? A i. A mmw Ml 111 T J ' ' I ' f I i " " J V(jl...V!ll. 3 r MMSIHJHYi N C..L'UInAT, JUNK 3, Ml., . i. - -.1 - ,N0. W5. tf rim (i airn kViic'Jiiwvrv win i 1 ?. tW I' a lb trtm rr4n4 t, R' InWaMHIIIuIiW, Mil' U IH fJ.'nf, n"b a. rf.ww.Hlf i t ayplilarW pltoU S pl (, 4 an iMlmi ajuil'iUrut of fir forty atari duf alio. With (itn. Jt.k'., til t( tlirm tt Uftff knai H. aJ .key cUint (i hut belwr kmltlf af hu private n4 intrtl thmorr 11 ta hs hiif m j jimiej similar tgranii "' - - - T a i . ert t r'U - . -motg nit nim iwi m mrn ytiif il Immediately edtrt4 v mUcIoq 6 JMtHtrn boundary tf Tfnrittitr, era! VMttffJ, t HoMf tile Utt t kXiO'W ry end Arsenal. rooi ifitr, he rt r tlttd nedcrt to itw the anti'trr rod Itadtnj from ;aMi!J it bt OHlo U lUf iff iivt fcrwd." Hating per. at waed of (ift itckw .S f!b) mi . ... it t ii U if f i U L4a. Ill blur tait (xiftikifd Urn to cmfrif r.KNKHl. JACKSON. iWi trit'lic " iK ma UWu 4i'irr u;';'ikrfi I h(c ltd r?'tirH rmtnin, in in in uil ol f ) ' "i4 'f nr rl k wjo n tf ' J ! ik " I tmr Mi f.f irri ff jf f r4 iin oir liV ( inoKr j lr f ttmttk. lb mmiiif h turf S1 n ikr rcofnjHnrif f' in parforntifii; hn ibf cUc to t TO HF. NT, jr.f.MJrr,.v r. f II III l-.l' urnp'i I o'T.i f lar Ult ,JV (im i.f-il irfif altH the 'it"Af lf.lnr .-! rrn ilitltlm, 'vj arr Uficllr Hf j Virlf ' 'hi ifra'jr H'?hl lo j wii! r"i fx m tht lu i-iinr j fi(e ,!,. hn fff run) ftnlrr i irKf1 C IH I I'.l't. Ji' ll ll f-tA'4l f'-l uk'i yit. ihi a i'n l nrff Ki,.lit, . (),rf,,t( J',;,,, . jfM1 h rtt'ificJ cu, !o f'u like uitmn J of ( JmI; , lkf ttVauU fot in !li'fl )iii. ff i! pfiHurj o'-cl the Liurm ,,.,, j u,tgt.Uf ol m muiHir.' mni io Jk ?niilr f rni as 1 kitt rp"Ud 5T tt nt M of lb in: i i wnif r if 'Nr I' f.r ! irfu hiih''" Wl no VSHaH"rt in ai l ihtntUt ' Ai!'e J k (oro iha if'Ul?'' ! iKn"''1" -Jim t! pf .' im'''l ! ;" trxr ! ki li b" if'MiIf fn'' it t if it. a lir MtjfTi'if f ' i'if n ' ! j i e of t Rihl lirr'".i cm ci r,itH t tfif y u iM ,-. lit, 7T. mi-. in l i hi n... VAUaA tor ftut. T il nbwrt'j.r. '. m "0 U liwuM ff- I lw. aif ahil a r .it t'i-.n t , l'.'rcfk r. i i. i. iiiuii'iu.I fj'ii' If rclrf t t p t '( ur 'if art ei, f rfkf optn r 1' n i'topW ufll I uitrl Mairt. H will lit tj . Mf I MM. .fr' IlKm milKf .( uluHjt fL'ffl : bu I tit I f' It 1 1 T 'oh' j f f ,f IT'I (f lifH JflvfKi 1 IHHI rf Jt'ftt ('ii t . .... hi lifr a Ik t Ii lttiltr, lo llfli 'ak. u lii. ,ih. 1 1 t !, 1 1 f e ff ifiem I .lf.i m. 