, 8ALISBUIIY, N. CTUJDAY, JULY 10, 1837. VOL VIIIaNO. 870. 2 The lnM f " tVvC.U art, MymeM l advance will k & , Xure at a mc, . l? ih Editor, anUw mm n.pw"k . '...... ManaMaa. the .- K. lOurd. at the "ft Ion r-i " . .. - - - lAmmmn ' per h fret lawertiaa, snd twenty-eWe . All ktim wtdw-wd te U t&", eet be pS4, m thy Immn erttwaea sa. " TJIK WAK OF 1812, Thle r wet aoderteken in defence of tka roartxrea of the Uniicii Hit iih Yimnrm inA Soalo.lbrir coIcmiUi and olbt luiiooi it wir lib Grtit lUiuin Hom miter! con:rrf lo ib U of niion. tut ntunrfered Amtiicin fttult on lha Kit orwler prclcndcd tlotk) of ihe porll of lho n.iiont and colcH)lt, nd Bad Impreiud American Ktmen from oo board of (hem. H ondcn.keo in ca fenct, IlktwiK.of ourorwljr ntUcd fron lUn. Km inK.Liiania era dallr mat acrtd bj tba Indian, incited by Hriiltb Iradart and f arriaun is Canada bo fur rJibrd Ibcm ib arnti kc. to cart i on iUli nordcroui arure- BmIq rat. tl?. ' ' Jud II. Tha ConffTeu of the Tniifd . Sutaa dcxUird var lt Uicat JrJ(ain Jul ll-Xaoada invaded b (Jen. Hull Jul ir .The rirriaon of Mackioa . bo ee ignoriaiof. Ihe drcUra'ioo of bot:litci cetired by pnr o4JrMHt tod Indiana. - Julv I l The frigate Coiutiiution. Captain f lull, on hrf ptMe from Cbci peak Bay to Ne Yortt enciprrl from an Engliih ship of the l!n and five fHg.(e, who hadebaaed bar for tiitv houra. Aufuat I.- Geo. Hull rclinquiancd the plan of int eating Fort Maiden, and re toroed to Detroit ltb bU army- Aoutt 9." A detachment under Lieut. Colonel Miller attacked near Bronatoo, Michigan, by a aupcrior bodr of Driiiah end Indiana, the latter commanded by Tectiroaeh, end repolaed, after a unju lnary conflict, in which the Americana lost IS nun, end Ihe eoeray upward of noo: ' " Aaguat ta.i-Oen. Hull lorrehdertd tee army I under , bis command o the BriiitK General Brock as prisoners of war. For this be -s tried by e Court Martial, end sentenced to be shot which aentence -tra remitted by Freiident Madiion, in conuderation oLhis retolutionary serti- . August 18. British sloop of war Alert Ciptured by the frigate Eaaex, Capt. For. ter. AuRost 19.--Tbe Constitution captu red the Ouerriere, in lat. 4 42, N. Ion. St tV Wr after; r ection of 45 minutea. The GuerricrCs loss was 78 killed and raining the Constitution had T killed and 6 wounded. Sept. H. Fort Wayne relieved bv Geo. Harrison, af.er a defence oi 9 days against a numerous Indian force. Sept. 14 Two detachments from Fort Wurn rfcilrnvrd the FoUWatomie (Ihdi .11 l. r-L.-f.v V.w..k towns ai ins iovhoi mi "u Sept. 1 6.Foet Harrison, which had been Invested on the Sd Sept. by a Isrger body of Indians unfler the Prophet relieved by Col. Russel. Oct. 1 3. Battle nf Queenstown I Ieights in which the British Gen. Brock was killed. The Americans remained mas ters of the field after three attacks, but the British were strongly reinforced, and msde a fourth attack which would have been repulsed hd not 1200 American volunteers refused to embark to assist the tegurs, and remained inactive specta tors of their defeat and capture. - Oct. 18. The British sloop of War Frolic, of 23 guns csptured in lat. 37, N. Ion. 65, W. by the U- S. sloop of war Wasn. of 18 euns, Captain Jacob Jones, after an action of 43 minutes. The Frolic had 30 killed and 50 wounded. The Wasp 5 killed and 5 wounded. Both vessels were much disabled, and tvere captured only a few hours after by the British sercnty-four Poictiers. . Oct.-26.The British frigate Macedo ttfanj, or49" puns captured in 1st. tf N. ti. - 1 in. TC ' V. th.' do at a" t?lllnit lemf tost ibi i lh Ue r-..