V r , i 'i.; it'. J BAUSlUJirv,:;. c it n..i.u ay 22, v ,1. D'of vn.: ?,(). -. r, it i ". M- I" ll4 Tit tr4ti'' '. a, ',:u at : ."'. I'i r " ' - v !.'. " I Hll( lu! '; M. 11 kM 1 ,f ' " ?or T y4 ilf aiUU4 U. . ' - lit JWT12QZITT,-m r, indubrrtttuliof as lafmoi tljii, tt rf!WtU, snd, U II eWl ej7f.tr f.t,ra u h l: Aif a(tn1) etirriinitiofu tf,it 'i'k lUiift-t t irt.'if fi l Nny't (!. tYiicd FtatM, " tn te c..i:rwJ J kt OitM's ai (3, I'.u! . .. r . At liwMTItf tkMI Jo bi CMUrwilMU a the- rr,-i ititfswl ttjiTr."'.""" : " r fa.-4. Jd hli frtcr rwrrrt, Tfeii Ik rretJJeol el the United ikatet bt, is ba.ls hereby, twloiaa4 cttiM tk Navy Tsrdl U Iht U felted $tait e (9 bt llorwjMf rumbtd,1 tod puas la La M f pared, srvd sawtloeed by iba rtudo tur. tbt Imftfot m dl Uc um, lad rrtinrUofl I lb puUk trepcrtt llbfrtln. from Uck tba M do in Loo i d ( Ki!iit w wwf w u thin fe(mr;rr U wd but b; hU ipccU iir,cMa rw,w pwUi kwf . , rrUaur CcJ 1 Ttfritory fleni ctrrkd lo th fao4 droomiMtKl Iht ION inatnauti reponi it ill U CoAerot of thi cipcndt im mWV.U ll i 'i iMiiilill IKftv W. ywi kM(T UikMi Nmit uuo lorirrf immbii iaiiDcu . JOHM QLXNCT ADAMS. rtlUt-k. JJ.J act frtnfr to CarMMtei f ib Cnr eotuktf t lf&l. l'.r - V .T -Tif . ..V. a. . TJ U"ctWIpwtcjfrt Kitrf!UlCPlrj?rfiifWV Vii(t4 Sitter H tMK, Uch tl ! MdMft r .t'rmtWM cf th Bim. ft ',u tUw.li It. cfenne four UtlLu it or r"t .rf .TT1. r w:W t&cfc tb ftid f mm prMtkd I Rtriittr icd needier shall luot their we?, Md Ul oa tho V.T.dcri bf -whorizril nd d'o-ected-, to rocelri r tb ttrambo! I na - tb . corpora lloo cf - ibo . Ck 0 UftiWft t Ma. r.Vttrr4 Jm m Wt mWvi. ber lo faw rftkftl pob va toQtome( datWiJM I Vara at U timet deot trtJ ta jm A A&agacaa lo publMb hi t eataaaa ottrjr tlurf ivka aa U aar wtT ik.... . ... ' 1 imwwihw u mitiju ua iiuiim rum ri mm of lb. B,m. ai oar utipU. MoWlo, Uo .urn ol.on. doHar od o: Uct, u. rtj, atMm utBi it.fiia rni rw mr. t,.m umi i n Si Itfftf, i, t ruj ary ranttiiUTr :. V 0 a af Iftlwytf tirfelx ia 'Uo .4 tttt4H tkt Stmtt t4 1!jH tj frrirf. a CWr $ttcmML TbM tb Seefffart f (St Trtaiur? boiitvd M l bertty, am bodied to lucatt 1 fitavj t'i a ctru'-.lf art!) I on'itTUooJat i tr tia la at till dir.tr, r. nrtr, nr. lUr taa,4J lir.T-,! It1 t ! Cf. 'it 1 at ,';r 1 t i i , ; i . . i 1 J J 3 r f lad If tbt Mfeoih t iHt tcl of ibd itirj of Uarcbtttttbteta hundred a4 alitra, far ib u of aemlAiry of erlne la ibasiatg of LouUUaa. 00 aor of Ibt ptlllc landt la tbt Sute, la aectloni corretpsndIu villi 'in, of Ibt Upl dirlili Into tbtcb ibt ptjtUc badt art tdtharitfil ia b tomyei. , S. 1. Ar Ir Anker rntrttd, That o ioon at tht locatlo 01 ul Uodi ibiU It la i! J ! ( ttk tf It! O'liriTiM J t av 1 il , J 4 it a? .itmi acta en aa iBU&it auoJp -k-m::uieRtl." ThftlTfo arju-nt U i,j a;., wacfiir j4:;r atkIiua iLal'Iit titdtfj r. lara. tad totaoittf bat tb. aecoadjv I,a,'v,Tii wSfr.r'.w;-4 1 uH Ad botfttf ailrlflf tbt ori J ratr t., I tTfta tfs!i drl iVJILTa -,1 1. yltthntkUlbdaitrftrdinarlta int. talent and rrt ptrlotlita bf Mr. Ifata- jcroatb of Uott artkita ia tha Hvkt l Utootbt vtil rax booffcaded at lbaaa-Uf.r!taattklh Mrtloo, that Mr. Ifadlaoet 000 of IbtluUf deprtcW, ai ltpei th JertfaN U !;b if i t do land, not eicaaJlar too eatlra fivathlfri rtiervid tr ibt ttatomb nciUacf lb ?urrt d toundaM tsealbal ViraUlalad of XJaaui Darbt. oa iwtftif Cut Aprn, elgbteoaj bgndrcd IM prwocto, 11 UMrtor a blra-l AptU, la that year, t Ua4abtalathjaririt,Mr.Ma4lK., -Tboauplo projuett of 2oab CroJt KM nott of tb otbar leadlaf tnttabertlaa and Ceprtla, wira bardlt vana-cuM . 