) ; Ul' . ' t ti t i' ' ti.siii: la j hi bv s s :t r ,.fc j f H u pt f , 1 la 1. 1 i 1 1 t If I I bit Ci tWwi'u 1 I i . t 4 .1 ? -; m 7 t .1 a', i a ( i I r,. ! 1 !-;' X ,; if 1 r-i It'.' als if f l.-; i , ( I m rl t t 1 i tf 1 1 i t s t, if t 1 I ci'.tr t h f -l Is tlti l.i a t-cn ,ft t,'. ta ti S' ... . ...if.: 1 4 1 . I t 4 r a:.: t ri j 'f - V It - "e bl l'fcJ7 f""f In i V,t ef sU t4.!ty . -r-.a wl t'a Muri vf ht UWM X- k - lis &d J1' f !- U I, .n ' I fh4ee, I h ""?.' a jLad hapa's fUa, ati J"p vu-i CI ? . " ' Ht " 1-, ! fry tt , I awu'4 " ' "Aa u!.-7 u a ttaJNtlU. and fiai i..;..v -i. ; USfRAtJ If . . -Hum ; bVWl mJ 4tt U euul art prrto lr lUa eartlfy tmwftt Ckw4 e;eJ the tlr f" f the teat ef eamw dry, - rv 7 i"!. ' . ' jVm hW s rinse nki aee ImH, Te ttU 6 13 repty. ; , $Li'e ttjr Ut rtwardln heti -."-'VofScb hb iu3jr dmi it Vr cf uftr, nt ol idornmcji ertl, Ire wttl twr thi lh cotoft'iotJ pt . ferr th-1 timiri, 'c Cornpicxioa ooljr, but rra , ih lu9j -lu Jff nJ Jiitu4t cf iht fSurt, tn t-urcure Wiiiaft tlogh toil? J fni cpntfttf(l colouri tri U fwoo, thty koow tHt ibeft art Cct iWcofUot lolbt ejr cooecuuc '"Cfihl to tK cmr. - Tbttt if oo beauty : Ittour twn r i cobf - or wtuni - " ug, uit eU on Mli:A-Vli frightful oa MU B woman who t- J44 g il.ort tr rotund fiogurt tbould r iot wear dren b which the pattern -tuat horiootallf ( check or plali for ioiunce) cor tan ia which tht talnr art ao arriacftd that the trt it v attricted U UteraidirectioD, nor fall tor brod tnramtog ioch wyle of j dun tddi ready to the tread in, nd tlrtracta from the hel of the penotw :With till or.aUsht 6sirea th rvl :r3T3- -.j-.:. &OuW bt juf( lC tg"-"-' V. - . - "A CWJ. TOM VM rAWAZlf . ,-. I, gfj fair, tfie remcdf fof drank "pjenploje'd by Dfi Chambera If I'-- " - JTewYi-tki la becoming quite popoi .- -" 'lir-rtrtat ipplkatiooa fur hU pttiCxtpi . . . Cool art jerjr frequent f and that aome terjr aurpthiog curea bat been effec- --- ' i ted,"TTbe4 editor of-ihtNW York , Obaerier baa mad a careful iateatl. "A cation of the Deriu of the antidote la cnjonciiw wiv:a Ir.r. Dwight of : r?i yjoatoir i ind they profctt tbemaelvrf to be perfectly aatuted of na eE3cey. f-- ? : TrjM cf the great recooimenditiona of the medicine ia that it a perfectly pal .tfable Mod may be taken in that kind it Ilqour to' which the patient la tnoat Attached. . Ia this manner he may be ivited of his ice by indulging in. it. - moat reuuriaoie iniiancca or vui ' -t.Ttxted by of thl remedy ia that ( a young man no waa a drunk ird from Ma childhood .educated ' pi aach by hia father, drioaiag quart tf spirit adajr; and setting op at ; ighti to tipple who had often-alept Away the futnea of hia intoxication In the w'atchhouaej had been twice a ; lunatic, and leVeral tirhkl faQeo down In fita. Several wceEa ago he t9ok the medicine and hia drunk no spirits ilbcei AThether the cure effected By . mis tneaos uc pcrmancut ur cm but yet 'be toid -none of the easel tlatitifaettrtf Trrorrthan two monthrj standing. At all events, to caae of a relapse a second dose might be ad nbittercd. fVoro florid to the- editor f Um AeterioA "Tifmer, under date of 5th March i in the coont cfltt letter, he rittket th MoVinc mention of U'fbtmediclipapoae'Weiaielcd " In r readmr thrtth:!Vol7 f ihe ;farner ptrceive yeu mention the f Arracacha of South, Ampcaij We biv U iti great perieciion The cas tor bean" grow a with us to s tree, ' eighteen inches in diameter, sndi 1 believe, in auch abundance (they grow ' trld,) that a small plantation of it, well - cultivated, would supply the United States. 