fVOL VIII no. ... .v. tiLtt a f rif ta . tf ift thru i?ttn are I itrtXptJ. . if.? 1 . tU Cavr., - A fit', 14 Et tbtra vt f Ktntucly. Toy dieeter tbt tfel U trx'u! .... ' a . a . '.!, I It f rrv!oU IUkit ef kUtff U fcantul-T," i u. Btn wtnrTM mis;., -if, ;wi in;rrM tgr tr tBuUfi im; lof. M rirtJf mAxI pWicJ t l ift i u,fij. fclaflJCtJ,f ,a,5j ,M lit MUoo,ifiMi!4 M Ai iti. i) r rwLI'rtl Inf. tai kn fifl tkr..!.k ., imnc!pi:ioB, ..aMiuniJiaj In tpU M tten!rg thi mri o f.ro- , .,.-,... .... . ... . ractf! af lie S k M7. rf ? ; - A ice 'cc:r:r.a. ' mm . visa tf rt-mi () wmmmib. mirth lovirJia sea.tanJ epatar ur- - f - . L.I I " 111.. . . . ' . .. I . w. . ., ,rw. 'J ' TZAXJ, r"l f'l' ' f7f rf " Slittir I Xcntvdy. ' Tie C .-if rrxiwf .'fpial!.;ul Jiin ... it la rti ri " T4J,ib ikla momantwia noesuoo I Tbo . a 1 .... .'Uf t -Tib of Jfmfcf 1 131. The . r tuck tawltpaedihe batter! I I plain! discovered I Way this law will bo affect tbe rUM f any man I Ms prtferty la sUf t for tU ihu ft4 now "la the Un4 of the livinc" ire left lo 'a prUte n tJMi UJtmf ! tklr unborn dtic t fty'mii, onf f , are lo reach the M prom- ; Je4 land Now Ihe next tej " what art to become ef tha rising Ktneritoh the Stift most provide for tbera I" So the raoif. ' Hot la tbe atone act to which .. "'II- " '! ! CrTIOT, Q3 IM touj Vila IOCS f&UQlry lfl U fij of Un l t As rl lUU iinfiv. , U 117 it ftrihrr netted. Tfc.t If ... fflfiittktniffftfurlf. Tif AtMfctovMl t f j III It frwMf c uUti U my countf f w i-tt-Jr '-r. t iV U Btt,, k9 U it! to Uor, h.! U atkt mrcbtnlc trmfor tKrt 1U lhafff. D? f fr. al lain in J iflfln.-t. t. i.. ilimi tm rfi.f..rl. f.. , - . - - -r w nwi - : - a " w wot onM trnwotncnl of tucorxucm, proren w puk4turt tni Iff ef jt.Wf, V!H tritf W rict.Iff-r til Mt Uotft tL tnolrdrt f hit in oflitit fttt(JnrJ Aivmbfv. itntlnf a r-ik lUM Md mi b lifu ht... teaiU. r f,- t. low rrvwmiri wmn PI MCPmu PlOVBlnl of Ik chi.r tL.fk.Ua It.tartlL t IT.l I W r7f rTtf nitirt M tuMii-tiMltiiiM)ti tJ t'iitltHU mm m II.mU. mtn.iadtb latter to If ro biro thai M J Lw, cm ib mbjicl ftf 4ia!ln hll Urti. jcountf , arv4 cpo aWiU UJa vir j trf Jgt ITtfe, to Ukt Iota rantlir(ka inif U mott vufvl for Iki Urhi U nail Tta Canmlitr iMdnuJuj lWt f rial to arct iae Mnon truf Mn klmltk. rwsj aur tki IVMI tl b Kit iraploj. luhtbi penottfto W MM ip at a ( or Icr Uft loma juiilct cf il4cotii- WoU tnioafacfurbf ntcr utf Ice Aod ruv vpdtriocri I chinre onJcr dUf to rtprtxttt (! Tavti. rfi Ail fl If, 6poaairmiaiio f ihacauw U lo rcomfoJJ ib.t Can tuck i M4a7 of alrtua arxJ rijht, bn thtf bi4 tnJ cMct of UaJr AUsltt H kQ apptir la aali Junka that la matt a( !& tami pUct on lU :?tH cm if tha protpriif of tha St(. tilt Afitari bU arrtcd 19 Mrta Lf ske- uW frta oetro or molitto cornea h kin al Jal. to contUtr iba auUtct af Mud. trtta, It outd o oar4 alih tboaa tvo uj, . ' j Itha protUJoot af lfcU kU iU u4 jouka Inf DtWjm fraa k MtrU tntnufw:' aavtoccQ Niacdtnidunetmo arortitMiil , I Ithall btrxj aim or air vlih rttrmitla m I iriog Cuua. rJUnLr Otuttt, ihty ol4 lartl- ouUHa tba old feudal I jj jct Meoritf lo apptarat IN MU Cwatf Cart 