.1 t wm- -wa mi. i ..-agy, T- . I t"a ..fly the ir.l, at New Ttwl. J the skip Hiid, EtfgUJi fpcr 10 ike IA II have bet H rer elve4, Tbe n members of the admlnUtre Uoa received from the King Ike Mali e tl.rlr rePcil offkei a the h AprU I'arrtarnent rt tumtl4 Tuevis the IK of May, end lha kiUIc crolif l at the highest flfcli M Ibe txcsaion. The avenues I the bouu-wte (rowded I iQch degree, he l M nlf wtih fun Jin lif Ibsl f. vanning end Wr. rl foM e mtr. . "Tie House brttcnictl tlnKuW p I iimn as .M " nt ! Ixi members Al J 'twilf Hr7Ciftr J Uk! loo Lit uitriir M "idacr, wnbe TmwtYlde.--Mr. IWJ was en tM utond scat aaam ibe Ur on tbe ministerial aide af iKt boose. Sir Francis Burdett and Mr. Turner were a the bench Immediately behind Mr. Can ting, eating quitted the place lcl ibcf formerly accepted ei lee oppoaiiioa side of the bouse. Mr. Breugham was at the further cod of the Iktrd bench behind Mr. , Canning, and Mr. Celt raft o tK AW, rar that ri;hl boo. gentleman, Sir Hob art ftlleoa also lock minletrrlel seat. Oe the apposition benches were sever! cumbers In tbe habit of sitting o the ministerial ilde of the bouse, loth tide showa, Cut iiorciU to forts teim ep the tiatWm. I M'lf present lt e;4n luft bf the country being prejudged en this lity Important subject si It bit be o bhherto.4 Thtre ibk! U no Ufb4 io in fut m clbr i U of I fnrt iltiw clffl Ortngtmrn. Pob pnitt rt tiutl tllglUi frr f under mi Gov ran el rl, fhrtugb 1 rntf bt tbl tb mi'n uhimutf ibink I do I bt gltca ltry filrtf l lecuHtf io mf 8of ralga tn4 to ibo ftpt, tbt I olU rxt tmpU nf cfikUl Iu0unc cm her t tb hi prtf;rf lot Ujr. . I( l mmore 4 thai ferlltmrnt ill be tiiotfc) t lU tL hf ibi btcKnl ci 04i u oiOrr to kIi the Mvmtoltlrr ibe idriMiii irtbt u ctccrtaff, -Tbt Kbrof rflnwllt 4t4.UbaM oretnwH ib iri of LUoa milk m i tint Gold Cu. In tobeo of bit M!ttt'i mam of ibt tl and Wilful tcrtkei of ib Nolle Lord. The mi of Mr. Cannlni'ielefiiloo It Mie4 lo biff b4 terf marked eflTcet upon the tcnaa F.icbnee. ib metal bquc ImmcdU'ele fell about one per rent i he Lot acr Stone of lb lotoA lTn tertitf UU with much cercmoof oa tbe 30ib A (Mil. The neighborhood of the Tunnel under the Tbimett bad been on anib(ermpied Kroe of im and confutkm for a eik nd tbe bol operaiiona of ibe Twn'ie ere eourelf aupeodedt In conwqueac Jt'LT X ir.T. Callcrlctt to liaten to tbe debatCi were ak . a a) . . . I aeatedtbeliibopoluoeotrr,urbDeltf, of , - MrikeM amongu tba aorkmeB Path, and Welle t tbe duke of Bedford, cauaed be a reduction of ibrir wage. tbe naraulace of Sligo and Af leaburf j Tna New London Price Current of tbe Lordi Seaford, Paron. Haaenaworib, Ho-1 t( Mif , tail i Tba purtbaaeaof cot dea, Ilardarkke, Deilcft.ind Farnbam j (0ft for id, Wfek endiir Ut nlthl, loclu Earla riuaUIIama Parolefi Cameroon, Jam, cooalat of 600 bagi; tba pike were -ad Cooper Laod aeKralotherembert I ttbout"tariatbo, and tba market again a eiMMr llMla." - lanMara IA ha nulaf. a iba arruunli Train Tba ebata w.t opened bf the lata Mr. Literpool and tbe Manufacturing Watricte oexreiary iccii on a ramion ia ittue a vert not quiie ao favorable jreaterdajr. VHt for ibe election of a Member to aup rear-Tba rwa from Franca I In plf the place ol tr. aturgea iHMjroe. who tereving. A .pint of diacootcnt agU Daiiaien r. reel pace in me mtnit- the King (Char Ice X ) and bia