-. ftn:.j' c.ii ii Dec. "29. The British frigate" Java captured arid destroyed by the Constitu tion, Capt. Bainbridge on the Coast of BraulThe: Constitution, had 6 killed ' and 25 wounded ; tbe Java 60 killed and 120 wounded. ; 1813. January 32. General Winchester, at tacked at Frenchtown, on the river Rais in, Michigan, by a British army of 2100 men, under Col. Proctor and Teturnseh, and after a hard fought battle surrender ed his force, consisting of 522 men ; 313 kevlae; been UIUd wounded or dUpersed. The f'rliUH lost 94 lilted end IM wounded. A number of lit lull (mar. taken in t hi ballU. end etoeclelff w w-w.w-w ------- - - - - r f ike vottftded f Uk hi Col. Proctor to I.. . . .. ... V the merer er ale IMIiK allies, VKrtwfia- standing Ibe prorolns of pre act too. and Ti. ho.nl ik. kM. ill which Tkm uimh buiol t!ui bouaas' la which some of them were placed, end od)f that others were unable lo join their march, Ibey act tbem up for targets, a at .a shooting ami Ki('ing them. Among Ikau i.Kfr.niinala man wara Cfal. Allan. Captains Woodfott, McCr.ato, Hkkmse snd Hart. t'fhmarv.Tha Bri'lih brir Feacock aunk v tKa I linnet after an action of 15 minutes, ulf Demerara. Akril ir....Cjniura of York. I'sMf Canada, by the Americans, under Gen. Fikt, he was monally wounded and 300 ol bit man either killed or wounded, by lbs ciplo4on of a mag.tine of powder, Bred bv order of the iMiUh General She.ftV Fifty of the Briti.li were alo killed by tb eipKMiun. . . r a aft a a a Mif.-lliui tie ('race in start land, pu bged and burnt bv Admiral Cock burn Mat 9. Gen. Fioctor with about 140 loops end an immense hody of lrM'Uni withdrew. Ukxra tort Meigs, wne:, ae had besieged the Amtr(rn garrio, un dc r' General Kxih tof IS" days. A daiacamauioi aleniuciUns undct Colon el Dudley, sent to relieve the g.rrion. afir aniurina: fuur battel ice, fell into." enVosadc, and only 1 40 nets out of 800 esrawuT M 27. Fori (I force caotured bv the ' - - J - ' - - o r ' American, under General Dearborn and Commoitnre ('hiuncev. May,29. 'Aturk on Sackeil't Harbour,) K Sir (trntrr I rovflSt. who was retHJlvrO by (it nr ral Frown at the head of tegular and the neiKhbouriog militia. In thin attack the Britiah lost aVmt 150; the Americans 136. June I. The U. S. Friirate Chesa peake captured by tbe BrititS frigate Shannon. The Ckrsaoeake had 47 killed, 99 wounded; the Shannon, 27 killed 58 wounded Capfain Broke of the Shannon ind Capt. Lawrence and Lieutenant Lud low. of the Chesaoeak were wounded, the two latter mortally. June 6 Generals Chandler and Win der em-Drised bv the British General Via cent, at Stoney Creek. The two Gener als were captured, but tbe enemy were repulsed with grest slaughter, and about 100 taken -prtswiera. ihe Americans lost 154 killed wounded and missing. June 18 The town of Sodus, i. jtroye,j by the British june 23 The fli'iti itish made an at tack with 3000 men on Crsney Island, preparatory lo one on Norfolk, Va. but were repulsed by about sso irginu mm tia and 1 SO tailors and marines.- -The io vaders lost about 200 killed and wounded', nd 40 deserters. The Americans did not lose a man. ! June. The villaee of Hampton, a. captured, sacked and destroyed after an ob ttiinutc (Virnre. Aiifuat I Fort Stenhenson, Lower aandusny iinto investeu oy "en. i roc- n,. . .- . ...j.. .u. i..