tk rr t.fMntfiD'r. tt4 H4 tPa . a MW 0-, 1m f n44 al M l'4 a. TU ttitrl (m-tnn M rr try la iSwwwwreat t fr IV ata lis IJ't Dfif Ui rrfiscl l4,My toiemedlM Vkt fW--ai rfW4M It rl tf epti--ka4a wkkM swIgM a- l it. auks- .( fM m,Ua U. mi. AJi4 iva "' r. a4 tWUll SrVfwpa.Wlk HpL H,. AUIMM, M IM faM m rvt iaaU ill Vki Pftillf at. Mew hrr.M4 0 tnnvkaUoa whkb towed. . A? Off M N4MMt M t ttmto wMMr beet pi" ,M jW imi tJ tM We 0twtMi. AM if tar ia inWkM m till petot, IM Mo rat saiWUd th-i a iMk cMrgat wtrt, f had btt. l IM rrcwedt frf PP' tf U'ffli E. ttiht tones fox Chub Mil, ad drr) t M.tor 0etfjto Oefk aa-la IM MiM tf llaacwb," bed been p- fitMd U IM AWiMidH PhtIi (iasa'it, tf ike ffib Vrttmbtr, whkb pobiketkM lit Vkl PrtaldrM kd Dnkolrtr ft fim4 10, to kl et tM committee. (Me fatt bwend lo fSimtot follf ed frtflf toe IM trwktw WW tf IM j.Mrt fonlatotd tolhet totff. FrW IM f of IM dtrU M ffpM4 M IM k a frtM Uf flillol." k b lm- mm1U Uf b CooimliKt to 19 tW'ti, prorttJne clw and ir-.ti fik, till. r:'i i-vv. ml. iiik, nil. a4 iM tfr iKMtf, tl At W, till, ! ...Uf w4 UciMf irik, lin - ifj.ll ll I'rJ ! II In - I 'M CitHf. 4 lit 4''rf tl kJui lnb tf U! Illy iImuMmI tl lW Mil M MilJ K, Mil &! Ctt Coyr, m te. iitvi 0V!7, 1 isrt lift 1 th uft. lift tin rtrJlf ritJ . iMftn iMf fill l w tw iir rrf-U. jitiii itt 1 I fa 'fi Bi ui all at UtH iMr U ro'ijJiH rU irnf, I riwr nf- fro tM:X( If t Dfprtf bu4rfd ltou.U txrxht 61 . j t A - 1 1 . M-i 1 MTii A lore tM . . ill) Cftxua K M(l.t dlirf, ml iKiad pf cb of no. cnt'iw m Ik! 1 , ..j. rnjASIit. Tram ihc kH Iiniif MKtM-d it kit rhrctr, Ibt com If iMr tM M lUt MMI pu biiU il(lM Vknt4 IM MfMi inV1 W TM Wmc ! IM MUct Ma Ma ika UT.riv4"e lM!r rtmatr mtm HaM im iMiuliuUai lka tottaJ iMl iWt Mrt U4 W I Uf Icl4 IIm OH.wL-io iW iutaf liut Dtpirv Mft Wat t l't tttklM. 4 iMi Ml nr(, tH CMtraCi HfmtiMd M lo a Mcaaairf. I f loftl a full tW IM Mia t 'mm, it ft lMf Mi Ml IM ' M l(rf a ti ralM iM Mil coMfwt. fM Mimt4 Ki Wf iii'tr iloti itltra4 it p 4 fl WmUI ir4MCiki Ulf ft ..J P til. Lb ta ika (Miracl i a4 iMrt I a" It bttttff t U aqocai Utff .liiua 10 tmtiM iM Vk rrfWmi ftrr Janrl l.orKc, rcftwo nuisi m4fa aqialmH ! IMir WW Bia.1 uajf Itldfbo I, a(Hl lrj lb SIM TMlnttr rrC4. Arnl4. Hnialj.. ,,f Aofl. I III, ColrKI u twi M -m ai I -t Ma4tlM C"rdrMrib(l Utof lrr t0 huwJrrd DtftimfU aitffc It -tiMiM ,B(H(mwI Darchti, Tl "f pr.r.fK. M tiptr-iW . M , .!. K. -.pfoparlf k'tt4. aa IM LtmMiff ... - . j a . .IllfHMr al Ihf Up Up uftdrf tooirxi .MLfrid Mil. ""b lUPyMMmrrfof 10 kut- . , ... .-4 k riMu(Mi, arm Ml Iv.itrliwf mnf . - .. int cofi? k atcr inlrrttf it IM kUarl Eotjac-f DrparmtBt of the firii Hofd boo o IM D'jurtmaM. bl at hM DftCM littr do I 0ot jrv. ..... . . i iba con mp i at til tr reman, mat a ta booJ a circt lor iKc ,Mr ;- L0 kaieter on iM j,i,rr 0f COf homirrd and fir hUaol prrtkel. dcKribinj ibf torn f t.a ai crtiff l War, 1 m dir. al ibt Ututia f M!'nS,tf ai-ifil.'jii f.f aliMiMi 14 a(fif 'J Vii.ff Ubalf bf iM VMf.'nUtt. OilM ITik fcf Jaa4r. IM fl i?f J ff ibt 6WI asJ ft pttwti Urt tf ibt VHt-PrtiWatt, piMf pWtMi tM ptf Wul pro t. Ld.ata ci ibt L'maiitif. u.urr. ill iM fila tjT't!, i f l f'iik t ' t t "i I lit f. iil fca i '. Uiwa M f4. a UifL,ti a jLf n t iM t'J It a'ili fra 4Mi Bijn m M