j ' J 4- I .- J. .' . ' , 4 ' "i W . 4 --.. .... v if,.,;; . . v-r: . , ,. : - ; t .... " .. N"e lAnta ot Blasts; L ' trrm irHt lb Mall frossi JlJi(iifi l Aiu, CBimxi unnttj aV, liM tommriseM rum. i a lam etAtml Slmc bta lb Jib, c a wci i m4 I pfparsd w tfT7 P' taa, A tup ao- rvr smkry Ix-lsse iU. I pitrd frf ! Tomer's Mitt. ) mI ummy, Lir mU aUsotrrM km a abort lU. W m Uird Creek, o tht sWLkury road. Ah rilllR ibriW ripcifu!t nff4 fha CoMO jhasinf Whll fulJ aW IWi, Bad R,(l,ftf ta! JI wlMth ar U;oUj l tfii&ua aWtada, iwtii KrWltr( aigr. I Hows Cwuaty, M Ok sooth Mi V Oaulll TA kin. iIxmI 4 milr fr KtiKlwr'i ford, M tb lf-d0 road, lit wUI also, to It tow re ml three a fwtr Vrsks, has tare nvir if UH Vet) AtlitilW (itM Wim Iprinr) m4 fffpoft, ftmn. r 4 IK Si bum Cm. m. tt . m t. t . ttriu i M ftit ibrrm r'J tW W iwU fcAMUIX LWLAAD. Xho JACK,Gen..We!lington, lVlTfrV M4Uk4MlMMrMlb yl 1 ifJfl, rt m1rm f'km of )w M Mir turn) -ru i mtufjickln lb cwiatry i tM fmitH In ib Mirni part of lk it ftov y Mrt 4-l, kiyk kMltk and vlpor, gtU Mncommotily lkl Colli, m4 will b arrmnl-4 m pnAiKm M Iim MuW m njr U ikia mi CMiairj. faquir at lt auUctibr. ia Nata tory. CIIAHLF.l L IM)wF.HH, Tk kSova Jack, tad a ttry dkr 1 Jtmrnrg, iyjnt aa abw. frj 3ft, ig7. 60 lha articlf cm M !tJ h appMnf 51 ai lU auWrit h"Iv. m (ttt llanftUI rtL 3 mil kki Muck;D.' CarrUtri mnUrr aMaoawd Umban IImwU a)r work fail ia llf lr4 aVrra M ait ajoit4, h ID U rn'ir4 .if rnxl.iBjf. I'noo Mjr b know fcy liirin ai tuner of in timft anrt tm njrw frt rtpMMitl rvn but a deductjim wilt ba taila h tbc wic, mtn hm Cab U paid iiicuir a f AHKCh. TfIR r.M Look Hi fVh uWrikaf retpMtfully ietida. and tba ixibtto rnraJh . tkal k cMliiKic to carry m lx TAiix)niN(i nrsiNKSs, at kil e4d alanil in Ika tnmm tj CmmjmrJ raKa. rut ermnty. tkmf Afmt f Mr. Wari of i BuJ mvbmdStj vifl aaar tie tMcter? Ao Uf !! ttitiU tin this wheal vouU tvo tunj iht m ti uf i caaauttaa. Iwinltr, I Ail U Dot my OTHQIOi Coid pm b fwrftr il; HMUai VfJiMlTbit Iht rire.Hp when not tuc bllkoVlraiiiarflWiftwaoearvjcted U bw, wet gTOttOdl tt tH il fjwtfjanr Jmf, Kknrtt. tht fra chaff Of Hint heaf. I ihiol I Wk; fw frrf fUmom al Tlf ry t igU Htif raa I'aioal Hi; tuari. r Cl tUmt t;f. Co, aAAffa kk tk tWiftttkai gijr; At aatidoUl ;Wta to (taj , ' Apiat lk aMMckMa tfa -TcWk-ari fmmmmmimmi,. tft4 dfiiia f mky nM Ua muttti afiMUco4 frava i f kpa7Tt pnmlti fWi'aupUvf,""" AaJitaUtfreioWa. ' " fkidawpltj aavrti ia tU TdM mUdt of rcaik um trkarpa a'ef TIm karat ktaOcctua pWay Ak tiva Nab of (irUiiM aaar. T imrimm Tka rtrarM if trot t TJa iad ootuao aaopi caa Maor Wkk mmIi cWaml ktaltf rrrWv TWir Nbmd kop vtl nun'4 jJ. Tmtiij oAats lUwanA. TAM ava fro tiie tubarn. 1 1 bar. btlitf ia FalrArU U. tnct. I. CaroliB. oa lb lib m. a AVra jMia aamnl DCJC, 77 mr V ynn old, rrr black coaa- pklo. ralbcr plrting cwnh aaaca, do a caat look alow apo PbiladlpbU. 1b auUcnbf raeai'M tb feah iuna rfub)Hr frum thai citv, aj o(a a tKrra ta aay cbaiifa in Uxm j and b aaaurca all abo a afl) (WHplloo of fWWaf dona, Ibat M will aiacuta H in a atvkf or aookavuMiiip aad f laeat cnnal lo aajr Ibmr in iio I'nilad Buiaa i and ba cludlcnrta a ootrtpartaoii uf baa work witb aay garmrtrt avaW in Philadelphia or Ktw. York. Il haa alio kiat rccelvad draAa. kc, fur cniiiiir LsiLn Ihtmrt, In tt antot aad mi t ). Ijulit will b iaatructod bow la aukr up lb nraeoia after tbtt art cut i tba pitm ia oo cawilr