' i ' t ? , 4" - ' 4fc-fcMMMI $ i - .7 . T' 1 ' j - . . . ... j, Tip i . P t ?! . . '4 S ' r i v ' i v .... 3 :.r ,t i, T r " sf, ... f . 1 ' 1 V ; ( -v 1 1 i if.. if t hnit, V itfaiiri,itiiiWart.Hi iri'iiHiiiiia)iAi HIT Tallnrln Uualnm. 14 hi. t b, M TH-. U ru e a'?' taH M ..! mww rr-. -. XUm . . a .41 & 44 Hn4i tva-a avaa " Mt fcUrti 7 1hr .,WfuWt- rW '" "" - (. -.u sfcr tw 4 a nim rvto nm mmn aw I I.a W an-i- to a"! Ibf t WM"'? r-r i.kat i tr-r iw 1W9 yt M iur 1, r u -. N. t. Oh t w Uaf tram 11 to IJ ytr RKMOVA!,. EBEXKXER DICKSOX, MM imt, ft r f orxup-d r4 AwmW KU pii (4 tHr couwtrr 1 4 tfirt tl 1w, W W w yWxiwy tin k m Cv iWk. rw qntlii f kit ftwr. 'tik tutk UttfilM !! Mrn fi kit 4MM(ratt prtiM th tfn to o SU6r7 r txojt I bra "7 ' 1 ...i-.jww HuJaUiS.' AltU S.to . 1 sill twwn nanawm. itjiMlitli M L..M BP l 4 Wli -rra Wt, to to 'Wif a H vc Arwi aUI U ftr k-i itrct4. TV CM U- V W to tU mmH tnm-mm4 a aW 4 mMf to IW rrpa oWiwHioa. ...... u aisiu ai- l. It GR 4TXfl't. for pa fir, and Wopinf fir a awximiaow e eaa4Urc in kia fnrali a4 tualeantw to im Km buaae, offer tW alt, if Oto Mwvwf rtdoerd trtrva, s vuri amatacwx aim. 0tk rlirnn for Cmarta. (pUih)) frora . . . . . 50oKI -. , CIg RtitA, fiUttd, from . 25 to SO CarrRaV JpoaaaM axxnrtinf . II U II mrwtahiCutstrp fool. 3al to1?! La!5ra - do.- - - Ilia 3S , BnDr,"T''Kr, FnIJIc lUjrs he. mail of Dr tatatrnaW tad verkmaitaSip, ith punrta Jit M4 4rpica 1 Bd an orUen altf acld la, DOff any trctKMi or me coonfry. YtvctoTftgc and Commission r -;;7,r. .3 rTWB coMer at Cmumr mmi WiUm aaIaf . Ja,; or dMor Ike f Cmm. vm ia Charirttim will rrrrnrr be eoirfimirtl ra .the nam t llw iikLvuLIu aocount of-ih MbacrtWr vito now rMcfullr ttndtn i tbr public hia atrrioca fo Ida trtnaartion bwainrai in M lint. I CbfTiw, rrrry foeilitr in recririn aaj forvardinf Ctif to air a!tlrvt, will be affor ded by my former partner. Mr. Wilaon. who ill rr present my interrvt m that place Hie aub criber bop, by hia induatnr, punctaalilr, ami CA-'i. ail., t wil mill T fr fli U KlmWS&SLkrl2& Attt, or Utnta T AWw aV ia the Tawt af ill I orortl. nM M a crairai pan af ibe loen. rety af'tMtH . . . . . . . ouainraK aa aoraMstrawwr mta)i a Mr muwy trara 1 U U f Pwrtfiwe, ad eaapr bitike I In, imrda'ty almjun( I he atore. A (Trai barpin ma be bl 11 Ibe p"nh of 'he pf If ao( wilt Heated apia. for Utrther partjetlars apply MICHArX DkOWN, aa-rr. taaery a, lM. 44 TiiK tr.tjMUit.itr.. I'M to4 altU Mm4 a I A VAf 4 a. - - a 1 m.L 1 k) iea ba aw) A3 4 ev laaJ fcajafcajaej 4affcadV (Sa4 JaVaa? (Ve nam ue at; re hi aarf la-t Btlt'tJ Nerval MfaWl. . k .... 