1I47. n. r, rovxrri. &a (Ml f tit J M A ,L pawiia 1 4 I If t. f, H 4 tal bi WAr4 ii;Jn tt t 4 4,..' N a Mt f4 4 S. lU t f4. M At 44j, hg fC,V Uit4! Vlf kt iVwjl fill iMtA.,, V.4. 41 K4n.milV MM ill rsr iturtrci. Mt 4 fej 14 fl 1 f 14 4 1 f n , ux.'v v4 u i?H' m 4 14 f4 4f4M4, kf iH I M H ttltti; j4 $kl7f, njt ltts) M J I'l n UUurJ IU1 m4 iU tvit U K-k , fU UM( ttfL iMt ktt Utn 1 11 ran yiuin r.H, rtiiie i'4 (44 4 m r Ufvt, l tit U im f-t c.4 tA itii4i uk,4i (w, Thttf ijrpin m M tat Cik- limiU yt. 4 to mA m 14 M4 U IV kVftav trl Vt evt . f,oa U aWntU U i' mO . ii Y4 U LtXv ttm IUI n it ,f ' ' VCj;i44 w. i !ff fM fVW0 WWW f tir rtr tkfiti rsnr. tt r --l 4l U tv ; k mi, ( (4 IV to. f M f.l.A t4 , i-4 I UUiXihf ii i ma pw 1J , W W4 M tttn tVJ M, Mix. 1 raarf f, 1.? si nrrt 1 laVI ittifv t M trial to 3rd reihH tmi tBiM ilAtr Uratao t pnattf oftWi C5 UK- ' tmU VoW rtirth out tH 1 iiW ie Irrtcll jaM iiooH ila1 UHTtr I Ik ... Al tli J to ft 'SffT IkdH bich.tW (ti j. -r rift mtiu tw 51 to. t$u It A il tit fc-i tr-r. Mr. , frr a fca-JWy. t4tt4 fV4 tArrfcf m. tVtUo U tit Ur My.iMq - i4J Ww4 K tt to! ti W lit JM Mr4 ! rnr.r diUftuUf. ( tii t ? wr mir ivkm ft4 InpofUSt 4aii4t f lit MU MtoCfmrtt, tt kUkor ' Aftf 19 p?reyUi rtourl I f in. kkk k nck U- f fat ' ' f(fngk HifKt. wlLU W lM CkfM. Tltt (m. M.rll Vm Rirn. Vv JmwW twV wk M, wW. M IW lk t M; MIL . . . LI. . t A Mtffl oMf mimWii Cor ft it kr il tkt ui lime "iWW, 144 PtnJJfik bf tlllKhiof Norfolk, wi bict M Otclmcd on KCouat m ImU,rk tk UmcIw ! U ft ho. - "liat-'-' M it RlckmA V iJIoRtr ' A to kin bf ikt mrntHrt c tM rftCMJt r-'md U Im LjtM.ort, m .Kkh kr m4 i than 'i'riT kf k- kckif ut kl i Ikt Xr. I UTvf, bo vert pftKdt u cucui. htfk ViUtan) ki frdW t- J4 Cnf t il C.rUtU, (PrXf NmU kit riiti4fk,ll9MUM frvmik JiMo Uil(J k Ut ikt dif o MictMl AmgtWt 64. tiul m I br- If kU llffllftitl cici- &htt Ul ff, luck M tklla of Uuad JmM4 kf l U lli M ft ikrrtq tfib tk lraigri km of iwli. It mt.ii.ii.r U, mUh JJ () kWk Nt, 14, .t ! ik4 j.m t rtrt IW W t4rA t,- fjtm-J wMmt fcftvaUft ttt kt Uii. b L Ikt ik Im mrm Wt mm. OrWy, I, fc if, mmII, ft4 U Wttflk, lHW-l! Mlrt 41 f t4 4lt4 4f rT4 k L... .1 li k4f fWlkMI 4 1 CM rW4. Ikt Mk it k444i44 i4 N'"k-tW.i Uk 4o(4. IuIIkm f 4Ctr4 irCMto. T I H ttm, to l-k 1W. 1117, 44 Ikt ftiat 4 ff mtm 44 kt BMt M k 4 ; 4.f W fry tirt, C44, 1, Dtf444. nualAt Truit fttle nf li4t mf 444 4 tow, tMi4kr Wflif) 4W, M M,l m4m,m Ikt 4m4 tf rIU 4kl IWmm 4M1M. 4 fmtmf4' -a. c4l m 44I3 J H Kirtt 4f 4ht UPCIOKt, 1 lUlUf tl 144 mm, 44 4 HS 44 444 k.kW. )4, Ut ir4rt 4f w tVrtM 44 Akt. -Ht-ko li fv k.rvWll t-to.r. fW( ,u. g 2Jl4li, Jfc JLTS u TUJrt.l-C.4k4lbml4U-Ji- Jt tt Cfif, ll Mtf r U kidioac, r kWtur. . JUrW ' TT .f f UHW tt tm Wfwer. kit rkk a r . . 4f ImO. If J aW4 mmi im mM ta ikt Ui f. f 1 ikt Bck-1 tppctn dUt I U ikt eftiri4iW 4t kr Kwp- U kf d Vkcbtbr U Albtty rftrf kv I ?t, editor of iht V. XmttUm Hftiew, U tWt lo piblith n rfukn of II Ibt putlk J b(itit wiuiagtof (im. 4lllT0. U a kl tk i ikt ftttt iucki4f s iuir U ikt ertr 4 Kr-T4ft 44 tkt Wi hm(. fur ! 