vat mm Uk m-UK Mh aye lo p iM a?!, tfcal If Mr. A J liiilU tMit wy hiaa, U h hat lay. A HwMia "Anecdote of Jobs Qilne? AJarwa, from sketch of kit character bf Mr. C. Winer, H.C (rata rftMf TM Industry! and erttfttluw l buaioeat, of Mr. JUifflti feat bftB.PXfiilea-i m w luwLos aaa doe vat U4J.mfl M W"l BU fatfWJ of Jut. A gtOllma who wttgJog io!rop,fateWaib' od lmpcm&l imitotM m hiw h im DiMnmiRl. IU toid Mr. Adan hew JirgtOl WIS U MCMMff fct Mm to rttwcs la V . J , if t?J' tie , "gdrwe-o Ufc U- (Milt nail. -4, b WOOW gol WW f'"H ?, crt titf heard klw lo the end i " Win joj com lo mf heote to morrow roof rJng at fvur o'clock f "h ibe morning .four la the morning, did I understand yoo, slrf" "By H means. If t( wits your coAttnUnref sir At four, Mr. Ad 4 ml rati klm el iho door conducted (dra lo Mi wudy ibert vat do cere tooer but direct sluinaf. dowo lo busi axis tr tine, after five hoort Intense ; jdustioo, ihay roto the business w completedtook hretk'sst together, tod the geft'leau wet lo New York I wo or three days before bo had eeu hoped to I Us business completed." juait mciLTr. gllNvt fr4l Iv4 Shi 4 t-''l taf sr't lb Mir;Maj B.'.U p,J 7th. H 7i 11 b.rl cm.I af Ci. JAa HC, . IT. ll, Jati . CirfMii'uU-l tfrr, TU frr Col. Win. W. ErU. UUf bv UJUWiMM, CJ. $. M. Iklrrt 1 4 Vr frr rtHrxl to rtutrr t'lUAJnUif i4 - r.Iy U lW MrfWtf, rf lb Mr fCn tf4rM bt W Jfir, U lU fluff, k IM MM. otow1 fxJ'r'l, i!m(. m lb oMowtmry U) Mil tru4 mtiu4 U ikU w4v, tk Urt, lV occkMuA, ki t cbrcb lo lh tUco i ftUo, X K. AWiMttlrf IWnMiLf, to r- hwrtil iferjrtatfc frlt0-ttrT,-rlIWmi'l prfcr Ou 4uif. AtJ Ttrttw, 'lUt Mr. r. WUt. VUm rIilof f IH WIto Crt4.MM. mit(lr4 U iMtiibUl IM thiol Hrv(. 10 bit pff, M kMl louT trki frtw. 470 Cn Ulcftlt, of (Ml M djfciil (M pn.lo of Wbt!inr. Vo. (Mtl iho 0. lino of ib( jIhc) bO( rurxJif tick, iho F-rMtcfifxl Cburtb. orxJ on Mcwdar lb MuHixliit Mtctifl(iroi Uxb Inici Ibo bout otro fill 10 ettrfioing. Ucr tinguaco ll cbt(. If Ml I (iol, o4 Mr lainrveri wiUil, tHeuy Poi Ubfu!, oo dthdo of horf .Her 6ft iIm, m( to tert oood ibal trcrr vord 01 ml ViiUnLArri4U-la AKd ibo irnoti of Ibo HctbCfUloockifi but U OOl IrfMKd (KtMbor. . bo gtMOl of oro M (Ud OaiKW br irtlcuJitloo Jcroiood br Mr TWeirtxWf.- M fro Nrv Cifrn, V!I bo oobKAodi M MM NIIW pf rwmt. mt trmm Obifcd it Kuk. to tht tfau. WtboWtbult " Too rotben aUrJ dry 'gv4 Mar ' 'Hibwlirtpbia o tho 3l Io(. wi cf kom prr4! f!.(oI X ilm ltt4 Jt tbc youn li fctlrmdutf ik Cgr, (ibo prf vm i it t tkoTiaw) biU tb e(Hf r Hltd ibr Jrf r ( tl Ibo otcb, tnd tbco tnrfb buJc c(T i upoa bcb Ibe jroutf lJy no to Ibe door uJ f . . tbo am, mat too mlbtri Joining in the cry of Hop ibWr, ond KtiwJI Mopping in the Ottet tod tokiog if uy tutp'tcS&uj pemn L 1 pMed, Ibey by thlo odroit mean miJe tl.cir cape. ' Kegfo Prie bu been cotxlrmnf 1 to be bwif, at RavMnah, on ibe 3li. iit. Tik the murUr otii fcllow-Ue STAMMEHLS C, It known that a remedy for thia prrptciing malady baa bca t!icovtJ and that Mr. 