iM rn iMl &t U iartU c4 IM 14 j infxl liattt at Ua Mi t U car. Utf cmi it U4.4t paai,. t IMU Ma4 !. TM Jikf WJ ! patia4, U, 0 Hi. ki, i v111 9tr atci pM4 to llll.iiif'4,t'ii am. ua m fckfiHU'tiinin itM uAmtU tfptMklaMa4 aa( Nr ikSi ftp at papatl ad puutu ir3 tftdtf lit MJattkM of itl plf ef Cu r; la t) Uktii U prwutu 1J.1 CfttaiMlf a tl dttanrd H l' duly it If tr a iScll MWlf tQ cmit.l ,t7!rlat4 ! iwaV-Ml aVttf lit U Tkt D p'i wU itlia 'taraktMaittira4f tramif aQ im Un.avoef llvr ta? t'rtCilrt iv U far imm c twt to UtAlcnfttrf duriof bf OimtMtW. 4klfikaaMUlaaaa.a 'ti ii i ait a we, UtcA ' TIIK LKniBLlTUHK. ! W ilatMt4fnjMlf finMf Mt ' tUt Hrdft. 1V Ivlw-f a-T rj rOry.Va f -Mr. TfiaV!. id!"! a O- Lali.ial iWptinL. ... r(m4 IM tMtMtU ai JaW-akat iaSai aaii (W i!; tjUl f WaUfi ta) iM Wa at aUgH fcW.a f,rW.-f IM If.Kal.iM dcWit. kctf IM taiinJ lanitiiwi IM t4tf Diktat UtJt4 Ml at) tU uStptkjt) ef iM Ca)t)i4k, rtptna4 tbal k it toattwfkal at to s'tiatt tt tk ' . i .4 . i a - U la tmm ika rf1 a CM caaaiinat a dbt tt mA' ct MaTC n-f, f. -I TM lMa rt aJtad fcUtlf itit't fillt of IM WMk. (m IM aagmard liil t if -or-aa ta Cow (Ml C'ttni ltjx'h M traciad kim iM fwWlc loada, a4 to Impoat t Mrt oat j and. afitr aoiM lip, at H iMnki. IM fom.that mt. and it pofia d IM Uli at mat6t. Tm kid kiH and attaodma M vara, iM. a u.k .tf Mr. Soal- fif Ortotf kntfll nmn"" Ftil, fri 1 3lr. BJrd,f IWimC PKti'rd a bill It aroatd IM Vfarl kii of 111), leyofOfrtnjf Morfanten Tm trt:rtd rtioltino to firor tf i iM tubicel rtftrrtd la iMra. ana tfttr a long and boi-m titmlnstk, IM? art anAi4KMJF of iM opmin, thai IMrt art no (cia hlch i'J an IboHir iM balkf. tf an luapkiot, .ihai iM VkfPitUtknl tar war ai'ed, or IMI M pnkipird, dirtrilr or IndifWilf, to iM proS.a of an?' ContrKl formed kn im GovcrBmenl tbrxMf h IM Drpanmanl of War, vhilt It vat rol mated vhb ibt diacbargt of itt duiica, or al any otht r lime. TM art alio of opinion, that tbt . . coodvel tf Mr. Birbour. IM prcianl SVrrtiafT of Wr, to rtgard la IM kMur M brlletad ot hU ojih. Tbt leiierv h'lartrer. juu refer rad lo, and pruduced by Kim dutktK bi at initiation, do am J ucicncy of tb aurrliei, at atiacH. rtMioriDtir auianicii o ma f m rd t thi Inatrumrrit. I hr Commit Tlot from Mfnr atdtrnirr. prictpling lucH parli aa b4 beat, da cad or obliirraled. vert actrto,al4gd nrrrat B FalaMf. ai raad IM morvd irl at dr tn E. Mil. Tble ai f lW d. otr moikm of Mr. pal(hlI rood bo d to airnrd'b E. Mil .ai0''"1' todeCnitelf popoad t.tnrrartrtr td 6m Xuupti .tad Jjmrt Oahlrv, ta aurcttea aod M ia anlfditrr) m Shot Aufutt, 1811 but on rcnlicair. i rrt ard lo the b? 5Tior Vandetcoter Mmelf ta g-enuint and M via requited to eterr inatanct, lo Itatt, Ua IM Irtirrt be fort Aim, wKal.tamra or vordt bad occupied IM obtitf rated plarea, Mn ibt let'ert rlflaft. TM lalirr from Vol aa m m 1 f .! a. . a dcatnlnr of ctntart. TM accotaiion .. n .. .JL.lJ til. Li.. . . . . i ir iw w irnaini. vui ina inrca pa Coouinrd to Ibt 'kf ,0 U ,0pI.orti,.,ub llm?.?'JJ Xlr Vaadtttn rrrwdenl, pnnd by a man wHoila un votibv of notkej atd iM Core mitt at kite no rraaot) It beiitvt ibal IM - tup poacd Irtilh of ibat accuutfon m al n timt Ibt batta of aov act of tht War De panrnanl. Tm publication of IM iciitr appears lo -katt beto productd ta fol io al- .2-;.. 