4k44ftf Uw CrttkiT fret kuf 1 U kt ndt ttNt C4. M'Ctvft n4 ikt )ckfkgrvtkt ktttr viU 4oaktt4i kt uffrtl Joy. -Mikiarbtd, fkt kotry of aMflU l4j4Utt, to tkar ketrtt totat. nt-tk; wn wj t rti mm Iktt ttirr cam lot 1 Kwck r ntn Uk r44. ... 1 M )M ckttwa M dm lUm. jLirx r rMojLuaorK. TW kokfti rako4 4fr.iJ i .c.rk Ikt Uik horn Isrvtyf, 4 kn tiw. pi-l Mprrt ikt fek 4hiJ LotJua bMn flhtflh. Ikt V, J ,W ki Wmi mm4 (raw 1 Ibt TrrMMfy 14 Ikt axalirt iA Ikt H-m tl Ce4om, rrqtrv.nf (rk-rtj 41'tihkMt 441 mUmAtj Ikt h 4 1 rkn.4V, tN 'kt tttok. ritf. h r Ut 4Tft to kt tft Ur Ctu4 m,f m. (. .4ia4 oMatMit, 14 mUMif tw 1 14 H ptww krf I. iiUrrfriv- It 11 cauatv, my Urfx Ijait, 4tktj r.uiM4iuMrjiWtUki.l 04 !.. Kt 77lk rttm.fr ImI, k . Il4n. Pxi Dr. .. a HovtnJ. Wit of f4B COMff , IV. C It Wm Tr-rtart C. ilvM. ! 0. 4rV4 AO. 11.7. 4U14 - Ikt rt,mm m!9 Urt tit'tltTI nrt U4w.iw mm 4rui 14 14 frwret 1 tVAlift for Me.- ' t rnmirM CtTpua'i tail for un rati. tl ibe rfinntr rrceDtlr ritea bira tl Ilk b- i t1 K"t tpMl' 4ttefwhii.i to mofld. Ylrdnll t W Ikfc. ml Tark m ikt r,rr,4VaTh too bo will 00! Mr,d l,,.,.. Ikt .kolt uoLalof 4r0ultkt 07 luck a mother, nutt bt Uutd. . tMJ.tW-ofprop, Ut I A ranoot aurtKti of ' nxjncttt,' ku trttrt The Semte of Ibt t'niltd Sutei bar ' 11 ,b f"" tot iirj ikmitm arrintit M I ib r tjecl ofcolom the b.rk. in j JulT? ,,71 VrJS: Vt furnirtnl Oa. Iaa4f tktk ku 1 lk dOCf of Ctnrre to enzivr in ib-U j nit ibe LtUci of lht old kUmak id BaMButLi i'u.mii ivi viiicu ma Luriuut licit gii ii" in wijwiu pwi, viuua IMI Pvi "cwf lam umc in uw Aupcrwt uoun, uttl tbeiuiborli of oAkm! tpt7tTiKai t' ::r t(tf oil of lb. coioor of Xfoorotj., onde r m ?' TJlACT 9 ,'AND tbelrnn.oiUtder,ihtReT.Mr.AtknlUn, !H. c-i ,h rf !!0riilld-4kU-tMbCkir-W I Mtnnnrrt. "Th Mintukr A-,.1uT.VIl uiaff 460 act, iio4t4 hm&. miUury eorpt, ind vert enr.frtd to w.r j k4r. d U.troedtN Aa-!,.-' "e)JJ r9b um'JHXT . .. 3 Ilka IliDnu Iiul lf..ll ..ik: I .L. lliei upoo bHDUrdi. rcoth and rmitn. . r " -" "i-n . , 7- ITIVmpwUIC.WWlfF VIM M ttwkj.lkf Jk laK. Ur. Cat Tlf. tuktrOr, 4rttg at Aftftf tot Ma llraty ftrwi4m ! k)ltt of Ik Id daiflf l l'aum WtW, r r) of lUncack cW4 A Mmmmry, f,f 14 ikt MtkU Otaaij. uorx I A.tll.1 of tq otr t4 tcoxnptioas 47 Ik krr 4 tkt I4(k 4m, Of V, Mms ro- Mr. Joka lor ouaoiilr. a poo Irroi (Wi oWrfrt4rv 4a Outer to Mm riubctk JIJL dutdrf 1 Vk. Ikrjr CM bt IrmgU trrm Ckar,trtio at aoy nn lUfl- ot int iVh Hiot tr AiUalfHhff .frfi 10 im tur, om oLiof to oiiiplr Iktaofttos caa 40 44 kjr awkiOg pfh ttXtom la Ibt oaUaroirwd. IUt. Itaairl Wr, Mr. Mo Drvoo lo Urn) f.UWARO CRlll, .froi. WpltM Trnoiokon, JI of irwt counljr. Moot, ft. litKiWIT. flrmJ a Mtcklrabofgmoofr, 04 Ik Jik inot. hy K J tMm'Cffmlh, aodollirr ff-tCoppef; rtulraMMi Morru, K.x) Bjitr. Joorpk r" r, ijrd ovifil Or Ibr ubarrilwr. K CHUM, fl yr lo Mim Siitcf !MirT, f rj 77 ' 1 D1XD, la lb rmnrtjr, 00 ibo lh toot. Mr. John At- I) kt VoW r'fnH. lo arcort ikt oat. tH, r4 M jer- (T? 