Ma (rratoud. Ibat a few Bundle dtrtnkNi will be aullkiral to aoabW aajr lad ta lea, not taD but ralbcr atout - - I i ' , , . . ... . . . I win vw niucwih iq mmmow tmj iaur to attxifr aojiiaa aoaU ba.al aalt ya. y i)f I . .L ., ' ' U r:a. (roa wbenct b waa br.rb . .J t TT S:?f,S f"1"? - , ht my alaa . thanp brf ovaftera aamr, ar he bat .uik.,. aiu- w,m. Pai.. mMm rrnrn : caco auoxmoer will M entitled la re. eeie the fathiona from Philadelphia quarlerl. acconpantrd with tlrana, portrait fipirrt, Ue. THOMAa V. CANON. Cfttrj. .Wa rv. is?r. tnTu tba Ska beftirr. Anr rro who will paa op ana aej-ro, tax cor, fine him in In I, and infurm me bv letter, direetad lo Mount Pleatant Poet oflice, Fatrnctd dWtrict, I. C. aliaU receWa Um abona rearard, and au reaNmabli- cbaixrt -DOOA' BWDIXG. rpilC aubacriber repeetfullT inform the it. . uta or .Saiiabury. n4 the aairroundinr a .a a. a . i t a a . nwnirr.iiuu n aaa eHaoiianeu a Hw JUmkrj In raid town, on Main Street, a few doort vmth of the Court-llo-ite i wbera lie will be thankful to reerlre an kind of work In hit line ofbune. Froaa number of year experience, ia Europe aad America, be fcrli confident of beinp able to fire entire tatiifactioo to all thoae who may fa. tor him wib any description of Blmlmf. Bltmk BvJtt made to order, after any pattern furnished, on abort notice, and at prices which a one can compiaia or. Old AWAe Re&imi, either plain or omamea. tt on the moft moderate term. All order from difance, faithfully attended to. The pat. ronaje of the ptiblic ia reaprctfullr aolieited. by tbair obedient servant, J.II.DE CAKTKKET. SatUwry, JpHI 2&k, V27. CO ft Waft Temvetn, Tailor, ASjiif rrrerfrd the hlet ami moat an. I Estate of ftnnrat M'Ouire. THE aubacriber baring qualified aa Admin, iatrator on tb estate of Samuel WGuirt. We'd notifies all penons indebted to said estate to make payment without delay ( and thota ttarint; claim fint the estate, are desired to Jpresent them, lenity authenticated, wkkin the time prescribed oy law, otherwise this notice iD be plead in bar of their recovery. . JOHN CLEMENT. Jdm'r. Jlfar 13, 1827. 9t73 Stall rVrrA.t'oraA'M, RmtKerM cawns SUPERIOR Court of Law, April term, 1827, Law'w Mcflan t. Cynthia McHan 1 Petition for divorce. It appearing to the saGafaction of the court, that Cynthia McHan,- tba defendant, b not an inhabitant af this State, it is therefore ordered by court, that publication be made three months in the Western Carolinian, (rrvinj notice to the defendant, that she appear at the neit Superior Court of Law to be hekl for Kutnerfbrd county, at the court-house in Kuth erfrHton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Mon. day of September next, then and there lo an swer, plead or demur to said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro confess and adjudged sc. cowling. Witness. James Morris, clerk of said court, at office, the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday of March, A. t. 1837, and in the 5 1st year of the Independence of the United States 3mt79 JAMES MOHMS, CFk. State f Amrth Carsa'na. Catximu ctunly : proved frtiiom from Philadelphia, panted with portrait firiirea. representing the different colors which are worn by the moat fashionable gentlemen of tfw cities of Philadel phia ami New-Vork.. I he drafts of the fashions now received, are, in reran! to their nratnen and elegance of taste, superior to any hereto fore