'lVelgti.of Ne Tori, and other, hare been eminently euccvWul, within t-o or tUrmm ymm ; faat, in (fleeting a radical cure of th complaint lo aJI thoie who hare u Wilted to the proper trealment. . Many impoatora bare, beeo going tlirough Ibe country, ftrttnJing topractite on the Letgb mem i against the inrnoiiitioni vf ouch, tbo public would do well to fuard. Mr. John B, Cottrtll, preeeptor, of Charlotte, in thia Ule, bai lately returned from the north, com pletely cured of i ditfretaing Impediment In hit ' speech i and be it authorized to practias on thia optein. In curing otbera. Ai a 'tetimoniaI in behalf of hit cinarity in the htuinrv, we bare "llxe" rvquettd to pubGih the fo!lowing-r ' MrrPhilo' Whltt ; Sit . You oill plfute Inteit litis In your pprr, which it o ccrti6cate. hoping some Siammerm mar apply to Mr. Cot Ire 11 with confidence of b ih cured. , i ctn witn pirature and cennoenre rat ar etiirra, ft II. uxrrr.u xT.trr.i stLvjrvB. Tbo Hon. Djfciol Warier bit been elected Senator of the I'nl'ed Statet (rum thlt Commonwealth, for til yetrt from the 4th of Mirr h hit. lo the Stmalr, the hole number of tict cioo io wit 39 nccetinr toe chMo30j Mr. Wfhtter hd John Mill II, Levi Lincoln I, Kdvtrd Ercrert I. lo tbo ltttJ Hefi rttntatiri, the whole nuri.ber wit 328 ; neceitary lo holce ICS; Mr. Webter had 303, John Millt 82, 1'Jij.h II. Millt 32, Wrn. C. Jj-,it 8, Kdwird Hrrre'ti 6, LLci Lincoln 3. Ileriry Shaw 3, Jotfpji otoey-lrViiiKr4lK I. -Tho Voew Cmt pirt received by iho Hrowrt. at I'hille ljHi, ttatw that an ac lion wi fought in C'eninl America, be I weeo Iholroopt of Guile nufj, bd thae of St. Salvidar, on the 33J of Marrh, which Uvted lo hoiirt jnd a hJ. The Utter were rouierf, wih the lu of all their cirmon, 300 mukit. 7J pritonert, and AO raea left deaJ v b filed, clw difiir Itu cipttina. The (Ojlciijliti I tt T hilled and 31 ounJcd. I No doubt i rcmala of iko tutcou of Mr. rfirtel'i greiL fMirpilML f fotelaci rnatrodow ibo Tbaaoeo.TbO- ort' h Cnithed for ibo dltiance of 100 foot, Tbo New York Time teyt, k It not oy to conceive Ibal pittengeri will Uat day ligbtt and Ibo bowte of life lo tbeopco air, to deKend Into tbit cave moot evyto, dmrj with lamp Ogbt,aod where ihetot thng of the tnatonry nay poor ibe Tiuraat oo their bead. The ri.itadclpbio D'wtle 'rt, of ibe 30th nit. aayt l I etierd.r tnaemng public feeling hero wit painfully agiuicd of o report that ibo rrevldcni of the t 'diked Siafet bad been ttruck by prJy- im. i ne puKitc mino wa not triix'Mi Hard, until the arrival of the evening Baltimore b-t, which lought aaiiawcio rr aaaurarHet lhal the I reilJrol tt in g'ibd health, tate only a alight CJU. frri tfif ration. A lumof weighin-; UDwarii of eiirbi poiindoi Urge r In aiar thm the harnan head, wit ratracled en tfr o Trjn the -bforrirl of 'iworftin In lxndrn, oo 'he 3lM of Marc b by Dr. (tr4viJic.NoiwiibttarKfin tbo extent f the iniion, auch watthe facility with wjjitb Ibe, operition w rondticled, ih.i the (juintjty of blood loot did not eicecd two ounce t. TN Kew-Ywi Ah Uitt f rat-it, U Mlbo I canal wlUtn.kelnlbawfiiont Urge cllf , wlib t tingle tirecf of wir U the centre of it, and lowpt oo eacb tle riilnf ox dke to toioy tlocki of build Tie Crrmsn Jufmtim bat citllent ed tke Amrrltmn AiHtmnim ( Nw York, lo tinjjle rorabtt, n offeri 19 ptir fififrn gimettoiko ion room 01 bit eo ligoftfti, for 82 00 0 giroe) Ike American lo bo allowed Ibo odvintago of CenU tack gtato. aod lboQColio.oX ibo, OA" MUiioai. Should Ihe thalUnco b Ctpted, tbo mooting ll 10 lake place' bi New. York at early at practlcaUe, of otkk duo fcuke eiia tofttco. : 1 at btd,Ui by wd Mtwall la a, fjf f a4i Utv,a fk a4 