- - I , .J It - .1 M I 7 . - i i! r - t .-I r 1 a - - h u i M I hi Y I ! -i 1 Ill L'i i j ".-t- i - if - 1 a it.. t.f. fJXit mtf' fMl k tV. aw u iu i k; U- ir .! iWfMIHrf M - t k.a u lU u. jm a MMt rai if k- k,rwUi u-" '', kt 4 rW t 3 k ak-4e Ww tM A ! -' )i;4m U- e- ml- a Km, rfiwu -4 ' ' " flj..f WU M M I JN4 I. W. if Afce..eWV for tfelt. JbilJnH tV.lM lkeAftr ft. 1 1 Uif lM iM kJW CV ii mi(rrr.AXD. Uh DM ok U iM Uur JA Maw saw, a mm4 Iwm4. auty tM lataot fH, Wi tV '! YftluaMft.Tnulft.Ue B f tU at a W4 wf tart, eaeJy RJWl AWf!y, JW, to e, so mk itaMiMidiiNiiMkUaMaNii 4,1 wJ oroteodka a, k , at kWVr" MM, tM UMi yrT,U ww mlr JfKli (k CU fc. k-il Krr WUf Mt tfctU Hcl i' trci tfti oU ft k l Mik Mbll lW W i0 !' t . - - tnjrr.- iivm, -l&ri bfc. irr. viv gWj! fprl - - - Trust ttat; ft TlrtMftf f trait, I'ftrt"! lo tfcruiMMf mm iWrUitprcflf4. I J pfwnl l trt. Ikt Court U li.i J JbrMH. UA, or approrcd a! ffr(tlk rtyurtli parswnl. kitCH itL MOWN. JW tnut k t.j 1 ittik lmr (JU, katM lc dtH0l ky Mtbu! eooat M, all pruM MMMU ladtkualu ikicwiniN rwpeainjttjr Mti Or taat aaJ tkoa MclaiawaUaliba4 00 fttUctlnO to recclie 1 bullet In l?e IM coMcara, 3I M trttlH riih kr UvinriM ftccantftf to tbnr irnnl eontrctt and JiMfi waltm """Mprudenet and lnftnultt ftf tbh get off. . . ... . WILIJAtt WAL'Cn, Jr. - Mi Cannoi uadratan4 it ftallaotrf . - . - .B9.iaDfi.vTEiix.iLLirRoruiL.rt ' jtUMiMCMtlLR MUSLEU win,r Tbol-ieTrEiJatHTbViInf m,deltthe S rr4 - k' ijl"r?" dutf of the of Internal Imprott Uuntantta h Uaimairtoej 1 M takva the pre ' r j ,. . rtnr-rft'lb-rTt.cfultht ! ment to ermine the Clubfoot and H.r takafnrftaaaadtii public, for tbevrrr liker-llo trerli Cm I, and at the-baud re aJaaxmi-aaaftHM lata 4m- aaaauadt ndj.jd!et and ibt ok cinnol proftreta unit! - laitm baMV that kia areealued seriMW. U , th etaminatioti la made. Governor Do rfXimm to h-bwtkrr immm labelL at bamaatoa, will be web ta to erita eoMimwhce of their patrwxfa. - ".eMail fctftge, jtftm XLVCOLATOV W (f.tUSBVMT. T UnPHR bacriber is wow il ' VTfl A ruaninf a Stare ree- burr Liucolton evarr Mondajr tod amm ia SaKtbwr at 10 o'clock aeit dav 1 And returmat;, learee Aalitbury at I o'clock P. II. and arrivea ia Lincolnton on Vteooeda trentngt Fare,Beenu per mile. IKa ttare i A tubetantial, eomfbrtable vehicle 1 and hia boraet atrong and gentle. All ho wUhapav age oa Una route, may reat aaaura that every thing ahall be done by the aubtcriber to render their atuation at eomfortable and pleaaant aa noaubk. The public are 'invited to try the tare. R. II. BBTNOLDS. irwery4,1827. .49, . h Gold .Mine. TTTAMTED to birr, a number of able hand IT to work ftt the GM Mm on Bearer-Dam Crtakv kloatgomery county, formerly knojro u. Chiabolm'a Mine, to which the Stearo-Englne A attached, liberal wagee will be given, and the eats pud monthly. 1 t tAriwuy 12. 1827. 