1 Tiara . UmUr. T TtMM -- Mv Fmf." t Ike iimw 0m4m H NUettW biH t e4a lU i UH wI;W Marketeer 1 a4. V Mai V rV Ai Ul vN Wr aiLiliialkltUi; k - Mr. MtwiM piuil tvilf fan kef la erew riWiW tHt M IM fawU Prto ' . a M . a itr. rrpAiC IW I ftt M ainaai tattl U f 9 tttfy CaJ' Vaeapa- av . fc. .1.1 1. t a at. 11 a wtt feanrnftl'rry avapoo. The lu coaxfila rivtr. A4 aarAratnlort aial (JoaMieM, aM rt Wrftd aw ht Mtarvd rtflf. Tk H fraer tlar MTt la) tad toT K I4MBI 64 RaetQ Wae. ! lkjMrvaJT boat ported Mta.tlr. . friUy, FA. t- Mr. SaftJi frvm iIm ce'raaftlii f f roOfo! iM Crieraa- t, ia fkota rt forrtd tk pikioi of oka fok wve 01 ken af UatoU. aai WytUnDavU"!!. Sarr, potior fcrf Cll M t aft led M rod, rtoettd aaftrorilr . NOto ratline ik rKilo f lie pk-yir of iU rUiiuotra 1 wblcb 4r Jo4uwol rrrt, frtB tk Jaxfl- rr caaabtt wkom rtUrrtd aaalitr 4Vl peaaed la IT41. fo reur-lalftf akbe f cittif aacjryt rrpontd. lk If ikera ete bat bees period" aUfa abra ike UjtlWv art cvuld.wkikaikt talk pvklU,al rr u rrpeal Ibt ptwii af iM art f (f 4 1 k-lill Vi:iJr Mtl.' f I' J 'V l, lha Tm Wt'tll hat ( lki I ... ill i. t;.i iWb Cm. air (Jext'tl N MkU iW.aiila laekr r, ih U3 to) pU l iU lt aitl ml Ike tui4 4 fra WUk kaevafb) ! Cmt llaJ4, la VliU.tl I 4 IM 14 ka Maed 4 JLim&r. nTkf W l ikMtof ke ilrae aktkia ahUb deedi a ifwal ad prwihl for t'C paA&iif la ika aea. MWrttorf aaatpaarl aaM aaaad TU tulfl fitoadtr IM UtKai a(II, a'J.;i lU 1411 laflariAb aKV-, CrMral AfceJia Jckiu . if . iMllaai wnii ) laf part a I MSMaVaLI atHUai lltol IM talk 11 Ml N'aYar I poajilaa aatpirtoaii fa a TkUn fa dHi ikptof m ram ikal dl(ta9H U la ddfa, keatf aaMf! Cilral.led la ffdaa NMttow bul ailb drltbarailoa) e!e4ie aiht Part IM tWtkai f Mr. Craw ford wka ar o4 rafly m1oi la eaajraf GearI Jarlaoaj. TMimi bvtai Mcadi Mr. CImmo 't t7allf decided on I kit poJal ad 1 lk cate4 atta, vlib cUaa) ad tv4 telMC f Ailra tola o N Yarb mtj be Calcala lid oa for Ika Ceftcril. aa4. Tbr f.' el Mxr.n, k,ii will U ta c oiler led ConlUy cairWd af Uil mi mer. it ud be frra naaoaa. I kiUf aUiked boeipoalnr, ieJr aacrtll. Ppeart ! irvamr dally a deeper drrrae eliMtrtvt. Axtordlor totbr Mpenfrvui be Ini trior, a coettwion cowfxmd 0 railrmea (mm trea loaat, railr keld at Ualwown, 10 4iotr, il poWtktr. kit f.tf . Tbr Buffalo r'rv atel thai iqlTrUnl ttidenrt t coJIrc- c:u s m r s hi h a t, u h a c r ittaiM n..u, a k aavit M ef Jr'a M aaftr-eaU ltpn aa) Ike eiia)f a(k WmW, hktk il Ui4 at tU fri, II -fa lb IUm, la aj af a,(to--6al4 UlkattaeeJ afwpeieiig W it.) fo Mf ri4ow' Tj M kJrfrto ike Cawf aa at Taeaw. k piece af Mr. AMraa, dee'd. a r atfi lf rrf llf u'lL a aai aaaaa 1 1 4.4 W wrv m aa aUeatea fj U lk mitiem) a lU bvave, rW ri if-It lk leaa-e,. .nam . k ..i . . . . buiHi UouAt of Y.nt frtnnme nl. REMOVAL TII0A1 IHX.Mr.a rtepmfoUy ac quainti bit frwtxK and Ibr public tl Urr. that be be reamved fmaa Ik I nr be laialr ocrtib'eL back 10 tbr anr' oa the oonoaitr ale of the ia akkb be I foratrrly krpf a JUumt tmimutumnl. btit bklt bat for A Bunibr r tayran brra wccupwd by the frin'inf OAce 1 aberr ba t p-ri i-ed to aceoraaaoua'e . TRAVELLERS " POARPERSi nd bopet be will be aWrto ie tbr aamr at- MACfma be' ha rton y