-Jri jndusky tihto invested by wen. 1 roc The garison of 170 men under the brave Major Iroghan, succeeded in repulsing them with a loss on the part of the British of 150 men. August 14 The U. S. sloop of war Argus, Capt. Allen, captured by ibe Bri tish sloop of war Pelican, in St. George's Channel. The Argus lost 6 killed and 17 wounded, 5 mortally ; among the latter was Capt. Allen. Sept 4 British brig Boxer captured by the UT S. brig FnterpriseT off Man--heign Island, Maine ; Capt. Burrows, of the Enterprise, was mortally wounded. Capt. Blyihe, of the Boxer was also slain. Sept. 10 Battle on Lake Erie. "The British squadron of 2 ships, 1 brig, 2 ic1irCTsT5fltfTt6op-under Comr Bar clay, carrying 63 guns, wss captured by the American squadron, under Commo dore Perry, consisting of three brigs, 5 schooners, and one sloop, carrying 51 guns. Oct. 5- Battle of tbe Thames, in which. 60O British regulars were captured and 1200 Indiana put to flight, by a part -r.L- A :' . : .. oi nc inicricai, army, qnaer vren. warn fwarnor J ecumsen was krlled. warrior J ecumseh was krlled. ; Dcc. ..iQ. Fort George 'evacuated,' and the "yillage of Newark burnt by Gen. Mc Clure, of the . New York militia, which was retaliated by the British in the destruc tion of Buffalo, Lewistown, Manchester, and Youngstown. 1814. Jan. 22 Gen. Jackson defeated the Creeks at Talapoosa. March 28 The frigate Essex, Captain Porter, captured near Valparaiso by the British frigate Pbcbe and sloop of war Chorub,.after an action of two hours and ru iui us, " April l?i-Tki Brfi'st Ifit ' rpertUr . a a a Mt. captured by tae V, 0. iwop oi war i ea I . June 51 -The PrMiH iloftt) f wsr fru)Jeer ctMurtd if the I. S. sloop ol wsruaio the SiiUr Isieibeanog distant about 40Uaces. .j , Julr 3 -Fort ie, octuped if gar rison 170 men, cattercd froatbe British. July S Battle of Chlppeea, bat.o ihe fHiUh ondc Gen. IUJ, and Ike Amatlcaaa. iMutar OaA. BroWIt lo wbUh ika Briii.h were driveo bl to their fort whence they bed msde a acftle. July f S. Battle of Slagta of Bridge water, which commenced o a eminence near Lundy'a I-ant, wbeve the British kat nlanicd alna bUeaa Ct&rtllcry. The cannon were take after riuch fighting, and three despcrste atteppts made by the Briii.h to recover Ibet were gsllant ly rrputud. The action MtceJ from half r a, a ... we .a S ..I. p.tl 5, I'. n. till II. ien tne rwiwe commented Ike BritUh fena amounted lo about 1000 men. and lae imericao to 750 but by eootinaal rtinkoicemcnts on both sides, the whole BiUlaS trca en gaged smouoted lo SI30, and the Ameri can io24l7. The BrnKJb M 878 nuni . r i r - f tt . i I . i. ,w;. k.nta me imenc.ns a j i. .wa. m - thai the brav. Colonel MJUr aaswarsd to the nrooosiiion of Osneral BipWf. to ' . . . . i s batie-r with '.he Sl! regiment, 14 1U try Sir I- Autcuu .9 Tke.Britsl) attacked sod bomnarded Sionlngton, tut were repulsed on the I Ith. t AuguM 24.-B'ettle tt Dladeosburg. anir capture of Washington, and several private houses burnt bv order of Admiral Cockburni sod' Ihe elvy ysrd,. a ne frigate and s sloop of sr, destroyed by onlerof the V. S. government. Sept. I. -British sloar of war Avon rtiiaSled by the V- S. Wasp, in e night, baulf . Three other vessels coming up, the Wp did not tske otesloaof bet prise, which sunk sooi eJter her ere were taken out by her companions. Ca.lSna taken bv (he British, who cl.imed, as ibeir lei ritory, that" pert of Mioe between Penobscot river and Pas ninnimnldj Sj. -- - Sept. 3.