M. ha a. v a U ll III I II ill I li I 1 1 t HAMMlimY,N.:...TI'tSIUY, JIAIICil . IMJ. tttRitu 1 girt. VOL VII N0.S31. 1 Hbt tad UU oflM iUr it UVi of iM (JM S.Im f)f im(m wtlfMit. tUUUf U Ula naiaaji,.!! i,W,( 4 farWt ibil U tkil ITU va 1 vitkUiMUwt'iK r ., .14 vrwit. iwnMrlt tkm au (aat lba bt Wt aiMirlf darr4a-J kf tMtMVf tifiMif tlt'.' t'.l" (oeUjirkxi 1 A4 iKMniM lkl M eairtMi ka ' I.? "'"'M kmi MrU.Mlt kaa.tat U t4n ti lf n wka nwint.iit, inftrt V)Afja. 11 lieai Lai I ikt i naBvlttvriotrtwi1tr off un M III tl!-ia -U 1LL1j A .. ...... t - M L .....,. . r - - r'i vkf M 14 anl, aVr i , M 4 Ctaa etv4 . TVg tm4m tmtrft wnrtj otAta, of Hta r rAtj 4 CM TTOfft rw Mtiry U ;Tk l &? 7 BCtffy atacKo 1 tbt to. Updem tlfaalrf ten ib her aoa, I Uf frt m tktt rod1 tSt 'horn ha Tie grt. bead, the tM Bit t deal jrtij bf iht pliy II ol u he itiv Id of btf rtt uie fcii r of k g thcaf 0 tea or ewlorf I iat. m ib IrM I of bi n.:Th umrotf tit ca ' otj whit not lest wefgbu or fljonf flattery find.' tie cdn est p Mr. J n, Con erofl ni 1. Thii nja hi I n to) eid wrt H MtfWM J M to4 W pm sVfl i bawti ti-l ra ti M ap ' " Al Mtwt e.llr-4 to tM f.Ktar." sMal to a ito? Saf Bt M aTVWl M . CMZMOttg USD I rM'r, WfM J.j IMJMM umJ fUf rtpMiiit 1 Tkil 4 lk i 0t ik wlWt WtwUrv l VftaJ.U SI Pcifie act 1 twJ en lb toatli V Unt , 4(inlg m H tri il4t( M s cttf ' 11 1 1 iMambttt cX Hmki, Mi kom WW lire lVm f iKIr ltl IM p6Uti w 19 iM Bttir.iM mIi ol Ik CotI n J Kl.r 0r, r Vv to iM Kb el Cfi Bib mM u U ftkumt Cm!i Ml IM f ' ,,,fK H,'' ,rkVi? n"H ul4 Ai.r(-.ikk k KCilM of tkt DccUrrkm ofTtk bit. k! U BM4dl I. n4 put y Cuftt'ha'kjii of ikii Si u h 4 rt4 Ikt proper! of IM toll til ot remcnt U om of IM rnill fttt oftbetolltrtlvf oo4f of ibt pt JUJ tka P tMnW kit iM teni ci.wm ttrt tod tntxnirf, lik ( ipfoniasAM, vltbta tk Qmtttof! Sntl. Iff IM riehl and proMfirof pocIa of Ifcit 8iai, 10 b Mid kt la tortrt iem 1 Prattled lht so o MrtW coniiired tiuH inccl Ika ei of "pofftUoi of JidiWoiU kold Clalnttrtf urvdip M ! Mrtlo f de 6f k latt Kinif (Uorro ih ll or III ptdeMof, or iM Ui Lordt ttprietorVor anr ol ikrm. ikt coHie fnrtMr rrperti (bit by ckwttr ol Kid CkaiUt IM Id. mada M 1 or I60T, 10 earuln Lorda pr ktof 1 of C-roIlM, a rcMnatloa Ii tnidi 1 fimt ro Haw a k hvndr kit manrauoQ apprf 10 m taad rrfw tdi-UmGi of tht trow, tbe (h owd la ika f kirtar, MUf lo , Mira 1 do aacreuort. In lk rr 1744, iht Mir of all tbt rdt rropritlort, eicepr Lord Gran k.iurrtodcr ikeir Uodt in Carolina 10 rowl. and rtlinquihrd all tkrir mi f 9a itaiias o mc ittmorj fnmea ! Mr- Vf-lbtoM - CSirltt -of Kirti .Klnff Oeorre itic 14 cranfed to the i Lord Groil!e one etgktti (Mtt.of larrttwf formerif granted lot ho di Proprietor, It thU gnnX to Lorj milU, Moot fuurtb part of all Gold SUr Ort,M l alto rtaemd 10 iM at the worda uwed ketnc ifiete. kfdinar nd Dtint: lo hit wid Maief itodt ift?t, jy, It ) oonk Uirtudi, and tkrtct eat to tM Pacific ocetni. Tkt Coftgrttt of iM UakeJ Smrt M loj rtjHtttdlt recoiaMode4l to iht rt iprctirt Bute It tkt wutoA, o0z cm! vvMff ta tttnmji l cedt tbt aamt to tkt rrtird Vet, to al vat pamd by IM Lrtiuaturt of ikit .Si alt, a id ttttioa) in tM tear 1719, autkorUina; rer laki(OJaaUiIoMrat4)COAtir to Ua Uni led Sutet all iko landa airtitt iihm tM (bartered