V V -7 7" vu uiunv, :r,tL...nr hay, mayij, isn. VoL VI L :;. nrji. 3"U a. ni Ii rott y9 etic. root rtl now peri tioa ibt rct rer- tn, heV lite in. uni cul 3ut iaj bo. J II , lit r4 tiK Wi.fi(' afejlar v - anf ft sf a laJs eV a t . . - J la lled f 15 ftf 1 , V-'- (riu ii J 4t d I otWU IW l porta 'la 0tV. U U vt I Mcir f m W4 ikM rt pit, Y)E mrtrtifi) &n-itmiUUmf Prfrmrr t mif, Tl 1 imaiw ttki Vmiu4 ttitn f jimtrUm tn I Tov8 of Wjnbfi'14, b too DUtrkl Corn ttt, nom nr rTr'T'r', r U.I, 04 hWWHMtM U0 ft. ffUiflf MoortkttM m fcnm tartrtrt 0 cum kcior 9r Svrrrpr, fcr A. port Wf tr frw b IM mmt ETiiJy iivr.W ii.lij.V''' tmLn'" JcLcft, ttjf wftrrjorjoir., r tU4 tct pwUSflf M mJ ibmf 1 t4 too tipcrtrr r x. . pcrttrt of br&aJ m la ported W) 00 ftti- . tied to mairt !cbtnmrf tr dcbfUurrt, fbr tM imooBt tf mco drtvttck, tfTtttsIr to tM luuog boii ond m octi oov 10 forcf 'Itfulatinf tbt txporUtiM of lO'iritl, iiv! tM li fWaiKf tad pajrvwot tf drawback lad debf turta, tbail M iknm ippbotlt to Oram!, tM MporUtioo of wUca U permitted bj tkia .. Stc J, d (t If fifth taartrdi That thU r1 tbaO Mwtiuut In lortf tor tM period of thrco Jcaraviftd m wrifff. - JOH.M W. TATLOR. - Speaker of Uo llouit of KepTcatntaJlfer -HATH 'I MACOV. f T laokkiit of the nao pro tttopoff t --, Append 1 Wipcu isyt. . . . . JOMSt QCPCT'ATJAS -. i . 7- mac t. 9. - JLH actio rn k crtaln efWHtlty of bud f the . State Of Indiana, for the pwrnctt af aiJin amid 8tftf U eprnirf a Caaal to eoantct tbe va . trrt of tbe Wabaah nrer wito Ukm of Lmkt 1)F. i tnactrJ Of jraaif itiAwi i fcp. . '. JL rrtiattiti iw( mJ .Vain Wvmca Of Ctmjrm ! fut Tbat iherf be, and here. Or la, gfaated to tbe Sutt of tod'tana, for tbe burpote tf akEnr the laid. Sute in openli , canaJ to unite al narirabte pointa the walera of T ouantUr of- lead rqual te one4iilf tf fire arc tf twni in Valthf on racb tide of cnl, and re oemnr each a)ternte atctioa to tbe. United " States to be aelect br the ranroiitioMr of tbt Land office, under tie dirrction of tbe Prraidrat of tbt Cniied Sutea,from one end thereof te tbe other t and the aald bmdi be tub. ject Id tbe dUpoaal of tbt Lepdature of aaid Stale, for the purpoae afwrtanid, and no other 1 IrmJfiL 1 bat tt taid canal, whfn enmnUtM. L Bc , fW it 1 jifrtktr tnsru Ton bf. pd by Coofctt k for too on of 9ilxKl or mijjitino klck ooihs nofo tkio ,irlmf4Uc0rttri'f I.U.m MU3utoooi to Ufiutoo.no loentj foor pirci 00 1 nr 1 ihett"er P. 1..-M & I " ( I'. I ' I' ' . Statra, free Iron any toIL or other cbarre, what eter, Hif any property of the United Statta, or peraoni w tbeir aernce, pasting through tbe ; tome.' - Pmiiki, That laid canal ihalt be coov , nenced it tun ore years, and completed in , taenty yean, or the State aball be bound to pay r t the1 United Stales tbt amount of any land previously lold, and that tbt title to purcbaieri Under tM state auail pe mid. 8ee. JndtU it further tnaekd, That, 10 . aeon the route of the laid canal ihall be to. fated and agreed on by the laid State, it ahall M the duty