f . . r r, rf r. 71' T 1 i s fi.! 1 rv .... ia.U f lU t; it i '.!. t r .1 b I tu: i f.' iff r ah i f '.. ;. .... ,..-l.,. u aaJ - '., I..' i. t w-lJf v M 1 -aniw.p-awa--.- Tlout fttuV aot tor fcixUt r. - a ft ftM - A a. " r..' i.- i u, ftM on a . ery ear,. . jrTLS 'I.., at Hnr. . , . a . . - - la, u tQ fMraMV n "w ... ..HUMiinilUntMit. a. i a -a rr , "' Tie AnU -n. V-S fSrSUtitl rlfl be iw "1 jl WWII TILL Mm Vxk, 1877. 1 u&Mn I ll.iw - t .i . ik Uta Juiift Mnort . i- jfvl IV. 1877. to l-AXBA tot Tuxta, w'H . t. r.. .1. . iKa Couin4loa ia Horrwto), m Tkurl-y. Ov 10K d.jr of fay vr- - ... tki, UWiln'f to tb bln of Joho WJW,e-. UinlrrlWert,Wft . , ZT . . B-i-t.il. .ik Uamv n To River. kkjrwf to lU.ir'ri of Bwnl lluw, 100 cm. more or i - - n " t.u. ik Matilda kf Yellow MounJal'V 200 irrtt etch, btlonjinf to Ue IVrllM Of UB a t-a mw ---- . .... - TA trmet on tbo c? of Elk of WUfi . . r arm . . ..IU. ika ikrWI ill 4 irft M JWaUmin Mil, ."' a.i.. Tawlnai. hnnr hi LinVllM a a - m tm V aiffia M Wllllalffi Con-, n.j.'Wlnr tnet oJontvnf lo Col. ATtrj. .1 . 'l.j.VvI.I . -1.1 . 6XH . ; 8AML WD. TATE, ; Mtrck U, 1 857. " frttw TVfiiiTiTi and CotrimUtcA 1 . -k. MtI BU BllHil' Zianiw. owl iUo U1 biloori to Me. a.il. aiw) that Ka If ft ihcra ftt the ..V. na ; talrl Va U about 2J ve.rt old. yellow complexion, S feet 6 inchet high, tin fCV tboTe D1 ICi CJ " vm V" ef hit now. Tb ert wo requeued to come fonrwd, pro property, p A-rjet, tnd take bin) WU, Hilll WiKr. New Tailoring Establishment. THE tubteriber taket thia method of in. tormina; hit friend and curtomera, and the puSHc in general, that after a few months' ex '-periraee iiLlhit place, be baa come to lbe con lu?ioo of iraking'aennan-itkmentlJi lex'mrton. DaTidon county 4 where he intend 10 CftiTjF on xne muuTs huhuct, ,h i' - from b'n long experience,' m almost aH the principal chiee and toww Iw. Europe and Aroer- ica, and from a general knowledge of Cutting ' upon )h mort kpprdved mathematictJ and many . other equally good lyatenrt, be believe he can suit the taitea of all tbote who may favor him r-wkb their eustom.- Havimr made amngement ' " - t. l 1,:. naaunu-Mtnt In ' PhiladetnKlft. ant , .ariig ma MfMvi.". a . ( .; jVew-York, to aupply.bim with ill the tateat al cr Ma.Antt. in lh . Vaihloila. h Will DC thcrebv - . ... -a. -.a -a.a-.y . . u. . ...I J . traaa , warkMiaiMiiin uartttenr . mgi are no .muc bjvw,mi5 wwwirauH n ... , . . .. . j fU pfieei will be nioderateaiMl veiy accoxa. ' .7 " ...i..: in .n hia 'fnr nd and cnitotnert. ;" tSftid lUf. Of llRlll .. 'WllWr TDft pUDHO I IwipBCllUIITiI'ilBw iw bum ftii ;esperinwnti by their humble lervant, . . I i' A aMk.Va. aa. . -' r rAIKIta.lUnLLK. tAh.': March 14. 1887. V 58 ; 0.7 ,,, ? . 