l1 t t;-'tr.t'.'i ,'cS fa r iSti aa ,.. J Ml 'I fcW,,w t. .4 iurF!i,. rrRli wj.'j4 r-e. jnrr.mav. I :"cme.r,. l. i l,i S 4',dUl . to - . m a " fX 1 tV w rirt Co IUwjo rt-4, CWUl r.M rat trd a4 Mot. TV tWt lU a4 af iU r JIi4 tI I j t . tnu ,jt , r4 IVjm Iarc4 ipUdtt lrt a tori 4!f. r A Uref tk mir Kite tK j Wi.Uvfri S y iwm k.y r r us WM - Hrn r-itrf p. - M Hftt 4 tAkaaJ "lh ' i aVrtor'H Wly lt-Ury tUltrt iXt FW A, Mi. ItoMTf, tMk i rr, a, a,, a.. v W petty mmrt af ne iu Mat fof r 1 t aarrW? rwv tw . W 'WH - wi ptt a t UyM'"! and aarM fmrj w, etafe. iHr Wr "f li iknMirt of LrrtW. f aWia, Writ, Mi V v awr- j i.w4 a ru 9U - W Hkf:.W fr rW uWi, -iy, U fUlrftoa to waaat "winy. eTo Ji . WT nam WW P taanrana) - wTTOVaaf Taire, 4 aWf IWWW, aaJUeftoa ef ertWl end M af - 1 Bk ..m tat laa w-r . no) 4T.m rf- to tlN rm imh o U f4 iai. TV ,IU4r.y U rfl IW l'M'4 (UK4 TtWfTfk i lrfVT iomrmi rr tr, tod p' w f. ft toi iprcxBra trrr np nd mnmr m4 fcl'vt to tW HHUTMM IM rk rvk Uir tiWf4 W to In WtoJT iWi bufv4 tlr tofci tii torf 4 rMwl tototwf ry ftWhr to the wnarrwky liMwwijwwil l.k rHJff rtrtji cil ffi Ti'"r. rf ". to Vrtrr WwtVj mU hty 4.r ifeort Itofttt" f "faxk comKiIuU b 'w rnn't Wjt wmii of Bum f lf. . -jrMbr '. 24 left. tM. Vo MWfttHi rifr4 (f tr tK iM yMf. m4 im mittnii Witm Ukcn bM lk fto OOm. Adtr tVmiM C Ckkr, Jtt arfpW': ' " MS 8TRAM no AT T'llH toJ ka ka ptirrhtani to pr bHar.a (mdM. erdrr, kinr '"f 4civni, t Ihor a(H rrplr t it ell elrulf J fuf lb n. VbMI f lb rif, thf only dn. tkmtl tWT ) KftJf ft t ter, rtk earpi fikl to kuMlr4 Utrt of Cottoa i tha t mII W mU to rfifm't bv lk' Httt. iml that mUtwtai to k 4tinn4 Wt Ker, tlU tod er rrbor, f re of orfi jm1 Lr f Mill rMrlrl m4 pat in mart, t mod. ftwtr oC- cktnrM i Rooj tfc MHtmto tbi4 bvt Mm to rwi at ill hiilto sm H i -. y torrrbaat iB tad it U Uwir laifat to order tneir atuwr nit and cwrt axato iWvwfk tUia elae. afr. Htarjr W. Co trr. fCharVaton, will b la afrat af lh bMl M that pkae, and wilt take charge of any tod aJi reifueata to m at tnia bou, (u it m arobabk ahe witl anmniawf go direct to Chariot " toa.V rraneie Jl'mf. aweiperiawcr 4 and vttl ooalilrd artnt at Geonrrtooa, wJl attend - H twifwwema,- bortr: frost Chen." and Cliartrflon, aad forward them to f ituer plare Vitboot ifhf. Our cbarfet wiD b cuatoounr nd reaaonaole. nd we hope to Merit public rotar. TIm afrentt he larje indoonimo- oVwt vHvHooaro, and will iecrevre and tnjr fr.l r eo tona, forward tba former and thip the tafer, itk every poasible despatch. Mo. Ber wroodf advaacec on elona wiaked to be oi)ippL J. &v J. H. TOWNES. (iraw, m. 24. 187T. 4tSU Bmr "U-ParJraa. fey! tht eowrt, that Nanev- Blalock, the defendant, it ot an inhabitant of thia Slate i it ir therefore ordered by' court, that publication be made three moiitht in the V ettem Carolinitn. ipting otice to her that the make her pertonai ap. Beamne before tbe Jwgt of our Superior Crort of law, at tht nest Court to be held for (avid ccun'y of Lincoln, at the court-houae in Llncolnton. on tho 4th Monday tffter the 4th jVlondar of March next, then and' there loan, twer or den or to