Z1 ' S O A, A r II ' M ' 1 1 T Mil ' j.t fir: I ' I. II ! -- . HAMSIIUIIY, .V. CTUi:si).V, 'f KHltUAUY. C, i27. v.a .TV itf V to. f (Wf . . . . . , 1 1 . . . rpr tivtm t f"tx n wi TW0nv re tit ft. A Jfi e U M Ui m4 tm wl o.'l ttik t4 ik fuH U l Mrl - J$rrja.Yt rS'.YmtJ.1J. Oa ihelitd.y 4 .aa).rylkMr,ik aAfiitfr.ry of the Vkiory at h'aaOr. Uaa; Ike LUmt rereifltt 'k f4a kik UeUiwe mt PeayraUl- fir a tl Kf h ! i j ..j . A A. ... . ' I , .... ' A - t . ' I iba aa hy Grw. )tt, taoA4a4 - be Cal. Riimi, aM at Ah4 alihut a ' " - I m m mI - i . i f ft. yTj a 5J., WktrV'hn Indite Vin.P.l.c. . . v . r. . . - . l . .. . f .L . M . .1 . , . ' - t p v w -r9 ' in in m i i a. . m bt w r w hh t mm atom mm m a an J- - -1 ' . ..j tkl iV-f of bck. NlM 4J l rt r)uM. i4 kit . . i i liiiiii AIAI Am A I k a f a L i - - : i - - - r m-ilg.,Ummm U ? IM4lk. .f 3t ,0 30 . ,r. iprH.M. H. pmU.4 - TW. W .i. . ' T. .... ' " T d4 ,lM,d , ..M . l .4 lwn 100 Ta,r. ...... I f M . . I ltU of ik! i.WititMai Tjfdd fcntoilrftac'' AW 10 r'ctwk, U urytij affutit mtk n,J Soldi. r- a., U K. T1 fl ra la a vB.f4 pr', W'J I uppi of umtrrl .irxrWrK 1 Km H atyW f txM aawa, acaty wtry. C.biih In U aM lm b dliWon of laa jr t4f a Ika 111 U tfc T4iiui( I Jliliij., t coatinaa U in iwcrtt4t ai aaeaJafvraii Mm af lW umanry. TwN.ra la tttrt t.r, nilf command immfi) mnirt m a araaa bowf, a gby ln aaw cxitcvr pi nm xiimm. i f o rrJUJ UV tWW AfevWaMait aLa i.Irf Inwrutlon o tW Cm? la ba atrrL aUJt Ucr.J tud.aat Uaafk I Pt J l IU bt lfc Uorrmmeni cf 1 Il IH II bf CixnftKf of 'If M lai 4r, cm lb. U H Vf H,WHUlt ffofn im 6alii(t mi (rvulmrri m.ir a ftajfil npo on tl Uf a rrM of Uod ion ia Imakt aja, J SfiftaJtr. OUm. uU. rUj .i-l uMT-f, mi a:.rf,f..lm ef Ida ruUt. him m, -at par tha iAtcr.1 Malta, fn mm a romwif ai wm.inc m ihp in. r l.lfrla.l.. L-rlW,. f.m flfT. ... l f 0mrfdfr lk D.Mfl f a Kill hhh iKa fnf, fce. It U proj:a .laaib.l "ompktl ! rfofl, nloc le lh General Gocrmr m aa.tl p.r ttt i y 6e of 5y ,crr f ot) mJ fiMHMitala nrr.r.r.1 Ik;.! ..f i in r Hi t fur the irrm of it t- Tk bill ! li1 (MimMd. brtlilM tfr rrm. . being put w in pica. . miU for If. Mil. nr. Pror Muml.n.t Mr fwwon h"Pl tl W re alto lo be pr-widrd mf p.ii. ' f he hole annual rircntr toth L'niu. m i . . ; vaaa Ta ii4m mnni. Zrtrtt irtur fem A&AtGi, Tattr. i You; Uf t fmi6rl to bear aorea lalnf about General J ark ton. I vivitrd jbln at bit frmr((he tfermlrt;) and luoj blia Uitily ertgigcd ith bit rmion croptbkb ibii vtar it vtlued ai J53CXX) j rtliaiiird, be from 82.(x0 to hl?'"lT,,!rV,,Df oJk1 8 JOOXX) perannBm.atm.il tarn, in our J A MAai fl alaaka !. la.ae akk A.l Oioioflt for ibe acromplithmeul of to jrtal and detlr.bie to object. Hal. PfflHtr. F-VGLtXJf paint aW ICYOa.fA CK. Aa Aarican In Frtnct, ata nir lo fit ricmf m Mtacli-icti, Hnddaie of I Mi Oct im nt-lirleaoi rntrcb.ni, ano ac mmptled rat, titled, tbai It it aorlb tl leatl cent pound In adrtoce of the totrket price. Every Iblnjf about ibe place beart tbe inarki of roeibod and food., naoarc meat. A aril built and coro rood tout datlHoe: boutCi htodtome tft tk0Of.il plainJf Jumitbadf aiib an CS Jaukra tbe folloit; ooamatlMw la rUu to tenarat tardea. coroCortaUa out houca.(be wide at rnw"ee a b KriH in food tod aell atocked barni and it.btet, ' rj mJ ptW of ... . . . . . . 