1 ... i HUIHin)nY,KC--;AUK. HIIiaUAUY 20, 1827. VOI. V!!.NO.sso.t i , aT.'f' fi' o i -. aw . . B Iaa, - . it M iavrua,aax rrwi.f k r ... . ' ' .. 1 -TUB rRttlDENCr ta rnrnliflfa with VOUT dtllre fof U - fmtl"A Nllii pMwMe rilt of Jbe Mil frttldrntUl etrciUo. I shell whh . ahrmt4 peraowewns waowi i Me coo vtrwd tMtklt aubjarf, togftksr mUH mj ofeaervetraa I Deye bpewusti of lbs tnt.lar feelUgs poe tke choke of IM Mil cimi mm" trte ir no ri4d)f .allot place. The i Niwdlti tre b reocel 6 rnaloviif of ik aiataa' ara efltilocllf IvewaJ. The aWSoe e m. pa&F f ethers, tad lit lespre itta! 0 fiat ate ow I - M apperfirt. M 14 eneMe ao oUcrvrr lo I , dexUe wkb-eorwleetable secswy epoe I V. II. Crlbrd kt JttmU4 to " tct Wtikiw of Oeo. Jck to tU PrWIl bl, i4 lt Hf ilnopportbf kIitrf!flo. TkU .. vnnj ttl4-i Ui nomlntloii of T UtUUw of tin iiiU f OcorrU, bf TWtI(0k0lrl,,,,'llO,llft F t lmiUf rwhlmlty of nomlrjubn bf Ibt ri-i.itd fef Souili'.CiTolintront- ' tioiiod to iM 5 ni1 kr ,h r"1 r frlmltf tmoflf bw Prtle bkh li - wnlfeibc ilf ibwtk ib uttlon. To Iht fHeK, ' Jfkoon4of Crt ,; Jbf, Iko of C Ctboan irt M 4 IT b4 lb" 'of,,, f 'turner, ulfnt lofleoi h fScUretf mel bf M. A4tmi, Mr. CUf, .. ik.l. bt Ihtlr oniled woo iff mn imurw"wi " t; -1MrUocibintf,plfoaiRe lodoSklal . Tt. .i.k. f.r VnrtK Cirollnl tsd Vlr I 0oalcoarMiiociootMtmitUqaettkn. bl. r lodhiduU dcUnloni nd koown ,KiMM-i& i!lha their fuuro -l'trt Mtar? tncr in Ibeir ditUket tbit tbi tnot oppoUte natures roaleae to dimiolih tbo. powct of Ibe. object of Jlirner common fiA-tho atronreat perwnal copM C Uonio unit for mutual aafety. ' . PfnneyleanUr flattered by tbo eccea lion of other etatf a to the nomination tinadabf ker fOcneriJckon l" .'. tberlablnj tbe moral and political infla i ."enccitbit Ktmt ia fbii,M in many other -? rnattera, to hate been awarded her bjr the Southern States, will doubtleaijidhere to her orinlnal recommehJation. Sh6 "la p "-certain! fin that part of ber high ; titvdina; with the South, ha artaen Trom ' the liberality of ber principle! and the i ?uitico and steady pereenerance with 'which abe baa maintained ber onco do- '.clared preferencea. In juattfication or ber infleiibiUty, it may bo remarked that, v lar central noeitloo, and tbo confidence '4 felt in her Equity hal created her in aome . jderreo an arbitrator batween the inordi : .... ...nt;u iniltitira of our Eaatern - .States, and tbe more trsmd intereata r - iv. C....U .a ,kU hn imnoaea on net which werrint ner in inH -i irted with duo conaidera- -i-tion fatbft-aelcclion of bo depoaitory of r,itecuUve power. ' . . t. . iftn. that PennwTsnia la somewhat jealous (and perhapa juat y) of T Weating" tboae with biCh political taa- tbority, who trom any prior "i.r"" r preaent. influence would bo likely to -i rerard tbo mercsuuw .' r- country as of pi imary importances "nd hofrom inch radderattonr; might .....i,...