1 kvibu; ifwa m uanaiMMi 'oo, oa account oc Ucir fQ In.fcrlct x ott; tdraltttd tbt ritbti Ut adtoca Tat UrJi ira artahlt wotl adist 1 ed It tltrtiat 0 thai tight, I proud to tbt (roan of batafs aH It bad 6 aatroadorta, lunlr It U 1 none Iht doobt bet hi cuharo voaild ba raetlatd . . aoH oderfulibIactol tbt prtattl ijt. Ifllb aitiodoa. Cxtoa it ta bat tniilhtened DUO. tad anllt hUDaJlutnlamDUtloa araaa thani tni It rrA MIctof taea tbcld ov deoMtKt kilMed rawld ba amcarti. bt booad ttlelki fextrclat at a tlolatloei of (he coouhodoo. ( loccrcd, But tht low otroo rUt lioda ' rm, ww v rwwitvit wmf vf o-nev 9 WW eaaj i . . w. . - - - w " aw tw b. rnidttt ifurtuli, tbt llile 'hereto ProoT iD tbtmUooi of tbt btoiarxiLJpfoliica be nip In ateadaactaCBitrf. anali bt, and bt U bertbft retted La Ibt lmma w ctrutoi aou a cooapie taouuutd toot t?tn UU year, Ult watal Stiteof Loutuioi, Ibrtbe lef reniJ-U0,Jr"-, - - . Ioo Uxj Uta W ibe muoiv- Llojd'i De turt or k robalita of leanW tbare ia. ei the ;-epiTtort of fvi rfa IrtcV m At f UJdJlaa, lex V ' ' - - COJUfUNIC aacfjtaiatcdwabthaiJtafttloa aftha to, and lo tha name of the u 7 th batn; rote of tbt corporaiioo of tht Cilr of Mobile, for the rrtiklnw-l am of aaloa c nub 60 . ! I f. . I J' J II. I I i ) I . I I !. ... iWiiO einaa iha ehaaail of aaU Rim. at a qt7 DM Ciceeoio j lour r- - rtaoerea w e laaabiua of - AM hU&mH' B e zctarloai hue Ua 1 b,tr1 Cottjmt, Vot.t p. f. proTdi(i. b tQmtol tba Sutes tad) Mr.Tacltr,iaotbr ef ah Upmtn4 ble aoecaadai la feadacbr: n3l.jrt-j'etim fron3oy!b Ot. jeloed la thaj Ullifthmealiribtcl ourbt tm tab ai latayl cbontt h!i LVEjHe loved taper lib front'ibo thtrtaoa vbkb I ' M Tbt liuiatloa 0! South' CircIEa" (1M Uten . placeir..V96ld.ba4ro4 U I noelft&cboly uhUa tha iehiUunta-wtn aetlect thera. and enrect tbtlr bduttrt dnplr la deVt. tba roduet of tbt Suu to other chaimoii 1 far It It aot eottlbta I vtt dally falltnt la wke. Rkt tad Ia for iba band of anaa It tblfi frata ana d1a vera becomt ao fcrt, tt to ba ton tnpeoyeatat ta) aaotbtr vkboat bala tldorad by . flats t:oC6t)CctI nortb'of bjqrtdbf tbt thanf, Thara eaa bt tuUeaikiw-litniitt fJ. lomt nuauTaUaxtH.vbiclwUbf Act -Tkt atlt't impoudit tbtt tlrai cn formed, cm adraoc towirdt parfectioa iboat bulky n mauriili, eattoo n4 Ubout aavadrtmilkwitldl hllkotb- bamo. wara.Ud bar caul hi tht, iK.ft era, for want of tbt .fwterlnf lun cf lhotooibtataiottorktpardi tortmmeat, vUl ba enable to at oa at I Cottoa aaHa noar ta iha Sua'th for t. a. alL LtfiaUtivo attentloa vUl there fore e.aod lOetatiper 1.. Toadmi, whlcJi bt necemrr to collect tha Drootr obtecta la ariun ftfAMMior;. d tir,m tL for thla porpoM. Lloyd! Dcbatca, Vol tqoal ta 34 per eenu 1 iHiwHiRiiwniyiniiTin(K The tame Tbt StaUltbat art not! I