'vi lit I., f HM ,!! ivn !! r ! !h J'laa-f fi.iv-' :m nr, .injt fifi fxfin.' i -fa i l i''ijlff l'f c that kr inlJ fnfij Wl.'.f! ' (of r l.Tir' rt,, .in ir'g-n l iH u ol Ik II tt cf ! ! ' I,;i!Ii,1i.iii-..i,1 4c rrJ. af'ti r-nm 11(1i!t ifa. I ll I kcrtrct of i rwf fttm t!"' aV.tr ! t.urt i f'rr c1, -. c( , jt imi .. f i'i ? tiorn , trld in kc fail of i k !.! ic ft ff tr f.! J aiMl fiif.l 'iwhtt of iIk irvai, i ilr dclcMt 4 t K ba'xltr 4 lm i.l An tfrt J t k Km l art iK mtiitiw' hl'C !" 4iftl t ftk'ft a-m''1. t4 hr ;im4 U Ihc (r;f "f 1. r . ,.". 1 ,il,Ml(vi !'rr"-M 1.,-c fJ a'f.f ' ' " " ' ' ' ' t fhfBiC ('i i .tiu.a. ,'f(l II"'"1''"'' .! '',- ,"ri . -f ir.i.f r icvf-. V'- 1"' t-' X .t m ' i " in'i,'n.ri."i 't r I v. 1 - ft J n't rt t. " ' 'I ' - t ! 'tIJ r ' .. . ...1k l.u' .' C '''! 'tt' tM - l4-.i. i. V ; tax a rj, ,nw . hi-'t V oTV-t T.'fT . f , i.l iK i . i . V ' K tf- v t V' a.j '. J tilnvk kA,l.!j tftilf ith S C'Uka. ! i'.' proi"fi of Sich, tKf if , Ktf kj tfHj 'fm f tfrAr nr fn4aft'm the WIm4 pi fnfr flifat f tnj ff rr i'i. ",ot f'tktl Qc ''kton ixrt l-ftcJ fUt l'- liJf f JH,, in mat n !. tv. i iU l ' Hanjt t .'. fr t"ia'. . i U'c il coniiajue1 ) k.a Vr Sur, ur Unlf M . lt Tumn td i.attt Ii .rrlrI r 'i lit !! 1. profrif f lh MMfi Ifolh ll It J ,! , ' lW ftM. o a" " M.l'w,mM Iklt til U u4 i lit k J.4 I. '. ..fkt; Ja.Uf u I oi m 'ct ' t f .-.. i.f f.f cf .''. ";) '"'H mi -14 ftrmt to Kttr.n ,H,'-"C - ... ' U, IMJK I t.ijmn" Hit " (M jolts O. rfiins, . I UHiI.. t" a I'MW -vr f l'1Ni J r., VM In w?rtr KTtirtW,- i IcftfMl j r.uui iu. ;n:it, .1. I u 5, 'f l ' ' Uif ' 1 I ' I'l . r fit ' I to ; Uta t' " a v. ' i t cfl ' f 1 . Oktil ' ' ' ) -f I'. J U i ! ' Ki U. urit ( "1 r I mi ' h r -...'' ' '.it Ill . ' ' f f i ' ' I I c I' f! iHi ifiat K4 i ( t? hll 'r-iJ ' i -f. ' f 'Ti' 'if.fi. i a aai' w f ' ' .n.t. -cf -ll pt;tf.ej af.f . iM i la i nj i " ' r ! f ' t Ix'kt'i rrp'j'li n r,'?,jrrti ii ftf 1 ,f c!t ii ' rff im.I ' .. .. . Ilk ' i!H r.'i ' . if ' ' ,i I . k-.' it ; !., f ' n"f i-v rk f a1 h a !5 " ' ... . I . 4 ( ' it. T ' t "i-r' 'i -rr.il. : if nM.t''. - f . f thai lf ricr v tkr faif'f nh P4k -IjMti-c oJ th H W lrWr.i R !f.i ft Ji - ' -fr "' aa U l .mmi.ft t 'Hl ''if kic f-f -t - i 'fafttt t fint ;-.. n. ..i ..:!' r. , i t'l T a' J.I I I'- ll'"l.l I h '.fM-'al' Kit ' K'c . a n ncKt 'o . a. ol 'fia'f J..riX 7 t,4 l in jfn-i f ti ift.' I H -vr ,a(li' r m ffMj'Ja l mmint icf. u .- i 1 I. ai JwtaM i Mr '- lt )" i fa ' -ff i fiic o M f . w iaiij i V. ' i i .. a llll ' .... .r' .ll '. 