tr p p '1 ii i . .y w J 0 s- ii t aa. 1 fiALISnilUY, N, (U'lJI nv, mmtMn, , ,i,7. ; vouviL-KaiiL ir, -jfii-o name. I.ITIiKVAf. IM I'K () V i: M K S T. JV M (iMr, wl ts T O lmW flu cMi AMtfy i -"" - f i in- vMra ra i Mmkht . I KJKf f - efWa... - mt ir fair laifml Iintret rrftjly iVfrilt fk M:wf-.f; F'fifli " .... r p i iri hMf,u a i , I M ltard ftf impfirftft k & ii4 t W tWta 4 &j.iim mum"" w MfMIIIU k.. ...... , T - m wTiwrrtv fnnmnxu UgltUfurtYrt lU rtaM tUMrt bJ Ar J k.n. t.4. rt iLalZim yT ? tl th r!fg mmUm iht fw ri'JV f wr vwr-WTfwtef tot? - IriMi ft aoe.Ut ind km eeitrtkt, tht hart tttt CiMptMr!, Ba4 U lil.l rf istlai (4 bt IKtnilfVtd, bf K1tJ 'ipfWfH, wbttmr (i bt m rt mvni ta Inert vitUttrmtxtdl mvftttk u V r I6 low ' UminKtoo. TM Br4 Nt r Ummttd ti tr fmr m4 Ihmtt tf off b rtl9Vf4 fey AtMi w . . ' ' I LUI MltMiiJi cUbf Ut Ut cirri 4 ? m rrk. Tkf fuftlnr f IN room mi it If h It limit el Hi Mm1miw,i cmt, t4 Op of iM bolr Hri in MtMfMkd it U CMnils it tbi ti4 iIm U4. TM TM Kttui lU 44 U IW Ul f tir in Jm lMk tobvUtf t if Ik Br4T Iltr mt aVtHB UlLKI. 8rtt1w. KiUlgk, iiairy t HIT. W-w WW W-rV (BV llfl inilB ! IM I & H. kCTKOlJil. ft f-f f w W r.4 UrUr mm U CUHra 0I Wnf U mr ml tW hi t4ltW MM4J iwn tk Uli ftmUJwm t tU US'l tltom fmttl hmrt iM lntlM4 rt U m ir-t&ar kite II-. AmMiturMri tltdtflW b. f6M i flltitol Uc. Wr tQuilrioai MTkiMI tar tU tW-irf JrW-l "Ctnf HKMM 5o fuUr Vlft lilt Mh- H, IM fM Ml M Ufttyl frf Jf, tltf t Ul MsdmUm M D.-HH.f CV-a.i Vd.rAu4 yWf0O CWiM rtKlilr U At ic- cWttrrftbt Kmh u4 m mvht k to " "wr rtoitAta "r hrttrt-t ta lUl pW, TV auix mil w. TUil7 ,M uwtrrt b yiif. Bulllttif U nutWtff. T1taBtac viW cWM u-f-4 1-tuNl Up fnmUmw aTUa ljakrlla MavMf JtoariMiiUll-f lt ink fmLUfttef ft -i pr lrajr. . . iMt4i Sbi.- J 127,.-. : At Kt ta nl4 tar ttbSf rriilefx ta ibt ' rMiitirfn t7nK-t t!rtt la rrtmia tivi V r & aJI. ib wr. w A. .r r.i I b taattaatt m h Iim rttdf JS tr-Mrm ta 1-WJIUM to cemmiDci epr iluni tirtr In br iprtn- Crr-w mm TVI f 1 0m- BuJ tfitf lha rrrHetl eitnwo. htO ii ilutbatt4, bri-T 0iatkaUHr4 dlSifuliiei ipptrt(f to bt larmooiwi !Prpr ! rmrt. ibit.ibt .raacblftirf wrer int um a rwf ptntruUr klad cat In IhU coflfHrr, rtetl lad unt tfxctr! inf'u "f Hi e.)om . Ojr rr-llli BrlrJtl tifl ! I cootb mi n in mk acurtrta ooiu louj miry kim a kmoriKr.lMmprtci wi bramlted. Uninr (b liM vlntir, tb Botrd W lopjfd triff meini in ibtir power iq for" t bf'M'g jrrif. a4 irrrt bkf nWf la ibaaipaWma, bt CVtk if taj Court of Ibt Ci4 Mtirt, a'" r.nRinrer, ma diico op under ft rrW r Temiwry wHbia vbkb Kb bit (flrtcilon, inllrtlr unfit for thi Urr Mr b. lad bi b brttbf tataift! v4 purpoti, in4 l b tbtntiorted, lubjctlinf tmrt. wf XU tfrt'W- of ertbtrafUii tK in aclail lott, m ttimitid amtn am arra Mtutq I i . " . " r fabkbambcMaao " h. Vr. or thrlrtctat or irrats Xtmn t aubna or eibfw; tar rncb Har ar wit. .. ikitrt, midvaf or brinff aritbia IM mVI Pinrlet of it kin 4,000 doHirt. io