Ci'f tf MiiWea ike1t,h tf live lta !! a $tm Tk. Wt'iff Hit lit CVjrm tf TVti immm iM lf tf tfnk, TM D,4.Ul la Mtikav, U f'0 ll L'ftJlti JlB', Vary, t TtiWIUf if l , U fif.mi af fv.Vs f.?n r.tiA;!-f m ilil uiurl fr luiWili I t'WS U .1.1 . f , ,! Trfl,tM la-Iif Mr-jf lMvcri ,1!,, ,.,, M AiwiU 't... Ja.M.f. I iff. Hw. advi'ii N He Mil M'l (ntilMlifWJW umw.iiBftt,; Mlk4l o. H. I'arliUI. tm ' ai"UJ U U fctt4it t4 n fliniMli Dr. Gtui, froaa ('OtiWt Miihf kU vl Ac.tMf () tf ite tfitkad drunks. Utmr, at MifrQ b trwas to M bUa. b Mllllf 114 0il II IwnUkftf lip4 t weflioo it IM rffatUft daUt arlMd. Wk. rrt4f.l.M-4i-'t UljVtU uJ. WtU4tpfMM 100IK Or mm w14 foUUi (MifM. rt mr-- itiM!lrII of wfckh If! war I Oar VTtwJf ! dracrk! T.S... - UtiihrvM. If U ikA Lf tiaaJtd.lea daiisliuiJs .Wi.i. ..! aiVj Jm:jr-f"i- Br raftr it'fniKctMwiiift a bfr,tKtUfJ U Uuvitte ewuaetoi wkkh twa'aa 4MnUMM U lUi J lHPr r.ofiMni,t fHf k to Mtwi4 iM ckt.Ut Mnk. tU 19 MftIr M pt l fxrtk tlMIM ku4r4 krit m pit ttk ht ihil pgrpM.1 9lM lui4 ilk f..- S. C. la UncolBtaail Tb flwtilwtl rtipiif I iM rkfn4 rcUwtilM tf m f 1. If . 1 ..ll 11.1 . t I. . .K. ikim.. w,-,T' oeft !! m citilitBk. ri U ftp m ft ft tt a ft ft I .a a i I 9U IMWWIkWMt, UI B4 povhkM, (M i rn.ftn4,l 10 M I0tf. rit. II CkIH-U lot rfiBr to Unwgt Mpftm! U o( W ('omi. A bl t C4in ,ff'J.k toon b.p iM MdL m (MtliaMi 11m of !. 11 . I ' ' I irJ IM coremtiwJar ol ill S.t (rooo TtiuMtMt, Kemlf , txJ or Meuoa tf u rniKt. N oibr fiti TM rrocUiU f iho PrtWfm U li Water Country. Tfclt m dkmi prtMBt. IrtUtk io iw Colil Tn4t,k bttn f CoTCUot laurtovrM, Ub MH oa!j s,f w' Vihi ifl rffl ItrKt ho rri tflrttlf Tb Mm(.c Ht. m .-4.'lMrt .I.k mil. pfC ? C'"'"l0' ii ow fti fMJ,'ll I I'rtliio fttooKr tin ( nit lurk, r- " ' ' I I .r tk h! it. V.. I ik. i.kii f.. Hi l.k... n ... a . ' w w w w "i - w i w w m f v vrfft uivni ClO, VUI( M tftMtf f HH lf. etfvJlBt tth 0vm9. , .kk. ... UrU4 bf whm Cftltf fcoMbfWIy 1 9trj CUM ! our CHI-1 it eonMftd Kler IM work wlU bo pob! and fJft lo tUa 34 Hojrv 11 to co0tr batch of Hiil lo Looaoa io ! thu ikrcflAoJ wt Amrkto ftMl tnm Nor mootb. AuimiV CQTT&X, I owUb Mim i 00 f-i lo (I'ttwM kf fl, f Iff hffBt k iit, wi-h M t rMtiiirM :, 4 U rro) tf IM Mat, tf tWlt Uf ojf,ir, iUUi iirf tf fit oiirM kbco'M,UiUtM4 U Itkl olfoU IM frMft. 14 i4 fmtMf bf t'AlUHUO ffoot ,Sni4i ctt, I'.. I, lUU, ibtf tDiiom It f i iiing lo bo oa4 of iktif (Kkf ifipltt, ib4 ikfti 4 MlM tf kit 4o f'M 19 MNttUtl ttf t) Vtf' vorb tf ifio-H kkb 44 II 1 1 If 6U for pMi. Jmttitil firmf. ., col ov ji in cormv .At I .604ift Cfttil Bvr W bV S-wA Cortftoo AtTHtiliartJ Socrrff, boUlW 4 4 frtoru try? f tirr rrft.1 ff9m Mr. J. V.,Vtftoo, d(rj ti Cujrt'jviil, Mcomptaj'inf a frcc ol uf a p4icr I of c oii'Hi ttti tf M lift!, iSt pf aduon tf Prru. TbU coik It ntluraltf ahurrJi ihf pltol it Mrraial, ( it riitf d ffom Hf fftlfR U-w4f Wi4 V !., U' 1 If L ( M M4 iLi .c fc '- i.