3lfi MiaUf, i;4, a I hac rv.H tM VabiO fwe the a, by lh haala at ioOa Mai well. 3i64 kt.jAMt MAXtli.. AMaati H'lurao favaa. f.iaav Jtaaiaa. TttUtrt nnd CutnmUlrd, tU yth ll-l fl'h lal. JLm, rM. J Jmkmi Va abMl 3 yeart oil. 1 f-elfo f tartMi k-rfc, btwk, at bo baaaoit ka Mrdoia, U Wiiktt tumtif, Cteejaai fraak, 3l fear mii, f tcl V or IV iUa bifh, 0rk 4 t-VibnrrMr tiry. t itf iti J'b. VO year old, frvt 0 ae 7 lay M 1 b W, ytlUw oaw4a ion, aat be bltr mi lty, 4 rw tliwUm. ioMtb Carolina, Ibe oonoi are rt tfwetOvd 'tw-waa rataavdi oeaww OiaM nil Owo ..... ' ' - charjra, ul late away. Jmm, li.4, ll-V. JOIW -tkCCIBtVaaSarr a YwhWt V,nUTlrnmtnU rpilK aubacnbr bavina laierv taken I 1 atno mf that coovvtuaal ad eirraat build- Mr. CnnlntN ' at Prime Minltter of (ireat HHtin, will have ofTwet al hit rti pfatil, worth 1 83, $00 oterling:, or 100,000 dollar) year. The Gt nenl attcmbly of the Prethyie Han Church in the United Stales have revolved to ettabliah a Weitero Theolo gical Seminary, ai Allegbior towo, in the vicinity or Pituburg, PeDnirlvaoU. The Directori appointed, are to bold their first meeting 00 Tuesday, 19th lost, at PitltlMirg. faww tw twoo attir aarierriia." ' mr. AMiRtcvt jHTttM tray Ha v'nm foe full erenWv wKaja-. the eihtbitio) mf Ibw AvtofKalua, vturb waa ade I MllbaCa, ka tha ai U w.Tak, laHaitatMM (4 tho one eibibiud by Mr. Maelirl frvtn Tm- I ropa, I raanot fungi ciprr-wnf aay rmtre ml. ing Im the 7rtra Caae-af, klely oveupled by awaOioo al tba Mrtfimnanra, aad aay opinio) J Mr. Utnry Milhama, Ui lrae iaJwrva tbo that t la tally efual lo tba Uwropaao oaw, :bai . pub Ik tbat bo la ftow pri paml la txtorriaaodato baa esMed the public admiratio) tbe nraHy ' fa-tlWra on lk rawwi raMuhU Urn. Ilia bakf atwwtury, wiibutrlany diarovrry nf tba an. labia wiD br fuma-Wd wMb lU beat tbaaaatket I waa doubly rraiJWd in arcing proluc4 In : can aflurd 1 bw bar Kb tba beat baora, bit thia new world in a rry abort Umw, tabat m HialiU atUedrd by attentive anil carrful boat, aid to lae baffled the trtrMilty mi lb arlan-! k-ra : and M rlrnion on hl pa,t I ball be taaA Utc me of Ibe oad. l b a)ov ka aahibiird lg to rcob-r lU May U Hkmc wbw nwy call every vvtmnf at Mr. rV-Mtnil a ilancmj toidi. '. upon turn coaulortaiilc bim plraaant; Corner of Broadway and ktcec) atrvv'. VJLW M'r are twry to vta'e, that a tAIH r. ALKXANUr.1l. I anarw-A 4. IH.T. T1 .Votlce. The C'onnectiru! Lcgivlatur; a'ljourned a a . . la-. a . . on r inly the lit mat . tihon lirownrll atten'tcd prayer; the fjoverncr aJntittia tern.; the req'iiai'e oatht to the several judiciol ofTKeit present, and uk leave ol tho tnctuucrt lit a abort addrcts. The IxMidon Court Circular of April 17. announces thai, in addition to the other re4(-natioo of Hi M-jety' Cabinet and Household, the Ctuk, and Matttr JJukrr, and the fyycChiimhermaiit arul Laumd rtt bad rrvijcna d- The iMorninf- Chro- nicle add4 we Irmt no difHculty will orivo in filling uj these ofl"tces.". " - The British tloop of war Primroso ar rived at New York on Monday morning, having left Vera Cruz on the 8th ult. She touched it Havtona, and hat on board one million and a half of dollar, pertly for New York, and partly for Kii-land. Oh the pc from Vevra Crui to Ha . .u.. l': i.f. .irT : ll h, 1L irhr. Shart. On .h. 7,h r! without any services, rbis Ibo way T XT' -rll taw - or i . r ww V ' - ft f f ! . V'. . 