TM i 4' Mf tl k I I tli 1r4 J I ft) IJ(J J fifty lU Mfe4 rM M IW P,i kk t4 (fptfC a-w. w ct,t fci";7ilfilj Mr f,tk 0f 1 im ww- W Mtt 4Jf4k to itMtn hIi. M'' to - r AM m4 UCMOVAU fj yi ml ba Wm C-d W t. It b 'a It to. 2. Mht a it C l S - - - hmn tva ft 1 atowe (v tto eatf a b tae Wfc lM a'' n. mi tto- iWMi- e V tb tw e rvitoa , i sb, . iLawatf rtot-4 I H7aa.t t e ae - f .f rZ?U bale 9U(Uf e. wrw wv r : TW,T" rfiw tafrarte. tore ee a t-O. ImM stveaae a I frejf? eWjrto wtosb fm- i4 to J"rf M jli rto b4 mi tbt bsba4a m bf r-fyt4l tba-fk I tobata tbe teWl M m fevwtM CkM a fmfi eeb uL i4JJM Wt vtowtd a r'l at ibe JtmJtmtm if At mJ 1 m4 tto e tto kMl sVawf to bml tot , fto) bed at MtatMtf 1 bet ebaald rt'to to re ee rtmiii I b e aigae tad mptwiArm$, M aJ Mif lM HW t tf tototry, Wnrf UV, M it ee .Mf v1Pr1 fUmtJml kervtat. Store ytot i infaa I atttf prefer fat-gM'i-a, tke waj wViM rtMM eJ ibt baaO bWf wJtdwry Stae Irf tiUfet k Imp b iW 4 ft. 4 Mf U m rrUtut tU IW Uc ... ... JAHkMrH Wk to W MMt TWtltM l rV ; b tM4 to ftff tin tto fft m Vm VJJi Wt fM4 M Mtif ittoi ttmf W bin, Out al Vwk. 7lf t to-.". 4 k-J Ul4 IM IM Hiwto Ua total ttf MitL ftU Outfit, tote btra Uf Wt nfcf. rHf rHH M lit! ftt tM toUi, frw N4ttto W Oh bk U 4toi (tmi JUf rititDts tin wmv, I TiirTXiiTtfU Art-. r Bto (Wt fttif Kvttoml CwmttkA, to il4 frm ( Utt'Ii to) ctU4. to ( m ff rj pitoi tt rkil filing M C&Jto U to ppt4 tof lM Mil rrtwtf m Mkh 1 Mir Mt ni vMtlUi for 1 iba pt mc4 UI tfrcii l iwwtoa cort lit. Wt to mm tIUt H totiU for itwfj iiM kk.Wa4t4tWitiliito nut m. ft,. U. M, t.7. bm tr tWfVry tototou4. . tT U I f ,ti U vol fv4 ! Iktl mm ti Mm M.p tt I.IUJ Hnmf 4.r UiM b lk (ih.M tUctk raW . Wx k Itowck toi Uftijr comiiH fefdrvf, to m fTUj t inch tl f.v'Kaf bbtM4 if, M bf mfU, 4)4 uitxitrlC' li, Vtt d, Iu4 bl to KVtr. ktortia totrm t brc rt-lrrte-l V. I. i'k f Htrr Mil. Wr. ra n-rrtm k trvtxflj to (to f ItcIkm af f. Jrioa w ikt frvmiea. 7. Ito rrer 0J nxr. ibt rrat biiaf V vittoi attf cifkl afow. A pti'tiitm Kaf ba prrraUf to Ikt bfala furt af FcnaayfnaU, U Ul for lb bm4l faW titubt popotioa m tKt bfia- bior Kta.Tark, to U tottot for tbt 4Mac(tofV Oa lb lOta iaat tbt lrrvbtf af VtrrtU Jrctod With B. fihiwtw af itot Siau. I Stilt I tfVfftlir, confirmed iht Bomirta la pW aWui Tbr, ekctodtotlit U. t. j ito 0 Mr. rdoMit ii 3finiter to ibt ra ti vrit (taoutii. tMPOMT.tvcr. or rv.tvvxriQ.s. U ItoiarS ffatora tWbrl tt 9. . )Ml raMMi by aaf ato iwU In tmt tkWbw ailmaaj. bf .raiaiataf lit Ca bH vaa iLtav ikatr earfat cm lutlT tonkaa, a a pafaivt t'oxWJ Kni a4ir art amit cict. 3 r1 kmi'i rKaval. U 'n rara t U a bo' b laaaca." M akbcl b, bra atH la ibrUto a tail aMibi $ bat to'ealT Ibt anR9 vt tv$ lrt Tin, Ikt pif H la lb rwl iaipertaact vl yv&)um m tomtit am tiiolo. A rnnVoa, of tto rtiracl W 4rHf4, l)t paactaalMMi canti4. T1UO. h m aurrnud U K lk.hiao Caitt Out lHa cbaiinalMM al S Frrnrft flei ftma aal M Hrvl mmf b lh bitail af lUtu. Tb turtratioa, m tWnk, U nllltj to coaal-dcralMMi. Ga. TriakCa DarMbon,of IrrJf I) ounty, W aklaiaed licriwr from ika Buorrw Court, to pracUat bw ia (bt couMr couru of ihb tie Wm learn lhaf ike fWaair oiKa rn'Kcd afiaU 1 th to a.rW Ctki 10f. fluf Nc itoa, (bto latnbtrt to Ipaia) ti. Joki fiord 27. On, rb4 aaf caiwrxlata, tuvbif rrprat JJr drcWd ibatluvrr It 1 tkouf hi. aad