5-Bnifcjjrrsr"?:-" ....... - ..... ii n , ' ( ....... ..t rt. UkUaiari i d.cUrti . il.m ih VAV.aT''1 tWt'"9m T9nnt9mmmUlrtntfi t I to or aha Tat WoUIa Rtt-of iSt llu ,fu rn, frtaat aocban aw-wt tba bi ..j,.' .Bl fi., nu Lawa, t ..in oita ttUa. a lU aJ -I 11 Ml t9 fiv KCoHtf, tOCS fff f lirfal lit aA karra arHi & tail at.ntn. f.. .v.i- '; k w-i'iv" w wh wiunif i .k.,- wumwoiyunmunpiii vwi voun, ao cam a to at urtroool trr. Ike to. latbf tht - . a. .1 . " Sat tbat tour UKlUatuft,rcwJTkr k T jrT'r a P, r 1 rwrrfir lh nikoHiV tftli mm I , ' ' ' coent viialo taa vtrjr rapW!, aod oof 30 or 40 Ulti -.T.iiInuLmEX 7 irtqtilrf tuebfrta vtrt aarad bafota lf oaraaaa Mcaatarr laaa aaaiurtaq wiw.cr n,nr , ., tolutloo afimulated tjr booait bduitrf, ,f "'"'f .oold.odrortb.tb.-Ra.Jefnjedoftba fraaerwttynfalof, VahTnM nloa an Ct tbci bora, aftartbla act of - , i-...t..f.!L.a--ii. cootrara to tba wouelooiaf Ihlaact. aod .uJ17 . T.Vv.,!ir7:: r .. .k I . .iin.inur ,." ., . X.w... .mi. H,J,,W wacMiriaaaw ana h loInc Ika or joat prica foi bla , od fc , ftf Utt' Uttt9 Ueotr dija aJiu-.f frofnona tal-P,orlhrfe bun - idapaodcocc-Aod iht fi9' aarro or wolatto to cuter Info bood, with I f ctff tba btrp adrift.' fiba '0oatd o J i u roar lata Iba rtvrr.and tba rtrailnJir ai tb auxubUJcoUea ii catlfalycootUtaal". ' . V ..ri.rnMaJ .Tiii. i:. ' . . ' : - 1 1 ' . ? a r?afj . uuu. h Wmjh for Iba lima Ulna aW BaWaaa-f A Am.ri... Ui . J,f. in.. L dred doOrh. a. ak c.n m.r U it m, VZZZZZ TtZiarto .Wr bartla Jiracud,ib.!! U UU Z. JTrTT. VJTTI i "rir t 7v 7 'TZ'JTVK r r "T thi lfc.W,,,,,,lhUl.b! riror abaUr oar 41- coat ad UoolrJOliu.blrb. '"luiiloo of Mid alitfi. - Tha com minion " theo ofTer tbe oantrtha pHcttif fc"tt)0v v alive la wofle ? or give bina bnk bit atare 1 .11 . tilll Ulllt a tortlfefcirl 19, In con 'aUcratbo of Iba earn la valuation of aald . bojr or flrl If Iba owner rtfuaa to take the altva back In comkfc ration, tba boa or . the fill aa ibt cam mar t abaQ ba aet up and aotd until the afsrtuld $&i bar lof It onerttood that tboaa bo take back 'ind lhoae who bajalate thus aold and cliposcd of are lo clothe them comfort Your fallow-diiten, vith treat rtMcttl 0.17. BXlICirATXOl. TtJtmso trn-M jacxojLs. A Bum? rout RtMliof af tba BMirbanta and rlen nf the tova af Hrilminfton, In thia atalt. Ur,. cr.lbamto-th. afom,Il lXSZS till tbff .caa read aod wriral aod cypher Lf tba brUlatnrai on tba aubject of aVaiinr v to ihtRuTHfttrrr,'hrtf'ftjnz tba :. . Jotx alrcidf oiKoter.that purcbaaitjj . tbe liberties of theie tlatea of their mat " Ura will coat the ttate ahaolotclf notVmt;. ; It fa true the education of the alava will coit aornelhlnvx a debt which the ttate andthrn mlcbtcometo pmiln ' T .T" M lfl fcf coort. end lha7 are! TbeJIbcra (Pennirlnnlal 3enmA . en of bf ibo'prapbat -the " Ialeiof WWrTl to'bira ocfaucb free autewiaanb MaGch Chunk RaUwit la tbaMaaballalnffbccaniaoftbee.ibede. 