tbe taid petition, otherwite it ill be tarn pr enfr, and beard txfxirte, and adjudrd accordinf ly. ' Whnett Uwaon Henderton, Clerk of laid Court, at Lincolnton, the 4th Morday aften the 4th MondtT of September, A. D. 1&26, and in the iltt year of our lndriendence. LAWSON HENDERSON. CTk, -' We ade. R4. " " ' Sm57 ' Ififttttte ot James Ulcltcx . TM E tubtcriber bavine;, at the November term of Kowan county court, 1826, taken out let ter of adminietration on the eatate of Jme iMchn. late of Rowan county, dee'd. riret no- tic to all peraona itKlebted to taid estate, to Biake immediate, ptrmenti and tnosc having daimt .aftintt it, will present them, properly fOUqlird for, within tho time limited by law. othenrite tbey wtir m Barred a recotery, ac oordifiK la ctC(f aiaemblr wjucb. cato."maile and provided. w aw wiuii,vtow'fv Tltieii 'tip attA C otttmUteAi TO Jiil.in Concord. N. C. on the 3tth April -last, a neirro man, who ya bit name ia Edward, tod state that be bejonn to kletara, Jolinwin and Hatlev. Aim . weraT'taking him. on to the South, and that be left them af the Catawba river i said hoy is about 35 yean old, yellow complexion, I eet 6. inchet high, baa a acar above hileft eye, and one on the left aide of hi noe. The awnera are requested to come forward, prove property, pav charges, and take him WM. O. MAUAN, J4ibr - CVnceran. 23d, lUjr. .3060 If" tl tltwfl traaa1 aaiI ... AMiVa.a ftawOJaa. 1 aVWL . J mat. ov " Lii,nivn lV"in m ' " ' ' j 1 tr dienree. lt appeartag- td'ftie Va'tUTaciTor' 6fj U ft u V?f cm U aM4 to 4.tmM4 to tract to " i4MMyf 94 Til wluf titoTuM. iw uttH f . i joii ur.ki p. tl) AHD CKr.l U -TMOHAitliAKKttV-- l)rus MtAUlnttt Vant8, cw.. i.ch w v--A II meal af nawtoO iVrwM. .Vffttltfl If rrrfumtry, 130 kif. Wtote lwad. wanatted pwr 410 ito. tto. fwJ II YfJ.rV iHirt -, . y rrl a-rw - 30 kUa. WUwif . rftJ Liaated 00, fUtoUlku ! Wh1. Up B!ark ' 310 boia 4paanh PWB 71 Vra. tia lUd ITM lb, f ly, la bladder f do. TwrytoU . . 4?J boi "V)dw . ef all , b 10 lo 73 be in tf-wooiLia tiicki aad chipped rm ooilj Witaro. Fooiie. Kd wooH. laAfo, pai.b and CaK.T.1 i .ot fnrria. Unell Lor. Alol and eery article foe I)yert or llatier't oe. M. k 4. caninfino Mrreh.Ha. btiifeturrr aal oihor drtlrrt, that thee are daily reeeirioir additions to tbrir tlnck Imm tbir H'Mtar in i K,tark al Umcf thai iU.K.mett are fcred for p-rchaarr. to cH a. aboee. firlnM. Per- 30. '52. ti9 Uount of VnUranmtnt. REMOVAL milOMA HtK-ktM rtpeetfony ae- I qnaiatt bit friend, tfl H pontic "I .1 Ikl k. ka. mrA horn Iba i .- .u. 1 1 an tbe opp-itr aale of ibe .ireet. in which he P"1 WfPfc? - J. lonmerviept a JUar tot j t'ftSnJ whkk bat foe a more J year, beco oce W"d W "f fP rerra'tt occv by the Printinr office wbere he it ptf-od to . P' h rn M Trmpirtrws M Mim tereH, ... r lix ibe toon of OaRaSire . He bat too) rrceired . 