published. All grn lem'-n. therefore, wishing fashiimahle rannents ma le. mav rest avsurcd that thrv csn be at well suited as st snv I other place in this or the adjoining atates. I Hat ing in his employ a considerable force, or ders for every description of work from a dis. tance, will be executed on the hortrst notice i and oo disappointment, ei'her ia the fit of the garments, or in the punctual execution of them, need be feared. Country cloth, and summer ' doming, win oc made up at more reasonable price than b baa heretofore charred. He also here lakes the fibertv of rttuminr hi ..... . . n sincere thanks to the public, fur lb liberal en. couragrment he baa hitherto receividi and hopes that the ityle of his work, and the piinc tuality wrk which lis will e&ecut U. will in sure a continuance of tlie grnennis patronage which bai heretofore been extended to him. AoAsAwr. April 7 1827. 39 Wbera c.hur'd merry srsuld aisk: Tb sert ila bend aad aid implore Tba fm ara brv a rwia i brink. Did Cato, U Lis dread tttrraaa, Accept af CaWa prorTer'd booa f Did Segalua becom to awaa Aa la avoid iMacertaia doom Corporeal ailment bav Ibeir baha i Kit wbal pbyauui yet ka (Utad Aa opiate tbc miad U aalm. Or cV aa btcnectual warn ad - . . : QJ Wgosa, asyoa aaasrmy-, Confid k cablotf bRs remote ? Whilst t enjoy tb passing scene, AiaJ oa this inre decanter dote. Pray, acakpaia, beroa ! Come JUccbiks, rosy Cod bcaJfn, . . Of loa-hwea piys m Rt - - But dowa By carts ia spicy wise. ... LIBER. I prut ctrttla iaioch lanJi ht wia I ler froat will U very apt to trott flcitructlrt ti It. Out no wheat it cer tain la lUch tasdi la dry laoda, and pirticolarly if they art father high. larrl erfiiaded oo vkeat will pttt tht trioier better thin tht rare-rip;-Oo I . at . m m m. a . . MMna ItDicB tre Bs, but dry,) I have never leeo atiy (liTcrenca To the effect r' iotr froau nj aret uoa lrr-ipt at other t beat Mod. I hire aftays bad me af tbe Cornmoa Ijadi of vbeft trow log whenever I grcarthe rare-rtp, My preieot crop of rare I If WIHII UVUI lU gWU BUVJ IUIU MRU In entirely unaffected by last winter froat, on a field that II at level ai Ibowlinv ereen . Wherever the teed wheat wai rood'. the crop of rare-ripe wheat u rood thii rear, and ii whollv umffcctd br the By although the adjacent field of other kiodi hire beco very much injured. I consider the rare. ri fie wheat in exempt from the ravage of the Heiatan fly, that I believe if seed. ed after the Slh or 10th of October, and the teeding completed in the next four or five week, pine yean out of ten, the crop will lucceed. It will do to be iredrd later than thii. I have very fine rre-ripe wheat now growing, that wai tecded the 1 8th and tWKof NtmUf but j indeed, I hive htf wbiiley l J water (B, ttt fotfc teen uiedur heat tmaloytd,) waiaow excetlrnt vlnegir fur the ttle. I Uf yoa will glvt thU a pu It your uieful piper, and oUij yr coaitant reader and occasional eorrti poodent. COVna TAiirtfl, P, 3, I havt bo douU but vine gtr$ for all purpoiei, might be made ia thii wiy, cheaper than from cider, la. ifcad of cucumbers there igh b ' added to tht whiskey and iurtbo other tejretablei, a grapt Uivte, breta, -itrawUrtiei, .