'V" wr ior icran c uma o . oejtfo u mvlM9 for itenaof Uma to Inaarfr comolrtad. It Jatuteef. tbalaaaa . Krta abaU bloawm lUe Ibe rote.and Af . ccmior tenyearaia lucft Banner, ana lunc9 ,nd ,bor. wblcb lo them rait aom parti of the road, the raralia eoual nca aoaii airetcn out ner aarras to uoa. i r . v r- ' - lawn mwnaBta aa juat, ana caicuuieo to a mile a minute. bi, II true la ivuu a4U4.K uiM-a "mo re lor an him or ner to naoita oi indue oukk traulunr ... .wvn-i mxvu, w try aod morality, oot eicaaainr inree paid orer to the contr tmitee for coun feir, fo. Iny offence. If purpoiei t Prtvdei at, that la caae 6. Bt it further ewtof, That H atrmi any free ne jtro or mul-tta abaU pay the f money, which may aria tinder tbe pcoilty of fir hundred daUara according pr0tiiiona of tbia act from too hire of free to tba protrWtine of Ma act It ahafl ba the nejroea or mulottoea, ahaU ba paid to tba oiuy oi aoco tree nejtTO ar mqiwto ia re-, eoortfy traatea for county mote blm orberaelf aut of thia 3uta r. Jnd bt U farther evicted. That tbe wltWniwenir daye thereafter, and Jot UiUcaa of tbe Count of Heat and Quar- ArW-jr h SieamJJnitr tblg Imno- tlnr bead, tba Macon (Geo.) TStaipbi Italia at, a mat bine baa been hunted for miking Ui'i TiUi by tuimi anf by mrant of which fite fecka caa ba nana facturad la a tnfnuie. vitb alam, The foIJowinr ar estnota from tba report of a commntea appbtatcdy tbi. "Your committee perfectly agree tba Attulincnu.cxnrfutdbrlhc.mc under wboe autbority they act, that law It partial in ltt nature for It placet the; bonett'end conKientioai tnan in irammclt, while It holdt out inducementa writer In the" (arlotton'fmnei' ovet every, citizen or tlave, ber practice, btrftofore; to the contrara ootwithatand- - injrarKlthetiKariinKOfforthoaewboare ounoncairor u ia a wt ener- r bow in tonoe;e wouia ampiy ceiray an tne j r "uwiiubu, - n um iwaya expenaeaorcotnmlMloneraandtraoaikirJincreafe me uumoer m inuKgiers.' tailanhlb cocldarith iuit econoni-.1 Yoir Committee hope, that eren tbe ad " - ' , at r - a ' a Tt , , J aeta"a oaaav a,aa auw aapwaA iuk 11 a, M ;nth tta.;appropri.td JUnMjrxsf thrtcurwin oot dertthat1 ,minitron it 'fan appear (o MraVttaC th every tacll faltorarafcan W-abiaa toJfcaJUp-U.iL.iia ! arh af tKa count!.. f . " .V" .V " 'T' . "7 .rM.7r- : - lika nen.ltv. aa lioreicribed for a f.ilur. ,wt. a... -Tu.n i " .;.. "i- i".:. " eeouinK jo an arucia ia tb - -wkb B rmft-- L ,k, firat tiiitMM - V v 7:"r t'brlttlan -Advocate, H rappeartibat tba - ictlrfc I!.Cij2& .?ttIi7:,TC,p',,tM cltyof Cb.rle.too. wl'.bSt ooeV t tbJ J:r!:''r tmtthocb Wrtnof frernegroetorinu. of tha population of Ne.-York. baa coa- l tbi. S,.t. .. .hraaaU b7 Z Z Z.l.C' Wf T' .wun ,Dora Hbuted tbreafold mora to the American fl?. ld r U,doe or.ab.lI not BM, than N. York I , ijwm ; ju i habitually employ ntaor ner nme in aomej - . Thdir pcrceira at I obaerVed m iny PlraTnon It tbe M Commercial Metro - out act. bv tbia " olanibe'State can t 1oria!bttha-5uto ' . " 1...' a ... 7 tid of elaveryr wjtbont forcing any alave "av any law inai tica of the peace, end carried bclora any fkflh.i InJu.t rli. hcunmilan:7rr-. 