limit of North Carolina, Mine vrtl of e the, berinninr on tke citrtrca heigkt ol the Stwoa .MtMinuin. at IM puct vMrt tbt Virf lola Hne inter. tecta H t iMoet along tM eitreme kcijfbt of 114 mountain, 10 the pltct vhert WaUUa riter kreabl tkmui(k it iMnc a dirtet count to ikt too o( iM Ycttov Mwunialo, vMrt Orirki't road ervtict Ibt atmei tbe oca along ikt rklge of aid moootaln, hctvvco ibt vitcrt of Dot rirtr and tke viert of Hock creek, to ikt place vbere tkt rtd erottce tM Iron Mountain t iMnct alonir tM Irtmt Might of 'tdd tnotntain lo vkert Nolicbtb rirer rum ihrouek tht iaoiex tkesit to ibt top ol tkt 11 J Jlounuio theoce along Iht viircme height 01 tiid gteootaln to the Painted Rock, 00 French Broad river 1 thence along the hlghetl ridge of tiid mnanlain, 10 tbe place vbert it it - called . the Great Jron or Srrrokf Moontain j ten'ct" along the "ei trrmt beighr, of wW - mountain, lo lho place vhert it it CalTrd UniM Mountain! thence alonsf tbt train Hdf(t of laid moumaini lot be toutMrn boundarf-of ihit S:te.) upon certaid condttiooV there in eipreated. In puraunct-of taid act, tht rommittionert executed tbe deed of .(HHr.,r1..,,MHmT. llWJ TM fUira a Ketk 1 i to IM tdWaai ai aJllU. Upav -t,t,lf tM4Mdrfeif dkiait tMlC.fuJi.t 1 M nlmAU ikk lik.lHi l,Mut ..t.. Tt- tl.a ' l i - . I i, I - r.-w . t-w - imi w i"i vp v vwr v w 9 rwgvraif ff ltf ll mt, CMIeiprexCltitOf tkkk val aa4t 4ta. M Matit to kUaalf tt to Mr, CJ- - v vtwaMtMck apU4kVf -vkkk (M I tf kf iM atkrtit4 it frfl tnlft kti r-- - -- rttjairtt; ottn arttf laaot I gottranett,) h rtpa1lwn MikUud to Mlc aMv fttf l It) ke IM trr W td hf Itaa UMsarf ( ikt vUota ad it kt tf Cogren. an nl iM lettaMf pmdvtd H frg J. ..r., . m It ItnlMlklt eat IM irUI f Mt ItM vkkk ran M Mdt op mm Mr. CaJMxo't a!WM (oaln iaarJ r'frbt, k it du to tM Cfflkit!i, lkt I tkfM tf wf raaH (uf a ftM( to ) t h oertrrtd to IM pgt of Ikt Caiorfld ol IM tWtorvtf fUiif tl lk fka, rr iu mA td J I ka. Statu Mat t?propittt4Wa fttt j "rJ"? JHV Ti rTrJ f tf Jf C4Ma .tM 4 tit . . teclNrr, tolM oat tf I at H.tt of -VwtoaJU! Tkm retail.. ,mMlr e Cfj. b -Mck TM Ule4 Siaiet. abaoItdini IM r? ,W.4'! WfT,).a ad rro tM Mgloniog, iMt I vooM imer- rigkt, of Konk-CaroftntM . I, dmg lo jLZiZXZSZ .TV ,tm, 7. "f "f It MHtttv tktt IM pvtikti V vhkk NankCtnliae vat eMkle.kliM act P(t ol Ttftottatt after iM ktukaa of all iM ftdllury (lafnm wuU Ian Mtt nru vi en raxjrDnrT. TM raWr ! kat , k rM fH W rM aaiaiiH af m tmmm tal fM iWf awt uMa Mr, CAm, pftA. anW.Miawimoaatariaw I tf iMtrxfUit tWt to land' tdiki M u.Wd tM Mp 0 (wrfif An.f IM limlit of Nrtk VaroUot 1 kut lie Ui.iud I v i'n aa tW ?Hr4 af Unt f Mr ivf ciatit,(ienipto4bf iMlrta HIT and lilt vta IM Cktroaet frM of loditni, to eatkiJi iktlr tuie It oil IM landt mUklA tbt baUt ollkit 3?tfe Wt anernpffrvted abortltt, bf a rorttalt to detcrtlnr IM lemiort to landed lo M tor rtCared If tkt latfW Mil tie , ax l ana rlrwrlmionol trldrtcn TV it M. Mm tf4t M vhkk iMf anirkl ikink krttitr ft) aeti Tbt Ctratolttet of laiff itlan,jpvrtva h, Af aMtwjii on fey part a; hKk. ttM p'Ctidf, kiting Q-jrMtrrtM laiMinlt Ol jbf itlgtiJof, . aMjtd to aM.at tM IrkM f Mr Cat or 10 piatrnl tM ftdJurtlaa etro a lof tM? Iner- tt J 'W MmU f-waf. ktir am mk .U. r .11 it.. bfb&. iK Hn tilMrvrd or IM rfl !.. tw - tcrten mt vaiaotn, oeaino douU of IM ineoie tf IM cooUKUng iMCtftar. or proper to aurnmo Mfore partkt, to eitmgtilh M lodua title iol'MrB ' tl tk Unt. hkjj iiiV.tei but iMIlbt cUiffil iTpicition 'oT. I tefttfcif mtt proc?i;ctijtl'M k. jntKmHm' TK iraiU ilnuUicltoitr ml t IUB MIWJ. " . 