1 May, while the tnrgeon ol tho ihrk, to gether with a midahjpman and a boat'i crew, were eroding the Hir, the boat twamped and iapized. All bands per ihcd excejt'nij the doctor. 'u. Jmrnal, 4th intt. Ao JtUb paper sys that .Mr.. Thomas Moore, ,rte poet, u empkiyod on the 7imre newspaper wiA a salary ol J0O0 iar nnunu .Wt abould Ml.bc ataiitur? sriaed if ibis were tnc Dr. ikeddart, when bo waa the principal Editor of that niDcr. received 21500 a year. Moore ulcnti, as a prose writer, are certaiidr equal to those of Stoddart, and his rrpu tation is worth tho additional 800. Col burn, the Bookseller, pays Campbell (the port) 500 guineas annually dor the ute uf hjt name in tbe e JUonibly Alagaune Nrfro V Mttan, (one raj ihr lour ftrtmm bttirn I N purauanca of a deed of I ruw, lo me electi on Ibe 2 id Uai. b a linir tbrn wrnoarl 1 led. by Kdaanl tarbroueK and lor the pur- to b mad) rairrdav labwinr-e vjihItv all . "Hp Ihcrtin mrauuncL I abJI eifae lo pub. Ibe horror of ktdropbobta. Mat thia b a ao. be aalr, at the Court-llouae In Mainour). lemnwamiraf to'lbAac aho-eduiy it at toruard ' 1uday ibe2Uh day of Jui.a InM. tbe fulkraing oiagwnattbiiaaf.tlcalaiiM'y. . i proprny lo wtt i ,. Ckitlflnrmrlrr,lttMnr. I or lina blur vi.cow, t Baruwrk) and Marnraa, aavral head af Itorara. and.. other., piopejrty. . HAsK orgviiable aval, (jaiablc al ll.r Matr fUuk, atll be taken Iran Dm pur, ba-cia. MICHL. RMUVa N, tnut. Jum, Vij. 1H7. . 3tQ8 . , ... SrlXSlOAL Lnuo ETOBX. K. WllaLKV h Co. Vlt t. now rcccit M- am! opcruag. m at,ltinr, a very fvncal aupply of MT3XC1NC, S&U05, 8r. almli Ibr offer foraab, ahole. tale and retail, on tertti acconimo Utiiic to thr tiinra. Arran-;riiirnt, briny; made at the North, they will br ciiiik'antl) icc.itig all aniclci in their liiw, of the Utrat iniportaliona. K. Wll I KV, bat in;; drvotcd fifteen yrari to thr I'ratnrr a 'Avif, Hatter, hi mar If that ho iIkII be enatib d, by pavin)( atrict perarmal at Irnlion lu tilt . iplktry Humnrti, and fiarticil- Urly to the chrmical ami rompnund preptrw. Thr ilUrtrta. .. ri jut, 12. Carran.-Import rroan fat t.T'h una, 1rjpn U'j North t arolttia, J73 i !W"ith f'arolin, 30Si Uvr. 012) Akhaw. 664 t ITorxla. 3a? i total Z'7i a. I bvrt baa tx-rn no am niation in ih'i market tincr our la noier t4 it. Ibe tramArtimn i 'be werk amoonl la 'J"V0 ly in I'pUnda anj Alakamai, at 91 to 1U, and for evporl Some fine parrrla lure been taken fur borne k, al 1 to l more, f'a1tmltr, Jn' 14. Apple brandv. 45 t 50; Pracb do. (A) to 75 ; liaron, 7 lo 8 ! H-iR-irine. 'iU lo 23 i tfler 18. COl 1'OV, 8 23 lo 8 BO i Corn, U a 70) flmir. 5 a 6 1 Iron, S 50 to 6 30; Mnbmra H to 16, Miirar. 8 to 10 i Salt, 75 to VO, Wliake), 37J a 40. W.amrr. ("AaWra.n, June I V Cotton, upUnd. t t 101 . wbiakey, ."4 to 35 tpple brwndv, 37 a ji beeivai. 23 a 23 ; bacon, Ji to 6j l)jTK'nlt.2' jttoix, to plcae alt Utoc a ho Bay wuh 10 pur to 24 1 lt. ivertoal in bulk j a 40 1 I urk 1 il.aar say, that I have been under Mr. John J). ' CattreU. of Charlotte. C. who nractises 'ctmenia in tpeech, and was pctfectly cared In the short time of two daysi hich impediment I' have been luhoring under for ten years ; and know, if I ever fo relapse, It will be my own fault, and that not without as much trouble as it was for me to spetk previous to this time. All Stammerers may apply with full con fidence of being cured. JOHN C. PALMEK. Oxford, A. C. June 17, 1827." Orange County. -The following gentle men are candidate to represent Orange county in tbo next Legislature : For the ,.