'y-- CoMal V-ndtVemrr. tM admi.ied author pemora for a contract th ibt War De- ... , . i f ii it. . . .v. r What- IM orfl arnn i" ninjftiHH ooiaincg irotn IVfijor S Clark a copy of IM Icilar, rtb i )t lo utt tbt tarnt tirainat Mil, hould M find it Mcciaarr . Fiom litis ler lo .Mr. Cilhoun, rtitfor tMtr autMn iriiv on iM onMippored tenimon ol l Mil, and art regarded br tht rorn milttt ai ha tin r been fibrtcated ba bim The? art ako of opraiotf that tM voeda or names defaced from the letters of M'jof Vandettrter were ao defacedot C Mist. and .ibt commilttt. bate .been ' . !. - t 11 , . fl ,1 - " r ' , .1 lllrt Jninl lumfvl I urmtiiai ",IVII in, ml lit. lIKIUUcri tee hare hern unable to atcrruit thm thit lecond Kond at rrceitcd al the Eoriser r Drpirtmrru i though the imprrHn of Geo. Stft it, thjf it TM bill prearriUna- IM manner to likb ileil of tht Superior Cowm tKalt herefier he appelated, taat rtjected on ita frond rrating. The bill Umltlnf actiont on .lgmeniv bUrt al prttm M(. MX if i rorn IW tatotl cataaiue li elan aa rtfarrad IM pttktot) tf" iaet AOra, IntpaacaUg tM coikI af rertato tWcttat of a Tarapikt Rad to BrHb, Madt aa (.atrablt ft port kkk aaroartvrrtdia. Mr. fpalfM of Crt ttt, from tkt Kill tare r e mine, to Mat wm referred (M pri blot of aorvtrr ri'Uraa tf Cbatbaaa rocntr, tat b4 f fompaHwf; Q jikert itptr&aea talfliatf dtf I rrptrt btcitov to ba-dUcMrg ad Iron HafnMrcea4draikm. Concurred to. Mr. liny prratnttd a WiH ttaSract tM manner to tbkb Comlablti abaH bt ap pufotedl 1 bt trenUrt iM ttocb tnrd bf rb ritetir tM Dokaa NVr and 'aptFeili ptarebaatoct lia P'taJdeat and Director of tM U'fry rjnd, aa rad rkt aarond ttmti tfd. , motion of Mr. IMI of S"4e, u toder nhrlt poafponrdll to 7. ' The bill to rtttikit IM partatni tf ctalmi acainallM terereJ coontiai to tbia bond, and otMr araied tofrvnenta. red tM Ibird time, amended on m 4in . .n, tW. (.. of Mr,rt M K.y and PUIetl, and rer I . . r,,,Ma aira. en ii j I . i. ....j wartf.y. rrt j -rveceireo .n-n -nr. .rk,.tot farther tlm. for iM r i mm ! -" i'i- oinrr ort . ccnmctir o, ,-e n.- . . - AerkIttral IkcUtiat. ... a if rmw.t. i v iK r w.aiT ,,r, i.rd hrfor he left the nfficr. n"n ."acaienDura;, m i.w . '"Ti . , ,A ,k. - i . . , . L . f KT... t ' Tntimnaon ; whick, on motion of will' ( m ' ' '- .... ii r..i -t. MLcarr I ait. .nsjnr ? inurf mm atao c preari lto belief,, thai it deliver, ed during the Fall of 1818. Hot far bit trttimrmr t)oflicM, tf at all, with hi Irttrrirt Mit, dated 7th of Octoihe third timt, amended on melon of Mr. rv a countcrinca o int pea ker of (hr ?rnite. The bill u derlirt ronitrir tUtes, ttbo arm thrmeltet, oolleoa. and to poniih them for rb offence, ttaa read and tM bill to rt litre ibt people, by re dwctoglM land and poH lay. for ont tear, were mdtfirutelj povpooed. H WaoVy. the ttt laaT. tM kat day a ttt wrnma of IM Irbtra of t.ieetate, tM ha fciaiaf rr inMxwi vat oncrea la Utt naoaa ef to V rtii tf ki. kai a teaj a i a a a . . . a a . I t" W 1 1 kniPM raw nrea her, 1820, ia tawcancurgei up n Ue 'Mr.. 5catell,rwl .wt caaimg c b. r. Jort4 f Warret ta-Mtr, la trr to attrna to "irr rxtnc, tne I vote ol tnr nptaaer. . loaaca oaa amaOMUV pa rill D! undertake to dc vhkb ba.publuhad the next