, ; . . r 1 I .;,i.k.r 1 1 1 I: ('' v ; ' . , " -i : I'll ' ' t , an t ' I if''''' i r. i ' i i . ' e f , SI,) I - r i f ,i,t t i ! s i - . i . i ; - t II ;cl;!:- t , a 1 i I t!i Mr T. "it .'.it 'it H.:l .-i f t; 1 1 it, - I Us l t i ! -J k '.,t: i i a I tt. A ' t t ' . .t 'mi La tit C ' ' ' i eif s 6 r ' I . f .1 j , It . ! . ' I i i l i ! -, f i? ?ea i. s i 'I - I (!. I.r:.!i. a J ,(ry rnwr61 b'S M .. -f r I . 1 l ' t . f ! i i . . i ..... i .1 i 'I l aa, . . !:! . . , i Mr. JUm'i o very t"f "f V . ... Inxn itiiilnr Urrtlf d -'- tUklakaj'UalJim!en.lt 'V f . a, tUxW- hk k d-i 1 ? it. fk dIiaM4wallleraLr wilrfd AA L.M: i,.MJ WM.bafal lhr T iWA UkfJ't rJ wr 4 - Urn Utk U 4iu'ncUf .. tmtd, d Wi , ef IWM tf Wh Ik ihNrf ! M d owiauly braatkid, tkil It aught amy pr4 ? rrt of iht L'afoo. but mort pnlculirly by . tt Soutbira St, a-bleb r tf Ut lb ..u.t.Ma. and th Unt kbit to ear- . ikraii Inia Mention. TM ' Mtm 5t.ta hat too font nd too pediot tly bmUtd 10 the rr Intemperate ry impftt4t ttrf topoUilc flff r.r.f..li.ni4. mora ihM H. trr in i4rilo couU jiiff ikJ ftrtbbf far , . of Upf me or IM puuoct tiw fMttlOUlf rntght N rtitrtcd unrM wrcf . Tiy ooc hu Ikcftrurt, lot fortwrw for " krt r. undent" - ' CDLDtRT, Ciwt H la'ili f RoojVnot'ei of lirr mid tbi Unporiioidrtcoftry'ti! k inKkMf.nt of B uooiAreu toil tb rTbe oolt touairf ooqrwa vtinfxcu !tt)f (Mtturti !!(! Ub cicelUnt cowt, lu.i iiii iiit hd m butttr. . ImmcdUto- it it occsrredio blal Ut bcrt wi mxctUent Seli far iwculirloo. A char ' fclnjl co3Jpriy tUiif d for tb vrt.nnrx-tiir of batttrJtnd blo lotd or ' two of Scottb mllfcauUi i Immtdutel; fmtivttt ta tb tttblibmcBt. Bdt tb " ' ttmn cov would not bo taitktd, tfta i - i it . . alter too tnuiinnai ctrow. ir wu f ;ff,r!t boi f rcoitit ud MrMTtrtrvc ' ' orertitto lt.- uacbo wero. employed to cttcb tht cow, eno ut tneir ie w - rhr.- Tht chaminf eorapiof went to vork td mats butter, viib bieb bopek f IretUb 'od coiuequeoce. : Jbo butter - - Arte nude.- U o. kbort Ume the ebope of ' -'BoetteAtrct wero luUof ibe cnorninj butter Dot bero e4 die ComGmrt eweited the Mtberto brifiUot . fjropeet of the cbornlnf compenjr ' TK kutler would not keco I tod ibe Vicked inbibluote preferred tbe o of ; r. Cbttcr t J ; 8"tberbilkmldi.wer fled : -'to fei unt to Ecoiland, mi toe cnuriiing -zcompinr wefll. M nn knowe where.-- v.. -w inr nn In nor DVD foUOtrti only that our Here it ft exact picture oi vnet it p ."a" ' , f . .r 1 ,. m I mrl t tm ( .t v. ynaouuciursn ui uui iu ' fto manage matter so as to compel the . .L.I 1 II . Jt people, io wtw wiir ""- ; gt)od.' If the eborhingcompiBf hid bit L- j cared the ptJK of I Proh'IjitlnK BeoDie, lo wear tncir wwuw mm . . k. Jt It. f -.... n . f. the Introductbti of oil Into tbe countrjr, or, cirrylnjr the piioclple 10 it full ex tent,' bad phtined t Uw prohibiting mn, child from eatine oil instead of butter, they hate prot alcmj; en Veil aa our manufacturer. But whether thia did not occur to them, or