I f i 1 1 41 IV 1 1 ' i i t e:f ere t if 1 1 i, r f ; ' Tkt tritfff !.! wn.-jMu!. unfit -.ud wi-.h a tiff nttrtf f-rnf .1 Ii U w:ikre. tki en.r ii;-c Utft t,; ; l ,t J la !! t f slJ, tit I'.r.r their rB.prll Cfomltlr.f vndtt . iUir ftt,trkf ihilr fhtrt, ttvdr !ft taj their ckilJrt peiUhlflr; by firrjoa, lit girHie Mbt trnmgiuetlae) I the Wf C"JX itU l n any labour, tUitJktktiktkL tt tilrgil loatutk -tha rata ef ! eeny oo, cerUta day. f I s L I' '.'( i ' ; i ! i (J ;..:. til C.f : iir fnf n, r l-r-p-aed te the tlctiuuti ttt litr.tnl v.,;ti, be Ctutt firi rpilt ra t'r'rit with L!n I wt the ftl L-o- y tf tSt fo;.lt Mte WliUd It. SO If lU the If i :i,ng piM Ikltnt, f4 til tne extort of tiivi; i;ri U the United rxitfi, t m row tot crr.Uise Igtlnti Ihtna, Ihff toid H prevent L tkcikn. Finding thitthfllJtrfp;ij fftllff N H!flc so iiroftc la fjvwe f tht Htret(ptwOrkint,lhalrlaiwe tolt would be !d. t mmt ttrailvut uliil cUot hare determined to etcriSte their ! tn.li tt i . r U t? Lrrt a I t".! I.'.. tkf f Ml i ! r ! 1 1 f l II 1 i . i . i . i . ' ttU ft ; 'f ui.U !n t I.', b lift t.: ,r'. Tt l MTJI7I4IU.3. i i it ' t . J: ) T, U (.,,.'. (.J U t! J! ,.f ( :; U ll Mil CrJ ArmLIt i if fKinttMl coittn Mf,9Jrt- DrlU, K. CO. rf-i Artl, winu IJtBt liilttkanrt, be iQfiod tlilun MMkrr, E. M lUxru, iv JtJ cniln hr IMS. TJ UUltici lMt ... . T 4 m If t at i I UtV IMIV1 IIMIKI UUlWIflf J,I?f.liUai M L.I ' i : 1 ' i ' t.r f ll'l tuUit wl, flit torfu 6fcf MI ih bAMUUoa It ukca) tit namUn MM.I0O, ' ,J f lht tjDti of tbi POMllltbtl cf A. - WW Ut Urlitls, tWtr art 34.964 naUl, M Cafet&t rtkl4 t ikt Ifui, fnfrtM, f xi t cutJUatft for iU mmaiMf mm! klttiptl Wn. Pm'iJm, t: a u ip i4 a uuit. - - ft i if Um . . til ... III I'tttr II f , iuttnif. Hit; rr.ii.ri tftft) lit tmdb U t!J ltl y in- h , l jJ : ii. ii. .... . drtl tf U.ht4 Puu. T ck u lo cut ifctff tf ikrouck iktllcr ldki roh tt pcfrplf.' ' Uulrinr fuf- 0iUippwlnu4 jJtTI . ,f flht Prvl4niUJtIttltt Ht M. Tltr rclAil 5000 oJdUr,J U ftmirkd I "I htrt tA fKAti l! ev 'ec, vert c ptut of mmftuif hb i ut t w iiv poiii tod toy t faf ' lb ! ibc of rfctlr UnafKJtt,) a tbotf Uit, itckton I ( lh pp() kit mt4 triiCctfit f otbtr ntt ood to cbotca boi ont ?tuieM, 4 tint i4 cbUdrtfl. Tb , Ortclt wofnti, ! lta mi If ike politltlwn. . N Uacki tbmtli urottg tsou( to lAy ar to tnKft SkJ. tmeK ibim ' fc?t tlvo 10 ro sM tJinfif of tk tor m! ft, ttut I iMnk vf t cKmko of lit, drit4 .fctmwltti h tara'i cUxbti, tJectli ia bo U U IM PrttWeot ?US, aod JMTf Uildlaf. in. Wtt tW MttVp W to u tiprt tWl iJx tf . la ortJerthM If tbey wtrt ambit t t of itvt anluo, od X pin; Tkt f milks tomtortd b rrkultoro k Uk t m crkHo vVmbf t4x 1 1 (it Bff- Wt tWtf,,; . . apftboiKty,J,tf tIM U oUak,a J,, ' .rt ITMIJ.. Tko limUU. employe b W.w rfUUtt k to W fnV. . IIf tkeia bonC tvuni tht U ttki, n otw th. UrOoa Co,rt o Long i.Und 14673? Tb namUf of 6tur fral