1 QqU JSUne. irtTAHTt4! to hire, a number of able band- '. W Wln' t-nrlr ilia tialA JLKn An BnriDim Creek, Montgomery county, formerly bnewn a a-iU t..., Jm'. llinM ,a wtklMK K. OI..M.iTnmn. Jal""ai "-. v vuiVU Mia, aF.iM-a..iaji.ia is attached, liberal wagei viQ be given, and the caah'paid mootbly. If - '.fj i k'V- k. It. ' '' titfcfM. r " J7 Mr.i w '.u, Mlliitkl WALf.rt, J, M. . I'l?. .LlVLM-Itt'H !CttJ ii n. ft r.mTTj! W Ukrf In HtoniiH "v . . ... n .wf. Tr -Turt-f w-flf-1 'w1' WU tt-wl lU f-t kw iai), i. wJ kw-i Jlrr.kd 7 frrw atibrow, tb rtwx4 prWJ -f r-f rt Mit, or bf ticb. i-a-r-i4 ntl.ra MaMa.11 Hlftllll lU m pm rt'f1r -b Ul, tU ITfwlww 01 rHital in fctUhw M4 Uilnf. too tkrtwjf itvt bwl Irrwai of M pne -4 Cowntf firti (ftd wHoU tb tfI OOw. tt,atftc rWf It tiptdWot. bo win -! a. I aa, ml LU llu l.tltbtir ftftj LfMit' torn, U obVb wOiLtw wilt U te tiiWf ta tb Mwtrpef or rka. nmli af I La araaOCL. ftftd tb CttW .I mmwm of' I La) llaaML ! COfaWCPltweW wl tWwtt-Ulw-ftttfrrtielf of our ptodou, Krv ill wftwy M riHwi M twieV WdwlriftM m pombk, hy iUftdaf blm a . . jr . .a. . a It till KrwetX niS rw w prrw. .. Cwftkitdcrnu of bfwflfif rw !- eIWt aad beo.r.l ymtmg Uor, m Mi tlvtwwwlm r4 ibo Pf-it- otpono-ky, m I botw it in Ww lo Mml bin to ibo We-trro eoofttry rxt r-wTtv tfoU l oot dVpoot of .bioi i U , lb ,i:rMw ki.M waKnpr b-Xi e"" at bitfblv OfiMC bjr ibo bet MlboriliM. ill OMSoJd tliitapriif, 9eH xtecobaAdt bib. poeM.i.ffl oow4 eowflilutUn, ml lh Ct ctioo i d thbmtjrb be bi rrer beo tmod to ibo tort lo e-w-rnf of oo rt Uing beo oetr bim wbeo bo ihuuld bare beeo td, ud bit beinr cooH-Wrtd too tabftblo MN tmtUj h ttrwr band tt ft doee i jrrt to Crtt power, trwrnnry, plcnT nd bloo.1, re mkred It endertt to tbo boot of Judjrt Ho b.o Waweird fcim, bt be BMrt teM ka. a tJ tbat irftt order If bt bl beeo iMlicMMimI Inined at Ibo proper lime, lie iu wkvlkaimrwtrlnlKorMrjrlei bwdambftbl !nportedborMltoni ro J by ripoclioo, oat of the bet ton ribo fmporUd bom Wo. Wtedo XTT4 0-da 0. Mr. HUCMOOal. I ikManr. kwl nirwiiitr borM MmIIcV. OOf f rrorMuft nd Ccbvr Mart f from whicb k b .: Cident. M llf M Bit tiarewry caw mm iravcu. urn .. iv. .... U.r4 tr Mi toti-cH thorwjrt bred, and from 1L0 moi Vct ttock of bonea , 1- railing ii fnm wellf or riTtrft by etr bnw in RngtaiMt and America." fagbj J ',!,.. J VVhrev tt tb VaurfaCC w.i rrt by VoKjrrteer 1 Volunteer by the ck-brt. 'mithiBerr.l Wnereier me furia tad I KgUih tvorae. Zc??"" : "nnot be irtgited, no. regubf culture bewt bom wti bwown EnfUndl:iiar''ii.ed' be wmpted, fit jorp tropjei- C- ff "'V. ' rr.. niiodtal ' eroDft of annual TOO leronMiirr or r 171115 viiia r-, h,( aw ... bethofleettit bnrwe e-er known. ft tnj?!.' cf rtL' Ji-IT. Z, ffit IT na mwiw. v . w - - w. ..- .-n. rv.i. t.tk. wuain - iwi A vn'in 1 n i van m j" a .-.-- and 1825, arc of the very birW prw-nU, fully ..Af .L. l.rAa.' a, a. la... 1m I. tt) fwWfwWt tatitiyinf the bigb' ealcuUtiont In biifaTOori b-lnfrfiltaiieandfofandW retrmblin their oirt In colour, firtire and . . T I ILL. .J. ..J InMfta ... cept In a lew aolitary inttince. when prodiwed by mare. di.tempered. or atarred. or aoeh aa were known never to aucaiewenj ana 11 ij froea bim. Uiat bit eolta are aupenor tTibce of: m1mj WMI fJ-al-- www ' an tinrwi !htt ha0 tried With the UtBO I Great cart will be taken, and attention paid, to tive general aatiafaction, and prevent acci dVnta or injurie, but no liability can bo admit, ted for any that may unfortunately occur. 