TV" KSVLiM JIL I r T. Vf't hd trly time pV'tt Ja li fipM tktHb of the pro ec dlgt h l''!U mM tii It ii nwnUiiii ifirf 'he tblie of Mlnly . In Mir Cutunint iMt ev'niajt, alll U kund eHiMgta report ef 1ti, iU al;y mare fUt'lf , tef ar rcaJtri te f fetHnir, Cllln( at Ibf ojtin f Ihe Moon, il Ii proper ia adj. aowtvtr, lhat, upon iu'H'jii day, Mr.-fttt tecmt tt erpanef from lha ion of moderation lih vfclcb he (Srl apoke, and NC M -nrV rcilmltUipuc4 Let ace Mr- Mr. Dayton, and almMlf. Mr. Cloning, .-also, li represented In Ibe papers, at Wf MtweretJ to qaraUnt) put ay Mr. Diaoi,whelbr errangeateAtt we rema king la fill no Ike yet vacant cGltet, by tbe mofHjlUlJ fii, altered vita ratcb I ercceett af manner, fa a tba que a( fart of lt tUbaif , kjaettr, Mr. C. appears 10 have recovered bit toga!) ty, and to have poured eot upon Mr. Uaw un hit umpiring powers of ridicule. An oppoUilon. indeed, ltd by Mr. Dawson ml Sir Thomat Lcthbrldge , Caa Jy af ford materials for ridicule. In the Hons) of Peers ibe eapUastiontj ikit ttrlifli fvW-l f ron.l'if frarr! Ilk aa iiplanitl ( Ibe tno-lvtl wbUh had Indeed thl H rin. . , The Way I atpllOlrtW biting baen ibttt trnoott4 IU.I'n intcred up Ml statement af motive. He ellu ad te Ike "en merciful" winner In bkh b bad bcea tUttkid, end hffxj thai kit Jang adberm'e pnvlpUi tbe oppose of these uncon I'uiVnwI on it hlcH bad beta eitribied o bin, would git f him right lo aril bU eeilinl opportunity Ihaf M4 ffi Vim i.rfi&4 ilmMf. Thi bt W4 b. txert tup fw.4 rullir .f iie-nrxin lo dkUlt to tb KnK, fur Utt Vwrl f Iclp nwtu mini ibil !it coaid! rrrr krtr tti(f ( libl ;Uif 1W4 i 4U JmI bo mi ffro uiir It lbi li It a b o4 ttuJalvft fLk,fJ.m llr ptHf ftt'flt )Ui.Jf, iCiljmnf jib btij, ,U tcutUnt in lt tUliif, it it fi tti). pv'irilf! rl;l Cl.iW)f, tui lmpnll Ut tnlJ di Itfilf jut iU." Oft Mr.' I'rtf b txtocJ il. moU flntfii f uiiiint, of Hom bi m TVMti 4 culm Iti Cofittkttd thai ttl C'lkiJlC fiUtft. I 1V lurWaU Cllrul 1 . . . o tl, In fact, nJrfir(J. ljra, Mtnlt 2J, la .IU rt . Tbt f qui! W AnjUwt i!ac Farad ILiI & arW UnMU iU m ,.i ba vat. In inKcl 10 iba tfl"tli!t liblu iM ibat tinf.nnmitlf IW blmwlf and1 vbl b k4 liVtacfTa, unfciirrtJ rnl r,,-iiu ik Jfm!'ii ha f.nniff-.:it iiginf I4UHKI loorouca, rri it Ilka ir fca Utt (MS Mlttlilng. . - il.ff'.Unia In Ml lalcnm an4 too Ha ad almpl; tUjti bt itjmmt 1 fltrt f tba BrM much diff. Jac J la aMlmtilnf tbt dc rti i bka b M racalftd, 10 dttotf bu VimV,Ul1 Jgl fa of maJ4r,iM abl:h M anjt (t iba ( nftflit 10 Iba tappfirt ofibcm. "'"""""P"-y kid w ew-trf. U H illUnitratiad mlad; Tka of WintMMcr tkwd tKa da- ,',Fn "f ,,M Anmj ihera vt ia rtt pcuci tuttaca 01 au , bit a If 1 rimirk vbkb no ana vlil La t!:h Jte!!nf,.,rt'f.vti bt lata diaun Inctinca l(JiiPuia"-ibiiaMfloliiw guUhad fur iba ri unattttmlog modat I lka Ktoluilwi vonIJ, 10 iba l.lnofUn, tfi rjj.iif ra amoflgti mint to ' prctant to ramaftalta an in ai Iba pta fctWla,t.d .va IbUof lLa,JlcbtlCtil." Jll j1tc!rJ, iNn, Iba fo 1 abica kid W(t MnJ IUm) M rout at 11 vat auraorainarv. Tbui ended tka ctplaatuj a tka arcaacri. Ifrxt, OrnilaHw (a taaaVinK of Air. Cinaintf, ba I'triiwud kit toccata 10 kit jf ', aiU prbiiMt CBDoInr," l a ka voatd 4 call on tka Prima Mmlwer lottra fcoa tka ckartrft kad ntaiad kf Kirl Orotttnor, ci;iul inrG7a mUalrtil lkf vf a certiiatf an cooerUn f nt logtihe r In ralitclon- Lnai ka kad littd kxig eaor,k lo are thai capiul In mow j and cvainito In piii