of tbe Governor thereof, or auch 'Other peraon or peraoni u may hart been, or ball bereatier be, autnonica to mperintend ue conttrucuon 01 aaia canai, to examine and ascertain the particular landi to fbich the aaid - State uill be entitled nuder the proririona of fbla act, and report the aame to the Secretary -fif thelreaaury-oftheXJaiitdtatw, ,. .,, See. 3. f f tf fmther gnaefed. That the raaid State, utider the authority of the Lerisla. - Uture tnetroi,. alter me aelection ahalt hate beet ao made, ahall hare power to tell and coo. vey tbe whole,' or any part of the aaid land, and to give a title, in tee aimple, therefor, to whom soever" ahall purchase the "whole or my part uereor, - r t- ; Appfored t 2d Moren 19-t-- - Aa act to authorise the Treaident of tbe United niftoacertam1adeag;nate the Nbrthern . : boundary of the State of Indiana. ; .; '' " TlE W ft fo itt and Ikvtt tf Rep MJ mtnttUivei tht United State Jlmeric in Ctngrttt tiuntblrd, That the Surreyor Gen- " oral, nixter tnt dirrct ion or the Prendeiit of the United tatea, be, and he i hereby, authorlied aid required to cause, to be aurveyed, marbed, and deiignatedtthe .northern boundary line- of the State of Indiana; as divides aaid State from " the territory of Michigan, agreeably to tbe boun dary ae established by the act entitled ao act Jl to enable the people of. the Indians Territory r te form a constitution and State Government, md forjbe idmission of such sute Jnto the r Union on an equal footing with ihe original States,1 approved April the nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen l and to V 5ie.le U oiade a plu or ptao of thi aaid nor - ttrn m ,'fy df !? ;!", prtl' . V h(crcci of I (xjtJ.it iLa tn.rrifi ef ?1l(Mtt N ltt' Ihl sims, wfcta !, (a Cof rttii fen! J, Tfca i t - - i . f!';11if fcJt tvtff inU Ikri kkitlj k f!il.4 tMiJ tkl MHWM tMinuJllli f . I r )"in TmLu u rv'J Moaik, m4 Dttttry U SOmmUcI jCJcnifil, ff WlHtr Oiruril, 8rttf t4tti4 h ikt Srtett t4 Ihiut Krfirnrmatvtt f IM I7mitr4 Btittt MI rlf rnouih, md KbhcUu Lmioj, iltDli4iklfN.Toik ,oiIliKhbtilfiiiJ MrtUh oad lo iKooct toro , .... frtguc-iJI f AUbM uwQiuU Miofaro Amfrirl 4 tirrri tifclW, Tb.l it e"Wi luthot U4 to ulU ood I eoCTef, Uieo ilmplrf ) or-oof Ptft of (h Undi Kretofaro rturf 4 oiwf oppro- orao productlro' fuodt tbe prtxeeJl of vbkk ibiil bo lore ver irpUed, voder the direction of taid Le ejilature t for the use arxl tgpport of School! ohbln tbt Mvcnl TownihJpe ud Dia ricti of totiotry for tlcb Ibry ero orijjlnally reaemd ood Kt ipert, and 101 no other om or porposo hifsoevtri trrtHti said land, or soy part thereof, shall la bo cim kt sold with out I bo coflKnl of the inhabitant! of such Towoihlp or Diatrict, to b cbialocd la ioch: BSinoer 01 tbe Lerlilatvre of said Sutt shall br lav direct t and PnvidrJ ItOrlhtly lo-tbe -tppottionrneot of -the proceedi of nld fund, each Township aod Oiitrict oforeiaid thall bo cotUlod to urh part thereof, end 00 more ft etuit bate accrued ftoro the ium ot tunt of nooef