Maoiair. iry.. Mr. P.ook,lbi opportunity o gg- appeaa.w ba cuending Itielf-at a re plalatba reaaon which bad promp:ed him m. ,oe Champ le Mare. on 'SuuA'ty, to leia lb edmtolttretlon. t lla quoted jU(ft April, e'ron flinga were maoifct , -Qea Jroffl I IRfJlU2,X-.ii?B,nIS ed be the National Ouarda, who uttered wbeo be rtilgned bi Kat in the Cabmel, fri, no onl a'liulnit" the Miitlaltr Tit 'lo 1107, lo ahew that ha (Mr. P.) had but aeainat the So.e.tiirn himaeif. beca loarmedbr elmilar conaidarationi The circumatancea bad prwluced much , Id tbe atepbebad now taken. Mr. Pi eicitement in France. -Diwinl inc. a j -l f a J a a a , ' ipeeca wai oiaiiDfuiaoeo of a aiapu ol the Awr,) baa received a wound; the much talent. father of hie country ahould hear nothing oirrranuaiuroettawjr.crougham but praiaca from bia children." The made eloquent apcechet, eiplanatorr of dctarhmeotiof 'he national Uuard on du tbctr rtewa, aitd avowing their dctcrmio i, bad been renUced b other troooa. jnd an Ordonance bad been published, but i eiecuted lor diabaoding the whole that cor pa. in J In I7H lAirne or.i of ih icnlor uh'ilara. . la 1711, ei Hi rtrrwml from Dion, Mr, Canning wee entered at Chrlat Church, ()fyd, wbrre ha grajuUd. He tberi forrwd a eotul coftneibn with hitii tmtu eaiiaua. icteral toung mca of rank, among whom I FOUItTII OF JULY.. ....1827. it Mr.iertltrtaoa.'fiow lord Uierpocl. TabeaaaniamMlatoberraatl Hating cJaJrad bU baMtor' degree, ba fc Wta rr'i owawaada elfy U ertM, left tb I'nJreHltei andtotered blmeelf lt4aaMavetbalWerraa'ii-wwr of tba MfcWa Temple; whW Intcot lo - ---ir-aW. iudy ib lav. At lha lime lima ha ob tba tagle WUi not hi (be raV. . tained edmlaab W a aebatfna; aotUft, ? m ,K p"? the, icnolred thai ee end facility W ta k..rt. L... ,k. pulWijeaUrf tlkrK e ar tmltt re grtjo that rU aatl1"fc"" eoifr paAS'' J Fttt tfttt, vVbtrb, U the aerfc aad Umtt . J uL. ,f . Irr aki-J, f -FMtr'imt AWrri Thar, ai &Zft$TttZimrm pubjiihe' la FngUftl lfl 1771, COftcIaa firia, itb kra rUmilt hlnory of tha Prlml Mlntiter of Ore it WwHra (wai frwaa Uwana cJaaaav Hrlt W. from iba Cwu to tha IW fT" "J KJtrf mailan, which condtlei Hh iba fallow 11! Inr remarkable etateont. Uk Made drlc( aaaa awaala M I ihall conclude bie ihort abatracl Br af created aty. af biatory (uji iba athof ) with lha ob- n;, iht emeawt th DEIO aerrattonoi a wiaa apommaii aa -Ttr nr arikntt, aroVM, HkmI, atrra, Fngla&d bred, that lber never wn eel a vn (rtniom u tbia land da-rd. Prime Mlolater of Br!ri but either Ad eaa'd Braania'e potewt amc i.v- LI- - ...l It. M..taV A Our ewwacnpt "air aru'J Ike ft -7 vw" " : . J.; Tbaif A., aaof Irwry 'd the ciny; bit rneetcrY Ai tie reader may Tbey aWd-end Heavaa'aEurnaJ lrdlll ...1 a.. J.. 1 v.ku .. ... 1 7 r. UU' ,7 7 TWarartdtbeei3H-bfarr.balhlgb,- rlew, iha dlrm caaqaltleeof lha aundre ar.iaVvi La. ' r rime jutniaier aoova mamionea, 1 nave - w -iarr - ibe EattU cry. i.M iwn iv'tr lj, f d. fcr, I'v'r. tLa 44tiad rU ir.jHiB.(i, all.n w tt,.ltB ylk4 Cjrfii1tuti'a r 4M fviw,, ln-Utad lie ba. tvirioTHf w uta ei,tra ura IM luawiaaaajJ umti a lha cJif, a4 U 1.4 14 fs bia faVMaV a take p bk h.U(4 a , ffiMianwa im intrf aattraa. . . a4itba, t ibe im af eltM d41ra a dr Hj barm..