' - - ' " ' S I I ' 1,1)1 k . !a)i ;.- i E I Mr ft 'Hi !::: 1 i . I 1 ! ( i t. " 1 11 u i Uh Hj'k' 1 1 til! !,.!'.: tr-.i . I l', J f .v. r. . ) r I 1, I lU 31 . .1. t J J "! '.! n t. I J -.ft .1 1 U I f I 1 Dr. 14 ... t t lt'l ,f ft If, II t, tl . $lfmim,pr 4,tu;a. ti ,;U, Im l.L.J.-!4 bMft j kfwfM k.it fi 14 -rji. C lU mis l'j k awk. aftt ! 6al. ;.If. rt;-::f S t bar M kt (onrtUci It int. CiJf U b4 k4 ( 4, 13, fsf.U, fUI 1 1. iffi. 4 to ! H far , Ht, w 4 Ika UM ord. Tk Uoio Timet, U U, I, lUik !q. k, ot Uit aLv !! IJJ ta A ru NWMI 01 bf -ef.vU TV WW!l4r U kWi 1444 Mrt4 U Otitof K Tit . .rv,f 1 m,i try: i 4Wm u uttr ol lU fo!;ti &cr. t ik otoaaat, oa tt irW irattict of IU Uktk.uu4 Mkr MC f U Uck U kiai U w o. '--V.llli&for tialc. MtUtaJ alllMt i.y. V.J, tf trj f V kM LfM iita, 1k ui of kWU U4 i Wy bj (xtlT; Ut';) "'" 4vU wi-f- -5. f arrTMr. AdAUi-'n-.lJ i'r.,j ta ii, la, UJriO. I w l Car. 73ftnla, ftilra. 10 4a I kJ, .fe,W,34 ta k-rut, iU D, Salary aft li-i ' M o of oat rJ, ' . - . ' " " " . r "r it ,:r M4Ur tLaOMraa al n ij i twnM u r.., Ht eJ.aitf. . - tie. nCt P"'1 sbe of iiateawn'ysfcJsl'r. . - tea A U!U for f ft 14 t lU V. I. vaa take 4rak Wfore M, board tie IfMlW, WteMft 8kttaJy , ijj iMc, ( efWtw.rerh i) Ike rvtak of UJ, Mi for Mr. Ad, 11 On. Jaciaat, JtV t trJe k eia fab seat i ttrpkan ? lfeaaartatr Une eStkaanoet vttkk aa ia that state, tad U devotee1 Adsae wmi tad kakaaikabg Mad la Um ofkia, k b art taCltly 1 rwpect fvf the af boat Jafiacacad tka vwtae ofoaaay m koord of her. , ; CoyVt-Tka wdJl if tka fehetaaf trial tirctian U tkle etata, b k jiaainf l k Igttaiad ky tU paper, om4 ffc1 1 kcftrvt Mr, fof Mr. Formk v'tQ vhhJra k! prtttMtow, Tb ,4 fb nDK W liiWp( lit rplalo (km UI U M ppgo4 ! Cot Owpbett, ";; ii. f ortjrti tt W"iWttairnV ,hmun4 m ft fLUu. I t vkcrt , ' tktf b wck WMiMl ftaj riolcM foCtkal tflif. -mowtr M U corffa, It b tiUvaw! f- fcuAtofcoov vktfdefrcafcrellattftchto tk vtriout sad Mtktlrf ftoeoanti of lk4 popiii . r kms kkk com M M tkruagk tk m3L n of Ibt rt. It b w prpoi to ktp oar nuU adr'iMi of aft and tfimifm, tUt lbjr ' lBiv tu!rc for tkcmttlvf ft. rir-TT brje and v)uLt d vtTHnf -kooN . fWLj; Hobby, Eq.n of lkCkrft. T klc). tititfttfd m 'tkft'carftcr of B;oUU ftnd .lkiatJi dtuts U tkft city of JuwU, Ccor. - Vi datreytd ky fir on tW 4(k fawd - ka-rtpid Vt tk pwiMi of tk Iun, tkat ooik'mf la ' 4k kouft tu ait V 0 fcmity Urt ry rp4 T tfitk tbelr trc. . It itk ft rood dl of dlctiltjr aiimker of othrnltubk kulUInrl ra ftftred. It If kuppoaed tM Brt M U , vork of fta biceivJlry. Tkcrt vf o lnmac oa Mr. Uobbji oom i tk low tin tD keftvD oabua. Byo Actifevyv U froco ITikovla. Iklft - Ststv. vtr toMuiaed kr Art oa tk Si Ut. df&rojtd kj tkft ftQ-deTouriii tkmebt. orrUkl kir Va f k tu, Wrrf, ftrskJi (.Lu ovt muf OvIm tUuM Crwa kor 0 Jum Oakaav of R(Wrfd t,bft4.MlMU4fttaadli: fcf Coa. rrti at tk 9wmlg tWciWa i tk kaowaeaMftt of k!alatock,Utk lUbigk 0di. vm Mb. Uk ImhuI f, Cftrwia. tt of IWk. tad Dr, Ibkcrt I, Ttaca, of Boaoamka, tr M Uu tirM, (k