'Jk--r.l-nkt-'-ti-f JulVfj b P"te J h.ountF lo t. Be it further enacted, That all per- teatiary aied an' aement by which wblcb be or. be iy M-arreateff;. who Kna with whom any tree negrd or toulat their puniahrrtent ir colmnuied W It hereby aatbonaed aad reqcired to t0 may be held to aertice under thia act, working oo tbe Coltimbca lateral canaK amma Into tbe cate, and U upon .ucb ex- aball. and ther are hercbr. read red io Tk. . rmmrnrt th.rlfr.- - provide bim. or, her with good and au(R- ... w -. , W a a. B X . . - B 1 MT a J in . a 9 loos, iraai aim wwr rom the annual report oi jm Kecenta ! 7 v A A ! 'd.aetrt.or mulatto bat como lotothie dent clothtnVaW fTJm St.re wtr.7y : to tba oluona of tbla humX would ba lojunoua to ,ct, he ah.II bind him E ber oyer to tba a . a a.ai a, an a a I triuQ. ur auiua uu ui . v . i .1 . a a ia an n hi. Fafw a ki .. I npp inirmi. wouia EMf u in urw in i na a -i ..ra . a . a . a . I I ' r :;." V::;;7 " .I-.J! r:.. ,. i.-. Yo., C?,,'.. .kt. r1"""' .r"um'w1,KnlM induttriouf empioymeof, ourmK tne .tudenta In the colIrt of !rLC-n.,lS ? ..;:; hiehir iniuriou. to tbe ner.i iifar. i:7r" w " r- . -7 - - ... . - - iwiii.Nii-w..Ki;..iuug or ro ha U not be removed iron mo coum ... r .!. i wr ki !! and ruroiDeritv 01 in. town. . . . auek !., and must take bit ixuue and eubrah to tbe paramount law of tba Jandt 'and .gain,' without afeethrg tbe wealth of tbe community.7 . Tou have discovered in my," plan" that it coats tbe state nothing In buying and emancipating their alavea, andcontequently in thia respect, cannot af fect (he wealth of tba community, and that thev b.Ye right thus far to proceed. at reaped, tlavery constitutionally no one 'who reada our Constitution can lor one moment doubt..; Then in the last place we have redeemed our pledgetRnd with . . . . r,-.. t. D... : out Vinjaung 1110 yuusuiuuuii. ,uui now " 'the. vounc race of slaves of whom we . . . .f .... paaK4oapecux-iiLJLn.:jijxpipiLiac -freedom, and at the Specified time must be freewe are not satisfied to let theni ' settle among us,, we bad as well, almost, keep them in bondage. .Thia taken in a 'Civil and. political point of view it verily a fact, and it would be grest impolicy so ttb acU Bui lhis plan simple and troth- Llce Is adequate to the undertaking. ' The ruci d-clares' tfteftrfracr at 52 and 19re ,lhem;th5, ' efy ft Liberia, or remove them to luytl, to both or. ehher,.oObe. e place at jlr!; tumtt ancea bctt alloaXbatpir ( bavjj npt on nay an ab.urJ.ty, to oiTer T0 10 lhe jiU of tb. lft here o b of lb( . t that most of the manual labour, e-j -.-ft. ,k-'.kCi.m,- Ca,,-, ' ..'"v " Jl tfiJ preauro to pro especially that which relates to the com merce of the place, ia performed by slaves, whose owners permit to hire their own time t for the truth of this fact, oot withstanding your Committee may aub ject themsele. to the imputation above stated, they appeal to the inhabitants o the town, and all those who trade with it Ilia also a fact, equally notorious,' that slaves generally , receive the amount of their hire, on Saturday evening, "alter tun set)" and although it is not too late to pay their wages to their owners ; yet br-1his Uwftrotwitottanding obey hava .""T" " ' rr rr '-"- .-r-T.