whether tbef attempted it end found. the gorern- 'tteot unmanageaftlei w , are .not in- H Uoi! 0F TBE LOW COUATRT. Tbe time, end mode of the formation tX the ' low country, jobserret Frofessor 2 Mit csxtciriterparticilarLwblcb -itr4a rtwiiTmleio-heo eacertalnedrber-are ; .matter which bate ewakened curiosity .from the firat tettlement of the Atlantic - .cowl and they determine the nature of the mineral aubstancpt which may be ' Joced for with aome rcaannable prospect f, of diacovering them.. .' ' ' ', ; . .. The prevailing opinion is, mat tot low viniinUu tin been formed bf e rerv crad- ml encroachment of the land upon the ' .1..V ..U.. .an.1 K.nlr .ra.nrklhaa li.. a ,..,..., thrpwn;!up-aJon5'.ihbjwA - -4 - w -nnimt onerAtion of the eame-ctt II ier far "xasnyage?? ha-rtultd n-tbe production of the whole, region between tbe primitive " .v.ii- Tk...iiiftn must be determined bv an 7 examination of the organic .remain tba ".occur In it, and the eppearancoof these is such as leads to the conclusion, that et j i least the greater pan oi ine low country ; has been formed At jno period; and that a . i ': a. j. .k a? ; ,11 is, comprea wun me aetuDu.ry ior miitions of other countries, of nrcebt . - Ofthe diitricta whose creolomr haibeen , . ; ------- Di . I. . arruratelr studied, the south-e astern itart ...of Xngland end the northern part, of 1 . at ta t la AAaaA B keaaaA as-!! a ka.aaai. difUd Ut U.Ji tf t?l'. hht " ? .... til Ict til e txjoi- Iff1 ostein Mir fr.UU .,. -LuU IimIUiJ 14 ike buti ifl, ml ih.t U off itlei 'e ahfethif - Tfce. a colltWtf ltc?h'fftT tie i. mJ frtfa tbe tb.k IWrvw - - , FctW. willoakMin Bnt lptd ? tee, Ike me. Pui If kU coiltW f,o tke r klk U copf4 wUb nobr ffvfa b H ffc rent Uftr though odf e fa UlbooUerted. fltgiiitf. A umU tke r Ttk i nt, WW tke WUf kwaoipUoo m ea ea Lttl frwJf fut dmkM. Ti. ...u.ilArt hlk I bare ccne aHf emplof ed, ia Ike following I Amv nUi Wioe half tn oooco t meArft two drckm TUtturtifAix'tU'i OAednchm. A Lorfoo of tbK and . I cau of W of tnit l:k tk flauof to which tk I. AjUlcud. and. b Diar ca unkti lb penoo la told. l wlfl Willo4 b d0O WUkOOl OUiplOoQ. II II IK" iktt rJI af tkelerred'teois. ibttJd be dmfflertd, eod tke dote ta bo radoated worfliox" to rikf "toow iLut. a. .tul intrtrUct of kftblt. Tb n.tk fjrtkroor wtUbw hetafttlf dnt tlrelf drttrorrd I d wbeoef er lb liquor ia fut ta rnB IntttMf evto tnco- tloned, bptliKipv.ol eaaocuuuo win immtdW'tlf iailBptbo Uarreeabl ln: mu.1i ion tbereforei e thie t ralMd ia tk xMOVorr there win be" no danger of e rlap I e eooo aa ajrmptom of tbit are oberid, jnuca smaiter ootc .in runtrutt refreth tbe memory 1 Tbeaboro remedy h no '.- 1 ka not bee a brooded oterjo accrecy, batched lo darkneat, and now uihtred to the world, oble to benr ibe Iigbt. 1. 