&nac Dr. . yiliiara, Montgomery and Nathaniel J. Palmer, Esq. For Me Com- Esq. end Col. John otockard. The Hillsboro' Recorder, in anouncing the above gentlemen, romarkt: " We are gratified to learn that it is the intention of the candidates for the Common; the pre sent season, to discontinue the practice ' cf electioneering, should no other 'candid ate tote rfere -irfe h i he STTarrge mentor We fcMfi licnuadoiihat, ahcIi s couFao.' will bo M consonance witn tne wisnes ana teei Jngs of largo portion of the people of " ibis r courrfy t ;ond confidenriy oqpe that the example ..will do much towards dls . . Countenancing a practice ao demoraliz ing in its effects, so onerous to the can Jdidatea, and in many ways ao detrimeoul to the public interest. It b stated in the Elizabeth City (X. C.) S(r, tint a Iri!uh schooner, supposed to more, put into t'emcock on the ."1st un it! distress. Having, however, been seen by the custom noose officer to put tome bags of codec on board a vessel belong ing to Elizabeth City, the schooner and cargo were seued, together with the ves sel which received the coffee, and were all sent into Washington, in this state. wo shoutd (ike to see Editors paid irt oui own country. ' eoA. The Charleston Courier, of the ICth inst. says the stewm-boat Green arrived in that city the day before, in 34 hours from Augusta. That's nothing very extra- Ufand 53 1 wgr. brown, 9) to 9 if CcitTre, 13 to IJi molaact,30a37i black pepper, 18a 18 1 corn, 59 a 53 i floor 5J l JJ. C'uu..For fjilaiuKtln-t daa twn a ftm drmand, partkulartv In the lower and middlinf qtialitict, and an advaM of baff a cent in thr 4MunJ. P.tlU" PfWe.of the prrvioua week, has been oWameil lor Hicm. e now otiote me ranice frotn V to 10) cents principal aalev at SjtoVl. rant. lias Mill further declined in price ainnc mr hut the carpo aalca hae brcn, for I Country rtiytriirs, Teithanti, end other iB4li'tli arv rraprctfuHy in itnl to call and wpplv IbrmHlvrai or, by acmliitf tin ir onlera, iltmy aballUa aa faithfully ilrali auk mm by par tonal appltcaliim. - fi5 ... V,i'uA.rv. Jur !r, 1877. - ;oLD:ANt MLVKH JrHHI.RT.l'c. nLNUXC.ION k WVNNK have jutt re. ..w.l fntm Pliilmflrlliliia aful Viur.Vn.V ManUnd Com, 52a53ccoti, North-Caiolina I r)f , , f ihe above article. Alao. a rmMl aiMortmriit of Military 04t. All do. 49 a 5 ) tincrnrt tff.ToTf'gn Spirit, particularly Co)rnc flraiulr, onntintte ararcr. iKmtratic Spiriti are plenty, anil of ilow aale. Ilacon and Lard, are in abundance r and Loiter bating be. coma pknty, it Milling al 20 a 23 rnia. A ear. goAf Liverpool Coarae.Far i" hag of lour buh ch, waa sold thia week al gl 50 cents. Vmehi: Have declined, and arc u-w ol" lained with, difficulty, even at the pn nt dr prencd rates we quote) Cotton, tr. Itritttsh Porta, sl tM--, '""''I Vi 0 . . r,m rv eligible .rsn.1 for the M. rr.ntilc or any ...her a'rl,nff on Knirland i a 9 pr rant nrrm. t -T ... . ... France 5f. 1 5c. a 31. 17c. avannan am ol alucli can auu will oc toiu ou lue rnoai rca. aotalilr trnni. Tin V have a frvah ainjilv of material, and are'wetl preparrd to" flffiir Hatrhr, tie. "Alt oidi ra ehall uuet with prompt attention... -. .. - n.r. .M.iv 14. 