oa) oai&iitu L CoattM, la til tWtv--J ftr brobakt lk oal oa) tkf !Sk. oat a oa ao rpat (Ua Uk ooattraca, ara a . " . O a k .4 r. iioa to otti nt. rotkot M Mr. fcifeiMMi, to ka ftaBad ta tka tUmm of f Mf aad U taocaaJ tH BlWvL m CaiaaUl UJ Ciwoa 14 1ft HoiUrt of flUto M racaaat DwflrT aa4 WftrA MM (H Lord rmrd-Anirl la ranaru iauM ft rrr orriaiM p( la rtktb, tk ir tH- U kaft akaoHoa tad k b tvkltat that tka BHtiik a orod Wiry ratalbratawaw. or taa traopt tkty kara tkara ftWady J! ka kaalaa. Taa lmi0 f Dor4aaai njt laal (lk7 via t9t L;af.3lu3Ii MfUkfiaJf.31ilA. ! iL, 3 JJ, Ws a ta f krrT70 W r U.rt U Wk II 14 1 ! iMrt 4 J wmbw la li C; 14 0 "f ? olac oryptf, IJ.lt, twa, H ft Uj laar J ta Jf, Kertk-CaraCiui kaak aotaa. 41 U f fit UM awn Mrarvi. oa. 1 14 1 1 fta. 1 CaoaaaIft tyWada, omm MkImm ka m.g. onacipany at if aa4 1 otatt. Hfcaf mbcUmm tat IV4 fary fim tft3iim, it.kk ar warca. Mill rAft aa kirk m ta t) cai. Tka Hack aa ka4 kat kaawaa kwry vkkia tka bat taa of tkoa ttk oaUf n.u oearatt; of HonI, , , .i . a . .. - . : . r ----- v - r w ' iMt u.i-r itj . I 44 . 4 M "PPy ,aiBrTteaa oa 00 f tUlf piiIU ,lf. B. OU C.r aa aaj L4r Oi I r:ttafc kanfM f tka aaeriiV HCIirii t JTmJ firirritr rimnin " ... -aJ. ,.1 . I -II- ..J aJ.ri.:i a a a, 1 ai . o 1 - T " f uia iwp ioauo vintCf MTtrpoot pa-iuwj ma rortaraew rtraHttioalBU araoa Utf perttttko Iflktftnd Loodofl to tkf tt lwwrrajia;BaaM,taxfaiaa. bloc el iko 1 4t k of April kavo baan ra- teJrrtJ. Tk Union (Jlobf ol tkt Uttit 1 ttl. la mood odukwi ptjblUfctd all kiJf pa M fro o'clock, anoowxn tk ap Caw if. AUt I tz-Xottea. 74 ft 1 1 eora. C2 Ui okbkcy.17 40 a.1, 7J 1 Wi flonnr rwi vbaat. H 3 J U I 90 1 oaacB traady oj rata afatladnal, Ta taap.rW'M art aud ta Uf kaca rM 4Of4 ta oa4r. aadlvra. lrata of tacai Ura Ut aw. On of tha BolAiracftl of Mr. Ctnalor PreroUr.lbidra, tpo uvtlttng ta rtt! tk dattib of and iKa rti!m(!on. In tartt9M I tka pkX, wtt tparad aad taada4 ta HdKd.' iktrTfJ. i tkt folia. In, aattrallllnla-l raea Hlooat t uiaiaaft KtVftfl KBaU f ii. Pavaia. . I . JkanaZckM tVlolJ2Ji iWtk, arara. aaeaWad 1 ba laoadoo Oft tka 10tk: AorOT fraaa CaaraJ! CTirtoa. roanaatvf nr tt Vntl'k arwy la Far. . aa a ais a- a a r a. a am rat aptta oa. ov w oj i oacoa r w n kufotor. wtfaa ftJOajOJ mmm A Marl awaa l.lala itlti4. al I'lnkan. ft CaaatWracT tW aad kaaa fanoad at lLa rr . wwor, ...1 . p.4r ai ..rt . Ural TU"too : CkaIW(13Joi,)Toa DoVa ef ' TTninrtof.r Low ' sldmoctk, aj aao. -a oar , - . Lord u jtburif. Lo'd " eutnort UdC, Lore Dtxlt-Ti id Mr. Ptel.- Lord Uiwtktf.'aofl cf Low Loodale. lOi rttlrocd at oo of tba Lordi of tka Traaiory. , Tkoa It appctra tkit tbera baa keea tcoenl tvep 01 tka taUaat. Tka CoorUr of Ike I4ik aaja, tkat tka Dukt f Wa I unci 00 kit rcalencd not only tka I tpL Tka kriradaa M Quit. I autMaary, aad U VOJ DUKU frtJLimpotuat mi kai ktaa rtt6't4 at .Vrv.rort. fan to tka irtk fcatt tVaaj KU aaatra lotpltaj or Bruu. ju aWf wai la ft ikplorabla CootkUoai aoi kaslncaj at ft aaatplKa ouad. Aa Aaencat Wrijf, from ft