1 shall have it in my V power soon, to lead yuu many seeds of ' different : veitetabUa. ind ibme !;L$rubaj waier, wuitu srs nui Jtnown to me tlaf if. fJ but a 'alUM draft cf if ptfn it Iff! I f i &r ' ...!, n la ikm ll.ttluCtt 1 1 1 i toy iUjjVV; 4'tubiroer of ilf. - TBR TJUrofTMKC X Uaf of this e ttr diauy tree Jai Utcly bra broujHt otef froro the UU and of Cjit4 which place tr U 4 native, sod is now in the poMoa of thm Iter. lUfcsrd FUtchcfi of llamp It wf U wtLva tr.r-.thcrf ort , (Uf t)n;f1Jrt t,,i iupi n.tau h4 U i cJittf.'Uat lata tfciTst' ui. tlitiUriiii if n tl suad. The U.fi.-.goodaue of!tCT prtiertaiioti p if f starts fully 1 1 feci , uft befit oia s pertlcnUr tji, coU U KflthL 16 feet rcis Its wides(ik u fwv..,fj-ia 4irt say swellorsiios snrtaJ. adfrbm3at(40.fttthcirin ,U-riklo U the pteplff cumferenc.- If eipanfled as $ cafo tt t uffifirat to vJcfVod a dinner piny of six from the raya f the aunj sd io Crrln la carried ab6t by the oatives for that purpose, , I. orooeLDocr. 1 t . . . . . " - This well kaaw lulfiitnt it prepared by dlgeitiof three pins of aoap in aixteen pmsofthe Spirits of Hosma- rr; tm toe lormcr.nc bjwmiiw w-f 9 ootttrd with the wb4e. This onctloo is of greatsetv ice la brutaeij.rheoi roailck afrHlona and similar -Com plaints but"beir.g very v. lrilr; It oueht to be kept In botilrs clotely su p ped, to prevent the access of air. rim (mm tt iht fWtkfldU da M l fldut Tbt him of U ZiyA A IreWnd are rra, &tKTiri Ha Mmhtrt, and hence forcd to firs JotthH htpp'y, hfrvftd the sUt bke, Oor imiW of Kberty opW miaU i T, Both Mtif! "stranjrew h f" to,lt tU t rift to riiM-tmt a rrt s roof." r.f. JON'ATrfAV eso Ut TAltOIL : Twu o ummer'i day, ...;. A tailor, more rba ntntb part f a i' :: Oq Sboboard U aecdle p!ijr, . . W ba tt bit window up etaTa'd Jonatbae, -And cHed U a hwd drawSiic yfl, llat yWfot aay bar bo to H r - No, mjt (he tailor, not a aeedle full," Cootlmihif ttill bb tbeiid it putt. - ' I Hy,- hah onatbai ahvi.r: a"oojwat lwiler rt?aTw ZZ. Hate toe rot bar inbN t ft I ' - ' ITMMi to bar." - Quoth taHory not a aeedta-niS, depend 0Qt go here's tbe end oat." " Criea Jonathan, wilb anrry pbie, Dam ft, you mean to ejoil So if out here youTl quick be"Jorff. - - - I ould eat jof out tfiare fbe two." r- " ' . ; rww. - 4 ' .' The rote U RJreat when 'tis buddlnf new, And hope k brightett when It dawm from fear, The row ii twectert waabed with morning dew, And love is kwliot when e'mbahn'd in tear. . It has been stated to us, by gentle men in the south,' that the operatiohi of the Tariff," and the apprehension! of the'4 YVnolens MUt" -termed, haveput-thern tocasting abont forltlie moat aimple, efficient"" mesina