4tJ9 . JlfarcA 27, 1827. KOBEWT MOORE. TcireTA tita onrt r,nmnittpa ' w.- - ipena. ior inc wv p".,, fpothe Jail of Rowaneounty, N, Con the'dr j jn jaQ(jt etheif auperfluous J. 1Kb of August, 1828, a negro man, who u" M6 UUw ...i;.. Af uy. btaamAcr.Syearfold,5 fetlwer, than on fruncul supplies of Lak Ltfialh a La taA llftal Baf aft. kftllf Awo.Va ttl ta.m.nf Whan IrrlfltlOll IS 8R lllll WlkU I "W .11 WW. .WW., w w.VM in RniithJrnlna. fali-AvLI dlifriet. 8. C. WtlOM' name ia John Kelly, to whom he wai told by Mr. Peter -Bailey; ;-rf.QarIwfJaL.14lw VlrgtoiaJThe owner ia required to come for. ward, prove property, pay V charger, and take mm away.. ; riCLumu bla i cu, uwr. OTiMryr??rir-tr.-ipa. ; Statt tf AtTik-CanHna, Prm etunry NOVEMBER Senior 1826 1 Nancy Beeman, . Widow of . William Peeman, w. Jawei Holemsn and Rebecca hit wife. Te.Tpernce, Emily, jamea, w iiDorne. taory, irena, tucDmona, Nancy and William Beeman . Petition toe dow er. In thia case, it appearing to the tatisfaction of the court, that the defendant, Jamea llolcman, nA n.KM.a kia avila. ar hot ir.tiihitanlf of WIIBIiaiC.il V1UIIIU, lllliva. .1 ..A. ka ,ka, tllmmtmnt. frViUnW. alml mllr 1HS 7.mi. vvmwmnw .aw..' aa the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Senior to be heW.ft'r the,)C0unty of Kowaa at he crtirt. house W 8ahsbury. on.Ae M; Mondvrf May fcext, and antwer the aaid petitlotfi the tame will be takes for confessed, and bvard ex parte. 6t59 JOHN GILES, (krk. itmnk-CnrtlituL. Surra rauafi. CI0UBT of plea and quarter setsioni, Novem- ber term, 1820 1 Thomas Douglasa v. Ed aardBeesqni original attacbinent. It'appear ing to the court, that the defendant lives in annttia at t A it ia thrtwfnM ardered. that ad. vertisement be made for three month in the Wtrn raroiiniaii. that unlet the detenuant nnaar ta tha aaid nit. and renluW. ludement rr w - r unifuM .f!Tt K. .nt.iuul .mimI Kim k, anq replevy, juugnjcm Mfflifcn. Ul V aUIUEHU WM V. SUWIW - 'a. . .W . .n a 7 ... ft . a ("' ' 1 c ' - AftciW Iff vnCt N Vim wt-t: rlwbMb4wft0M-U, Wbowt mii M rmi4 H ' I f wf Ibw tft . VTWft b4d U Uftd U wtmri rt. AW.!w-ocUM4k-w, Tbol ttH re. bifb V) May ft brluot To frw4 b kt tbott lo. Co-otJ My r7 wrrrww . Bt dWool frw-i thy wy, . Ao4ttff ftoto4r - i btpfwftf tbM tOwto. M.) tabM wOjJo tirowgb ttttyolom, Ai r-oV-wibroii lU thowtri, V kHo ibjf ftftwd Wtwi it iW mJ wftrw, mf toll Mt Owft, If oewt fi4 bwri CoocHUtft bojUo tt, afbifbrrpJfcf dwty Cm 6od ftiWod tbw , o prww? tw Joirt cu dcttrcT' ItlJofrfwWtkwdtrwi,, And IwH nk 90 r-m Jk-jr TbMlUrvwMtwbrftOM CULTl'KAL'FCIKNCE. I -1 r . T!T!f-l " J ..a... a I Ar cviure rtquirrd for btb pUnu 1 tod ftDiio Ji ik pc.dt mtteruilr 00 ciw mtteV IU io eny for I pro wb hit 0verbcca oat of Britain to coo ctWt twit Uc of tb tqtutk cultore etfo f luly or ftp-Jo. lo tbew cuuntrici, tfarogh Mottcropi. -bttber of grain of rocu. require wfttcring, ret ftoroe io the riny icitti trty . U obtiiocd btbt oiuJ wjjt. M melooft in Italy, ftodottont USpiia. But la Arabia, Pcrtit and lodia, no culture cao be undertake- without wUr, ex uptinj ia tb upper Tt giooi cf ujoyD-tiio,--.TW Hdftmet.tl- prwui of cuhuro ia ikeie touatrici.il. to tfC pare the ftuif-cc' Ijf the' receptloo of Iw.trr. nd 1 cirtulauoo in trencnci L " . - ., and FuitertaAod to Drocore the water r T , ' , lUCCulf Bt8 it bulboWTOOted pl0t viijnn afebv perkapi; io'. cVrt-In . - rxtrnta"'.t . mate tt a a ot. by, cbaogipg tKe aorta of -nnuJ Mlba. &Ci froro'auch at are , i . 