'Ilk. I' Hi. I.. . od tbe role r.rm, about soo acrtt, la I , , complete fendni, proclaJrn blm the belt " An EnRll.bman It at once rernj'iPd firmer in- the nciirhbourbood. Tbe "I Wlf f pMtniy ,t frinknen'of Mt" m.ntiert.aod unoatenta- "lr"" fomihe Amrtlcn from the tjjt. totpUalUrVrt,:cbararlriHict T F?M,U.'-'40 J0t and Ibe poiitbed.eentleratn: Eterr tblne ,KRed lookt, tnd Wa dwtant and boat him bem in air of cbcerfulneit, "Rh,T earruite. mii t the ttener.l in ahlcb. rele on it. fear can bare no eh.r.cier of tbe RntlUh in tbit cur, tbe a-ru-. a uronrrr rnoti.a. efrrtion. an- "umber Of whom it Immente. 1 hey are Deariioeeerr tclioooflhote ho inf fter,u "tonUMnglf iRnormt of ttur round Mm. !Ii bealib h better than it wuntrf. wott 01 them teem to hare a b.t been for year. 'He a.lki whh tbe kInd of Bn 'i M f ' ftf .m-,n rf,,H.. .. f.ft. wooOt, omeahere, ahicli It called -.it owe weekii. moVtnt hit boa"VnJ in,r5";;: B !h,e"!,rt.:U- KtkhnieTlrrt!btck.l5amin diy. He ,na rennro lire mere, arema ia oe ao bit juit returned from a urney to K?h'r Inconceivable to. them. I .i rior nee, Alabama, ahich he performed "ked ,he 0,her dMJ b enl ,0pk,,,IC ' onborrback,l30 mUei,oatten1tothe Engli.hman, at tbe Hold Din,, if the butlnen of to eitate, of ahich he it EnJ'lh "gue tpoken in the Uni- ecoor.oot like the Premier, to d. a ,e? rtnu f" lnon it i-r irom fitdaelectloneeHnirbusineiionthe aav t W rare from Frenchmen a aell at for he abtoratelr-refuted to ttop at Engliahmen. Our country man. Mr. Coo Trurittville. ahere they aere detirout of tT l1 of Ut ',0, &e'J l hfr' riring him an ni Le"wjburg dinner. ,nd children re at achool. A abort loeverin mr Ufe aaa a man more be ,l.me he.r mittrest pretented her Wed by hi. prhate friendt who poea ,nj? Vncr cnrK" w" " ted, in Rreater decree, the confidence fr n EnKl..h teacher. Mr. Cooper told ofthoaetrousdhim. Uotwo neighbour! "' .u,u "l" - - " ditpute.he 1 chosen umpire to settle Uuht Enf,lVn' for,h7 ,?okehe ,an- their difTerencea. ha man about to die, PfJrf?C,lIf1 ,r" he be it eot for to cheer hit Um momenit, ""nished, (at Mr. Cooper a lanorance. - Ind be the depotitore of his will. He PP') nd replied that it was hiKhIy hit I don't know .ho many, adopted nece.sary that they ahould hat. a teacher kit,lp.n .iU .(.. ana hi. .r..inkln. hat they nii(?ht, indeed, be able to eao more :rVtt time than his W Pk th l-"RUKa li"leb U H M..-i-S much f his Drivate eh.r.et... k"d firwMciot Lnghsh. Ur. . Of bis public character and services his " "ked lhfl other d.y, at the tabic Country is well inrdrmeoTand I can only her.- be dines, if Bolit was not ldd. that, take him altogether, he is the rVebuJejnlQfjhe United St.tes! Instances .tr.nrrlinarr man of th ...e.1 f theae-abaurdmoarandeveawonejneii . . . tare exceedingly common. Still there . ij MILITIA. ,re nariyof the French aho have correct P-'i t ffi ...r.ntl ItukioM of our country, its literature, ?atWtshinon City, (at ahich General government, itt freedom, prosperity Winfield Scott presided) it ahom it was na .J ' Ik. 6.rr.l."nf. Wir tn I m.ke t Report on the organization of the . pttttmvluUon. When persons arc Militia. aiatWthe deficienciea of the n love, thty put the best tide out- iiisUria: or ihirttlon; ind tecommending wardtr-A tnan iho ir, deairout pi aucn ivcmeuirt aa,- in iucir-juimHituMipreaonrjjj wuvtuva-vaiv ww will reer our " We hsve jusfbten fayored with copy pcreone oftea etiidr for tlx tnotuhrtew . .1.1 ,. LI- T . S.L I I r . Ot inia vaiuauie uapori, wiio babWe pc gDOther. SOCj inoui Documents appended to it. Alive ?. .... ,l. ..;.u ew it pretent do, it to tute tome oHtt hef Jenjain5er tbeir Uves for orjtlinet. 