in tiMrimeot nw io us ii wn cipccted tbil bui erron would b r Tetrriorr , at b aaoxd ta Iba taM eora. cumn)illrdt bat to bfitr iot, or to ; atwi-, eonwaainf V''' ;TlJtTt4 tnortrtirhf Mthront mention , Z'ZZZZ rZ-3 eipieted. Tbi fundi ippropH tt a time ! pUci ta th tubpait to be fcrtbh object erer not cakntatod ttatd twi tftr wrtana. tAtr beinf dub 1 lor tui'iirunf io (ft it diminution tnu efrrd rhhoacb lubjxtnt, tKtl refW er r tb Board weta cornpclUd hbir to ibio- HSKli?r" tptTn' t - dd frtbr pmocutlon of tbavork, tbr tttitfkrftaa i-t Jodr f th fonrt, brod wbat ru appropriated to tbii ptr i-vhtm drrb ab9 bwe laaawl ntcbiripama or ikulir object. y, aubptmM, bo aatf themtnon proerrd to en-l Deticvin; thit It cinoot be ibe Ub of torrt ottearo m w proems or to pnmm irvr ,h Ugltitture, ifter hiiinK incurred to - etkaea to.praoatt of arW ,h mdem,kraf vthe Botrd etmettlf re- ajr taoet bV meb Oiuft i andttut vitneM or wit. commended .in idditioriil ipproprttliort jMeart, ta ouch Cowrti an1 the witit or wit. to thii object. From tbo belt ettimite mearfctaaacbeiei,tIun they cio tnikt, jt il beliered that the ofnDea.ttioa M h noww ft wrtne-trt anend ti -lnr (M Oiurtl of tb4 United !tir rJwrMcA , 7 - "7" 7?' .fi:Wwrtaoat- JI ba featard to -tend it h pen ilfeadrinmrrtd beyond tbe r plici oat of tbe County in which be mty j pproprmiont, tntrto ecp ma -taidr, iwmare tht fcrry mfletftwo bkpUcelboit and micbjne In ronitmt operation . i . i v:. v.. jt..u: Ir . r . . m itwucww, tviTw nnwr mi winnnniii, iVr l)x niomns. r or i more ptnicuiar a3er tbri taw. account of thU,ind ill other matten re- JlMZlViluant to tbi. .ubiect, they be km to arnrr eruuer ua lin mi ico t vwui wwatta vi-v a- rttar.. or pniettinjr. tlnit appta to any j4rt refer to the paper roirkcd A. wit Coart or ma uaitea matet, in toe Dittnct I no rry;ira io ino operiuoni oeiween Irvdaem buffooniry, and licet vbkh diMutiifr bim tar, tod Initritro vt(b froM el tb botjaa U I tvull tarraro. Mfrbaarlaff lit r adj rtf U wtmfmtm 4 tint ! f bootr of iprty paittritiuu. If thii wiiTtirir the birth tttc CokjBbui, it niy ilmott ba uld, ibat b vii crtdled poa) tba Kit tbi firat MNindi ba betrd muu live been nt mar pM porrafttfe, HtSKt W. COKUL Smst bi& 4b I rt-f titMrtafrwdwcwaafCoaaaa . m blrn, f noVnt, ra awtwrtVer rt. I Of 1 L' t ' " "" tWtr wiroMfw ta tat tattr. C0TT0X (tubful ditcbtrei of bit dauit, $&& to cnari, and tba Irtlobtectof Mi iion, kill V,lL ITOllAOB attba ibt tful lor of ttai ojonli of tbilblui tipanie. Ail ttood kbrfr., --!?MWHTar4 ppj. U tb. dkrkt otir -bick b. pr.. .bo Ul.ttrad., -tUbinc tbi .U.bmk- tTC tidet. Jtnt itmy fiet,iodibalmtatiitab-ii LiWrfiia-,. """"rw " SpetiSctlkxi 1. ill U ta tba btblt I moored ilor- the boacb.lncreduHtf lor a 6f fimbnxiic pullklf, "often ttb tbi ! momihf inlibrd, n Imifimiton pic et rompior, ind fftqvKotlf ta tWitlonl tort d tbi jurenile nttiuitor. launching of ibt of Aemblr tf Ibt lltb Mart b, I bit