1A Lh nr- mrHil. The uselcii. to Miaa . .. uch aa are uaeful. The onon r tilibie crocua; or cypeius roight. pcrtapa. be tubitituied'for the , , , , -1 . fld A: ewmm. - - r , , . , ful riierbatef fof fcuKeT)li.Y " I 1" V 3 .L ' ,1 . . I aoonal wecda. and the cochme-l ea tua for the akewy but uaelcaa Meaem bryanthemuma and Stjpcliu of the African waatet. These, honever, are only auggeitiona. . '"'; - I.. 1 . If.-. I. . i r.i..A. A - j. .L i..-'-iu nn ll .IblM.Utf a.--aj J - l' J !. !. i:t.. J ' .ntlw ft 0TftB j -j frt. h- nurooae of aupplying aucn Im-de witn moiaiure but for stimulating by manure aeiq in ;r, oT;; m,intalnng heart. 'Ihe solution by the water, ana lor ini o . . r more injurioii. than useful rbJt little danger reau tafrpm the applUati.m of water m hot ?ountnea7nd ' valuab e by moderating , rather than ii.u wr uj . a I - r , .. toaawgiempewt WfttyQ tl a a awa-1 vi : , axrKi:7iTr rirft$ni.w ;fflii. rmtters "and lubtcr-; raneouiSuor.ti verized Tor the moiature to past ZnX rl' Xo6t.' to exUnd themaeivesi well stocked wfth manure e!!uU!t?. rA from wMSIl weeas, preyeni r . ment trom being ww c , - .v, i:kt- gir and weainer.io ne i j- ho ; f iff t but i 'tl mifU?-' laln.raoil cotlMft par ta f Kurcjt a4 Atncrifi. tSt urat -ut ept!a!ly to f'-foui foottd rcrtanlsti, tl pfoJjtfJ ty I w . , cotif aoJ la Itaiila aa4 N r.nj tini, whett thrra la KaK1y any inri( tht trvcuUuflit a ftly to pioujh ocj ao4 aow la tha iirui wi at ta tbt h"t Ueyt f- tba otH of Spiwf.aa4 &uih AtTt,il4i whrra trgttatlon U tqaally f apU fr-ta iht pccnifcwnf t8oittiTf as if U In tha tolJ plilnt of Hut at a frott thainfioa eectofthf ' loa during lha loag di) i of! bonhera ttauttTC It Hot tc-u-w trtel putrrutof tninurtl are 6ot alto tethtf b1iettd,buf they an moch fcil aUtntry thaa la cold coulee, anJ f.fl be floaa without wbcra thars Is abuodiAti of water J thtra watifi t a. lottsie heat, axkl light, a conit awai rnut attnoaphert , aud a well pulrcr lied mil, supply ercfy thlag acccuM ry for luxuriaat e gttatlon timet ll U that irl$vlturft f ai--trtJ rtiTt&hkoUnt eJmht tf fit rranJSithUni, thaluf the cold cli mitei, which may bt called sgricuu turtby drai-iagaftd m-ourraj and that of the bot climaui, which may be called agriculture by Irrlgatloa. To the former beUp ,the greater part of Europe, tht north of Aila.tba Aortb of America, and part of tba Auatralatian hlei i to the tatter, EgypePcrala, India, Chios, aad tha greater part of South America, and partof Auitralaala.' As intermediate bctwrrn trnciuivrz. ry vrmtnnft on a a o O. rrrrinlfirrt he rfr-tr4f 7 - d lhf v y -.J M..Mala a aaVtfk Mkl xoattrinw an A murmrtnr which DTtValla In"tl.e a.