- . mwuu''s'-'vtn''i5ccur''in . . Vroaidencv -to -DO-Diaceo . on ? . . . a a 0 .1. aibol iliwitb Geo. Jackaon. It is obvious that as ; tbe location of Gen. Jackson is tn ono o r tbe new states, in tbe Weat, the Vice PMtUent ahoiild be taken from one'O the old Atlantic states. Public sentiment may also require that as Hie uenerai ia a . .i....i.nM'mi t.f tha Vice eiwrxn oi iw-w.Miej -i .s-, ahnntrl he lelected from a non laTe-holdiott state. There are eiident IJT- iillliMM It' Mi sJ an rue IK(V Ifffjalr l(iarlf aftt4 lbl b " -7 t ' - - - - - f - Te .-; U-e lVur UfrtMa gaiof -1"" ..a r r -u.f.t. bli iW)fM im Wr. ar vtaianw bUIJ eUancy U eoivaUi bh Mr. Adaat tPrtudtat: Tki 11 A4M M aUU4. ill U M abU oa4 U aoM tiM an ef Iftlatl mm(il. It 111 M fcUCiOf ia mma.ef Mr. Hif U fofl tU bart aoffl ltOfeaioi mi l a intn:u IhM IM tacallattlkM ef kli tohfittlon vilb tM onrtrat cabJoefi kr lmmtUttt kat. It !!! b pftMBtief Ike wvwWd of b Wader fait tpoo tbe eye, rfcuff k Itfvxful mukAariar of Ikftr Def- lltot, en4 illrenaoto all atecerialotf of e m a -. too &ity or iotirna aoa 01 pwj" " " - r - totct ui bo mcH aa to rewro to m mtx bt romipoedl oUiiofB) onj iJm refch ce to cUcurateiKfla. Tbo etato of No Totk baa p lo iertl lo IM acta of l bo poaraV fotaro mtl , Her t ieio coontaloa) ood portaol aqt)tt4iioo iw pvmica! compact- I ormerly ekctmj oiociori oy r Utort, abo ftit & B9a (ffocUro Wo hat In III! tM we Ud U adopt tiiia- trkt tu. b vblcb. Is all srolMbiliiy. MrairenRlb vUl bo 4ii44 amot)U op potlng candlJalta. Ta nMirn ilka aumMft of at If ait a part of (kUatatfi roVbt,b itbia tbe policy of tbf friendaof Oea,ackaoa Ii t irua (kit it bout anr of the vote of Ibia at a: a b may bo elected, tot with any material number of tbeae ba ca acartetf fitt.Mf tbn to tocoro ewceoM, it aboulJ bo adlwble to aeiect a citiceo of Nao Votk at Vice PrtaMent, ro doubt ikla anaaaaro mill be adopted. lt9 qucation natarallf prtaenta itaeU, who thall ibia ciilwn bo f It ia now evident that tbe party In Vaf York klrh In ttliS vera aoc xaaafullr oppoied br the itraordinary comwnailoo tnat aoatalned Air. Aaama ai tbat period, hate aov by tbe defeat of tht federation retained their aaceodaocf la tbo atato LettaUtura. It la alao car (ttiti tbit the Ult eonrmilond tlectiont in itta 90tk (Tonrrcta. nimotd to Mr. itmd irriyed iplnt tho lei nd pol- ie? f the preent ntdonal dminiitratioo biliriett bt M-imdoAundine wHL Uke pUee bvtn lk immediate edbarenU f Mr. Clinton and the old demxratic tr DqcSuail party, on the. aubiectof tbe im utiiuiui vumm i . ." pcuuiug vuuit ajnwv.il . i , fact it moat give an ovorwbelmiag ma.JirtneBank of &po Fe COT abaret, t.t.ai:okaC mMUM nf Ika nraaant ad-1 . af tLat Value of .. ministration and the command of nearly!' t i respectfully recommended, that .11 .I. i 'uirlri. Pvan If ikiil.i.. i. KAaa aa.til Ka tha State and an 111a vibiivi. i"vi.' - fraternity, should not take place, the oucktall pany win com menu a majonij of tbe electoral votes. What then seem the evident policy of the Menda of Ueo. JacKton f Certainly to adopt. tbe candi date for Vke Prealdenl thai may be In dicated by the oppoaition in the atate of New York provided tbat be bo an In dividual not obnoxious to the states Ylendlt to a chants of administration. The effect muat be decialve. Premisinr theae re flection a and re- r.-rin(T to the heat Information It seems safe to atate that should Geo. Jackaon be living and in health at tbe next election, br electora he will receive the entire voto of the following nine atatea t Pennaylvania 38 Virginia 33 w. Carolina 15 S. Carolina II Geontia 9 wTeMessee J 1 Alabamans Miaaiaaip pi 3 Illinois AnJatTeaaf from Mary land 4-New-York 20 Kentucky 4-To- .. .. . ,, r- And that Mr. Adams unoer iiko cir cumstances will receive the entire votes or t he following eight atatea t . lat a A VT - Maine ftmsacnuseue H-nhir 8 Connecticut 8 Vermont r nsnita Ktanrf aVNaw Jeraev 8 Ohio 16" And from Kentucky 9 Mary land 7 New-York 16 Total 10t. -- I lie lOUOWlUg lHCB mxv f v v lAaiKtrnl i . -r .....j......' - WrH V . , Delma.re 8 Louiuan 5-?-iQdian JW!iWW(tiJllW '-'n "-Tf ihlt trtterl ao tnucK more. lenthV than I had intended, should -add to your . o a. information, l ahall bo coniemea wun the time I have bestowed on writing it .v.uil it klicits from vou a communi cation of equal length and frankness upon matters ot state concern. To love k painful, U ta true V . And not to love is painful toor But, ah! it givei the greatest pain. To WC ana not BC rara axwn. I whipi wr.wiyu,! iJf.l f Cldftry J tuun, Ck alL.-! , tJtl ZuttXmr f tM tM Ilauoel. Wataitf tie f'.lbf ttitratut Froea t4 rtVttfW he mU Ike ,.. k -r.ld W ike Trta efr,ad ra4 MlU act, ike Boord W a a at .a. live cmm4 t rttar khm f im aaM te M wa'oo vf f raaorea t &tide Am tM lb af G. r. ........ f....-Bt-i- 1 D.'0.aJ. rW tMI afKew. r. w I Ml 1 Tal ew Wat a ErU.Wm, leaa ikevtiTa a4 CWl. 4.109 It A T aai n I aai Aafiimaan. . 741 H t. tn aaawr fc U .l W tfaklaf M !( as iaees frf tm ik I at Am ti H tmt m aof.llA.....! .IU4ll lata wkkaj liaM a IUW awai kaa keew r4 rHo kM Cf I.J U .... . 777. .... 