-The U. 8. frigate Adams burnt by Capt. Morrison TFenobseot river, to prevent her falling into the hands of the roemv. Sept. II. -Battle on lie Champlatn. One fiieate one brig and two sloops, csp tured from the British squadron, by Com. McDonough. Cora. Downie, ihe British commander, was lllled"In this action.' The Americane lost 52 killed and 58 wounded; the British 84 killed, 1 10 wounded and bad 838 taken prisoners, wRkh Utter amounted to more than the number of Americans engaged in the battle. - . Battle of the Sarsnac -The British had been 5 days in possession of the right bsnk of the river waiting for their squad ron lo engage Commodore McDonough's The Americans, under Gen. McComb, succeeded in preventing their crossing . . r , . Hniih lou.dronr Itaving nu sic. ano the river, and ucn. rrovosi maaea pre 1 . a . a . S Tritisn squadronrltsttna; Tfttf lck. atilJ wounded, besides a targe quanuiy oi pro visions and munitions of war. Sept 12 -Attack on Baltimore, in which the British were repulsed with the loss of their leader Gea. Ross. Sept. 17. - Brilliant sortie from Fort Erie, in which the besiegers under Gen D-ummond were so much weakened, r;H the sieee three days af t 1 1 . IIIVJ - 11 n. t .A convention of delegates from ihe sfate orMa-isaChusettsHthorte-lslsnd .Antiavrtiriit. yfi d the counties ol Cheshire and Grafton, New Hampshire, met at 1 1 an ford Gon Adams. 1815. January 8-Batt1e orNelr-Orleans; men, were repulsed by 3,300 Americans SaaeFOW niVWK Ubhe of about 4000 men in killed, wounded, and missine. Among the former were Gen eral's Packenham ahd Gibbs. The Amer icans did not lose in all 500 men. ? i . .The fneste President, manual y- - . , -1 r, Captain Decatur, was captured by a Brit-, isli squadron, one nau v 7 from New-York, in leaving which port, she grounded on a bar, by a, mistake of tbe pilot, and was considerably Injured. The ndymion,one of tbe British squad ron, was engsged by the Tresident ana silenced before her final , capture. Ihe President lpat 34 killed, 55 wounded. (vraty mleuut. TM mail. ft Dec 24. The treaty ol peace between an(J it is our bounden duty io uV,K .... .he United States and Great Britain signed K, aga-,HSt ny combination or cojrr f,oWTOU,..lVtalltJft at Ghent on The part of the U. S. byoh.i binations, 7hat may attempt, j"8 WllVcs county, on the 20th of May. 1827, a Q. Adams, James A. Bayard, Henry Clay, hive the ,uriati,y to attempt, to thwau (J ho h;, nut i 0( .. Jonathan Russell, and Albert Gallatin; wil, and com0el b.m , to yield w he r. . fr "3 and on the part oi uresr unm i , . it is as tne grou-.v - . - ., ii n...iK.. anil Willmral ,k Kino-. and the Ails- uarooier, enry vuuiuvi"i struggle wwwii.i- . r.iM.M it t . i .! j 1 99' iw" i ae wyanw ana tbe Mv.ni 'centered ef Mdtfi,fcy iheCeasfliutlon tsot. Stewart, la 40 minutes. The Lai rou. a as vonauittiwu iwtn 10 woundfd. The Uvsnt lnt 39 men and the tyane 31. . , . , , Uarrk 21 ...Itrlilih brie Penmjlfl UO' lured by the JIobl. CapL BUdJe. tV irtstan l Acuntia 9. Atlantic ocean. The Penguin lost 43 menj the Hornel rats br net ur vmsxhlwil The title of Chancellor originated ith the Humans. It was adopted ti the Chdrth, at.d became a half cede. siaatie and half lav office. I he Chan. cellor was entrusted with all public in atrumcnts which were autnenticatea i a . . a and when seali came into use, the cus- cxJy of them was conhnrd to that officer. The mere delirery &f the Kior's creat seal, or the taking it away, is all the ceremony that is used in err tine- or uomakine a Chancellor, ihe o , , , officer of the greatest weight ai;bsis- tins; in ihe Kingdom. me arsi Chancellor in Lneland wee appointed in the reign of William the . Conquer orT'and with only one etcrptioo. il , , . . Wl