-tra,-4Ul U tbe acUo. Lf arwi, furuM toa U ia lv (1 (MMMAaBaa, Ibe lallaf, bf VAamfaaM,. be aaade ta beadi but by no aaaaae that v. iktiWe a aa &n Cnaaomaiaaiar aye atart i, banaaa thaa tboae of a mt4t U (onrr tbe afflca Irae etnenalve to the hollar, m a,,, protiate la biai-al aaaxb Itaa. kt lk. bwiwrable gtawaaw ww pwraibaaiq ba, by rb Adaaaaaatfasjaa) mf aad an, aad aaa mmL. it . . T T -aaa. , - ;v... itT, tha tharv W-f aba. 1 L ajT. L... l " a atlle fro Mlhoa, bi Hie rate, wat rwk by Igbtaaiif, ad a Mr. Kaat, tie eccwylctaf H faraa, baai lo tbe bam, ae klfWdi aad a aegro, ba waa alae U tbe baym, my errWey injured. Mr. Roa vaa a piout ewa, a ftapan. lie arabr of Ibe Mrtbodlal Cbonh, a gaa4 Migbborlaid ai aftcltoaala baabaad aad WbrT bera tubjolocd a labia of tbeov rajna auaivriaa. Hied by tbe halter, Po. by the ua. Do. by ernriry eVare, Do. uitlmely by prima hiodi, Do. inimprWooreent, Do.'benltent, Saved by eacrBclng tbeir milter, Sum total of fHm Mlnhtert to tba Kratoratla. 3 10 3 3 4 '4 31 Hit'Sweuffi and Auatrlan Count art carrying on a eharp diplomatic conteit. Cuttavu (tba ion of tha late denoted king of sfien) i f lkui. Colonel io aa Aua in Lcfiroert, and wear tba title of Cron Prince of Sweden. There can not he u two nr. iiberuae ti la per frrtlv clear, and tha eon of Bernadotte ia t pre arm the real Simon Pure. It ia ra her inccaaietenllhat tha Austrian Cabinet should bare nude euch a rumpus about be trench Jlarihala and tbeir titles, and Florid We tear from tba St. Ague tW HatroUa'lbalat tha 16lh silt. Col Wjiito atcld a talk at tbe Agency with ibt ation to support the new administration If they can. - Sir Thomas Lethrtd(;e and Mr. Dawaon, wbobavo gooa to the oppoaiiioo benches, a ft. a-a . aasaiiea ina new ministry. 1 her eipres- DISCOVERT gulf JCitlM". a - a f . a a I t t -'ZXl ' il TO"" . - Tbt llftla, Cant. Farryf.allad from -wbaof , tha whitt irh fr. Cannlnrai 5kiW.. U ipiufl aeataa 00a of thaaes CoalttioDa which th Lort lo Norwat" .nit lake In r,m- .Titl 9' !nd 'Ucled "it b -ravine tha boat, 00 tha P" Chiefs, to ioPraaaui.uK vonwpteuioioeTcry j,,. UpoQ Uf wtitai . a-aiuoa tbcm to remove to tbe country Lean s fort. lh9 eree will be divided ipto ' MIwIsslppl. Mr. Cannlny; mad a most triumphant ,wo e,p, ditiooa, 00a of which will. If poa A Vdk. 7 " erW h Colo reply t and wa ihall bereaftar Invite our ible,s roumltbalaUndandeirJoraiiTi ' f-our 0f heir re"o. rtadere to perusa it Witb iba auaniion it weata. Tba othtr, rotiatfat oftweotr reaaon iounded upon the incon- devervei not only at a piece of eloqueoce, lwo (0 d dc't grou. habits of tha Indians with those of but II contatnlnr thelrua vk. 10 ba la- u tba-Korth Tolea in too boots, which be Whi" ' compantiva difference keaortbaiubject by an Iba aineere friends may ba uaed 00 tba lea or in tbe Water ean tha country offered tbem and that i of catboDe emancipation. -He -tat not ti i:n ..l r hick ih. Tha faatk naflaiu target uettm, but, a ret on the part -of tbt-Indiene by a forrned tha bouae, tba very fact of hie td epiriu of wine, one pint of which will P"roP decided refusal to abandon being la office mast promote htnlUmata ro.k, t Mon of wer froin ce fcM their present resjdenea 1 and 00 a sugges. eiiaaaaaiai a nnlkinav. caca ea as tkaw aklasaa.a f aLA ..... O ' eaeiu , a www. . . . V WHr botl It into aoup. It ia eipecled that the 1,00 ,rom ooel " bite that thev should Ttntl. a a a w a sea ftniaftfev it nut laaasiaaai I I m w 9 m V'".