50 lVuiUOTifH .VtCTO. NOTICE ' hereby given, that a certain fte ; gro girl, calling herself Eliza, u been ta ken up and confined in the gaol of thia county, oo the 34th of February but 1 aayi abe belong to Mr. Otorge.tlarria, of Georgia, A negro trader, - ow owtgM nora-tfodolavya. at a tale of too oatate of John Johnaton. and eaeaped from him ell made and fi anukenv The-owner of prov nropert .and Py chargev orotberwiajt the will be dealt with accrding to law. . ; ". GARLAND DICKERSON, - . j Cntkr at Rutherford county, JV. C. jUarekM lgg-. JL...::a;, 3t5d- : :: ArtA-Cnraimi, Surry ctunty . COURT Of plea andquarter aewibna,- NoVem. ber term, 1826 s Thomaa Dougbas vt. Ed. ward Beeaon 1 original attachment. It appear, ifig to the court, that the defendant hvea in another state, it it therefore ordered, that ad--tertkement be made for three montfi" in the . Western Carolinian, that unleai the defendant appear to the aaid auit, and replevy, judgment fro confeaao will be entered against him, -gjat67 . ; IQi WIUJAM3, Cfh arlMe HnMMfirivH L MMrl - WlltnMiewisk'T-N aiatisff -I m ; . . 'a v, laaonui 40 or pn!.iwMwn ihtn, atable for. completion, wirai j icci .ni: jntaca hieik. M. k.. ,Ht ll f'' Tm ii i jwitri' k-i w im r'., i i ft u-J ' t w 1 p I m At U. a M4 u ii i tt, rt4K u4 f UJ tt M f !t U tiM MrnnXtf Fm4. t l . 1 1 ?!t ti Ut, -4 k- llMlt m4mIM t4ftfWM, lfrfrJ J. C. M UtltT. r-u xu.f. I'M.t im x f M iu kUi 4 Ur (MM till ft M Wr W 'mmid 4 m At tr. U l cM, i HQ )-4 Ut mU U t0 kf TW nJ m iWjii pM C WHICH t. k M lk Torfc rMjwIrtt) rttairll Bffrt'f lilkM" of It. im( any ttoi kf l oo U tU U(dkUbt. 1 tUiwrijlcct it tcfv bfitf 'h! rfrUMtU. . But tmnk Mr. Iff gU U MT4r,,U ipit of kit ntitif. Orn Sjoivki kJr dUjutJlaa, od l the mr timf him plcct of utf lmpt I U6r U a Mr. Archer. ITfctr lt boerr, 'tomklnv likf fntnct U ikK 'r ,,14 ogrtcltc't (U lo ir (it t rkl Th Mr W. bfar.. Ifk. O.o i ,h. pdiil phrt tbt M no:e ' u of tir iMicr thai rcuirt t nrr.' Hert I IRk ba , wrong i fit lb wniil bjrti tDkt oul plain! r and .ot:ilelf. Mr i VVflM.hofer,l)M!.ieicuwWi, auJ i tart that (h effKiflit oM ilVJpMmg 1 1 fl( M to fur,) bit Koin out 10 ba 1 ll rou had atkea me oviiiy, I thouIJ br hhorai, but I bate no notion of being 1 ruffled and then riddled." VVt admil the k;eft lhj, olaceTor-F.r.tliW. where he will be detained one or two dayt on btitiocu of the Cape Fear Niciioo (!ompnr from thence he will proceed to "Viloiin(fion, fur the purpose of vie intr the operation of the Dredging M chine t end frora thence, at expeditiously in the county of Cmerer "Snoulfffherr be Eierutito butineu, of an Important character, which raquirat immediate at tention, an expreit will M despatched by Mr. Campbell, the Private Secretary. It U eipecfedi however, that the Governor will not bo absent more than two weeks Raleigh Star. The Nantucket Inquirer nyi that infor muiion has lately boen received of the ship Lady AiLirna, Captain Tobey, which sailed from Nantucket about nx yean since, and had not been heard of. It ap pear! from information recently obtained from an Enriish whaler, that the -Lady Adams was destroyed by fire on the coast oUapaA4a-4S2j Sba-bad-J.crew.ot46 persons, and at the time of the accident, hid on board 1000 barrels of oil. Capital at rTaMnrfn.Ot the 2M uh. the Rouae of Repreaentativea pabed a bin appro, priating R83.279 for completing the work about the capitol, the capitol. quar, &c. Thli mag niflcent palace haa coat the nation near