-uih of France. Spain od Italy I sod as oppoacd tu the aQuatic culture, of the t"nid zone may be placed the ru ral 'ecoonmy of the arctic circle, whlcK, froto" the "prerlehce"1tif "cold and ice, predudea nil culture of the toil, admita Utile clae than the growth tf maet and lichens, and la there fore limited to fishery and the chase. rAfr lending decision ef culturt mrt by no meant so afaihite as to fa Jeter mhobU degrtn tf latitude, so much dependiog on physical clrcum atanccsj at elcTation, aoil, aspect, ia land, or continent, &c. $ but aa an ap proiinatioa' which miy lmprcit iocdc general ideas in the mind of the prac tical agrkulturiat, we submit the foU lowngi' - - - . 7'Ae arriettlturt of irrigation may be considered as extending thirty-five degrees on rarb aide of the equator. KThr agriculture of manures and ar "ri ration, from the thirtT-firih" loathe" O r i forty.fifth degrte north .and sooth of thr. roust' r. " mamrcSj irotn toe riny.nnn acgrre, n -rth and south of the equator, t" the aixtyaeTenth degree, or arctic circle. ' The arts of fishing and hunting, as the only meant of aubaistrnce, from the sixty aeventh degree, or arctic -irrV. In llil rvftl. . Two Goos berry bushes arc described in the hrifticuitural transactions, the hranchet of one, at the spat of the late Sir. Joseph Backs, extend 12 yards in circumference, and produce aeveral pecks of fruit annually. It is manur ed with soap suds and the draining: from the dung hill. Another ia train ed to a building : measures 53 feet fiora one extremity to the other, and prducea -anaually Ji ont. four. to. five peeks of fruit. ftrtmVeUur,ng-at -Ar..k ill ttmf ill uicumhrrananc on a Fr " V hrC'( served W keep the plants state of fw-Tr. lively, but moderate , by wbch means ridged out planta of good growth fresh air. dailrrarfd be watered occa- Uaya---.'-:::-:;-. rctmu be sown at the beginning towatda the middle, and at the latter end of tht, mpoth, so that a supply, ol. young blanta raav be in read ness, either to 6 new bed., oraupplye i;b of iuch M. fa ,... The new beds r- .,lh.tanria flnd auuuiu w .-- r r;. T .toe. to Md.talfh,.. ,e ha twn r v ' c 1 jit J mi i!f ii f f jan !Ua! p p. I Inl 1 . . -r a wtra a'rr'il all iln'fojf 1 1 r: I i' 1 4itm,f r.otwiduirj.f tiML'st n tsf a!l tha nta.l an raif po t r f al r r t J U , S vi rl It, i a fw isoniha sg wtra srp.rt&iff u U ,cd tA IBS Uit i in n it j, i,r t f i m ta liiltWS tilr eyts sun.. ia. i irf it In unoa iKclr LcaJ. Lc. Ta rcHare ttta cf pain, aad to fct a saama tatlr J14'1: Ia r I Caa U eath I targe tra.i-vy r.fj ladiaiai, ralxrd with a taUt-ape, fwi cf .bntcr.Twii rlrta Iwvun & a a a at a a a - - , urwiraiflQ't'waoiL.v'injUicaiJcai, ther were rccnirkally chaartd for tin betur vn4 tha next diy -iidirJ a w several mams oi wormi, some ef which wrrt colled up like a ball, Pram that nerlod the ameadArfli surprlslagfy rapiJj and loow fullrtwcd by perfect recovery Twaofthaitma pupa, bow six cnooiKs oU, ware yii icraay atuKieu in a a.3u;ar mtnoer, with drowi'inesii slckneit cf tf)r4ath diachrge cf worms by the mouth. To-day