4Vrf rrocT j ejninnrtje " andkopee he will be abb? to (rre the tame tat. Miction he hu done tor twrny year ra. Trartflert tre particularly inilnd lo call at hit llmite i " ahfto tht weiry tre tt rett, tnd the wicked eeaae frora troohrmf. . .aAatorp, X C. Ja 30, WT. 49 jTI ft-ATHFUL for ratt ft wra. tnd kopine for I It. continuance of eonrWrnce In hit'friendi trwi eutiotreri in nit una 01 ouaixw, onrri nr wle. It -tkrfonowinf redacod pricei, the wort manufactnred by him. Double f ltrnej for Camtree, (plated) from ' 50 10 130 r.ir Hameta, plated, from - 2i to 50 Mail-9lare Harnets ht miality, 3J Camall do. Jappann'd mount inr, 15 to 18 .oflrarrir,perfont,50ceottto 43 to 424 . in:.i: o-t n ;r. - tit D nl Bridlrt, VaTireet, tddle-Rari, kc. made of beI matenah and workmanahip, with pwnctu. aliiy tnd drpateh and all orden attended to, from any action of tho country. Salem, X C. Dtt. 18, 1826. 43tf REMOVAL. EB'ELKEZER DICKSON, RRSpRCTHULLt inform hi customers tnd the pubKe. that he hat removed hj Bt and Xht Manufactory, from the buitdinr he late ly occupied, to one a few door south, on tbe tame street, for some tine pat occupU d a a watchmaker and ulverfntlh'a thop, nearly opposite the Hank i where ke will still continue to moire and amid every description of BOOTS and SHOES. He employ the bet workmen, me the beat leather, and charge the lowett prices, of any i-ir lis wmskertn thi part of the country i tnd II titer an tdw, ne tain in pica.iniriiioac wno favor him with their work, the fault cannot lie in nim, Ait thinks. The quality of hit mite rials, the skill of hi workmen, and the prompti. lude with which he execute all order in hi line, offer advantages to thoae wishing 6m r and thtetr greater perhain than the town of Salisbury ever before enjoyea. Then 1st thaie hull now wA never bmtht Vr t 1 Let thot wht away bight new buy thi wwri. f 1 0uU t 01 pleat and quarter acinous r reb- Vr"'fary; Kt'nuiWtrfSmf&mi: Leander S. Bray ; original attachment. ;lt ap. pearing to the court thai the . defendant. i.caraer o. nnv, u not an inraDiiviv w inn i.w J er a a.t a. for laid defendant to appear at cur next coun iiuv vt wvv-ihv in tire i . ckii wivijiusn ty court, oh the second Mondav after the 4th Monday of April next, and r plevy. put in bad, and plead or demur, otherwite judgment will 1 . v . . ,.w . oc given agaiim nun oy atrauii. Test : T. CALLOWAY, C C rrice ads. g3 50s Mtm 14. I'M, It7, tf liuu lot AftU. rrrl' tSaUi o( uvd for Taxes. .......... . IX) gto UVf Wm. WW-rtk, U T met 81 U mM k k im ni 1 124 nA 11. It77. ' ' 4 The crlrfirmtrl Amr rieMn Jack Don flarro, THE T7 of M.t. Jowmo lad. w.H ataad M tto awaatetWV table, to ftd0 aoaay, 4 Oafea karak af Cvtore MeeHtaaM, I 4 frwai aVaetVfe fued. ad 14 oJr. hm MfttoMtr a7 wm to tot aocttoa of eawMrr. WMtoaff to toio M10 Itoto im be( ;ti to tbt few. aao Uee o opooetooity of oWur aa, by t-liaf Ibeir own to Do rtiemo. m be it cWtotedk tb Wol taiwoi M ike kind ia Korlk Camliac ftoodbtlVj Wil bo totordtataiiftf WTOM.U. "i J0SEFH BTERS. Jr. m. n ujr. 4i ' TaVtn Tin anA r.nmm ' V .? " V t PatkoWof C aba win cpoare. V. C. oo Ike i 3d of robrwary.ltr. 0 A'ere .Mm who art kit aooio ttftraliay 2 yean 4 af, 1 feet 4) laeheo kirti, tayt be left I'm maatrr about oerknooe, to nooa coaoly. If C. and tart mmH' " rT , V""" " " rwwaru, prort proprriT, paj CAirrri, in uaa on i away. rvW M c. r. i