av. rork.kad bora canturad kf aBraaluiM iw trameftt Kna boat, aad poaia w tcf crrv aa- iTkli It tka moat and rornintla tipon a attr ktird of. fiy Aad ky akaJJ ktir of men baioc to duta. A cuHooa tuaaof ar(lactiaa a3Lki mnilik mm la rita w tot aa mack ptpa. A opaabk Count ktrloa tadaerd ft yoanr votnta U otataacaJ,' aabat'ka'ftMda' rttM to kcr ky suMaft . ta ka aeat ta kard bkour at iMf"? ' far. -laa aajiicar pr. K-rroa iaa puawaawai ia um iyuc uw atarrup Ordn.oce.out Comraander b Ch!tr-. i! Ibal aaural of kit Mtjaatt'. hofltt kotd ft4, Mr WHrSt, tba AaerVaa Coa. ajo oa rttnea, niroejyf taia 01 on tuL kad danaadad aa upiwutooj or tM coata troaa Lord CkarebcrUto k BfaraoU of of Uprwoament. vkkk aoj tat oofy rclWd, Gr.haro, bU too and tba Dukaef Dor M h a tadentood tkey wwa trtated whk -"rJIM kiof at- wai; rnuvted. aM ta 'tinaVn koaa tka prcta4 indiKOiiioa if Iba attampt of tka gnt appartaaity that offerad. . A fuB accoant Torv d4 H'Kb.-Cfcorth party to cirtom af tka 4aa ataatattd. wttk,ka-affair, kaaa Crrco'a- la tka 6tk atctlos of tka on& jianca of tka corporation of tk'u town, pubEibed , la our laata tka reader M plctaa aubttttuta cna-boute tor rtmJioata.w Jtnxa Caie. of Sanpmo county, Ell now. and Lord Dudley and Ward, to txtr the prirjr acal. Tka Dijka of Ducklnghtra and Mr. Brougham are, It It laid, to be Inf twtliirarf Info fh CaMnat.' . ' ' . - atable.on the 19th tih. BUaia nnltoJ-aiitddo WrtyattO- Villa, on tba 9tk inaU ky taking two ounce of . kwdanum. .Ua vaa a young man, bad keen la . layetterllle about four moatba, cama laat from ,H. York an4 died becausa ka waiuaabla to 4 pay tka bndlord bU ttrern eipenaea, ' ,'-1 V !. ,' , -v. -oca--, . ;'-' ' ''. .'-.; arthquok.V! (tarn that a pretty terete akock of an larAquaii vaa felt at Wilkea. korourb, (In thb rtate) on rridty, tba JItb Inst, Tbe doora and vindowa of, tba houtea vera quite' aeruibly ' abaken i and tha" water in the Fiver vaa aten to bare ft tremulous 'notion, poroetbing of ft "aliock tu felt at Wilkeibo. i ' Xoogh, ft year or two ago. i.'rA taS CoMoft. Tba Tutcumbia (Alabanu) TtiWonif tte;8tk iittryi tkere 1r a cabbage -talk growing in tba garden of Mr. George H. . HtliVr, of tbaf tillage, which baa attained tha txfr" b'S0 f fini Jcttmd ia fttill araiiinfcT xoajner m ia uw soiwaoai w --m cabbaaa, i?d unuaual paint vara taken In -ias.-.f.i. - '- v4."Jf Ii':fVav.-aL tii .t-.l f i4-fC.7: ' rearing ii vurrJ" van 1X16 rairim. uuurut iu qoA '.?oterMaHne.-A Columbia (Southaro Una) Gaxettt ir now, a:d kai ben for two or " three tnontlit; partr printed paper maoa t Vtbe papewnill of Mestn.; ratf. White & ,. i near that place. Theira ia tha trot mill for manufacturing paper erer ertabruhed in South , Carolina j and confident hopea are entertained that the patronaga extendedto.it, will inture " to It a' permanent continuance; J TJ greatest obstacle tbe proprietora bare' met vith, ia the dilncuUof getting a aupply of ea. ; - f r v" Ifrfaiik ttot there i no ppcr-n4D h Ceor. I Kribo kit prerofaiita, and to dicuta