tweaia yeara tart. TrtrtBert ire partiew farty ivie4 call a k lloate 1 wk-re the weanr are at real, ami ikt wickrd trite f.wi troHblinf.'' .v. r. jun'f. 30. irr. 43 ltiu for ftU. . THF. uhrnbr otrrr for aale A amall tri nflaml in the neif hborkod of Mucknille, tatbefurkfofthe Talkii, eofllirr pifjinf wa ntifximt acre, i a oti mm ruoi quai- i and on which h i tocT' ptrce of onit. prered aealk grwiad eonvrfiinitljr a atetd. Al jrmhl prinjri or water, and to a healthy dilution. Ai Mocktfille w brrominir place of iraMraitce, it roijrit be an aJrantairtow tit. NttKMi for at) iiMluatriout farmer. A further deacripiioo r Iboughl un f4rtir, u it tt pre. rard any penoa withinr lo purchaM wiD iew the ktrid. For termi apply lo Ibe aubacrihrr, two mi Ire corkawejf rattrd ( 5iBaa Uwrt.'' l f.lt) IU xaoumlvfi tbt wftrr Morftq h(J &erf trp a tew wnmon Mrtr, hr diUtxraicly laf'r aVai'I Aer lAirr. Thit would Indeed be) a mol femciout rontamwialba) lo ifiooirar. ilioe ia all ill (karactritikl t ibit ht beca. Wa ata unwillicifi it tel. in toppoae it tin bt tt but if it be we hope there wit) be no rltm left aotried la bring ibt murderer lo juttice- .Vft? Tvrt Jmrntan. Xrw PtMnHru." Tbt Re. Colin M'lter.of ibitlnwrHpropoaei publithine two new periodical wockt, Ch o ippear montbl t the ona under the lit la ol M Tk KtrrlUtt .ItofWm" con'iininr eiftft oa) varlowt lApklof Theutojiy, Orof ripbi cl Skeithclt rrnwtkt EcrlctUtikil Ilii lory. retewi of ne Tbeotoglcal pubiica lion, RrflgProi laielUaencr.obhoarr no tireaoldUinKuiihed CbrittUm. kc and the other, ander thai of The llrpnit gnJ A'ertA Ceroiie Prttbytrrrn Fr rather" coatiitine 4 icrmoott tcledrd from the roanuKri(t of minittrrt of the rrebyte i Ian Church, ratidioi; in Virginia and Nttrth Carolina. ilr.M'Irerjl ilrtarfr rrtnURemjl lniwo to the public aa the Hulor hfhi taaprtaeailtltoliraiperioa. AhAveoea) rnlnae Ibrrtforr rirapked I ha rtjec lion of iSe bill. Tlr report coocur red with, taJ ibi II) iadrbaitelf poal potwd. The rVJIowlnr lilt were indenlelv poatponed eo ibrlr kceond rtarfine;, til Tha tUt lo rtcjrjU defrndani, before i hey are out apon ielr trial, lo rtrepi to tocb mitten in Iriinmenttt at mie hi, after contictins. bo Niiner aa reatont in irratt of jud(mralibe bill to appoint framliJocer to I oat a Road from Chirloltf lo Morjrealia) ' The bill lo preterite the mode of ley. I iimaiiflf baaiard cbidren. and lo alter heir Rimrt, tn rrWiiid on' hi third readJuT 77 Tn 34. - -r - Jelwrwcy. Ft 4 Tba bill (p repeal the art of 1190. entitled " An act diret rrnr"tha t ovntf 4.'ntm -topef-lera-tt cerliin bfiktn iht?rrin oianerf in rrrtrin ratca," ao far hi rrtpacU the eocrrte of Wilkrt, wtt indr finitely poatpoaed. Af 4tdey. Ftm. S The report of the romniittee on iho Judiciary, rrcommen dine the rejnijoa of the bill. 16 henf; the form of procetdiovT In actioni of rjrrimenl, ' "Kick bad been laid on the table waa: t ikeo up " and "fp0c.urre.4l , b, aad ike. taid Uilaicxlad. rr . 