-Ti-ri ' T I waa lreeabiy mirnriied to tee in. the laat " M ttotikina'ville Republican fentimenta advan ced, in a number iipfin iltverj," in that paper, -aimilar to theser-irwdencea tome IhaMhe apirkof Philanthropby knot altepingin our land, but awake, and meditating aecure and whole tome "plana" for the total freedom of the na tion. The writer remarka upon alaTery are e ' 7 just, and bit idea, relative to tbe means for ita abolitioa are aouod and politic. We would ba (lad if Ur. Rhea would insert IV ill bn widely circulated and uae.fulJ0u.n5tl. their matters order anJTnohey iri"TbeIr Dockets, thev cannot ourcbase- w The suo Is set" steal or starve, until Monday morning, after aun rise. iour Committee comes now to the worst feature of the Act, one that they cannot reconcile tojhejr . notiona of any gradation in the acale of "crimes and puni9bmcntsMwbatl ircsDecia1)le tnan H Ty& f.o .three, .mom ba'-impriaonment for buying of a alave two staves, or aelline to a stave a cotton ba UaltboubXbe-AAh na aat uu aster a order. tanso the MUH i.-S. . ..... J..-.- w-o.A.rr..1.,. , Your Committee disapprove of tbe Jawtand lnccordance wltrtbeTopinion Pft'b0j)neetinj;,und because it aaye that presumption of. guilt is tantamount to guilt Itself; . un.esa the contrary is shewn shewn by whom t a slave, a pCTtoo of cojor, whom tbelaw .Sas rendered incompetent. I Presiittip tion of guilt, your Coramiace wish, may neier produce conviction. ; ; . ,h , tba term of service as confined until the ne.Voun,rvburt,un-J .foresaid, or whenever thereto required lest, in tne mean ume, ne or. ane anal Is. ih.mx and it anv auch master or mis give security si afore said I and at the aaid tress shall violate thia act, he or she may court, it ahall be tbe duty of tip said jus- ( indicted for such offence in any court tices thereof to inquire into the case, aod flf the couotr. where auch offence may il it sbsll appear to tbem that tbe said be committed, and, on conviction thereof, free negro or mulatto baa migrated into m,v be 6ned orimoriaoned at the discre this State, contrary to tba provisioni of 1,; 0f tbe court r and in caae aucb free this act, they ahall 4 enter judgement nrirro or mulatto ahall run away before against bim or her for the aforesaid pen- tba evniration of hie or her term of aer ally, and may award txecotion thereon t ,lce. he or aha shall be compelled to serve and if in case he or lhe shall have no after the aald expiration such a length of property, or not aumcient toaatisfr tbelrim. a he or aha aball have absented anid debt, tbe aaid court ahall adiudire, bim ar herself. - .hinb5dj?te be hired wLfor.i toyn .not.ttcccdtnjtlcaici insi"g -"q" -"jfJf and teaeb him er ber 0f ibe tnltcrsitrof New York, Uated tha - 3d ull. It appears that the number of tbe state ia at Columbia College, 1 2f Upioa, -L UeneTa;.Sr . . I if or Total, 437. .