about U ceaia.fl9j09T Iba. coat Rlfiflll adraoced la popaUiioe, and ript (or naa-' Tba autr It aae rrae, ecnial to 14 , par alactaroa, ouxbt to ihalr partkoltr cent. - Bat chteie la Holland U onl; I, lattraatt attended to la toma dea;rtt. f, 8, or t ctnti ptr lb. tod, therefore, to Wbila theaa Staui rtiilatd tbt power ef fal.ai resarda ihat-emalitytbavdaii-ta- mablns: uIalioni U tradev tbty bad from 1 00 to ISO ptr cent." troet'tw -iba poaiar. to protect. and cberiak awb laua-af ariM -afanv ib'atMhia la loaOiutlorii 1 b? adopting tbt prtttnt protactlnf tttf " U la b a jftif detrea cooatiiauoot tbtr baTe thrown tba tiarl nrohihitor-. . T , - claa of thla power lota other haadi tbey - Tba taormoot datltt on tnutf ani ta mint bite dona tbii with an tipectaitoa babco, from 70 1 90 par ctnu inpoatd Ibal ibote ktereati would not ba aoglte la ti wart Intended ta behead tctnaltf tedbtrt. ldtmip.3. vera, prohibitory. Tbt object an ta - Gaatral Waablocioa't tentlmenti do aecart Iba tobacco planter (ha contonp- ibt lubject ara certainly enililed ta jraat lilon of tba country, sod tall vu tffecto attention. - - - - ajl MCQtniJltb-v Ia hJi meuip to coofrcu, Jf90, ht) , Tht tsorbluat datr, thraaceatt per- luteal . .. - -f lb. Mual lo tl a 100 par ctau 00 btowa .iTbeir aafety . and Jntereit requlra laorer, a aecetaarr of life, uttd tfiieflr.by that tbey tboul4 proraota toik taanufac-J tht poor, If for tha protection of th .' r Turnpika cmnaar in pitting a road 1 mi or jwaf noxjaia khuii, bhi. ioa hidi 1 " ui m umiiuu vi ii.tMVM v i'mvjiiuv"iiniiu; tsutsia vi fvuiwui w w -from Columbia to juidurty utft the one half Ithali ba txteptrd from, and held a notlr,2h oj.uongteii.lo.lropoia Jutlea fori of other tor ottcnUal, particularly roiil- rota an tnaitt teiinat tba protection , of rfft ouintitr of landequa lo t rra tec4, ion t on mumm tm-r.Ml ,tik t I the Drotectioo of manufaetuftl final. Itara aunnlift.M - - linaRtire(urci. k duttea of Si 30. or- 33 - wftUt!AiUOA $c 3. Jnd kit further tnacte J, Thw T Mttled and that IWlUtloa would Topwnote bera can hart, no other ptr cent. Tbt dutiei on togtr ope rata fiJeX'wo endcJaaidroad tothTSS Prw-n-U iasue, upon tba preaenuUon oee' nk Wexcitedao Iba.iubjext 0Kanlna;tbi8teArer. No other mode moU ruinoualr on tba mircbaoU engaged hwoerertha aama may itnula nnaold, r. f iid certificata of tha.Rejr.Uter and Tht belief hat proud aogatory. AIf. of promotion 'wu b ibt power of coo In tbt Wtt India trade, in which that temnr to the United Rate each alteram tnicit lormt a cmei lieni 01 remitianctf tioathe whole fcajjthef aid read through the! f 0d, not cxraedio four, ee-etblV U)J.'?"e2ng coawderable .warrotV, and I Wv. tba CommoMr orpine baaerai uaija umee, . natenta now li..a uncnnaUtutionality of tha intern. I is af too much importance not to Iniura a doca tba doty to 1 1 tentt per potwd tTruraar ila toneedTrf tipoft tha 6aal certificate.--4 - When in wWeftoa. t far laaafifafea cootlnoanca of their efforti teatary way wera - rejected by tba ' Bcmtham. f otei, . . a -. . - . - . . a.r.a. 11 a o . . a at' 1 . r a aa . rr:a.i rw ai..A . .r li.l jl.ii.j nor of any Iroopa, or property approved t liarcn, ih.7. v I nitea outei,.yoo taixca ol tn mil nwi appear eugiuic. ""S w I wmmarw raraif aitiuoa. - . 