lira did tomctl'rict ko logfthrr. Ha bad for maaf feart et'ermod ii bittluir i contidr vketkrr ka tmtto not lotctliij tad ba vltkfd ll prti(uUrlf uadaiatood tbtt la kit rciftaiion ba kid been anna te 4 kf IM pvraofial (ttivif roarlt an nna MtHk lopert 10 la Ualhullc titled lo ibe'r guett at to tkrpnrHtM atkaroyJearbd pour Tbe kpn Ja law Vfhm 1 la hie of iba Right Hoa. Grotjiman bad girra in their re- iirtt anf admired lha rapldur frt II 1 Jon ,K tXa' AmUtudor at Vlcont, from ki 1 ki tbt foltovrrnrt Mf.CaanJne kaa tarnrl taken tnjr atepa In U"r of iba Gietlt it ma 1 one. 11a 10m neiietier ka kid in. atrvcrkiva ta do fcot tkM k aa4 ika" KaUa AaabaataJVf could fioLartia u iba Icrmi ibit ibnld ba rroDowd la ik. fofieT lo foriKjuf net of thl, Mrr f - L J 1 .11. 1. I - I M rao 001 Men aoie 10 ur ixiore ihf tbaaattiimentt of Ibf I5ltlb CUnt ra' (elite to tbe Oreckt. Ii It veil knoaa i0 ba Iba vltb of Enrlirvd thai Orreca abotM ba a frra ftalloo bo I Mr. Canning bj. azoLoor or aomtm c.txoUY.i. Tka Raldgk'Kegiticr, of lha 39ik all rivat tc6ndcnted tievof lheo'rrailatit of Profcttor Mite hall, on ibe Geology of I lendt to tliputafo that the thOold pt a iba aooih-vcatern toomict of tka tuie. irltMrie to lha Torkt, cboota thtir oa Tka I roietanr not teeing ihii one part ofJOovemmcni, and Ibe Pone It not to la Iba Upper Country demanded kit alien ! terfrra In an war vlih iha lm..i . iih which ha bllad up Iba tacanciet. Iiloo mora lhan another, determined loLminialratioa. but la la ti ..iI.C-j rnM . W m m A x . - 'PL. 1 . L. .1 . t'. J ..t..t.t. I.... I .1 . . " ..w.w mwnu ! 'lyuvHn van,. m nw iiaa in, i curi a 101 rioinE wocrfi 11 cniorii ina; ifiriuia. The Right Ian. Gentleman vat food of S. Carolina, attd e limine ibe count let on Tka Ttirkith Uirl were eettU i.umoiuiiit ., . . . , . , 1 fliliillllnni ikl K Kmi .1 lit! IKi KiHa ; .L .J. il .. I.. L . - . . II 1 I . . T"l t. . . I vara act of muck forte. r.Uin 1 H'"0 " 7 . T 1 . ' " 7.7 , . " " 7 . ,wr onitieo oi j tnree dec a aaio ne nao long mttaoaa to te'lra Ibat . , ' . . , .7T nAa. not attrrether Inanolic.bla lo ira could not, va toppoae, ap hi. mind I w r-, i-. dreamtaaeat ha ih.i I, i .! " r. . nuinian. I ma L iter irrilv riirdi. nr I , tani circttmtBcet 1 ne meant tnat r In l.ia aaa rata an. mora ik.. U ,k., fl 1'0-. U perlrrllf rigbl. or I tultort in Kqui.r) and kl tharafor. 'F P"1 vill argue it KUod tka occaalon of the turned oi . h" P Ion thai I am per - w i ,a. . a I W new Admiiiat ration to carry bit purpbte into elfrct that ka vat aot. koweter, la fluenced by any (aaraooaJ koatiliiira, and " cciulnlr totended do tJii or ji loraliy lo Ibe throne.. The Duke off . vauwgloa, low,.DJa.a i tpcechfin lha couraa of wbkb ba read iba torrttpon deoce that bad atd betaacn him and - Mr., IboujjU J!Tring in ' priwof jf waa trHKk la -aKaMa like that pobiUhed by eat paper acme lime go, though h vji m fact tporiooa. Thf Duke't tuecch vat full vf egu'.Km, ibougb e did biniKlf tbe jtiitice 10 j , in aliu tioo to tome rrjKrtt that the rrcinicrthip nao dccb onerea 10 mm, mat auca vaa Dot the fact, and that, certain!, ba vat not fit for tuch a ttation. Cotb ha and Lord Eldon ttrenooutly maintained, thai in lha reiignation of the old Cabinet. there had been no concert and that tacb acted for himtelf. tnd without knowing what bit colleague! would do. Lord Beilej confirmed thi, ttjtement. and confined hit few rtmrkt thereto, with out in any nunner, eiilighicoing