1 ,. . . . . CAaWrata, An. . 11W6. 3rni53 Harirtf a hhdrawa from the forte rm of Tonner and wi'ron, in Charierton, the aubacriber re apectfully rrcummendt hia former Dartner. II W. Conner, te hia friend, for a continuance of their patmnire in bit faror. . Aaw. lat, 183. T M. J. WILSON The celebrated American Jack 1 Don Vlxario, ritHE property of Mai. Junkii Sneed, will ' X atand at tbe aubacriber'i ruble, in Iredell i Otmrrty, 4 milea north of Centre Meeting Houv, 0 miie rrora HeatUc'a red, and 14 milei from etatearille, on the vt.Jkeaboro' and Charlotte foad, the erwiinjr aeaaon,' commeneint; the Tat of Mach. Any one in thia lection of country, wifliine to raiae Vulet from the beat Jwk In the TtaTeT lllprtWl.a?erinpprtanltyTf dolnjpKJi vj uiinir ineir marea 10 iran ruarro, ii ne it exmfeaaedTj the beat animal of the kind in North Carolina. Handbilla will toon be iatued, tiating lerrat, kg. JOSEPH BYERS, Jr. Feb. 23, 1837. " - . 43 Talctiv and CommUlei t HO the iiil of Cabarrui couatv. N. G. on the "34 of fthruary , i 88T, a J&grt Mum w ho " flhr bra narhe irAav 2d year of age, J feet . rJncheiihigh, aaya he" left hia master, about ---woe Mtntx; ir:nm'immwc.fr;:fZiM1w? ni' name ia lrn jiWy a tTe wrter i re- Mieited ti come 'forward, proriJ propcy7paiy GOargra, ana use uun away. WM. 0. MAHAN, JWor, ' ConrJ,MC, Feb. 9f1827. 3t5i l.'iljuji L'.m.,uimjnni' .'-. "m-n. .1... .l, '. -w i "."' Taken ut and Cominltied fno the Jail of Itowan county, N. C on the A 16th of Aoguat, 1836, a negro man, who ay hit name WJACKfVl year old, 5 feet t inch high My he left hir muter about 6 week ainte. in the ttate of tSeorgia . waa bought by One Johnson, lut tpring, of Matthew William, ton, at Charlotte Cotirt.Houae, Virginia. The owner ia required to come forward, prove property, pay charge, and take him away. J ' FIELDINH SLAf IJRr JUr, . Sotifbtrg, rY. C. Jug. 1& 1839. W Jiray 29, 18.7 DtoldUaWtawr,. BARDKR and HAIR DRESS KR 1SFOHMS the citiienaof aiiiburv thai I hu taken a pleananl and com'moaioui thop on the nuin ttreet, oppwitr W. II. Slaughter1 Tavern, where he may be round at all tMneaand win pay arnct anenuon 10 nil Dimnea. lie flitter liimiclf that be will be able, ai h- aUiy ha been, tn rive entire atiafactron lo aU who our employ him. N. R. Gentlemt n thaved by the year, month. or iinjrle time. Wi'iA ranrt ikarh and brvthei uud AnmrV, He'll mahtjfHr fac uimoUhai thnttf any dondy, February,.! 1827. - 47. Ten Dollars WewarA. Tl AK away from the aubicriber'iauiwiiLilaQt, II. romerv countv. while takinir him home from Concord jail, on 1'ueiday night, the 13ih intt a Negro Man named A brum about 20 veil of age, black ikin, ahort, (tout built, baa a blem ish in one or hia eye, a pretty large aear on hit right arm, and ia rather bold tpoken. Any oer- on who wj)l take up taid Negro, and deliver him to the aubacrrber, in Anson county, on the Saliabury ruad, about 9 milei from W idetbo. rouj;h, and 4 from Beard's atore, or lodge him in jum mna give me MHomwion ao mat I can get buvabalL be entitled totb above reward, and alL reaaonable c'mrgea paid. Any letter that mar be wrHteirorjf the' ajibjecfc e be directed to Deartrr sroreAnson county, rr. u. Feb. 24, 1827. 