430 W aUkif tbe rrcjpu i la tkif ae, V V H aftMi ika artMooriaiioti of f1l?90. wkkb was paid by tkit State i cHlo coreTto tVe'ro lry ad tM L'olied Sutea. ed forwtlrhtaia Siata n BJWJ B9 taiiv f i - - fke of the rtyverftnaent f tM K'atea. .ail k. k iltii. and tbe Board recom-ecod b Uf4atare to make aoethsr appikatwo tojCoogrcaa aoe tM same. I . Tbe Board tbes reexxnntod the onto nk : f Ibe'wamp "ao WanVUnds be longing to the Sute, wtlck bare ueo pledged to tbo Lriererf Fiod. kti ta iM Rreort tbe State owwe Baok luck to aaaocnt ol 4lfl00. vie i la tM lute Bak of Ko. Cor-A, ' 1763 akaraa, of IM vaJaw ef 5;T0'W la Ike lank of Newtro IfiW tkarca, ef tM value ef - iV i. .. r.u fUab V Q1T stiAr. oftMvahjoof Wv nr. Ki. itdek. tbo atMeWa sriabg oa ibat held lav tbo State Bak. are wow ep r.A ia tha a-xflnarr eiMOM of the roversraenu ml lboe eriatet wTtbe Un yg,heala be ventured to queatlon the " . . ttl. .T.i.. fl.tW afaatlkalrvi ' . - t"...a and v.a aenleMOd etock held io tbe Newbers Bask end the n.nV nr Pafw Tear, orevlowt li have beta set ?n iod ere now' applied e sr"i . t6 tbe purpose! Ot internal tmprwerocoi, and cooalat of tM Baak of SewbfTO IJ04 stum, of tM value of ....... 130.400 Is the Dank ef Newbers I enofsa. of tbe value of The dividmdt 00 the remaining stock . m 1 J r in tbe Banks oi-newoern nw x.apw rear are pledged to tbe purpose! of tbe Liter ary Fund, and eonetei 01 ff. the Baak of Newbem 349 abarev - - a... onn 1 . . pf tt value af ... jw C9900l , Uurchaed since 1131. end that wbkb me rw - --- i o nereaiier acajuirea, w wi waii. .r ki..k.m .?wt r.na Fear, be trsnafer- red to the rrestaent ana iirrctwre oi m Literary Fund,' for the benefit ofcom- . wt . -.a L mon scboola. Tkt. ana-wcitlon. for the Improvement of the fund for common schools, has not beeomade without due regard to toe revenee of tbe State, and its ordinary j:.k..M.anni. and no doubt is ente Ulned, but tbe stock may be appropriated B 1 tab. .at... ft t Jaaaa r aa recommenooo, wuuvu either." SOUTH JUUMCA. IVat haa Man favored faava the Milton V r naca'ie.of the I at Inst.) with the ......at nf a trttar. dated the 13th ultimo. UIIUI.lv...-. . , . . . m . a a ...... L I. A I iivi.4 w- ' r . 1 ' Peraon coun'y, in this elate, and now American Cotul at Laguayra, Colombia, tHrntUbMaJaOluaowiLoJI!! that at that tiaie the prospects were ... . e . ai.u L aitaivineeei .1ff ftfV i ii. a. wiiuamaan. k.iu ibis u. UUII SIIKUfc" r . -f .l! JnSn Kara ' TttO ' revolution Ol ..ia aiHNiirrn v w a m mm a.uujiJBiiaiivw.i "" innijj uwi5 ---- ----- n ka. rnmnlatelVk tor tbS' tnomem rat r-- - proatrated every thing. The nativei who hold money sre unoiUihe; t6 let any per- aon know they have u,anu iu mervn... . who have Urgely truatel out, sre'unable ..iii-i .r.vitK for bftlnar sinenses. The city ortagnavTr, abd'Cmcwt,- ere and have oeen uuue. ....-. .-- days, -end oa Friday Hat Weanf f ea pub: EerJ,blKfihrpe beyond certain limits of Tbi rtownwhhout ' j - t-i.