1 : r vr ay .. - , m aaai. A mia afcauaak aaaaatfaa m WrWW HAMH1IUUY, N.C.TUi: j!)AY, FHimUAIlY . Vlf.N0.M9., , , U eoUi4 Lit, tkt M (MitU . TW tart af i f aUat , Cka.sa. IJ,. i.Wwrs i a eke ek.e.lt4 mau.t wMhe reaeMfela Lk -'"- Nl wl I Ike k 44 I -iJ 4 (Ml) b fwJl ak-ia A krltr- rnUtw a bw fH -' f ? ft b "A4 u. i:""wC')IIClTI0.V . ' . rat r( vmNi iitui. a eri aalkUf a 'A kf tW U tSktad I fk- fry l f-TMf k-v , jfaj I a4 M fk CWt WW have M !'. ta . I I4rfy mtnltrt, e m lf'l"f 'tlk4tfe te Xailee tidaA.ea atre a bum aidi chain r fcitirt vput niv Why , Me, war r?tte M per Wet. ke we easy teeiaily Mrd; tftd avoid Ikaaa f lk milmkf ml0flb4 UhaV hM nt Wf. TMU WiWp W lmm W ,mJ lkM,pMSlr U ton eta, '! mJ. Pw W tl i fc Vt.-- To Wf ftti, 1 agmUf iKtn. G4rstl.!li If 6U ti. Tkklt Wn4uf ikUff)iKt jrwtal Kiat'i Moni.ia M tnbi a4 Mlrf. u, Wo iw I af aMl hctii (M kata la IM K4rm f a attl Km! at at Ui aU artWfli o-a -f. ljiK.i kf M fiMcriir U vha Urn I (u ... Ttva aWrt b n ttir from Utter uo Hiiwa on ih x.f r, ai w i tip ci k e f f x raik v.. f ik Iil' of Nana L.rtJina.1 wia nrn ni Fia vt 9T m 1 1. .kUk U Um. Iimkmim WILLIAM TELL. -1 mtLw ! mM mm a Urn ambar la it Ollam rliliima (Ml Ika aubierf flf a Con MAVtaVFT Li. ma In tit Vf tMtm MtV U iKa Siaia Uf f Ha U. 1 fcrik, tiUk. bit kU4rft In'crtM lnoWed h tali a Uknjpj J aMkratlan. aoi tvarf aiM (cU ha MJiht-I 'rirv,nrt t& I'aioa. Tac ifixrw It aa iLm Coirabla prarata naJc loHa War ka aaaa Iraftjki efvWa, tk ti COOMatnttiaO df oullf lo U iol aamvaM a aor eolwaM a a4 laMi caw 4 dr." Tka Eaat kd Iuxl our cor rf rWif ajon iLm a bmr. rW. Tu (4- tad flf (Jtttntila prmtrraiKa to br balnfoWmiKof Hr. Bnck, efiUW atr, -'aUCK tMt. ntfl trUI of mora than tm an4 Hr. Yu Bira, af 5. Tart, aHJ ra iK ! yf to obtain Kl of m r ju,- ke ,Wr toaia kWt of ika jrvuml of opjK-t-a u from Utni Uifir icara yinaiu wb.i mcir weMMf- , Bojurt polKf aad unhrul t tod in tbt fVOf. U tka otrata ai U fif4, uU nt. , t- M f , aaaf iMt n V k4Ii a VU9 i ait alMl la ta a a -w pee la 4t(4 V a okk U iWtU M ttla VialHI Iff fllM ir moriWt actiion of lill.lbif mfttr 4 a lUtUtoa of ih cowl? of Roa. What wt ihr obet f Ta luIlloaJifp 4ba iralouif of the W'ft f Uf coneaUing . t .1.-1. a UtiJf to main unrotwf wco innr pr Mr. TraarA ro and uU.ihal it aouU h cipfctfd of Kin lo gita tome, rtiaoni in aupport of kit racxkm : ami k readf to dolbii on terr occaaion. Tbt Bill, ba uid, nroprHcd lo ciublith an , v ., ..... r n ... ant bomln.bl, ,nd nafanou. .K.ndanc- ' " V Vj" "C? V. Z Dif That iftiiUiaro trailed f."..!. -. IV', ; J " V" " tfNO: nilM KN WHHIWHI4 ... . . . ,., . ... ,"'r , " (hi mci.oo of tka bill randereJ (ha it Ixr of iktt lf?tltttr j jj fnturmaandlndifffrffltmaor. Con- TWoot -that JjM V'S, 5L? f ralitatH aoatkt?-lltMUdcr.?i WC. ufa U, B wUtiot to wtdr.ltolon Erbapt.