'U. ,... l. . .a.-aat.ik't.a-P ,,,';f . ... VnUrr; I ' : ' ca i ii r l'.' .a r I'ff ff ' ' ' I ' f I III 'It' I I't .1 I rt' f ul" - e 4 n i fif t ..i ! a" 'fal . v ...lit..... i..a. ..... u a.i iluri ilnrkMkM.M llll'' ......... , . i m ths r;nfJi. an rabli . r , it i mafiaiimrf arm pi-ci c.tn r j -. n.?t' afi'i-i. 'Ja 1 1., iktft ii i!l'V,i Mm -mr' rrrfiirf 4jimri I'm,i. r i,n -f. ..4r . ( f.t 1 .r. ' rvitt'Ci -jt l i tc l i '.tii." fwt . a : it Ur r.ja'rf ' Ji-an r c4 a wi i . cr. . a la j ft ..-- 4 '-.fi -,.k (.a lliMru waitai. wbme arr. i K 4 IK- kf !.. w- rci in is fi,ff ' fr .ai lie iKrt. ' . . . - h - i l . .r t i : " . ..f ti ' ' , I . V- . -f I ,fr i" ft" IT : ..". "if iu fri t : - i .it 4-c.C. a; i in ' if;nLif: f .-J "t"'''1 ' ' ' (n. uuiJ it" j'' ' il roi" Ih i.i :iil''t .i I ' - -a - -' ; -an ?rf 4uirt ' ' r !i;njc4 kk )ia iravcli l T-uiDin. .i trj if1fi.!",f ifa!c a'. : k i;.n iba I" 'iiiuh kaiir . tn'-i i im I if Ke4. ' r S f i r ' t i "? .. . I . K U f tt.f I ' . . .1 . M V . I'.' . I Fi' ' r . f ' J. ..' . I l.tL . 1 . . . I ,1 U .. I I , . .c ' . I ' ' .' l i I'l rn, ! i r '-.ai - iama . ; aiv - i fTipf V'. I k . A 4. i,fr'i . 'if.:.'' ' f;.a -'ef'-i ' CI (ra) JrUutCi 't! ? -.f, jt' J Ti" of th ,.t,.f r f rl " 'T Ol CMC ia'r h I '. af. f iw. . t i t : ! I, ' V ' Pi,, : rval II ' rV ! a i ifn11 fy.-f it 'ha' ft "t K.j ii.'f i. I . 1 . I r , -t lKf , ItfT v.1' ' ' . . ...... .-.ikr-i I h r -. ii wwwi jlmtm nacjfli joca:: fee i.. i Jlf ftli'K ''"" tb r crrVn of Off,. ir CMff ' ff ffi! nfjf 1 f tlH7Pff '' ; ii.yii'a .I ' i' '' H w I'rfi i r . !.'-' . . I 1 1 'Sto a 1 'iirffii Julaca. . i. i..r f . !if.jri'r. 1 ii a 'j,,' , , . fifri ' m aow, vk-f a n.c iu. 4 H., f HI -if mirni.j,,, -i- 1 4wi.i....- .TvrriiariiBiv'w"i""-- T - vn'iti'i itii'fiac l: tiwii iri Sr ."'i . "w ;'viijn mypfti in iSr ... ,.1 anxK i.urrt i.......ii...i.i...ki.Wi.;. I,, I t W ,lf, i- .. rt'i-c n4 vrtk j.fi.'f ii-? f't.in h 'fic'.ci. 'n'K '. 'w'af A ..in 1 11 ln ' 1 a"- t: "n , i- 1 ' a) ttf " '"af pt'ii icJ ' jf.i, U ' '' f 1 1 a ' ' Hi r. tl b . "w, fl.l I II I'. ..!. 1 ' I M it N. 1 .tf. .in a' "i't"- "-p-w 1" f 1 ; n . riiii 1 l ' mt i tiW' f ' i,KV ''carl alii'ti u n. it n ci.cfaTIf Vticif r maki if t i ht .1 vi ', ' f i" 'ckiru4 ' 'hit all mm :hi! irtr f H "rk on tfc bUf kalin(' rriicral tui'U hiN ,t Itiu lifanJc. 11 P t' ii in B. I ' I ... I.l ...... Uc(ctn the Imcio4 rfa" fain 1 I.Cthcf li 1: . hi t. Mi-, a -r red, tn ' no atmifi, rt'i"rd in th .itcnf m ' , .mrilf'f iirir,!. crff tnc la'H: ..a " ;f If II l,)l tn fa- . if i'l. 