- -.11.. rif Cafar-caa is a i'-.r".ir..t -f rnunlrv.'and ttrtlbe oeauiuui. ar- -"7r . . . i vicinity of Ul;j4 njpuntUuMbereulerU cuuivaMuii.. ii''' XJ .I.J. Tomcco can be seen iM L end elmost, or with the least cultivation, every bieg "nKea.?: ia! ii.. w . mmrw a u ii aar sr w w as, hi- Cotton, insteaa oi . "-""7 ,a;T; ' aa wltb y, mty M gr4ir'e if MS M I kite Mvaulaulka grwoo aa lo m of Mg. vb taw yaart MMe UUrllf ii4 sstersaUr. frow Ike rWWee 4tM7 twHciaat ai tbit tsy, k woold grow ttpLilf eod befoavl eMaftbf. C;tUA.ax.4 M, ,"t" II i Im cHaMU olaaii y tf A pa iJb r.U4 Myf LegMyro lo.iowcb imj. aa ati.i, it Jmm vaaikai tM ktfflM 1 W rlii.M.al'i Tin la ! .ilkll. aay iofy a4 Aogwtt kk yoe. and tkoet IfwederVt " rM TMmaanier- riaei blgber whb yon attloMi ikao Mrs. GVATMJL CtJrTMAL .IMIMICJ Col. Wltliataa. iottmttit U.S. SeMlof trnmm Tmuiim. kot tutw mlaiaiar la OeaiemaJa, baa writtt a teller to fUod iej Temaeaaee. giviog as accooot of ao eacwrtlow of aavaraJ days Into Ike Uteriof ef lbo( heftl"g coo-nry apeak of iM aaU and aaiuUil of tke air, In IM klfb rtt lerma vitiitd tbe ioos of Acailus and Ahtiraa. (Old Oeatcmalal wkkb were daalroved rave tkao a cretery age . . a 1 ..1 oy voKanic emptiooa ami nn,iiwni. MlOfl water frwco iM hvxjntaina tbe lokabi uots were so raorb attacked to ibe pert ar.t.a J ib,a rdtt. tkit after tbclr calawitiealbey wooldiMiiquW ato.il drive Minded ra Ooaltmala. o wc o r olutioo, and ike InbJb'nanti are allowed to locate tbemeelm where Ikey pUaae. bey ire rebuilding the old cbiee, ana M wo meoiWtood.oow cooiain about MfiOO aoula 0Kb. Ao Inullnent prtcvt age4 art .Li antartaiDcd Mr. Williatsa, is aWaoed bint tbat since the? bad begun to dig wella to that eoootry. eartqoaka. a a 1 . 1 - a a kVa were leas tornrooo aoo Kaa ikxcb. pr Uat accounted for tbia on phUoeophlcel prlnciplea, aaaerting that tbe otlla formed additional breathing placea to tbe earth, and allooed bar to reapire olibout ocea tloninc o much motion to aer oo-eia. Another prieat, ladro V aaio, cut a . -.i.. ...Maint Mr. Willuma with ika rreateat LoaDitality rode round the country wkh bim two daya. In adJuion to We eternal M la a vnemMr of Coofreia. and an en- tboaiaatlc Republican. In If9l, wbes be . 1 ...k. tT.i.ri ri Guatemala uivmo tikoi w ------ , a t t . m.m ml or to tbe atocta, oy s iwrt boura, for ibia auppoaed heresy. Obofily .r. .a. a.. ikreTatened with tbo aucrweiu. . kt of bia bead, for uttering aome aenu r..nn. ni irra raHiuiniu" u ru ik. Inl dlwD OI IDS rcvwuiiun i- ..:. ,.,nir.. he look a mot flecwea I V HI ' " ' - , . . !.., iAA 5naSn. Amonz the vane par again.. r . r . j . i:.t.i mttaloua. and ly ol anecaoisa, yvn.--., --r.