-iTtriytlbodWpouiIn oftba wM u roofe bUrd ,nd toU,.f. M towatd. in moro breJy tolor. of lh Connhoilon tb.ft roaliiform U. tbMtbJatBaatrtnark. In relation -o ninkropter. Immedutelr after that kjcialMre, earn eU ,dma locUiMluhip w tha praaldcotUJ conUit. IUra, too, tk, Engliibman on different terra from a,toatai?blf tronlurttioiook ,h, IrUkmnT and tbe Frencbmin tn --aAer-lhat of otbera. Wt puaed by tha diBertnrtermi from the Spiolird, ; i"i to -ttbttMjet t)f liberty, toeatcb at tbf ttUDt tba. Uefttt4bi bUl.to the - abado- pauoM.w m,Hn co!HiOT,'imf r the Tnit to tbayakeod condliloit that e frnier on another and dlfffrenl condiilon. kh.H be fed - Tbo moment that tke ee f he pnt of Wl, MU Mr. B. teni teciloo of the etawabata in the leit! re to be eitended to f.rmert and me . tba rigor of tbeir oppreulont the mo chanic, why not mike the condition! ment that they giro ui a new county, or .bwJute f Why ihould tbe btereit of judge, or er er an engrosaine ciera j lhoM penont be made coodngent I If we are InUed into a aiopiaieiaargy, ana ,he biU j, a the gemlemia from South content ouraelaei by receltring, it a mat- Carolina had uid. to act aa a wholeaoma tar of grace, tbe tytbe of that which in medicine for the body polju'c, hy ihould ioatiee we;are entitled to demand D0 ,be jpetific'be placed equally within Where are' yur aenatort located f ,h reach of all cWiexf peraona I Where your judge ? Where are the it had appeared to Mr. B. that thii anormoua auma drawn from your labon 93d lection waa intended to reconcile the to ur.nort the judiciary, expended r But k;ii lo the oublic mind. It it confe nad 70a are anawered, they expend money that it i impoatible for tbe bill to pan to open and Iroprof e our roada. Yet, without thii tection. The draught muit fortooth, they jrWe ut now and then a be medicated, or the people will net few hundred dollar to make our Wettem ,WI0 it. Like tkilful turgeom, yog roada pataable for Eaitern n.bobi to vie.it adminitter an opiate, to lull the aeniibili . then wett 1 ennettea pimtauont ; ana, in ty 0f the patient, before you commence return, tbey ak 01 tit tnoutanas to en-1 a p.unful ir.d dangeroua operation. able a foreign amtocrat to tlew their The advantitiret of thit bill, tid Mr riven, and tipple their wine I f If, did fj. ire nroblemaiical ; and thnae adt an- ti ii .k.ii.t k.i. I ; ' a aayc . aoey uicri 1 taeea win do aenvea oy me ieaii men Into bur pdraee, and tilt it . And It wai toriout part of the community. Some iffy Msrsin totM t9UUi rtMilil of a Eitkrwptwni r4 M ait tat- UU4 IW tlv gtftet J atw.lrMM M tM tfy ea04 IV a rana J af tke f 1 pt fimat Hf ftaaoaa. be lkogw) kt ulfd lA f ifl MftM-Jf I here wft aat 4 cigiat aijaciUoi m aavaiaer eitvf tMfti, rt he vl(M af himii wire I itoall. Ii wit e4 atftfiury to teloieikegraeralMvrbiftf 'kfaaaaaurf, kkk had ktft ta 11 If ad abjf dlK- $4 de'bg tke UM aaaaloa. tad ke wi 4X cr1U tlkat ha uU aa ikiag, taker mi or leaporuan 10 wan wa Bw kotd ika tbairKt eaet eika Mlkeegaia die Burtitaguia be ettr- ljt la lis f.. Mr- Ta Br ijtii bvae of a Pakmp btlt. bl f ptd ta aa laaaJ teat act 1 ke diffi rrace tteiettn ikw two BMiMfft, k-rr aiaotf k atlgM tx, hi C$ roi ikk f afy f ar par new ioco.tl4 ki oodf kaa tiat aa jAaeiiaai teoa ikla:ad a Dikrup4 bill aoolvtrtkiAg. Oae tit fur IM be neftt of dibtira tke oar tor tke tccuniy of rdtat laaahtaif a lid 10 State LffU&tlon nankrapt rOSTAGC. Tie UWwUg atitaajiawti earrac lad Keowl af Ike Pa U aer Ua ' m w waaie44, aaeaa tke al aanaai i A.r, f f"'ra wkWk kn & HMea tini'f y, IV iW ytir akkk Clt,. . V - Vmt.w-wm.