iritlDff from the ulr of ih School liftdt-belofif,log to' socti -Township or District. Ste.1r.4nd be tt farther nutted, That, If tht"procecds"lccruInjr; to. any Ton ship or Diatrict from Mid fund shall be Insuflkleot-for the support of Schools thirttritit shIIie Itwtul for sueb Leeii Utun 10 Invesrtbo iimo as U hertln bo foreWectedruritlt tbS'vholo wocerdi of thi fund htlontou to such-Tcrwnibtp oi District ahall b adequate" to the pet: msneot milnteosco aod support olocbooli oithio the time. . . Approved 1 3d March, 182T. (re a ue at, 41 Ao act to authorise the tale certain tract! of Land in tbe State of Ohio, commonly called St it eucled Oy the Senate and Nome ol RefitHntttivf 0 JA United grate America in Cong reu atteaihtcd, That the several lots of land lying in the Salem GoaueDhutten, end Shoeobruo tracts tracti of land, .which bivo been nlued at moro thio ono dollar and twenty five centi per acre, may bo offered at public tie, at such time as the President of the United States may think expedient, an1 sold ii other public lands of the United Stites. ' Approved 1 3d March, 1827.' .. ruauc o. 44. An act amendatory of the act regulating the r-foat Office Department. &e it ineeted bv the Senate and foef Kepretentottvet of the United Stotet 0 America in Conerrrti atiembled. That the Postmaster General bo authorized to al low to the) rostmaitcnat the several dii- tribiitinflr-offices, a commission,' not to exceed fire' per cent, on' the amount of rstK8 PnJkuer And packets receUed for distriUitionvs The allowance Wim- mencejba iho thlrd larthi ejihteerA ........ .... . - : ; iir jm ourooer 01 mailt received at, aod oespatcned -fftjm,itjfjttfriffieej iopbt increasea oy "tho disti butirt- svatrm then no allowance shall be mad there. ror, except where special orovlslon is made." ., . '''";jv': v '4nd bt it further notL Tfc!sJ toe rosimaster ueneral be ombodzed to allow to each Postmaster,- one cent for every letter received from any jhip or vessel, and mailed by him t Provided, hit usual commission, together with tba allowance) aforesaid, shall not exceed the sum of !t wo' hundred dollars a year j ; jwid mo jciier-carncrs employed at rost Uf cci, , ibaU bfiwtoOreii to receirei for JiM; I fclt;if it'.'.tk.l'lj dcra, I,! ill tff.f. $ I ti4 fieri, Lata 5a (tffca, tihif ihfi j' J !. -i ff 'J irta'., tltll ibe tf wr tr Iii tai fftrr fcn& vbo f.il.L.H ..-J 1 ...tj A.lt I. . . . - m mill rtk mm ikii n RAMI -. MM Ctmmlttl'xiiri of ttf Hirr Cfl ;w.ltril. thiMtot OtwriU OaaiiirmiMiri !UDffcni!ft, iM lit 8Mrbtcsi tlci tb rtcf cck, M ludvofiMJ to iKo jffitil, io4 to ftctlfi U icrtiod pocliti of Urpctt fntof oo!irt.o4 IkM oootbir lnlprooof tCkr, ncipdnf imm cr.u BBtO'i . Xa 00 IM llr NlfCO tlfO olfcorliod to frwk of to rttilM Uiitro 000 or mof t'litii of f9Tt tpditt kT mhio ooif 01 tttr 1 otnf tpttnjbyototi U eoorftl oft a MtUto twuiiolaf .few IpccTf of piper. Ererf iftoutf pirtpMit charred by tbe sheet and itaH psnspk lets Driateti 00 a half or quarter abet l of rotil, or leu ilw, ihiu