bit no ble friend at to bit niotiret for taking Dark me ofhee na bad throwo up. The apeec b about Mr. - Canning, but proUbl y - wiinoul much effect, at bait a sort of crack brained toldier, better known at Lofd Stewart, and elder brother of the late Lord Cattlereagh. ahcte peraotul quarrel with Mr. Canning he icema to h,,,e.!;,ien P- I'pon the whole, to far, toe aircngth of namet and talent ii large ly on tbe aide of Mr. Canning. How the ',Oew atsociatct get along logi-thtr, and what the measure t for the iaii.rjr.i.. fertlv wrtflz-'t:ill I lr nr Iort;a.ihal the drciaion of a fjuraikwi k importaat tboatd aaf ba deferred- 1 kate, certain If, khkerto brrn one' of the motl amlout to Ajtpota the biingin: forward of Ibit que at too; but. f am now clearly of or in ia ikt4ba time kat coiaa a bt n it houIJ ndoogktlobe brouMfufvatd. fllcar. Heat - and great laughter. Could I, cn taininr n- aeniLbetttt. and adtneating In I and for tome remirkt upon the cbaractert . . a . . . whica one paly It tuppotcd to tar, on ; imprttcd upn the ail they form, by our meeting enor, MA auddrn thought diffrrent rork foimationa, whkh he re or sine line of battla tt.l. a Geolgiral Map.of Ibal pari of Iba tate, tnd teteraJ filgatet. Tbe Sultan uMl. tirtkea me- !i ut twear eternal friend tblp." Sofia might think to, but he thought ii tat no new friandihlpj tince eret until he comet to review ibe Geo- lojtt of the State. Tka value of lha gold found in tome Intendt aery tbtnr. and rciewt tka troopt every day. They are murk Im proved of laic, nd tra Chkflv iottruriH by renrrade Firnchmrn. Ona bt ik chief Turklth Generala it a renegade Frenchman. The ctnittl w,t oulet. bar people generally Kerned lo doubt tha'l it would continue to. Different 4t were day and niabt naradinc tha oan. tUDDOrt . lie it of o run Ion that lha nrrrioua matal I and cnicrinv all lKa n.lTmm ku,... I ... , , ,r r ! Ik - ..w wwmw I up or tne r t a ' toart i ka bad Ukea,,ollecteJit!fttrly earned. and the tame pote you have heard thai tbe Commit at thermlr ona Hich, under the circum icI. to the cultivation of tha aoif. wouldf tlonert whirelMied tkw -r k,. ttanrev be cou4 have tafely adopted create a quantity of produce of more val man. were at eliminated on tbeir return foe aome yejft ka bad perceived in ell parti of the State, lo the populatkm of the Cannina pvUic ecla, iodkationt of'countict in which it orcurt. Profettor frien.i,kiP foe bit hew formed MtocLitei. ; Mitchell bit never ettimated very highl. V irui Godticb followed, in tupport . He it of opinion that the pretiout metal tuch opInlwiTai I IntartaWy have through i I"f nllntC J D,.f ,n! irjuditlout 1 ue in the market, and better btbitt of in I lo Conat.atlnApla. Tkli an ik a.. i lire -conld I crmitentJy kerpoflke un- no an ruert. opeatingortne'tToitry -and economy would be formed Una order.- Tka re atoa alleged ia,ikat der the Trlme 3Iiniterof tbaday, hoer,iou Tic ? r1" Dte' "tade by lha amongtt the Ubourert. Oacationally, a ther were not authoriied to go ao far b principlet are o iliamiiricallv oppoalte j "ke . "elliagfon, in relation lo Ibe valuable prie It found; but, at a body, the thctr concettit ni at ihey did. The Sd iota? af .1 wtU.aot tar but tftai Hnjf'10" betwicn tbe pree and lha Koldwathert are p.rly paid. At, how- tm and the Grand Vjfjer nightly pt(& Kight Hon. Gen-lr-naii wiil maintain hit ' K"meni, ; be tald, When h it added ever, a goodikalof labour and tome cap tbe tlrcclt