-w fcm.tu 1- fi -a i -m,tTti rnraw aa ..; T- .............. fl III Ut mmiia lm ak . M. 1. li. 77 TAWCiTlCkW rni WL ii ,,.M4 BCttArjt 1 kafVa wf 'ttlay, taiUltlL, rf f a4 faw $9wmy Datiaara aWk4 fawwri fttll . i MS7T It n 7a ai .. ....... MkV4 irrAmry Vt. I itk f mwkm tilmiwtff . . . Lfm . . . . . ArlaM Trmtmrf UHfrtd mi CmwmJk Hmwmf.t a a It Ml Of 4AVI tl .ia n . 11, an t ni it . tf.TH II . :uqi aa 4U4I 41 . UIIJ 44 . :i . 77. m M 1.444 44 KHJ 0' . iKlMi it . 4.VM 3J . . rat ai . 1J7V Vt IU14 44 . ?.i74 yr M w -wrm U .la. An if kara f M Cm wwngmf ae Ma), k) fM af (M AUaZa la IW i, a4 MM,nfH m rtfi-J k avfft k wwwtt HM f n.a) Lm kaj ka a 41 k akla la mi'mUtum tm tmwm aka Mf akxa k.iLlKfl a4 k4 UfW1a, r M lMi4a aifl m A ke mtrntm-ttj. ftajaX fM ke 4Ka4 to Ike aW. if ww4l Vf. f'OTTfXV Urili.Wr .,. 4 -IT0aU.0E airka) 4a llwM. ika Mlm fM'ni ( akakptata.aU. w r i fji kl. r.Ul. al -WUd U WtfWfl rntww ajariAf sMk tkf I.UrnWt.Uf Arwn M. k b. a.fM4 at.klf ttkt ( f lU haf1 , ,, M, oVtl aM ka .uW avicamaual ay tatuj fth.(M)a ta aaeaa. vonv Mtc air. Cwwmd Tatal ntM Off rosT.tcc tx rtAYtn. Tke namfcef ivf kfiert tlrtjtted an awtlif rn Fiaoret wkkb pay poiift, it abij tOXtOOXioO. aad atoal aa equ.l BuaAbai akLk are liRiiitd ffta ol J. & I. KKICIf, Car- -V Ti. Ptitt W iiMrrxTnixr taf.-. iwi, mu m,i It Ik (XMlja. (.. ln a Ir.l to lift CrjOjfiA nf .. . ..... ir - cy a tuoftci poa aKn voogrtu L,Utr, M pkri, .hkh irt Uammitt.d lone could Uatl'e. He drnicd tbtt ik. ika aw T ik..a ku uu. a.... ... l.r.. ... . f - , r - if aa iae rw ta aciMr(a a wnrn debtor fro ai priaoa, atlcr tor o.ber coo ttrociion of the me aniig of lha Icrtat or f ike me.nUf af ikecoaiiuiuiioa. lit would ro tanaer,. m deny that Coo trtu bn an HgM loftaM an laaolveat Ml. fbe Soprcroe Govt, uid Mr. Van Daren, decided that 4a ktate iaaolftnl at Paria rvtrirrt annuillr about 4.VOOXW0, or oeitly a liitrentk of the ol rreeipti of all ike potti Tke grtneil cmici pondenre tike ptKe In Ike month of Jana.ry, aad lk amaUfet in k rmk of .Vp!rmlr. From 15,000 10 30A00 lei tcri ire daily put into ike aeieral poai ofTa bniei in ike capital ; of w kick. from I XXX) lo 10.000 ire for tba three lawt were yncon.iituioal wly la their k!fiann- rwi. aiut Si.Oort r, operation upon contract oude bebra tke ,teie , p,on-tuMi. Bcuoi iki. enactment of taoe Ua. Ilowertf wll linr, however anaiuui be mtrbt be roe pattaf t of thii UJI, kecould not vote for it if the 93d aeciioo tm raumed. neiHy I44XXX) pirceli are tonually tcni to Parii ilone. Talkiog ta a tcience aa much aa or. itory. T'i