adtei(rvui btrk, iod iportink with 1 1 1 6, emitted "A furtber auppkmtnt to that element, hkb dewiocd to coo tbt act eodiled ta Kt tor tbe prtreoUoo duct pint to iroperithibit rtoowo. of kt isd ImtooftUtf , and of taUwful gimiaK.aod raatraioinf dttorderly tporti Tbt Rich mood Eoquirer tip of Mr. and dtttioalloa." Randolph, tinea bit defeat. " Tba da- "Specification tt. ff it cooducl iod port meat of Mr. K atnci hit delut, kill PtfMnw ttnritf hb tbt ivbarnbfr.ifiier drtirt H. Kn b tdrWd wttkta rt tbe rtxt f UYc attkti i ltd tMy depend apt tb etr&att aforaaattot of tay tMlrrvU tbtftiioa ta priem. JOIIJl MAC ME, wmtry 44, I&77. S SI f I1HR til AaocMikM 1 tb bfuMtmU A mm toeietr rt K. Carau. wjrUI CMtM t tTnare i ltM. ta ttaadotwk eannr. tuTLvtuwaiiavMi it lira r " " w 1 .1 r - . contention .rt matbtd by obtctnity andeirtd bim ,0 all hi. friend., dUirtttd L w. -w-rl tUk. ind tulgi. ; prtftnaneav trtn bb opponent.. lit itat. afMcb Wtb citkw M SpaciScation 111. Ha bat been Io to bt tuptrior to tbt blow which bi bit win b ttrrm tw tht habit of publicly rMkuiinc ttcbenraaiftd. and tbe reMntment with which jwbo k iattrantd ia prmif tbt mttrt of tbt roio and tbt tterttart td n- i cktU U tnltat a a tiatrw I a-wiwno, wttrouwy um H ftmmr w SpctiBcatkiii If. lit U to tbt babh of openly ataocutteg with fetaiki of doubtful rcMtauoo. SpecificiUoh t. IU If iddtcteil .lo buwrm eiprei. n'empertti drinking, frequent iotoxki- t.aa a a lion, and ii In tht natxi i katptag ir rtgulir hour.. Specifieition f v Ha bit btta teen publiclr pittite tba trick of tht tbttnblti, nd perlorming otner rem 01 jugglery. nlnd-lft will there for look leu to 'JTjf prwrJ J" couotry. In tbn frame of mind, bt at. vc arc rimW. dtiermintd 10 rtmtin wber bt it," till At branehtt of rbi Anetaticn'are hanfar trj ta alat iat attry diirotiatif and at titiri ta' aitwationa, togwtbrf wHb mty of tbw already rwcofnifo, are am aaowa at lb efflo of tb tMocaiK)), wkKk rradrrt a Irtntwinoti of dncumcait, k. IrdioMa and unorrtii, H 1 fherr)T rrrotnmrnrtt to rbe olnceri of oaek Itrtneb toctety, to aienf lot) in 'heir aeil rwumt. the nanwof thetf im, $A tb truwi ta wbotB. tb nretmry naiwr from tbe CrotriJ AtMtcittMHi tbtll ta tatnrr b dred. Tkew r.L. n-:..J a.... j k:.k .L. I P....:ti. j t. j. i I iuirCDi I .ire nniru c.c , r TciicTiiic tnu ii iimineiun. it U Dl. ... I. . . . at . . t 1 ... tHftrtikWliieVtrbtif "nw. I wwwfr. rsmij.w.w or Territory ( t-i.. iu.k Noth, ipttking of tht state of ptrtki la the New York Lerttltturt, uyn J CsuciiVTbt ami ciucat men bite bed CiUCUt it Albany aboot Senator, and ibeir Droceedlnn ire Important 11 MSpecificatitn tit Hehaibetnknowolretttei to tbt GeDcral Gorernrnent. Mr. to encouragt tbtdriwlnftf ultwful lof-cbn C. Sptncer of tbt Scntfe, taidbejeaii tbxnbt pltcrd ia tbe mail, trtrt-mitlrd whk . ttriei. - . ..'f.j.? -T.-t.-.w i . . . . .tt .. 