of inanu factwring' coarse cloth jog for their nc jrroes. and they wish particularly aome more exacl information . in regard to what haa beenj called id e the paper!, the multiplied tptndlt whecll' fa machinery lor the purpose nere atatea, must be used by blacks to adswer tfi purfWae,!! mustbe of almplpoiiitru tion ana easily repwixa i remexuniri Vantr of that eharacterf which would sayr laoourin fnevpcniMvw nrn, bat long been wintry tttpr iv ah families." -The loom wich ia now common use, is very tll, od to welt adapred to its end, ibafat'ik'btiWa ber of people make their living by working at it in the towni, - - ; w . r ... Mrae e ant v - OA w rTiHr:-.30 barf ell of wine hive been made trora the. grapes or toe rnttntrv. bv i Titm near Da v ton. . -. . 4 , f umux ana one near .. ucrmnuvattM made lOObarrela. Cultiystion would Arb. ftne part of Catirphot-aonnW be mcftTTUiivmti fo Me; brf rnideva lborra uvumm, iuiuiuvc uui uativ i.piiuii.ni( .. f- ,,v , . j Tbemlvfe in Ci f I I illml!, it ti. lt timff t tr noit m far frora U. Di!t, txJent rum ana tra moiitltr, muu hirs Ua tbe necetaary Tbo toion pfintera hive teen ao tftea lulled lit tea op of an Intresae of prttt U lUs anUU.that It Is Uma tbe? ahooia htit the voice of truth- Thf Imaflua tWt rVv caa trce tits ciates of its prtiilod r wooftpolrior tea rwefttarv atimsdotr f i eornmerte f - beeauae tt mithi hare bee sola former timet t an dt.forttro bftmitlod hi(Iee'd'wbkh timertrttAltWbotneee adtanuctooaly emplofW? Ut the bduVriooa endjrw ttrpH4lndw tt 46d profit bf b. -Tbe true anU4n!y caase that e be-Awlgned for such JcnaUttaUe diminution la the price, of tottonY is the rapid lecreaae hkh, wMo i lew tears pstt, hss been mads la h tetslon. 'There needs not much poWer of rtiscnin to become sen ilUe ef tie troth of this sxfom, that in nroDortloa as the euRtneBtatlofi ond snp- ply of a Dsrtlcnhr srlcle become gwater, iht demd 'for It must lesaen. Now, such has been tbe abundance of cotton raiaed h h Ueked Stafewia the conrae of a fwicare patUfthtt the preaent mount tf he crepe Is almost alone sofa Hrtrt r viwvUe for the market of the wbofe worlJ hut el there, ere ether roefHrleebiebrbke-the United Stales, mtttt ate tbeeml etsplesnd aim at the Mini reeult, there necessarily "eriaee e awnlos la the WheU which render If onprenisU- to bothy . Take an instance, aornng tiptnand othcre, to demonstrate the truth of this position. A fWf years Taaa'a could not be considered ss a eottm coeDtrt I but the people of. tht furs, hiviaa; been aeutea on a soa deneitK i" iritnia fof tt, ars now able aliooat iocoflftpflt wfih Alabms,lo point . rr. - j. . r- W..k.;it. state the exports trora that . place alone, curing lair winter to nave trawuuc "rsutM,n!e,en tbe Wilseeboro ana toarione nearly l&JCOQ hales of cotton. NTlfotd,the etrmlng aeaann, eonrmenctnj the 1 - A Ktrtli aa Alarvbttd and Vir- of .ach. .. Any one h this section of eouptry, tinii, the If the othrr of ths rticle.liav.euKroemca .. ..r.. iU. a ihr (a trerv Dresump- rnieep a rewewv T r- ' , .i tion 'ft faeiV'ttlftflweW' a queote itiooeicma,' - come sd oveTlidcled, that th