-f 4 1 ko Vmu t( ! ', Ul M WKf rM(e. U ft1 lto4 ft iLftU kft ftU .txtrt 14 ! I mt, Wm If. W U m 4 f rw. riMai.n r, k'lnic wif, ikm ririiinv titri'i 4 Wjkift Ii(.mJw. Is lit. lUarkW ..... I . tkx 1Q b bnwr1 Wk4 ftfWf af ft. ftroft o4 tatnlTttl lo lit rtiultt tttorao Kcr bfaochctt 1 it ctritlo h bi uhlmtit III ofxndoo. ,. CffM'll W bo MfO front anoJrtr inoiKcr coJurallf tbii djf 'i papcfi that conpinjr of (Vjnciirttnt art 'ia'jwsjtrt iJt'perfuroL-doriflf thi vrrk. From a ptnlt' ocquainianct w 1th (Junnaitif and Kqncitriari ptUrmtmr. la tvmf4 W b k, lio COUliV; "VOloalaVTR , U rrfM4. TW t1nN b ftntf U rtit iriounlfa and trl ia rot. Um; m a aJb u Uw br . Il irowlloararlj the lame hci(h( uh 1 .rMX l iKt Hh trte, and pfolotet for fitr yrin. Trie ricr it tf opinion thai il night U tKCCtifutlr cultir ittj lp S U. Siaut. Oo rirtjr of it it of a light brown colour, with a prtttv good iiipir, and In hitufnotoa would make N'nrn eitcUcflt aiekccfti. AVoA. 'f!kil. whk tn artkW, anxJnf In cario, A Irtfrr from Conitanilnoplo Wimi o of I'rhlib prodoctlot, Wtl il nfoKd doabf lbl ibo affile i of tbo Grcrkt aralcolranct raort jiromUln j. Kokt l!h4ulrtr tit lUiiti nuta Ken of ibo HKbtior'i Bn td a Boat mooiing on Salardaj OTtntng to MtlU lbir accouMt) otabaogo comolooco on tkolr oiato of tinta wrtcbfitt ci prut bopci of ibo fotxrrot ind 'ik a par liof guva tf Lbanrpalgoo. 0 Oquida rao ov ifftjriaia. THE miSIDLStx. Tbt approaching Prrtilcmitl ctm piign will bo a it4cat oati not Ult to in ctdienint thin tbc rrvolotloa of 1100- Mr. Adami and Mr.Cliv will not Khocmer Etiaa Pieeot. Datit. arritcd ai Pailadalnoiat -Mr. ftaodervxl, tf' the Coffre llu,bit rrcied tetter dated Laculra, Mareh 1 3th, of which the fol- tnir i. ,,tl 1. .I f- . .L -l -enebrw rwtho firn ropf of thrtr, p-wio toor -mim. Ura.- a w .hirh II I. I.n,l "TOT of Ibt Creekl of tilt. Well ..' li.J r.L. ..j lo nuhltk il Linrii i,n ill ikrttt w IDC menu n nmn i mi iuid ym i situ l i .- ....... from doHetd from ihooo bet- .6nd th Gr"? A?'rif F .der?rtl terqu.lifi thin oorwUet tojudgotf lhrfin. Ifl, ntignttloo it however, lock ihln, wo aro wirranted In inuring onlv lo para ibo war lo plwe himwlf a turKof our ciiiceni at novo in initelf rp higher, at then it little doubt that lo witoeti Iho performtncot, that raanr fo"r no,,n UP lfort ,h,re r ' aafin ftft.2ft f tT-l.t !. j . a .ft ... . t I Ul'' VI aw ti I 11 1 VVIUIUUMi tflQ ,.n,con,pan7 .. . crcu.. . DC,nr l Bolivia, and appointed rrcvideot turrender without an aofulVtrtiggrat .11 among the thoat eekbntcd porformeri, for life. lh j,, 1B( Miroruo.. (Vji ikRI and In tboir PM ol aciingt of any lo Iho Uni-I i n project of a union ot Doiiria.l'erti, deiloHir eao enoct. till be Mf fmo ro tad 9Hei i Ilenca wa fetl a confidcDce cinblB, It highly applauded in ibo ion bf tbam aod on tba Other akta. likelr lo be advanced by tha eonfedera- be that the ad mlnUt ratios ot Mr.Adtmt tkmof miJrtirr republic t but it It gen- .hall tifminato at the end or. tha Tour enllf tuppoiedlhai any kind of govern- yeara, hero indeed wa thiol fiubLe gkf, ment it preferable to anarchy. in lb full ieat of tha wcrd, tequlrei tbit it thou w termtntte. )atlkJent far from Xru IVrtt and attma. -The th dav ia the evil thereof x" thrr U m PhiUdflphij Palladium hat received the necettitv on Our part lo keeD ativa r following letter dated Jin anna March 13, 1 tentroeoti.eiritememt, lodlll blood fur 87- j the neillwo vearv thereitoo necettltf "The scbr, Red Fox. of Norfolk, ar-ltf comoMtwioc tba camnaito aoUrtr. pliintiff recovered Jw hundred. dtUart J,reo 1 7"-I rm Keyjieitvwa outly oo itiioretiHHO. uemmrfickion . . it . . . . -..i""1 H"'4 titurininn rrvpccunir it ai prevent uu HUiariB.uuMiftBa conteo "V feHa-"iff .b,B Ch'r;ed -. ' tootendiog iqudr..