1. ofTcrcd with tnucb confidence to Ibe m.KUi! fortri.lt and I bote wbo wJtDCM it operation er pknkttUrly reque te,d to give the reault tn torn oi too puouo pa port, xf Uarf bfarmation whk U odi . AM lArafaba are frfendtf tO tb 100 predion of iolemperance, ero r equeated to rlreab" abof ka loautioa ia their paper B LIBZRJUTT. md COQO SESSE. tiaa Tea iw faai ar. wat. Jlimry-We bi.lonjaInce,on fod Information, beeo quite sa'.Ufied that the era State ha been mateilaUy mintakew uj u u y yyyv, ..'x - . 1 J .i.ll. .n....i..r n.ll. .niv,!nlil tl. 'Sir. Auim 1?tln IO wreicncanai, truriir Wfl.bve OQlJ Wlliea lor e wir ojijionuui: i in mat nubile the resaont en which thie opinion bae been formed. rr.Wa,hae : t ii A-mmA It frnm mini Imnif. i principal! v i f i I .I,, ..in.Mun.il nrrAnalcontariattona iiwi nMinvi'r" I . . . . K j! J .1 with numbers of those ladies eod gentle men. who annually come to pass the sum QCf raontDi wuo jh swoiu juld bo regtrded end encourRed ei which he jwerror'enlnei!SUe but r moAtha with us i custom' which im.niihia i.ndencT. "to auimllate the maonerv, fashions and modes of thinking . a . a end acting ol distant rettaents oi toe same bUn, and toon maka them Inaenaible to those little nameless . and unimportant differences, that csnnot on every account be too soon obliterated even from memo ry, t From the above source we have oc- rational! hhlalned the UlOSt SStisflCtOrV informstlon, that with occasional except ilnn. of course, the condition' of the wi.v nnnLltitlnn ikre. nurtlcnljrlv on iijtiwi. uwmi.." w - r - L . . . - the jpjantations, is one oi contentment, oi and hsDDinese I end that the con- n.,nn bf bwner "and slave is one of mutaai ettaebment : ... ; . . In addition to the notl r. .--,(.; Kills nf th United states cca ui tuuuici isi. . - Benk, alreedy published, we have to state, ew Orleans branch, hayabeen discover ed in Phihdelphi. iThey.era signed N. Biddle, President ; Tho. Wilson, Cesh ier ; and payable, to C. J." West, Cashier, or. ordc. j;;C.:X,.X'J. T""i:r,:""t.. iiFba BSOJftQtss brueorgw otate Jiank bave also been ouoterfei:ed.XTixef :are Ttnrihta-at tha Braarh Bank.Aueusta to T Hale, dated Oct. gr, 1821 1824 nd 1835 and aigned by . . liuiioca, rro sident and APorler CashierjkTh. pa per and engraving are excellent ; but the signatures, upon examination, are not ao well done. . The B,in Porter' name, is a capital in the counterfeit and a amall let ter in the genuine bills t in the eenuine. - - r - mM the point after A, in Ar Porter's name, is mm. at a . a - r ' . - ak aavtaatt h a Klltr iL. MMiinfaatfal t a common dot or period. The 7 to tbe name of Bullock 1 larger and heavier to ii I9tr1f r Af een;lc:i i I liUgtl i:ajtti, r hfB,t tln A Ike tf(.!u ! i U iNl. o ttjrtwftt IN ff Ir K'lalftct, ir.e,raonr IpjeJlJiitf wi;i a;irt rto 6tt kia oaft d jlytlS avo4 rc.4 14 tk T klaenwratrtii Hi rtr . '.1. rr,T"Jlal jirtrT U tk ftU L.nk r Tertitory, Afttf WrVln trf ibii W tt tko euo auTtla X lit cAiiyuten! p4 Ik. ..a ra ia ike Coo in '.WW wlkk UrJ iro ContiltutJon of the United .f kU. lntimmeot batlfff Uan prrpef d tod ubmhtd to Ik tiaei for .k.i. .ir uLan. &ir. a. lot wit mqi.vt