I rava to each t vote s-rpooaw M of laodaoum U a Httlc water, ta less than an hour they became iprlght If and tok food cage rty. Diitemper, I am Oifivloced, Ii oftrflr caaaed bf worms, as well as by iadlgevtlble ran ter la tha stomach and bowels la a uch tsiet, I em sure. he laodiotm, iffimtty adniniatered will prove al moittoa certainty acureV Tosr?et al of inj friend i, possessing valuable ectnrs and pointers, I have mentioned the remedy, "and have received front them, decided testimony la Iti favour.'' -w-T-r. hw-t k-v '4fe"vHlMMBn -j ,---w. - - I will attempt to give yon sotne Idea of needle making. Tba wire la Em cot into tuitaUe length for. two nee dle.. Each nd is alurpeaxi by ta king fifty nr a hondrcd between tha fingers and rolling the polota on a re volvinr atone. The needle Is thea I - a. " at O placed cm a die, curtly ta toe centre, and one blow makes two eyes, snd, st the sama time, cuts the wire nearly ia two, between these eyes. This wss done with so much rapidity that I asked buw m my .times the o it fell to make; the eyes," nor pcTttiviog- that the boy took up one at every bw. Two needle. ar then parted; and yoa have two in sa unfiniahed'state. Tem pering them Is the next process, : The needles while bested, red. hotare thrown iaco cold water, and afterwards pre brought to a spring temper by be. 'una rolled in nlatea of h lroaEacll . ii-then filed b the eyes, and lait of all receiva the poliah itt the lame way as it ia pointed, only on a finer sUnf." In the lnat.room I iaited. wereJ5 or 20 yourig: girU,: from; tea 'to' fourteea years of age, bua'la counlitg thia out, putting thava into 'napers, and la belling them." The principal part of the work ia done by boys, who from their appearance, must be poorly paid. - -.... - . .,. jjanaan fajrtr, .UwWj. ja4Wixw .vjL3x.iti! TO 8AI1X TU SV M A E OaaXlATi . When woollens are worn, thread bare, as Is generally the case in the el bows, cuffs, sleeves, 8tr.' of men's costs, the coat, Sec. must be abaked ia cold water for half an hour then ta ken out of the water and put on a board, and the 'thread-bare parts of the cloth robbed with a half-worn hat ters' card, filled with flocks, or with a prickly thistle, until a sufficient nap is raised. When this i$ done, hang youiLCoat, upto dryt and with a hard brush lay the nap thefrlghFway. Thia it the-method which Is pursued byceieaieran)Jaaouic a ,n a" t ait a .a.. - . .- .. . TOOTtr-AtttX. r A remedv for this most oainful af lectinn: which haa ancceeded in nine y - r. . ty.five of a hundred cases," is aim re duced to an impalpable powder 3 drachms, nitrous, spirit if fther'J that the extraction of the tootli was no ibnger -Mssairyaa He wasjenabled w cure the most desperatd cases of tooth, ache unless the diseasVwai tonn" ted with rheumatism) by! the app,""' don of thia remedy , V . CWMnttt'&A;. naw'.p-pe'f b bfp establiahed at. Hochester, -.Ns T i--J .4e' voted entirely to the publication of li ters connected wjtb the Morgan buues- i vr t hut ai.u --to in U a.,-. :.-,.,f"!i

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