k aoaaraaJ to etaa4 Ikal bt a-ouVl hava brra bctr4 prftuoM Mr. Gtlea't ambilNM it ev tatbfled, and thai ka wiU a-ithdrav ait caiw cUata lor Conrrcak h oppoaitioa to Mr Ttie nerald," btelj puktihei it .Wuhinf t a thni atitr, kt ttn JlatowUnarj f 'and llr. Wnra Mtar tut MwaW tbt tatakCaa- tarnt, and Irutd . p?f from ih?,o(!ic, mil ttoi "Tbt Ktwa." Wa tat not poaitire kaotnr lb cauat wkjr Mr. Taootana (Editor af Ike lata paper) abandon! tke kuaineaa 1 but for font) reaeoatr auapect be, Ekt many who km jftjne btfort bin ia the profitlm task of trnUnr a iwnpapar, u (nnxd af;.."An4 Mr. Potter a Wm duaatroua retalt, wa ire left to conjactart. TB&.TICE-PRESWE.YT. Ia preceding eoktmat of this week! paper. Ve bar girea place to tbe report of the Com taittae of famtigatton rawed at tbe instance of Mr. Calhoun 1 which will be found to acquit kim, in the mott anequirocal maimer, of all par tictpatioa in, or connivance at, the infknvxu fraud committed on government by tbe notori eui Elijah Mix, in the contract for furniahing lock for the fortification at tbe Rip Ript in the Chenpeake Bay, in the year 1818. while Mr. Calhoun vai Secretary of War. Tho Vico Pretident will now rite thriumph ant abera tbe- nachinaliona of. bia releotTeli araacutora. H hat patted the ordeal of the kwvttigatioa) of a committee, every member of Aai waa hit political enemy, with a reputa. fey chick abtaet ft ill more retplendent for bar. W bee subjected to tha rigid acrutiny. We aWa aar.bded intertating matter from this day'i fepar. t auka room "for tbe Report 1 feeling .amradt that the tinrieyif the people to know , tiSet auri havjng done ao. t cannot be oth rwlae,fbn tb ike' people' tbould jeeil'iioat Cvely intereH in whatever aflectt the chkraeter f one who becupief to dietihguuhed place in' their airecuona.w)ne w!k waa to mpoatTckny tbe rWcr a the ptopU for tbt tecond offtee in - tbejrgitVwboje tplendid btlitie,unblenched rrputation, and uncompromUing integrity, de signate bim at the ,mad on whom tbe people, at no remote period, would delight to confer j tp bighcat honort of tke nation. ' Cwigren of Amcrtcin Power aevtn member voting in the neraritt Tbe nominailoa of John Borle, Etq. of brntuckr.t UttUtcl Judge lor thai Siaic. alto coo aimed. " Phndx Gax. Wtkmit. waiMtaoToa, rn IS. S mate. "hi tbe utual hour fur the commencement of buiinett, ike Vice Pretident attended yeaierday, and, hating received tbe warm entulilioniof the Sen tor! he look Ibe Qhair. TtlrgroJiAu. IliaXixeHancy Governor fBurtoni we letrn, baa annointed General- Thomtt Love, of II.iy.wood, and C! D Doboho, Eq. of Caawell, Conamitsionert for tel ling the remainder of our Cherokee landt, under the act pataedal (he Sett ion of At aemblr just doted. Mathew Btird, Etq. of Burke, it appointed Vbt Surreror of ibe detolrt ew Ibe IfgajaeU Rtptvtftttjt Ota. ink too, and r. A4eaibe or Mat toaaaUai, are be oft If taodidatet Ikal raa be ttarttd. . Ctpf. Hut) of !ke U Suut Vtvy, it nominated la Ike Fhll4bi DewiMra Ik Pram ti a auitaUe perao U Prtil dni of ibt United Siaiee We batt w4 ml ai. briiuo. Caa4 H ' rmm well a oet a know baa. A moor tke volunteer lot ait titefl al the celebration of tke Utile of New Or leant, lo CHenango rooatr, Xw York, at ike following 1 " Hkkory tbe beat baik to ua 5paa lab llAtlT A N. Orteant paper