2tJ J A trih-Carolina. Mht ttuntv t (lOUltr of plena and quarte7. aeationa Feb. Leander s. Bray 1 original attachment. It ap pearing to the' court thai . tbe defendant. landcr 8. Ilray, ia not an inhabitant of thit tite, it it therefore ordered, that publication be made for aix weeka in the Wettern Carolinian. for aaid defendant to appear at our next coun ty court, on the teoond Monday after the 4th Monday or April next, and r plevy, put in hail, aw) plead, or demur, otherwiae iudrment will be given agalnrt him by dt fault. iwti T.CAU,OWAT,a,fci WwldT. I -';-.v..i.. , ...... Tha bill to appoint a cbmmKiioher lo collecf lietitticat- information rtlaiiva lo thit S-ate, and lo pretcribe the. duiiea of tail tonmittioner, wat read ibe second time, and, on motion of Mr. Boon, post poned indefinitely. The engmaed bill to compel children, 5i52 i'"" K""" brl reading. Tutiday, Feb. engrostrd bill to emend'rhe law reipectinir the tale of landi and negroei by Shrnffi aryl other ofheert, wn poitponcd indefinitely on in second reading. Mr. Bain, from the committee of Di vorce and Alienor . reported unfavorably to the petition of Thomaa L M'Eniire, prating to be divorced from hia wife. Concurred in. Mr. Jonri, of Warren, from the Judi clary committ e, to whom waa referred the bill for the better distribution of the esutea of Intestatci ; thebilllimiling the time within which aciioniahAll be brought gMinttgUirdian, exerutort and admin istraiors Southern Preacher - and other workii in which he htn ditntaved much retVafch induitrr and talent. From hi habit of application, bit learning and general ac quaintance with the aubjecta 19 be. cm braced in hia propotcd publication, we think hit editorial labour will be utrful and acceptable to the public. X C. Jbur. the bill to prevent protecutlng officen, in behalf of tbe State, from mark ing the Governor aa prosecutor in cer lain casea ; the bill concerning the At tor ney and Solicitor General and Solicitors, the bill for the farther relief ol honest ilehtorl ; and the bill o amend tha act of I f4 lyfor building and maintaining of court houses, orisons andatocka, made a report tecommrndin the' rejectfon'bf uii Billa v-oncurreu in. r. . TeJWrfrotlMb Uom wa referred Jhe resolution in" t rue ting them to iiiqpire into jthe e pediency of amrndihgnbe law? with re fitwiiffliiMeai: more speedy collectiod and payment of debts, pfaced ii) their) hands, ' reported against the expediency! of auch amend ment. Concurred in. . - I he following bills' were indjefihHely