enjoyed by ccclesiasucs until the tme ol fe.iiz.iKth. when auch officers were Uflcd Keepers of the Crest Seal. From the time uf Sir Thomas More's appointmetrt..wcucb . t''Q!i place In ihe reign just mentioned, there tsonl v one instance of a clergyman having hfen elevated the o.Hice namely, Dr. Williams, Dean' of Westminister, in the lime of James I. Th Chancellor is a Pi ivy Counsel. lor hyotticr, and Speaker ol the House of L(.rds bv prescription. To htm belong the appointment of all Justi ces ol the Peace throughout the King dom. When the Chamellur was an ecclesiastic, he Iwcame Kccprr of the King a Conscience, nd remained so. He is also visiter ol all hospitals and colleges of the King's foundation. He n nairnn of all livings under 20. per annum, in the King a Moi. is the general gtiardun ol au imams, idiots, and lunatics, and haa the sapcr- intendrnce r-f all charitable institutions ; .K i:!nrlom. He tkes precc dence of every temporal Lord.eicept I SB . 1. the Roval Family, and all omers c. ih ArrhSiah no ol Lanteituiry. kit's e . . a ........ i. .i.i. aa.t iraaaAn nv llllUl vs Kdward III, to slay the Chancellor in his place, and. doing his oflicc. " In the year 1G80, there were Com- miisioners appointed for executing the ffice cjf Lord Chancellor. . . London taier. WIU.1.1 COBBI'TT. The following extract from Cobbett's Register will show his present politics. Never having espoused a cause that he did dot ruin or desert, his coming out in f.vor of the King js a bad omen for his Vyaniii"5 - r,-- iil face of the earth whom I would have re- commended, except a . "'f qualified to pull down the whole tabr.c o he present destructive aysteni. But, if the King had chosen a man still more ur, r,t tobe Minister ; if be had chosen il do " . "i i . r"i,.Ki hnnnra I mandril. eSirDt 8 a man cmincmiy If I had tne power ii - , . lM, the ert.te, are Uee-rea to r . Vf ...win lhl occasion, , "" .1 .-. .ith.nlhn tention oi nii'iajc.y "i" - i prewnt tnem. leeai-y -. n i. .monvatthe last men upon the . n-.M.ribrd ov Uw, oiherwiae this nolico T 8U,Cn .!yw lorn w a ble gentleman by whom r.ve r w )ir n by whom Job. wea persecuted, by whom wot m .,, m,,,, , John our Sasiori-wa- tempted. and who is ?;4iiottai,Caroulu.fron, -b.m k ran . . .. ni aeekinar 7 . t,. r,.-.- thr-owne. a .:...n- rnnm no- U0 ana iw" IIIIUBMI ' O . .I I. rw,m he may devour, l ..1,1 . . . i unur uivin u . . . - . e ... . . . . . - , . . . .- : . - t IIU, - .. . I.l,l II,. MruK8'sr.' . thi. appoint mysell to yoT (the Parliamentary Refor mlrs in order to Induce you, whenever U ttrppori knnaraa ifiM ricv who, a' we n " oVe?.lledgdiotirt,tion.,h r.rt lone and long domineereo u. fact, long n ' 8 ,-f CanninR be the - if it be pot an eno .v..-..-- lot IZV, he will Ibe entitled 07.r least be may expem- natured a people, iorgivciic y Sold sins committed against us .fr Se lS thirty years; and that .., I thmk, ,ne: .. m ;rh for this actvof his, as an "cessof the generosity of human aatnrc can possibly auggesi. I iiv" - - I l,l .1,. I r..... I I lKi. 'u1Ac V.nttTtfkltuntnta' f pilt ktUulbei kavkf Uuhf toka. I ptmmtm ef thai cr veawal and I I'l lral kuillui la tha Tma f faa. prtpttrd to S'Tomifcyj' Tr.nrv aw th IMa J aula .m ui m. iUM. nwkrd with the kf h k. .US, tk L. UuirL LU RukW attta.1 d by sltfnti and rstwl howtrf. i a4 m esm (Km, m I.U part ilall be wanting to rtttArt the t.v ft lkae aba ay rail apew ki toon- kte aad tlraM. r,, J 4. 1. 