&c. &C. wbeo niiuir vToegfaf wii the ooly wbjetc to t ati - compliihcd. TnlHCelfm.K,Mm hi loo'. Z' Maior Cibaoa'.o'f FranrritAwn W it btelv""prodochd a bull elf -wht.v welshed whea dropped 108 tbnd when thret noetht old 335 lbJi. inr in Inrreate of more than 2 i poundi per dav. " Cow native breed the present bull calf Deotoo, TO PHKXf'mF. MfjtT. The German ptpen riie ao ratv proceia for the prraervatimj of neat . it la to prepare it with a brine made from loot. A compantive experi ment hat been made with a ham rt. poied to imoke, and a ham prepared with brine of toot. The reauh io favour of the latter process, ,bich had belter preserved the weitfht. tha volume, and the juicei of the neat. Tba trutb of ibeJaCCOUOt of Lb isvi. e r I ui mi Indians, upon a aeeo good cropi of it grow. og from man ly th. .WeVOre, and cVs! December aeediog. But th aureat havina; been-dosibud, tha editor of tk 'rTVflE aubscriber respectfully informs (he ci X tizens of Concord, and the public at large, inai ne nas commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS in said town, a here he intends to have ad kinds of work done in the line of hi profession, in as good style of workmanship a at any other place in the United State. Hsvine- a stronr force employed, he will be able to accommodate any person wttn garments on very abort notice JUwing to the hanlne of the limes, he will work at the following reduced prices, to wit : Cloth Costs, from 5 fi gS. owing to payment Pantaloons, from 1 to l 25 : ivv Summer Coats, from 'i to R? 30. . .v .IH0,AS A. HAGUE, f acor4 June 5J, 1827. 6tTl flOV BT of pleu and quarter sessions, April wy term, 187 : George C. Morton and others t. Francis Bedford and others i Petition for partition : It ppeanng to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendants in this case are not inhabitants of this State, ordered, therefore, that publication be made six weeks in the Western Carolinian, notifying said defendants, that unless they appear at the next court of pleas and quar ter sessions io oe new ror said county, at the coun-nouse in concord, on the 3d Monday in July next, and answer or plead to the petition, tbe prayer of the petitioner will be beard ex- p-rtej smt judgment granted accordingly. 6t7l I) A MEL COLEMAN. CTfr. 'Bvtir, subscriber, acting as Agent for Mr. Henry Fulenwider. nronrietar nf th. ttJ l ... w. , . l :", r , t . ,jack"?' ,e, to he public Soe sf .VortA-f arnA'no, Mantronerv counlu . COURT of pleu and quarter sessions, April sessions, 1827 1 James M. Butler, w. Lewis Kennedy i attachment, levied, Sec. Ordered by the court,' that publication be nade in. the Western Carolinian for six weeks, that unlen the defendant appenf at the next county court to held for the county of Montgomery, at the court-house in Lawrence ville. on the first Mnmlav In 1nlv'hr a .l-l -i. I be entered p fosaunt Ae plaintaPa j ,W 1827. Price.,lvt mT' rt?0- bt,Jght hy the subscriber. " K CRESS' niBEUx & WATTS, HAVE just received, from Philadelphia, the very latest Spring Fothitm in rogue there and the other ci res of the North, accompanied with drafts and portrait fimirea. reireaemln- rent lemon ia full dress, and the most approved colours now worn which will enable them to suit the fancy of those gentlemen who wish fashionable garments made. They continue to c.ccuic an uesenpuona ot plain work, at short tea rat warrta caaoiisu. Tbe day of strife has paWd away, And with jt, thej wb Iburbl and bled , Save her and tber a tet'ra gray RewiiMla of tb warlik dead. Now tAy years and one has rune Since ltfsnt Liberty beheld Cobjmbia seat her on the throne. And call her champion to tbe field. They