1 wit r iiw iwitwci - apecincaiiorr tiii no naa , oeeai ACimt, tno mouio P oppoteo 10 011 rt I , . . --',. . . - I ' . . " . . ' M ' I teen weinnc t tank iiotg tot public I tleclion. Mr.Vielt, alio ol the certte,! tireeti in open diy. . Iitid that bt wn a Jacktoo man, but " Specification 11. lit bit boen inlthourbt that tht Gtnertl Admihutrition the habit of belting on tht rtiolt of ren-loutbt toba mpported " durlag the Arrera eral electiont, contrary to tbt act of tht J term." Genertl Allen arowed bli laoti General Aiteroblr, pmedj tie '34tbmenti for Gen. Jackaoa. Mr. Jordifi,of March,, 1 817, entitled it act tt prtrentl tb Senite, avowed that ht wnan Adarai 0od Mine. wkwSfffCaa? greatly improred dUrie ,h. kmlhiaLt rmlWf or Commnmon ' '". Tht low Itllftof tht Wlttr at tba time .nd nkea in tba aaid wbndmt to be bicblr farorablt to ill improvtment wttted,ind alto to bring or carry with biro or For a very full and clrcumitiottal account v a t arw .1 .. ... .. rr, anaproauceio wco vwnmiwjc,ttnjiol me work done upon thii rivtr, they the report tubmit- i If:. 1 .ni ii. inn 1 fi . rr nw in r iiiiitih .1 i m . . Opannn nt nnwrr of mrh witnett, Mich Jik re " - --.-v., feint. MtfieAbr the .ffiJrit of the oertonio. tbe tuperintendant, marked. B. airing, or otherwtie, tba there ii reaton to be I Tbt above were the only worki placed ieTe ma; aucn panrr, wnimif, wrmen innra- unaer tne immediate controui ana mm tnrnt,book, orotber doc.imrnt, i. in tbe poi. ,gement of the Board during the put Wb1m a wmmimm rJ lha aritn'M. Intl that lha I . ' edTwodd oienV.'nd however, received a awtrrialerMeiieefbrthe party applyinr there- Report from tbe President and Director! for, tntr order tbe Clerk of the Court, of which of the Clubfoot and Harlow'i Creek Ca- it r. a Judge, to Htue men tunpmna auct$ inti Company, to which they beg leave . t aeeordingly, and, if aiich witnett, after iho t0 Cin lhe aUemion 0f the Legiila--wenir duly amed witb- tuehr aubnoma dueei L,- Th. f .(.a R,i -nhirffTrar&tireg-tnr inch: MBerrr "t..- ."k" r" I " r . . r. ' I tk. nlilii. .( kl. f.M.I k.. k... .-.,..- Whting,' written inrtroment, boor, or otner "' innnra dodimrnt, being ta (be poeaetwnn or power of I ly expreised to the Legiiliture, ind now, such vitiftta. deteribed in tucb tubfimna duett when the work U nearlr' finished, the eaav before, and to wch Cnmmiwioner ar j Tee! it their duty to'uree that wch fur- ih . .... ' . . Committionen. at the time and puce in wch . tubpoma rtttedV aneh feflur. beingprored to rat ftttiitaetion of in mki juafre, ne may pro. eeea to enforea obedience to tba and proeew of ruAtoM duen ittum. or to punuh tb duobc dienco, ia lika. iwuiiter a. any , Court of the Coited State may do in cat of ditobedionce ttt file bv: web Court r and . ajrbeaajny wck.japer. writing written, instru. awni oooa: or other document. ihau be pro. daeed to tucb Cntimfsnioner or C'ortirtiisswneK "Tirbf Wf Wall, "tbe cost of the oarly re- quiring the tame, cause to be made a fair and wiii-vi WYJ .i.