two milliont of oflara, and it ia yet far from being finished. The appropriation includes ft 10.000 lor engine' house, keeper's bonra, lie. H appears that etfrptnvs font1 luewnrera wlin keen everr:hore and .canii2ct.tnd that raWr mn coKiy Mtrn ts to ee ouiit etthe nnbliC ev . Jneieht fwTbere is' now ttanding In tho. ancient Park of Bowtborpetioer Bourne, an oak tree, which wa very fruitful during the lait summer, although the trunk 1$ hollow, and haa been used a summer house, for upwards of 400 years ; it measures 48 feet in circumfer ence, ia neatly fitted up with table and seats, and will tontain Y tea drinkini; party of 10 persons. There is sufficient pace Xor SI persona ia ftAadingMsi uoa. , , .. - . 7 l ir"srf J, tk kff Wft m Wi rtf U. M k. r kit M .' If U kit cfigtff M M4 ftt kflaj -m werUM Ur Plil'k. li,k tU'M k4 U m IM IMtMW tv nl lf Mi Is ' Tat tfik air J tnfMtl rotas M Vt II.. i, ti Vf Dr. CUmuhc4 Htw A W:l in Uff tl4aniT trftnia, rt PI rtl w M ff Mrv RM!p. M cJr mi tliUf Ika HpUfWHI f ftJ. m purr fit tmmA aa Uttlr brtacftt T.tirltt. it Miho i pIud, oo Im 4? ?i fUftr. Ii kfni4t Mtrl frfnl!ii,kl U kfKl ckjU if (, taflUf. XjrWr f Trww Af ll V iM lba Is Ik part of franca krt tn' mtdi. on 9111 c' tat UuntK,m,j9,4 a4 Ikat kfl tkit MMrv l r tArrkt Udkttttif UbftM (Ml TpiU4ftU M Mary Ian4 ptottlfel'lra tMt f fiatr4 Tk iftU f UtMi C0ttM)r. VUf bU. atdrirotf4yrool n trro 6mit Ik onlf prionr. it aij to htrt 6'i4 lj biUlnf U loccodW IK) On the Ud oil. IM Imq9 of RtepM Rihiof. of Sillibory, Ct a detroye1 bf fire, and too of hie children, aged im 9 veara, r buret lo death. A per ton it in j tt, wMii tuppoaed lo hare Mt it on bio. The Boeo-Medical Intelligencer It eattrd br D'. Cofno. Thit it an ominout nme tot prtkiao j but Doctor CoflFi it man of taitott and IrMOMrr, and thoueh rt4(vi to bit paiieou hltn rotncnt that ftit poitfote obould tvmt lo a .-offin. VIA Miirftl a e!l remark, en or "wet.' tbl "prbprlrrofef Dndma IiJind. A. f. NonJng Ckrtnkk. "The ftylf'Cwaithecommrjt language of Rrtb b lore the intaakxi of tko Bar cent; ii t mixtgre of the old Egyp tian and the Grck. Into tbit language the Krtpiuret appear to have been lrnie irrl at a trrf 'earlf period -probably be tween the third and fifth ccnturict A young Wj baling ;g1eft getotU mn lK wat noj very remartable for hi ttoifr In d'MH plful Iap on, the Jicei he rtlcd-outi-Tcnj hm mide.my eye tmirt." - Indeed I" laid he. Well. am happy in ban been the ctoie of ma king tometbing amort about you. The Quebeck (Canada) papers state that there is much distress among the poor of that city. 'The wares of ship car Latt year the wages wert 10 shillings. J-aif. .Such was the scarcity of Sea men at Baltimote 00 the 5tb ult. that as high ss from RM to Sit fer month.was ofTered, and rnaly vessels bound 00 for rign voyages were detained for want of men to navigate them. Several ahip owners had sent to Philadelphia and olh er parts for aisiatsnce. Kentucky, again I On the evening of the 3;'i ult. Mr Adair, a respectable eititen of Elizabeth-town, Hardin county, Ky. was stabbed by a Mf Stockman, and died in about twenty minute's. Thelf difference was about the next Presidential election. Boiton klozart Society. -Thi society gave a concert on Sunday evening to ve ry nu menus aud ieoce, at M r . St reefer's Mr e ling II iuso.