,. .,... .. f!onv!nrd that vnu do not wish ta 'ix eltWvwaiaw fmmi tka5J?!W!U Ifi . for JUSTICE. rXf IndiflriCTt partonw elude, on readinf tne aoove, tnai gmetojy Had been wantonly assailed, in the brief notice we took of the farewell sermon of 'the Her. Dr. Freeman , bnt if, in paying a common tribute to bim, (to whom we then thought, and of which we hate tinrr been ctnvincttL, ve meted, but sheer " juticeH) we used language that has been construed to cM the aligbteat imputation on others, we can five the most lolemn mrance that it waft foreifrn to our intention to do tn. But can the unbianard reader ditcoter any thing In oui remark, exci-pt by a latitudinarian infrr erce, which castf " reproach" on any one f We believe not for wr mimed no one hilt Dr. Free man i ror djd we.mak any companion between bis apo'ltolic lahorn and thn?e of the other Cler- jymen in the place r cor impute to aia agency 1 magmation, and a stronger stitution, should lead to spite, and impatience, and recklessness of good and ill if a hasty and loveless mar! riage should be the rack of her soul, orthe provocation of her sin ! Is there maclragora could J4r&g'' ytt; to-aleep-' does there reaiiv live a man wno could a at aa .y-v a a mumpiT in anew mtter wo f u oeiteve it not. For the salifbf ouf fiousehotd Goda. cll it arid cause it to' be a lie ! Be ye sure that coquettes a;re the refuse of their aex, and were only' ordained to correspond with. the coxcombs of "urs. Women have their weaknesses, and plenty of them, but they are sel dom vicioui like ours' and as to their levitv of heart, who shall compare the wordlv, skin-deep fondness of a man, with the one-run indblatry of a vir tuous girl i A thousand thought dis trict! tbouuDd pawioni are a lubsti- public. improvement, ought to be incor por-td in the constitution, if not recbg niaed u already in existence." LIST OF LETTERS ttUklk'IftVr! . ilia. Iv Clflnm mt f aina rinll.lU III 3 V voi-'inv. aa a.,i,,p ion, N. 0. on the lat day of January, 1837 J', ,r. James Lome John Re id John Scot- Molly Sluder Daniel Swine: Fredenck"Thom ptbi William Thompson Thoma Twidwell Carhart Wallen William Wilson w b a aVI James Dabbs Davia Atoftr of A orth- CuroMna, JJncofn mty I St'PEKIOK Court ofUw Ortobar tena, ICtti . David Utalock rt. Nanry Bialock t ptlitipt fiir ditareav It apprii,t;la the tbecmir', that Nanet Rtakxk, the dafimdaat, a) " not aa inhabitant of tliW Stat r It l tberrt-a- ordrred by aotirt, that pabbcalMMi M itmit three mmithi in the eatern CaroMiuaa, girinf notice to her that abe make bcr pcraonaJ pearanct before the Judffe of our "tiptrioe Court of Uf, at the next Court to b held fir nid county of Lincoln, at tbe eourt-houar in I Jncolnton, on the 4th Moaday after the 4di Mondat of March Of if, then and there to tn twer or dc ur tn the aaid petition, otberwitt it will be tiken pro rtnr, and beard tx, and adbxljred aocnadiAarty. Witnew Uwann Hen leraon, Clerk of saii Court, at Iftincolnton, the 4t h Morda after the 4th Monday of eptembtr, A. D. 1X26, and ia the 51t year of our Indrnendence. LAWSON HENDERSON, VK Price adt. 84. ' Srat Stati of ArtWn&wi, htdeil tomtit i ftOURT of Pleaa and Quarter eaaion, Sat. ) Term, 1336, John Watti Eiocutort a. Joaeph Wattit Motion to admit tbe Will l probate. In tbii eaae H U ordered by iba court, that publication be made for tut a eek sitely in the Weatern Carolinian, tbat Aadrea i Watt. James Watt William Watts ami mw ReTiecca, who arer inhabitant of other atito, appear at the tvett court f Fleas and Qntrwr Seaaiona-oLlredeJl county, on the 3d Mondif of February next, then and there io shew cii ftmilton Reuben Holmea James Kennedy 3(47 B. D. R0UN8AVILLB, if any they have, why the paper in wntinr,piir- portintr to be the last will and teatameiu " Crosa Examination. A witness VaetoTftgc k- Commission RVSWFSS. ltelve.eit1iliiK'rnre.-or -our'-cotirta, mFiMMr; rf Canatr and ITilton hating - - -j - . . .,.Y.L ... i J!...l..-J Ik- ar j - a iiituuuiai . ,., - . - aswavni an uuanv"ii mv-iii,i i i aa laaaai aw aa tittxwr aaw ..nataajTiaaA-afci uumi. auiiiiavn sww Af u k .. Id "a t aakrCI OV 1R rmiDaid I,L.' u r,I' th lmltn.hnt ,nm , K-1 4rMIBT mi ami inunr uariiinafjerinv Tor the defendant! boir the plaintiff Ren-lsubacrib-rj who nhw iwpeetfuny tendered John Watts, should not be admitted to probtte. Witneat, Abaalom K. Simohton, Clerk of J aid court, at statesVifle, the -Id Monday J Novembet, A. D'. 1836, and in the Myearol oar Independence, - A.K.81M0NT0N.C. Price adv., i. "elfairrroaerf':"'""' tVitnestlle generally ridea a-strad die, sir. .. ..'..'.1 Counsel How does he ride in com. panv ? r!7n-.If he liaa good horse he always keeps no. Courucl-Hovt does he ride when he ta alone. fTrnm-Really, i I cannot aay, for I never was in company with him when he rode bv himself. CeunteKYom may suad aside air. tbe jiublie hir errice"fir the tranaaction of I eiaifdea . BaVOttirjil.ajtlalH 1. hoiiineaim'hli Irne S ftl 1 - 1 ft 1 In Ch-i-aur. virv fiicililv in rerpivino' and I and the aummonrdaa Garniaheea.1t forwarding Cotton to my addrem, will be aflbr- to the'Mtiiifaetion of tba court that the defen ded by mv former partner, Mr. Wilson, who will dant, Aleiandef Rea, is not an inhabitant of hi represent' my interest -in that place. The aub- is therefore ordered by the court tw seriber hopes, by his industry, pnnctuality, and publication be made for six week I aqcceaMve? attention to business, to merit a continuance of in the Western Carolinian, printed In Saliw1")'' public patronage. HENRY W. CONNER, that unless the nid Alexander Rea appert Charkoton, JVti. 1, 1826. 3mt51 . the net court of pleas and quarter aassioM w - - ' be held for the enty jf Davidson, at the court. i;iUmii ffvim th rnnrTnnf Cnnnr houae in Ilinrton. on th 3d Moiid?V Ul Marc and Wilson, in' Charleston, the ubcriber re- next, and replevy and make hiiaself a pa' spectfully recommends hi former partner, II. judgment final wiH be entered ajrainfttbioi," W; Conner, to his frienda, for a continuance of the amount in rarnighee',hand applied in their natronare in ill favor. - - Vf aaa B Wrtt B, charge of aaid Tudirmeht. -Bt51 Attest! DAVU1 MOCK,.' I j 1 1 ) J : I h f ;.bi lii fb 71 Ii lo te of thi e n h. Jehi c ne .Of .ot Lads mo at Wi rerj mal ..txv auc vill .fect -('-4- B J . t oft "rinoi .can .put! j i tUti the 4 dlai A,.

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