-t .. . . . n a fl ma. Biai0iiv.ai, - ' " a . waa one relating to an Indlinr who wee . i .. .1 auk ainirn niinn.iii"" " condemned lo deain lor soma ...ru fraction of the lawa of the ling. Tbe v.I- 't c..i. k.t tmnoiad and collected r3 SQcents orifKh w-lolodM from II ,550e.r.of.5e,for 3O0y.ri, in order to defray the eipenaaa oi .... conqueata of tbla country t when any one failed to pay tMa Iribu-e, the tax collector tied up the delinquent andlJoggeo mm oi V, Tkt. .nd other like cruellies mac'"""- . . engendered a deep rooted hatred agaiffat (be Spaniarda l when tbe condemned In 3, lc ..iinnl. waa about to be executed, aom. priest attended, and ur r Ltr ama Ka nanlitaaf!.! red bra toconieaawa r -and go to Heaven. Tbe Indian Inquired of the prieais, whether there were any B . j ...... fin k-ine- answered in snaniaroa ncr. -" o . . the affirmstive, he obai.n.tely rejected . ..i r...'..n and h.ntiam. Ana met ooin tmiit.. r . . . . i t . .tih an undaunted apin. Disiae. .".; - --, . . . but with cemonairawona w. j-j --- vw ft a? . Cnaniik a. Salt. waa about to be traea irom Cl.UUU JACKSON in ALABAMA On Wednesday, January. 10th, 183T, unani the Senate of Alabama pan mously the following resolution, which war introduced by-MfvtrabO , i..,mhiu cf the State v nenrvru vy I a; 1 Tk.l rnrif! viciicrai drew Jackson to be an Intelligent cit ten kn..r tn.n cenutne reoubiican a uure and Incortuptible atatesmao r . . . .' j :.v .r . Um ma- and that tbe oeciaea . ...- -- ... - .u- nnt nf Alabama is that ne Jn,J . rr.T:.MwtUl election be :r.tt7:t-.-.io . the ialrlf ana conauiu"7 a v . . .aaVa an inn viil bj a bjbj a vw.' j - !Mirrirthe .me Stiver Utrotrfy ten .art ' ntMCU HID ...hwiiww. " - . ' r w Mi. .n diBBaatlnir vcasei, - r , 1. .m ho seen. by . reference to-o ft-.r.n bw.Dir. ijbiuiiiw", . . . CongreV.ion.lpreeding.,th.tth. of RepresenUtlves, Of s vote of f.r2 mipUco tbeirclildren under bit mKruchon. have refused to . consider the reaelutlona KJ'gtuiti01, oillnodoubtbe .sstatrVeteey. have reiuwu .Ltalaed In tbe place, opoo P"'.feS.Vw1h JESSE BANKIK. Bnel levied uouei la.a : t Uoutt of V'ntcttfklnmtnt ItKMOVAL i l "M(IMMViMaMLaMla okkH caat rwa) frW.Uf " - a u a a. aaaaa aak eaJaaari, ,T. I. Arp. JU, I (77. M For Rftrf or lUnl 111 - se tke Tows of f,.? ill Coaawd. U ba e oewwU ft ;"l l ef tM , a4 w a very tM M caaM4a av eay W U4 of kiWU M-aouelaWf mmqm4 ae Maa M ataarf yvani iw-o ta a -4 ttaifiM. aat hmmt aUMAtiaea. oa tM bt, Imm dainty fei;a.f IM aM. A rvt kamka bmv M a4 ia tM a aivkaae a M p. Um4M.iUy J M tatH agtao. iti aUM mxw. awr M mil-ma ex sue BltCHAtX iHOWM. larfJary. JL L U.S. 44 WMaaaaaBAWBaaaaaaBaaaa TimXfAS ALLISON GrTMB4,IMUkVrrBBakaBUk ae Cwodb Vas Mmwf te Ma evil. kj. aa. MB ' - Ba naf Si l.Cm u.lktaat La kaaB. ara aVaaraJ to l fbrrH 4artiVr.titMr7Aor at, xk. vitUky He rvaaaio to aM pkxe ta tM lal af watk fur tM pr- at a..-. etal aa ittmlh M fctMkoT at kit ateM-kaaM. llrrM aoaia nw ww, v . . - . . a . . .t katk liawa rtraco eao M had SB at. Caatge Mt'mn aVy. aaary, M 34, iaiv. 4U0 . ri a ATr.rti. fc i- kwpt B . -...