i. I'litlM't Umtfhi Unvi&m hMUffw tyf UlU lUnklWrly I re. ,U be put.Uty rrvrfrd, at tb fit ek, i jua;, () w'aIi U, U lit ;m4,u,7. unr. iAnnr.it, , , , AU.kJAMJ MA 14, f ettiAntft of Rtnit g. fTltr. hUfiWf rtapectfutty Whm the til - .in ... , kgw f 0fi&if7i aid the wrawJiif - , a, uwu -CaLLij i jr jradsrr U ! loan, a Utia Street. few door tawti .' oflbe Courtll, vWrt U ill k tUakful -3 Amelia, fc ft lent ef bruifaM a 7 . f entire MrWutwit M kl rtV ftO tUf t- tor ma i'n any or.cn or waf, -" " Jftw fiki aWe ( nif, rW ay paJUn fwrawhtd, m ihurt notice, and at prke kkk) kV MM CM COfnpW of. tki Kitn4. either rU'a of era (ra tal. M lb Mrt ottrf term. AO orders ! fro dVac, fcittiAilty tUM to. Tin fi. j ronagv a in pemi rwapecuuiry aoMiUd, pj tbrw bdt4 Strvaat, . I. II. DCCAITKRCT. aAw-y, ,fWf JaM, 1 177. (SO 111 A auLrfiVr, rrtrnf l.'.a il.I ItuA (4 Atatiua. f thllKnM CaMhllt b4 CnavCt fte- CM tt J(l Slmrrt ktvee IkoM fl4, tc rk i ! i pttpr4 to cvry trrtM. ' A ri!y Wltrra S f WtM AWittik (Vtt1 Wr tprirft) luviU, I. C. la Unr4v 0 uio Kt MMjtitCalio4 from lk m. Ktttiickft Mil lM IVrr CMrT r'rir. AMt lJ Wtwl-AKD rcirrnT . .. i: The JACK GciuVeUiafftooJ Willi VI M) U fMMkt 0H V vl V Id lo Urt i litt ! pfrxloe m fiw Mutr M in; m U lectio "WT f.MAKI.M U IMltr.Hf. itotty UKJMT, Al (i intp imi (Li, w wt '.it MriJk m aut'J Drttl U Mf m IrUak iWft, fgr, U f1 trxstli'tl t 4tth. 114 M.W lW V4 ItMl 4mU(, , All VlfnW,k. i.: . ' Utrklfbur cwiirif, row fclTer fur tenM. Mr. AA . .Ifmla ot Concord, m m. uwnwa w for th count v of Cbmi, TIM pUi of bub lix-f M.tU ma U cra U Concord and Uiirkxt. al Courtc BKAJAWIN f. ALEXA.VDKR. AWHiVJuf S.I 5.7. 3mtr fwu dint Quar&r SftttkHt, 4taf term. Tiff. Twenty l)oUrs llewarA. UA w from ik .(Meri. inct. i. CwriM. mim 4tfc hi Vfr mme4 DICK. 72 m 2Jyrr old, rrr bUrk co. pktkn. rkr pinJng ccwur. a loot, Nov cpo kMi.Mi-ia.Li bamW i tod it h brobabl k. ;n i.u - D TkMrr , f-uUi4 firm At JktUt, AmU I kWJt tJit kurivAt! frvtm oomi tM tti'l Wwkb plkl M Ircod j T Er nicod4 Ud ukaova i Tt oiak brpttca I Am dead f 'Tm m fd, tM a , (m brtTc, Tkt iMfMl thiaa or krifbul rW, Tm frtiMr rjMru apoa tU , Tbc pcatl m occm'i cater tire lick lrr thai wad 'b apkm, Vrklri oitk MSatiaMMd Cb Ilwk and cenpatd alojM tpprte Tkc Lard rtVtr, Um Qacea of N,,kt. . MTsresiouf mikkugc. Wt hit htirJ much tf Crttni Cftca uUrTiJgckniniwijr Biauhei for Jjjtri, &t, iic,' fee. rta. vm Tfi him i. t ) tn isirstritt t.sL i 0i ih f h 1 1 (Jci.J rr, $:e, ia. tUff ! foftnti U Ofih t M IN. f . ( t tf.Jl .,,f .... I . piuiooi ef youtJk tt cnr tipricfmia. K'6 At lhai totrtieg it M rt. Thtf dtukfi tKcmaclvti la ir ioci c,tfJ a JJ"i tiftul.r lctirr'tr lo forma. Penoci tt both iclct, pok. d t,tfi' Coft fiJ juflu, leiiiaj t litUa? lajjgJaiUoo of iteiU "a, u" fu UfooraieaUrei f cnvrnfcDt iiarK(, ftU matter ol fact Burriagci, , Mfl wif Tff 4 . fricrkli do meet ard Ipprovt hhal. 