rftHfoMKbtfi. k- tit. of tit tmtli rfU po U lrlrXm1k. iSSi tJLt. J w't TV 4,14,1 Tko totU pUOo. U ..WW, bTtU fthl. W WaC ti M pr&ttOnr uatni, IM rtfirfd rtlkt Dutch vti Utveco ,Wm. u. John to ' mii.fit.i . v. , ,,.u irtu u tv - k ffMmiUMMtoNWtha.MML. ef Ibelr tDceitofti tad for. cooc.J.d colt R!utioo. tod .a NfTockDufoe . o . V V 1 ' ; " , I f kttttu. . ittttru arltk fikUll ti:ktr to ttriU Ikt coJt floUndld. . rUwJ.iLik it,. ar .T" ai f mm uu, in it- taortj wtjfTomw! op im AvftMi ia 1," ' . 7 " ' """" ' ' . ". .. I.. - w a.a A I. al .ft. L J :;ti. : i m mm ihim torotot ubsm cur lUnrvt hit beta mora t&to to foiiotf tM troopo, loioed loa fl eompnMtcd to VlfrlnJt. - - itvai iiriiKB. imm ira u.iii va 1 1 a i - i . i ... t. idltltom.UtaUwlOO. - pod cVU o.mclt , ptCt aK.r tor, JJf rJtW tunltt 'stfiili4. Ito'kick. fla I . maA'lhm-lntwatM -nd rctld I. tLf Tk: :r-i:.r.t T.f .1- tl.-...-. f.f.-Ttw,;Weorfc loll b and borlerf bint I 'Iwfrit tfta btkackyrcl) Tirdl 6,UL!r rri tr-rit. . I pW, la ordtf to Hrt M rrw.trr. ? OflJttif?flin(-ttilklfpaMJilBtli ; -t,..V. , 'WWtovtwfdlfc -.- . J at a BlofY Uthl Ihtermenr of EphrtJaj ' -..,m L topww. tft 1A n XUcl r, .. . pg0PLr .--r.ldafcki waartitta tM tbetioVaf " jbaTatornt bthonHotof katoo.-.li btul Ckurrh cf ika Di...M Vlr!.. rrT'rl''.M f.t WlTaaadf It.UTbaCwtrrmJMl.i.ld tT ,f ? lk,f,la Pi W.farriBttti tVrt f pmnt bcro -ara dltldadbiol.opauitkoaa .ho to U oautatHr foil. t of Clrtk ,1 ,d M'i " w ! mrr fkclCty Wlnf Uui thm a Itmtteed la eipttt.tloa of daata, and Ut d,Wka i aod th. """r!? Ikoaa lM wer Wl Ibi rxOot of ruth- bftht tortthar a .t, fntmK .1"" ".-H..u.n. locnoi at tia-1 ' tv" ""111 II lV.r klllll I wxbrd U wpfj fcarWC.il V -T Inj lorth to teftfewt "and to Mt dto-l rctpaittbJa ttnouf tka hat bara mcd uad to iatrtrM ' briteit ketrti Tha aartkat of tha Cfcortli for iba to fiutnvn MptrajMn.ipii(oafinireMrnitteQded bttrrrlarft , All ibaaa prt paratlooi were, tvemcfar, contrt (ftiloot. Tka nta of the oihf r if wdaredaoorUTebytkalofainoottrfacli- kooteaof wortblpkn been landared lo xrjm u v-K-riM wmcr, ao aao oe- u fltltert. and a ORderatand that e . ttnta to i&rtnim, bota plan.- Tba ticked tba towo aod bathed thamtclvet ; Sa Chrittlaa blood. The tceoa that fol- . ZiitfiTba kiss of rrrjule bf a late ctmiflf vkom, it it, tha, mj tiivt and on, i Cflk-t na to port' all bit lubjecta, ewirr rcttiiei uwHtmniM a paopni petuJtitt, to eVpd the! ckUdrea to "hoot l1 JL'lx Ji!" at i e,nln tee -and the Kinr of ClS? S.r!p bL tha V. t. tioapof m Wstrr hkh aOtd rVwa Bomm a f r VMbiloct,tu baaBoba arlUbTttr,awelL Oa board of her. CaL t ad dlKkned the to.mrro. the ruWt.Tf Pra.bH .CtoH, bo occapUd . vera Dlthop Moore. andlnOnnl tCDtloo with lowed at hideout. 1 44 Cut one rolca vtt - haard 'amofif tha iJeipalrtof : women," aye 1. Fibre t To the aeat u the mr liana nrWnilat Ihima.iM. i.l i j . . . - ... , rM-.... nfiiooerna ocnxion to Hi .p.itor. IKO WMaftTTat IflfA 0B k Ij I iktt) J( aaA L a. I - I a J " ' . their tbiWrtn. Pot the well, at ,enhL .