present mice, hnwevar low It mar be far from t ... .L. mini n - being itetionary must.Onavoidablf -ex- nerienee a rreater reuuction. um the gloomy prospect of nffaifb which we have thoauht odr doty to present to the people, that they may . reflect upon the means of bettering their condition V Amone.,ths branche ot agriculture which, next to cotton, seem best suited . to thla climate we afe atrongly . inclined mania? brevaile thsre vii&inr to nuae muie irom iw .1 ststH, adapted to tbe pjowto - pUl u hJ k a . . A M Bhm . wv e- r a to believe, that the culture of the rtxrwa Todd, and tbe raising of ailkr aibnd sthe mostLEaiatft JStk predominan,;Krthe.boerem.rkrw section of couDtry"as terAiahamrj- frefickClerri.rfo feifta made to the cleraV'of If met bet wCen 1802 and 1822, are m Kp1awV lW Pe?e! of ground, hectarlea 6f land; and 28 libraries, ocsiaea wmcn w - been restored to them churches, 37 rbaneririd Jabbeta. " cortventt ano 1 93, iAfferhoa$Mw t root thu htattmdt iHrtotrdoded, thai-one bf whole or part bf;btl property to ine iter;;y immtf of thecburch. previousto khe reoidtiob, li btimated tt 70 or go mmiona I . at covered that from tn i . uujui wuhuh- " e i k .a, of this country bare Mftcltted it;k-nw'. nH 'that thia kia of size THAVI.I.UU1 0S ,.,. . . 1. lu ! t ! !' t- T.!kTa ata pnui Ma4 it iw ' ,)tti4uM tfwM.i'-f. ' ' . iAtrff Alt Ud fnn (ItKMM ewMtl be. b tt4 La a ftat af atee a vtct pfpe "7 f-1 IS , s eVlalTs.,1e.4 Wlrrat, aH Wtwtte AA.n (rUtbt Warw ffr WmtU, a. E t tWtfo. J1 a fw fc-o Pti at that tbtte ' Lftl JT- Mi..kajkM fra Ibe Sowtb, mM and lw .w ,k North-CarotUt te Ttwt, rtaMIUia a7if fftriE eeUbntH lloTts i 1 kiWkUPaaaiOf prrv a . -m i .4 . K. , I T . b ataaon, t aw fwi. ritiW Va.lii.fwuWsaeaibU Hot! a Lit. I.avkirdaa b Imi d IU wKet tturd at TbTTM t.WV, 7 aJWa B BaU. ry, am tbe WItWvrb rI. te tone4 at Cbttat lbt In frkty and Atwd.y eTW tbt dat brtd: ad tt ttaad tbm ntrj nuMb andteh dythmAm And will be let la mni at ibe yrry aUat prke ef it. i iirt Al rhaalTTW b-aet and itfrAi eWtoft te fewre. n' be K til f Mm ftpy chard befure it eau bt awr laiaed nbtLc tht BW is in foal 9T b pn4 Mttlr ber le bt fetoeibla ur tnt Uauranct Bof , Eaptelal tart wiB be taket t prevtnt accxlaata, bt ne CabUity tor any thai asay eeev. . , - . - piot wat gM by tbe I ported borat Dmm i hU dam. by lh Ujwrlrd bom Chariot t it weuld bt aiipef 4o te fire any further de Kripuon, at bit bigb blood and atrpcrior pn. fbrmaneae are cxtenai'tlr known throuirbeul Una part of the aotmtrrr-binr aa much famed at a reeer, at for aU tbt atfulwirpoart te wbxb that noble animal, the lion, la aubamrMnt , JOHN LOCIE, Jr. 'jfartfllior Ml THE CELKH1UTED HOUSE :r i".;i. TllfHX" atand the apitn f nvlT- aeaaon W s.rborr, nlYa '"A eommeoeba; the I day ef JL. J -.ki d.iitr ik ii iiii Aaw JU&art iht aitgia leap, and rn AWora talnwrt.' Marra mt frecn a Jiataaee. viQ be kept on moderate terms, rmper cart and attMo wai at paia, but not Kabie for nceidama or eicapea of an; kind. MICHAEL BKOWX. The celebrated Ainencaii Jack If. " " Tlnn ' lHiMftOa fftnE property ef Hal. Junlue 8need.w;li BiaiMl 11 1DO WtOwVTIVT . vurc, n. jgf !k,ttet,yord, anrH wiles from ..r,. r.r,,, n.a.fSitla will anon be rawed, ttatmgr X, W"A."vwc r - -r-rr- w r- - , , j.s,fl .ti ' - ' ji f ' voKjClfMgiw 1 w a a A 4 AASSV sl.ff' 11 1 r " 1 fM.iiii. Tr. 23, 1827. mo the Jail of ftowan county, N. C. on the 1 16th of Auguat. 