talk wriL ta juit at dia cult, if not more to, than to write well. GqoJ talkrra art not to plntr u many'peoote imtatM; I haacaeeo a .a mm W aU, fW tkr kiaaai, im U linowa kraackat (a UWia kl r'W Imt Oum) awf aiD wpftj UVir CuaLuas. rrt vtik STILLS A XI) WOUMS, T)ti Ifaiu, it Tra Kiitra. ke, Hh (Wai txmpmtm aad ttarmiakt. akark Ika Wfwiltt.int af tka ImNr ka gnarrsHr provarl, a"d Ik B0t IWmibll pttcww, aVnajrmg, lrwmw turn at 11 liia, atlk f-MrULli aa Ikrir W. AH ktmb af Tiw-tTm mmU, aaj audi br KolraiW m4 mail, of Ua tarkaa amp, K irvU-r. nJ Atwrwi'tc aar. .V. C. i.K7. 49 hTK.iMmAT .viuvrw e.wnniV.v.i. THIS bi. Ln puixloard la H krlaaf a ( lirrma am) Vorfrtown t Ika hol MM ccoipWie onkr, lmc lately anUr(one a tkte oof S repair akr it aril ealrbed f f Ika aa. vigtiMin m in nvrr. ah o'jr drtai about lkrr ami a I j K Icti rr, a ilk a caqre titt&l lo tiAir kundred UU J Crftoa t Ike iff ata at Ckv pW.lf tkfajkwU (kit twrrj tUrwUmt Katl ka paid la tlupoweult kt '.ka k(. uk! that all aniiaM )Mtiad la ka tkiraad k kr, ihall Ika token Ukarf aad mrevnty pLri nmlrr A recent traveller in Mexico ititct, that Mwomtniv wtll at men, twd to tmoke alter tupprf i aod when I he chil dren went lo tckool they carried In ibe irl gmd iket ae airrKmiari, foe mf mmtt ud kitcbcl, with their bookii't pipe Cf tobec rW all guoda rreilvad, and put U atur,4 mod. co. At in tccuttomed hour. eery freifreferwiMk-e Uid atlde hi. book, and began tanokiag. JW . a b aiaint mmltt aaprrh.i.t. a in And tl la tkrtr Inlrfat In nmtrV Ifirir afiihnv Ml uwt nmatn. great many preteadera to tKa ecience j .It U atated a a report la London Tioui I throng thk rU-. air. Heary ay. Can. of tillinc. but thev all miitook ihelofthe I lib December, thit the French! aer. tf Ckarleit.w, will b ike irrnt of ike baat yttaw.Vyoftalkforthery. The Kmg had been thot it tnd wounded. A f.T- '"J' fl' 2 Icience of talking thould be tubaer-U f ' -cHajd in Philadelphia u. ,he OTJjictiJ ent to innocent pltuure and happi- Kn ho,, b !f bU K.U,"I U) Mr.Teia Ki.M eip.n-Kd tt oniy aervee to create ft j ... .ji.j:...t...k.r.i.j .,? u aitTTx; livj illf UIU liUUIUI mat i' iaiiiw tu ii luvtax iiiariMBkj vna iivaaa vtreiatw a a When iiCtoteDt. uneaiinrit or .atinoge. i kl. .im.,i,.. .,k,r i.ml .irk .hick U-- I. t-.a. M " I"" r " ment among jnenu u . la.vcrj iur lf- k, m,-, y. ki, oWn brini. plied. -The maleruiQl,ghd Ulkcrt, are the general toptri or ine day in rut crttrt which, wheo neeeu.ry, our acquaint. The Hev. Mr. Bedell hit cordiallf of a a a a a a . . ...a ance may oe mown aritn the latettllered, in amwer to an anplicaiion Irom f'kartealeM, and foraard UV to either plaea without d?Uy Out chartftt will be cutoawy and reaauiiatile. and tfe lit'pe. Jtt"kv-Ht:iublii: patronig. fba jrnt kv Urga aadcoiaiao iliinjt arirehouaf , ind m ill rcura eery and any fuoJi oe otlon, forward ika fbfwvrf irvl hip the Utter, with evrry poawtila rieratch. Mo. , ' . . I . . r ,w.., . , . aey or rooaa auvinccc on cmiorM wMhed 10 oe works, or ditcoveiea in tctence or j the Greek Committee o' Philadelphia, loL'J J. k J. II. T0WNE8. 