- The performances ire highly spok.n of by all who were pre sent. Thrra were above one. hundred vocal and Instrumental performers. It is not improbable tbatthe performance w1U bo repeated. ; ?r -nvnst Btttm SUuttaman They " hive had a Siberian Winter In EhglithdrTlC; of January waauTi(mmBnjrioia. 1 no roans were blocked upby snow near Calais in France. Distressing accounts of the state of the roads in Various Parts of the counti wYrTricvei. very greatit was several feet deep. The Edinburgh mail had sixteen horses to drag it below Doncsstef . The fall of snow in the north, was greater than for sviafiw aiaiaM x ifsiaj w wjtaii 9, The PhilsdelDhia -Aurora aaya, Mr S. L. Fairfield (the poet) haa commenced a paper in New-York, under, tpe title of the an. (It tHk: to bare heejt ceiled the Mm ft tk U iv l k.fU. rf'- l-.n.t...U.i a Mr -U II uki. f kw im uak"i iiK" Wm. iM M lk Bt M '!. itk f ik ! ir r fl ua V ri'f4 ,k aA MN9. Tk ttMM k4i A, at !c M4 M lUtlW uk Ji.L fi ikatrrMlMtint itr tMHif tog.U ia pim n .l.u artf tMf dir. Axr lt prvMaMM roowtflls: lf UUf 4ipd4 la Cr. kkl H piiMI t4 CifllUali IM MN ft-lMftHXt M Vaipai n 1 im. ti 1 . . r.l l.r. TTkot - r . .k. aakee smttl toed. TM msckj ii aaade keavyimif t4 drsUe. kul'io to M smd by Mgroes-HM Cmldvijof eetiely of f Ir hk tia be rtfteoad - CWf iff-0t f em lie Waders, wM are cflapwe4 10 pmtict i JaU do ismik wrowomvf.wlil lol IM Mowing fsparstlow irf CeAof Votef e wry cMip uMilteA U IM CologM Water alike sbotH,fcf ohkhlbtf Pf -font kondrvd per cent f of ikii TM prlexlpal hgrvdleM ll ly worth one dJUf per cli l re'U by IM dnttflvu i lk perfumrry tew little. Toone plot of .lroV add W daaHI.UModri IWfgimot, 0 riMMt o4 kftnoti. avoo. wan tee ' To I Ktnoo of aUobol put 10 drts of each of the Mffereei, Co 10aTih.l2i vlt. if Sf OrlflB tM Aarfi ateA foe t 009, KelweealM po nies OwawoVr "ryiowo'd h thai Iiy, tod Jk a CM, from Kew Jersey. wt woo bt ibe Jic w-Orkins m on trrt on rntirta below town l the winning horse ot La harness, ibe other under tM 4 die. Dlatance, I miU time, nbotes 41 sscoods (1 It stated ia ibe Kew Tork Commer .1.1 is. 1 lni.nl ncrsonel attKk was mmmlliad at Paris, oa Ibe 30tkofJ.nua r.. ainoA Prlnca Talleyrand, by Count Maubrcwll, while leivlng church, al the rlou of tM service. The PHnce witfrl. Ud to the groond bt iW blow, and si ainnned. Ha bad been twice klrf. and waa recoverinr. . The Count U .tibreulL bad beta employrd by Tslley isMirvminsT nr crown Jewrls, which had been liken bf Jerome B.-maparte's wife t and some dispute ousted In regard to bh tervtcei.