a bee inoemmed loour rttinu . were made aoDarentlr with tbdboM tbev . . . . , .. - . -v V 0- r woulJ notbeaccepttaj DUtUa King ac-l : AdiiuraJBrova.of tkaBoanM Antaa touad. ccpted thafo at ooca. " j roo, kad captured nine out of a Bet of aiateea Lord iltlltille, fir it Lord of tbe Ad ml- BratiUaa, vaatu, aad Ua aaaiatader vouU fc.i.i. t.. i.4 Tkt. t j.4M. I prooabir autre ua tana out. - - 1 a ' r . . .L I Br UU arriral froea La Plata va lean thai ca ainK..r, a. na w.. w . ..uojic Adm; Bror et fiA((., Naeoi mt wuiph. m mh( bio ip- tail oT naboata Bp ua rtrer Vragytr, aad by KInted tba Duka of CUrcne at Lord tha .Bntiak. racked otlll later.. we Irani.that rh Admirth tba Vholo Doe rd of A5 Cirrnodora KdJle, l eompaay witka Bntbh mir.lt. -feirjceoiino; Lord MeltllM ra-i w, boardad ua -Brudltaar AdnwaPt more con Edcoce that Lord-Otenrtlla la. ttpired. Ike daaiaad vaa conrp&ad with, and to be tbe r orelgn becretarr Mr. Robin. . 70 BiitUh and 49 . Amaricaa aaamca vara ia-1 ton, who ia to be Dftde a peer, to bate t7 bberated." tha Colonial Oka, tka Lord Uitkurat At tka reaidea&t of John tfTcniwl, fjn. on Ike lOlk UaL ky Col Akeer P. CaUaeS, Capt TkooMft U. CoaJy to kliaa ktafy afefiwa fttavea. ton, aB of trade n oovnty. ' Cum nWrawt ka Meckbabarff eaaaty. oa ua 9ih Inat by Alaiaadar Jefot, Ceo, CoL J oka Beatoa to Mia. Martha tak. la Ckaiieatoa, t.C latoly, Mr. David Clarton. MerckaM of Liacola county, ka thie ftata, to Mn. CSta Crow, af Charicatoa. ta CaaweO eauolr, wa the Mh ak. Mr. 4oba E. Brova to alia EJixabeik t- CarUr. . In Montrwaery coanty, Mr. Wiinam Cade, Merckant of nTettettlle, to Mba America W, Cfraau. la ColSbrd tmomrr va Iko lOtk InttMrt i June tTNtirr, Jr. in tka lttk year af kb aga, to Mitt Sarah W. Jcana, in bar lota year I . At lluUdebnia. 29th of ApHL ' ba floftorakta WilHanj niehman. Eaq. ckkf joatfca of tka kuprema Court of fewayrrtaJa, ia tba Kantr Brtt yeiror bit ara.r' .rj , HUiu Temrilttoni Tailor.. UaajhaK rtrt4 oa Utt t4 ftHwt tp. llakioM Not rUUdtlpkb, ftOQMM panUd will porir4 Jtrart. reprteatif tka) 44rtta c4oa wkkk ara aomky th. oal taatMLb gtntltfMa af U.a chief f ft; tad I. (iWaadNta.Totk. TkadrtiU of lU faaUoao ao racaivtd, , la rtfard ta tWIr 'Waaa. aadtbgaaeaafUav, tapaHor taairy Wrio Me pkRakad.. A I gtotbaaa, . tWrafbrt wUklnf Caabioaakta fw i m,to, ntiy yaat aaturtM uat tWy aaa ia aa well wiid ta al aY fa? pUea k tkb or tka aJjolalaf ttatca llarlar ia kb tapfe? a catwIdtraUa fefra, Of dart far every daeoiptiiaa af verk f'aa a dia taaca. will ka tlaoatad Oa tka akortaat oatka t tad aa oWpointrjaret. tf ltor ia tU llaftka gameet or ia tka paaetual erctttlt of tkewj aaad ka fearad. Caatry ctotk. aad aaawaaw . I . t Ma a r . tmnmr, viH oa taaoa aa at aore rataaatwi prUat taaa ka kat MratolWa cWrad. " lie aba kera UlN tba IWm bf nrtwralnr kk aiaom tkaaka ta ke pail, far tka LkerJ eaa aaaMfaaMMMVka ka; akaTafaaafvdtaw- kopaa tkat tka rftW of kb vork.aad the noaaa taaCtj .vlik aJUk ko J1 atMto k. .l.kw- pttrte anrwliwtara of tka gtacrauk