'a . t 1 a a I -I . I! a.t.a...-a. aallk a. aa. v a, Ml art. Ihtt it the lone aod routcle of deliver a oucourte, wun jt view 10 a taeraw, Aw. 24.1827. good talking but o it mutt be added Peun,rf colUctioo for the relief of tke the gentle reeling or the moment, the PeoP,c " tl"NC w "'H7- ..ca. . " 1 rw- .a. f m f" a. . 4U1. humanity of the d'upotition, and that which it generally known by tbe name of tact. JBomurj. Beyjwojihja apoil'd child, with a trifle, and we tubmit. I with eacli other, ahd tome hungry com It ia their feara, none, mat prompt mem tnUsionen and tttigneet, might profit by to the most trifling condeacentkro. t. But creditort would not willinirlv While e, knowing onr own ttrength and b,ndon viiible and tangible property, to their opprettion, tit tameiy tun, oiungi.ek their remedy In thit way; neither -or-gremnanpiun that we be discharged from making brick A ,et to tee their property waited away but eimply that we 0e tdlonta ttraw lor Mn, feet to commmionert, assignee!, df: yw,:s::ji clerkV,waIt,.vkkv.Jf,i5entlainen .Feilow-Chiaenai : ii"tTmo that a Tadf wouli-'ahow .binLJb(if ihia bill would be seai tharigels effected in our Constitution: wifc'aiidiiirpa! While tha jwatent atata ol : thinga exisU. would; ahandon Iwt objeCUont f.it;. 'lae' araTiut tbi' hewVrt of " wood and the Mr. Branch .said,- tie waa frank tode drawert 6f witer.to the lordt of our eit- dare that, under existing circumstances, tern quigmirei.. Who it it that crietlhe could aot vote for the bill with or with out, ''liberty :and equality ? .And who out the amendment which he hadpro- that responds with an echo r . Is. it not j posed. ... His constituents, it waa true the niltrv little counties ot Jones and l were emoarrassea. i ney were never Greece, with. a population of Cprty fie more to. They were grpuod to the hundred,, ant wered by Orange and dust by merchants and bankers, and, they Linccln,. containing more than thirty- were groond to the dust, by the govern- ihousand souU? Here if liberty aod ment, which hd thut the door upon equality for you, with a vepgeance l it their trade in lumber aod naval atorcs. raaa aaa. coin aaaiaaia. tXAMPLF. BETTER TILLY PXECIPT. ' a mtjkt, (mi i mw wtlmllliWf 4aaW.J aml tomtit mmr hcM Wt. tk. la any t. M. mt rm Bat. wm kaikal, Tair lafrrt mtmtw4. mt Mbmitw lnU4 1 lamul ftmntgktm tk. rtrf.Mtl I u, MMMklr, fnt ch a tm akw4 . mmt." Cwt .Mf. . kal t,.t-tk ai UI mtT, Mriax, l ralmivltfaM, Tkat flp,lH)l Ibrlk my ftfkf M Uk. . I.. Tk) m4.' fra Mrm&t mym TUfl tw.a.1 tmit, Wkal aaitni I a am,IM par vak. T. trtk a. tk. wr a- Mrw.M flm.Uk t nm ttmM amaty, m tka rtwtcM, AatlkMlaUluwfravfWtitalaUI.1 . Moatt: By prr mhrm tt tkelr fe.nl en m tt I Mmltr'fe pnw m flrtT1. at. Da .id kat MBMfU . fcuarMl aaa) km I J. a. C The -enthukium of the French nation in the cause of Greece conunuet untba- ted. Tbe ladici hive told (for