built our castle on a bsse Minclcss by domineering nuni Tbe people hold the highest place, With MffHtdmrt tn thwir -; .... Democraciei their flsfi eUspIs,, Proud AHstocraciei have none i We have ao despot to obey. For Frttdon sits on Hetmn't throne. Rnt wnr, a noble one remain Of that Assembly atera and high, W ho burled baci the hateful chains At Britain's doughty panoply. Pan i the fervid hour of strife. The combstsnts J1 nearly gone, Time has spun out their thread of Gfc ; In ram we nature's lot beavoaa, - True to their memories, shall w On thtt day make the welkin ring, In praise of those w ho made us free, By bearding an Usurping King. What though the period of our date I limited to dubious span 1 'Tf fTeal, tke jreat to immitate. In Freedom live, and die like Jtawtvt, TYRO. way it, to begin io late at to avoid the autumo fly, and then set your crop seeded ra toe ahorteu time aftei ibat i the earlier the better with all wheat provided you can escape tbe fall fly. But the rare-rfoe bean late aerdine oetter tnan any other wheal that iluvc een. Trw -advantages of the rare -ripe wheat then, are theic: it will beir as late teeding as any other wheat ; its early and rapid spring growth puts it out of the wav of the spring fly t it is always jointed by the lit day of May, often before i it ii never subject to rust it produce! ai abundantly as oth er wheat t the train is generally hra vler than that of any other iort i it is ai productive a wheat to the miller as most other kinds j it stands well throughout harvest, and' is easily cut a and saved. I have nrver known an instance of the spring fly destroying it. ft haa been aupposed that the early harvest of thia wheat . will embarrass the farmer in his corn crop. I do not find this to be the case. Knowing that your harvest will be a fortnight earlier, you make jour exertions and arrangements totneet if, and that ear. ly and rapid cultivation is a great hen. t fit to the corn crops. I expect to be gin my harvest by the 12th of June. Your otedt aerv't, ROBT. H. GOLDSBOKOl'GU. AtlKICULTUHAL SEED IME.1T. HESSJ.1.Y FLY. Tbe following are Uracts of a communication in tbe American Farmer, of the 15th ult., writ- tea by Robert H. GohJsboro, of Talbot county, Mar land, dated 1st June. Having witnessed a cood deal of! destruction in the wheat crop this sea- A J L i- . r r. turrcspnnacnt nas round irom ex. perience, that the crop is not only in creased, but much better in quality, and wishes us to direct the attention of our readers to the practice, which we hereby do, fully convinced of its im portance. . Load. Card. Mag. Wt . V aa m - m - uoatoo i raveiier, in whir n psper tk state mem originatly appeared, obtained ra ilterview whh Oregory. an'l othen ml reewfred a la?emeWrom brwr mow, sit hour b one third of Ms tofigrje had beta co o(T Tbe fbllowinit ii an rxtrirti M The narrative of tbe lufTertr cftaTcrt) fn fro very essewisl pointf fVm osjr ttatf menu beretofbe made. He entered ike service as a waiter or musician al elrsen veara of age i was in the army f Gtoer- I Hull, when ha surrcMlered ai D troit. nd with siitr three others wasseitedsnd carried away by the Indians. All of this number, but seventeen, who were spared on account of their youthfuW, after being lakrn iato the dense wildemesti were tied to noits and trees, their clothes stripped off, nnd their bodies thickly perforated with pine, torches. In ihis condition, the