'kt dorrwrd kiimr mrM of rt riim ntM i4auo ihtrma oMiftnL tluUrrn. oibcr coAariiona, ia Ik 1 1 miS rme. to toll tl Ibt Coun.fl.ioat to ft.U Wmtra Country, ikt TrnMrt paotn would lubun. 00 TorUr"iht l ak 4it of AorU ott. eoorrr 1 ftrour on tktia by oublitliinf tkt abovt. (H bring TVobr of tkt apenur Cot Ivor. tera bkrty Xtgr, fW rWort, and 000 Horoora Mi'! toih, ar toptt4 otg oUoklt paptr, viR bt rrowml hi fotaarot. K.n 'H. bvwHi rnuarr. JWW4 m. . JU7 . 1m.N1), for Me. T ,,-L a, 00 4 tro4 at ikt (Sort llowot JL M lincolitioo, oa Tueoiiy, lht Vt-h of April TaM rrttUe tf tk 0. S. karlnf tm'ttd . M . l l. l itrt oa rnatj, cat y a.rrciTra too accrpicu V VitUai'iojC tA.lWintvtf.Tbe'iet Prtti. rV 4 C- kaaadtn. httltf tacb btca Wiatatcd la tkt toajH drank afttr the Lb vat rtaortd; Ktsrocd tkctr tbtnkt to tbt Upaa a thort and tppropmlt addrrwet. (VaSaaadtrt kattfif aaodt amoftaicaii kwtaiwf frata' Mitoo,"aid kVatinj kimtrtf b itZibirfi lut 'rlrtrj .dtcliord oflrif ,ta;"eorujTt; ten, tot jit jtMtt fiat, JLML VATS. Tht lenfrih of the rtiloiy tctwern Stockton trjd -Dirllnttorti nj:rand, it twertt milei. 1 bert.art toocoachei upon U for Ibt cwittyincVof pTcngerH P kaia aUrwrtrtaenttd tbt pwt of Cta- Meh'.ef wtich rum twict i Ay between CO UO. I I.i . 1 net tix louoe, tna Dfiecn ouitxfe pai- . . , ... I . l-l,", U fdlUIUl. til IUUIIICT 111 Mr. Potter, tMmenbtr of (kt bouse of eom. . . ... . J , ' IbtBortort of HtlAt. bat ren.it-. . . . T. ,K k 4 ! I I n" '""'s 1 iiv vntti wot. lltlica U, thrwtt foedort, (opubUab b.t I fgr(u ... ..j t, ,i.n , Uoftdc, iptccb, delred on Ibt Jot ult' oa j one hori, VauboteiMtvbilifkicIi ke intmdtced into I - omi tor o - 1-- 1 A My of-New York his embroidered M oim att 1 m ut count o. oiacn, nt , tick uxcut ntendei at a compli Woret, ra Ut Aooar. fcf tbt rwltnce of bn roent ,0 u,0 j,,,.. of Bolitir who feiidet Vaacvaad tbt ptrtontlitiet ke Sndulrd In, neir Ctrracat. On one tide it a por In aptakinj oa a former occaiion. We hire trait of Washington, and on the other lttnc!IPttiontoiMibIiihtheipeech,wbeave that of Bolivar, executed in embroidery, la cart room for it t although we cannot tc- and encircled with wreaths of rich and lowladrt that tht fev.aentencet we nte in beautiful flowers. Mm to the taortoto'tj between Messrs. Hirkaner, and bimoilf, liripoaet on ut toy Tintiof to do l.ff f oC', mi Jboat ttlt. lit remarks withes to induce the belief that is -ore tinn'd tgirnk thtn linninj j" bow The emToUfc fttus HAS eomrornooo rvnomf bet wetn tbit phct " tod rarodra, C. ooot a week diattoc 8U Ouloa. il Uavcs CkartulU ercry Wedoooky . al 5 o'clock, P. M. tad rritee tt CaovW oft f ridar, al 0 o'clock, P. M. 1 leartt Ctnvlck on 9alur4y. at 7 o'clock, P, M and arrives it Cbax loll on Mondiy tl 3 o'clock. P. M. r.t HE Paatairr lo CatxWa, i, or 64 oewtt per oiilo. - Por trait, apply at ikt difTtroWt Po-t4ifflc.