tart, tkat (wo Ge man Jiindrhrir.frm1tctnaf vwaf farannville, Indiana, of tke nam of Young and Fiahlev, aiw preparlag to proceed to Grand l4and, 00 tke Kiagara mar, to in habit they're? Jmmlm laid off tbcrw by M M. Noak. Tbe prcKDt populaiioa of 'w Oriiw i believed to cicetd 50 000 eoolt When ike city wtt Irantterrti) to jklt gov arnmani, 33 yean ago. It contained but 1000 Inhabitant! tke Wbt bat tint kre k4ra4;k of I M4M to tovaua aaeiki. Tbi abOe 4tt4 tt tbt fUtii af K Ttoi taaowiUg to Mto4 aaUIkat a lM Uf rv( it a&aUg Mr C.ti (' M!a-aUl toaUUy U paM of ka fit MIiuUmmvI tbt CaaaJ Iiotb It 94 li Cuapf. Tke Uglaiatirt of htm hntt bat peaatd I taw taikoflatar k pp4f avtal hf a CaaaaalaaaaMf la aack of ike U. uta a. la tall laladgteMt af ddt ia4 Mto4MMrlxMiLJ U fWf , U Ibt torn toaefW 'at Ika t r aw utta kr ika iadttt of tke Strine Coejrtof ike U. ataa. Fir XlUrlrts. CmmJ, T. t wt ft la to, i-kf, M, aa, b0mb7i l..7v IV), abrrf. t U to I Ui ek toatr t toff 1 aV 64 to CI, V.m 0 u ), kaaf to f. W Paark 4. 60 to f 1 1 Kkom, f U I, Uf pmg. fl la IJj rr If, tHTTIIH, JI a M , Cmf, TO i r 1 1 . ! W 1 Ir, 1 J tolHi KMara It I J7I, 0 la 19 t, i tm J. talwwi-r. Caw TO tmmt ptf k'k(L WImI fl par kWtrl elAmlnlilrfttor' feftlt. 0 fabf. bt IVa dat mf Mwak, J U tl "v ibt k rAil MUt. at Ito f W. UiUUu '. ' I I tbt fmli 4 t livafkwil a4 k-uUa t-i farw,4tf IWit, ne f -t4 UJuW ar; Wk aWf tuaU mmt atanaaiT irto ' aVyWaab Tatoa atoia tawww aw tW " anrmri. tAwrw. THOMal D taaat. 917 I. All itoaMdaW'd. pa'aartot e4 Ikaa MtWto aeaMat av ik rabr ika la ibt abMMtrvtrJ utmmmf y twM t, adfcia ik brat liaa. a iWy .a a w, u al a aaoialv. todrbud la Ibt aetata U tmmtM r etJetae a fttm.NVttVj Vftv, tto "Jf. at W W .Via Caa4 71 to-ri ft 9 ia 3i. UH, . V -TetiM. (!(. V a ''I. abtaav, 2 la 41 1 ap;b towlr, 37, kwat. 7 to 7i 10 f i Ucrukf, Jl U 77 1 tall. fjrvfTMH ia bu'k ItUa-IAQi (.(V. hr , 9 to kWk iW. awpper. The editor of tke Kerfcik Herald ihinka ikat ,lbe tU to vnihrr at Watk ington bai had a tendency to mcrr'at Ibe friend of tbe bill giving encouragement (O.wWr awnuarrarra ' M .rJ,,sJi ? v,t. 1 torn, M ia eJtlosrk iJ to 9"k.rfa kak amrt, t 1J prf el mntt4 , OMgU, do. t to f oV. r 1 laUaU. ll tUatthd kaa alack. rd. aJ ika Mock a ibfr1 dcr"l. t't kaa ao ckaf a ta rv. Wa j dtnarv la fuf 9 fwl fr l" ". 'J. pm 9 a lJt atbciMMe 10J pnaopal iaW al cca. Ciumt. 'IMIf itwd at iW M.t. m a ar.wtlr patwr, aW a aw avat Ika 'Um4m ( 4rtriwf pwtto. Tto aar. ml mm' iVi r-mMn, ad Ibt aKiMi4, ia itoie ef .vl awffy, of axf end aad nI(mI HHiKvinn Ml mtmmbrj emtijt'liiat Hk tr ifxlr tvpkltf-a wr.-aa ritiic a, 4t iHn av bw-l a ito paM tad rr. bud bt- ia akl mm. "ikl a.1 al tM tova la k hfinw aw4 to if " TV remd adaaata o th tnaMry to rv rry kramk aaiMal pmrif -in iba to- 41, lurkt'tT ml tor pppqbbow, iba att a af tor l ift, M tnmmtrttm, ika taprvtrawal of tof atalrat 1 - CaMa roramtnda al rrteramrg, from 10 lo; cenit per ll. and Ttaacro aellt at front B4 toft per cat. aiaaawt-w- la rriftt, la CuiaHrrlaad (wntf, on :ke mh mat Dr I A 1 , (TKhur. vt ika ewhtt alaa at ta arva vi mmi'tmrj txd ttak Mw ry tonr bnraav ftul Ika ,Hank-Carna axtal f lifhrr 1 Ito mt.mttmmmt mi km aa tor rtaf tmwiaare ta (b iImm1 aeab, 4 a mitjmrt 4 j4 lt(niuUl, aad cafl pu tor auM li 'Urr rtrHion la a!aa(0 tor jnimijr and htpu. Tkr