In dhgtite, to tee whether cberithrd cpiniont at arafoualr aa I .kaU.'1 bl b, ihtt, in tha tttackt ' it. I it like! to be employed hereafter in any dittarbanre it going on, and vbetbef mine- At far at private fttltnt were concerned. I could have wUhrdto change my opinion on ihii tubjccl. I lae con aidered often. j and k u . whether I ought not to (Laiirr them, mi I (njnn it wa inipoililc (Hear, bear, lom the oppoaite brnrhrt)- - and thrrrfore, al though I could terve under a gotcrnmrnt with tuch a man at L'rd Liverpool at in head, 1 mutt tay.rtiat, giving the prrtrnt rSlrh rt rnmnLinnl Iki mm In. ' Ik en under the itfluenea of the Govern ment. I lake Icare, my Lord, in a man ner the moat dininct tnd unqualified, to dmr the tttertion. Hear, bear.J 1 tll gn farther titan thia, tnd add, that. lha collection of told from tha toil of lha region in which 1t occurt, obtervationa having for their object, i he rirrumttaocet in which the Gold ciittt -the tourcet from which h it derived, and the placet where it may he looked for with the beat publir preta, end the connection between it and the Government, I have no beita tbn in eiDreitr me oninion. lhat the - of the country that will be proposed, r malm to be tern. e" thaiotW r- prised :thff djsoluuon-of the: ParKa ment though thia it the firat tetaton of a new lloutc, in order lo give to Mr. Canning, in the elections, the benefit of tne popularity be certainly e-emt to en joy with the mats of the nation. Tha Bar of the House of Lordi vat filled with membera of the Monte of Com- mont, and, at mttrht have been anririm k fta,y.rnc)flVWt1iife a ua ucoaie wat commenced by Larl Groavenor, who waa for ome time unable to obtain a hearing, from the noise and confusion amoog the auditor. Me held two Catholic petition! in hit hund and apoke of Irish affairs in a ttIe of k..i.! J mm ' oauicrinf; ana pleasantry. He Premier all possible credit foreinceriiv in "st ' engine too powerful and loo .... - - : .1 ... i r .i WeVJPy?l Dp pov" and Dekinl,""i,"n, 99 maoa-uaa-oi in me tit fnirniKM lfon. Ucntlnnan wjtb C "f '7,, rwTt tna oorernnrrm due retpect, I do not tnink I conld rt main wer dipitecl. wWkh it ia not, lo make in office We lha quraiion to be altered, "Pr V "d a laugh, from and become thia. .Whether, if I had not' ,he 0Ppoi'ioo Benchet., NoWa Lorda prcvjouslr entertained tbe lightest in-' n"y '-"'Rh; but if they were again killing teniion of resigning, I abould not, under : ,m ,,M f tka- Houtel tty, if thty 'be circumstance, hive then resigned? frr nd had to lettla the cjuettion He wis ttrong in the opinion, that if the of 1 "rn bow would they act I Catholic Tl-ini were gianied, rhe roIFtci-' criburtt assigned -at one of the ous rights of the country would be hi an "1f"i for bia resiirnatioo, the rekirtj ehd. HeVouU not briwir bimscif ia lir- :n f indivldualt formerly hi rol licvi that the Administration, constituted 'e?e, in -whoaaiwdirmeni-he Dlaced a it was, cpuld be formed on the same ,he most Implicit reliance He thoutrfii bails' ar.Mar-of-Lont Ltveruoal't. Hi. thould iiof have Letn Tuilified in run- wholr life Ind been drVMerf, and it thould ''ijog to r t- aJr the tcc.ejitionc.fsd be to hi djinc hour, to eppoMitj the in m ,nT n' colleague!, at be hud aiw7yt irodttction af alterations which mint pro- l''ouht an administration composed en dure ecclesiasticHl tyranny, which would ll'tir f ffienda or opponents of the Caih iooii, in lis turn, produce civil tyrannv." 