lbeieaaefNewbr)eoft,wiibSr.rrn and Treat FWe,lo tke Siate Cwteoiioo, kkb five Ike M&ctloo of MivbuKUi Ia lka at w Conttliutloeu ' lo trtKurlrf Ihti Mnetiop. Kbf wi nalnly la- atmrnr ntal. Vt.jCUoC wr mo- w It la Mmcavmui York ernl VlrjlfiU od wbUU lb la aaift.f Ifamliiaa anJ Madlaoa were ea -mA I em eaetmniiaUAl? lhet fitnUcUf CIV pird L) it by tke aeti iJrnui oi iae ia latter itfttel. Mr. Kinr wai Mrforra- I av a . . at a k. log m tl if equally eitai laportant lo preyJUe.wblca cprate4 eplaa luio i btkrfttkat a etui af.aaua t; me ue ii.m hVk tjfvittf ti the Sbav rcbetlion Jyf hr a iketfiulvjie aomberof State bad algelAcd iau;ni ta tne vooaum .1 ni Ima kMraikm under tb aut- hUl I of Wnbitoof ! boi I . f i . . A. . . . ten by tk wjuutur of t -'t tbrW Breatll to the.?enato of Ik Unhed BtiKW-fUera'! acqairoo im pinkafef con5tt of Weahbstoa, by bom ba wa atletied as tb mli.iuer of tV.U rntmtrv la tkaCoUft of Su.JameS. Altboegk t Fedcrallati aotb wa lb cotv . a it. a. I avaa A m k Bdrnce rcpoaeo ta oie iwcn ler by Ur. Jeffenoo, that epoo bis eoo cecding Mr. Ab; bo eipreased hi .,i.i A.Ar nU. Kins-, tkat k should eootinu torepreaerit tbe United State l rt.uv f! ...la LocDDlUnc with bis rrqeest, hie comtoued until, bailof computed an tk neroiauoa ..v ledto hi care.ln 1 805 ba reqaeated per roiuloo to rrtitfajo hia oath and, from year.; Hi Mt aupport of Ihegof- Atni tVa tata WMT With Ufat Britain, M bi determination to Mcrlfic r.-ti-..'iA,lia"tinlii with 'hie inrndrtn tfi tts mTtJonrttcncernirt3 r,- klm'iK aitfnii bf his Dolltlcat eppo- eents to hUfwo SlepThii wa evinced by hi election, t; oeroocraii aK tares 'to rrprrkoat ihU Suut la tbe Unl led Stairs' Senate, for two lucccialya ia' itti ha Wa chosen e mem- ber -nf the eonven'k. which formed the ftrtAB af this Stat. od in .1 US. be Frvw' . - repumime vbhw -krXa ;Vu7fT fnrA' aeootred wch- a diulneuUhcd reputation - r Expectation acre entertained that tne mgo reapcci ,u which he -wa parsonally held ty IM UaHintr mamhera of the Enelih Cabinet, - - 1 m B T .a a am i.m A.aa aaniliv contributed to a sitHfaetory arrangement ol tne unasjui. ' ' ... ..... A Hi(r,-nltii hrtrn tne two eorcrn mentt,od. tbe triarked attention paid to 113 IQ the -other mitrtJter, provea ioai juuk rnirf.linn Wl-fV' Dot un'lUttly farmed .w. villi ,. .. - f , j aoparmli tbivio4-eAlited-- During bla yoy.ge; Mr; King was attacked with disease, oflen the consequence of a voy An au.b vnlinv frMWenCC. nOWCTCr, U.U ige,snd which o Impaired his health, aa n prevent mm irotn an ite uviiaiH if the duties of bis office. After remain 1 . a A . " ..aS... alidiilkaana ing abroad a "yeah to the hope of re e tablishlng hit health without any Improve ment, he determined lo return tb tlie In his native land, in the bosom of bis Umily nd . bis friendsi 'Here, cheered by the itlentloat bf awffectlonatafarnilyV-and in rnninnwit nrirftlD''nateftateT"))e TaTinllwalTed ilrapproathmg end. " 1 It is when men like him are taken from