18Xa eegre man, who ays bra nameu DICX. years ow, 3 fee inch high i tars be left his master about 6 weeks, in South-Carolna, Fairfield dirtrict, 8. C. whose name ia John Kelly, to whom be was sold by Mr. Peter A. ?ailey, of Charlotte Court-HotMie, Vinrinia, , Tht owner is required to come foN . - rli.nfM. ana tlCC . J vnajfcs4 slateK, JWar.- K. sKibur X C. Jug I7r 1826. ,.2k the dee'd. are requestea to come v before the May Court, and make payment Ind aUthoae hiving claims SKtimt the said estate, are requeated to present them, agreeably fto the acta of assembly, te the admmtrator, for Httlement Vj- i 1 HENJAMliS UUnSBUtrtnurt ;a.)s&w pfpaTjdsMCtmn. A tyr the 2Qtb Jay. of March.Ia?t. a nrm wawhe eayib auaia MrmmOM&iAf belonga te John Clea, of JVarren eou"7N p He' w about 88 or 30 years of .age..Mdle St-; ture, hu an impediment to his speech, hasj itteh- deXeii hrickUyen or JH,!7s!? lent and a notorious bW ;Tbe quested to come forward, ?rove property, pay charees, and take him away, " . cnarge,an B. 8HERW000, Jaikr. :ltn, April 23.1827. the beat animal or the KinU in eA VWt CeVltS WtViaipa.- ah inhabitant reScrt JZl Iwibe'r. on tbe tdtbidered that pubneanonmdejn making buainest, named fiVe 'b 18ears.ofapleeomplen- All persons are Um&ot W WW him on my account , Sf SSS rewXbut other M. B. yit'a'.,'l i f - . i . t. tfft'KW. kVitlHj iJvnii.se av, uuru. RAN a f' t.u ts.Ua a.i,b 'f 'f ' ", V. m n!-.t af I 1 U ' -ttdfit flt" a V a-'oM 'f r. t rfjt rry hWl, aoiafifi'i f n UiUb. a s vrT - "' ve (4UJaak Ub- l'1l iM -,J imI it f ran of ia rt f.U, af s ! .. . t t . ' ,. .tt r,., - y ri ww wwpk w -. -I'll, , artWa, M.kr(4 cta lt-Ui iUjUh a frtW aWI n 1t tj kiwi. VwtS frt fttt tre tndrft tii. p m4 tbt nka. hnf M AtikAAAht aJ; bm rewWtd U bit fljcLl b!f ikh fr4 la hart b brvkan, S4 bwli duva. Aiy paraoe acrtif Iht ! trfTWtiajtJ, at at (Ut rat ft I ti rla, tkl ba lU ahae rtward. or m drab ai Ur of iWw at atcei rad, and afl HaawmbW epS fL hoaii rtrriK. 1 ftWtti TtraxiMon, Tailor. nil mc rSt4 tie Uit ad anat s m akaaaatf. . 11 broted IwbUma frrya IVladtfphta, pahUd with pof1r!t Ijcnfa. rtprawatlar Ut .ffrwal eclort ebkh artafcraby tht ftittonalW ft"'Waen af iM ciilrt of M..WM. r.Ii'j aMNtv-Tct. Iht drana at tht fWMaaj nrw mied, a' a, la reratd te their nratne aadelrranceaUalf. aap4 ttSfiy hern a. fbra ptr.whd. , Afl frn W-r, tbcvM. wL'ibC tMl.Mmallt f fnxnt anadr, y rt aMurd that they ran be at w id aaaatay at bar Ww 1 (Us a the aJj-4.f atataa. Ilit'if f b tmpVoy t efnkJrraLW force, at. dra forettry doi(tln tfwer ftmse. UM.t '.a be emtrtrd be otU nwhet nerd bsf.i'rd. Coantry etoh end tUht, JI bwaaa an at more rraJooaUe prktt lhan bt ba heretofore rharred "- . tit aiat here Ukre the fberty arttumD1 ks ilncere thanks lo the lW fo tht lUni ta. eourertment be baa biiherte rteerr.