nr. n . kJ'l A- Cri.ei frvcm, m. m mi I o otoaBBaui btofl mm oja-OAajJ . a . I a at. . al H anaoi-r M nurerewed rro-a a frnee- I"1' htr -fwWAVrM fmrn f hiladrlpKia. aal trd period which will eoaUr biiw o aoronv . am'ate tvaiWwten with drm ' .oft. rnntnb$. ; yt (nde after the newet and mot p- prord atyWt in tofwe tt the north, and on rrenabt trrww ttmm aucb rlnthre heretnfora beet) tnad in Stfuburt. He will iMaat bitu work to be tuhetaalialh and ele. Pimty iiiide'rwA wktt to eqotlry lmporartt ilh moftpeTona,f tanfl ft eVW Ar wi'fl rrft pee. Coontrr cfotb will be made op on 'he tery lowrot trrma that amr rejralar tailor can mtke a tteioo; buainota i -doing it forThe (rrf.tf ttiwaoibU' paina will bo takrn that a one tltall be fiatppoinlod in the work they with to jret done! hit ahop, either at to the fitneea of th-ir (Ttrmeatij durability ofworkmanahip, or fmf. nn of rltoHion. All thooe, then, wnhint; any detcriptiM of TmUring doae, nay rcaaonably bevkedkt . TTTWuiMra r m 0ir ww- I'ff w inr twkU ' I I .nr. i (i lit iill Bthsbary. Feb J. IK.T. v N. B. One or two toy, from 13 to 11 years ef age, who can con well reeomtneoftod, will be taken a apprentice to the above busjne. IlLA". TEMPI.F.TON. nAVIVG taken on' letter o" ai'minittration on theettateof tameMtrgM, Va. Ute of Rowan count v. dee'd. I desire aftseron in debted '0 taid estate, to make immediate pay. ment 1 and all who live claim galnt it, are requested to bnnr; th?m forward for settlement, within the lend title, or this notice will ke pie 1 in bar of their rtcoverr. A. I. JONES, JtoWfrarr. Moekmtte, v. I'M. 1826. 3ntt5! TftkeuuntkhA CowmMteA ff therJril of -towan-eowwtyJI. C on the 1 16th of August, 1876, negro men, wno tayt hit nam it JJCK", 13 yeart old, 5 feet 1 inch hiek 1 av ka left kia master abort 6 wxek since, in ho state of Georgia i was bought by one Johwon, bat eprinr, of Hatthew William- ton, at Charlotte Court-House, Virginia, i ne owner, is required to come forward, prove prpperty.'pay clirge;nd uke hiffl away. - Jfaa 3DaiiA IK!WeeT; i BAilRRn and HAIR DRESSER, TXEOH!ft.Uto I . 1 ' ft ajwatmw4lMaai aikeiwti on the mail street, opposite WIL BuMijfhtef' Tavern, wBere be nwy be found at an times amj ... . J.T 1 ma Dummk 11c beble.aheJwav hMbeen.towatireisls may employ him ' N. B. Gentlemen stored oy tae year, montn. or single time. IFiM ranrt lAaro and brtuhe toed u hand. t illeWmalctyur foeeuttmmttkmf tff any da4f rebnikpa, j ia ,rv ju. TM.tr Miuxr mut fJtt ItM.O illUlbfMtkaoirK TVt WiVol . IV4 loeiMl AJ Ckotl oet M ) aWttooobot aWawooo4t . ( 'm fk4l at! a4 f Jt, " - - r " TVo iw I3U4 fcowao to ipeVl Vf . TVaoa, alatf oeo typeeef aS TofeUfc mi tom ri tWlV . WVO wan' aakv aa Mm, Wkto wwold troot to Uo " TVj 007 Ww? r Vmliaff ItotWf fc to w4 "'tt rt tlarTOoto lyWfJ TVaa be bUol ' I fit, kJ M4 Tkat lt feertee ijUf . tw rot .Mite attT. rt f ft. If a earekW rWa cm btoi MmS f'tJ ar.ctio to U Mil ttU ike tpeB tUt ke avoot aj lo Iko eadeartof mm of mfi. Wool M to oariaJ oaweitoo foo Cevl U4 pWaaafM krro w earth I -"T-ao H atiad wfaitb to eoto""""''"' Are i boat UHd by eoifo. TW oW tnat