be cb.rtd with half the amouot of poetsgt charged oa full sheet 1 and there thai be printed or wihteo, on one of the outtr psjti of all pimpbloii aod migixiooa to bo Msl b uiiil, the number of sheet) thtr coouio t and If luck number skit not bo. truly itated, double posiigo ahal be charged. See. 6. And itftrthr rctedt Thit no Postmastrrt or assist Pot mister, hall act ao ifent for lot cry oCLes or, under stry colour of penhase, or Otbtr' te,tnd lutterr tirittit oorshsU shy rostsnitter; .receive frro of posuge, or friAA tAttary svMii ii . 1-Av rts. . For 1 yiolailoo of this pro'lilon, the person onendln lhau tuffcr i penal;; of 6nf dollirw 'z:.7zi. Approved 1 34 March, 1827. t aue - at. 4J. Ao act to Increase the salary of thl ostnaster Be iitnaettdhvlht Stnmtetnd Hoiue 0 KehfetentmihteM 'of the United Staten efi - w " ar I . a a m ten . I AmtncitA warren ooeMDiea. 1 rtat.trom tK-firaf tfav- af lk lraal vaar- lhara shatl be pstdi annul! jr,'lo the Pott mist er uenerti, twojtnouuoa ooiurs, in todittoa to his present piy. Approved 1 3d starch, laJ7.. . . M'grih-CanUiM, Swrt tmmtf t 11 UUKT or pleas and quarter sessions, jvorem. ber term, 1838 1 Thomas Dour la as te, Ed. wan Seetoo original attachment. - it appear in to yie cout. that the defendant Lea In vertiaement be made for three months bf the W astern Carolinian, thai unlets the defendant appear to the said suit, and replevy, judgment pro eonfeato will be entered agamst him. 3mt6r J0'WLUAsl3,erh State f A'srta-Cartiuui, Bkrkt entnty t ' COUfiT of pleas and quarter aeasions, January sessions, 1827 Chartei M 'Do we 11, Adtn'r. of David Greenlee, decM.' v$. the Heirs of Da vid Greenlee, dec d. 1 Petiton for sale of lands, to satisfy the plaintiff's debts. It appearing to me aaiwacuoa in iub vtmn, um wiiii uircn. lee, James Greente. Ephraim Greenlee; David Greenlee, Polly, wife of William Bady, Gracy, wife of John Cask, and Jenny, wife of Cukv.-reaide without the limits of this rtate, and are tbe heirs of David Greenlee, dee'd., it is therefore ordered by court, that publics- tion be made m wecxi wjne wererir Caro. nnian, giving noucv w ue mu iiainci, loun, Epbraim, and David Greenlee i Polly, wife of William flaily, Uracy, wilt 01 jodu uasay, and Jenny wife of - Casxy, that they be and ip near at our next county court of pleas and quarter sessions, to be held for aaid county, at tbe court-house ia Margsnton, on . the fourth Mondav in Anril next, then and there make thenuWW parties,' and answrr-or demor to the said peution, otbersiae' it win betaken pro eonfet atid hesrd eartd, ard adjudged ac CordinglTclWitnes Jsmes lirwhr, clerk of laid court, at office, -'the h.Jaojtidayr C!noarf 'iinwriffliitt Indepede.iS Pnceadr. S3. ;:,wi..ri''"-'- r1 ,oip AVlA.Caviso'ne.JWeetsiarjf uii ' u,r- etOUUTof oleu and Quarter aessiona 1 Feb j rusry term, J827j Richard Gentry Leander S. Bray I original attachment. It ap pearing ' to tbe court ioai ue oeienoant, Leander S. Brav. is JWt an' Inhabitant ot this state, it h therefore