morning to the paper, accompanied by hi editorial rennrki. In ibia publication Mr. Bir- bour bad no atocy, either direct or to Committee lermtne. Thr atteottoa of urn. awilt traa particularly directra. before the Com milter, to the diicrrparK'ei'io 'the bondi, and alto to the two Irttcri from tne. Fnn'nerr DcDirtmeAf. in which the contract ta allodea to, ino. tl plaoaiioo htch hr jrrree will befound to kit tetiioaooy, to which he Com mittee rrfrr. Daring aa iovettigation relative to thia contract, by. a Committee of the Icmat of Repreaeptaiive. in 1 832, a Cbtnmhe!-W inatter lo 1fic1ire Eogineer Dcp-rtmcnt fumiahed a copy or name a were, which havt been ihu obliterated. IM offer for. ibt ron rect appear lo have Man made by . Mil, on tbt tSd of, Julv llll. and propoae It deliver fron one to one atune, tt three dollar per perck." TThi ctotrtcl, a furauhtd Irom tbt War Dt partment, beara date l M SStb of July, of the mcoocT bond, which had been tit. ii ttinuia'ea lor tM oeUverv oil ..,k..;....- k. .rt .n a ouvauniiLtj naav w- ft - no certificate of the York, approving the upon inc vict rreuacnt at friend, and Inform biro which tbt totter: bad come .-j .1... .l. Aitnonirn oiia nert aooe uvu l nanus, auu iuii tiifj ujc liau i . ' ' , e t r t r rt been atibarqueotl; iramoimed Ibrtwrt i b51eB lba wlf eoiiactor, yat, from Srnith. the Eogioeer Di pmmeDt -1 . ' . Iha attftHaB,naa.. thM la a (Wl.. I a.a..l L AvniMa K ai a. V. the noet effict In aa cnvelon ta wtmei hu iimicu uicac wvm rf! .i i t. t, i ni V direet. Whe. M beard that the totter:;6 fcuodre.d V fthni pert he, hj. hefe w , bad beta mtdt public, he rrqn.ated Col 9' '"'t dJ'r' P' t? Reorder of New. tj M yk. r .k. s. ... -.ii drawn ap in tht band wriung of Maior . 0 w wi.wu, n ... "v'i m van i . .j ,.. . , i aurruea on ine lecoan n na, copr oi ... , anurwcnicr,anu oy mniaioat wnoeaaea, . ., , ii j bW'i bv Central Jotph o! , h t0 h rCnctltod onl. t?h. ? rMr iSvift thcn chif E"Kineer( .mi b Elijah nd, w.a made, and attached to the .h. VIK;;iM- Although Mia hera appear, to pv of the bond forti.hed Capt. adY" Tht bill to amend tbt emancipation w Tk ,M Membtri of thit la. reircted on i't third reading. lfmiM .inf-rt-lv lament iM affliction wlik Afonday. rt. S Mr. itMa present .m-w ,l. ii,-,. lftkn Sianl I vlalfeit. ed the petlton ot itnory lonaorami ot iWj ite?f aympathitt witk kit famUr Willi COUntr. Ot) the SUbfeCt of tlterine I . j f,J,t. U . r.l.mlt. arhlrk Ikroatana . . v . , , . ..... . ... - , the lime of holding IM wouns oi sua lojcpri,t tMm of bit aflTertitnatt cart covmj ; ... I and protection, artd tht Suited om of itl . -ant MHOurecnngn-oTry"".- Iff In koWinx. elections tor nrprpenia live' in rone-reii. wa read tM accond time, and. oo motion of Mr. Pickett, to definitely pnefponed. Hrdr$dtf, Fth. f. Mr. Foreman sub mined tht following .resolution i AA W k a a.e a a a4aaaKfai K Htwn aa Ia the eonatii-ttonaliiy of a Solicitor being Cktrtk-i of tM U. SUtaa, rpoatd by tto "i : -t -.i- ii Sf j.JkrulatiiMa Ceorra. ma Mnrrli tka aUxlioa wfun.i4iM,fww i - bef'T '-' wtlfP vtvJU flttohfd. thrrrfvrt That the seal o .ufKA avwrr a uw cai rrmrrm. In the Haute aV Comcnoie of tbla "stiW, ttf J Saiurday. the 10th inat the following reaotutiaw ' were efTerad by Mr. Settle, and