i . 1 I 1 I r 4 U 6 - 1 tin In Mil K w "aa- "V W S. W W X SO" 4. ', W- 1 I Js w, hi r TV ti rnt.t. ssa, F,1 1 fitnmY,l i tm a . -.. ...at f.;e,t Mr ! V.'J k- ffr4 Owa a ;...- at A ta i" far aV f '., HrMw4l st-rma af )aUalarai;,t in 1-4-.L , f 14tu w J he aw tel. J a ur raw ! t p.'iv 4 nr AL-rifoRiTy. 4v 0 tfW B.aV, iki ettaWI m rke W af lJ eUl k... U " ft-V -l IM ewvrrt iWnLikHl M MIM wf Iwt llMMli wAAjLJ iL.i Ur tx, , w , ?7 OMiMlitli rv.' ih iiL ; .... - Itf'm s m r- ' ,wmm ' I. 4 .- f-k . 1 Mf W fi 9tFt MM Miilf I ' r " rvm ... I l . m ' rWf c)i rvMHI i mm. Mir tto rirVk. 4(kiM k-. Mrilr4 - Am tt h, . ktw Mimi diJf tkJrt I Um hndt ' te IJMciry T K ApM k,. 1 md ci i id mm ftir tut tW mwmt M4IMCN4 CfHKOfMj d.arch lot iv 7scwa Mii jorrm imtr M u Mrpom for i.n . . ' - m attimm Um ' J M i h ljienn4 w (W mt mt --HZ??"- rwi-. rf4 tfi fy ininiM mm ckr lilW Iff. Dtkfrvk faLU ir r ri, IlkoM bmrTfalf Mf fffhlfallkit iuU; maf r wmi mimom u l. . "k l.v. 41 & tk kkH m ..A l! rWf, aUM taMt iW aw i a m cjwc tad VMa W a4ila Lm td tka m.).1 m. ana phi rurpur ( TJIL0RLt(BtoiES8. Mum MiM tk4 af ewrrW aa T"-iWl.r Bmdmm. MUt'M tm J Mm t4 flit. rtmwctfaRv In A chiataa a nW.u'r. Md tltt caaKtai eaaatrt. fKct Vy M peM4 Iba4i ftt v bwnr.aa aUta fttratL i Juan aaata f ta CawUlywM, m Um avi "C adjauMr Mr. Aliana't Mora i vt ki laa MiMri il U tW irrrrat altKa NLr. I j. i m i. . , ' " caattM mm to aiaittcL aararaial. tW aJ a Ih kavaaW mimtn mmd lk lamia Ik. tUa! aW9 k rrftd fraai i . tWi pafamarioa rraurd.ta rik( tb lu,. WTV lO Clhibrt I bra aa lha laa-aakJn r.1.1. tm!H Ura ba funtiird la km aul. .u ar uVr ha Cacof lira rawJ. -rtk;-l itdl TVr iTlcwd.- IWrt -rba 4iica auch rkiiM mar li.wt ttata Iva m.. ' M Dm run A! rrttra al Tai. ar, a Krrr lk toaaafup Kara kar ,lr brea lnrtr'' hT ,f- rH af riwktMa, tlkrr ailt rws aunia oaa aar horn ta ivrt a im. "wr recairt tta kUI rwfcrai Kraai that ct. (t'y i aad caa aawa tboaa UanatdU Bairoaaa t. IX JmJh U fwrikjr mrtL n,- u !". feat UMf alQ aia B dcterlMloaa ml - tWpuHl arcWrw ef Weal riorila iba re- PS" tka aorta, aai Wtttand papcn of tba kta Board af CoaU. 1 1 "T ,WM 4t aa aw aafara a . . f T " 1111 l-aa a-.". T - . arrrofUia IktSairraad HM.Vt.fik. a"afl tMr vorl to M 1 0 Offiaa. W Kaa) )1a4 4a taCr ta ka k tjrib'' . d .WTl . 'hf IHjSiic irrhlmei Kirf rw. .n Til Taa aaatoaaa, M a tfatof uLl arffl at3 ba C0 f- rrt, aa.r ml iara4 taat rtU f wk lU Kar. 8Vl!aia Dvdaay'i Taa?" paanbia. Tba putU ara cr. It wi 4, 1137. ariwa) la $y dt laatl For ttaW, or Uent. "IfT Jfo aaf laf U tt Jmw mf if 1 Coated. It la ! ccatral aan ac h rrnr tnrf I at tka Iran. (or iKa IhrcaMiW mt aay inKaf kiad af awaiarak aanny; bara aimata i oajafr acwjpiad aa a sure aMar Trara t la'a M pood Daruf . aad Baraaairy eat aa IVJ aaa, aa raa M, iiawilill MiauMnr th at ore. A rnal aarpia may a kail I. lb pure Kmc of 'k pra- . i a .a 'aa t a .a aaara. ii aca auiu, iMt anil aa Kcataa acaia. ror funJkrr paniraian, ifplf m tIC It ACL DHOW?, .itt, Aaoar. 