tbe bene fit of thit country) their embroideries and punungt. r The catholic church now erecting in Montreal is the largeit building in Ameri ca ; and when completed, will accommo date 10,000 persons. In front are two towers 200 feet in heieht. To currrsoTs. In conseauence of a late explosion of I TkROPOSn JUN9 viH be received br the ... r. i i i L-ie n i t u u a.r... ine oouer oi a siearn ooai in tngianq, oy i ml county court oi iwttn, iu vw new 'ti which several lives wete lost, a verdict bury on the M Monday In February Mat, bra)'' ofm.n,l.ughter.g.in.h..ngineer,w..feoir returned by the jury of inquestj becaute " -f the gifi lh(J KrTey ealilr LEATHER . rrHR lubKrilxr nw on at X Yard nrr Mmtmry, about 500 iidaa of brary PttiUdelphia and other Tann'd SOLE LEATHEIL Abo, a Urjre qutntity of akirinr, llof.Skini Catf-aklna, Hhcep-akina and I'pper Leather i worthy the attention of peraoni at a d.nae, who work in that irticle i ahicb he willdipoe of on rood termt, for catli. ' 26t70 Aiv. 28, 1836. WM. CHAMBERS. A few weeks ago, a convict in the Ken tuckv Denitenuirv, btvine been put to .-rmnliiliet 1 all that ia reauircd will be tha course and diatane-rof tha pnneipeJ Roada froav the Court-hmiM to the adjoining county Unfit the cournes of tbe principal riven and Creek in the county, and their probable distance! I and Crio.-the Ohio Mettenger ttates T- V:V" J ' I . " " Publi5 tce' d P.""' ika.. .t lha Cw, of Common Plea, in u." ' ."" -uu mutei of the roadi ana creen, paracuiany ms- ti n ,J u vi ot bit lelt toot, with most t Bit toes. ted and named. . . Zanesville, Davkt H f eon- , n.w,1f undartaken, will be reared victed of the crime tf Perjury t and sen- lrnpA de,5rts wil produce licen. to be coasted in thecourai of ne tenced to five yeart impntoniaeot in the . ! ." i! . .ii ,k-m oti5iiw. on. 22. 182?. U9 peni.enu.ry. Thacher bad applied for PrctV" J Thtt ?.f n ' V ; L : kenalalMioaiSfcMt Witet"i!d1ifcue JUIlBERiirJURKESSIEl era of Jntolventt,fa thenar posrUde: Mnteri"h& SSSmi Irauding bit creditas, , ' e puouso, intlJ tnving. , X Juilaken a olei conviction and tentente, in the hope that it may prove a salutary leaaant and commodioui shop on tke main atrect, opposite tl. Rlanghtera' Mnnev like manure doea no koou utary warning to others, ftjn- tiB gnread t there ia no real ute of I Tavern, where be my be found at all timet and rich;, exceot itbe in the dfcmltoi ! bill hisJeen brought into the Legit- , !t hu. conceit. L.. i .tira aatiukctio. i .11 mU ture of Virginia, to relieve a Mr. Lynch vf m0Dey be not thy aemo it will may employ him. from.the Divment of taxet. Mr. L, it , . . t.' m-l N. B. GenUameaib&ved by tba rear, month. the father ofhirty-foar legitimate cbil- rL'J ' . dren. of whom iwentr-teven are now cannot u v -""YmthtMtharpmibrwmdMhrnd, slive he bat been married four , timet, wealth, aa that mf 0 aaia w pot- tfaiaoyff?ee i. nA a nnnp m.n. I No wonder, laaaa nm. I raoruwr, if. waivi. a gwm Ma.y ,. .- . 4T.. ...1J.J fl