'vi' a tloU'lon o 1 .... 1 . at,! firtf j n' r . In' tr r m'i-f coclmne tii-lci..c - I i ;..h t,f,. j -rlirr.mif 'Wrn'ijfii ' 1 ..... ....... I I.. tu the rrmni f ' ' ,'-' a i'i-n . Id' If), ' v( 1 . 1 ! i'h hfiin," f-H'wu M .'an.MifcVaua.j4jf,lii.t. . . .' m.. mif nii'i.irii 'imc.ii' im f.n i.". TT , jr77rmKi nTffirl3 nf--h " ' . ' i 1 1 ,.,! I.. I u. i rr 1 hf I cn 1 ca'. 1 -n. - ,hcr, e .ih fommt.l on - -cuia ; n ft , tK...t,--a larre .. . . . . iwi .... ... .... L. ' f ,sc .......Ira!. ,r ., al -.U -1 41, aU , ' f "V" ! ' if 'V ".I-?.. .( ,..! iii . Ice IM. an4 .. left .a.! on .he f.,lj. ...-k;'w. .Ml- Hoic-IH r r.., r- i ..... j. , - . . i r,,k M Mr.i-.ir- r.m.,. i. m , ttoan a tjjriaf TaitMiij' m" -c . irt fi- frr In t( ti jjlLcf. i .-I i ' " ' "fl a f W . Viii i i i" oi ! jrt . a -f i.. ' - ' ' r-.f.: , --wf V .. i t... A I ; rf-n bo .1 i'1' ' - I :- - .i frnr h.in ir. ,. , ', I r ! 'I' :". 'l 'we-inj i' r ' " rur t. -! .l rr'..iV U- rtl na. i... n,i. , ,. .c.i t a.rrt ii -i . .. . .. . . .i .'! ' I'.'ID hf t "'I t!.r .liiiuji'i 'i. '4 hii femji'ii matin. ;! h uic a! rr lie enuto i'i -f the . il war. n I c fi'.v llii, I I oflu C of rir ti i ... i.'.r i , n nn 1 . ' . f . . r thi'..hfti to lh tariJiJ juv.jn.crit ul i 'Ar am! a ople Ihr ('omfni"ce tinno f)'ae vhii rra T il I' l CI cc - l..f X fi.'JltA I n(Ac or l-clirie it ...r.Ar YTl-i;ia -Rf' T,i'r4 .fie iWLf-'Ur-'M ' t.i. tijd ' i . .1-:...! 1 n , . H l.l'J'l I' hai hfni.i4.thit he rnrtinr! at .!, r ;i,r flur '.f the li'e ar anJ i 1. 1. - . chiT4 the cifHimni hn own home, W better there ant 'rutii in the n . . ' . i .'II fh.tt hr rfuxif.nl at nomr. u .ririr.f Irorn I tic lill'i l.li Iji ! Ill iHjii l.rr, )jkv.n re'u'tic.l frnm thr ..m Ull'irtk .nin-ikm. anU in 'line Miomi' ri.llirill "' ll i" ' 11 4 .1, hire for foof hiirfi" " i,u.tmrnt nf Mi. .en M l own erari!i, on luri af--' l ti the value of till priori ''." prerimm tr efraHiirt-Ol trj cac ii.' rh 'ifli rv tf prof red tn the outii ric receitt 4 the iiinrntifn f lh f reck, in I HI 4 ai4 ncier aaw hit f itnily un'il tthe oMhe Jf.r f V'.'tnbef I S I Si har Ithou' tone him V fe t i)'r! j lif'e e nr I. r- a. I T-i-,' I 1- I' . ' ,rt. ' r V. -n r njrme il iv'r"''ii or p-- n. ami ., . r U lfii pipert lo the r.r. lo.'. ui: rifi'i..fi the rctipt '"ere of v.'