8. irA 44 Zamfalrioocra to aViirar prrf ta tka Raeaivf r 4artoiV toka acpoiottd fcf lJ pict Laat rtorWa, an rtcads rrHteneat a ad p. ra. ta tH poaaraaoa of ag Doard, rcUUrr to 1m ind tRVrt lalaxd, iaaakl Ifatricti aad Aa W the duly VT whf Krecirer and rW aa fcak MaaaUaa aWLla aT1 al.,aaaaa aa ILUa ir. lay rurwir- srw aw a W m Knu in parv koX kkkaUatp1nri.ia, Mt Wratolbra drcided In the lata Board of Cotnml44anv aubject la IfT 1 Lwa a tka arrant acta ol CanrrM orsv'xUti? f tk aJottmciit prirato laad cUtaa. k Vrrnl ctatnumta to land la aaij Diatncrf koa "iiw aarc iMt arc 4 krratafore drtUrd oa or Jd. krfbre tka la Baard of CoaWjara.ba tamktrd ta file their claim, and tba ttuleMfi f tupport of tntm, with the Remitter and irotirer of raid Dirrkt, and ar'wlanca ia tup Urtof -tkoaa fled kef ore at id Board, at aa kefora tkr IrK of Jfo?ebcr ant, a boat ftjtT it ,ahll be to report the aasae. with tbair ItoMo tberee. and thoaa already filed, to the Iroretary af tka Treaaury, on or before tbe vl nd i wantr-eirht, to la 1iud ttKre tfod- rtat, at the Hen ieaaKMl. Bee, ' . JfacT to tr fatiarv eMrfK hat tb er and. Itrriatcr ahaJI bare power to ap- a Clerk, and nreacribe bU du'iei i ami the eccSrer and Reftater aliall rack be entitled to rceive the aum of fifteen kundred dollar per fnniMo be pari quarterly, out of ary money tba Treavwrr, not otherwiaa appropriated, at I nil! taiiun fur the performance of heir dutiee Recrtrer ind Krfrvter, and I he iddittonal dutie reqnired by thia act aball not 1 - aa K mtm tmm. aaat aajaxanaaa laainna awtt at a fJiyaTVU n V(,lcr VI ajrtnaaiaaiJ-wivraar reri and the Clerk appointed by them ihall e allowed the aum of one thousand dollart; to I Did auarUrty out of any money la tbe heaaerT-aot otberwlae appropriated. IteCi li : U fwrtJUr enacted. fbtA the eepera of lnblie Archirea of Eart and Wa4 Florida ihall furniah to the Surrey or of Public Undrhr Pflarrt:ut-&iUy.UeKriptiQd f aack claim to lnrl,' which shall have been jooirmed, which ehall apeciaHy deaipiate the utntity, rocallty, and connexion m tucu cwm i vnerw me aonunaauuu utmj v rm- a grant or .iunfey, and a copy of tne El and diaiapcet eonteincd in such frant airrrr. and the date of the surrey or frant i rnd If stall be. the dut? of the Surveyor of the public Lands In Florida, to causa under such Liatractiona aa kemay reeaira Jrom, tho'Tt-; Vjrv tVpartmtnU the said claims to be surrey- to, ana connectea Vltn lire i awwuip n.rr or :tis pUbCo surreys and to rire to them their iropr tovnantp and aectfonat numbers, ajtree. ibly to audi deaariptionsj and he shall make 'iei!itOlrj nd njfirtaif awre of. the Mme,one of which ahaJI je "returned ItS'lhe' nfRee of tula Bejflter of the Land Office for the .district In which the land may lie, and the 'ather shall be delWered lo the claimant.' But it ituifl "be the thrty of the Surveyor to" rtlthoJd hi certificate, if he shall hart reason to believe htiat the lands claimed are other laiids than jthose -intended to be conSrmedi 'or if it shall Spprar that .the Mrvey, under which the land it claimed, bis been triade subsequent to thedate V the survey tinder ' which, tbe claim arts con- tniieo . .. confirmed by thia act. Bee. la. .1 W to Uwrtht' raartaa. I nil a aa be ketul Jur the Oorcraer and Leciala. tire Council to acty one of ike u at fed qaaiter aaetiaoa of taad. near Tallahaaarc. and apolf the proceed to the e red ton nf public baiMiars , t ml. i. . r i r . i. . . - arm n aoag e iaaiui kit vncia ur txaarv avui nortioa of tbe smarter aecUoo to tbe low a TaJUhataee, eontiruous to the creek and water fait Mwrrk their aniniaw, eoairihute to the keailh and conreaiance of Uta lanabitants and I her ehafl hare power to p laws fur (he pre matlon of, and etpalaioa