splinien were lihted, snd iney were literally roasted alive, and then If ft to linger out their painful existence. Fourteen of the tthert were dive vhn Grewy snd Ait comfianiomt mde tAtir eteafit. i. p i ... i was some or nra re iowa. bai aa Grepory, who had been - wlpedf aa stated. One was a worthy lieutenant whoae name, if we rightlv anderttand tk broken acre nt of our informant, is Mc rea. 1 Ins officer made three allrmOu with the o.lttn to liberate himself, but the saag were so severe and horrid in their punishments or scalping and nung ling him, thathe durat not again take so unforbidden step.' He is believed to be ulive with ihr Flit Heads at the present . r rr i . ume. i nouil Gregory was not actually scalped, a gash was cut in his forehrsi across his skull nearly to his neck, and another across from ear to ear. The skin was torn tuck aSout id- k, . . . . . ' im9 im UWI aT itilJifM, y icun u)y aiu ncanng oi j , tlut EIitor of the Xn-Enfland Farmer, mum more in oincr places, i ininx it I Sir : From the si notice, and on the lowest terms. They are " 1 lo lurn ,ne auention 01 lar- groteful for the support already received in this mrs to the EarIr,or Rare-ripe wheat j place , and hope they will give such latbfaction which is the only wheat that I have vet as to inaure a continuance of patronage. . ... y . wncai. ne jet SulitburyiMay 14x1827. patronage, 62 jiir.a oi an sizes and descriptions, bv the k.- or nuantity, upon terms enuullv ;ur..t mcr can De oroticnt irom Char ealon . other citv to this nlace. Tt- ;.t.u .. t nnl.. at. 1 l . ... " uieniacires, can 00 0 Or makin- annll cation to the undersigned. ecsw A'orth Carolina, Surrw ciintu : COURT of Pleas and Quarter sessions, May term, 1827: John Wright vt. Elijah Har fits j Original attachment, Jonathan Unthank,. garnishee. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that Elijah Harms, the defendant, lives oat of the state, ordered, therefore, that publication be made for six weeks successively in the Western Carolinian, for thenaid Harriss to appear at the next term of thia court, to be bcid jn Riickfordorthe 2nd Monday in August next, and" plead io said iiuT, else" jii(fghwnrpr6r coofesso will be entered against him. t6? I WILJUAM, Ok. Ever man Ms onAUV.T. rTlHE subscriber hav ing purchased tbe right a -m- M,Ut"nhaBi- Perpendicumr, '.1!?Wr '"H Pnl,ow " Hwladntat Patent V,ri,t MIU, for Cabarrus county, and William Ben, bow s for Mecklenburg- county, now offer, for aie tnese Atfft, and the Simrl- n;Kf. ratelv or bv th rf.kU. " ?. j ' -- Huiu'Eia as si mi I'limmnn sai i rt es term. Mr. John E. Milan of rnn tboriaed to sell for tbe county of Cabarrua, The plan of 6oth these Mill may be seen in Concoid and Charlotte, st Courts. BENJAMIN V irrvivnm Metklenburgctunty,MaS9,mr, 374 seen that can make a crop in spite of hjJyJisJathethKd tear in sue Cession that I have tried it ;,and it h: been recularlv. each vear. unhurt bv u j , j , j the fly, notwithstanding aome of it was puny m its early growth Irom defect in tne seed wheat, occasioned by wee vil fly, and whilst other wheat alone ide of it, and in iti neighborhood, has neen constantly destroyed. ; Nor -is thia diflercu e confined to the crops on UMMy , maonred lands j it is equally apparent oEiir:timti The rareripe ia a -beautiful white . . - - wheat, plnmn' irrain. and next to the old white wheat of- trood oualitv. is mc most producuve rn flour... Jt