- Two men. Barrage Smith and John VV'hitnrv, residents of Rochester, who were supposed lo bo of the party thai murdered Marfan have led, ami sailed for Mexico." Thtv "tre followed lo A! biny, and from thence lo New York, where they chartered a pilot boat to take them to the Hook about 10 mile f) . for which jfcey palf JJffTJouars, where they wore put on board the brii: Brown, which sailed Smmedialely. - - - " - . -Z Strange PartnerhiftChtrft Rhes and Samuel Atkiaon. have recently asso ciated themselves as Editors of the Week lv Messenger, a paper published in Ros selville, Ky. and to satisfy their patrons Jjrene rally, in the present state of the Pre I a frie rd of General Jackson, and the. oth er of Mr. Adam Xnoxville Enaidrer. Sit hundred thousand dollars of Ken tuckv Commonwealth's Bank paper, were consigned 10 the flames at Frankfort the I5'h ult- in pursuance of a Resolve of the Legislature. This makes in all SI, 473,000. There yet remain on hand K500.00O lesvW about 8100,000 in circulation unredeemed. By late information from the Indians, e apprehend that the Agent will meet ith but little difficulty in negotiating for the balance of land to which Ueorgla may be entitled, beyond the limits of the ir. New Treaty. tWcHgevUlt Patftir. Bad 7tfrf. An unfaithful servant, a moky house, a stumbling horse, a scold iog wile, an aching tooth, an empty purse, ao undutiful child, an incessant for talker, bogs that .break . through'1 en closures, a dull raxor, and a pimpled face, a long story muiketoes, bed bugs, and ment) when The Hon. Mat tin Van Buren.of the Senate toCiH'ru Yorkf and the rionr Messrs. Uray ton and Wamilton,ol the Houie ot Kepresenta- lives, from this State, arrived here last evening in Uie Northern Stag Ckarletm Courier 1 1 2th ttlt. The editor of; an evening paper has expressed bis belief, that Philadelphia ticl'ng John will contain at tbe close of this century. between three-and four hundred thousand lencv souls." ' Wetloubtlt ; IVut being solicit- the pus to avoid any jJiscus&ion, wej are per- tliat cc.tij viiiiog to vt aqc ace toe issue.; AfMit, 2. U-T, Itr.MllVAU .., mj tVa r&w atf iW ra C i .fOt Til iVa UAf VW 1 Iwawa, y a Si ti iWt u ' M tM aw IM tn fM; m tWf fp fVa 1 lr- W aktf U Uiii d fiMMMa, J Ua rwt$fWwTtT' , " - i ' i.k A tWr" "a rW Uart a Oifcrl. U IM) IM aW A Mr. Mmaa , iifku! iM kllf( U Nfidk ft ) ftf f.axW, tKaf ax, a4 Ia4 fmtifa C. fiakkta it M V3ajUf, ywm ms-mmw,mm mmmM wm wwmmm w fMMM fevailkal ia1rktk ta kM Bart k! k , . r .1 1 . WW M O J have pow'iaw, or awt TM WfWLf.vftM rial al,' asyt lUro as aawk Urn akiryf ks tkat fmt the oawal, ot Ckia aaawaw'at'tM yaw.. , , t, wBaaaw f I Um md Pw4rf t4 late ai awao e tM ktiiankaisv WrUatMT, M act waa saa rd yew Lfif Mart M tMiMtrwtteytb Wnltot ataia. trif tM awadetkey of fM k4, kefare tM Wwlf, a Saoowa was atade I' Utke awAlM ada, "Utia sad Uvk k fafvt," wkieh was dx.'id bf tM MpUHi thwa WUg tM dWrvMaatMO wf tM UpJ bare to aatee tbea aVwad Isafwagto UM tM UadseftMwywtrtU. V. , t .'! ejswassawB .. rXl'inJCABawBtwaYalV 0f,,- Wt v0Hf 9tt as tftal fi ft Ttar, ao Mowiay, CM IvtevX At tM reeewt teraa of tM CoH a GewersJ tsaa-s.fco Yak attatrtct, I. CWav. la m Ia4 tkraspsey Keewf vrrv tried ee a er trgw maW akMl iktw by C4. CUrtr M. Har f kavw-f rouWd bias wfs awiiirible aaadoat wf yM sawawyi ad were vtty sawprjT" acjmtted. tM Advwaato sayt t - - M After the testimony wat closed orj the part of Ihe defeadaats, the. Soiicito wis ao deeply impretacd with the er whelming ba'.are of ibe evidence, which wtet to prove that oo the morning. tM robbery