from, the other two rraerrad quarter arcUona. an Intnklen, and to abate all nutaaaceai which tald two resrrred quartet eection ahaJI be raaerved for, and rested u tka utr. abouu tbst Temiory ertr a erected into one. ' .' ec.15. JJht ItfvrtStr tnaeiri. Thai the three persona whose intprorcments were in cluded in the reaerrea aaade to certain ladiaa chiefs, ia the treaty w'uh tbe Florida Indians, of the eirhteentk of September, one thousand ight hundred and twenty-three, shall be enti tied to a pre-emption t the same quantity land, in said district, upon the same tcraas and under the u?cuon' of " the . Beeturer'-and BepJter, upoa the production of proof that thev would nave been entitled to the proviaiooa of the act slanting the rifht of pre-empUoo if tbe reserves bad not been made. JOHN W. TATLOB, Speaker of the Hoiwe of Bepresentatires. President of the Senate pro tempore Approved: 8th Feb. 1827. , JOHN QU1NCT ADAM8. SILAS TEMPLETON, gralefiil for the libe al patronafe he has receired frnai a fener. out public, reepecttuiiy iniorms ineru, ib, bating all contingencies, he has permanently located hir ousineaa in the shop recently occu pied by Berell and Templeton, on Mom street. In thelflwn of SaTiibiinr. Me bu just received the latest fASHKWS from PbOadelptiiaTsnd will continue rejrolarly to reeeire them at sta- ted periods i which will enable him to accom- mocate jrentlemeu with dress Csott, rtmtamtu. Vetu, (ft. made after the newest and moat ap proved styles in vorue at the north, and on more reasonable terms than such lothes hsre heretofore been made in Baliibury. He will worraiuhis work to be tubstantiaHy and ele rantty irwde r and, woat ia equally imports with most persons, it tkaU JU mH befitrt he Muitt require "Coumry'elotrt will be made tt p on the very lowest terms that any regular tailor can make a, savine hnejs in doin it for.- The ereatest pofsible biiha Infill fre taken that "irswrl shall ha disappointed Ja . tbe worfc they.Wish.to getdone at m shop, ehher as tothe fitnaat of tJieir irarmenu, durability of worunansiiip, or pttmpt- neu of execution. Al) those; then, Wishing any deaoriartion of Taibriur done, mar reasonably Csaw and tst sir in fitting yon, PU nf lack JlhairtifIdo,rU taki the garment buck. 8aUabury,Veb"5, 1827. N. D, One or two Boys, front 12 to 15 years of age, who can come well recommended, will be taken as apprentices to the above builneaa. SILAS TEMPLETON. US. a trample Afd ka the P;TlUwkli the Sjr2v I' .1 - A.h:fir aa ka tatkkarr. . - I oujerafccU.,-,- k. barred recorary, c- rlrraore and dufabihrv. M kt lalisfcarr fke pabU art rrrpoctAJy- aaai fUe tbe subacribcrsa I hope trial, wkkk is ibe beat eridewce they caa offer af their claims to patronage. JAWB wbkiu r. h. wAtrs. Eftlntt of Jamts Dcktj. fTptlE subaenber karif, al Ike Noraaabaf tam JL af Wea atwatr court, l&o. ukaa owt lat- tcaa of adiainlsfratioa oa Ute estate as Jmt Dickty. kto of Rowan county, oWd. rra i to an tinJnni swrw 1iaat bo eavdine to act af fc t, k such ease made aad pvVWJ. Wat. kf-Ttsa', Aim. W 23. 1871 ' mtit amg, to eoppmt al least tfiaioooabU dueih rotvdemed Siepr Chelsla, membr of perfiameat. b rratvce.to be broke opeathej wheel, tortk ra order of cap Uifl Roouua, tke SUnr Chelah litter a A. a aaa a a a. wttvtoi aim toil mum tmovr ttnder kit dotfces, sod UabWd kit antigorJst, wkce '' word bvke agairjst his breaat pUtf. , fitti JUWf.