-a mJUmu La kal frwatM ajhl naaltTB IB kie I kaiaaa, arTcfB . talr, el tM Wlowitig rtduawd wark aaiifanr4 b lum." ' " " , " - TT DwukW lfareaj fcc CVriapB. fpbJed) froea Ke Ita-vaMB, plated, fm-i M to - 10 BU.l-B.ikfB lUnae. be-l qWrty, 3 CamaM da. JappaWd BBoaalUf. nrr. Tamarrs foot, JO CU U C ywSIWialJldl,frwaa . W lde da. ' ti j.iu- v.Wm. BaaUW-lafft. Ml aaaae of w , . . . WK (Mrtrnak eJ work , wv r- , jMy awl Vr-iok , aad all otdara atttsdoi to frr. any areta U tM country. Sslm,.r. I. ib. werwrtMlTON a-d TIRX. haeUc eewaS II tiaMaM aaUlda abop ka tbnt IM H, thm jW, ry.fuUv iMar tB and the public, imi iney oa nwmij .w-. a new aupply of CoM and f iher fatvat lever l'J7rif. and plaio RiWfV.WatcMe. Alao, a aupply of Jewr by ad Silver-WBrw. An of wbkb they are itapeawl to eeflj ae.ao rrxxl t'nrx aa they eaa M potkaaH eMwMrw. An amrt b bees aWe y.ib a gtaUV ntu vi PkiWWbhia. by wboeatber will have inanu-actuntd JIWF.LR t f 7 ad of tbe bvat awkjaanaliip. af.irtH CU Aa arT. f.nDt baa abo bees raade. by phettif Jewel7 aad. vTeldiea,fAB .Wew-Tortt end FbibiaVlpbiB, Tbey are now B en prepared to mamiiacTurw c-i U .ti art'icWa in their boo t and bone, by couaUnt attention to bosneetosMrit ahare of public patronage. RKMOVAL. ' EBFJYEZER DICKSOX, RrsPECTrULLV inrorma tua euviooaer, ana the public, that be baa retnoved bia B and 7Ue alanufaetory, trom tM ounoinf oe 1..-. y occupied to one a tew doors Bourn, w, u 4me ftreet, for aome time paat fcupldai 1 a Byatcbmaker'a and ailveranuth'a abop, ojany oVpoaite the Bank 1 where bo will J cootiouo to mtJct and bb?iui eTcry " BOOTS cud SHOES. He etrplort tbe beat workmen, ueei tbe beat I...U-. .i ri..ra-.a tha loweat pneeB, of any eW ehoe maker in thie part ot the country and 5fter all thU, he fail, in pleaaing tboae who SvoVhimwith their work. tM & oannotbo ln him.-A. thinka. Tbe V'1" rial-, the akifl of bia workmen, and the prompu. todewebLbaw Hne. ofTer advantage, to tbe y-J .Aae, reater perliapa than tbe tows of SababUry ever oeiore enjoycu. Ltt thtte buy turn wr UuiU ItfafJ t -j niiuiut burtU new Mff Ae bmiv. laliabury, Jan.39.t8?7. 4Ttf rnrmjiTlON. THE rubaeriber hu Juat opened SCHOOL i. tbe town rffiJlBbu, Injvhlcb wjfl bo fugbt fcB. aywalojrv S&J nreri, anif all tbe brjS. uuejt intbe different Academlea in hi 1 oountry. Uoy can. be prepared here for Coltege. Due andloforwavcb bt,i arc..-..- . - . lanaawauw. m v..-.- r. ,wi,:avn. .... ! . j iht hifl Amcm n mun I omruiii. euo... jm. . 51 t w -m no aw atb.;jar a . k . . : a at . . . . -ko " 'iwmw faMrf4 naa u-e kUiaaf ka Uiala a. .mi i I a. .4. a.. 0k4 ka IW 0 ajaaaJUe W faaa Waa) aaaafinal ay aM fttaQig OaW kve M a ffn4 - TRAVru.r.rj mu roiRDr.Eii: o4 Maa lo eHl M aUe e gWo M eaoaa aai. keVdaao M kaa aVaao W twwv yaare av Tiaa.Wnaaf aarfl a-hrfl Watai U tJ al kaf .. . t-

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