0,'c c'int wat not desirable. He concluded by exnreakintr thank in The Earl of Westmoreland cnnhWH the teert for the indulgence he had oh"n,e,' fbicfly to thowing lhat men had long experienced Irom ihein, jn doing)'" undonbted right to retain or resign to -; .no,..-.. . t-mrttUln The Duke of Wellington disavowed intention or entering into any HinrrtsMon 'tirthrr than to answer ih 5 lt1afffAn Utd Ellenborough, and to explain the Rn,liMa. t a.!. . . . ;'"" nis renrement Iron, his AI. f y a government. had been moot treated : he had m jwii an v in i new aiiim ian &a s - l vie ' etuaniUII Ul I limp lllllllai T. - ano-terj.nd that, in consequence or biadis-'L; Z'T Tk" !-r Influfnced l the army. These were absuFdchHrees. X " Vnitnip-i-aa eomptH,ec. in the b. " I'Oking passage of his speech, in whirl. - ' J VIU HIICW li 1 1 II W taVitraa. Itiitl I. w " ne thought their Lordships would feel that rem. 1 1 A ..... . .. mat Ireland would gain something by the change or minutry ; although it would be of I he grossest nature, by a ,u i ue v m none question now. Hot h parties, he thought, ought to pause : for if conversions wer nin in Ireland, aa rapidly ai had been stated, mey wouij aoon settle tbe question geiher. "Capical r would circulai ...I.. . I ' r tijr, amj conversion follow conversion so speedily, that scarcely a ample . . r - i ......... M.a.,tt va iiaiii aa ici,nui v. Lprd Ellenborough thought the noble Lord right in taking that opportunity of i-urcBsuig ins opinions upon the Catholic question there wm little chance of Dis ever enjoying an opportunity of ciy inKJheirtroMb m;a rujj,, jscvssjo) xne question, w niie t he gove rnmenr re mamea constituted as it then war. lli .- , . ,, nu: une() which utey pad a right Jo act as they saw, fit.. ..Yet, they had in consequence of tlicir resignations, been availed in no very meaMtred lanKUiig-: rhey hud been accused of acting ip concert, and of irrv properly and unconstitutionally a'tempt- niK io dictate, to their -Sovereign. He considered,, therefore, that those noble and Inghly esutmcd end distinguished Lotdt were b.und, ii, maintenance of their hitherto unblemiiiied character as individual, and in maintenance, as mem bcrs, of the honor oi tb:t house, to take 1.ji j.l. l r"" eiormrr on oemocrat r ivn. I me grossest nsture, by a press which u . r". "',lcrs he believed to be under The influence of E k , f ' 1 by rttmnK from 0,r,ce' he government. He had be en , .cc.ed- I fi,!f,.hUJU,f " . of ingratitude towatd. hi Majesty JZ . hh un!.:.. a- .L. . -J . 1 . 1. . ' ' lilt lOal had ArKfn fmnt a-UIIa. talraa it " avittv LIT opinion. He declared he had no wish, u. inouguT.oineing prime minUtcr-he knew bimbtlf clibqualified for that office and knowing alio his fitness for the one which he had the honour m An. h ...... t .. . " HIUSl nave oeen worse than madYeoulri be har TOTTnw-Tfia. -rrnanKifmf-'MaYlnir mr -ne step they had taken, at khoIii uini i a.r If . W w. suKaU,y, lie thought that-had mey oceo more unreserved to ihrir a heretits in the cotintrv. m,A t,.... 