trdered, thst publication be made fof six weeks m the Western Carolinian, for said deiendaot to appear, at our next coun ty court, on the second Holtdhfafter tha 4tb stdndaf of Aftril next, and replevy; put m bait. and plead or demur, otherwise judgment will be ftrea against him by default, -,. ,. ,: ;4 . , I e I . V A Tf Aa C. C. f j II rrli. kk frtfy ,Uvr Uid 14 k ut4 i u i cm r-i fcwftM, ri. Jyi-u. 4r ! lk jSm tmi, olkko ?mtt o trtwi-oVMlfytttit.fcmfi mkUM f VU WI M IUC4 tUf MkftH MF WmI iW 0 0W tf Ikla. tM 04 oWriMlo o Wt K. W to It u Jut-lot, otfMicoiuffirovr. M. Ut Ui nkktij 0 Mxi'l tf Uclvt trttxo pWwdtkk, TomUiM 0t0 ftdiic4 UPCi UPtHtK L MUltkt tWti ot t fttAit ot 0W01 tl ill thWl .. AttJ&f to Mf. Mn1 ClcuWlio. ot Onrtt irtf ifl tt mKuUmi tt ma W m tf Urf PUIHf tt, tito 15 fcKMj tftucit MkaOtVf Lr iuhkecii iMk UTLtLLAKt wm. it, lutcitrea. Xilr JfHtir. XtTJ. Hit VMM dk;Mt4io oicUh Lu fcr Ltf!M Utf rrtrntf HJlwWitrunait fmg rmMf IMamMMft M IM !, tfUl TFT 10 nr. Am Tomtot, to to. Ik y frW IM.tuWnMe M thf 2U ' ftbmarv la. av avrrt alsvt sTT A. arvd 37 years, abW As fttt turh, im k-iltt, a td eevntemaKt' with a ltf teMtA 0001 Mckt he bee atotWrN erk ot) ene side eif hi fewer lifrtoC bewmr. t be sxMird krt m cUaf f nmmat lOQ, the tk'iti tpprartng KgtMrt tf tf I eatre TrlkW eatl the IM loat ha fact it dX fern ftae tM iawvality tf aerrtrt, Ike snttrs be bg birti and koltow wader, fit big and Cttle toet m U t imaS drrrrv largtr that tM erdi. Mry pro port km te toe etbte l a, lla coav pUxWw is asaootk and black. From auspkiuue dreuniitaaees,itlt luppoatd thrrt was an hririgwt betwtft him lad a ebitf girl of tbt Migborhood, who since hie oVpar lure, has eloped from her father's boo and has sot since Men beard of t It at supposed tbry aim at getting to some pUce wbtrf they may Bvt la tbe habits of tbt rvlatkMithSp of smo aed wife eamokrtd. Hbould toes be thetr (wtemtoe, h it probablt bt will atttsupt tttOaat tkhtv tilh a fre e pan, or as iht ttrvaaf 14 aaI girt Iht b rather Ull and I'1 her fcatnrre oot tlcaaaH fjes Ueti tost raibtr abort, sad U Mih narrow, and freckled the weut.erT with a - rue boa art, boowtpw strijted : and checked dreas. . I tt bt 1 1 peeled that tbe above oegrw wSI sltet bis name and not own to k, except beibre some person acquainted with him. . Ant person who wilisafcly secure aaid Mgro tn jail or otherwise, so that I get him sstlr again, will receive the above reward and all reasonable expenses paid, on sppKcation to me at Randall's P. 0. Robersoo county , N. C. . , .VtXk DROW?r JpriltJ, IM7. 36ip . N. B. Any informalloa rcfpeeling the bovf persona, directed to the Pott Office at Randala. viHe, sVberHi emtntf. I. C. a ill conrVr a great favor on the subscriber, at aU vLTig tbt ref peetable fneadi of tM enfortuware gtHi for Tixt8. I will offer for sale, at the Court House ia llorgahton, on Thursday, the 10th day of May next, tbe following tracts of M in Burke eountv, or tn muck thereof as will aat iafr tbe tales due thereon fur tbe years 1KU . One tract on the to? of Ifump-Dack Moan Om tract onthetopof Jfump-Back Moan. tam, belonging to tbt heirsof John Wallace, con. taining 10X acrr s, BKire or le-i 1 A tract tiesr the Two Sisters, belonging to Charlei Reese, 30) acrea. more or less A tract on tWIil's Path leading to TM River, belonging to the heirs of 8ahA Hams, 100 acres, more or kss .a t t Two tracts, lving on trie east side tf teiww Mountain, 300 acrea each, belonging to tM heirs of Govi Alexander Martin A tract, on the waters of Elk of Watauga Hirer, in the names of llsrtin aod William Davenport, containing 200 acres, more or less 1 A tract of 100 acrea, adjoining tbe above, Its the aame name 1 and -A tract of 100 lore. UMha name of William White, or Permenia Taylor, lying in Llnvllle Cone, adioininr a tract belonging to Col. Avery eal ed Bakera OldrTeld.' " rfil SAH L H 17. 1 ATET 1 Mtrek 24, 1827. Sftf. Surke ewrnty. GRATEFUL for past &vours,and hoping for b eontinusnce of confidence in bit friends and matnirera in bis fiae of businesa. offers for w)e.lt Jb following ft ntanufactured by him.- , , " - DouBleJflsmess for Carnages, viateoj, " 'J : .'" V - --. 40 to 8130 tig 'mimvm&zffi M,Li.ire Harnett, best Duality, -?J 'fii-ni a: JaDDSnn'u moumlng, ?l,WwM BraeejloriaUTiagea,pcrivui,,vscuw m v, Men's Biding Saddles, from 10 to 2S im do. '" 12 to 3 J rirJdl-a. Valieces, JSeddle-Bags, lie. made of best materials and wprxmawnip, wiin puncw alitv and despatch 1 and all orders attended to, from any section of the country. Salem. Jr. V. ikc 10. "o- 42tf OoUoMine. ; ffj" ANTED o hire, a number ot awe namuu - ' a a fr J 1 11 m work at tne wuumne on DcTCf.. Creek. Montgbmery Cowr.tr, formerly known as ChisholnVe ine. to which tbe weam-tngine U attached. Liberal, wages, till be given, and the cash paid ovwtMjV ; -,, . 1 "1 I) I VI-'. I: -ITT; T7 ftrtlrtj ;ii4 fey tirA raaJt lw I rfrt I'. r.Ml U i, 11 . 0 W.I I fret wile, from ttth UrJs, la tia lwt 1 1 1 . . . . 1 tptcoei three sWt iri founi rt!a----ctct.- Tfcey wtrtr miJ tor lir- LlanA ' . f Tborapvca. Jr, j tf t frymr.rf ef 4 ewatr and t isra. KiWtft Cue atid Cm T" tut Boom.' The te-k It tslj to la - - 104 MikMlf dooi, JUnJtrd timet. The Isle Duke of York wit a tnrtnher f the Aftrcbihl TalJor'l CorhpJhr of Loodoct An addrtis of condole or e front 'hat body u the King, U puUIshcd Id tk Uxvdof) papers. i Ddeiaf fi.rnsa la AmI k J.l tl.l A CiocIonstL la Olio, a Ik 4 of.Herftta! (Jrtntaar School ( an acudttftf . lor ' ' ystaastle eoorse of Medical Um ratio orfperatory bo Ike couroe b lbs Medicsi CoUetts., . .. . , i The New terk Le rdlstcra bite deter' robtd on ia extra souls, to tale oUcei oa Ike second Toe sdiy la Septa tube rt f rote of s 10 j. - ;.T Ai tsJim LocfjiJJuif kii nresffileJ rhr Ermgeflcif Luthr rui Congrfpitloq -or St.!oii,VChbrri, Toft, wka erntly wold by tbe Irish Pretty tcrUd Cotifrt(stlofl.a Clrtomsfahcri bad depri-. ltd tba titkcria toogreg'a'tldtf Of'lhe bulMInf they hid trttua for pwM worship." in Viginla. cotiykttd of tnorderfnf thell