patraatxt) vkkk kat karattwa kaaa aataadad to bun. : BOOK JJLXDLXO - t i: flint. tubetnbr retpactrun lafuraa the ttU X iaeaa of lakabary, aad tka onrrouadiRg; coaatra, tkat ka kat eatablbhed a Ml JfcaaVry . la aid tova, aa Mia Itrtet. a hw Wt tutnij of thaCourtdloutat vkera ka will ka tkaakAj ta racaive any kind of work to kit baa ofkavlneav from a awaurer af vc an at Dericnee. ia Edrana aad America, kalca la confiJaat of being able to gWa eatira tatbftrtloo to all tkoaa vka way be ror Ua wllk any oVtonptioa of Aaafa. .. Aaak aV4rt aada to order, after any pattern funMaked. oa alrt notice, and at pricta vkidi aa one can oomptala of ': 0i4 0at Artoaad, either pUia Of brnatbeo takov tha fttoH'tnodmta taraa. AB ordara Von a dbtaaca, faithfully attcadad to. The pat ronage of wa pubkc rcvpectruir aoboiad, If tkett ooadiaaa atrraat. ..- -v -. ; id to long and wrongfully postponed, ill be accorded at laat. ' V i 4 a a' . a .a m a . renew tnetr appiicauont lor relief, with better bopc of aucceaa. .With a cabinet elected by Jtfr. .Canning, abd blmaelf at its bead, there la crery reason to beliera that their claims, so jutt to thetnaelres, and w Tbe London Fred Press of the .lith of April lays, there is little foreien Intelli gence. 1 he) elevation of Mr. Canning will be a terrible blow to tbe apostolicali and absolutists or, tha Continent. We scarcely think they will rentore to make any bead against the inoral and united fofcrihatW constitutional libertr. , -l hehangeTlrrherbmerTitl caused raany conflicting opinions amonc ttie London Journalists. ;: i he .Times rj iiwe Jbelwve iberekrin be treat aimcuitr in prcrentinjr some public ex pressionaof joy oii the retirement of the ChancellorAo illumination Is hinted arViwfiiola ?rable. Jhe - Dublio Patriot ears t tffsmcnt 16 hear that theress of tK lower ordersrin the far greater part of w.,uici,cacuicu m mj feason or the tear, and that tbe prospect of increasing misery is frightful. In Carlow J LfifVann4. WafsriU. rl- -r v ' " kk, Cork,jn shortf OTtr alinort lhrehtire spriaco oi ireiandttne population ra un employed, and literally iiarvlni?.- In ibme places, so inadequate Ark the funds of charity,' that coffin are no( thought of for the dead. ; ; . ' ; (11. i;.:. Colonial Trade, n the British llou'sk of coramobs,'tbo 26th March, Mr. Can ning laid on the table the correspondence betweea the British jOYcranjjnt uA that The Circuit Court of tha United States, for the District of North Carolina, met b this City on Saturday last, nd adjourned T!f tba kat Mttber of tkil paper. I obeerved JLjaotlca orer tktv alsnatura of rTaaiiartan JJamt, fort warning all persona from trading with mrfut ligwiof oy4aproteal ratent Critt Miltj wkk V runt katk otoaaa la Counter dirte- Uons. . Tbia M ta inrorm all vtoai it may Con cern, 'hat I claim thia Improrcmeot Si ongioal- Ijr my own, and have obtained Letters rattnt, ender tba great oral of tba United SUtea, for the saaa i I bare abo kad a Mill la operation JbrMpwaAifoftvoBoatha. Waahiogton Adama appGedat