is i remarkably heavy wheat, never sub ject to rust of a shorter straw and head-thaa any of the other k indaof wneat yet ita product to the acre. shock or stack, ia equal to that of any wneat, itioca not branch ao much aa aome other kinds of wheat, and is oo that account generally aeeded ia lit- ri.WmSG off Petal blossoms, Ve are sorry to observe that this practice is not generally adopted, as MheaProdncc would thereby be mjteri. -uy uit.rc9cu. ( JMI. rfllf. Jf.Jjnw witti.'wwMj muscie rould be disserted, which- wss roasted and eaten by the IndiantyoT ihcir captives. The flrsh lias been rut from his thieh and oilier parts as has been stated, but in arger quantities than had been imseined. His arm hangs by his side, a mass of senseless as well as useless mailer. The rod made use of to stiffen it was not of wood, but a common ramrod, and wji forced ihrough the flesh from the shoulder down. The nerve of the arm called br anatomists the musculo cutaneous nerve( waaajso.aevered.and hence the skin and muscle on the back or the arm and hand are entirely without feeling, and in a stale of violent contraction. Several arars of buUetwoundaeilUanfl!ePi parte of the arm, which in size are much larger than lhat on the left side. The remaining particulars are as we before stated them." ' scarcity of vincear me last season, I was led to make trial of a mode of preserving cucumbers, (pickling, if you will,) that I should not have attempted under other cir cumstances. Hut it has succeeded an well with me, that I am dcrslroluTTha7 other house-ives should partake of me oenetit. . a a - i gatnerea the cucumbers from the vioei, and without any other nreDara tion than washing them clean, dropped them into a stand containinw a mirm of whiskey and water, one part of the loriucr 10 iaret ih Uttsv. I ur- .them againit fenats. Hits: and teroat air, by tying flarel close orer the top, and layinir bVe ftla i fjirVI and stone, and neither moved or exam-1 : a . a . . mcu . mem until (:hntm k.r. r . f-ssasu wr tWII ound them, not merelv eriual. hi,r ucviucuiy superior toany pickles I had ever tasted. Thev wer- har,l ana ot a hne flavour, and what has been 1 a . ' particularly admired in them. th-v ..: i .1.- .... . . ' . j . mc original coiuour ol the cucumber, not exhibiting the green poisonous appearance of oicklea that had been salted aad scalded ia copper. Kine of Sweden ( Br. n u Majesty is, at present, about sixtr rerj of age, of the common sizer and hi hair, which is of a jflossv black, curli naturUy;:iliCtoke ,.ul, uncarrmvorJr. nance, baa, in reality, freat expression of kindness, and his manners are singu larly p'resosseisino. it maw h further remarked, that Charles John is temper ate, economical, and what may be called equable in his disposition, modest in de meanour, condesending towards all rant'' and deservedly poDular in the hiehest degree. ffWeen' Travelt. EPITAPH. This humble tone records, What few proud pillars can, Compris'd in Iheae few words, 'ffcre lietaa boneit m.' I w p tt c i! at T In JO! nc a. tk. Bi Fe an -wi -eoi cci . i l ter ' 'J red 54 ; Th Tnia and 1 Get acai S tOW I Se Inve oflr Col. 0 in v kille ters the I mad been volur egul tors c Oc Frolii Ion. ( Wp after Frolic The Both were t the B Oct nfan, -Elates. cocmj De ' capturi tion, C Brazil; and 25 " 120 wt Janu tacked in, Mic men, u and afn cd hiB J ,.v . 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