1S7T. o3 -. . Piranj and Murder ! The brigantine Crawford, belonging to Troy, Massachu ordinary. At N'ew-nrleana, lately,. Mr. JITUTiara CraM a married to Mias Mary Sifiitr. A tcrctddng couple, we diould think. " The Spider, moat attenuated thread," Hat ta'en a Crab in hymeneal net Tlfe Spiiier caujht the Cartcrr, it i laid, Tho' Genuine Cottier can't be kook'd for yet. Thomat Reiily, lately convicted in Char leston, of Highway Robbery, and senten ced to be executed on the second Friday For fcttW, or Went, - ., 1 f V llmtite anil Im in the Town of Concord; I t i ina central part of the town, and iia ve- ' kinil of buaipiisa. having been advantareoualy oc C . A. .. .. . . U . MWwl rr,v" rirrif ,,, ... m, rur. n---' vv, - -v. i - setts, was brought into tbe nort of Norfolk of July next, has received a pardon trom Viig. on the 13th Inst, by four Spaniard:' the Governor of that Mate I aptain Ixightman, the master, and all The) ship Marcus, Say re, arrived at Sag Harbour, on Saturday 36th u)t. from the South Seas., Capt. S. informs, that on the a.atfSlkJftij King of Ouheita, was buried.'and another chosen on the. same day at present all appears to be peace among the islands. tbe passengers and crew having been murdered, except the mate Edmund Dob son, (who was spared to navigate the ves sel French gentlemsn-pavtengerr and the cook,, a colored man. The guilty wretches attempted to escape, except the principal, who, on finding the mate had made a discovery of their bloody deeds, cut his throat, and the others have been since taken and secured, and will no doubt answer with their lives ! The vessel ail- edfroW ilUans were token -as ptssefigers- ' - The Postmaster General of the United Slates left Washington on Friday, on a visit to his domicile in the atate of Ohio, being the first visit he has made thither since his appointment to office, four or five years ago. He is expected to be ab sent for five or six weeks. ' ' William Courtney, Esq. of AHegharty county, Pa.) bat-been-appointed by .the Secretary of Wr to be r radical Agert, autlol2edJy-aUaie act of Congrcaa fo on lirt. inmeliely adjoining the Store. A great . 63, y-7L:l lor further p.nicuU apply f MICIIAKL UlttlWN, .Naftlftiiry. . 44 y M, wheal, fcl 31 to 1 3U , peach bramly r3 m 7i : anale o. 00 lo Ol ; Da:un io V; beef 6 to 7. Journal. C!umbia. Juw 9. Cotton, 6J to 8 ; bacon, ( J to 7 4 1 corn, 62j to 70 ; flour, 7 to 8 ( l.i VTrpoolalt,7jo87Ji whi kcy, 45 50. JSiimaany 8, 18J6. the expenditure of thirty thousand dolart in improving the Steam Boat Navigation of the Ohio Ktve Pefore the Circuit Court .In Nashville, during the first week in l.hismpnti.came on the trial of Stephen Johnson, Tor the murder of McTraficis :'HtriinOclb ber. ' The triar excited a wat riealof In- terest, and many lawyers were engagea Verdict, manslaughter. ' v 1 llater Clock An old inhabitant of Grenoble, France, of the name of Blanc, has invented a clock which is impelled, riot by springs and weights, but bv water. Tfttfmis and was purchased by Jt house collected in a reservior is sufficient I frmndenftfrTrefiWRfi to keep it in perpetual moiioQi Dr. Samuel h. MitchelU of New York, k.. Kn rlrrted a corresDondinff member of tbe Jioyal Miatic