wMkrt kit ioow eadetrtof, Wkea be retorae at ery ree i far tkaee b taewtt eoedal rrcUn, At kU4 tfedioo pnmpi to 4e, TVte wkeo I wrary day b pott. " Ke 4 Mo'do; ! pearc. to paj An bow or taore to aweet coot at. Hoi tbiMrr peaitto towad tbe keank Aad fian h'm mmr W acceott yoonft fra'o oo tSete antra) tatrt of tmtk, CoorM foato thfe toe tof wtoikee toayja. Who voald eickaort to ttooe tie tkio Toe fntd wbich cannot boe it f Or t ta epWe kit knot, !a fraoilfif and ditqntet f ' A. Jtr. tUMitn MJtDt a4HHMaali,amM Mm T a tnMMM Wm I a mm aaf Tatoan. ania.aataiwalaw. VwWfl flb wVOJal ftfojaV ttft a4jaaJtkw,Ma1 wHkw$ Matt imi-tWt)lii1lMi ewi mUfciTMei mhi rhf. ir iwi aw ta. m aa- u i vTi e i tawrfaawai i atajo niaanlmMair'l T. a a Hula, Hratt mmi aw mat." km ltl.tHM'altaMaMiMa. NISCELLANEOITS taaa) tw a. .v. raaviuaa. aiiwic KxrrjttMEXTs.- The bnrtjr of Colson, who on exe. coted vetcrdiT, after bejng totpcoded from the gallowt thirty fire minutei, waa taken down, aod in a very few minute altrrward waa aubmuted to I rrand-f itrrrr. It waa the hnt timf the action of a very pVcrful.&lv ipoktit bii ic battery, tobluila; rf 420 pain of.e.m to tha-TbeatretinMibii.Urt platca 1 aad hi lung at the iame tine ickne. - Htwianthtiiiticlltre. fiHcd with bxygeoai.v Br theconra.ceired by th peor4 i retumetj hfned operation of the w, the mule.he czoreaahaa of their loraltr bV tJia fl the ere were thrown into actioo lha rye-lid thrown up, and the evrbill ro- tatrd; the muacle of tbe araaa and Ire were also powerfully Contracted, producing clenching of the fists and motion of the toes. , Tbe Jower jaw ill ft ' I . . I oka epiirptv. in operation waa epurpty continued about. 40 minutes, before a large audience. .. raiNcmu or the tkmali coitvxs. A loose drapery is always coolest in mmmer, warmer in winter, and at both seasons less adapted to transmit audden change of temperature, than a tight dress The small head dress and enormous train characterize the more atately dame, while the large hat or bonnet, and shorter -dress, distinguish tbe a a a m livelier girl. The shawl is adapted only lor tall and thin figurea t but it admits of no eery fine effects even for them, while it ia ruinous to shorter and en-bonpoint figurea, however beautifully formed. The acart is better adapter for all figures 1 it correspond exactly to the lendlum mf the ancient Grecian women, uu liMuiuiiaui ine same cxpccasive arnfmeotJi;:; ..' A pcr'iaa having ao olive face mav poiing the lower part of the cheeks. One havinz a round face ahould wear a cuter lrontj and if the jawa are ..... wde, ittnay mappearnt dtrijinit uhed by bnnginff the corner of the bonnet alpping to the point of the chin. :The Seottkh bonnet leema to auit youth alone. .If a mixture of arch nesa and innoqjnce do not blend -in (It Urtir.fl (!rra t'ef , ) a, h itttn aat L-lie v4( Um of Cht) IstoroMd'tM pc( trt li iWIJ l4ri tk ay, boftfttf, iHoft 44 iIjm U lM i-rt,. dinUr JirctUf i 4 drtti tu'utuir kit yf wd. ),tl tt VlisU UUlp aa ft a4r Hh4w4. tT TftpO0Kla- i . vt .t iT'7. tnooa Kf t9i&ter.' k4 dtTrfrf W t?tf 4 aWfwv tj It tht tKXMtt U. Ta ta. Af