-:lt a,emi Ar ted-he Ukci do part io tba keated di.. tteaUoghQgt. Thit it theWnltnce,lfrprr-lmrrli htre wre nbmt rtmottratis cuatlon of ibo day he aancioni no baf- within two yeiri pt,of heavy damapet -.mtk-ihe fncrnment tf tMe Uwtd Srefea, giint he makei no ptedgtv-he itandi havine been obtilned In the weitern DrtM'f, 'r'w""'y tf attoving Com: I'orttr cool, firm, and uncommitted, and it it the VaUtUnn rirr. u !. ik. uj ttrniAO H U IvrVJ al itW LawM lloM U hj. - aa a ft. fti.ft. . i . i w wpciL hml iuf irm ft lb ikrft ' VXMUif tram nr iu rta, a. Jttr. ' .14.1427. ft-n of the Cruni Ktji, lew rTrM !, i-.lht, MtMg H. C. MH1. AlTir pn.T.TA lTD, Mmmm iftaf ftaaiwigy xftiwei birb the iWfttla L I... I . I I , . I . . .1 ' CJn,Ui$m A rtierin tha Kentarkv f-1 r...KL..Mi . i .JLV- j n r.eponcr, ho tti he knt what be It I tun Ut max. irui. u r-vUr lU bi. iboaf, giftt Mr Admi Ijj ektloial) w . J.r o.iM i b. A otrt. Tha It. thertf'ie, KttUd j I "tWr b-vd.-rvcm be eLubly .(r. i... V V-.L V. I ll.i 1 imiw atrc, M.rylandf tlhroi Miwoorii illtrfMi Gnu hofifirr; alive and nearly half were Men in WilJiamtburgb (M.tachukttt) o the I lib day of March ultima. tj('l l' HI il fttui liWftJ nd louii.r.e. .iiti.i-ned fovMrn, thouid j YaliiithleTavcni Stand to Itf nt. 1 Iraunf u ft Una) of hi v.ljbM lo aavina; tbey will not diaappolnl inyl rcatonablo- eipcclationt thai may bal raited of iba iotereitiog Datura of their exbibiiion. 3ladtr ogw'm ! At the apriog term of tha auperior coort for Davldton county, laat week, a cite" of millclout protect) tlonjmdjdarerijr jriedjJawkUk Iba of the itate, for precitely thit tame ipeciea of tlander l One in Ihil county, where the jury gave the plaintiff I2$0 ;J Hake another in Burke where ibe defendant okj wcigm oi pora, me jury muiciea the former in 8500 damigei, (one dollar for every pound of meat he had charged hi neighbor with Healing :) and the other In Davidson, at above atated. Verily, we ahould think these example! were aumriently exemplary to induce men lo bridle their tongue t. to make a deftolar firitwert ( var in a duly of hi fnendi to purtut the tame ntntral tort, and lhal to rloteio Havmi, (rinquili'honortble md lurcesful course, where to large an American intereit it at Let them keep together, having io view he triumph of principle and tha good of - 7hr flUrltrii. f'd'r imBr, .Iftrt 79. Afile hnrxlr. 45 l Mj 1'r.rh dn. 60 lu 7 J t Hicn, 7 lo I , lltg. r'C- 25 1 Co(tM I. tOTTO.V, 7 lo a Wt to 75 ! C SO. Iron. 5 30 lo 6 50 , WuW 37 to 35i 9 lo 10. i.h, 85 in 90 1 WUkvj, 45 l V). mn-rr. Coltad m rllit.j llm momir; at frnrn ftfl to i i t Ihrrv haa bt-ca but tittle in thit im. in;, ami il elU ery rcaJtlj at the phct O'Mcii. AurW. 3J4 htv. Ckmrtntu, JHarrk ?S. -OnUm, 91 1 vhiaker. .7 U 3 Ctilton, upliixl, ti a ') i pr, bffcivlr, 4, UrrMl of rmtlflf , af JlotM. 