1 - I. . .. :.; .. - iri.. j.r..i. .rii. m...i ... Itneir aissimuiauuu. flhimkaat-ti' fAilitrh the ct of 1793 holdt to teryice the or t Mertt.-Tme merits, lite a river, dinar mutteri are deemed to be useless, the deeper it is, the let noise, it . worse.inan useless, irons ine waui ui iwaa-ca. not pt II the IrKituurv .er dit pned io K'.ni a f.r of ilU kind to anv one, lr hoped it would be to an Amcri can. anJ.not to For. ioe'. Tw. I ruv th.t ihe pe'"' wkiM orove et hit f itnm.rii. II rel-M ftt b fv poaia .ivd Ao4 (lllif.lt it at profiled If kf w.t rnln Ik.l a fair MprnfM wooM be made lo lal I he ilubJenet. tl our dim tie far the pro dor, ion of ike grp, be t Sou Id be dlt lt be anore Ubrral. Mr Tfnom hoped the mcm to etrkt out muttld md pftf.il. . The object for bkh ike lal w.t aolki'.d, to m.ke tprrimtbia ia tbe eul'O'e of ibe vine The prif'hrtrr tntrt. arid ihrnilrnun from Wilkf. had tl'fird it, ih.t the l.'wl It ciiremrl? baiirn. 1 he tiini, at c rtalnlv r loo r't.t. In Kirrpf where the niHrvairon nt l! ,na w.a i.nMlf ettud on tbe qu.liti iif tbe winr w.t aomeiimri m.frri.llf arT.cied bf a imall tirr.fn ruoniny; thrmjb the l.rvd and so on ibr mounuin where tKi l.nd it iuiel, on ore spot, the vine might he fuund tn fl Mjrt.h well, and on mother badly. Five hurnlred arrea were VkertM,iMt ikUdat tai.'tt tt.it tra. Aaeaaa J.iaaaa UcU eJ artl. ike eaeathrs of mi eotialrt . Ikes lva. , tUf owe aation.1 iMifioj tkraeckotit be rsamud'aeeld, and Mdlaepe tie " t't'Jiiy fef our re puUk to 1 1 sdrnif.tW ' of fee men ft fff ahff T"tfjt tttftrtJ, Th.t the Btnt? will oow aj-Mjro io ftlabralt U a k robins mr, the Milverttry of the tablet of Nw ()rl,n. . Ik vr ffwA(arf tke vtW. 1bi .1 a lokeaof rttpett to Aaeaaa Jtcitoa.tae m. who, wlifc kit b,,t otp.rit In rm, to iHeaapb nilf ovrrtome. on the It of Jtu.rf II If . the aniied military .kill aid darlrrg hr.t.rv of ike viciort of Npleon, ike M ui of Rrprr wnuiifv. will now ad yjurn, to fn in k lewit rt of a c$f fl apart, under Prnvldrnre.bt American valour and pirii.m. at a iuUice wkb Ibe people ayes 64, noet 33. U S. Intel. !r limil ih. kail auil4 past. 1 bo' the tMl ner a.t born in trrUtnU nH rouch fof PP' "P'1 France, he bad lonf been i ciliaen of Ik. United Slates, and i a sob r, industrious a -rthy man, and had bem ued to he ruluvation of the Vine in bia native country and being eontl'd to all Ike pHtilrfrra of a oaive ciilcn, He trusted It would not be obWctrdte Mm that he it a Frencbmtn by birth. He bad beta nvnit Mr Gilrbrit ..id, they were told tbit l.nd wtt to ri-eedine.lv barren at not to be worth cultivation, but if tbit individual turrtcried in hi. eipcrimenit, it tnibi become very v.lu.ble and romm.nd a good price. He ihoughi 100 acres were wflw-ieni t if he wanted more lef him en con.lder.ble eipen h .Inlog for to purcb.w. be 1 I l mha W0. m . I. a tMtliA a aa a rv r it Foreien Crane Vinet. which ke aat en deavoring to naturalise here The land be atka for it Rood for nothing; exrept fof w h a purpose.