'y a large majority of the House' of Le,rW. y wouia nave oee n able to induce the King to form a mixed administration, in wnicn protcstant principle! would have decidedly predominated. The had, he thought, acted honorably, but injudicious-ly- He spoke in hieh terms of Lnrrf Pi. from what I know of tbe character of the 1 proapectof finding it, will not be neglected Alter an attentive examination of so much of this district it is comprised by the count ie t of Montgomery and Anson, and tome observationa in other countlct. Ihe following poind do not appear to ad iu or any nruM : . ..L That what hat heretofore been called no great Mate formation, ia irj fact iraowtioo. formation, j. t. a collection of strata formed out of the rounded fraa; menu and mini of other and older rocks, and that it' should be to designated here after. There is a good deal of genuine tlate, conglomerate rocka having a tendency to a achisto'sc structure," are , auunnani as me ate. tl leat in the Eastern part of the formation, and t there are other conglomerate rochs'vhich j exhibit no tendency to a'schisto struc"'"A" ,nee fd tome o her rocktal ternate wiTieach other,' and ar assocU. rd together in every possible order. The specimens uhich are Cnllertcd in our Cabinet, for the purpose of illustra ting the geologicaI,character of this part of the State are pretty numerous. 2. No stratum of any kind, containing gold ot any other substance, ha rv.r waters of ohh deluge undoubtedly stood over it but they deposited nothing. The lormation remains as it was when origin ally consolidated or thrown up, except lhat the upper surfaces of-the rocka lhat compose it have been decomposed and furnished t cowing of soil. The proof oi mis is turnishet by Ihe Tact, that, the soil constantly variea with the subjacent rock. If there is a change in the compo tilion of ibit rock, an alteration in the co lour, fertility and other dualities of the Sktl I. lmiHa.l! . . - I .. .1 .1 W , v.. ii.Mic-.iiaiiGir ooscrvaoie. i ne gra vel, also, down to its minutest particles preterve! the character! of tbe rocks over wnicn it ilea. 3. It follow! sJiat the gold collected irom ine-sou orTnese-TotmtiesrnrigTnatly taiaivu in me rocai occupying the place -iicic me roki is now lound. A ih rocRs nave crumbled into soil, th- has fallen out, and bears the same nr,,,,. tion of the toil in which it is mingled, that It did to the stony matter of the rock n wncn ii lay imbedded. their orderi are executed. ILrdlv a dae patet without the 'shedding of huaa blood, from mere jeahut lutpiciont.' wiirmuf oeine called to account for , ... unc iTniJTvm. "'JtTw-ti,njf -'etn an . .j.. . t. . . . . ' . ,cu io o.f mi i a nil I. m it- -but "was a man to assist in councils which he disapproved and in which he had no confidence ? Were thev to sup port a reformer or a democrat 1 No. He kh ih own sentiment! on public matters; Mtrt Sufimtitin.-. h i, ,,14 that tha Physicians of Middle!, Cnnectkat, have determined not to viiit th kk oq the Sabbath, unless on urgent easel. We would deprive every physician of hit R- cense, and the lav thould be to ihaped, who offered tuch in impious -apology for a dereliction of duty and in cite a rata died from Ibit wicked excoie, the physi cian thould be punished.. Can Jhere be ny thhg more inhuman, uncharhah!. and unrhristitn-like than su. h an apolo gy t Doet not he eat on the Sibbaibf And would he let a fellow creature .urT-r. probably die; from such netrleci ? " Ft I, lawful to do good on the Sabbath dav ' but prober the Middlesex nhvaician. doubt thrir" capacity to do good on any' day. Were they to make no charge far a visit io the tick "on lhat day, they would come nearer j he mark". " ' " " Xaah. I I . W-T , . - . . qnestion ; and, no man ever .poke to ' 1? 