among ust that wo have cause for flrief. We rrrjember-ihe-tlay of Ms ftrmer iiufulnest, and bend in reverence bifora th Chastening stroke. ? We re joicV thatvho should ao Idng have been spared anl that the blow descended not in the nnur of hii pnme and hi se fiilnii fwWnVr.lJp. im was mild ne1plempW Oeff. "At a epeaiteri no waa whum t..Uan Aphatavr-IIis compalriota f ii m vnw f w r- t in iheSenata Vill long femember. the reapect which' nb '.rn-nife'Aed for their opinionsjwhilst ho firmly maintained nS own.' A a iiaicoiM k -----i r et rating ind dontrebensive In his view hi country will fag have causa for grat itude, that bla blent, were devoted to the promotion of the ' public good. He w bis country true friend ; and, while cy . which 1 placed aa to collision with Great Britain, be did pot permit his fee- ne. oic not; nesiutB u .. tv i. . ... ' J. - Ia nlllclrin Wilt promote the Warf-JUl Ml tm sxmn.i cjLci'UTiay. A temf4t l IW U, 1. Tilfr; V, data a rtb bunk, afi i .Tkarrk6.x!tmiat tb iT lit U culati thy i t tb ruii cf l eUctloal . . .... ... 7I Crrt. la--- ti- Vtrwt - ' i.ii..-. . ...... H.w Haanablre . -" kVkU U id - -.--4.-. . 1 t raMtriaJ SI -... Marylaaa f , . Dcfevara S ITktiaia . 24 ; Coorria f Sf'iaaWppi Taatara 11 tUfrtacky Uaa IlLaoU ' kTOUlt UW . . , 1ft jkrrrrrt I5f 44 49 ii.m.i-iI ad la Naw-York tnd avea tuckf, nd on to MirylAad, irom i Abot UT it JlOUllI HHI ICSTW ffsww tba rinulalte namUr of elector. - e .1 .a " " ""T. . r . " J" V - la-aiwaa1aBWf'V8"'!l a - I WaaiiWaWaa ' ' rnfrTrramooorhXirtitorto one of hi speech ia Congtim totro- ducc4l!ir falrowrrrg jnir rrrrratas other grtat advaatage which w enoy twir Great BrUala ought also tba vk iked I Wa r not pprened by nator sl or expemU tttabUibmaotat - wbUsI In Eflglsodt tbay . are burthened . wltk i,t.a. ltk mot rataa. with county rat; v r . tiK --M- rnit a-ovarnraint of kings, princes,' nobleH prlestsrptnlon and . a . - .taa. J a. aa sinecure; wita a oumcroua aiantit"!; army, ao Immense nsvy, nd aa inextio ralib.tle nubile deUi whh taxe opon .r article tber cat, drink, or wear. it i.i m aflte. and ctio when dead, ihey ar carried to txd cofCn, to teied kearvei, drawa by taxed borui, to their grata, where they ri deposited lo sleep with tkelr ncstor, to be taxed no . a a. i. i.U. more, wben inKnsiwe oi auca a "A wrliefto Ibf London Momiog Her ald, to compriog:fk expenses of the Drttish and American government, makes Ik. rvttlna at. lament t ' ' ' '9 " " " -- i ' ' - Tk' annual expenditure of Siate amount to only Dotn jjiwim. trllnMhf I to uf, la about m tv ty fourth tart w.n, which it 55,000, 000. Tb detail of course, bear a aim llaf proportion. Thus, whilst oar army eosti eight million and qaarterv tbe IT. Stataa armv cost but 4ol,0O5A " Our wtcmIss!x miniorti and biifnhtt ofiba united atates omy j3o,uuui. yur ordnance tme million and three quirter tbe American ordnance 'but 263,000 Our civil list rumaly, Lingt royal (Ami l. nnhilit. and court of iustice, two