- And he believed be wtnied Ibis land that br migbr keep off Intruders, more thin for actual plininjr having already a pi'ca of land, in ahich bit vine,, are cultivated. He aitbed to make a fair experiment, in order to aee whether the vine will succeed In our climate, or not. Mr. li run. moved jo strike out the aorth for ten year - that s tke lod m sim a Jlr was loo poor to make proper eipe rimentt. Dtti!rt, if we give to one, we could no refute to Uttow nn anoihrr. Mr. Crnom said, rather than agree to the amendment he" a mild vote not tv give r. ... 1 any. 1 nit strict ana narrow economy teemed grange to him. If genilemtn would rrfleft on the value of wine at beverage, and the benc6it which would accrue to the country, if it were aub.ti tuid for ardent tpirift, they mutt cer tainlyfeel it their dtttv to entourage l' Look al boulh I a'olir.a to Oa board tbe ateamboai VW Wa. df " ne; bar p.t.te froM ?CaiLlI MrB.ttf.v more, it w.tpenpoaedik.t the aentimentt f the p.tergf r be taken aa h next PraOdenUal election t ahcaU K Bar rite, of Hoith Citollrt, an railed lo the Ch.ir, and h.rUt Rader, of M.ryUnd, appmited 5errei.ry. Un rooming tbe balloia, lh mull ait as follows i - . prtJrml. f'rt trttldrnt. "--" foeAadr Jaciaoo 14 I J. C. ( aQxwa 1 1 " I Q AAtm, 7 I tlary flay y Da itl CKiHaa I N.Macon 1 Hft jtird, That the ab. nceedinga be tigtied by the Chairman and wrelrr. (i. K n.aarva. C'A'w. Ca. R.i.ta, Wy We are inh.rmed that tbe voter aere from ei(hi different Mia'c vit i 3 from New Yrh; 3 from Penntylv.nia ; 3 from ' M.ryland j 3 fror.i Ktntutkv I fiom S.Kjth Carotin. ; 3 fom Virginia i I from Sew Jersc and from North Carolina. U. & TiUgffJu Masrx gfud tuts. A recent F tenth publication annouoctt that Mr. TUmowtky grafie'd or budded ' rota ceniifoiia, bUblor, lu'ea, sempeifio ' rent, sod alba alti.Mma, on the younr irtoott of oaks planted, ia.pois, and placed in a gern houte." Ron seniper-" Jlorrtit flowered the same yearj the others Rrt-w. but did not fluaer. Only one sort died. Mr D. duet not know whether ibey willl.ti many ye.rsoi not, but he recollects other anomslica tf lha " a.me kind. ' 1 Morekead aas in favor of the resolution at rr ported by the committee t but did"not with to eo to far at aas pro posed bv tbe gcntlemin from Hertford. Ha could see no reason for refusing to concur with this report, Tor if the ex peri mcnt tucceeded.il might be of great advantage to the State aljarge. and if Dot, the State would lose nothing. In case the bill pasted i s first reading, he would nereaner propose an amenament to prevent any one entering the land of which he had possession t at If be sac cerded, the Legislature would, at the expiration of the ten years, at lent give him the fee-simple pi l Mr. Martin thuUght it would be belt to rive him the land he atked for, aa it wa of no use to the State, nor never would be. For his part, he would give him the whole mountain, if he was convinced he would succeed in cultivating tbe vine with tuccett for it would be no los. to the State ; it would probably drive oil a few-dee and wolves Mr. Fisher was decidedly in favor of granting tbe land to the petitioner, for the purpose proposed, as it might be o more advantage to the State, if the ex perimem tucceeded, than my one could now foresee. The question on Mr Mijtin't motion to ttrlke out " the term of 10 years,", so aa ia render ibe errant fee -eimpie, ira carried 