- . 1"'W ;; m 'uI, Jo?I F.roml -A netre el. DfIoitTairTi5Vlpley,a, the ramparttto thit part of the harbor, twenty three tnllci from Biltimweiabwt w.. uu,m,y crF Wr .o. par. u, weekt .(to killed one ef bit liult ChiJ . f.v:,::.: ;:.. v..... . v.; ,: . , "rui ""rni , mo puttma u into .or ... ci, iouow.o iwh me r Ticiin)t. iprlog. Thli death waa auppotad to be . MaaMl aaaiftifm . . . m .LIU... I fa .. ' wvuiftllll IU KKIII VH IMITDlllftlflM II. mil lh iM.a ... J ' had the eddreuand the rood fortune to over arhh W iL, .f..(.i.i.7. " . . a . t . a l w--f a ewi WikC Ui H -t-V. TV,. 5 : ? 7""" nowerer, another child waa i vn .cu .woru. v. i" nun i qmert louod in It dead, with tome rotrki of lo- --r c .I J, ourDinS 5u,plcloo falllor on tha drl, the fe,!?W. rfr-110 w t toer m.aiea houte. T There .i V Wi. V7 ':" iu inio the aulTocated a WtckjchllJ, afndifier - - 1 f, -7 " "'ored to pertuada another to - Th, atteDUon of lha conqaerore wit Uy her head on a block to hi? e It cut off. eoon i to ih ffder mK,zintr Ditcoaeryofth.inurderettw..not.da t The tlxe and the aol Jditr of the building unUI the came, of her owB accord, to tome ; f.,JMi iiiminiiiin Haw ftSVlM mil, UCpuSt'l Jf CTICQet. . ted- It eonttined, however, only women I . - naieiy rejysra to accompany toe garrison - U tbclr protected aortte, conducted t a. ... . ' poaaoaa a opyha office lmury of Ittte, and aol wast ptMctirtr, to the MetftarmeajL hr tto a .t. I m nail I 1 a. 1 fa akla ta ika. - - - J - - - I . " " hta kr&hh. . irbea tha Wurca m health vm tauch xvrtt." wf Mm. Aaa Smi'h, of WUmlnrtfti waa ttruek by tttnlnr oa tha 13th Thia ditTtrenca from tha fact, thttl0 ?!or.,f' rT rIr;11? of Chntt. ut)tll the fiv hundred end fawM whobatbeei unt.r" ""P P7 fcre f rour eoantry, fnt b inauire whether fctr oi Whntt. ututhe Ov Bunared and vto ku ba triumrvbtiitir pracUil I EjriafnLkaxx aad Ruwkl M lu. twenty M v enth yetr of the er. The to ha yowr choke, k really to or not r-and t Jck Tenneaaee, on tha 4th uhv tha waa fint Who emptor ed h In Me wrttintrt, wat whtherlha pre-t Preknt It l..itftH,.v. : Dkoytlo. Eiltria Scythtaa by ;.Wn; ?Jn! -h. b.. bear.- raprtt. TJ- :T TZ'JTLr.r mr.:. .i,.- . lhk-i ill. .,,.). JtPd to b r whetner ri wara ao( oetter lo an. I " i r7 vert tutaxiiM and then a Korean Abbot. " mP,e dura, tbo BU we nre. thaw to ctbere whkh at tba tJlowa by two or three ckmaea. w.t followed by the Enenthmtn Bedaj w.vMW err-whrtKrLw and tipce hie time, Ifh.e been Imo.t , eontu.ky alaeted by y iiwfaa4af puuuyi If Chrittitna bad calculated time by thie era from the be- rinnintof Chritt, there could hart been no mittake. ir- .. :.:.J.