1 - - - - " w . . . tk.t tM Cberokret vail turrtnoer all irmortHnaff CWirtt.ano iwt it w rrrw .k.t- i.-j- tiw, iknmii ftldiftar conclutwo of a prrxeedtng, tiagtl ,e. M h. avppotetlt aadbotiod. -i .1, CikV. itlXi lerLhkJ t I ahottld M eno.Hf IntanUUe to form, tnm a fvll and free rateetlfMtoo, clalffii of prifite fikodikip, and IM Ad I aa tatitned ikat iM rnora tt cttiona vf piAl 4l?. vjrt i ot to tert tM. ordeal, kc roort ennfllrej w , . - aa&.L ika blaa 111 aa kui th. iT.fRfiiH, Tb trtatket ueulate. vawwv - i . . . td. U iMtt meica fed boundt there it greii mittibt. Tbj for tner it Called a general, the latter' tbartkular dewrlp- tiurt j and U it aaid, h particular con inx.lt and rtttr.lnt lit general denrip Uon. TM iaodt in oeoccuptnet of tM vottld M lM rttdanrt ol iM fclfllie an4 teal of -bit 8kUI odKi.'!. a tbe) more vUflng that tke inteatigtlk thouli from vkkk IM I ommmet oeej iMf tbair ' r u ;.MtnrM cva (K .rfidr 100 ftlpoflMWliff . ck.rKt bMt.d -to Ikeir eaamtnatioo. altkoogk t bad . rigni, at tat ptr but lor tbe additional purpote of eiertl al friend f Mr. Ca hrnitNlo aMi.it aiog, tt a ceraia eaten!, the Tunclioni ol iror- "? in.er... - ao InuuivhorUl commitaion j I cannot f Q?mmitrt, I katt no rigkt, tood ,k., h. n. ih.nrln ertef ibt rtlation in vkkk M e'aode. I ChernkerottmbdbT tbtje-.eto rf . ..Tmi - in vbkk I aland, to tM pohk. to and bntmda, a4 vHklt IM kmiit of ' K , h , p.n frora ,bf WKtloo.bf mt arqekacenrt, a tperlet North Caroline, ire of great tttent and JT ' "? , , k f U h. nfvnlkelkted incraiiikti,naknovntltbv ralue. TklttrKtoIctonlrf, from tbt ".flr' LS. iuHaortdewt o ant fret .cro!fi. f . a . Iflf nir si urrsa lUlvwi ut ay-1 ofaeret ot landj ant It eatimaten " " ' ;,r " goardt ol iMrepul worth four hondrtdtkotitand doll.rt , and L . .jri-iLUrf I U j h period, of great i rotcltd M .bkrt..bnva..d MS IL. I. 1 w lV " - ' II M . I . He turrender of the other Pronrfc I and the conBrmatidn of the crant to II CraOTille, contidcrablt portion of I Iaodt Irlng toutb of Uraoviilt t hne bred to indiriduala in tht titual form Xlojr't patent! to tettlert, M the one of all Uold and Oliver Mines excep In the granta for landa made br 11 Grjnville to indiriduala within ' hit licl, one fourth of ail the Gold and fcr0ie ia rrterred "to the Xing' fxttllent Mnjtttyti and ono moiety Ulf of thejrematninir three fourths of luch MtTf and ; Silver Minet it re ed to. Lord Granville and Jilt heirt." tht committee hae exhibited t true ruent of the- reervaliona contained jheeecer3cl!B7ter and " granta?; jthe condition t upon vhicb the owner nd in thia State held the tamn under crovnand jundet.Xord Granville. committee consider that tbt reser nt made in behalf of tbt crown as a ofthc rruraiu of tht monarchy, tod made for the benefit of the oeonle ol at Britain ; and, that all such droits ol trownor -reservations to Lord Uran; are; McompjtiMo,vitb the fttur rusiomt'of a 'r'tDUblican Government. bqcan)i,er?oid.'a jiotjri