-mTkt .inaoaJ AMUBf aaf the sales of rest property In L;taad aaxf vaie roar be sicsrUioed whk robrsM accuracy, by rtlermce to tke td mUr duty paid on conreylocet. TfcU S Ike) year 1115 amounted lo abr 40rO0O whkh, aitae average ri of per cent, would give fee tn armntft pi rckee mooey spwardt of iifiOOMOU ai far tbe yiarly nlot taking the wboie tt the) Mgk rate of 30 ytan' purcblM) a&otzt at'J - REMOVAL. EBEXKZER DICKSON, RESrECTFCLLY nfarww hi cuatomevs, aad tbe public, that he ka removed his Bt and W Maaufkctory, from me beildiaf he hue y occupied, to one few doort south, M the erne street, far some ti ne past eecupVd to watchmaker's and silmwaitk's sbop. early eppoaite the Baokt where be will stiO oowtioo U) mkt and mema every ocacnpwm as . BOOTS eni SHOES. II. aaanloTf the beat workmee. uses the beat Iratkar. aad ckarres tbe lowest prices, of any fW shoemaker iathii part o tlw country and Jr .a II .k:. I.. r.lU 1. kU.1i, tkiaa aia n aner aii um im wvn. www favor him witk tSW work, tke r-utt cmrmal B JkVrvr-A thinkf...T1r , Tat-hU mate- rials;Ue'akni Of t-wr-v wetm ptut.. . I ;.L L.,nMlM IH Mwltk tktM line, offer adraauge W those wishing adJ ainc. ia the state of Georjpsi was lougM fcy The celebratctl American Jack Don IHiftYTO, rwa na ml U.l Juaaua taaad. I mm.t Ik. ankarribrrS Stable. W IredcO oeamty, 4 milee oorth of Cratre Meetn Haute, I mile Irons Dealt "S rora, aau ia n.i.;it.. M tka WUkraboro' aad CbaiMte road, tke ewuiog sewaoan eomaaeaing the let of Mach. Any one matnwa ""'V m Uuimm rWwa ika heat Jack ia the num. v we --M t -. state, will kow hay aa vpeWiy W oowo, by putting tneir ma res 10 won ""'",--" -AS iT. k ..Im.l af tka kiad la North vWni Pawa, wk j a-aj v . w... -w-m. Carolina, HanJhnii will oow be aawed,aung terms, Be, JOStfti Bifcns, f. 23, 1827. - mra, greater peraapa tbaa the town ofSaHabury ever before enjqyea. i new Ul stoat ta aawjato nftr htmgkththn, Uttkttwkt mtmaj brught n toy rar airra. Sarisbury, fin. 29, 1827. 47tf Uow&e ot EnleTiaVnmtni. REMOVAL. THOMAS HOLMES reapectfully ae quainta his friends, and the pubHc at lartw. toat oe oas rcmorea rrom me building )e Utely occupies oaca o uie one on the opposite aide of the street, in which he formerrr lent a a a -Entertainment, but which baa for a number of years been -occupied by the Printing Office i what) he is prepared to Iff IW" i i t Tftkiin uw and CommHttA rwwA ,k. 1.3 nf Rowan eountv. N. C. oa toe 1 16th of August, 18SS, a negro -" mtb high i mys -e left hJ mutrraocw. Jahi.tm. last spring, of Matthew Hilliaav eon, at Charlotte iurwiouae, ' hj owner ia reouired lo come forward, prove property, psy cliargea, and take him away. 1 FIELDING SLATER, JJrr. Aaortory, S. C. ug. 17. I82n. 2a TRAVELLERS eiuf BOARDERS j and hones hi win be able to give tbe same eat- faction fee ba done lor iwenir yeara pmm, TrareQers art particularly invited to call at his House i , - where the weary are at rest, and the wicked cease from troubling." SaStbuTf, A C.',. 3Cyl6-7. ; W , f'Sl HATEFUL ft P n, and hoptng for T a aalllkllfAaWW of confidence a ha Tnends and customers la hii Bne of businen, offers for atle, at the foBdtmg reduced prieefc the work tunufactared by mimi.''-'x,-,,i.,. Double llariremlor.Xar from Gig Harness, plated, froni . 