-. Jairtiiirac oiy-We 1 earn -from the C4nabf:Journal,;;thit.it;the.;My term of Mecklcoburg county court, held n vbarlotte, week Before last, John Moan wtt re-elected Sheriff; William M. Doit wick wat elected County Truitee, in the place of Jhomat Bod, retiened t - and William P. Spring re elected Coroner. .. At the tame Term, an order wit made . . UUrrt.oa thefiiftdarneatalpriMiplea of , " RepoblkanlwtrHiwaely, tut a majority mutt iuul F7r, ana eiprttaca a nope ar rukrand kit, though not kart, whether a IdTrfne fqrglreweit i aad at about 30 attiouteaat. ehanjra orforernmrot officer. v,n pewtaee? a ! ter 1 o'clock, they were keoched Into eiernhy. cbanra of maaarcaiberora you make an ab-1 -t - - . - aobjte . delorminatka oa the' eery Important "is -'?ttxT-. quMtioo of who ihaB It iKe next Pretideot."'; ANew Orlcaits ptprr jrntknt a radlih Hfch - If tba jFjeiof. of General Jack win repeal aneiwred la It. upper part rtrrt Avad tha Tariff, of wbich we an much ccunnliin, the ; i , " ..... " " .. , - -. Ihe powder magazine crowd of m .And . children, tiylnj , " comei and be atill I will myielf iet Cre to it. ) They , ' wept not they had no parting to appre- bend the (rrave wat about to unite them for erer. The mothera tranquilly prea , eed their Infantt to their breatt, replrlne -on vaptaita. in me rnetnwntie, t&e cne ,my. crowded round their aaylum tome f-' attempted to break open the doora j. tome '( .to enter oy tne winaowti tome climbed , , , 0 the roof, andendearored to demolith It. Ljx ler-th, Capsalii.perceirlDe.thit'a iflr--f L.bad assembled, uttered Vlrkf . prayer, famtharto the Ureek Lord, l remember me r and applted the match. ' , a ne expioiioo wat to violent, that the lieighborifls houtet were thrown down, large chatmt were produced in the earth, ; ana tne sea roored from itt bed, inun dated one part of tho town. .Two thou f fand barbariant were blown up with dp. 1 'iit!kr.. T Vit lit. . . ft. M . Cohimhlon Coflpre.i-i.Preiideht Stauo-b. rpton, Profaaaori RuK.ali and Caa well, and -.v jtutora jLonart, ratuton, and Heath, hare "rr rret!gn'ed tbelr ofScea in this inititution. : The atate of tho college financei is taid to I ) be the eiute which bis induced theorto j. withdraw from their connexion with it. ' " , - J he ISew York ' American .Insurance vVompaBy declared $ dirIdend,on the 8tb : - ' ' -..D.S . 6 Perce, fof the latt tb tnontha. ; f a strife if the Peace In North.mnton f .Counryv inn. his been convicted, of : cuuuicritjuug. , ka mutt ckanira hia pofitical creed, u hi rote in Congreaa in 1834 on the tariff bill, will ahow that be then and there aopported it i and it it la nin to epect a eh.nft in a man of bu boaated firaneea and dccUSua of character. - But kt ui inmiira what will be tba conaranenee.' .houkl tMi earner taritT.be repealed, -tk amwer i ifouae, b Virtrinia, near a thick rro.th of underwood, b aa uncuhiaatd inot.hM the St aome bora bad been Kootin. ' On eBm-1 br Wr, ination. a quantity of oe. hulf ioea. ke. urrey were found to the amount of giro. .The I0' immediately. ' oia people recoffnited