ftiar Hrtovt tktl la ltrr dr.,rLb okjmt no- ituKf ca ctUilml ia a grralrr drgrre I to a Ito frrptnti td aavitota artbia mf a W9 ' cotJurifd Manapf, for. ahhoirli our atai. raitrt aad co'Wfr rf rd anrlr n-ait 1 ac tptmng a cowpflrM kwvtrdf f 'to frat ptWipb i riiuralMMit rt immp aifl prtlriwl to drfir 'hit it fftxti nrwparvrtaluolkati forttMitKMi rclaliTa-lo f-atnj rtrata, h fn be ob-turx-d iKr awld poi oldrr, rfrntt mul- iipl tiptHiaii and itoy alrradjr acegma' . .. - . . . (.afjiine acitm, on'j aafmcr ot .em pjc. Klt. Kan all of ikal county la tto r-orktafika Va-lk in, ia t)ii rountr, kf A. R. Jaara. m. oa tto IXh iK lr. tran- cm V4iHaaa. fa uaM.tuia, urr ioum, mi Mna N'aocy DUukrt, buktcr of Mr. Jota Dtaaauktt, of Boaaa. DXXD, At bit nrwdrare ia IrrJc fl tnunir, mm Tuft- dav the l.ttk ton. -Ato Vwhta Mrt-tmrd. Kaa. ifli-r (a iUmtm at azxjui un najrv tgra aooui 33 1 car. tr. Ilrrran aaa a aaUr, and, uaiil a aknri period aalaeMlara lo bit drath. a citiiei ... . I r 1 L't of Ijncoin cxHjdiy, TBiuaia at umimta rnrwr 9. r.o vean rince a dittinruiahed It it men'.lonad that 'ike Memhcra tf I member of w Wala LrtitUturr, and anwr re. Congrett have cootumed S0 pouodt of)ee'y afficienl dcWpte to the Convention tealtag wax ia two jetra ! ft h tttted aa a cunout fact m a Pcnn ivlrinia paper, that no leta tbao eight Sachelort live in one alory bouae IB by 23 fU'ln Miffln county, i iTMir.. "" . .. . A Gfntirman.M'Mrt PPaaa,af Boston, informt Ike ladiea, in an adveaiaemeat, that Cortet making it but little ulderalood he bat invented a plan to sh aAakr, Ice in rtr t" a aummanr of all thai b iater rfinf in wrrkU piper. la nnlrf, tl.rrrWf , to firiMate Ike pnjowil- -ntion utrful knob((r, h ijli'on hive (Utrnrxhril. JiiMit atari pibli- appm4aiH, lo cntwnrM-r, aa rarlr at praoticabW, the fiblt. ra' am of a paprr lic a week . ami a ail the ' parxn in thi flair, with the rtrrpiton of one onljf, are pnmrd hot onre a atrk. rbey ralru. Utc. aith bne drpre of certainly, en aureeat. The aibtniarra to to Hemrd from auek a publicaUoa iU rvaiiilr be estimated by 'our enrijrMrnrd and diarrmiag frllow-eHieefte. It will to Ito taeana of giving rartor HriIU(fAca of rerjr importani rirfumfanrr, forriga and doroeatie i m prr-nl!r,f a more jvneral tow of thing af home and thingt ibrnedi of rnabKng ut 10 draote mora of Mf papar to Iba iaierrete of the firmer 1 of riving a mora drtaibd and oabted al Italeirb m 132j. He ht Irft a tatnfcory accnont if our Irriiutive and con- widow and to infant childrrn, braidea nuer-1 rr.ional proceedinrt) and, ia abort, of pub. out other rrbtivea, to bmrnt the harrbneaa f . hahiag a greater viriny of matter, thereby af. bit very untimely dettiay. If aincere and per- funlmr ourrolumna the alvanlage of tutting tbe vadieg commiteration be any evidence of worth, utr of every elaa of realer, then never perhapt haa trinvmy beea more Ibe attention of Ibt ciMtnt of tbt title, aad wrnantlmpoaing.' Ttlftrafilit frt-nreantitrr-Sor oM Triendrind paTfoU particularly, it rta." lateMC to "that bourn whrnre aa traveller . pratfall mailed to I bit tubject,. Our pmject, retarna,". prraenia. under any circumetancct one of tbe meat touching appeale lo ike grarr. oat evmpalkia of tbe k'art j but that appeal bat, in liui inaUnce. been rendered irrrainibly piercing; from