- -Prrauno wMiinr to trarrl oa ibia Car. aaar expect to meet with rod aceonmodatiooa. bad W CnVM Worms tht dtW ll7ZTr limtml rtvajF, .IforrA 19, 1 tOT. 4J8 anaiotrr nlaro ka atctU ortb kLd'AonuBv.1 . ... ..... ..... Ibt Duke of Hlmtlia vxll low grmml lenttOVT8 llnm UPU-.M ia fitin at d'Appony kirtwowo rott gt f MllKtutrcritrtr baring pinxbatcd from X !L that ko Ibmk. cvnctmtar inv" , JL tarn Bcobow. of CuUfiwd county, the orv . Ine whole subject bad tteo brourbl mA M.m.. nniiai r, tK. rr...r tbt ootice of the Cbasabe of Dtputica. and of lrrdrll, to mtke tnd tell MM, ullri, Un4 Shoes lylyxy, auss. The population ol Lynn is over 5,000, nearly alt of whom are supported by the shoe business. Prom 1,200,000 to I, tbttt mtMif oauoa tpnoa; ,r ---rirtThtt be alH Pirnhh. bi rtttrtiabk? time, AVe ftsre received thi following dim-' ,"7',uPP'3r m'f qi'd- , he from R.i.i. if... f 1 . decided nnerioTrhr of ttirt- Millt (wbieh are - iuuicii i . ... .1.- 1 v..i . r ,indr Iho .l.to ftf lh. 0lKl n,.K... ' P"" ".,n u"'r ""-' - - w w t wv i llotv!iitiII a tnrh 94 1 rat i u ,rt f v hu litrn avi. Aboul the Istof Octoier, a battle took iudr-il rut o.J bv b mielf. bul alto bt thoae Dlace between the UutCMorcr. (nmnin ha r h-l u-niumtrd with 'In kind of ma. ded by Gen. Van Geen, itho it tcroodJn chioer). the mbtrnber feelt confulent that the . ' . ! f Xfttla roll A tKBl tk jt2 commtnd, and next to uo. Ut Kock, who-. . . ' r" . av L - , . . . r-- . 1 ' nHI Claim mxm niimnirr in ma uuouc. oeo oy ujepo nt(Oro in peison, and wi tcriber.rxnectt to hare e inoper-Moa al ut jm.nl In arlH. lh.1 tha DinrhC,,.. ! Mr Court, before and at hich time he will totally annihiltted. and the General only b '? n,,,ke f nKe,n'",, f . j l:- r.r. i.;: n 11 7 .that niv he dcmamleiL Ine oareo ni ,,ic oy nioing nimat . ire re- flM(K hii je bout ,i, turned lo aamarang wKbtut atingle fol-,;!., ftt from hutetrille. lower. The battle watfougbtbettecn Solo: 6HIKLEY I.AFERTY. and Samarant! 1 the create it con temation ! Murth 19A, 1827. 3wi35-5749 w Ve know not, observes the write A rl aMA I ? .1 1 1 . to makes tbia appeart w aiU givoou, P ? F ra,"T - 1 r. .!... I in the town, of an averaee value of 73 cents n u .pportunity of judging for tbemaelveSL pubUibinf (he speech, within a few weeks 1 A t wi8'4V4-4bIa ajlyopportuiut. mlhe reader! tUention, for fear bt wont ft jtaongk-about the .Butter to read the kek 4 i a .4 . rwo . per pair, making near g 1 ,uou,yuu. i he femalei of the town etrn more than 860,000 Ihhutlly byTitnaingrjCTOTni menting shoes. Millions of low priced Taney thoet have been ..sent to south America, and . told at a profit. There ia a chocolate manufactory in Lynn, which maket 60 tons of chocolate in a year. E be Supreme Court adjourned yeiter- The "Lynn fishermen at (his time bring ifiettnarduouisesilon often weeks, in 1,000 pounds of fish daily. , biaUairy'isiMs: vigour ,wkb wbicJ (be 4:, mrm-s.r:..-. la . .v. .