- any tuber person, andl ,. y., ... . . I - - if-rv - ---- - recta a mis print or the day be lore, bf saying that u Trtnfilt if F.hheM" should hste been far it Aihtnt'r Tbla U nearly at bad at the Hibernian erratum for "bit Grace the Duchess," read ' ber Grace, the Duke. Noah. . that prescribed in tba firat aectioo of this gro or mulatto, who is charged with an act, in such manner and upon such terms offence, upon application to the court for as may seem expedient to the said couru that purpose, shall have a fight to have 5. Be it further enacted. That if after the facta of hie or her case tried by a jury the expiration of the terra of service for upon an iasua or issues made up pader bate TrMiury Robied.Tbt State Treasury of Ohio was entered on tbe night of Sunday, the tb tilt, and ali th'o funds therein deposited Stolen. Thfl IsmoUnt is supposed to be from thirteen to fourteen thousand dollars, and con sit ted of about five thouiand of Cbilicotbo naoer of the new plate, of tbe denomlni' uon"oflwdonareatb:'atJvetbouc tand-of -v nhed-Stateapa r-of 4 bo Ia which tuch free negro or mulatto . shall have been held in sertitude, be or alio shall remain in this Stale for ifiirty Iays, luch frceTico 6r mul-tro nan be liallc to the eame penalties and poaishtnent as are prescribed, iftiiiiprsi and Qiccobd tectiont ojf tbit act. 47 Be rt further tnactsxt, r hat any per- son, who shall bring Into thia State by wate r or land, any: r. eenegraw rnultio, ha or she lhall Iforfeit and pajpfor. every. auch person,- so brougbr mta-tbe state, the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered bv action of debt iff he name of the chairman eft tha County Court for thd time beingi and bis successors in of fice, where such offence shall bo com mitted, for the asa? th aoat i1- the direction of the court for that purpose to; Be it further enacted, fat all free mulattoea deacended"fii6iBi5iegro- ancesn fori io:abff 1b:ttcnif ration Jflclu thouehone ancestor of each generation ! a. s 11 may bava own a warwpersoiif anait como wUhjn the provwoni of thisr r 1 1. Bcitjfarlhcr itiKle4i h& 41 shall b tha dutv of the several county attor- nlea io this State to give in: charge ibis act io the grand jurors, and it is hereby made their - duty to -present all cases In their county arising under thia act, with in the knowledge of eitber term i and the aid attorniea are hereby required in all caaes arising under the -provisions of tbia act, to prosecute for and oii behalf of the 5tat i mm! H bs4 W til dtttjr, ef the nominations , of. 55100, 850, and 820 1 about two thousand dollars in specie and tba remainder of wriout kinds.;- ' GREAT Men in Xtntvcttj. tt ia -aaidv tbat at a dinner gtre'd at LouitWeXK.44n iheJnorith , of. April,. there were oreaentvr eftMema noaa unittd neigbl was Wriy tmfeetflve'in thl .'Tha halahi of each waa a fok jowl t-.tba talleat .wss 8 feet ft ipebes j. the tJextjfl feeVf , t-f fnebea Hbenrxt 6 feet f inches! the ncxtjO teet 4 1-7 Inchest and the last 6 feet 4 Inches. . , fAenijeOax., ' -r. If i&zz'.-fr l v:.r The life of tba celebrated Chsrle. Jm6 Fox, written by the lata Malcolm Lane, Esq. the historian, will ba publish ed in the course of a year,, undet the . ay aerintehdance bf a gentleman of distin gufetud poljiiQd) ahd literary autjnmcBts. I X, i i, ' t 1 1 ' - -i ' - k! 4' 7 J i. i U t '1 It : in r. ; v: SCS3I i'l-V-T-".'-

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