conalileratkmt individually con. fteted mith the tubiecl of thit notice. An un- i mutt ttand or rH no the eitention or whhbold ing f iheir patronage tJ4 " Ten ioAftTfllevfRTA. T I AN ay from the anb-eriher'i ton, in Monb It romerv county, abile taking him henna Foreign Xevi. By an arrival at New York, French papert to the 6th ult. bare been received. They contain nothing of importance. We learn verbally aaya the Nrw-York Enquirer, that the affair of Portugal are tranquil, the arrival of the Englith troop having terminated any disposition on the part of the rebels to in terfere with ihe new constitution. The Spaniards had become much alarmed at j . 1 t ar 1 receiving aeapatcne irom 1 ranee, an nouncing tbeir determination not to med dle hi tbe affair of Portugal, in conse quence or which tbeir force bad been withdrawn from the' frontier, and the rebele had returned to' their homes RamortjDf thendeMh of ttier Duke of York had reached Paris. The affairs of Greece were at a stand. There waa a treat un willingneat on the part of ibe Pacha of t-gypi to lurnitb m6re trooDs, and tbe Sultan, it seema, waa willing to listen to mediation, should it be offered by any pro minent continental power., it was gener ally supposed that if the Greeks were uni iedfber ing their radependuce.ll campaign would teule the contet.., Phemx Gaxetu. Imfioriant !Parit-m few' dart ago, at the young Prince, Uuke of Bordeaux, and tbe ion of th0 Marquis Pt Rtvie're, ere playing togetnerneVb awkward rencontre, knocked their head together with considerate violence. The Duke of Bordeaux felt, the pain of the shock f erj teniibly, and began to cryJJJ K one of twt.-Tftrwrfecf . rereivlncr hit ientenet, hat been' in Canada, by one ofbia bail, and brought i to New York, and xen ihut up ia tke penitentiary, to erw out bit tour. Tea Party Tht Grand Jury of the eastern district of Penntylvtnia, whicb hat been sitting froo the Nth October, waa discharged on tie 1st inst. during which erne they bale lound nearly tlx hundred bill of iodictnent, in relation te the Tea taken from tns Custom-Houae at Philadelphia. demanding acwe ana .n ... m- fnm ( onror(, T,,e.Uy nigl.t. the 13th vettirationt, combined artb an inielhrncr un. iMf , y n Mmr A(am ,1, M r.trtt eommonly etpanded in tbe range of its research, . w fc Utb. A pelican was ahot ibout four week ago, on Mahoning 'river, in Ohio, wbicb meaaured aix feet ronxihe toes to the fined It tonal communion ny me rirKiiu mi- hi , (he u tainmenti of the achobr, while he aoAened and j. b adomed .it by tbe attractive acoomplithmenf of j . 4 the nerfect rentleman. In the more tender . and inlereating relation of life, no man was ever beloved aith more devout entbutiaimi in hit more multiplied connexion! with the community at large, none wat ever more pre eminently distinguished for generotity of heart, nurity of purpose, liberality of aentiment, and sterling elevation of character. Time will not readily compensate the eitinction of his active and einansive uaefiikfHs. Ibe multitude of friend whom, in the abort period of his life, ho had endeared to himself, by the combined attraction of his numerous virtues, will cherish his memory with a alow of holiest devotion j and even in life's closme icene," will, in the viaiona of tbe buried p.t recognize him aa one of the choice spirits whom they once loved 1 ana li 1 L it.! u.AAtlma. nton county, on the oad, alxxit 9 milat from Wadeabo-i 1 from Heard's store, or lodge him in jail ami give me information to that I can get him, shall be entitled to tbe above reward, and all reasonable charges paid. Any letter that may be written on tbe subject, can be directed to Beard's 8tore, Anton county. N. C. SAMUEL TYSON. Tea. 24. 