-W,?L w wtetl will pent Till rairara ervwa'd the rifiia of aaa I IMtg, lor that triumph ahall rrwuad, l!a prtncipUa by are auatain'd, CrwrWial aeatimeata be cmvn'd, Or etrry noble bear! be draia'd. fill la the r ra'ry of tha braw, Who acted on thie glorioua day t Ttotr fraanea are inwtalea eJha grave M rave ana hara yWd aweyr Ta Um. tba Mrt who upheld, -A oral of gratitude U doe 1 like ancient Crrctaaa ia tbe field Tbey rwight ! Jbeir rVagweata aow are frw. Mae 1 not with eaoaamental anire The deathtraa iwintocin of awn. Who Imrd through famina, ltod, aitd fire, Tof rrttdtm', futhkM rUmdrm f"m Their dede Five in the high mwva Ta dauiHleaa brans eloae aaaiga'd 1 Tbe warrior-wreath, the civic crowa. Our Virrf lemplea ever biiad. - - Shad aot tbeir oflaprinv worthv ba Of aoch proKeniiora aa they f ladoniitable-lofir, Ar .' Till earth and empire paaaavay f Pit high tbe vlne-ntp lo the brare, Wbo rear'd in blood ihia C,mm,rmfJ , Fortitr like vour .Vnta behave ! Tbe Emjlt haU nal im lA clt ! O -D. at lha same time address Gustavus, (00a a a aw a a ottnrtr own ouacerai Dy oeaignations to I re a raa virriu rtaanaua. wbirb ha hrt bo rlaht, and which bsina-1 Mr. fTkin.- Permit me to rewind roar mi ate usurpttkajcafnat a.frleodly monarch, mrroua reader, of the Circular of tha la Choila Maad, k appear to he bar it cwaiom, fraea tinae Wraeaaurial, la awtify lb t. uea of ibe opening of ibe poll u electa, . brailag a dmaa through the iru. Ibla year aa Inquiry baa beea atarted, betb a aTa mode caanot be devraed. fVaaHaa a tba freeaaea ta the polh, would be a aovet precaa. bg here. We abould eooner have tbouftt af 1aWay up tbe elect ora with a ceV Unt, u etcrci tbeir right of francbiac. Cr r A robbiai baa beea dooW. tkaled in ibe Mtrbearbood of Sumner VaJUy, (PenimlvMia) bicb be beea learned lo crow. wv-. ..i.,lIuapii)c,iMewtiV( often ainkea Into bia aotea of ainging. TbebW eteite great crioty airasog tbe people of tha MgUorhood aad aaaay old voeaea ar BMcb alaeaed. UuhKkw Tkmf.K aaaa caJEnf ktf aaare ! Uibun, (a fore .roar) atoie a aumbee of article of eloihlng from the houat of Mr. Weaver, of tbe vjllagt of Waierfbrd, (New-Tork) on tbe 7lb uh. aooo afterward ha offered tbeaaiW tale an ibe canal, to a man wbo, nJortuaatelr for the ttief, proved to be Mr. Wearer bin, (ibe ovnerf) After a pretty aerere borae-whippiaf, (having himaeif preferred that mode of pamiab. I went to the ordinary course of be Ua) be era u"Vrd to go hia aay. But ll.U failed ring him of his thieving propenaitr verifvinr the old adage, that "v. hat ia born the bone. cannot be whipped out of the Urah:- for. a few dare aftenaarda he etole more cbybes, and aome? I Coloniaalion SoeJety. aigaed hy It dratrngorahed tken, confeaaed hi guih. and waa PrraideTjt, lb Hon, Buahrod Waahingion, and comm"l1 o jait, to Uke hi trial for grand aJdrraard to miniver of every denomination, J thourbottl the United State. In ihia circular. bich haa obtained an extensive circulation by f Fran. Oa) the night of tbe lat day of the raeana of our numeroua periodical nublica. wghborhood of Creerbirr. Peon- iiya. an the clergy in the Union are reaped. ru ',ed by a aerere froat, wblch did fully aoticited lo take up eoTlcrtiona, either on ooJ drml 'W'. to0j deatroyUg beaw. In the house-of Lords, on the eeeninir ... J.ff- .L . " 01 tno o 01 "r iv e-minisiers enter . ed on their defence, and proved such a total want of concert