-icui, ui VI IIIUVII IIICJXUI hall be required by either of the ptrtiet t Fro- tided that no wituai ihtll bet deemed guilty of cuicniDi iot uituucjin,- any- awopana aireciea to bim by virtue of thii act, unleit hit fee for going to, returning from, lind one day'iatten. dance at tba place of elimination ihil'l be Paid or tendered to him at the time of tbe aortic of. aubpowa. t . j AppreydiittbJanl2r. thtr aid be granted at may be necessary ior us enure completion. Having no longer a State Engineer, who had heretofore been made accounta ble . for all tbe moniei expeoded ' under I the authority of tht Board, Geoeraf Dud ley, one ot our memben, at our earnest wlicitation, undertook tc puperlnfend tbt disburse meols . that .wcrtt .neceisary on the CaptFcar river, both"above and be- law Wilmington.. Thii oflkt wte most faithfully performed. Hit account! and vouchers have been examined, and in- proved by the Board, And 'tbe "Stale "has been relieved from lhe expanse which U would necesiarily btvt incurred ' by tht employment of another agent.. ' The Buncombe Turnpifcei otnD.ny Jiawg applied to u;4under the protii-, " Specification X. He It Utterly .re gardless of tbe obligitkm of truth." Dermttltd Wiiindaltfht';' "Mr? Hirt, a Semtor, laid he wai ilso in favor of Gen. Jackioa. It seems to us, from these indications, that both ciocus ind inti ciu- BIRTH PLACE . COLUMBUS, cut men, in this State, ireibout aupport- la one of tbe kttan froa U r, Carter, (aeoitr I ior Ceo. Jackson. editor of tbe New York Statesman) wbo baa for I t mr nut bren on t tour throarh Europe, tba Lrtiilativt Uitmtyn a deoaie in following mention ii made oftbe birtb-ptact of Tenneiset Legislature, on the Md rwju. r-Aa.. th. ilWmiMri im.1L Nov. on School Lands, Mr. Balch said ha cired no mort for an opinion of Judge Hiy wood, thin for the barking cj dog!" How dignified and eloquent ucb Unguige ai thii, in a Legislative Hall! ChHtuphtr (Slimbuit the diteottrtr of Ameri ca. The letter it dated at uenoa, near which city ia litutted tb viltag of Cocoktto, th re puted birtb-pbee of Cohunbua 1 A full day wit occupied io an excur sion to Cocoktto, the reputed blrth-plice of Christopher Columbui. Although muck obicuritt uill kBg.oer the cradle lfria-fc5iRrtA,4n-rhlr r.nKrrW . ... ' . A m .' l II lllfclHlViV. mym "ti t 01 . Kre.i man, rwi wiw Atawncn h American, of tht name 01 traveller in parncuur wi leei a inu ik- m inTented a new agent in lieu linn .l.tttnfl. a anvt. whlk tnilllinft ha. I ' . . vii 111 iiiihh. .. hih . .,.,, .ml. thai dntnntnon arft. aiiociated with tbt Diacoverci of tbt AMmA k- k. h....w,n t h.drnirMi WANTED to birr, 1 number of able baitdJ to work at lb GU Mm on Beirer-Dans Creek, Montgomery, formerly know! it Cbiabola't wine, to which tb Steam Engina it ttttched. Libertl wtget wiO be iHren, tod A- . l ' I ,1V. WAN f ED, by the tobtcribcr, a ltd about 15 or 16 year oldof ticady and iudut. triout babita, to fetrn th Ularktmiihinr