..d ( ... ... rt nf the I ith. I'l.e '''' ' 1 " i a . i "nuie nl tiro hi r:i!ird ihe l;ri'nh ' i . . i. . ... ........... i ..if I: i jkl'l" ol..li, nf ti.iiiiiii. .W il i lii r-cen'.fUenur;cd.i:.mttjfMi,ac ,rf,Kf.. .nl m.-.tvue of thr I .lborill, f ir. .,..!. , ,i; ;,r,. lhP ',.f, .f,,. ,o. cor.Jemned r ,(,,v ...r K, . UmiB. in ui ek"ev;i..ii i. fur ... i.-.v nHrred tint ..('.f.Kru.U (eel , ,r..i. hi.l !,M .i.ir.! to m .kc invx.r tiut hn rt4lon4 O'j life tM'rmcii' T H ...I. ... . 'l!r i f ..imi. I M'l.mrc, mr tpard icn. J-kvn . :l.er irler t.. ,,, ,;, ,,ure h..wld hie lc ;.ared Ire'.! m.- fxaall per 1 '' 1"' r,,!c' thetmpulaUW Of Ww.rTitre wfttin-.i H H,t rrrr. h4 breii c Ke uteJ- The m.ke paimeni - .jl-nt ' . i . i.. iKinf i Ui-n. ni'mnit thr t it rr. arr ilctiml to .. J k. rn.fravoeed to tic on ine ren l .ii.crrti. h:r nc'i a -iae. ? . ... tiK-kv trxn UuaTTcn mr r imp rr ihrii' ( itr.l r.hin the ibit riiic "Jo rnintMr therckir .haikU pt'it &t tb'ir U met ni wcrct ffpTti tjon La'lr.it iUee'' ,hjt n mern ber 'if 'he Trnrjetvce "tate 'nnvrntion. J,e vu'td for a property qualificanon in 2 inter i,,- t- rsrri'vr ;n . a . "i.u 1 i of the MiMippi. r 'he tattle ol ew ' prK cei'lllo 0J M.iv.i.k. l.iKiti ' mil be plea.! in !-ir -' r frif.nv n.i-.n. Tkii (lm Jjckion eer wiali ' 'V s,..,.,!. 'ri -4te rul sl)0Ii of war JHiN' I KMr N T, .IiA-iV. 1 iiauf w w ji..i.i... r 1 e4 or dcem4 it jMiWe to anect the wtre ttuuitik; ofT . ampcacny. ihiracter and t'tridinR f the j.'ir.v of, jr :. m;itiriU .Si.ir.l. niir ma i 4..r,-, Ir miv net be fenerallt 1' ... ft- -n . ' . . . . . limIIV. Mihvri iff ';vi 9x73 worn d'wn with" pm&w" 4 fItiiJrllf;'?fe here he Hi r ille-l the dtiMct "of iilV curnmtrid. A inlil there he i iluncr ounlt indiiposed. bui he returned in Feb. I8l"r1. and iri few day after hr act cut for rrv-Jih for the purpotc o( atirvey- I - on Whit founilMion ihete ch.rKe.: inB ... making V"V ; the emmiuee .rc really .1 l h fonU f lo .dee, proper rt.nrl. If they 'culd for a , vitek for. the erecuon mfwnt ipiired on lh North Weaterp frontier whicK wat nienatedby the Indians, and he wit ehrdiajr5anni itt defence uniil Sept. Ill 6, when be wat appointed a corhmuiioher to treat with the CfcicXa'taw, Creek atjd Chei-pkce In dian, Ttiif duty btiog performed, he 'ire bited lr.v in 11 n tn.nmenfbe.liee i.im RUiltjr of the cruel offH.re eriiliraced in the fint charge, they noiild ever .f.er hold him nnworlby of '".'tT.e7r7Ftr'iiin;i.ip .anjaaplJefwW be the Ijit pettom to maiutiin hit claim ' larar.y M t, or .to defend him from