t.tbc former Is of tht King br of the Lords, Pro- ore became vetted in the people of Plate in ineir sovereign capacity, the State bat invariably eranted the ing any such reservations, indicatine ebjr hat no aucb special riebt to krais or metals, imbedded in the soil, jointed by the Stale as a separate and n property irom tht soil tiseir he ctmmiute tcting mnder these ressions, deem it inexpedient to re mend tht nassincr of a law to aeenre etate ttie benefit of the reserTaUon; cession which vat duly accented and rtl6 rf by the United States, In Congress aittmbled. on the 2doT Arjrit. 1790. Br Jaowr1vrwkg" faiiy4i;K.iw4JY' ''''''Tt ' ' ' ' - assumed, pecame bound, " thai he lands Lid off, or directed to be laid off, by any act or acts of the General Alterably of this State, for the officers and soldiers thereof, their heirs and assigns, reipee lively, thai! M and enura lo the use and brncfit of the said officers and soldiers, their heirs and assigns respectively ; and that all the lands thus ceded, and not ap propriated as aforesaid, shall be consider ed as t common fund for the use and benefit of all the United States, North Carolina inclusive, according to their re, spective and Usual proportion in the gen eral charge and expenditure, and ahull be faithfully disposed of ior that purno, and for no other use or purpose w hat- eve r.Arroflhe Territory kocedcJr now forms tht Suit of Tennessee, boun ded on the tast br tht western boundary of North-Carolina, at described in tbe act of cession and en tht west, by the nyer Mississippi j on the north and south, by the northern and southern lines of the ceded territory. All the lands laid off, or directed lo'bt laid off, asaforcsajd; br the General Aasembtv of North Caro- liiU,-lic within the limits, of. the State of Ttrmesset t and after the location of all iht said land there remained, within tbe limits-of . Tennessee, a very hrce and very" valuable residue, which should have been appropriated to the ut of tht4 sev eral States f tfie i Union, inoludinj Nonb- orliOrt' 'Jejt loirti To the ast of cession. The United States still hold, under this cession, for the like uses and purposes, an immense extent of country, and of great value, situate be tweon the river Mississippi and the Pa cific ocean and between the northern and southern limits of the cededjerrito ry. It it true the act of cession did not require the United Sutet to itipuijito that mo tr.e b.rVBSl a to M obi TzT. -j .a-. ...J mhkk vould fornUk t prtrdtni ttitrlr ..ined, Inclodea inort IMt tot UUoo VT-Jr- - V-'T'' K lh- Uubvenivt of IM vtly tSVeital eato- guardt of iM rtputatios ol puboe et at pontkii titrcmcou kM Mtnarli ttho lh dun utl. o lot. ouirtci Ol country, and rr I kt( ;tyrw, begWaa P5 Br. Vaiaouo 1 tornp... the remttai ol mis unionuoaie. recti. . : , , .w,:. :...:.-. Ri.i mt COnCIUllon Ol inrir uiuiiir' conSdenily Mlievinic that it v.s ibe in teotion of the House that this committee should tuame theiotrTrrrchrttirrof t a t a . ta "I .l.!.. 1.-1 v. anri !.