them for tuch coint ss were In circulation among some French soldiers quartered in that neighborhood during the revolutionary war. :t ; , &4cMt?SAm fTWrt totjioilioua tra-ure of di- nada of tba county, for the new Map of red taxe, exawi rcSifrtirMdi ate now itt a eourte of preparation I re,un eWadllHtionorthefTeTnmejiUbr , John McXae, ol Tayetterille. The !; "nT w,,h.out 'Jeen"el' ,nd "e,.rV 1 j 'ii i . i M" luncwai precni renin irom we operanon M , we tjnderttand, will be tommen- ,M.Mm. T.riiTn;nf ii.U., .v..- t A letter from Havana, dated 19th intt. wat no revenua before that lime, but that all other revenue kwa were repealed by the enact, j mem ui mi. tame oiik i j ascertained, became k wu take out with tha earth attached to it, which fillt a horbed.v A machine it e xhibitad- in - Hiiladebhia, fbroafht from Europe) cotutnicted oe nitae nutica) prtnqjka, for taking likenneasev of per aul outEne bf he'feturet ttrareW aecontlsi it then umkrjoej the finUilng atroktt of the pencil. " ' ' : A few fibbts aeo, a man waa found I. Ins; In a cutter, in Newark. N. J. and h. ing perfectly senseless and covered with blood, it wis supposed he hid been mur- - - - F--' oound wis , found; on him. oowerer i andb ashorf limefhe re6vr-. edbotbhit senses andTiisTegsTIrieems that he had suffered nothing but ateam. . --- ocing in a state of beaatly intoxication and that he had got smeared with blood in staggering about some slaughter bou tes In the neighborhood, - ' f A Mr. Kinyon wu kteiV downad ia the Toaa. Th nMinl an. a.;. inM Kai flcntkral t.,.v. I WMta creek, f New-Tork) b endeafork to ttatet, tha. Commodore Porter't flae-tbip, aononrht to be rewarded for bit militanr aervi. iwim tha atrcam. la Mean frivn tke 'iberir. the Liberlad, is still at Key West, but that cctj that thev ahould not follow the example of w ao had a civil warrant for a aU amount the Commodore had sailed about the 10th, "bf rrpublice, who have alwava been noted .. : . . Ui the sloop Hound, owned btbat place, rW.'9 n."i Now tha ErnM n,ra ' - " : , V v rv ir. . .ii. ...r ii:.! i. fact m, thia eharre could not be aupported . V !tT 1 o , i . V" apunrt the American people, thould they refute Ciwiett.--A girl in Eaeex county (Ner The Spanlarda apeak rery sc- to elect Jackton to theNPreaidencyi for hejrork) rklingfna wagoiafew weektiince,rt for Vera Cruz. not known ! I ,. riuu-ur . Ilia oc.PR .u i awm. uun.if mW . m. Uo nC.u w .. K ?,,.CB o, . M,eep tml dropped t eh;U (aHput eight BODtb crulters out . from . a port or the United Major General (about 6 yean, in Ume of peace y. f ' J.u B1jed Staterta innb-lheir commerer " " edited by hia.varntett advocate., received ow' ?m her arm. , one of the wheel, panea cities, to annoy meir commercr. . r .v. i.i. . ,.,,. nw.p(K. i:nu :.w.n..ni. j v:ii-.i s, tn. :L"y"'d? earn for any tltn.ly, - uHwiavsn a. w iw hv swi-uai ivivvr iw lift; I - " . i " - A new