2tf . Mail-Stage Harness, best ahty, - . CaryaIl4o, Jappaany " "".i? BraceaforCarrWpertbbt, J4oicUI2J Men's Bidipg Saddles, froto- J B? Ladfee do. . . Uto,Ji Rri,lUa. Valleeea. Saddle-BaiTI, kC made of best material and workmanahip, with- puncto ality and despatch and all orders attended to, from any section of the country. . Taken nil ftnA CoiumUtA mo Js U, in Concord, N. C. on the 2Hh AprU I ut a nen-o man. who mys ms name m Edward, and states that he. bekmn to Messra. Johnson and HaUey, who were laamg mm on to the South, and that he left tnem ai ina CaUwba river j said boy ii about 2J yeara old, rttn emriDleiion. J feet 6 inches high, has a scar above bis ten eye, and one on the left aide of his nose. The owners are requested to cfomr4 P?r.c2ir&inr takakim. W M. U. FIAilun, mrn CtntermJan'9.m 1827. 3mt60 TUtmF.n and IlAIR DRESSEE, INFORMS the eitixej- of SaTiabury that he has taken a plena aid ocroodious sbop an the main atreet 'opposite W. R. Skughtert Tavern, where he may be found at afl tin) nd will Py atrict attention to hi kuainai. He flatten lumstlf that he wiB eVfc toltoidwevs ha been, to fire entirt mtiafcctma toaHwha a T ..PGnttem"abavei month, Ot tingle it&KT?Mir:tZZ,x::i: ,.w ,,,.., With tosWsJUrrA USB saato yaar face mttmthai that any dandy. February. J 1827, 7. a---aaasBi m. . . . .. " . a a al tJ any one harboring, trusting, or employing ber, at the peril of the law. s Ccime hae ahortly, to vour dutv, for your cbauWs aake, u A dutiful wife ought to do, and I win rdonywr trans gaooeonAUp H.LAP KB. TJu7ZlTke Hlowlnf wt . the iriboicrlppeJdt-lhw P'? of... Alrlera by fti fiffartn Eeropesn Pow in H-Encjand WOrOOO htnCi FJ-r taeji, l.lOOrOOOf.1 Bpi 1 300 fiCOtf C 2, FraW, l.irsjOOOf. llollaftd, 2$r000t I Portugal IriTOfOOOf. Now law BsrWry States receive hlr)r (ron p.imerk Sweden aad PortuaI,bm preeotl nfw fy. Great Brinfn, the Netirtruoda, tk -U. State, Naplet and Franc have apeclal trtalie with them j aad Rataia, Auatri Tuscaoy andtui! bara lettm c pco tecrion from tba Porta - r Tba Truiteei af tba Roman Catholic Chorcb, ia Roc baaiir, (Near Tor.) 'cail-; -troo tba cbriatlaa public, to bawart of tb Ret . Jhn ATCVnauVf , tbair late Faat6 aa of a wolf In abaep'a clotbiog.w Hi) hsvbf M eloped with a youof wornan, li vioUtion of maratity aad of tb obligstlooa of hi aacred offictt and of ail other ilea which good melt rarcre." rjorjuUtloa of Ireland consists of sevea mlllloai of CttboUca and two of Prouit' antt. ' Tba amount of Da per money in drcti lotion in Pennsylvania, including tba Uni ted States Bank, and foreign papcfi U timated at MOJOOOfiOO. Tba quantity oT ipecie ia circulation in that auto Is grea ter than ia any other itata in tha Union. Aa act baa been passed by tbe legiala- turo of New-Jeraey, directing: the appro bonsioa and turrencTer of fu.itira'alsrefr upoa application and tba exhibition of preperTi-eato ofownorablp. A new play ia announced at Covent Gar den Theatre, (London) called tba Whit Maid, the production of John II. Pake, an American. TtUL fan not of alio of kve Jetty black, or siore blue, - Haaie, sober, grey, or brawn ' if rieye cloiiitod by a Irowh,- Orrigoa of reason andorthougbt. They'll nevtr pimK. tho ipJtlhif with delight. ,.: ,L Or with sorrow dark aa night t y TW their lustte's dimm'd by.wo, Ot by bashfumess cast low j If often pam'd by pity's teari . TbjetcrrVriiaf' t down, A. V, XKt, in, ittv. -). Hfmcr ta, saw. .: ! ; 4