wsijr hlTf f wli lllfl, Of trr4 IdUACtl, Pf boi P( -4rM J ; iVfkf vee laWcrmti eat. tut a r-r iho4 mti fJb fitt Uck Laf(t ta4 U4 IkkUl fJttantr. CbtMU kTTO ; wild htKta, fntPHrr. trui tevtr f aoil iIumi it t!t aid per. lectio) tkkh vt 1c ported Iroao?, mud Ililr, U lttol fftjetrit tkrr ometiwtfl pTjai t $m )mtumi i'f a d till Ur get t W UhJ . m wnrtj irt twt frotabf tipo) Mooof 194, la Siciry, Tt mol twtW of tStoi U lenvi by ik mam of A rAwi I'rr ftf imirt4 ktr$t t ltd to om harJrr4 wtad blttv fret U cmvAfrra rntr, but quit Mwt trkUa. Hw prnplf kiTf built t lxv tk mi'j ot tblt eor-0Q satutu , 4t Torv onb, U CloociterthlrtEat. thrrg a chcatsut im, lixjAwa feet la itt. tumUttnte. Wukk U DroUbl bearfr one thou ti ad jrein old. A fomipoodcalr.f.iha ftfuiAcU. irru Joum&l at DcHia, rjm the (J. iMf deaenptioa of yoonr Nipoltaa in Oct. rett 1 - At VWaaa (MwihelaidettAlfaaif at the opera f and aavxtg tKeea the F.vprtu Ma-ta Loot it, aad het to. the Tooojj N,ifoJera.''1 f bid mj ert bird apno the Utter for Gaor tUa wo boon, rttracinr ia par niod rHa etrentfu! life ef bU atrr, to wbota ka hsi a gttit memhUnce. Tbe rra. rral tarn of the bead, the forrbrad. tht errt, aad the mperW prt of tba u art all bit. There Ia a great dral of expretitoo In the.brt friturtt bt he was deeply Inte reited by iba plif nd eKitrarT t et err etlauetta ol r u rigid I court 11 that to athlch he htu tacHecf, matfe no attempt lo enweraj hit etnotloon j b'n another repeated! checked bitn, but to Tittle porpmci He ti i kind of ipoiled cbild of blf - aoi t cordial roaoifotMioot f -bij plea-ur- in again bein? amoag thet 'the whole imperial familr reett. farmed a group of not leu thio tea ar twelra peraoas. Chatham Thestr,, a tbe Sid iatt. at which u arenr character will re'pravet the porfeet costum m wornbf tb Irhb nd Dtnish warrior' at a period of U tween seven ind wight een'orles since esch dsn In perfect suit of mail. The scenery ii also from authentic document! . . . . and the entire preparation of tht piece) is a m4t noeel charscter." A Silk Worm, let it feed upon whit it may, consume ia SO diya pot less than 60,000 times its primitive weight. 'FLATTEXT. Among all the diieasea ol tbe mini, there ia none more epidemical, or tnonT" pernicious, than the love of flattery Like muitc, tt-r- "-- : r ' 80 toftea nj a7armi tbe mind. That not one. arrow can rtmttanc .'. oi- , Good manner i the art of makinf tboao people" easy with lebom .Ve con. . vera? 1 "whoerertnakea the. fewest pv aonsrmwU,- Mr. Electa WbiUmore, wife of MrJt lepb-Whititnore, of East Haddmtoii now In her 39th wear, if the'mof her of dailtrhtarc laaf ainm.Mi married Ul4 uavfl luniue. ,, 'A Utu in Philadelphia hn bc.ten th Automaton, at a fair game of Chess. This Mr. 3Iaelzat aajri is tbe third tim Tarkabip hu been beiten. ; T C m A r r K f Mi t 1 Ml l b C ri 13 if s p m fi 1 4 Ch be Jt be lull .4 cr bet rle 1.1 itr J. Sil a. kidi hred Kim of to -1 c rict, If 1 uch ed t hth roei he. nd t croi cor ni r o(tl mad tB trow ruati I of lor I Srat tbe ingi krals ntt J he c reisit

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