thettre is just finithed at Genoa, which lithe largeit b the world.. It cost l,?00,000 francs, ' and the scenery; and decorations cost 1,800,000 ,The upon in .plendour a whole life time. If tliii be not a wfRciant reward for the military aervieetL Among the object, which the board of bealtli or one man two onnee yeara,tne wnota duration of the citv of Waihington have enumerated al of the hut war, and whose most eplendid laurel. ,,:-.. . .. l uiit were Vined after peace wat negotiated and Tf, the hhh of (hat i - - -. l far aa aha aainl tatraap TaaWarai moma. MUu. fc ;V.-iirr t w ; rT'i rir igned, when abaB the people be able to reward rW.. ,n Ine,r KrMt w tlma BbetM bbbw.;ri:;. 7 r Jl! otner iieroeSihe n.meu a. pecunarly obnoxious Koar what u r"tto r;'7" .?"rVlninii ww"1 ' I w war, wnow inuu.ry aerricnwcrc equal, u He ad of fish . otber thanLUi onaT Vlna th CharjestonNeelahcv h-i ,ot lackwhi-ftich as t IJk for a new trial, was.: on Saturda la.t. 'di h .i Genendt Bwn,8Cc4t,'ltorkt!S brobtu ue nungj)n the second friday In Ju-1 oh the 20tfi ulu froni Abert . MCAv-wiaricrtt courier, ult. has rii4littAtel .iaL". .,,..... ,VIWI- ii wu, (lie uc,i i reiirom nuenr immpnrei matt. terrer. nor-Amherst-Collea-e. th h.e.....,-J At.mAnl and had " doing juauce, or Jhowln published in the hit N. York Oh l.h, 5r..;T. kr.d ..rh in th fe.; "er w , mentions a revival In thai In.,.,.,. ... .i:::: .1.."; ...d u "P".af5,"" ' ',ono g gratitude, in this great man Witn "the nxr and proht, within it mk...i- k.. ' - . . i "m.vii wh u. vuny your giir, wouc you pay an tne otnera witn uon, emoractnp: between Si and aonfth I ...... .j ..i.i. .... A o.,.n,;. f : r.fi ..r . j .::r..: at ft , - Tti i a .1 fisu wuu,wih - . I ; . . v wicf tun tw avuina viuujiiii .in . aai.in iciier miaira. inttiiinaii .in... .1.1. immfi m .ttkAinoininrt t ... -uiiH aiuun w(a ai.aftv iwhiih w..vftft V . ' . w- from 700 to t0 would unite with Church I bags We- trust the' authors of these .."5 ? e ' er and most serious inquiry in PittafiM. Kfaaa ..L. '. . . I . . " .... I at thi. mnnrttnt rr in InniiiNT if amh no ... - ....HV., i uo oeX commun i irauus mar be traced, ana tneir names u 7r Tr --.. - ,T"- bn fruita of tha lat a.,nnl.ktH. .:..., I , J. . Ir"fcu"" Mv'lbe not as justly due to thone who have acted In flutTSr. " "twibhbg remil I exposed to tha Ignominy they deserye. ConipicuousJ parts in tha civil aa well aa in the atw waw-.w - - -w e MtaaaaM waaaeaaa e ViAaV vwuuo iwt Ij'ghtninf.- correipondent informi ua, that .. QD the 38th ult considerable chtmage wat dope by lightning, oa the farm of the widow Hous ton, living on the aouthern. border of fredn county. v Two or three trees (,in thn open field; were ttrucky and thiveredto- pkcesif'oneof which (a large pine) ttood eewr a fence under which the negroes at wok ia tte .field bad f" l i i "X i 1 t 'X

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