on their parts, that the editor of the Siin doubts whether Mr. Canning waa authorised in calling their imultaeoua ter easlon a strange coin cWebeVwTlu principal speakers were, tha Earl of Qdoft, the Duke of IVeUioa. tOBytha"Eart of Ma"nfield, fiodarkhiEari Baihurit; Lord Melville, the. Matquia of Lansdmen, afro uora vtJenborougb. Mf." Canafna; aaya, that although the liberality of his aentlmentj, in regard to tbe vatftoiics, :ts known, be gives every - awurance jaiat. vainouc emancipation is not to be made a cabinet question. But this is far from aatiafving the religious preiuQices 01 tora wdon and bis Grace of Wellington, whose admiration for tha Protestant religion does not evince itself so tar aa we are aware, in any other way than by opposing the civil rights of their fellow citizens. Mr Canning- decidedtv says, my opinione on that subject are a j xr I aenri. at lha .m.nui rtf lha II fta. STiPS r ,t I . Vf I.' '-'".Waaing 10 degrees, or 600 .to. deputtiion from tbeir body to examine Right Hon. Gentleman entered into a bia- Llu.i -;u?..a.Vi ' i. the r.nin ffia,i ,k. ik. ..i. SrSifJin9Tuhl-ilM tb eP-dion will have to .t not wubin lo remove, they did not the CatbcJie Quaulon, and proved tbe trml 1000 . . . " ' " wish to see trL proposed couotre, and t ... I kAIJ . a a -a .a tJWeawJttaaa.aw- 4htfik inj purpose. ..in in pursue a straiebl line. This ia tba boldeiTmstll''lC "l dutiei Ledvcniurc that Capt. Parry has yet un- conc'uded by in impressive exhortation la a ww ... . w IBa ik.. . I 2. 1 I I aertaacn lie and hia comnaniona ,rr ' u'c" io renain wunin meir oounaa moat enngulne of aucreai, and cinect to r'r' ,n denunciation of - trouble' if return to England in Nov. ,,,c' ouia nciraucr iranscenn mem. A rompanr with a large capital has re- MR. CJ.JLG. cemly been formed in New York for the Mr Canning ws born at Paddington purpose of settling Sugar Plantations in near London, in 1771. His paternal an- Florida Th editor thinks it a project restors originally set.led at Foxcote, in that must prove successful. Wi : wkkshire, where a branch of tbe Col. White las been re-elected Dele- family, we believe, still remains. Queen gate to Congrets by a large majorty. Eliubeth conferred the manor of Oar vagh, inr the county of Derry, in Ireland, jt rrincrtv krurnue The Lafourche I on a younger son of the Foxcote family, (Louisiana) Gajette states, that upon the vho thereupon moved into the sister Is- amar nlantmU. f il.n V,a H.mn land, anrl Im in ih. rtk.. .L. - i ... . . r .w ...v Vl ,c prcniicr,i ton, mere are anout tnree nundred etfec his descendants continued to reside thral iiw hnt. .fflhi,..j . .t.. r - . , . ..,. v.iiL.njtu , nivU.UUI VI V airatiowt artninrr-bsqrof f Jar vaeh he I ta- niad-lha nraaanL.aair.Ja I ODD hnrra grandfather, had two sons, fieorge and heads, weighing each 1280 Ibes. worth in Uaul, the elder of whom displeased his New Orleans, A the ordinarv price of 7 latneroy marrying a dowerless beauty, eta. per lb. g 89,600. The General, how was exiled from the maternal roof, with vr. ah!nnina i;. , ,.. TM- ...II... t I . I ' I ' ""TH'F w .. ,v . ai. .nu-aucc HI l3wt. a year. lhrn m.ikf. i.k.r. 1. K..r. . hi.,k FT J a aaavaan aa tf. W IIV a lVHI a 818 uruJer these circumstances, ha camel nrice. eatimatat hl kmi raWVaWFilla. ihlffl witnniaiaoy to London, and, determin-1 vear from hia; T.m.ioina nlantailnn.. at Inn In .L-. I . . 