was. aaid to have bete ceeamitu 4 tM defendants were twelve toilet from the place where the affair happened, that be deemed It hi, duty ft) franknen'ld state to Ihe Court, that fort ber effort to rebwt il would M epavtUlng.t . The Advocate fuxtker rv marts 1 ; ' We dec sn it proper to state, that li Judge marked ia substance, that, from tM evidence, tkeve coutd M no ckmH but t'aptrjliri had, been robbed at al-... legtd. He stated that there, was PO ground to oetleve the bsinuatlon thrown out In the ir'ul, that he had robbed bior himself.r: . t...: ... . , - - p -t ' Tbe northern papers received about A weiX tiaca. gsjrc cmtTwacy t a resrt, fVixo CngWad, that Mf. Cil!atn,'Mir Awlater at Loodow, had Micceedcd ia compromising the dSfficsltieees briiiig between Ihe. U. I. and the Brkbh gee. erwment,1e reittjoe'To the eoaameioe betweee the two OOMWrita. 'Owe Lat pf4r,kaear,--ky Fhdsrt eaaJI.'ghnet COttttrrrrrf 'go fiat . the Interdict, contsioed la the rrraklewt'i bre. clamation, win, ilhour doubt, ro into opera tioa r-the tftru of which, the will aoo be ssade to fed " ' ' " The CreensbW Patriot, of tbe 24iS !C says that a njarble tomb-atoaw wis, a abort Uae James Cunningham, U tbesrd beJoagwig to Buffalo church, near that pbxe A w a queer article to trial and we aupect the roguea who carried keA; did ao more from a miKhievoua thaa a tiicvimg propewaity. The Patriot of the aame date,,aflbrdi as another item of new 1 it ia thit 1 M The Don. Joba Wiinaroa, awaMirr of the United gtatea to the Government of Guatemala, and tbe Hon. Levi Williams, member of congress from this state, paaaed through thia place on -Thursday tut, from Washington City." Thla Is the first lati mation we have seen of any one'a having been appointed minuter4 from tbe U. 6. to Cuate. mala,-kfr. Wiinamt has hteTy repreaented the 8. at Guatemala, la Chart detJitdrrti bt he returned home from there four or five roontii since, and resigned tbe situation, and a suecet. sor hu been appointed. And from tbe routh manner in which Mr.1 Adams has been haridlei the course he hu pursued in relation 1 tfl !.vjij Bepubfics of Soutli.America, we had not ex pected to hear of hia taking it . upon hjf (for .the senate, has .confirmed no web appoint. to tend a Minister", to ,Cuatema, it appears that i saarge dttaatret Ut ff : ; . competent' to represent us therav-and Ibe much at the fbrmetv-'-Kow-ho President -must ; efther have conferred this mug appointment on f birinend " kirF William-;" (entitBng ihinf S B'kB S.OOO per annum as tadary) after Congreat adjourned, and thus bidden ee . fiance to the M fkctiaui enate,'-Ha; the Gteensborw Patriot must, in its fondness for ns I jreol tnen,' have " mistaken plain' Mr. Williams, of Temeisee, 'for.' if" Eicelr the United States kliniiter joGuatemsIs!"' lrioiwohl do" well . .-.-A . ..... - ,;. The rank is bat the guinea" tamp f-l The moVi the goloV fi?r B tbaj.' ' i ft 4 t at A a u J 13 9 Oft u r tl r c-J u u Ch er V hi th -Sl - lal 11 In R vt y is ci Vt re 1! Wl ta wl .In 1 -5r .1. , ta! 2i tn cl wl. tVt ds 'Ci to tn 0 .lb ,Ci u d AJW net . tri -.--.S)fl 0 to ;tw ..." :M ; I ': . . , 0 ao ,Htii tit ? 'y 01 v H