Bum- ant to whom good mcourifrement will ba given, by applying to tbe mbtrriber, netr Hill and Frtley't Mitt, on the Sooth Yadkin river. about 9 miles north of Stlitbury. DANIEL LIMBAUGU. Ftbnury 13, 1857, 3151 raaa" axiw-toix rirst. mixed with atmospheric iir but tbt by drogen hich bt employs is demea from tbt esseotisl oil of turpeotiati or aimhnl. hecauaa from either it may M obtained abundantly, with a small appara tut, and without any V eooiumption New World. I hate neither timt nor inclination at present to enter into a dis quisition tpon tbe contradictory au thorities in rotation to thia lubiect. nor to balance tbt confiHcUog claima of rival nlacea to tht nativity of tht adventdroai . . -' - . ---, t rat. ni navirator. mi own manmcnpi if now 1, ... ti,;. anna.ra t h ttv . u,iniSiih.hrl. o"VM.hJw '?:; " : i . Ml-id. who Mrhar.tlP'1"'"' w juMui iiiiii. - k " ,r r maa ilmw inm naa ltht UDOli tht ttrl mw. i w -- - ,4 I Ma-.w. a m r ik., I AAAIUUt Tbevillagtof Ctft'sbtto M 4lud '! Tht Montreal Iltrahlatatei, that a few tbt head of tht Gulf, (of Veince) about day a aince, a gentkman of Three Uirers, fifteen milea from &m&'tMW mu& fma "thii town -to Bertbierf a dif wardi Savona. On atriving at the little tanct p(tyvt miles, in fir bouri. hotel, inquiry wa mact for tba hqutt of ft it added, that on tht STth of Jan., I M4, Chrtatanbar Columbia, afld tomt half a Mr. Arillf Htrt.MD of Moiei Hart, Eiq. doxen villigeri, Wbo seemed to exult io J of Tfaji et iUvlrl, tkated tht nmt diitanct tbt aame,Ied tjir way to tht fMiqttT't iisrr itataBbrlJf (Artf minutep J!!l!i. Fot ftae ot Went, MY Hhm tmd Lot in the Towe of Concord; It U in a central put of the town, and ii a vert efiribl ttand for the Mercantile or any other kind of buainett, having been adrantareoualy occupied! ii a store lor maty years t , there , is a gooa lot, immediately adjoining the store. A great bargain may be had in the purchase of tbe pre misea. If not rold, they will be Rented again. for further particular, apply to - WlVHAU, HKUWN, aautbwry. Jannwy 8, 1826. . , .. , ..... H Xtau tA trth-CanHfid, partkm rwmfy 1 COUBT of pfeti and nutrttr.tataiont, Decem ber term 1826., Chartae Levering t. At eaMder Bea Original ttttchmect, Jeried n , tbe bandt of Gary Markland and llrnnr ftiklea,- aod they summoned al Grnifr tt appesrln ' o thAittiffSwrim) of tbe "court that the d-fw- w dant, Alexander Rea it not an inhabitant of tbi , tate, it W tbwrfbre' cniered by fiit court lhaf nublication be md for tit weeki uccenivelv t In the Wettern Cirohnian, printed in 8libury. that unlets tti said Aletahder ikt appear ae ' the next court of pleu and quarter letsioni to. be held for theominty of Daridwn. tt the court house in Lexington, on the 3d Monday in March next, and replevy and mak bbnself a party. judgment final will be entered-againat him, and the amount in gtrniine bands applied 10 dis charge of said judgment; - otl Atttavi VAWJ r. rr.