miitlnna and a miarter l the civil list of America, S74rOOO. - Our king one mil V a.. If. T7 . lion, the president of the wmtea oiates I vwww. nvi i -ntiema at ran lor ms amuse-i meat, made calculation oi tn meioor- tnitlc crimes of the principal performers of tb theatre Boulerard. - According to this calculation, Tautin ha been stabbed 16,302 rfrae. , Marty h undergone 1,100 poisoning with variations. Frenoy has been put to death 37.000 time in ' ar.j !..ii. aj.ii. H... VariOUS ways. iuaucmutaciiB nuctia w pis has been Innocently seduced, carried off, drowned, or other whe disposed of, 7 50,000 times Madame Levesque hs been tried for lire 64,000 time nd Mademoiselle Oliver, who his been but a teryAhort tniUl iharhaiieeoTrulIt andirentreance ljliiiiva anw r ' T00rttmes.leroblral469402, crime to be divided among fiv person who nevertheless enjoy excellent health end universal mft& :viiA9C-Sir W Scott I affirmed to have AXed hh Uughter, Mrs. Lockhart, prevloua to her marriage, whether she nrftferred 4 OOdR In read rnane-v". br Ivan- ko then unnubliihedrAha Drefemd the lattery n.,S3w!ttg ,iuai .DCHquiut-anMj - a a , a . a - . " a" ' aucteaaiul romance, it J to oe presum ed rtht;ihe: ladf did bv"repenVince the first edition brought her '4,000, and some ay more..'f - ;--i'J;-.;;V- -;-','. mH .... ... -:'.'.. ...',.:'.' I Mi... 1." TttiW In iii Gencrranhtcal Orammr,,has the following, interesting - -C! f J . . AI ... piece oi iniormaiiou. " TwiBaivrvw in Canida, but they afibrd the finest furs in all the country, their flesh is white and good to eat, and they pursue their prey to the tops of the tallest .trees i" Verily, this man ought to have leather medal It would have been imoossibte for.Falstaff. the prince of liar,' to have .told to many fauebQQdt in nquai numocr w ffora. t a f.tt cf 'i ri 4 I . r I ; ,, from K r: ' ci 1 1. u ' ' .Mil tie fyrt.'if cf iirt. ir'i U I to-.M. i j aom fw anirtcii i ".!! tl 11 :! tli)lUil fir-Jtrt J tf liafr.it U'i,,t ffOns itclf Ifitlmit aifcocUiii l:b in JcallU mol!iilti" ' neJftII W. riUkkMbra IrifJ.frJ gC'iy f tun iiiti;? tir,iM " ,1 1 yfSlwe iwf lf. ifuan. I lilj ti tried for m-hxti'f Mr.Cbrit"fKr si tVi - tim fir. . Tb Fn&kfoft, tK'in Argas ni 4:Si Ins'f. coritilni drirtlMrBit.t cZctbig a- a a a. . a f a kalng llogia, who bit murJtrii Ja,' WiUa. . la tb t?eKrVUo of Hogia Ooa , Itimli worthy acxlci fin U il aosa tii beta Uttco off. - ' , . John Da, lata mat of brfg JonUti, bit Uca caavtctidaf miaUugkUr at' Cbarliitoo S. C. f foe cauitog tb death: of Mf. Wkcitoa, Id tnitecf ikit mtcl. He wi tried to a Uoiiid5ut( Court. It It said tber it to lav af tk Uchid Siitc to pordih msniUorbteff and ho waittlitHd . ... . r ' a a . Jedg irrfa of New Orleans, we per ceive, ha Sobbed bit History of Lola lini, td aetordlof ta rririr;(menf, tt waa out to nrets la II ires. Jora faW iklfJnnUi s tlna, tut for reiny year practlied at tb Bar to this Stale, WTld v.lr4.rl ' at - K.f,.r- . , r...l. - 1 t