4 wwptwwi mmr tWar-tt ftrvlrW our ihr Vt-lk.n. tii milrt fttm ftUtburj, on lh rr4 rotvt Irttdmr "" aoil nt, Tbit i rublilit,vrnl m rmiMfiily ntoiUlrtt luf ft tttutr tf t.nlcruntmrul, farina; heea biitl tor . iKaJ MrxMf t fttl M lrcrW4. Iiilv kfH PW ' . Urgr Ji' uf ruiom. A tH-Jmpnwrd Cim.lMm, f tn or thrff huiulrtd iCTft, wifl rrniril or Ir.wl vith lle bout, if ilrtiretL 'r trrms "htrh oill ot mte very remvo Uinf in n rprofl occtip.nt, ppry ta tba -;eubcriter. In Salitbun, N. C. MUSTS A. LOCKE. 4iM fttftKf., Millie ttWrihcr w now mnnjna; a fttif rrga ( I. to J 7 4 1 bvynftr. W to 24 j. rait, lierpoD in bulk 50 a Ji j I urk UUimI 65 i ninr, 'r?k, 10 to Hi (.'ofTer, 14 . . M . An ft I t. . . "I . '"''rTTV . , r.i X l(.rrkl;bi..IJrKUnoOMHli. nTryy - , Wwrv , UMfettoft wry MowtUy Norrh'vrolir.. bk noir. 2 to 3 pe r cent m ( .j,. , d K, d.-m,M, a,4o, I to I Jo. I, rrll4m; j,.triS.uJM.r: 3 .-, P. (Vim The m t pttml ra dull, ami J , . , . . . . .m.w-!,."--. i etrni-r : frf.8 rrnl. prr mile. I In rt. .r-rV.iTT. 11 uhw.i.i'-.l. enn,r.t;ble vehi Scrums 10, pr,oc...l a-lr. .t 8, . 9 eto. , , , . . f.W. -The .ora or " .VTI' .U rU. avay w- rd tW erVry .1.... alko ilka lUmarwl at rrtkil a ihri i I . . . l.fa $ ml bit cargo Mir oi nrth-Cnilia, il 0 oumlilv chiW miT rommaml hitr Ihe brM than; 39. Art. ind Oa'tv are alio dnll at rttU. - " " ' - CftrrtW.--lmplB f Jrr for ihe wrrk, are 57 hbdt. itiitcortdo, 30 hoxrt and 5 bbla. elavcil from The martlet continued dull the whnlv tf thf wk nrrtrt SBlurd.y, whfn thrr a conndrrble txrrtlr. We. Cotton to r-nglirMl 7-K.l, to Fr.nre 1 cent. There never hn been known in thi. rwirt ...-h . ftrtrchr of Piilort r. veral veteb are now lotdril, and for the w ant of hamS ran rvot proceed ty tea. tTirir lituilion av comfartiiile ami rlcaint .a Liotbl. Ibe imbUe are innttd- to. trf tba I : . . - .. - nap ,rni im - " vibit. n. in.inin.mi - i'(6niafe'Cl87.': .. . Wt Ctnts ' Ktvi af A. HAN avav fronjheibTiber, an tndenied nprentie by the name of .fmtfvvr) .tut t.j All eron are forbidJrn lo harbor,. Imat. , or eirplo- Mid apprentice, on pain of having tha provision of the lav, in uch e.c made and provided, enforced tgainat them. Five cenia lie given fr hn apprehension, but no inci dental txpenaca paid. Mrrr. ht.i ihf. leef.6lo7. Journal. FT1HF. tubacriher havint; qualified ai admini. , Gen. Pierce, recently elected Governor of New-Hampehire, almwt unaniroously, it a Revo lutionary aoldier i and it aaid he bin favour of the election of hia compatriot in arms, in the " timet that tried men's toult,n Geiv Andrew J.ckon, ti President of the Unitedtatc. lo preference to the preaent incumbent. LATEST FROM EUROPE. fir the Jamei Cropper, from Liverpool, hav nave London account! to the 1 5th, uhrt Liverpool pa pen of the f 6th Feb. I fmi . ... r ft f jr, . . i ? . l i i ov- neaun oi air. vanning, wnicn naq been o much Impaired, as route the lan 3?tfs aF -tlrt Jiiims ver the public mind, than any IJsimlar occorrenceVtinte the last illness Ijof Mr. fkt, was improvmit. T'he T disctw IjMon