postponed t The bill lo amend tha act of 18 if, concerning tbd Supreme Court ; the bill to amend the ait of 1823, to pro vide a revcmia for thesyrnent of the ci- vil liat and WDtingent tipcuici of govern' Eliza Barker recoverYu' fllr Anderson lor a breach 01 marriage promise. As Anderson had little proper ty. the Judge remarked, thai circumttance should not ah;eld him, and (hit a portion of hit future life, and labour should mortgaged to compensate for the injury he had done. He was imprisoned) we suppose. a " A person at Lockport, N. V. has con trived a pump and apparatus, so ihat hi cattle when they come to the trough to drink, tread upon a platform, which gives motion to the pump...nd conunurs while they remain; supplying the trough with water The Petersburg Intelligencer remarks, hi rkf1 CotetaAwa and aVaky TorajCtA Caeepeay , wis eooUJerad, ea4. h aa 44, wdered to) 1 bird readUg , Tktyq to aataUUb iimla pvaf t4Eeii aad mad, wtt rr4 lie tMr4 fim i, The kill W the trade)! ip'aswai 4 ibe Hevy af ike Ualie4 States ik ikird tlaaa aad pirns Arts U. rtcata 11 l Ike HOWM M RrtjeSTMalIaa aa nWdtr.Ike MiUltry AppeopHetU, tj wat afato Ube tta M t.examrtee af rha Whole cms the State of Uakoe. kea i . it 11 -" cituK tnoeta wf m r. w eace at aa aaarsd mint miking aa apevprWU) Ur aw aa A Hal aWk. uaoeiu nuii Lieiaaa, was afrtad ,! Some NdactMA wtre a4a la ika wwrf . . . coattoreactt a. and IM appeoprtrtot foH riVvtvirx. Tbe rttolinkjo cftr4 w Mr. Saaodert wm aeiia diatlitod bt I F. Johaton. wko bad a aexJait4kJ remark, wkta the diKaaaa waa arrsH ttd by the Speaker. : - -; 7Wd!e, Few to f a ibe Sena's, tn lerdar, Ike Wcadbfts Mil ts ttket se llr. ILrnloai enovid ta raHnmbl ika L o the Cotanlttrt oa M n facta ret, aiJ nttrtKtions lo ia)nd H ao at to nuit cW dt)tf o ria" 'won totl to ike fir sVj lf .lmr7H,l.tll wo lea tWk,1 Tkaj mi ion wat diacuttad aad rviecrcd, tin ti noes 34 r. ren-.on move a to rectal mil ike bill with lottnteilons lo towW profit the importaUoa of bt tr word, after the leetof Janoarf, 1131, be. . . Am. - a tn a strs 71, noes jj air. need rar rerommil the bill foe aa inquiry aadrt port whether the duties Irnpoted to arvf htbltory i ls(, ayes It. noes II. Oiw motions were made and rejected, rkri Ihe bill at postponed until to mom. In Ihe House of KepreseiMativet. I F. Johnvm returned his obaervationt J the retolu'ion of Mr. Sawnrlers,' a4 kJ not cnnrhided when the Speaker arrw tka dlKOMloa). litH"wttastrWf from S o'clock until f.. .lo the ctetii . . mm .. . . ... .1,.. ..t.l' l J tne iioute 1001 vp me Buiiimwani sundry pal roads, and lagvilaling tatM oHke dcnarirflcDt, which . were., paw through, committee, and ordered W soarotted and.rctd a Ibirrl.ljnia rJij irtdnttdoy Feb. II In the H-kmi i ReDretentatives. t etterdar, Sfr. F. Jato on continued hi remarks on Ibe lut ion of Mr. 5undrrtt bat bad aot e rludrd when tha dltcuttioo wis jm arretted be iSe Snetkrr. "alirieVrT 2 3 'WW TiTt U Seniti,'m te rda the billVo 'mr nd Ihe act rtrl rinjj the Pom Oihca DepartmeUl. 