tba Patent Office, (io perton) tinea my application,' for a Patent for tbe tatnUia, ar a atmiiar one, and nuieo to ret one, i oav TaStaU-ot rTOftittokt Toav fTttlC tubacHbcr kavtng okialaad letter -aa JL adainittrator of tka ettaie of Taaaat T4d, deceaaed, all penons Indebted to tka eat of tha dec'JL are rpteted to come forward on or ' kefora Ike May Caurt, and make Payment i aaj at) tboaa kanag claima agaiatt tba aid attata. are raqueeted 10 preaeM tbeai, agraaakly ta the acta of atttablyi to tka ftdmituatrator, for (settlement BR1HJAMIN HOVrAB.Wr. licit OH UOt tel. Vinci r GailC. iHarHUUtiW Bc aiicr fjuuuining- Vim rj mmi;i i mu... -.nu h4, pun vivuij.4 wdHiuui delivered a vert lucid and elaborate eoln jwkick I bad-in oprntion BaW Adamt pre. J- AaaViar, Hjliff, tendt to claim tba right, kecauee na tktught of the tlanJfcoroe six treiirM montna sro.aa no statra. but hat never applied one to uae, until I kad obtained a patent, and put a Hilt in com plete operation. HEW A Mir. UVfcHMAN. - m a - at m .a . al .xaW 1 HaaDaf VrntHirug ft, Jtlay If, . hpj 1 to lltttb very loctd ana euDorata opi ion oa a question of law rtserved at tba last Court, b tha suit of iYhitahtr vs. Freeman ka defamation. , The ofndnt in that suit, bad pleaded nor nd yuityUationi and it was reserved as a point ror the. court to decide whether be bad not ftt L ani.Ba ika liiiii Th. iS I rW70REWAItN all pent from trading, with plea, by entering the latter. The opi ion 1 14 . - . nL r. ik. .1-..: ih. oi too vourt waa in lavor oi oe oeiena Improved Mill that runt both atones In counter ant, and the verdict 6f the Jury for 1100 (directions, TkewWribermforma the public, dollar waa aet aside. A new trial how- (that he baa the original claim ( and all peraon4 ever waseranted to the tlantiff, with leave uting, or vending to otben to be uaeo, ne rigtiu . ,U J.-l.,.tU lormeiaiainiproTeroeni,inBycpectwuBucaii ncgwer, i jA w i ,frt- a g2y. , - . ,. , 3(64 JGDLIiawi.J3lLVIt ... -r jtMKT.ife.::- -:- TlUNTIXCTON I. WYNNE hare jutt ft I 1 eeirad ftwi Philadelbbia amt Kaa..Vni. an. elegant ftaaortmcot of the ab ovt articlac. Alto, good aaortment ef Mtitarf Ci4$. , All of. which Can and will be told on tbe mort tea toaabla terma. . ' - 1 '- ' 1 key have a frcth supply ef materials, and an va-v . t . aa. , ta Fayttteville May 0. The Soperior Court of , Cumberland commenced its session on Monday, Judgej Martin-preldjfig4The udgeVcbarge to (he Urand Jury waa paculury chaste pertinent and perspicupus' Journal. I uf . ' -',1 ' . 'M ij,.'-i J ft Counterfeit fet dollar bills of the New bern Bank letter D, pay able to3. Watkloa, datc Stir Iut. I fi Wr-are. W, tWuialJon in VjriniaiXba leecutjoiMk sidtft4if ry superior, and the oulrclue "given for toe flciecuoB . ui . .uc uvuiiuon js ine . . a - a a T a. a. fact that the ink oi fno counterfeit, is ,: a a a a. a a a. .L J a a a.a . not so oars as t nif oi h, lCDHIPe DU1 X for Motet Mtmlenhall's ' Perpendicular,. and William Benbovs florisontat Patent Griet JtlMi, for Cabarrui county, tad Wiilianr Ben. how'a for atecklenburr county, now offers for tile these JMt. and the Single . Rights, tepa- a m .a a . ... a.af rately-Jr j.ytnenunDer,.po . accommooaung terms, nr. John c mum oi ivoncora, w au tBariaed to Selllor tbo eounty of Cabarrut, The plan of both tbeie itilia may oa teen ti 9ncordan4Cklott,t.CottrtSy,, .v,.a'. M Kl A MIM- ALEXAKDElt '3fcmX2r ettoMMki 9. 