of the cortvlawa, however, in which lie was expected to take pan, had been postponed from the 19th to the 26th Fe bruary, in order to afford a longer time for him to recruit. Si Francia Burdctt had, from like consideration!, postponed ill 2d March, hit motion on the Catholic B question. , . Some of the French papers still speak of tbe affair.. . ... - .......w.a. lad, 40 punt, 250 men ; brigs Uravo, ltins, 100 men; Victoria, 18 gum, men, and a schooner. Two thirdi of his crews are Indians, and one third Americans and English ; they tiy he is pinched Tor money. Admiral La Borde his tlx heavy fri gates and several small vessels, and keeps a look out after him in person. By the arrival of the Cadures, Captain If arte, from Vera Crui, Government received advicea that the Ujvaroe Mexican brig of war was ready to sail from that port with a very large sum of money on board ; several vessels of war have been- des patched to intercept her ; it is currently rr7orrrttthinneMexican Admiral Lopax is on board this vessel to supercede Porter. The Spanish line of battle ship is fit ting out with all expedition. Bolivar. A letter from La Guiyra, un der date of,27tb ulu haabeeiv received in BahimoeOTa that Boliva hairettgned ihf office of Pre- poway Indians hat recently been ratified by the president and senate, and publish ed. The names of about 80 Indiana are subjoined to the treaty, of which the fol lowing are specimens t Madwackunairre. zhigwaab, Peekwankwotoansekay, Oguh bayannubquotwaybee. The name of a female mentioned in the treaty is Oshau gusconavwagqua ; of another, Obuyshau-noquotoqUftT- I. The Board of Internal Improvements left Wilmington on Friday laat, for the Clubfoot and Harlow's Creek Canal. Whilst at Wilmington, the Board had-an opportunity of teeing the Dredine Ma ehine in operation, and they have no doubt otita answering the purpose inten ded. Raleigh Negitttr, Sd ttot. There are now living at Horse Neck, about 50 milea from this city, two Geese, both of the age of 83 years, one of which is now . setting. - They . bave -both laid regularly for SI yearsvAryrri We meet in the Democratic Prcsi with Ihe name of Tiberiut Jefferton Bryant ! Tiberiut Jefferson ! ! It there ever lived two persons in the world of precisely op posite characters, Tiberiut and Jeffet$on ere the men. Brand bv.wer shall heir of Mr. Cato Clay Simpkini, J63t.r, Aria-. tauv av ww vvi vivmmi ... ., v A man at Buffalo; offtrt i ewatd of our barrtla of iwlbi tha i rnat of a barker mho had run away with bis wife. Surely such a reward could temp'no one but a bricklayer to stop the' fugitives. The husband must have been very tlaek in hia vigilance. What most tleklet us is the daring gallantry of the barber, ib. The friends of Mr. Adams in Pennsyl vania are endeavoring to move tbe Dutch to rote for him, because he speaks their language ! - DIED, In thi wn, on Friday at, the oth in. Capt. John FUtn, in the 58tU yr.r of his ajre. Capt. Fulton wsa a native of Ireland, but emigrated to he IVited Stalea near 40 esrs aro, and ba. been a citifen of Salislmry between twenty and thirty year, for universal philanthropy, be