60 total, .faWKQ-;m$wi rere l.adjRA wt ef and "fiiserr w ,r im ero tnaert lOOOA motion--wa& also made for an indefinite postponement of the bill Mr Satin rote for ibe purpose of no ticing tbe objection which bad been made to the granting this land to a Frenchman. Surelv if the Vine will succeed in this cquntry (and that It will he bad the an thority of one bf the first Bo'tanisti In tbe U. States for belie vinir) no person is to likely to cuke the experiment with ef- O'iom it made near Paris of ex wa Thiitlft. These are often trouble ti me t when cut down, a tmall pinch of common aalt put on the stem, kills the stem and the mot. u lion I0 ed6thV ieth -OMDM 4t made nfar j'aris or.. ml! ! ?- " fef promoting the eultute of the vine, ihaH ullrhr quahy, from the p.ppy grO for the purpose of making experiment. with it- And shall we tefue, when p plication i. made, to tjranl 100 acrei of ... barren land for a similar purpo.e f f oi himself, he would be aahsmed jo tay they hdgivrn lett than the quantity atked for. The quettion on the tmendmrnt w.t derided in the Jirgative, and the retolu lion wat pissed and ordered to be enrol led.' The Charcoal of wood it of equwl bulk with the wood : but it it only 15 or 1-6 part the weight of the wood. In a log of green oak wood, l-6th part of the weight and no more, ia combus tible. In equal bulks, white pine it about half the weight of white oak. In.every situation, town or country, a dollar in charcoal, burnt in the earthen stoves now in common use, will go as far in cooking, as four dol ljiain..woodAlUd,of.Qi!j will evaporate 23 ouncSof"waferi pound of charcoal upwards of aizty ounces. The inhabitants t,f Philadelphia are now upwards of 125,000 1 who pay annually at present 7 dollars per head for fuel. There are aoout w pnysi- dans surceona- and ajan.midbf ivcs in that city i and about 250 lawyers. In EoliddeantaTmn itintaa'Uiere are -fOOa pattenu Ukow physician. The physicians are 177, - 'a . . Ii" '-'.-wl' 11 j-a the apotnecaries wnu are nan pnyti- dansr amount to 3000, the surgeons to 600. In Paris, there are 600 physicians, and li surgeons, for 600,000 people j bcinu one physician for l,333.inhabit. ants, and on eargton for 6,250 in- UiUlUR. A new chemical tubstarce calTedl Bromint, has been ducf'Vcrad in the mother waters of sea salt, by Ma Balart. Auriferous Platinum has been dis covered in ttirh abundance in the Hut- -tian part of the IJratian mountains' that the price rf Platinum in Peters- burgh hat been reduced ine half. The Bichloride of lime hat been uted to bleach wax. From 14 to S8 . Iba. of thia salt ia dissolved and boiled with 100 Ibt. weight r f wax. At pre sent thit tah is imported from ScOU landa to. Waltham in Mats, at 9 cents pcf-PPJiPiL! ' In a la ' . ' respertinj ' humous chi. ers were exami. dared that utero fev fined to a period of 270 . thr'futtheat.- -.-Twelve, ... a.: . : might extend: to 9 1.J montha, - , - . . of' even eleven; -""'f heueajion- ho eeWy a t hild- might be boro ldiJ!,Jlot'wr3rpi', ante. I ney a;i sgrrcu iaa tnc V9UOI, fririod 'waT from" 270" tar SfiOdajriif" he French cpde, and our Uw has tettled it atten callcndar months, when the legitimacy ia contested. Z. . ' m '. ,'.'' . Pride. U a proud man mtltes me keep my distance, the comfort is he keeps his own at the same time. I -J ',-J - . :4 I' ;. i ' t' -