4 eturarmr aomrtuc mannjatturei, did the 1 1790. m c' I a mernotr 01 woneren yoiini iriinic the southern memb!n1 not , point io -rBIr. Jefferson's yltwtcorretpondod ex Issnill reduction of tbt duty of 7 J a 100) ea-a lrwy baambWaafcly pve and fclbMiJ, M ror.eaal bat alii he S3 carrrlrr tblt set bito effect, the sr of thirty W qatotitf ar land, not .cxceco1.i-f rt nA th- Craad Cbaiavaaftr hit Sections SI aiortftaid. ' , Uua part of oar lepuhfie. it TubUuar la yoor iWh, la ta be dy-id b a prop? cbaniwl I StC X. wftii aV further flatted Thill papc, at tluatima,Noa. l avlz,caMxt which formtA. that, at tba miui win w vaier, for, and lo conUderaOon of tha torn are to ba fboad la the VmOaul JouraaJ of ibt 2?tk March, am tba aifbatart of fefeert," that aabjaet. - yerj rclpectlUIf, "wrnmwn aiia.iaft.iBuw- .,dKt Jlxra W. aad tba aimaia bmbr.llbur aecuoni. in tnt. county of llobilwtli?-- c '- r i; apptTOriat-d.outaf any my It tkt TraairwyJ I0d Ststa sforeiald, be, sod thet'iime It . .' " --- ...1 .; iot otherwwa apptrprnftd. l,.;, lkertby vetted.. in iba JWaror Sad AKlcr ' Mr. Pmafaaetr JW& Aa tha rtrj a a as a 11.. w v wry - . . - . a J - " ' " a - -. - ..a . ..apprwtai men of . tba said City of Jloblla, for the wLWttioa of tbt tonattufiooftStyr of r r rraitc aa. AI , - Mima be log , sad their atccvaaon in ofuce. tba coapfanoaal pnrtecuoa of AlanuLctaree ia At art tt treat a certala qwithrof Land to I to ba applied or disposed of by them, for at pretest a subject of dabata, I rtotKatyoa a..a . at . . ft I. ft - aa 0 . a. aa mT . I . . . , . tha Itata of. uruo ivf iue pnrpoa ot naranf a tola tKS IBU Mneui 01 ino .Uia VrUy 1 win inaert tbt two Eaaaya aeat barawUa, ia a Vowm lamoaa to aaaoaaay 1 fortff f.l. itrfdew,akt XW ptrtOlSOy otikk R b fuUy drtwafttad. Yaara,la- Tl K nafW jr a ma a ve r ntp. cUtm, sriUn front sets or known si any trail ftare. 1 of the United S'atca. Approftd 1 3d March, 1827. ' "V.'-' '," ' Irrauc aa. 34. , , . ' An set for the gradual itnprorement of the Nary k.v..;-v' of tba Vnlted States."..' ; BE (irnaitei bf tht Senatt and Route tf Rrp. rrttntativtt if thi Vnittd State! tf Jmeriea m Cmgrm ttttmbleJ, That, lor the rraduaj improvement of tha Nary of tha United Statea roauo e. 5fl. ... . . ... ... . 1 ar act 10 proTKie lor iue compietioa 01 tbe ,ht h rtfl,,L. r i. ,i,a. ...I. .I.h nn.nl Wa.kinrtnn. nc- cent.' In. kl. .n Urnn 1 hulk . a a- . . . . I w xg vraar f m w vw 1 Vvratfa" I SVUf wiiu iwvwv wa - ir"' wf W row irom a ini oppwto aiempbta, in tat that framed tht contusion," In which In bia menage of 1802, ha distinctly ra- article), subject to besvy freiftht, aad next . i. .nu(Wc,.Vuiunl ui "" I iha tv.f in nmmole and .nmnrarn tha rnmm-ndft tha nrotectloo of manufae- hour TOtinir aainat a duty Of 30 or 43 Territc of Akauisas, sad ;har pnv 0lefu Brt$ ke. by bounfits, vat axprasi turas to Coograst. . , " ; I per cent, lo fat or of bit felloV-cltlxeof on nnias. m a v n a . t ' it 1 va e . a . . zt a l:s. .a. ..na aLiki 1 ... iivreiuteato voui iia iicr not tei "io cuuiraia Detect maintain com 1 a uiarn aruue auco hwwhii, iwi . . r 1 - . - . 