'B 'oBifefaacf, LrdU.LMCuilh il POt as trrv firtS. u'"d ifct eCBJUloO of lctilrm doui I chirtctct tht old CoodU'i C(nmtrf;Hjr Trart ftoHtttr4 1 Imaglftf, Ftw fooof fxraoot cm irt ,f ut, fce lum ber reptf if Did wfihout itiBpthtlc W IrupccUoa f th ilor,, tooiremf nr. Ilut of 'lf iot u of ftifi lllkroh, tfet Ilt Dr. - dei. Ilii cttruud from I London ""P Uor lb flUf KtitUt A Cuardi Jdrened Foot Guard, la tht foU!xiff mart-P",lrt lbteanra bad beta hm- ocr v- v ded to nd that cae of iKrra wtt par. Lad; Soldier, arc jou linjtt Hcolarl tkeO wrnr, tmt that m of man fTbt Soldier (coofuacd nd aa. ,a Hoobt onby of the pff tnoiahed at the queitioo put to him) J?'UB oalr c6etloud tbe replied be waa. Commuiee, wiib liberty to receive eiaaye uoul toe trat ef Sepuaber oeit. . . at ladr dreaaed io the eaoit tlfrtnt . A f""41- etMff or the board tt toffahion, vaJkiaf Mat the Hone P,an'f,r,i he,1 MorfreetWontb, ari? h the-moralo. latelr.l APnl IM' Profetior MifxheD, a Drirate Ulotirinr to th " we ConamitUe Jott BameiL r, The Doard adopted the foUovjof reaolutiona. J c4rf4 Um liulir. c owe the cc-rrt. dM the like brfnr. Any rvrr Tho ill a t!-c.of apM Um in.Ur comti kokkn J uk. up 1 ac,fro,Md eoiioi him i. JL tnA anrwal'r in our cwintj at ucu, unnrcetarv. , Worm m br IctTer. rfintnt t. a. L 5 ." "j .. " l' . mh rrt,. w m ptopie-nn, ibcre. 1 .ow Tfam, aod afl iiaiMabli itt,t rvnx Kr.LLY. for. rrcoMincnd to tb frreivra of Iredell to H"'L 5tri htrr the rvuntT coon bU aov in Mji anj !. JrK IS? -KooJir. rkuurmt to rtiv VS il,l.. .A i - w a wKuyg in wrct and 8rptrber. tiMWe 01 flnlf M Mlwti. vlB-mr toof oureo.inty.irf1.IK.lK ... " m wreki of! I .l . 5 a Admin. .tkrrtfij allrrtnr and Biir of our county, couna to be bell oa tbr me wrck. iJ ' our rip. rior couHC, obea all butinew can be ! J, , i . .. . m : . . ' " ui. a. 1 1 ium na ov.aHu.B ; . . . . a . , done. tscrpt that renuinnrthe iotervefMioe of . . '" r9 '""''0 o u..l r.t.ir at i v mam ta itat ntMii av.h...i Jury, For the freemen and fa'me r cf lre!e"i to be enmpcUed to leare their home Wr rel in rry year to terte Jumrx we eoncldrr nn "ernr, jpieeuiM and orpewve. We there fore pledge ourertvei to all fair mean, lo ttplaia the advantage of thu change to otir fcflof-ctiiirnc, and to rirrt wirwlre actively to aeoocnpluii ttut dcirable object. AmI fur- - iner, we mtrm tne uttmca .m ell thrir county camlHla plain their acutimcnU and vicwi Ject. - - ! ia entered. aiuDimortarr, by the Grand Jury, that U above be pubtiktucd (bur weeb in the VVeetrm Caruiiuiju . . t WILLIAM BTEPHKNtov, rrMii; narmjr claim tgunai the ,.,.. Al.A h.. . .1 . .. . r .w, nj. Kaiiy authcntKrairU, within the nme prenbe,! oy law, otberwiae tKa MkJ - uc picau iu oar 04 tbrir rtemrry Taken of IrrdeU to cJl It L b ?0od on the efny book le ihJoU and ea. j , JL. 1' ' Wih, W1 ci oo Urn wh. !r7Ut 14 wpHierNl to be 12 yr,r. Tbty kive loll ate thai I boa art Not what ftiM own Cpa Ue toll, frit a Hrkle tW, wboae heart I.Mvatn aail b coid r . Tbry bate told tM that In tm Pmle and envy rule 0y bre4 j "" . Th7oorrw, tbea) wilt .pur a, VTb.r, lofajr, rbow ewrtteafj ' " Trn me tmly, yra or no, rrniar.Lady.witae TVy kve iaSl (hbaa fyee of thine Whieb eo fondry beam en mr. Would with equal fondneve ahina Were my rival arar to thee Tbit lhoe clerk l thu. aeerspread W i'h ih4r bluahee when we meet, Would uxme a. deep a r4 'ere ancHber at thy fret : Tell me, Lady, y t or no, Te me truly, i. Ue "John WrteTepooo,' rafi ftwen, ijnirl Bitly, Jrthn Craaford, Fxlwar KmImiii, 'Juarpb Summert. "Joerph S. McKmrht, on andilieiarka on bit back. il Tkev Lava iLm -- A " I ' fw-ivj piuiilj on bia pa f jojnn, ilMj j. bri rVr, 18?7. 