residence thtrei b edited aevml Lar Ba4srmaSgsU UclV.WAA a-Rea. Code tf 'our Sutut Law. Frtvloi hi rtmoril, be bd collectad fnnrrliti Igf-a autory otftma LiroJmi, atmI conaiderad well oaaliSid for tuxliiLikJog lock a wotk. kather the matter tol lectcd ha pAtied Into other bandi. or U aaaav.a . a stilt forto coming, w xoow not v atra ever the materials ere, tkey era valuaUe, for tbe Judge U a man of great rvth nd of gifted !a1M. . Jitl Beg CbrlU Church, la Ann treit, New. York, bis beta purchased by tb Romaa Catholics, t m expense af 819400, making tb fourth Roman CaiboUe Church la thai city. . r.iiici. On the Ifih uh. the pow der mill of Mr John Reed, Montgomery county, (Penn ). wis blown ap, Twa boilding adjoiainictogather whk) IW lb, powder, wert alio destroyed- Oae mm, nerned Henry Weier, yii killed, nd notber dangerously wounded. . . . ... Tbe Londoh Morning Cbronld of the ftb Ult. siyil ;- r ; - - . , u An immens amount of unemployed capital I now, and baa for som' month been, lodged in tb Bank of England; by nrtleaaha havano" aft inTaam,B am. pioyment ior jr. Accoromg to report . i . i - . . r- . tne Bum ia irai Kia ioid aix million a iter' ling, for which no Interest wbatater ii al lowed. :'z:ry::''-,;f aaaaa . The Nantucket Inquirer ititetjhat young lady of that town ha printed with pen, in Imitation tof typography, thre booksr containing nearly - two hundred i uuuuci iiiiu vaiici, m nil Gooccnmo pages, ao accurately reKO f' ll ..' . L . i. . AS ,lM.JOC in, ' . r ....... l ....... - ' ASSISTS CE fthe ORZEIS. -' tbe following itAirmeiW oftti coniributioni for th Greeks, in Europe, I take from the New York Dally Advertiser i " ' ; ' ' ' ; During the two yeart 1825 tnd '1126, 1,472,544 franca were contributed equal to about 290.000. lle amount ei pendedin the ume time wi 1 .3 1 franc, which leaves ' 254,589 to lb . .... -.."': - T .' V1 1 ' r ' Nolwhhstandins 'thi lafe mount, InA ,k far! tha! f nniributlons hlVf belli tepCAMdito:mMy!ccsrth..pI'ix which they re produced leci 0J4 inicTtasmgrtosteadofctliningrna supply is not only becoming more abuo dant, but assume permanent charac ter... .r.:T.-i The amount received between July w December, ; 1826, was about 200)00 francs from France, and 325,10) from foreign countries. .Among tb former were the following from mxaonielodgei, 815; franca t collected by 1 he ladie . ; Paris.: 37,597s and '51,13$ from lheflc porunenis. ; eariy ,uw iranca Mrolwi.l-frnm t ih". Xjanl'.".Dulcfil .01 Badenj 25,OQ from iihe LowCountriei W urtemburg, : 5,86 . Mayence, , iiuw Hamburg, , 33,000; weden, !$,ti Bi variar83,000 Prussia,rl 0M4f f Th Sik! rnmmiltc-. of whOSO SUC' Cess we hsv only general information . . .! .!.- L- I ' - .- ... , .-. are a uiaiiuci uckjv. ii Mrlanrhahi LOrrurrenre -On Sun3.f latr. Mr. Livlmv.inn. af Lower Fayeiw ill. waa atraz-lrft H CoW, Sfld W briijscd and wounded lht hedied hi very mvi jwOr ' i ' mmmm. 0- - v:..:

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