nevolence of disposition, piirily of intention, and probity of character, Mr. Fulton had hut ff w equals in the country, lie kind and indul rent, to a fault. his family ; liberal beyond hit means in all laudable public projects, char, iuble to the indigent, and tolerant to hit ene mies, if it can be said he had any on earth, fly , reverse of fortune, he was oppresaed by the griping hand "of penury in his Ust year, and has left a young and interesting family, and many highly respectable relatives, lo mourn the death of one, of whom it may be truly said, he was the noblest work God." At NsdiviHe, in this State, on the 20th inst. Dr. Benjamin B. Hunters aged 38 years. Xevi lilnea of Stages. T VJIK milwcriber, beinr earrvlhr the " Mail from 33.ienLtoi( to Asaviiit, rihitWihr wnt kt' liaemerieef run. ninz Tine of .Wmf .Vtajrt4M9ween thoae places, once a week ; and i prepared to carry psen. gers in a cpntfortable syle and on rnoderate term!. A stage how MM' weekly between S lisburyand L4ncolntoni in a short time, one will start between Ashville (via the Warm Spring.) and Newport, 1nn. , and the Pine irm Co lumbia, S. C. to Lincolnton, will soon go into ooeraton i so that there will then be a direct stage communication from the south, east sftd north; througn .ionu-vroiir, nmcuKi Kentucky, sgd the Western Country generally.. SAMCKL NKWLAND, . JVarjonW", Sprit 2( 1887 ' " 37tf Corkle. hte of Kowan county, deceased, berebv gives notice for all persons having demands against Ihe Ett of said deceased, to bring them forw srd, properly vouched for, within the time limi'cd by law, otherwise tbey will bo barred of a recovery. 1 1 F.N K Y S. UVQnT.Mm'r. ' Mirrh 30M, 1827. 3t59 f-lnte of Sinh-Vartlina, Iturkt ctunty : CKlt'RT of pleas and quarter sessions Jsmiary J srasions,' 1B27: Charles M'Uowell, Adm'r, of David Creenlee, ilec'd. rt. the Heirs of Da vid Greenlee, dee'd. i Petiton for sale of lands. to satisfy the plaintiff 's debti. It apnearing to the satiifattlnn of-the court, that John Green. trrrJinse r Grj'f nlf ribrxttlr GwenteerDsvU! Greenlee, I'olly, wife of William Ilmly, Uracy, wift; of John Cakfcy, and Jenny, wife of Csky, reside without tin! limits of thil state, and are the hrin of David Greenlee, dee'd.. it is then lore ordered by court, that imblics- tioti be madi sis weeki in tho Western Care- liiiiao,'givlng notice ti the aaMi Jsme",-John, F.phraim, and David Greenlee Polly, wife of William Raily, Graev, wife of John Csiky. and ' fniywBJ thyM.tiW-api?isw pear at r next roupty court of plea' and quarter sessions, to be held for said county, .at - ihw e&irVnuieUl the- fottrlh.Vv Momby -in April ,uyrt, tbeajaod there make :t tliemaclves iwr'icS, and answer or demur to the said petition, fherwie it will be taken po rrmfesso, and heard exnsrte, and adjudged BC cordinglv. W'i iiem James Krw in, clerk oC aaid court, at oflice, the 4th Monday, of January, A. I). 1827, and in the 51st year of ( American Indrpenilencc. . - . - j. cnwiK crt. Price adv. gtr 6t63 I Slit-rifly Dectls, (in l.,nrl mnA I.V n-lr flf UTlt. (if Vfrtllilioft. VAUIIH'J IUI M4V M IUM 1 ! i l i 1-1 I i M si a aar ' r t