1 .. .1 . "5 c jaw, cnicrcu nimsett ot IK 100,000. the Middle Temple- He died poor on I 'Sl'TTJ: the Ilth 61 April, I77l, i few davl Ifter inc oirta ot hia aon uieorge and was In terred In the new burial ground of St. Mary le bone, whefe hirtomb, with the following inscription, was placed by his Widow: awwmwcrainv uiauust Tha editor. of tha Sun concludes bis Hoi tea ol the debate thus i - The wlwda aecno aoth at to teive to doubt on any impartial mind, as to the aenlimenta entertained towards him and his government by tbe Representatives o! tha Englith nation j and of the feeling out Of- floors, it requires no ordinary ob tuaanca.to have any doubts aa to who is tha favorite of the people.1 The sitting of the House of Commons on the evening of the 3d of May, was one of the moat atormy that has been witnes a a 1 af - W"B . . eed tor a numDcr 01 years, rarly spirit aeeras, again, to nave reached no incon atderable height, and in the words of Mr Canning the standard of opposition has been now-teirJy 4iniurid. the Sabbath Immediately preceding or frjcceed. mg the Fourth of July, for the benefit of tbe American Cotonizaiiop Society. Should rtrrj, religioua aociety in our country contribute a few dollar on ihia occaaion, a very considerable aum would be rairedi a aum aufficient to de fray the etpenae of transporting to Africa, nmt AimoVroV a aev that ar neither lffP9 nnr uteful amongal ua. Do not patriotiarp, and be. Bcvolence, and. phibuitbropy, and religion, all unite to induce ua to aid in removing our free people of colour to Africa, or to some other diatant country t tl'ilt not the miniatera of our Ma nuroose. In the a i w... tbe acrorophihment of the patriotic and benevo lent object of tbe Colonization Society ( cms, ami other tender vegetables, rbe present era. ton bis been marked by tery extraordinary Cbangi a in tbe weather. Only about eight or ten daya since, it vu ro cold, in ihia section of the Union, for two or three nighfa, that it be came necrry to. make fire to render the sit ting rooms comfortahle. It haa, however, arai become taarm and aultry during the day, but more cool at night. Tby wtue and my wo, no word can rellr Therefore, a little while, mv Georw farewell . Por faith and love like ours Heaven haa in store Ita hut and beat gift, to meet and part no more." Hia infant son. the anki.i nt .hi. moir, was nlaced with a maiemalinr l. of Com- Morris, resigned. a respectable wine merchant in the city, J The failure of To'mbeckbe Bank, in Alabama, who discovering strong marka of genius.IL' ,ikelJ 'oheproductiea of much evil in that at-aerr-er4- ao -ar-it-H-r.-l 5""lc '"owf nana: is statea io nave naa Ih!T7':.aB' ..TIT Et?? but fivethouVaud dollara of tbe billi on hand. .. . A. rtj mor ldStcwtio had shot the duke of Wellington, (he did shoot him Aofinmtfy, and the Duke fell grictotialv wounded)""" Mr. Canning waa elected member of rarbament for Seaford, but was prevented from attending by the important duties of nia omce . Commodore Tingey has been appointed a wommtfttioner of the Navy, in the place i ... . j., ,. . ... ... ; mm iiiuusuiu aoiiara where he speedily distinguisaed himself, I t the time of iti failure. nm tbs warrsaa riaoLiua. A SHORT CJTECHlSJf, For tboae who have the direction of Indian Affair at Washington, and which it would not be amis for the