-. o - T ' aaow a- 'at a aaa m m. mters pjj the, Uench Hae appiiro i he great t unnel or the union Uanal rateites, for so protrtcted a .term, to near Lebanon, P.. was completed on thtt ' important HbdairiettbeloU! lhefd, kr Sd.uh. i3fic:c ttiqatlaael ynby of til eomnendaitori, and fat obe jtren moMb .-l !ualaibiargf 4unq?l uipiea-eveD to younger men -a ym jinthe4Jriitei otateivoeiog sevenieenjeet mbef of cases hai leeri "decided we Ihteh, and tight hundred (eet loner exca- lit.! !! Ii 1 ' a .1 - l. I " . i ." .. ' t i"cff nearly oy. jqi. sour. ioinvif. i vated entirely tnrougn soua rocs. y : i i . i . . i p.cri. . uie lauer piact. we anow , . i .i iutuf xitii roftheleter.from Mcuuuvi siiiurnxmoriHiii. wliirhthia)w.aarriint U rtl..l ii .k.i fwoMK ttibtcnber lnnHtir rturcliated from Mil troops art coming from Kurort, but r i . .. . . nte or six mousand men do rtt arnve "r , :.m m.k and Mills, called M. in a few wtekl, twenty thonssnr will not ,i GnrtJWIU. iiiformi the citiat ntof laid i.i fllHK ttibtcnber liarmir ru ii- J. liam Uenbow, of Guilford county, the ori- 14 I . . . . .. . ...nl l.tr lh. I 'luinlv rinai i hiiiiwi -n-.. -ww..... save Java, fcr every mile the iiburgenls , county that be will furniah, in a reaaonable time, .rltfunrM. ihf nr.rn.ih Inrr.i.i. anv tunnlv that mav be irnuirrd. From the ij .,r ik... Mill, i tvh.rn li...i .n in lit uauul manner) lo those Buexat JsmfS. rate London Dtnf rivet It I "r i u-n .umh U Iw n I j .1 j VI mvnw"' M 1 T I at a report emua 10 connuence, uia tue gov. i4ylfed not only by himtelf, but tlao by thoae faitf; the Elixabeth City (North- f The" Legislature ?of " tbuisliha, Ra PWint) Star, or the 10th inat. says, granted to Mrs. Kanooipn, mc uaugoier V wer presented on Thursday last, of Mr. Jefferson, the sum of fen lAoutand b i burrcKol this fine Vegetablei raised deTkf in atock, bearing interest of six be galden of Dr. Saml. Mathe'wi of per cent, per annum, redeemable in ten towi. ' One. of the italki measured years or sooner, at the ciscreuon of the r uia two lacnes in ctreumierence. i ixjjiaitiurc. en.mcnt of BueApi Ayrei bat made a direct and pressing applWion lo the Uritiab cabinet, to interfere, by mtdittory meana, for the pur- poae of putting an tnd lo the present war v. a. ging witb Brazil, tni, that an Envoy, charged .r .... -i.i m.ah:.mmm . . :i wiui lull apcvi'i kviuiKiiuii, w iu hu iruio London for Kio de Janeiro in the next packet, A Jetter from Porto CkMq, pj Jebni ary 16, states that DoUWt remained tt Ctraccas but was. expted to proceed ':lte&to"i had befn jssuedfdirecith; that ail Custom "Moila4:3u&.l should be paid in coiA, be Government vales not to oe receivu m any case. This order, it waa thought, would occa sion "much embamssmot tv trade," and distress to the holders of:he Government pspcr, which is thus disipnored. The letter adds, that M. Litchfield, our Consul at Porto Cavello, lad been several davs at Caraccas, "on inportant business the Libentor.'1 - who are bett acquainted with tbit kind of