ifretd tt by the bouar, on tbt tubjed tf at alteratkm in the liar., io Whom itoeioneed. I hia in formation waa Riven by Col. Jobnaon to ex mined his communication to the House Tbt Jetter to Hancock.," at published and to which tba Vice President bad re ferredi contained, among other things, the following assertion And I have written letters of Vandeventers, which most poahivelt mention that be j( meaning Air. Lalhonn; was engaged, and reieiven temt portion of :jbt cootrcU",A u.cb letter, if t hey eiuted, might lead to Tur tber evidence,, tnd be tmpQrtant to .aid - -the -GomjniJteei .-ribatrght .proper,.- in; the, early .atujif ol their pweehg ; hot b Jor : Mix. and JTarifle yjalertu cUuse theiein contaiped,-' cornrnanding them to produce any papers ia their, pos! aesnon, tfndmg to prove toe accusation which Mix had made in his letter to Hancork. In obedience to this sum mons, tht witnesses appeared, and Mix hating been first called upon to testi fy, produced, during his examination, the letters from Major Vandeyenter, attested these Copies, has that ai the timt the contract was made,! Dittoed the cause of his Crrtifvine to or soon after, and before the execution hhU in. rr. .-.,-., ,nA n hit tf?timni .f r. " "-"'t . ' a ...-..-uu. jot toe penormance , a iha, nariicular. the Committee here r - ... kam.Vira. Praa4nf . In iK mArnmo fiWl Mf V t aww wm um w - W auwi uiiik VB IUB I a a . . . 39tk of DeriobernusTDeforC The question still remstns, who was . r a. a a I"" ioai fHiv lounn ocionCQ to atior i A mmm ft f m t. Ana rAiasatk TtSa.lw ill. fourth to R. C. Jannines. and tha re- lhe ,ecret partner f But the Commit. mtining founh to a person whose namt tee bemij entirely Mtisfied that the t. was not to have been mentioned. Th I cret partner wtsnot-Pe yicr-fren Stepheo Miller, Senator of the county of Duplin, tnd also ont of tht Solicitors o thf State, be a seated Which resolution, on motion of Mr Speight rGreene, was indefinitely post poned The resolution, reported by the com mittee of Propoiiiiont snd Grievances, unfavorable to tht netitloo of ItobeM Ufa rev. waa taken udx wben Mr. Kine of Iredell, moved to amend said resolution by striking out sll except the word " Re solved," and inserting the words " that Robert Grary be allowed the aum of 130 dollars, with interest from tht year 1817," twhtrtnnmtonrwts wtgatlttd. - ' . Mr. Stokes, from the commute of Fi title of Tandeventer to his fourth, at the'rnt which- was the main question to time above referred lo, appears to. bate be decided will leave the conflicting reateo on a vernal and confidential egret- teatimony oo the other point with the ment between him and Mix, and so re-1 Hnu. . attmntinp ta decide lA :il ... a ... t ;. .... . I "t 7-.--- r r. h rrAlVaH B aaritfasn Kill r ailaa t I A ' 1 - - 1 -- i " a aia wan ui ui uiie half of the w holt contract. Ifawet Golda bort.ugb and Co.'snbsrquently ' became ine owners oi ont lounh, by purchase rom Samuel uooper, wWnAftflltoitty Ir purchased from Major Vandeyenter: a . - art - and iney juoidbbomugb. and C6.J were recogniaea at tne wr-uepriment, by tbt consent ot t. flic Ua , the 27th, January, 1 827, the Committee clostd tba xAmirtvtdof j witnesses on their part, except as to one or two, avha had Been sumrooheelj