873 .VelWaft for Salt. Tllf. Mkrlbtr, acting a Jtfen Hntry rtilen'.kW, proof iirtof of ike in- fa Jil M,tfrHf, tolTrra l 1 pi""tO X.W.H ftf fell m anddfKfipiwrtS hf tht Iff or quanlilt. upon Itrma erpalry aViraiKy as Uy tmm be kraut M trm CbarUalaai if ar ohrr city lo lhn place. 1hv wialiing to aupply lhrirclr,rait du o by asakitig ap,l. calioe la U urvUriiftvril. r.lMVAKU tltr.i!..Trii. SaUury, V. lK I Hi.'7. 6l.l7 N. B. (HJCthtr SHtU. and other OM lpntr, hoiglit by Ike BuKerilT. KPi3. Vor ttnf, or Wtnt, My Ihumf and Ui ia Ihe Teea e Concord. It LMieecntraJ pert UU tow a, d ieave. in a ec ntml p art U lb low a, and ia a ve . ry tfiblv rtanJ for tfie Mi iraniite or any wtker TJ WHXIUWT a - - tiJlrAmimmt S.Im m arfraBrarrcmaTT eO erW'dMaairfrna,rvytari ihrre ieagood rc llmr. ami ntrran o oiwi"j, b.r j.ln way tic kad In ike rnurliaae of lk pa mi-.. Il not !.'., tliey w.u ot ncniru for further p.rticojsr. appW " , jWii . 1ir)tf. - - ' -44 -- Yor af a or Wnl. IVII.l. hH. r rent fur a tetn t4 vtart, my llOUsr. and LOT in the town of Usjfg ion. It U a lnhle lanj fu'r a Tinm ami ntorr, .iln.tril a frw dtor wartk f Ike Tnurt. Ilouar, im Wain Mirrl i the Iimix- keinir MifTi. cieniiy la'jr' '! abor bmintaa, with all ncrrmry out mpr. 1 " thnae nko mav frel iirl to I'ft' '" biiainrMM kinfl, thia prrwnn a faorahle an npporlunhy any in tl.i .licc. 'I lie tirrn.iio can be tten on ap nlic.iion tu the ,ubcribcr. who rriW'a thereon. JAtOn ALBBICHT. .1fnl 9t. R77. 3w7J V.verx mva OYflleMWUt fllllK i.brribir lavirg pmrhsn f the nrh1 I (nr sioa- M. wtrnhair. Pert mliiiilart .l.CT'T.P'rdur bow's for Mr ekleaburg emwr. tmw ncr. ,w Mle lUcae Jiia. aai the : f irjtk Uitb". "P rtulv b the an.Uer, on eccommmtaiinf; term. Mr. M T.. Mohan of toncora. n au rtiorired to for thr- county of ('.harm. The plan of both thee Mill, may be ttn to Concord ami fh.rlntte. St f norts. HKNJaMIN k. a I. ex a no eh. .1. r I7rri.if rouniv, Ma9 'J.18.7. 3mt74 C 1-V Cents lUwtmA. AN aar.fiom the ejberibpr, fn the 26ih I i of Feb. a vming man k ihe name pT Gabriel En.ley.arnt 15) tra, AH prrtnna are - forbid len to harbor or tnit b.m on my acciHint, a. I iH t m "( '"' c"lrci,nf. Sis and a quarter cent, a ill be given to any one who will return enid Ud, but no eipenaca paid, or th.nki rien. Jt70 SOLOMON ENSLEY. Anirf cunly,X. C. Juw 22, IH27. Vifttne of fttuuueV M'Ouwe. ft SHE wibarriber having qualified Admin. J iHtn'ur on the estate of Samuel M'Giirre, dre'd. not;Hr. .11 perona indebted to aaioveaiato. ) ... L u Jl. aniT ' th laaarii (f ,gi7 9t72 5,J7 ften JV ftm CoWlMllt jn Sai,,)llry( ,, lr 9ih int. . , ,-l()W (lh()lil)1 ,- nilmc w lUthi . t n : K... I,..rl. Iilurk enmi)U'li"H. neirro John, lia. , . ,out three weesa mm' 7... .i. u.t. ri.rr. thr-owne.ia .(eureuio Pr..c v-.-v, -o. ... - " 'J . . ... i.i.rff iiiifi ibkc mi;ul nilllt llllir: n v w . r a.nii... .....w. . -o - - ,ava he belong u jamc. .u..H. w - -.1... I m in the tower part or trua d th.t,e. hi.:m.,terr. totte. -the .9. wrcT,h wrro- n. charee.. and tattene" mpv ri ';""'-1 CIIARLE PUtU'Sjr..: ' OV ,j,e 9th and 1 1th instant, Bm, Frank, nnd Ihn , Men about 26 y ears old, 5 feet 6 or 7 ine" i "idgh bhk.-i. helcto John r2 9 or lu he.-WSVdsrk of OLdetborpe cninty, GeorKs MT Sift feetT or 7 incbea. big b, ye low eotop fca "on. saa he bclonRS to Samuel Cherry, of Pen. ion, an; a ii .".,. ik. unn are re- .queeTed to come fin-ward, prove property, p-y rharvesfnd take them away. 1 1 be D can in "r in 1 JOHN CLEMENT. Jdm'r. OMUf.it'Wi'iJ . .... - J V raaiiiff'Wiww4sie ..J. '! ' ' - ' : lM.MaM,waaWaaBBaBaBBBa

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