the att irka of his encihiei. Bui vmt of tbe i.l'hjemttfi tf'thit comtnittee hie tnjoy Hient to lUDDme Noiun in hii j.roper ,nuwn lo Ancle?rs. that by bc.mcaring Vcnsevi acquainted with ie etent of IbC.J their Uil will Anaf 1 tida, or other aro Tf ' ofl'lloiitir ! brtfce--iollaiwl4 tnaJiic; 6h from conaidcrable distance ii ihe fjicinatini: influence of these aro matic', that if they jc p;)i;eil l.r the 1 ''"" a 'A 1 ... t - . 1 T siiiiitiiwirtari lUte J Js tryt, that lihr.,, the. ftfTicial reaart of two offjccri, he did in, that on huiidred and.eiRhty jwhoe hand, and it be bclJ litider water. Krntuckian. hid "ioglorloualy fled,w but ,he fi,h Will flock to it, and may be easily it it entiallt Uue, that alter obtaining a ui nojj 0f. correct account of the ciruimiiancc at tending the transawion. be, with hii usu al maKmnimrty, .ic;ui!ttd tbem of the charge of a wart"r courage ; and et pretted hi entiri aatrsfaotion with the tentence of the qourl martial which ac quitieil 'their ottmandf r. r ro the b.nr- n4 ifiiimals koowlcdlje which thia committee postcJi of ihe opiniofl of General ackwri on mokt subjects,' and from- his .own declarations, they un hisitatingly exprta their bcM that no Mrs., Deborah (iannet.t, who served three years as a soldier in the ranks du rirrg the revolutionary war died l ately in Sharon, at the aKc of 9T. She was a brave volunteer in the j,ood cautc. . The i'ottsvillc, ii'ennsyjvania) paper, of May 5tb, says" It is at this moment tnqwing, anU cwld tiovh to freete Lsplander."- . . ' nh'aiticu !t tteri at i..rmiiiitr'"f "I the 1 "f 7 '.wi WJL decraict. alJ4er-i., i li !iU-w! Ui .ic ca'ale -of the ilecM. IT rrrirtfjj f, ri Tt l. rmird on or lw6vv I HH rtlW'tii yJW" K-Pt ..lite ...r-ja ir. are irtueetl-. iM..ii.atuJk. Ihn.i.n, i:R;Wy..-t9: aittl.nitJit. IU.NJAM1M Kl..fiVr. .i.' IM. l27. ' . K''V . .V' l-I'i Vnrotina, .Vi'! r..n'i (K)t'lt I' ( I'li-iH iif f seions -M.iy J term, IR.V Jrhii Hr'ii' r"' Hijah.llar. n;. ! igil "ar'irm'iif. .I.'iia'jsn I'nttiaiik... g;iriiihco. , 1.1 a'pra'.i( thr vl isl.i. iim ot the Court, "thai l'.lij'.l llaili, the ili-ft'luLll', lhra o.it of the st.tr, or.l-i. (l. 'ther.tore, that niihliratum be ma.le fifr 11 v t k mit ees-ivcly 111 the Hist.Tn I'aroliniii!, V- ,,1 'd llarrla tou'ppear at thr next Wtm o' lU', rourt, to be htrldt 11. K' t kioui, 011 the ,ml MoadaV An.;i4 next, and ili ai lo aitl uit, else jiiTTnienl pro Cvnfbo will be entered ajrainst lni. 6tC'J . . W11.LUMV ' j w ' 1