369 Moth HJV IHvkl McC w . . . : i m yin l, Nciienry, ueiyamin John John M. WalkerX Grove Tomlimon, vi W illu.ii Cumins N 160 r4- c,.i..i r i.. ii... . i ?J aTtOUHT jrf" bleu and nuarter aMalnm tnl f .. .1" '" "l y-aMU. trr. i... ti D...i . r. I w -i-vi' en ,-,fv;m"i ouurrti. Lewie I V Kennedy V attachment; levied. . - Ordered hr I .rri - .. j - , r Kennedy i attachment, levied; fcft. Ordered br k . .L-. ...I I' . . . ' . y,r.. i iw puuncauoa oe made in the Wetrrn CaroJimw for tia week, that unJert' the defendant appear at the nett county court to held for thr county of klon'romrry, at the Court. hmiie in Lawrencevillr.on the firat Monday in July ne ft. replevy or plead, ieiljpnent will be entered up for the amount of the plaintifTa ! demand, and a decree of condemnation made. . v. -. Teat: jL.IL MAR TIN, frt. t fpo-Ua in Salubur,, on the W, in. ,, nrcvri,oi South Carolina, whom he left about three weekt litct S i wnce. Peter I 1 ..mm m mmt m UIC OBC( (if 111 Ifll h.WmA mm.m aJw a fmm on. on th. U M ... A" luite blk, and h.. a TO femVenance. T1, r-u .1" 'WM,nff pfopeVr-r eharee. .;Y.,keVr.:. Anw IV. J827V Or WiHtea cAity, on the 2( nerro man wife uv h;. it but meant lo lead aatravi That tkote pe are Spa f gvilt, A ad iboae cjca Ve fake at they : Thitthoonowcwild'at bid &rewelt tt'iout pain, without rewret, 3u alaa, the talra they tell; Not fiat I believe thels yet ! Antwer truly, ret or no, Antwer.Lady.bitaof . .turrta. MISCELLANEOUS. Xmitrir'rrmam AertA Carrlina, Surra ernnlw.- 0Ulirpf PJettand Quarter teMiona, Mar term, 1827 1 John tVrijrht re." TlijaVirar. tu i Original attachment, Jonathan fnthank. fanuthre. It apnearinjj to the aat'wfaction of tlie court, that FJjjah llarriw, the defendant. nve. ojioi me tmie, oracreu, tliertfore, that uoircauon oo mauc inr aix wccki tucceuively il the Wcttern Carolinian, for the aaid llarriai to appear at the next term of tint court, to be field in Riekford, on the 2nd Monday in August neat, and plead to aaid auit, else judgment pro confetan will be entered against him. 6(69 J. WILLIAMS, CVI-. Slate af AtrtS CarrSna, Cabarrut county (OURT of pleat and quarter tetsions, April J term, I827t George C. Morton and others Mr Franca Bedford and othen t. Petition for partition : It ppeanng to tne eatitfaction of the court, mat tne aetenaanta in thu case are not "TShaWrantrrjf thW State, ordered, therefore, thrt puuncuiiuu dc niaae bis weeit in the Western Carolinian, nouiving aam aerenuantu, that unleii they appear at the next court of pleat and quar. icr acniiiiiT iu u uciu iur aaui county, at the court-nouce tn concord, on the 3d Monday in July next, and antwer or plead to the petition, tbf prayer of the petitionera will be heard ex- parte, ancijuugniew graniea tccordinpfr. srDkies iuiitui). In the Introduction lo'Entotaoinftv by Kirby iod SpencVfthere laVv'erv int JaiV ' " 'ur 40u decnptoo of the proceaa by 20th of Mv. ifr . which the spider treavei it wrh A f. neero man Tfe uv. haw num. !. n rf r... J . I .a m --sSktx7ori;:iZ?l".,un oeacnomg tne lour ap.nners, n, old. very black, apeak ouick.haTC the' a,c terd, from which the iai. ;J!Appr!ronnchra'ontaftJl:.nd b,c thrra,, roed, the writer Koc U mihZ Z "T'cnneMce1.oot. ment.oa that these are the bm -. . . - 'www oart of th ,k; .... .r ...... i Itafe. anVT lhar hm .y . IU1.ll wCtar:' Kciir.9Jihtb proe'eas e. ThrowcYiaHft,Vtf.v& ef rnn...n: pmnertv. oar ch. " .X",B.T,uProvek:n- a:: :: . -ablk8 pim "IBP Ht, Immf.. negro Jmlar. T lil.l,n 8f,isburV.n 9th imt. . k '. oiaca comnleiion. Lady Theo, Soldier, will you have me Iur joir mth f Soldier (atiil more confuaed) I have no objection, midam. Lady Then come with me. I , Secretary furaiah the hie a rnwraod a ring (taking them yfce?a of the Board with Uati out of her reticule. W we will be fo.rn" lar e ofotJmet of the name married immediately. The tidy then y 9 0 toif "gap to abettia tailed a baeaney each from the ataod, from n01 opWte. - - and proceeded to St. a Ch'u'rch tthwemarjbw directed t where tbey were married. Immedi- Jnte. t0 Df Chamera of New.Yor aiely on their return the lady atepped trr ' P,rc T lha cure for drunk, into the coach ffint hindmwtr) krirl flr grootn. JOtovereigna,) telling him that Tklt Re A. D. Mont abe would aend f.rr him 1ft threvrofng .N ted a mejiager, ia place and afrerwardt purchaae hit dlicharge . ' ,le r. Raokin, "removed ' Shp the n ordered the coachman t 001 ? bf w bounda. diire forward, Ind from that time to ' 4 ht ,r Mr.. Montome. the preaent the aoldier haa never aeen T-" ?P"intJ to preach no the aub or heard from hia bride ! ft ia acarcely Jcct of 'wp"0". Miltoo, a puaaiMe to conjecture what could have Scl,lcn,ber, afx-old ofhert fall, hern che ladr'a motit$. unleaa ahel Al Marfreeaborouch, a aertam wiahed, for mme particnlarpurtie. to V Preched, urging the Importance ahow the ceniKcate of her morrh- lf "'oence from apiritoua !inu..re o I . L . , . -trr-r vaco oeceaaary iot taed idoal purpr,aea, and eeveral praoni ahmed rraolution to that effrrt. frienda of temoeraoce ahouM kr.- hat every aermoo drfivered m .,:- aubject. aince the formation Wf ,;- Sociely, haa brought one or mnr the ; determination of entire abatinence. If the reader coniTdera the vir e drunkenneaa aadcrradioctobia fellow. ciuzeba, and destructive of their dear. eat tntereata. then let him immedktl begin to reform hia own habit, -ni thoac of hia family, and then ar.V and write against the evil, and he mar mti raaw rai luttarrn rm mi. cr.vr fur. j.icrn.Y. i ajM a. taL Thy name atiaJI live on roDtof fame, TatpitccalafKlrrrw'dUartf . How vainly now, it triet to arm" III e'iaA unto thy Patriot heart : Hut tbry hiemm their man in thee. Thou CLamiou of Liberty. .. Gallant and brave. I by ov wit true, ' MilhomCdo own that Uwni art great Thy country, not ungrateful too, PHsll place thee in the chair of ttate, And ahow all who intrigue in flag, Like it they may be wtoVd away, . r.taltrd wge, that debt we owe., An l it will he thy 4kriout meed : fnrmtn are wilting tq bratow nch Wreath, of ' lionoriAir tbit" indeed" ' Thou IUt ariiieee on OrleW plain, tTh re Itritona moum'd o'er hetpt of alain. The "Coalition" no harm. Their lie upon their hcadt recoiL Vainly Iher raise a false alarm. But eed dont grow in barren toil. A rwtuoui people't ardent nrnisr. ear- nine, the thread rlr.wn SV,kl ' . f:.w1K.,Mn V - - w aw aa v II l - . spinner is pierced, like the plate of 4 wtrctlrawer- with a multitude x.f holes, so - ntimerotli and Vm. ' Stadr tf 'eitWMa, oaerLntf cauntk Sm-KRIOB CouH of Law, April term. 1827, , -ei McHaa. a Cynthia Mcllan f etitwn fne diw .Itajiptrjnwo he at inaction of the ciirt, that Cynthia Melan, the defendant, ii not an inhabitant afthia State, it ia therefore ordered bv court, that publication be tanrU three wmithi in the Weftern Carplinian, giving nutRie w iw ucicnuMi,.iui cne appear at .the next Superior Court of "Law to be held for Kiitnrrroru county, at tne court-houae in Ruth, erfor on, on the od Monday after the 4lh Mon dnv of Septr mber next, then and there to an awer, plead Or demur to aaid petition, otherwise it iff be Uken pro confesao, and adjudged a& er.-dir.gty. Witneti, Jamet Morris, clerk of aai'i oourt, at office, the ,'Jd Monday after the 4th M uiV of arch, A. U. 1827, and in tfie JIgt year of the Indf ptodence of the United States . j JAMES MORRIS, CFk. ' good countenance, Dt ourn on the forehi ilincoverable, and Reeves, of Souths waiv uiinni " -7 muui ilircff waaawarai m. -.-. . dcired to Drove nm",V ! L ' ne 0 V ,K the U... '"-'" v-iwinve,niKi take ' ie, and aav. he lelon7o John e I'. 1827. F. SLATER, JaiUr. fine, that a space often not birr-er than pin point includea above a thousand. Throuch each of the thread of an incoticeiveable tenuity, cn, immeaiately alter issuing from nee, unites with all the other From the same spinner, in o one. Hence from each sninner nrn. ceeds a compound thread ; and these .3 liic Tjri read. raew th ooa-rea Armitcw. TIE D'WTQR LV TRQUBLFm, A Dnrtor there lived in the county of Fife. JHl mitPFMav nux Vlinctft !ur threads, at the distance. at about T $.T&olt:tZby l8or i9 T an 5nch r ap of fiirbtrH,htte7e.n...L? W. the. spioner.aeain unite, and from .h. ' --t aiuin nil nvnaii ru: - v .. . t r we w ai a. di.i.iikii fiiirvi 1 wn ' av w v a county, Alabama, on the 28th of lit auspectedhe will try to nja, county. N. C. frym wllenX in Maditon April 1 and backto Cabarrui anv other ,,. t . . rn ,en up, or oj ir.ng miormation of the aame tn ihVwu Catolina. Iwtf'IJ 1827, JV.1II.S Of all lizet and deaerir.t5nr k t. or qnantity, upon term. cWnVZL2 S not largeohan a; grain of iand, .re "WlrthernVel Cation to the under.;,.,! ' '"b PP"- ... n.u , , l. ., - EnWAPIt rnrn . SofffW JtVA too -"c,ef. we whiph the spider uses in forming its weu 1 nus, a spider a web. even a Dim Phyaic 'em, tMc 'em. ho! And he had a wife, was he plajrne of his life, With hersqtiallery, bnwlery, ho! She won led and teaied the unfortmuiA .If If hit patience were few, he was patient himtelf 1 ut at tne last aiie tell sick, ami waa laid on the nn ner tixn away, die away, ho ! shelf, Now in sable the Doctor had often rehearsed. nine aa, groan away, ho ! worst, -..u 11, .wja ore mouminfr lor fear of the nii nit tcem-to gneve, latigli in tleeve, ho! ?. effit lie bought of a friend in the trade. Ami madam under trroujul vere Knnirlv h.M. A, , . . . ' "',ll! nd the very next night Rolut married hit maid nn ucr uc tor aname -i cuange her name, ho prove a hteaaing to hia neighbour, be will not, however: aet ' thm lmPk?L abpncf, let hioaflay.hut hand to hia -month.' hia anooth in ik- di'?!, i aod J ilenu "TTher tJi-rlrinV moderately, and th'ev that drink tn rt. tessi ther that, drink -vine, and they that drink rum, are all alike In thia: that they all eratify theroaelvea . both . ia the auantitv and aa tn.' tUm I. -A t " biiiu u. iiieir dnnk and therefore, if some are v IiiP?