Society or Great Britain and Iriland ol whicD sir Alexan der Johnson is Chairman, and Col. Doyle and Mr. iiuuman en A Tom at ' Auction. .The Town of Hamburg. S. C. was sold tin tbe 4tn inst. by the Sheriff of Edgefield District at pub- B 5 5,600. firrif)i, In this town, on Thnrlay last, by the Rev. Jease Ralkin, Mr. Jame Harriaon to Mrs. Mary Belton. , , In Charms county, on the 19th ult. by John n Alatandcr. Fsq. Mr. Daniel Cook to Miwt Jemima Kenly. i c.i.m. N C. hv the Rieht Rev. A It.nad. the Rev. Samuel Thomas. Pfh,t to Miss Ann Elizabeth Schroter, both of uha; plig,,g: (SOW WAXTFA). IM; ION k WYNNE ih to purchaao coniIeral)le quantity of 6'aaf, for which they will give the higlirat price in cah, on de livery at tlu ir ailver-amitli'a ahop in Salisbury. M,iy 9. 18J7. 2 r Yot or Went. WII.I. aell, or rent for a term of years, my HUlfSK and i.M7 in the town of Leiing- . . .1 i t a ton It i, a va name aianu lor a i a,rrn ami 1 Store, situated a few doors south of the Court. House, on Main Street s the noue nemg sum Cicnt!y laire fc)i the above businesa, with all necessary oiit-lioue. To tliiiae" who" may feci disposed lo -ni;aKe In busineas bf this kind, -thm waaamu ai lavnrauio an pppnnumtj jiinjua DIES, In Hulherf.wd county, N. C. on Monday, the 91 of Umv List. Mrs. mrai Jtlexamkr, w idow and relict of Col. Elias Alexinder. aged 74 yean and 3 months formerly of Mecklenburg, iA this state, leaving a large offspring, together with a Urge circle of -frierrde nod acquaintancea, to aaoorn WkaAh.y JbS.ath of thio -.most excellent natron and induatrwui jui lady, it L -mSJL that one of the motheH of the I ..Li...:- one hence i for the1 was well I HC.WIUi'"" n ... , . it f aenuainted with tne toil, oanger eniruuurc. u. that evewt which gave bberty to tbe American neoole' Cawwunicaled. In Columbia, S. C, on the 18th ult . Ikrn.rd M'Namsra, M. D., a native of "Tturls, county ofTipperary.Treland. this place. The premises can lie seen on ap plication to the fubscriber, who rrids thereon. 1 JACOB AI'HUIfftlT. JprilWh, 1827. 3mt7J 6 1-4 V3ena lveyfara. . t . -l Oftfl. RAN away trom ue suDscnucr, vn of Feb. lart, a young man by the name o. rnaWiv. sjred 15 years. All persons are forbiAlen to harbor or trust him on my account, asl will not pay any debt of his contractu. Six and a quarter cents will be given to any one Tisvrw -rasa ON -the 4th mat. mv negro tuan jr.uin : no 1 about 5 feet 7 or 8 inchtw hifh, black U'llLluiiiixcii 25 and 30 . v.. oiL has a.'smll scar on the right arm bo-. Ww the elbow, also "a small one w, the fbre- . . r.. -.r lrav- Vh. - head; down looa, is rrrj hm. . r fife, knows little- about hosting i look w.itls him several afuws fi wi-: ""T ' spun i he was in Petersburg jail from the 29th of Sept. last,' till about ihc 1st of Kb. then owned by Mr. Elijah Hyatt. All owners of bouts, and an honett public, are cautioned .gainat th rMcal. JOHN STEW A K r. narMrw, i.uncattcr, a. . ...j - MtWW8V0-72.74.7r5 ' -K m,M return HUl jaa. out no pv thADv, riven. SOLOMON ENSLEY. WANTED to hire," a number of able hamK to work at the Cold Mine on Heaver-Dam Cweki Montgomery 'county formerly knip as Chisholm's Mine, to which the St. an Engine, is attached. Liberal wages iti br vnvom..aml. rtt cli paid monthly. rcli. 1-, 3'J

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