( aa bopee thai ibe yl of hit f tuality wi b. nbkb be 3 ettcets It. tin b tare a ' eoftlinoanee of tbe ftneraet petranefe wbkb baa beretUure beta extended te bin. .IaTy,rUia. '99 Valuable House wn Lot TIE aubtcriber, aa Agent for tU propHttort. will eell, fw eaab ar aolea arotU and parable at the Bank, without retme,a( the Court flonae In SaSabery, on Tarairr of tie May araaion of Row County Ctvrt. tit brtng rhr X2d day ef stay next) that aluable Uome and Lot la said town, forroerfy tht property ef Capt John ruhon, now dee'd. fheat ptewa are aituaJrd on the great We aqref tSe town, aitjaJaing the rrtidcDcea of ChaHct flthrr and IIsm,?ton C Jonea, EaqM are plrt. aantry aituaied, a4 bar eo them a fargr tat neartr new dweBing-bouaf , and all tbt eeoea. ry eat bouses, bewdts s cotton gin boesr, At, and aweIlofwaler,andpump,ietbe yardv A bargain mf be expected is these peewit, as tbe aale will be pointite. ' ' v , ntXDINO SUsTKVK. .fm. .HiiVor dale or lUnt. IytltX. aejCor rent fori term'of yearVt UOUsr and LOT inlhe tavs eCl: ton. - It iiaraluan atand foe s Te aal. Store, aituated a few doom south of the Co. Uouae, en Main Btreeti tht houat bauig eiently Urge fbf the abort buaineaa, aitb sa aeceaaary outJtouaei. To tbote whe mat fcd dUpoaed to engage In businesaof Ibis kind, preaeott as farorable an opportunity as an; tl.ii place. The premieee can be area en sp. pUeation to the subscriber, who rfct Uertoa. JACOB ALBRIGHT. - ' FriT'ftnlta-JllL. My IhuH and IM in the Town ef lncora. It i in aetntral part of the town,and wate ry efieihle und for the Mercantile pr any fr kind of buaineaa, haring been adwUgeoutlyoe. cupiedaaaStore for manyyearst there la a goal Hwelfing, and neeeaaary oul-buildngs ontts Mi ImmedUtely adjoining tbe store A grotf barraiA may bo had ia the purthaae of the pre mises. If not sold, they will be Sented agi For forthetfeicuUrapply fov JOlliUACili OKvrrtn, oaiw'j fcirmry 8, 1826. "t V ' , 44 ; nnriK BINDING. I r .i;aKnrvr BJ thaSurroandinr country, that be bu etablished a Sk iairftown, onainStraafctfiMri of tht Court-Hoiiae i where he will bnanis to reot ire any kind of work trt hialine efbuauie Prom a number of years eiperience. in Enrop and America, he feela confident of being able w give entire aatitfaotlon to all those who msy ror him i'h any description of iBAft Blank Bb made to order, after any patw fortiahed, on abort notice, and at prwea w-- no one ca complain ol. , . , - tHst. aafc iWaiwrf, euhecplats eg t ta! e4be laesmoderate iMffia-AnJS,, from ndwtance,foithfully "toiidedje. JTtPj f6haa t the puMUf S rtspocUuiy aolicrteAj a their obedient aerraat.. , .wrT. SaMbvrfi 'Jpril&tA 1827. JVW-a-CaraInVJBaweaiwi iR- rjUPERl6tt Court of Law, April O HeSvkiah A, Harnard. aaajgwae; of BJ Skldmore. va. Joaeph OttsTrtgn .' It harutg been made appear, io.ine . of the court, that the dfe; .l"KrU ah InhabS of anotier staM J-JS I mh mai mr ai wn r . i aaid Joaeph Otia to," be and term o aan vwi ., . j rt.v himte in AAville, In Octoher "?dJ eiH party to said euit, otherwise j,?entw, f5ESS355Bt pff1ajrcUtr for whet sTaAbjng UIMHI W"Wll' r "

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