-fn,-ihe p,hcr8 are not tenperte. in coniormitr with the above reso- lutlon the following ia toaerted t -Tewehrt,ttM not, handle not, Ist you perith ia tbe using. The aubacribers. believing that umple is an all essential and most effi- rient means of promotine- temrwrar. do hereby engnge that they will not make use of spiritous liquors, here after, except as medicine j that, except or the same purpose, they will not offer them to visiters, servants or workmen; they will not buy. nor sell. nor m any other.:way encourar-e the common use of thwe destructive pen- ' sons. ' by tne smallest species 'and when so (inai fwx v . tm, -I ' a v iai 11 15 aimoat imperceptiole to our ainsrs, IS not. as We itirmoae. &SZrPomp68ed p it viuw iirtnui.; d 11 in inr-m the.wMfciiirp! !w. Leuwehoeck m one of Itis calcu- wm uq, aupjtcH . nia renown d microscopic observer found. hyk an accurate estimation ' that the threhrl f the minutest .nirlera-anme nf wKirK Vow it happened that night that a gentlemen Dig awar, in the clav, ho ! ri,,-,! r ii,. :.: .. lurr,i . ,v jiuiruu.uiaiin ui raiting tne deed With hia coffin crack, snade and su. h 1 ' Hang at one in the morning the doctor'. wV'.bell And .aid-'' Sir, rvebrwi,. ht you a to tell But the watchman ia hear, so be qufck or he'll .euiashyjh. ttsh. he! JBeTigJDl When hr Ihraiirhl it.. l . . 1 . rLml nearu sottiebodv hJIii?; HFPtY StfH' a"a otb 0d Copper, boqght by the aubacriber. E. CRESS. Sheriffs? Deeds, .. " r". us v mis oisce not exceed in thickness bne of the hairs oi his beard. " Ndwf wd kndw that each of these threads is composed of above 4,000 stiller, . U folio wa, therefore, that above 16,000,000 of 'the' finest threads which jastje.from such antdera. are not, altogether,' thicter than a hu- uixa oair, . ' i WTthTheh-wnwleew, pobzle em. ho! When he opened the tact i.:. ' pnr hi. ;r: vr Pr.'?e , - wi.ic pacx s ami sne opened her With her KWallerv. bawVnr. tin r.v And the doctor-he dropped her.' and ran away,' . A, 'nner.-The Mercer western faper"" kaya, "the1 Printer wants Oram. Fork. Til Ow.' r.nAi.. Whiskey, Linen, Becnoax. Woodi .nH py ming eise nat ne can eat" Shew us a "Printer who doe not A fashionable rlit t 4.. ed his friends In a large company that he had been passing 8 dsya id thecoun try. " Yes. ( said One th. -.t'., u has been announced in one of the jour. naU. -Ab . said the doctortretch in? h neei very ImrJonafttlvtfririrJ : remember, Jn the following There were last weetfYr intrneW. I... b.n the week before. , The ' dcit or was , Been suddenly to: ahriokMbwn, td hts head nearly touched . his shoul-. dera j-odahorUy:afthe wasmi'ed . from the aaloon, to the no email diver sion of the whole company. ' 4 Some' change has taken place W 'the management of h Tii,k r IT., fi. Uank at Waahlnon. Considerable los ses are expected to haen entwined1. yet oobwJv' apneari to havi beer irim- y H Ol 01 A want all these thing? aod more too. 1 ins!. . '- ; -. .-.i ir - '''" '. i"K''SV ' ''-" v" '..';:.. -"- -

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