1827. 252 rety brge acar oa hie . ... extreraltybf inebilrrlndelghrind Tnalffto hirrelitirca, rtirmy baaeoething aeflectioo, feel from tbe and of one wing to that of in the orerwbelming agony of their tor. the other. It. bill was fifteen incnetlong, rlS , 1 . . ,.. . may enhance the anguish of separation, we re- and ite pouch capable of r holding, two pof frkmiaUiparaaearcely k. beartfeH and gaiiens. aincere. iceaacaiciTin, fianjrt ia the United State.. There are supposed to be upward! of 400- Banking Inatitutiona in the U. S. including the brf nebet of the ' V. S. Bank. - Thai aix oorthern Suut KavTIf T'Ean thori.Statestift.v, W are , inclined to think tbt banking mania is on the decline, in tbtt tart of the country at least. ) The Jrt$.-ki engraver it N. Haven, in imitation 1 oMIogVrth' i Rake't Progresi haa published a aeries of pictures, calledJ the Drunkard s rrogress. 1 hey com mence with tbe convivial glass, and end witli (he Alot houiC' StaU aJVrrtbCqra&aa, Cabbrhtt ctwiiry aTlOURTof Plea and Quarter Seaiions, Jan- J nary session, ion- rm owniijtrM. " Thompson v Judicial attachment, Volentine Fag ier:v J(thif -flarrer. and therv aummoued to nrniiheea. It aupearine; to the aatiefactioa of the court, tht the deWt. In Ibit ose it not A inhabitarit Of Tbts nTOroroerea, inerewrc, mm publication be made lis weeks in the Western Carolinian, notifying said defendant, thatunjeet he aobetr at Wt fteit court of pleaiand quarter . . "1 a r 1 b .,..a KaWiom. to c flew jot wuu c'juijij lUC. WWI I HUNTINGTON and WYNNE, having some time tince established a shop in their line in tbt place, respectfully inform, their friends and Ihe public, that they have recently received a new supply of Gobi and Silver ('stent Lever fTJllVHt S, and plain Silver-Watehee. Aleo, a aupply of Jewelry and Silver-Ware. All of which they are disposed to tell on aa good TrmTaTttify eanbe ptirehaaed ebewheter An arrangement W been made with a gentle man of Philadelphia, by whom they will have msiiufaciured yA'f Lr of every description, and of tbe best workmanship, pf anbCoraAaa OoW. An arrangement baa alto been made, by which thev will receive, almost monthly, sun-' plies of Jewelry and Wktchcafrom New-York and Philadelphia. Thev are now well prepared to manufaeturo Kf-Wim. and" all artwleiTn flieir Bne : Ma a abare of pwbbe patronage. - THklub..ribrvacf Henry FuIeiwide,-oprietr of the Un ..u. K,.il M.tnufattarll. titers to U10 DUBUC - ' boute in-toncordon lb tliirdjlonibv of ApriUixj of alUizei ..anddnptmn, by flie keg next, then and there replevy, plead of demur, quantity, upon terma ttiually eUfiaTacfory--at - - : j . C.I nill K. .kn ininll hin ICCOr. I . 1 . i 1.. ' ... .A tney can oe oroij(,ni irvi,, h-hwh , m"j other city to thi place EDWARD CBSSS, Jrmt. 8aUtbvry,Fei.iSikim. Cmt75 judgment final will betaken against him accor aing w pimii. .. DANIEL COLEMAN, CPk. Pre-u.jyj 6t56 V ...