$!LS.? m wKkh lui cMract.Utd ibi. priding , , liqUSC, Will lUHW"rt'"-. - tbt DuoIIcTas laving the af amp of judi 4al authority. I feel impelld,.by e pro found sense of the duly whlcn i owe i Mr. CalhtKin, to the country, and evan a .a t -i.a. lo the committee tnemacirea. w briefly and ditiincily, my objecllona to tne codtse pursued, before it shall M too late lo corr Mvond the MiUiipii, ia of momentout imporlance to Iht Interest! of this Halt. LTbe: feruUtv onhejwilijheriterii an value or territory, art suinrienr incuce roentt to urge IM eitingtishrorni, of the nduniitle, etpeuauvaa (vetmoafve have just claknt on iht general. goMr ment. -These are not ' tbt only Induce' ments ; tbe red men are not vithin tht Dale of civilitatlon, they are not under tM restraints of morality, nor ibe Influence of religion j and they are alwaya disa greeable and dangerous neighbors to t cjvilited people. TM proximity of t host of injajiict dont him by tvWenct recelv cd bvne committee, and requttte that sevtrel other .witnesses M turn moot t- The Utter coHcUideaaaloIlof 11 "finally l 1 eanrw but exprett nf and it a source of perpetual and mutua irritation. It Is believed, this unfortunate race of beings might easily be Induced io exchange tbeir lands In this State, for territory beyond the Mitsissippi, whither so many of their brethren have already cone. It is unnecessary to recite facts or urge arguments, to prove that auch .... . f ! . . . . L removal will oe ocnenciai noi onir io ine citizens of this State, but the Indians themselves. Aware of the liberal policy which has been pursued by the genera government on subjects of this character, mi v . i ! . a t..ll It Will oe SUtllCieni io invuc, rcijv.uuiiy, the attention of Congress to this memo rial. Before tho ratification of these treaties, Nortb-CatbrinrsdherTighrof-aosi reignty and soil of all the land vithin her limits; the Indians 'enjoying a mere right of temporary occupancy By these treaties, a large tract of land was secured to the beads of ,be Indian families for life, with remaiader.in fee to tbeir rt- spective children ; and, this was a part of the consideration. given Dy me vnitea Stater io these-Indians, for abandoning thtcccupancy of the Jundthen sqrren dered. . It was believed at tbafHme by the statesmen of Krth Carolioai that .the U. "States,, could nrt legally deprive this State of the right if sovereignty ana sou of the territory thus attempted to be se cured to the Indiais t but they wjfert uit willing to array' cpposuiob agaffiirthi acta of tbe geneM government. With these; feelings, North Carolina tot only acquiesced in" the terms of tbe treaties, but ratified tbeir provisions by legislative actt. Policy aoon suggested to North" Carolina' tbe prorriety of purchasing from the lndiana tie lands thus secured to tbem, Thepeict and tranquiuty of her ciuzcna mate ebch i ancKi . tbt grtar lr juMkt MUJc'nrf.. whkh have unavoidably fesunea io sir. Calhoun from that tlrcumsienct afoot, t ft U now roort than four weths sine ibi Coremitiec ws charged 10 innuir) wMiher ibe Vice Prttidenl of tM Unl led Siatea bad been guiHy of tbe b fmout rnmJ. it. in ultke -psnirlp.ing, while Secretary k.! of War. in iht wUf of a contract nude skTsWtotnrrawWrriimk .sumw.