President himaeif to read hiettin What are the worda of the latter clause of the 6th section of the 1st article of the Constitution of the United States f Jnrwer No Senator or Representative shall, during tbe time for which he was-eroeted, be appointed to any civil office under the au thority of the United Stater, which I'taft hmt been created, or the emoltimerrta whereof shall have been increased, during auch time ; and no person holding any office under the. United State shall be a member of Uber bouse, during bia continuance in office," Q. Waa there not a law pasaed at the last aeasion of congress authorizing a council with the Cherokee Indiana, and appropriating glO,. 000 to carry it into effect There was. ?. Wa Gen. Jhn Ctcke, of Tennessee, a member ot tnat congress f A. He waa, and voted in favor of the bill. Q. .Who have the eontvoul of the money ? A. thecoliamtai r?ria Gen. Cke 6 under the Act A. He ia, and receives eurht dollars a dav. and hit expenses paid. ' Q. 1 not the office of commissioner, a civil office under the authority of the United States " A. Undoubtedly! and tbe office was created by the vote of him wbo now fill it,- , Q. How does this accord with the Constitu tion f A. Ton must ask Mr. Adams, or his factottflL K neighbo. ing editor," who eainly fancies himstlf, like Milton's perfect being, " AH head, all ere. all ear. i.-.nf.JM' iuicM b all ''"C" . , neea not get out ol temper, and quote old plays against us, because he imagines wo have attempted to be M witty" at his ex pense ; for we can assure him, that should our humble aspirations after fame prompt us to seek the reputation of a wiV, he would be the last we should ibink of selecting as a butt, on which to exercise our talent, being an object very unlikely to gain us much celebrity in that line. '"aja"' If heat nartesi, tVc A lanre proportion of the early heat wa harvested, and eaved in good condition, during last week: and the crop haa proven to be a more abundant one than bas been raised for a number of yean past i the late antafiowrverrbi'tbeerrgTMtfjr-dAmig'ed by tbe mi. Of Oaf, we never taw a more luxu riant growth than the field generally present. Com 1 remarkably thrifty, ami will yield to those who cultivate it well, if the weather continues aeawnable, large crop. CeKaa look well i and, ' if the after-season is favorable, will be a good crop. Of Rye and Barky, there are also very good crop.v In tj ne, there is nothing fackmg' to cheer and gladden the heart of the agriculturist; Z ' i but bter price fur ctttttu'. . ZTTT.Zpr-r:' Henry Clay, who beinff profound rhetoricians. can make all aa plain as day-light; . Q. Waa not Gen. Cocke opposed to the Ad-' ministration, and did he not. on the receipt of this appointment, decline a re-election to Con- grmoiraccoutit of his nye and inJirtmUnf , . A field of wheat, mHylljaimlla asod-eca dition, wa reaped on a plantation in Houston, county, Georgia; on the "31st day of April Imt," ao says the Macon (Georgia) Mewnger. XoV according to the received system of astronomy, . only, thirty daya are set don to the month of April. So that the Ucssenger'a boast of harves ting wheat io April, will not avail much. ' -aWBa 100 bales of Cotton, the product of Got- Troupxplantaf ionj L were lately sold at vannah at 11 1-2 cents per ?a-

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