4 red twirr, and relerred. The House of Representstives yearj dtv patted the bill etlsblishine wH pott rotr!s, and the bill making ipprp iion for tha military service of tbe t'ai ra ted Snies. tb tenf kei I r hi krbi iff rata Wa aa t J t- 1. t I - nir r Johnson nnnneti ni oowni ivici that the prediction made in Russia, tha this season would be the coldest known in 50 years, has proved nearer the truth than any other. The N England farmer'a Almanac, remarks on ?he coldest week. that the weirder would beMapteasant for the sesson ; and ihe Virginia and N. Carolina Altmnac promised two or three shown which have not been observed in this part of- the country, Sd rnuch . for Coniintniai ;AW. ir.iUrge.ssJyn, his speech in ( oneres in support, of the bill fur jhe. relief of the .surviving officers 01 tne revolution, states, tnai . tne several enilssidris of paper tnoSe'yhttltrli nrnial congress, from June 32, 1775', 10 Nov. 29, 1779, amounted to 8200,000, 000. . . ' ; We perceive by a Canada paper, that during the absence of a Mj. somebody from his country seat, his daughter shocking to relatemarried a " common person t" The whole " nobility of Cana da Twain. tears, : bbiine3 the Door for to-diy, to ipe replv. Friday, Feb. 33 The senate an gaged the whole of Yesterdav in diacc aion on the bill to rreuUte the ronitn cial intercourae beiween the IT ""l and the colonies of Great Britain In the House, yesterday, Mr. HouiI of Tennessee, took the floor and otcup" it until arrested by tha expiration of time allowed An engrossed hill for tbe support the Navy of the United States for itfl was read a third lima, and passed. Saturday, Feb. 34 In the Seni'tf lerdav. the consideration of the Bill fc regttlttng-t heh4nlewowee-lf lH United .Stales and the British toiow was resumed. ilr. Holmes oncrcv amendment, the effect of whkh is wfl terdict the inland rm.le with Cmi which, after, much discussion, fang1 to Ares 33. In the House of Renresentatiff F tertfayithe; discussion; on the rewlJ of MjthdcrsTVB siipersedeii discussion whic I look rdaca ott. W. '! to arrange I h riMtliaTio lactrt ring the present seasioni indthisdif" tion" remained tmfinished, having ,h..i.,I k.. ,k. !Qn.ut. In rnnseQUCM .hum wLivna.vjLj ? w. v bf Ihe exni ration of the hour. r mm r. ' . .. ;L. PnlfllBU 01 wr reter, retcrnng 11 to mo 1 tee on ihe Library, to consider tne i diencv of Durchainii the1 Medal ing to General .WashingtoO, hicl been advertised for public sale. iltu rdl tt in, Col brul l.kir drr re. Ited ttei piuo pert liter ; lr y liClui katioi lifreq fictol btr. ther Moal I the frottB A tyinn nf mirtrlle ae was death in Vermont, an the 0,t vim MMtf-rl-- need et4t Jbateol it ion tonx With (oromo fbrua Imt 01 1

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