1 ... . . . ..... I to loiter our tub-is morar pnxnomenon, not csicuuteq 10 nufacturei, adapted J excite very pleasurablt sensations lq Bt Urnacted Ay theSenattend IJoutf tf you, that the rights oi" one part of thHtnerce and navigation 1 to Refiretentativet of tht United State community were invaded Ay aa into id tot eries, and Protect Manufa . . . . . ' . . . m ...I .-. - . . I . the aum of fire hundred thouttnd dollara oer I America in Conrrett auemhled. That lk I in-atUt,.. ft,. th kAnTi of . .m,il- l rlrnfntnra. Xrr. r tha land. I hrJlnannhltal mind Klu!iXjIthui7 &w7oa,tefcAlV4j.3iJ marks by which lo guide oufiches In all So much for tba prottclintf tlutltl 14 wXrhVairecied br law. Z " De' ,nd 1h Mme " hereb7 Ppropriated, I827. a : . r 7 - - our relations.-. . .. r ';-7 ' fatour of sgriculture. tod a ft arikirftWfirA'Wtba M W of; the-unexpended balance of the 7"ThSTfharsh Unusice snd," eeo If f "And ire" these- overwhelming testi-j MrrHamilton's distress about tbt snf. ..-w . mm ma.. I . .If . ' ' . . I .ft B I m a ' a .tl . t a .a r I I I J . ' .1 . ft ... .1 . . . . .rreiidenr or tner. vmtea T?raTea pg, ana, ne ta t wrrocr appropriauooo-.maaame ooject, I correctf ta not very gecorom iQyards tb.tt l monies to PC-set sstoc uyjoe pew-iar .nercDr, auinonzca 10 cause u vo procu Olllp iimocr vui'suic iur uio vuiwrutiiuu u tela of the varioua elvaea now recognized I Karv of the United State and also i ..,r . . . . I " . . . . . ! " . . . . , '..1... . r . . .. . a and to take tbe proper tnearurea tor navmg me l "uo niay oa required, out ot sny money a violation of the constitution.'- Uot I tempted to od forced upon us, ssy wun lint very ntgo outy on wntcn vss opposea reo, tor too completion 01 the road irom a legislature of the nation which enacted construction or iur. Hamilton, Mr. i ait I outy 90 cosrsa voouens, mignt oe essuy 1 th 101nt PP": t0 Memphis, in ; the State the existing tariff, which is now brandtd I nal, Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Archer, fcc etc. 1 1 sllevisted, and his mind restored, to lta Lhe timber 1 '"VJVV vvb hi iu sri wun lao oppruuriuu -ano - uisgraccaii l oruiu u iiaiuu iuu vuiuuiuh huh. ,"ii " v. avivm.j, j ..... Sftit ri. i I iwry 01 Arnmiai. 10 oe naid. ss theutioma &r u an inLjuitotu faxaraM." aad m e-ht. if auch a-conatruction wera at- una oiten-ouotea cste 01 coarse cottons aid timber duly, aeawned and preaerred ao m Iq tbe Treasury, not otherwise sppropri- what shall we say of this very strong fa- Mr.. Tattnsl, ,vhea he so tiolently op- on similar grounds. The article ii nov ifiV0'iT"Lw nrtf "hat th "''l' ? . - 'v' probstion, when it ii prayed M utterly posed .the attempt, to r'escura from utn one hundred per -cent. Ut'erthsn whefi &ntrf n- -6e Jnsound In principl J ; 7 our msnufectures, on vbleb tba middle importtdand Is sold at half . the price,. hereby, authorized to take the pror rfleaaue. br Jra-hleni of the United, Ststef . be INotbmg cliiheora Jllcglcal thafi to States a msinly dtpttld sr-'- mkin-f a diffcf enC pf reirr oA'-tlniSefV'OT 'W-Iff-'lvereby'raii'thdrtz 'ityteVAiyerfmf tes,ndhe;iaalsaitNrr;. .maitasj ;Mad,;jtaitelefiera fr'aimepwari rvvVonnolaic- kVcTlccrr''- amfaTtJlrVafiM to TrRoftt1i Tivi ihndaolthe United Sta'tes.snd he iaalsaitl.tmu8Sf -road:.to t.!SftWM . a ' ' .a" i itvannai kft a a w Huauiuiv i.u aciiutX iaUts fiaUlia laUUetUeiz tut lUBVaU I . purpoak- , - -r - -f--;1 Boundary line Sec. A,"Md fait further enacted, That the D7,)v,s. TretSlenf of iha XTnred" Statea be, am! be ia Tollowiag hereby, autiiorized to cause to be cnnatnicted iatera of wo dry docka, on the most sppwed plan, for fhe v uaeoi ine iavy oi ina unueq uie mc 9t Ka aiajh-fia4 ttf Inma ttatittt aaava ftwa aw a vi vvimi oa arwiaaa vwiut i to the Sntith. and tha othir to the North af tha I tt ....v.. Ill 'i . aww. - feci . J, rjnd tt U further tnacted. That the 1 the ; ui .ine i.qivcvLSiaici DCanu oo i I a-. ,n mrw toinationt and inquiriea to be made, to aacer- ( la lanfcuaee we Kern ta tni ig with' Mr. Hamilton, hovev- Thit b to say, one yird of domestic cot tons, nov told for tvelf t and a fisif centr, wsrdlyr w ibe Northern suit, tbat they are the same, Is Just as Ir iUogicsllt that prbttctmg dutiet .are J will wear twice as long at a ysrd of India of tne State of Xoulsiana", correct as to assert thai beef snd bresd f Aoun-iVer bsve ve no precedent to muslin, vhkh vss sold at twenty five) inn-ton. In ll.mn.t..l I .l . L. ...1.......- k. ...... l.i a iK.m r 1 Hal ina anvAFnnniint I Tffntft 1- ftna. ntlt lor inB aOiuPtllvat WUUlu the htgh lands between -the equally contribute to support the-human refined upon bounties,! aa Mr oc J continue .at-that pricetosrse cottons,-;. th 17hita nt .1. l I . , 7 .. . ... .... j tk.t 14 U1ata tha rnn.ilfn- In If Ifc- tXtittd ait tOUtd UtkVttW tfut " . of Nachitoches, Louisiana. n ,k ..,k!a-. ,f tha onat!tnttnn.!h iSv ? What will Mr Hamilton ufMmmUeration of some of the members of Sec -3. Be it further enacted, That theLf n,ainm.nofr,rt.,rr,.itma, aumLh-n ha reads tba following sacOon of a the then Congress, lest tba poor should sideot-be, and be is hereby. author. ra n,..... , th. luSunUi ... Mtaad July 39, 18 13 1 w 1 be oppressed and injured by bigb, dutfei to employ such psrt of tbe troona of a.. ..Kn.fc. .... rw-.H whirh ih f. 0 a bicklcd ih of tba fiiberiea of on the article . ..---- 4 United Statea aa ha mav think nmrv. I .r ii. Cm r.n . p. ta, k. I .ka fTnttad Statea exnorted ' therefrom, I t o conclude i - , - ...- v. . . 7 i raid snd construct said aant i mania At ittm fttmt rnnrreil i found, fully snd completely expressed, subsequent to the Issl day of December, Mr Hamilton has expressed an Idea t:. . - r' . i en w ium .!fMi.TOiM forvtlm porpoao' of rryi.K btoaV bVaV uia the tmtu..hrft t .frwxftam.'. nt I feet the provisions of this scMbe aura of I mh,n th Ma.ntn nf thai framert of tha hountafvesi Mr. Hamilton, a bounty held - , j i . - I . I " - i . I " w - . - i...;a , s aitirint Radwavfor ta wpajr cf looof twelve thouund dollars be, and taa same J constitution and tbf proper mv JDf of of iwenty cents per Mrren, out b Mr, Tattnal io regard to lire tans of 18241 r - 1 - : r I 1 I "ft: -7. 7 7. ; ;'5'' ., J .... '-7 .,7 ,;v7 v- IA y, "

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