'R,U., "no' orTbTJima him to whom he did not express the . ame "'wion, oi wnat material it i wan in iita rAmitvaaa'i VWIIIUBU The Marquis of Lansdowne defended the coalition into which Mr. Canning had entered on formingii ministry ; tnd par ikularly sustained the policy of. the expe !n f Portugal,, which he'decbred had of sta J?.v.ujK?i wrnjco. e oecureu n, I?!' jdecJdeiapwari he Duke i Wellington hfmalf.nirycmTb7I itun of a ' K "::':' ,i tJihe"AdmW from hinva lr and candid auppoctand lis. the anbovanre of mnA..Z -.u. ..T. -"r v u, wcaun, tne aiefioirse h.nn.r, Ih harrrm'm ! 7 . -- 1 der cess. circumstancet likely to insure its sue don tn ahnm l , " oi juansaowne coi don, to whom, he dcubtcrj not, wbcnjgoYcrnmcw of vrhjch .WA Lord Ellenboroiiph.. after snealino large on the subiect in discussion; coinci ned with the Marquit of Lansdowne, so ar at the vthohc Question waa concern. tu, wnue he professed uncompromising hostility to the government as now formed. "e expressed his surprise that the arquis of Lansdowne could look on the a minuter waj M, Swfi SMng The tteirri boat Te cumaehlsava a.Cinrihnatl. Ohio, paper) mide the voyige frofn Louisvilfe'to yea Of le tn, and back aeain in 1 5 dayi, hir ing remained at Orleans two da. leaves 13 day t for the actual running time. I his is equal to 839 miles rer da- she came up in eight days two hours, ihe must have descender! in rV... j a ii i proawe -iTrtrt tn The p'reatXlt1 m me J?team engine, this npidity cannot be much increased, at all the space which can bo spared for thi purpose, i now on our large boats, filled up with bai ler. What effect will be produced by the application of Mr. Perkins' principle, ii i iu ue iticci. Royal WrryOn the 1 Kb of April last, the King of France performed tha annual religious farce of washing the fret or twelve children, intended to represent the Apostles. The mummer wit nessed by the royal family, and the offi cer! of the croan. Verf "appropridte employment fora Bourbon we hope lit nHy cantit.ue m form . proper estimate i t y o U I e tl -II" to Wl th of his capacity, and never undertake an enterprise-beyond h!s abllit m armm- plish, or which shall ieonard ih feir ol hit lubjecti. Mah. the beggar't companion, the cni"hL' trouble, the wo of his wife. th .rntTnr kl. Ueigbbar, hia ow- thame the picture of - usasiranu me monster of a man- ' n iur. onorer waa rpnti m..:. j . .. ,,, . . icu io a i'iissoieep. A punster aaift.M uh.t fl..-i. . "".unit of young dreams will be produced ! A negro has been put in jail in Phila delphia for attempting to kidnap two white children I otter, ihe yentriloaulst and 1 hat beeti mulcted in the mll ...m nf iOu foe practiiitigiaf crait f rbaiUnf : f?g j in his ftar,ittffkinuf 'golneis bf hiW 4 ,irc r'I15; c re s upon noses in riovidence, 71. LtTCuTitfie 'lormtli-" tjr o liccnao- ftom the To wltiuncife; ; : A foot race was run In the neighborhood of Philadelphia on Wednesday last, 159 Vwdr for a purse of 1 5fkllr. hr we a-. Philadelphian named Runna, and a Virgin ian named Miller. The race wat won in 1 4 seconds by the Virginian. Both) parties had been long in training, and much in terest was excited by (he race, Thre wat a multi'ude of tpectatort and the Palla dium states lhat bets to the amount of 330,000 were tlcrendintr on the conteit- in am wa fim am tha J tha Obt eit oft 500 imn altn Bliln four fkm ...Jiate of and eanv " and . aoon nest tty. i Me f morn tand ,l'tclrnj Meat r don--watei most At queati New-' ton, a Kentu on boj New.( tbtt j thtfUl