1827. r : 3inTi IlIBEUN 8c SVATTIL - HAVE jutt received, from Philadelphia, tba very bleat sprint Futhlh la vogue tberv and tbe other citiei of the North, aocompanUd with drafla and portrait flgtirca, repretenting Cenllemcn b full drea, and tha moat approved coloura now worn abich will enable then, to suit the fancy of tbote gentlemen, who with fatluonable rarmentt made. They continue to ftecute all dctcriptions of plain' work, at abort notice, and ob tba lowest terma. Thev ara grateful for the support already rtCelved In thia place and hope they -will giva auch tatitfactionr'' : as to insure A continuance of patronap. ' - falHE snbscriber having, purchated tha right I . . . r'L ' l i. ' 7 JV. ttrk MM. Mai 8A.-Cotion. epltndi f under which denomination, akfrom N. Carolina b rated) 9 to 10 1 New-Orleans, 10 to 11 i Cotton barrirtjf. bemp u to ?, nax is to 19 1 domestia eaTicoe blue (Taaoton) 17 J tol8 fancj, 18 to 20 1 , brown, sottoo ahirting ( wide) 7 to lOVbleacb'd do. 7 wide, 11 to 15 1 brown sheeting, 44, H to 13,-do. J-4, li ir bleached, a-4. U to 19-4. -4, 17 to 20, jellow bcciiru,: 28 w 30 1 xjctio , 44, M to Ti ESPECTFULLY, announce to tba public Xti the receipt of their , V SPRING GOODS, v reneral aiaortment'of " 7'T j)ry Otdtt Groceries IJarihMirt, ffatii Sitet,. ' ' Liqutrt, Cutterj, QuetHiMtre, Oe. fife. , ' All of which will be told Mutually low for catb. SaBtttrf, Mai 7, 1827. -.'- t63 . " GOLD. WANTED. HDNTINGTCW k WYNNE wab to purchase a considerable quantity of 0H for which titer will rire tha highest price in caih, 0n de Every at their i 4t WILL stand the present . aeaton in Sallibury f and will ba let to Marco at tbe very moderate price of Fita iMiri, nocoltrn py. Ge,lWelUnrtoain ai sure a foal-getter al any Jack In tha country, was raised in tha eastern part of tha -.state, ia now 8 years old, In high health and vigor, gM ' uncommonly uxeiy coiia, ana win do warrainca to produce at fine MulaS aa kar in thia section. ' inquira orto-oooii w B$am." .T' ' 4 .tW 4.4f' a-" t-444l of couittirjv oury. ' ffT The ahova Jack, and very fikery ennca. both for tale, on Vary aeeonimodatlng terma. incjuire aa abovA - jw hk?v - w s . THE CELEBiUTEJJl UURSE "IITILL .stand tka aprlit. f I , seaaoa la 8aiabnrr: eommencyig tha 1st day of April, at tbe very reduced price of tight Wtarv the season, tar Minn tLa ' tingle leap, and twelve thliart tv inture. Mart -tent from a diitance, will be kept on moderate . terma. Proper care and attention will be paid, but not liable for eccidente or Cscapci oi an, kind. MICIIAEU atArX, 1 . V s

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