msste rt iTbey'were appraised tt ' Tbe following ad'rertficmeni fi tie of the briefest we eyif rtad- . It li ccpie4 front (ho tent, iloJ, UI of Cjesar. As axe found. Call dearth shd rcctlre It." JWi t&Ac7aA-.Mr.Ginor4 p- ' pfirs to have been la lbs recclrft tf a Uni Income. During the time that he wis editor of the Qnsrterlr Eevie,Mr. ttj paid hi to nine hundred pbondl A cif Ho received annually j one w Ua Cotnptwllcn of JhV,f rr e'JkI u0; ired poundi a year.- .He hid I'tlerf of"' three hundred notinda ai paymaitx ff Lkl band, of gentlemen pentkms-two btin dred ttor t oitrh X 1U eicJucner 1 md. lo sdditlott In all theto iumi; be ea joyed e pentloo of. We believe, ttnir hini dred poundi pcrann. Irom ira uroiTtr non . Rll-000 petinnum tt pmtj fpn income fore liierart man. . Lut reef there wsi tolneJ ( the tfrtl lih Mint gold and tllrer to the atnodot tf six millions and so half aterllnfi etyiU to S,t0.0( dollire From the reteJ Bthment of bur coremrtient to the pret srhi"iTme,th:hcJ:jeFOTt.coinrcj W - the I'rJteJ Siite!: Hint dae hot exceed 15)00,000 dollarslesa bf neartf ;shl millions tbart the amount criard in thi British Mint In one yearr fkiled. Ci; American LakeeUU tA baa aSoui thin r Are fithorns of witer abort It4 loecit bed, though It U not often toore) thin twectv-five Id depth. Like 8u , ,. . .-.J f;fhTZri 1BJ fathoms. Lskei Huron, Micblgioi' and Superior, are, in placea, nine hundred reel deep,, linking about three hundred, rest "below tbe levil of the octia. . CottfVon.--Traveiler4 ibbtiid be tlfeful to deliver their luggage to proper pertone. A few dsf l ago, a gentle 01 so, 00 alight in from a stage coach entrusted hl4 wife with e ttf-angefi andainot hitd of her since. ' Jctivi Benevolence ik bofie, nat nested to 1 chaise, wai obirryed during the greater pirt of.yesterdJy. tied t ike) lover end of Mercbapl l Juii. oom pisier-by, more conswerite thaftjho ownee ef the bestt, loUafdi plght placcd on a Conspicuous pstt of the harness tbe) . " -mm ail aye) a . " - following label t M Wanted) llotf ditch qf Oatil Inquire vithinr A man in New Tork laiely eitaped tbe State Ptitph for life bt a nice distlhctlotl in, law. He nolo a witch aftd 'Anocxea the owner down t this wst petit larceny I ht if ha had hnnrled tho owner dowr4 first" and tben itole tbVviKo'iWf WiliatTiiHfcwWf TfciMfiPtMrtibfctW ilii States iorM make M army-ia Wco aa that with which Bonaparte mircbed ld to Ruiaia I md Would be loffJctent tcj df . fend ihe? V- - from: combined force bf all - grm ':?-'M'm.xlri6-liL:i-r-tr- Lurooe. convert oruuaaros, mm cooa anidiers. and one (enth bf tberrt would re deem Greece from; tbe Tqrka.' , Conv'eyi them into Apoitie, and they wot;ld' cbril tiariite the world, rind wnat are; the? . now f Strike thern from exl?terjcei and who would feel the Ion? Yes, ttrike therft from existence and the. United Stare! would be benefiued by the blow.' . .1 .. . ' - 1 1 t v .it- .-jri-- .i" re-- jl r i I w r '.'- 7"" P 7-

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