--' over vhUh be presided, i e atrwiout and tnt nign lv illustranve of the anomalous characirr nt thi.nroceedinz.that with the exception of the "solitary question as to the fact of . M .. . ..... Mr. Calhoun s parucipavion, whivh witness has piomptly and unequivocally answered in tM negative, there is not one tittle of all the incumbering mass of doc umentary and oral testimony which has occupied the incessant labors oi me com mlii tnr more than twenty days, that has the slightest pretension to the char acter of legal evidence, whether we re Kard it as applicable to the present accusa lion, or to any other accusation, against the nrivafe integrity or official purity of Mr - ;v-.- . - - , r.ihm.n. In order to demonstrate this proposition, I beg leave to present for the reconsideratibtToTiTie commtlTeeTi descriptive and analytical review ol tne recorded testimony Mr. McDuffie then complains that the first three or four days of the Inquiry ware devoted to" " thf examination ol intu nrnfeasedlr Produced for tbe nuraoifl of excubatine the present Sec retary of War from the imputation of kainr an'" TiMlCTiTilef In "bringing larwurA kt thurvt of Decalatioh'agaiusr alt. VSlhoan.'or wmcmianioua uou. lion "of the ccpftr Ififiinloaa letfer of ihe yet'more iofamous instrument orthls dark and nefarious conspiracy, mis courafaChe aay) Indicated t more artx- kjitttdtstmo!" JSnvi ag-nsr whom no Imputation had Men maJc, than to administer speedy justica to the se tJRrMt of the rovernmtnt, when ac tuafly on his trial upon t-chargt of offi cial delinquency, calculated,, if , irlie, to tttriin his reputation with indelible infa- He then comments upon the impor tance of a itrict application of the - rows tharacter of tht charge. station of the Individual implicate, na turally excited in every portion of tht) Union tht most lively interests in the Proceedings of the committee ; and th8 eople of tbe United Stales, at a loss to account for iht delay upon any other sup position than thai tome evidence of guilt had been exhibited, have bet n looking day after day, and werk after week, with', the most intense anxiety, for the result J of an investigstion involving not only thev honest name of a public servant, tta bit hrn fur fifteen vears honorably and em inently" indentified with thr political bia tory of the country, nut involving, aisoa frr-iM-mall-Rrtr4heepuUtk)n V.iA jreW v ' '.A mm, ..... S t I ' t ij ,'t 11 tlon of Jiit a tber friendf . t eirosl" eon- A ml of tbo . ,r that country whose rights and whoat) honor be Ms so largely comnouieo i defend, whose character he has so Jarfet ly .contributed to elevate, and whose in stitutions ' he has so successfully Iabdrt4 io esithlish .and mature- If rrorn ttbv high honor and unsuspected purity which have characterized every action oi jii life, all ho know him, whether or enemies, have looked with er, fiflpnte to his entire acoottta rh.rcr Mehtea..Jt.cin Scarelf M d.oUtT-r.r,'T.r?..c. ,.r'l lh! Penult of--' !V the Uited Statea, who do not know him, k must have regarded the unexpected pro- K . .1 C .1.. m Hpfiim. 'ay . cratunatiuu ui mc iuuhjj, m,.., . , iuncc inexpliiSabls, if. not. fttpirn,4-st And, while I am under the necessity, f from the course pursued by the commit , r tee; of still farther prptracting the invea tigation, I shall uae every effort, in v.bich i; I earnestly solicit their co-operation tS brinjj this long labor to a apeedy termi nation. I have the honoto be, with very - -. . "... -- ''t'ri

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