ma chinery, Ibe auWriber feeli confident that the adiantages of BenbcVs Millt give them a deci ded claim upon the patronage of the publio, Peraoni are invited to call tnd examine a de scription of thoae mills for themaclvei. The nhacribr exnecti (o htve one by the 1st of April, tnd tt the next county Court tt Lincoln- Inn. heiate tna ftl WDIPQ "me Wl" in mtiatal nnirementi for any number that may . -0-O-- . ... :,, .iil. ha ilcm.nded. Tne lUDacnner wiu Kcucriiv be found atiiajafi'df "cf bot . LmeotmWO tnewana tmta,Tmmawfms. Ihuu BtVf't from Cbartrfton, s. C, lo Knot illt, Teaoataet, bieb part through tbit place , and beaidet, rifrt lcar brr erer) week, 1 different di rrrtions thut alTurding facililiet of eommuBica ito i witb every aerliow of Ibe country. THOMAS 110 YD. Ckarhli,, VI 34, 1827. 4UJ. .MaWfttfte, LIATOt-.YTtUf mJ S-tUTTr. 4 ,. ojhSg tx"?-t- 1 1 ii r once a wcet, oe hunr lrava I iru-nlinn rrrrv Mondav morninr. and arrivet in Salirbury at 10 o'clock next day i tnd returning, leaves Santbury at 3 o'clock P . M. tnd arrivet in Uncolnion on weoneMJay evening : fare.o cenu per mue. nit turt at tubataniial, comlbrtable vehicle i and tut hones atronr and rentle. AH who wish I pas. tare on th'it route, may real aaaured that every thine shall be done by' the subscriber to render their situation as comfortable and pleasant at possible. The public are Inviled lo try tbo februa 4. WIT. W . A-flMA.r.Wi'ni. Sum etvntt i lOURT of pleas tnd qutrter tetnont, wovem- i kr term.182o : Thomtt Douelats tt. Ed ward Beeaon i ongmal attachment."; it appear. ing to the court, thit the defendant livea in another state,, it it therefore ordered, '.bat ad vertitement be made for three months in the tv.riVm r.mliiiisn. that unlets the defendant appear to the said suit, and replevy, judgment pro coniesso wiu tt micm 8... W&vT " w ti l&olftle of 3emiwa IVVce. HAVING, at the February term or Rowan County Court, qualified at Administrator on tnretweor j ermmo nr wun- ty, dee'd. the tubKriber hereby gives notice to all persona having claimt againat tbe estate of said dee'd. lo preoent themj property vouenca for, within tht time prescribed by bw, or too act of assembly in such cases mane tna proviuea will be pletd in bar of their recovery. KUUr.it I rU rLCtiiwu, ioa r. forcA 10, IB27. 3t35r lVutiavt- oVegro. NOTICE m hereby given, that a certain K gro girl, calling hertelf EMia, hat been ta ken up and confined jo 'be gol of this county, bit the Wib of rebruary l.it 1 toyt'ahe-(felong1w a Mr rSMrtra H.rrit. of (ieocria, a netro trade,- ttwMn Monranton tnd KutbtHordtot. Btid gil it about 18 or W yeara old, ofa dark mulatto, complexion, about J feet 2 oi .4 inches high, u midland free anoken. The owner of ;.l nrirra ia lierebv notiu'ed to Come forward. orove properly, and pay charge, or other ia ibe will bo dealt with accrding to law. . GAHLANU DICKGUSUN, Cottrr JRatherfiiiil ft, jV, C. i

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