btit had not attended. U-,thatcfayiitt friend tnd represe itative bf the Vrcc President was id v scd that the' Com mittee had ,ao elated their ezmtna- t X. expressca tn a letter aent by bim to the Secretary of tinn and he wasidso informed by a ,.r, .o.noi Apn., taai, member of thc:CoMroittee, in its pre- The tirarbond, received at the En-1 sence. that the Cotimittee were unani- gineer Df partment. on the cootr ct, mouslv of oninion that the Vice-Pre ia dated 4th of August 1818, aad dc-jsident wuiuaoccat of the charge of nance, reported that, on the 2d imtanl, the rnmmittee examined and burnt gli, 533 91 of worn out Treasury Notes- The bill more effectually to provide for' the probata of last wills tnd testa ments, tnd the bill Jor ibt encourage ment of Sunday school, were indefinite' If .postponed o,n their. second reading. The biirto Jprerent therwner of stoyeh,-re4 with a felony without the benefit'of clergy, from sendini; tbem away to avoid a trial; and the bill relative to advancements, were rejected, r The bill iirectwlr &i"Si it etibf state to purchase and distribute copies of. Chief JustJcaTaylori Re yjsl jf he Laws of the State t the bill further to ex tend the jurisdiction of the Superior Courts oo the subject or divorce the bill to exempt practising physicians from attendiug aa wttneists out of the county in which they reside the bill to extend j &avvrT,Mt7to" "ccmseqiiVncI of te: great importance of Ibt subject itself, ind in order to erjble tht people of thit State fully lo consider the same, this Legiilatore will not act definitely apoa tht. report of the committee relative tt the resolutions received from the Ststa of Georgia recommending tkt expediency of so amending tht Constitution of tbt United States, as to preveat tkt tlaciioa of President and Vice President from devolving on the House of Represents lives of the United Stalest but thst they will delsy the same until the meeting of next General Assembly. . Rttolved. Thst. believine the report of tht committee contains matter weJ deserving the strious conslderltiotrflf- tba nation, hit 'excellency the Governor bt reauetted to forward a eopy tfcereof tt each of the Governors of tke several States, with a request that tht tami be aid before the Legislature oTthedtaie over which he presides t tnd, alto, that a copy be forwarded to each ef oar. Seas. tors and Representatives In Congress. aJJ. tlec ow dail Ard foa, Mr.-' Stenl Utd Itaa tftlM forgi kut !Pj Mr.P conj la Veba mittee tf Mr, him, Hi ticipati Asudc was El rock fc Cheasp Cslbou Jt ant abc r 1. ; atvrttig A-ai t Mtwhi togkeci waa aw ptr.l ... , .nwia.wM.wK .... (MlaMaallliM j Ir annara frnrn-'ikp ranArtmadt XroBt. Iha T)nBi4mvn nt Stafa 4v I ha House Ol Relpresenfstiveti stating the claim! tf American"-citizens . onthe. Governments of France, Naples Ilolland,Vnd Den mirk, Ibryesseis and their cargoes, uniawjuf taken'tnd condemned, afflount to MSimwMt i ;-f;-'""" g. Atrgregatt of claims on Prance. g9,60033 lt; "oS .do Naplea " 2.032.930 W Do do- Holland 750.0398 Dt do Denmark 2.662803 Totfl $l3,045,6l2ti :'BW::ftai ..titles ot 'tnrlar,! fively hi wf owet the'frsjti tberAWt thdrgifl yeputatk lignite 1 tt no rei tpt kigbx J '. '7 1

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